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A Comparison of Lucene Search Queries Evolved as Text Classifiers



In this article, we use a genetic algorithm to evolve seven different types of Lucene search query with the objective of generating accurate and readable text classifiers. We compare the effectiveness of each of the different types of query using three commonly used text datasets. We vary the number of words available for classification and compare results for 4, 8, and 16 words per category. The generated queries can also be viewed as labels for the categories and there is a benefit to a human analyst in being able to read and tune the classifier. The evolved queries also provide an explanation of the classification process. We consider the consistency of the classifiers and compare their performance on categories of different complexities. Finally, various approaches to the analysis of the results are briefly explored.

Introduction and background

Automatic text classification is the activity of assigning predefined category labels to natural language texts based on information found in a training set of labeled documents. With the explosive growth in online text, the task has become critical to many information management tasks.

In the 1980s, a common approach to text classification involved humans in the construction of a classifier, which could be used to define a particular text category. Such an expert system would typically consist of a set of manually defined logical rules, one per category, of type

if {DNF formula} then {category}

A DNF (“disjunctive normal form”) formula is a disjunction of conjunctive clauses. The document is classified under a category if it satisfies the formula, i.e. if it satisfies at least one of the conjunctive clauses. An oft quoted example of this approach is the CONSTRUE system (Hayes et al. Citation1990), built by the Carnegie Group for the Reuters news agency. A sample rule of the type used in CONSTRUE to classify documents in the “wheat” category of the Reuters dataset is given below.

if((wheat & farm) or (wheat & commodity) or

(bushels & export) or (wheat & tonnes) or

(wheat & winter & ¬ soft))

then WHEAT

else ¬ WHEAT

Such a method, sometimes referred to as “knowledge engineering,” provides accurate rules and has the additional benefit of being human understandable—that is, the definition of the category is meaningful to a human, producing additional uses of the rule including category verification. However, the disadvantage is that constructing the required rules requires significant human input from both those with knowledge of the domain and of rule construction (Apt´e et al. Citation1994). Since the 1990s, the machine learning approach to text categorization has become dominant, requiring only a set of pre-classified training documents and an automated classifier. A wide variety of statistical classification systems have been developed, for example: Naive Bayes, k-nearest neighbor, support vector machines (SVMs) and neural networks (Baharudin, Lee, and Khan Citation2010). Probabilistic classifiers based on numerical models often require hundreds or thousands of features and are not open to human interpretation or maintenance.

Human understandable classifiers

It has been recognized that classifiers that are comprehensible have certain advantages:

  • 1. The classifier may be validated by a human.

  • 2. The classifier may be fine-tuned by a human.

  • 3. The classifier may be used for other tasks such as information extraction, category labels, or text mining.

Accuracy and interpretability of classifiers are recognized as often being conflicting goals. As an example, Oracle Corporation offers various options for classification in their Oracle TextFootnote1 product. Two supervised classifiers are provided using user-supplied training documents. The first uses SVM technology and produces opaque classifiers with high accuracy. The second uses a decision tree to produce classification rules which are transparent, understandable, and modifiable by a human but are recognized as having lower accuracy. This example clearly indicates that readability and modifiability have value to commercial classification products and, where such features are required as part of the classifier, some loss in accuracy is regarded as an acceptable trade-off for a more comprehensible model. This has led to significant effort being given to developing human interpretable classifiers, using techniques such as using automatic query generation (Polychronopoulos, Pendar, and Jeffery Citation2014).

Genetic methods in text classification

Genetic methods such as Genetic Programming (GP) and Genetic Algorithms (GA) are stochastic search methods inspired by biological evolution. Genetic methods have been employed at various stages of the text classification process (Espejo, Ventura, and Herrera Citation2010)—for example, in calculating useful term weights (Baharudin, Lee, and Khan Citation2010; Escalante et al. Citation2015; Uysal and Gunal Citation2014). Luo (Luo and Zincir-Heywood Citation2006) describes a system where recurrent linear GP is used to classify documents that are encoded as word sequences. Genetic methods have also been used to induce rules or queries useful for classifying online text (Hirsch, Hirsch, and Saeedi Citation2007; Pietramala et al. Citation2008; Smith and Smith Citation1997). In this case, the evolution requires a fitness test based on some measure of classification accuracy. A similar approach has been applied in an unsupervised context (Hirsch and Di Nuovo, Citation2017).

Proposed system

We propose a system to produce readable classifiers in the form of compact Apache Lucene search queries containing a small number of words. A search query is generated for each of the categories of the dataset such that each query is a binary classifier for that particular category. Thus, to classify a document as belonging to a category, we need simply to determine if the document is returned by the search query. We evaluate the effectiveness of various evolved queries on three different text datasets (see below) using a maximum of 4, 8, and 16 words per category. Fitness is accrued for individuals producing classification queries which retrieve positive examples of the category but do not retrieve negative examples from the training data. We use the ECJ (http://cs.gmu.edu/~eclab/projects/ecj/) Java library for evolutionary computation in all the experiments reported here.

Apache lucene

Systems using methods based on Darwinian evolution are generally computationally intensive. In our case, each individual in the population will produce a search query for each category of the dataset and the fitness is evaluated by applying the search query to a potentially large set of text documents. With a population of a reasonable size (for example, 1024 individuals) evolving over 100 or more generations, it is critical that such queries can be executed in a timely and efficient manner. For this reason, we decided to use Apache Lucene which is an open source high-performance, full-featured text search engine. We use Lucene to build inverted indexes on the text datasets and to execute the queries produced by the GA.


Before we start the evolution of classification queries, a number of pre-processing steps are made.

  • 1. All the text is placed in lower case.

  • 2. A small stop set is used to remove common words with little semantic weight.

  • 3. For each dataset, a Lucene inverted index is constructed and each document is labeled (using Lucene fields) according to its category and its test or training status.

F1 fitness

As mentioned above, each query is actually a binary classifier. That is, it will classify any document as either in a given category or outside that category. The following measures are therefore useful:


The F1 measure is also commonly used for determining classification effectiveness and has the advantage of giving equal weight to precision and recall. F1 is given by:


F1 also gives a natural fitness measure for an evolving classifier where documents in the training set are the fitness cases. A similar approach is also taken in the Olex-GA (Pietramala et al. Citation2008) and GPTC systems (Hirsch Citation2010). The micro-average is a global calculation of F1 regardless of category and the macro-average is the average of F1 scores for all the categories.

F1 word list

The total number of unique words in a document collection can be quite large. If each word were given as a potential feature for a GA system, the size of the search space would become prohibitive. We therefore use the following procedure to reduce the number of dimensions. For each category of the dataset, an ordered list of potentially useful words is constructed which we call the “F1WordList.” Each word found in the relevant category of the training data is scored according to its effectiveness as a single-term classifier for that category. So, for example, if we find the word “oil” in the training data for a particular category, we construct a query based on the single word which will retrieve all documents containing the word “oil”. We give the word a value (F1 score) as determined by the number of positive and negative examples retrieved by the single-term query from the training data. We can then create an F1WordList of length n for each category by simply ordering the words according to their corresponding F1 values and selecting the top n words. In our system, 300 words are available for classification purposes. A negative list, useful for queries containing a NOT operator, is created by reversing the two sets such that a high scoring word will retrieve few documents from the current category but a large number of documents from other categories.

GA parameters

We used a fixed set of GA parameters in all our experiments and these are summarized in . Subpopulations (island model) are used as a method of increasing diversity in the GA population. Only limited communication (immigration/emigration) is allowed between subpopulations. In our case, we exchanged three individuals between the two subpopulations every 20 generations.

Table 1. GA Parameters.


In all the experiments reported here, the GA system only had access to the training data. The evolution for each dataset was repeated three times. The final result was determined by applying the best queries evolved to the test data. There were a number of objectives for the experiments:

  • 1. To evolve effective classifiers against the text datasets.

  • 2. To automatically produce compact and human understandable classifiers in search query format using a small number of features.

  • 3. To evaluate the classification effectiveness of a variety of Lucene query types.


Three commonly used text datasets were used.

Reuters-21578 (R10)

Reuters-21578 news collection contains 21,578 news articles in 135 categories collected from the Reuters newswire in 1987. In our experiments, we use the “ModApt´e split”—a partition of the collection into a training set and a test set that has been widely adopted by text categorization experimenters. We use the top 10 (R10) most populous categories which are comprised of 9,980 news stories. The R10 is one of the most widely used text datasets in text classification research. An in-depth discussion of the Reuters dataset is given in Debole and Sebastiani (Citation2005).


WebKB collected 8,282 web pages from computer science departments of several universities in 1997 by the Carnegie Mellon University Text Learning Group. Each page belongs to only one of the seven categories, though three are discarded following previous research. Totally, 4,199 documents with four categories remain: “Student,” “Faculty,” “Course,” and “Project.” A test/train split is also defined (Craven et al. Citation1998).

20 newsgroup (20NG)

The 20 newsgroups collection, set up by Lang (Citation1995), consists of 20,000 documents that are messages posted to Usenet newsgroups, and the categories are the newsgroups themselves. We use the training/test split from the website http://qwone.com/~jason/20Newsgroups/. Some of the newsgroups are very closely related to each other (e.g. comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware/comp.sys.mac.hardware), while others are highly unrelated (e.g. misc.forsale/soc.religion.christian). The data in this set are considered particularly noisy and as might be expected they include complications such as duplicate entries and cross postings.


Queries must be evolved for each category of the document set and each individual in the evolving population must fire a Lucene query to obtain its fitness. All experiments were run on an Intel i5 3330 processor running at 3.00GHz with 8GB of memory. Such a system generated the classification queries for the R10 dataset listed in in just over 3 minutes. Considering the number of queries and documents in the set, we would suggest that this result is a testament to the efficiency of ECJ and Lucene. The result of all the training work is a set of search queries. To test the R10 classifier requires the execution of 10 search queries and the result will be delivered in a time frame below human perception. The fact that search queries will scale up to large text databases, including the web, is well known.

Table 2. R10 Crude category F1WordList.

Table 3. Results Summary.

Table 4. R10 SpanFirst with 8 words.

Query types

A GA was used to evolve seven different types of query for classification purposes. A full description of the indexing system and query syntax is given at the official Lucene site (http://lucene.apache.org/) together with the Java source code and other useful information concerning Lucene. To help explain the GA, let us assume that we are evolving a classifier for the R10 “crude” category. The first eight words of the F1WordList are shown in . We explain the types of queries and how they are combined. After each heading, we give the resulting query acronym in brackets.


When the OR operator is applied to two or more words, it is simply required that one of the words occurs in a document for that document to be returned. Our results show that highly effective classifiers can be evolved using OR queries which clearly achieve one of the primary goals—namely to be easily interpreted by a human. As mentioned above, as a pre-processing step for each category we construct an F1WordList of 300 words which are likely to be useful for classifier query construction. A four word query could be constructed from a randomly generated GA such as:

We create a Lucene Boolean query and add the term “barrels” from the list (in Lucene syntax using BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD) and then repeat the process for the words “crude,” “petroleum,” and “oil” as determined by . The query will then return documents which contain any of the four selected words and we can calculate the F1 fitness as determined by the number of relevant and irrelevant documents returned.


Where words are joined by the AND operator in Lucene (BooleanClause.Occur.MUST), all the words in the query are required to exist in a document for it be returned. It is unusual to evolve classifiers that return more than a few documents for three or more words connected with AND in any of the datasets we use. However, if we apply the OR operator on a number of two word AND queries (a conjunction of disjunctions) then we can evolve effective classifiers, and this is the approach taken here. For example, the following four word ANDOR query which was evolved on the trade category of the R10 achieves an F1 score of 0.699 on the test set:

(+exports +trade) (+trade +u.s)

In Lucene syntax, “+” indicates that the word MUST occur for the document to be returned but since there is an implicit OR between the two brackets, the query will return a document if it contains the words (“exports” AND “trade”) OR (“trade” AND “u.s”).

NOT (ORNOT together with SFNOT)

NOT, on its own, is not a useful operator but may improve classification effectiveness when combined with others. We test NOT combined with a multi-word OR query and NOT combined with SpanFirst (see below). The following example query gives an F1 of 0.683 for the category talk.politics.mideast of the 20NG:

-code turkish israeli israel

where a minus sign in Lucene query syntax indicates that the word MUST NOT occur if the document is to be returned. The query will return any document containing any of the words “turkish, israeli, israel” but NOT containing the word “code”.

Spanfirst (SF)

A SpanFirst query restricts a query to search in the first part of a document, which is defined as some number of words from the start. This appears to be useful since the most important information in a document is often at the start of the text (Hirsch Citation2010). For example, to find all documents where “barrel” is within the first 100 words, we could use the Lucene query:

new SpanFirstQuery(new SpanTermQuery(new Term(“contents”, “barrel”)),100);

In this paper, we simplify the format and write the above as: (barrel 100). A more complex query might be: (barrel 100) (oil 20), which would retrieve documents where the word “barrel” occurred within the first 100 words of a document OR the word “oil” occurred within the first 20 words.

Using the F1WordList from , such a query could be defined using the following GA:

Spannear (SN)

We use Lucene SpanNear to evolve queries that will match words occurring within 10 words of each other. For example, the following query evolved on the R10 corn category (scoring F1 0.843 on the test set) indicates that one of the word pairs in brackets must occur within 10 words of each other in a document if it is to be returned:

(corn usda 10) (tonnes maize 10) (u.s corn 10) (wheat corn 10)

The advantage of this query type is that it might capture multi-word units useful for classification purposes.

Minimumnumbershouldmatch (MinShld)

A Lucene Query can be constrained to match at least a certain number of clauses. In our experiment, we employ a specialized query which takes a given set of words and will only return a document if at least two of the specified words occur in the document. For example, the following query evolved to classify the comp.graphics documents of the 20NG, scoring F1: 0.422:

(polygon graphics image lines)~ 2

A document must contain at least two of the words listed in brackets before it is returned.


The results in show the F1 values for the seven query types discussed above on our three datasets for queries using each of 4, 8, and 16 words, with the best results displayed in bold. Some conclusions can be drawn:

  • 1. SF (SpanFirst) queries produce the most accurate classification queries for all datasets and query sizes.

  • 2. NOT can improve classification accuracy in some cases but the effect is generally quite marginal.

  • 3. SN (SpanNear) (which is a special type of AND) is generally the worst performing classifier.

  • 4. Simple OR queries are more effective classifiers than a combination of two word AND queries.

  • 5. MinShld (MinimumShouldMatch) is an interesting variant on OR and AND and performs slightly better than AND.

The results above were found by averaging the F1 scores (micro and macro) for each query type, number of words and data source combination. This averaging is over the three repetitions and over all categories in each of the data sources. However, this loses much of the information in the results. For example, how consistent are the queries? Are there some categories that are “hard” to correctly identify and for which a particular query type is successful? Such sentiments have been pointed out before van Rijsbergen (Citation1979) and Goutte and Gaussier (Citation2005).

A classical statistical ANOVA of the results has been successfully carried out in other studies, for example, Lennon et al. (Citation2013) and Phachongkitphiphat and Vateekul (Citation2014). The former fit models to Precision, Recall, and F1 by first employing the arcsine square root transformation. A similar attempt was made here, employing a variety of transformations, and even the Beta Regression approach of Cribari-Neto and Zeileis (Citation2010). However, the resulting analyses required all the higher interaction terms, making any interpretation difficult, and the residuals had a highly leptokurtic distribution questioning the validity. This was mainly due to some extreme residuals coupled with others at or near zero.

Such non-normality of experimental results in the context of information retrieval and classifiers is well established (e.g. (van Rijsbergen Citation1979; chapter 7, and (Demšar Citation2006)).  (Demšar Citation2006) and (Garcia et al. Citation2010) investigated the use of non-parametric tests, but these require the assumption that all classifications are independent and that the underlying distribution of the metric is symmetric. Given that the results here come from just three data sources, the first of these is unlikely. Also, since there are only three replicates, the second is not possible to ascertain. van Rijsbergen (Citation1979) suggests that the use of a non-parametric test may be performed to provide a conservative result. Consequently, the results were analyzed using SAS statistical software and non-parametric Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel tests were performed using the rank option in PROC FREQ, making these tests equivalent to the Friemann test, but controlled over relevant sub-groups. Two tests were performed on the F1 measures, one comparing the seven query types while controlling for the number of words and category within each data source, and the second on the number of words while controlling for the query types and categories. These gave statistically significant results beyond even the 0.01% significance level. Hence, this suggests that, even being conservative, the differences between query types and between number of words are genuine.

The failure of the statistical modeling approach means that to understand the true pattern of the F1, recall, and precision results, we must drill into the data in other ways, achieved here by plotting the data at various levels of granularity.

Initially, the classifiers are compared by plotting boxplots for each query type using all instances in the data so that each box has values from all three datasets, all categories and all number of words.

shows boxplots for each query type aggregated over all datasets, categories, and number of words. They are arranged in rank order using the mean of F1 for each query type. They confirm the results seen in the table above. However, it should be noted that all the boxes overlap, so alternative ranking of queries may be reasonable for some combinations of category and number of words. The range and interquartile range for each query are quite large compared with the bounds on F1 (0 ≤ F1 ≤ 1), showing quite varied success of the classifiers. SpanNear10 is the most dispersed having the longest whiskers (largest range) and a longer box (largest interquartile range).

Figure 1. Comparison of all F1 Measures Across all datasets, categories and Number of Words, arranged in order of F1 mean.

Figure 1. Comparison of all F1 Measures Across all datasets, categories and Number of Words, arranged in order of F1 mean.

The precision and recall are included in the left plot of . From this plot, it can be seen that while SpanNear10 has the lowest F1 on average, it also appears to have the best precision, although the other query types do not lag far behind. This is off-set by its very poor recall. All the other query types have less of a disparity between recall and precision. We may presume that this indicates that two word units may be good indicators of category membership when they are found but do not occur with sufficient frequency across all documents to achieve high accuracy when measured by F1. The optimum recall for the other queries is OR slightly ahead of SpanFirst. This might also be expected, since the requirement of SpanFirst is more exacting than OR.

Figure 2. Comparison of F1, Recall and Precision across all datasets, categories and number of words (left) together with comparison of all F1 Measures across all datasets and categories by number of words (right). Both arranged in order of F1 mean.

Figure 2. Comparison of F1, Recall and Precision across all datasets, categories and number of words (left) together with comparison of all F1 Measures across all datasets and categories by number of words (right). Both arranged in order of F1 mean.

The results for the different number of words as well as query type plots are shown in the right of . In general, F1 increases with the number of words but not dramatically, nor by the same amount for each classifier. For example, there is little difference in using 16 rather than 8 words for MinShould. Dispersion also tends to be lower with more words, again with MinShould being the notable exception. This may be a result of the way the query works, in that extra words can be added without necessarily making a substantial change to the set of documents returned. This reduction in the dispersion of the F1 measures is more notable using eight rather than four words; 16 makes relatively less difference. Thus, the goal of making queries more interpretable by using fewer words can be achieved with little reduction in effectiveness.

shows a selection of the individual boxplots at the most granular level, for each category, number of words and query type separately. Categories 1, 3, and 9 in the R10 dataset (only category 3 is shown) have high F1 values across the board, showing that these categories are “easier” to classify. Such “easy” categories also tend to be more consistent (all three runs gave similar results so that the boxes are small). Further examples are 6 and 8 in 20 NG, and 0 in WebKB. Low F1 measures such as for categories 12, 13, and 19 in the 20NG source (19 not shown) illustrate “hard” categories that are also more dispersed. SpanNear10 (SN) usually is the lowest F1 measures and ANDOR often has the second lowest. For “easy” categories, this usually no longer holds with ANDOR performing equally well and sometimes also SpanNear10 (e.g. category 3 in R10).

Figure 3. Box-plots of F1 for each Category, Number of words and Query type for a selection of categories and Sources. Note that as this is based on only three data points, the top of the box will be the maximum, the bottom the minimum and if there is a middle line it will be the middle point.

Figure 3. Box-plots of F1 for each Category, Number of words and Query type for a selection of categories and Sources. Note that as this is based on only three data points, the top of the box will be the maximum, the bottom the minimum and if there is a middle line it will be the middle point.

There are examples and counterexamples where the number of words makes quite a difference in mean F1 (13 vs 2 in 20NG for example). More words also tend to make the results more varied, although there are exceptions such as 0, 3, and 18 20NG (8 more varied than 16). Two categories give unique results: category 2 in WebKB shows SpanNear10 outperforming all but the two SpanFirst Queries with all other queries performing badly. Category 7 in R10 shows greater dispersion, particularly for SpanNear10. A detailed study of the relationship between the categories and the results for different query types could prove a fruitful area of research, by, for example, identifying in which circumstances two word units may be useful for classification.


Creating compact classifiers that are human readable is one of the main objectives of this work. We give some examples of evolved classifiers in and . Although unexpected terms sometimes appear, the queries generated are quite readable and, critically, offer an explanation of how the classifier works. Note that in the case of SpanFirst, we have ordered the query terms by the SpanFirst integer value that indicates the number of words from the start of the document in which a word must appear for the document to be returned. So for example “oil” may occur in many documents outside the crude category but is unlikely to occur within the first 27 words of a document not in that category (). We also note that the query evolved for the wheat category (F1 of 0.893) outperforms the human constructed rule discussed in the introduction (F1 of 0.84) and is arguably more readable, using only three words.

Table 5. 20NG OR with 4 words (showing only the rec category).

Future work

The current system produces binary classifiers that simply indicate whether a document is contained within a particular category. Indexing systems such as Lucene incorporate complex and highly efficient scoring systems so that the set of documents matching a query are ranked according to some measure of closeness to the query. We believe that this could be incorporated into the fitness test to enhance classification accuracy. We are also working on developing an unsupervised learning system for clustering sets of documents using search queries to retrieve disjoint sets of documents. In addition, we believe that there is a need to drill into results as this can show the consistency of classifiers and aid in our understanding of when and why one works over another. It is hoped to revisit the statistical modeling approach of the experiments conducted here to find a more suitable way to quantify this.


We have evolved a number of classifiers using queries of 16 or fewer words for each category of the dataset. The queries produced are readable and compact. Surprising levels of classification accuracy can be achieved using only four words and a simple OR-based query, whereas AND type queries are less accurate. There are obvious advantages to the query format of the classifiers as they are ready to apply to large text datasets and are in a format that can be easily refined or tuned by a human analyst. These simple queries are also surprisingly consistent, even for categories that are “hard” for the algorithm to get right.



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