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Royal justice in the Aragonese kingdom of Naples: theory and the realities of power

Pages 31-50 | Published online: 19 Apr 2011


In this paper it is argued that the kingdom's Aragonese rulers had a concrete policy as regards the interaction between royal and baronial justice. This policy was linked to their effort to expand royal authority, and to the late medieval and Renaissance political theory of sovereignty. Three issues are assessed: royal efforts to limit baronial jurisdiction, extend state prerogative and foster a mode of co-existence between royal and baronial officials; the writings of leading fifteenth-century Neapolitan jurists on justice; and lastly, the way in which the kingdom's tribunals, royal or feudal, operated and interacted with each other.


 1. Naples, Archivio di Stato, Sommaria, Partium, vol. 3, fol. 154: 1469, one carro (1.4 tons) of grain = 8 ducats.

 2. CitationVolpicella, Regis Ferdinandi Primi, 398–402; CitationVitale, ‘Sul segretario regio’, 299–307.

 3. In 1471–2, the annual salary of the capitano of Spinazzola, a small town of 218 hearths, was 60 ducats: Naples, Archivio di Stato, Sommaria, Partium, vol. 5, fol. 111; Tesorieri e Percettori, fasc. 1451/1, fol. 1v.

 4. Naples, Archivio di Stato, Sommaria, Partium, vol. 10, fols. 70–1.

 5. CitationD'Angiolini and Pavone, Guida generale degli Archivi, 27, 33; CitationAstarita, Village Justice, xv, 50.

 6. CitationGasca Queirazza et al., Dizionario di toponomastica, 603.

 7. Naples, Archivio di Stato, Sommaria, Tesorieri e Percettori, fasc. 2008/1, fols. 17, 38.

 8. On the feudal condition of the village of Valentino, Naples, Archivio di Stato, Museo A 18, fol. 239 (1462); CitationMazzoleni, Frammento, 47, doc. 20 (1469–70). On the counts of Sarno before Coppola, CitationSummonte, Dell'historia, vol. 3, 278; CitationCamera, Memorie, vol. 1, 589–90; vol. 2, 21; CitationNormandia, Notizie storiche, 109; CitationFilangieri di Candida Gonzaga, Memorie delle famiglie nobili, vol. 6, 12, 14; CitationSchiappoli, ‘Il conte di Sarno’, 68–9; CitationLeone, ‘Aspetti’, 442. According to CitationDe Lellis, Discorsi, vol. 2, 194, Volpicella, Regis Ferdinandi Primi, 322, Schiappoli, ‘Il conte di Sarno’, 38, and CitationPetrucci, ‘Coppola’, 646, Coppola received the county of Sarno in 1483, in recompense for his services during the Ottoman attack of 1480–81 on Puglia. However, on 14 April 1481 Coppola was already count of Sarno, Trivento and Avellino, while in December 1479 he owned a paper industry at Sarno: Naples, Archivio di Stato, Sommaria, Partium, vol. 16, fol. 4; vol. 17, fols. 210v–211.

 9. CitationHuillard-Bréholles, Constitutiones, 182–3 (Novae Constitutiones, book I, tit. XLIII). On the mandate of an Aragonese royal governor, Barcelona, Archivo de la Corona de Aragón, Cancillería, Registros, Privilegiorum Neapolis 2609, fols. 25v–26v (1443); Citationdel Pozzo, Tractatus de syndicatu, I, no. 6; CitationCassandro, ‘Lineamenti’, 91–2; CitationRyder, The Kingdom, 331–3, 338; CitationCortese, ‘Nicolaus de Ursone’, 197, note 13; CitationVitolo, ‘Il regno angioino’, 32–4; on his Angevin predecessor, CitationCapasso, Inventario, xxxix; CitationCalasso, Legislazione statutaria, 257–60; CitationVallone, ‘Riflessioni’, 12–3; CitationVallone, ‘Corti feudali’, 134–9; CitationMorelli, ‘Personale giudiziario’.

10. CitationTrinchera, Codice Aragonese, 357–8, doc. LXXV; Cassandro, ‘Lineamenti’, 96; Vitolo, ‘Il regno angioino’, 35; Astarita, Village Justice, xxi, 29–30, 32, 54.

11. CitationOrefice, ed., Registrum Ludovici Tercii, 6, 20, 38, docs 9, 89, 196, 201; Citationde Afflictis, In utriusque, book I, rubr. 47, no. 3: fol. 150v; CitationMazzoleni, Il Registro ‘Privilegiorum Summarie’, 11–4; CitationMoscati, ‘Ricerche’, 240–1; Ryder, The Kingdom, 45.

12. Huillard-Bréholles, Constitutiones, 53–4 (book I, tit. XLIX, L); CitationTrifone, Legislazione Angioina, 168 (Cap. XCV, 1314?); CitationCadier, Essai, 21; CitationCaggese, Roberto, vol. 1, 367–8.

13. Naples, Archivio di Stato, Sommaria, Diversi, Prima Numerazione, fasc. 52bis, fol. 171r; CitationGentile, ‘Finanze e parlamenti’, 224–5; Ryder, The Kingdom, 338–40.

14. CitationGiannone, Istoria civile, vol. 3, 178–9; Caggese, Roberto, vol. 1, 332–3; Cassandro, ‘Lineamenti’, 102–4, 123; CitationGentile, ‘Lo stato’, 33–56; CitationGalasso, ‘La feudalità’, 101–2; CitationGalasso, ‘Una ipotesi’, 520–2; CitationMuto, Finanze pubbliche, 77–80; Ryder, The Kingdom, 13, 317–8; CitationMueller, ‘Chiesa e monarchia’, 69–73; and with respect to financial and fiscal matters and to the economy Citationdel Treppo, ‘Il re e il banchiere’; Citationdel Treppo, ‘Il regno aragonese’; CitationFeniello, ‘La rete commerciale’, 297.

15. CitationDewald, The European Nobility, 74–6; CitationRao, ‘The Feudal Question’, 106–10.

16. CitationCernigliaro, Sovranità, 52–4, 78–81, 157–9, 212–3, note 127; CitationCernigliaro, ‘Giurisdizione’, 177–82.

17. Huillard-Bréholles, Constitutiones, 3–4, 98–100 (Proemium, Book II, tit. XXVIII–XIX); Giannone, Istoria Civile, vol. 3, 187–8; CitationWinkelmann, Acta, vol. 1, 859 (1241); CitationFourquin, Seigneurie, 172–3; CitationVallone, Iurisdictio domini, 71–7, 81, 85–7, 94–7, 102; Vitolo, ‘Il regno angioino’, 24–5; CitationVallone, ‘Terra’, 441.

18. Trifone, Legislazione Angioina, 92, cap. LVIII (‘Terrerii’); Citationde Isernia, Super usibus feudorum, fol. 95v; de Afflictis, In utriusque, book I, fol. 141r; Giannone, Istoria Civile, vol. 2, 422–3; vol. 3, 186–8; Vallone, Iurisdictio domini, 69–70, 102; CitationCuozzo, ‘Diritti di giustizia’, 269; CitationPollastri, ‘Enquête’, 289–93.

19. Trifone, Legislazione Angioina, 307–10, cap. CCVII, CCIX (1347, 1365); CitationKelly, The New Solomon, 145–8; Cuozzo, ‘Diritti di giustizia’, 271.

20. Ryder, The Kingdom, 318–9; Moscati, ‘Ricerche e documenti’, 226–41; Vitolo, ‘Il regno angioino’, 24–5; Vallone, Iurisdictio domini, 20–1; Pollastri, ‘Enquête’, 289–93.

21. CitationDe Bottis, Privilegii, 5, 6v, 8; Giannone, Istoria Civile, vol. 3, 187–8, 401; Cassandro, ‘Lineamenti’, 52–3, 99; Gentile, ‘Lo stato’, 44–5; Ryder, The Kingdom, 318; Cernigliaro, Sovranità, 246; Vallone, Iurisdictio domini, 11–3, 147–8, note 83; Pollastri, ‘Enquête’, 293–8.

22. De Afflictis, In utriusque, fol. 150v (in Const. I, XLIX, no. 1); Citationde Sariis, Codice, vol. 6, 16: tit. I, nos. 30–2 (1459); Vallone, Iurisdictio domini, 131; Cortese, ‘Nicolaus de Ursone’, 198, note 14; Calasso, Legislazione statutaria, 227.

23. CitationVario, Pragmaticae, vol. 1, 338: Pragmatica VIII (‘Prohibemus etiam’), tit. XXIX, ‘De baronibus et eorum officio’; Cernigliaro, Sovranità, 247, note 231; Cernigliaro, ‘Giurisdizione’, 187–90, 218–9.

24. For varying degrees of jurisdiction in the Aragonese period, Barcelona, Archivo de la Corona de Aragón, Cancillería, Registros, Privilegiorum Neapolis 2914, fol. 178r; Naples, Archivio di Stato, Museo A 18, fols. 165, 206–9, 217v, 231v, 235v, 239, 259; Cassandro, ‘Lineamenti’, 53, 99–100; Ryder, The Kingdom, 138; for the sixteenth century, Cernigliaro, Sovranità, 476–83; Cernigliaro, ‘Giurisdizione’, 190–7, 230–5.

25. Barcelona, Archivo de la Corona de Aragón, Cancillería, Registros, Privilegiorum Neapolis 2917, fol. 113r (1453); Ryder, The Kingdom, 318; Cassandro, ‘Lineamenti’, 100 (1452). On Frederick II, above, note 17.

26. Naples, Archivio di Stato, Museo A 18, fol. 239 (confirmation, 1462).

27. Ryder, The Kingdom, 16, 318; CitationCiccaglione, ‘Lettere arbitrarie’, 255–7, 262–88; Cortese, ‘Nicolaus de Ursone’, 194–7; Vallone, Iurisdictio domini, 30; according to Cassandro, ‘Lineamenti’, 100–1, most barons held the four letters in the Aragonese period; according to Cernigliaro, Sovranità, 248–9, and ‘Giurisdizione’, 190–7, the letters were granted to the barons together with the ‘secundae causae’ (first appeal) and not otherwise. By the eighteenth century, the four letters had become a permanent feature of the investiture: Giannone, Istoria Civile, vol. 3, 187–8, 401.

28. Naples, Archivio di Stato, Museo A 18, fols. 217v, 259; Museo A 7, fols. 58v–70; Cassandro, ‘Lineamenti’, 100 (grants of jurisdiction). Vario, Pragmaticae, vol. 4, 126: Pragmatica II (‘Querula expositione’), tit. CCXXXVII, ‘Ubi de delicto quis conveniri debeat’ (1488). Cernigliaro, Sovranità, 248; Cernigliaro, ‘Giurisdizione’, 197–204, on the sixteenth century.

29. On the d'Afflitto family, CitationFeniello, ‘Marchandises’; on Matteo's career, Giannone, Istoria Civile, vol. 3, 488–92.

30. Vallone, Iurisdictio domini, 130–60.

31. CitationBelluga, Speculum; Citationdel Pozzo, De reintegratione; CitationGrammatico, Decisiones; Vallone, Iurisdictio, 126–8, 145, CitationQuaglioni, Limiti, 37–8; Cernigliaro, Sovranità, 195–9, 200–4; Cernigliaro, ‘Giurisdizione’, 182–7.

32. CitationSakellariou, Southern Italy, chap. 3, Epilogue. Also Dewald, European Nobility, 73–6.

33. Grammatico, Decisiones, 239–42, no. 46. For discussion of ‘absolutism’, Cernigliaro, Sovranità, 190–204; but Grammatico discussed the revocation of a privilege of Alfonso II by King Federico (III) of Aragon. On the principles of Frederick's legislation, above, note 17.

34. Cernigliaro, Sovranità, 226–8.

35. De Bottis, Privilegii, 4v–5, 6; Ryder, The Kingdom, 162–3.

36. Vario, Pragmaticae, vol. 3, 117, 119 (1481, 1554); Gentile, ‘Finanze’, 225–6 (1456); Ryder, The Kingdom, 163 (1454); Cassandro, ‘Lineamenti’, 77–8, 112–6 (1452).

37. Huillard-Bréholles, Constitutiones, 47, 53: Book I, tit. XLIV, XLIX; Cassandro, ‘Lineamenti’, 77–8, 171–2; Ryder, The Kingdom, 328–9;

38. Ryder, The Kingdom, 324–5.

39. Trifone, Legislazione Angioina, 307, cap. CCVII.

40. CitationAmetller y Vinyas, Alfonso, vol. 3, 688. For feudal jurisdiction and overlapping between baronial and feudal courts in late medieval and early modern France, Dewald, European Nobility, 70–1; CitationCollins, The State, 5–8; CitationGalasso, ‘La Justice’, 425–6.

41. Barcelona, Archivo de la Corona de Aragón, Cancillería, Registros, Privilegiorum Neapolis 2906, 131r; Ryder, The Kingdom, 326–8.

42. CitationLünig, Codex Italiae, vol. 4, col. 820, article XXIII (1508); Cernigliaro, Sovranità, 47–50, 113–7, 321–3, 460–4, 483–5.

43. Ametller y Vinyas, Alfonso, vol. 3, 688 (article VIIII, 1450); Gentile, ‘Finanze’, 227 (1456).

44. Cernigliaro, Sovranità, 447–92; Cernigliaro, ‘Giurisdizione’.

45. Vario, Pragmaticae, vol. 1, 337: Pragmaticae IV, V, tit. XXIX, De baronibus et eorum officio (1536); Astarita, Continuity, 111; Astarita, Village Justice, 50, 54–5.

46. Ametller y Vinyas, Alfonso, vol. 3, 688 (1450); Naples, Archivio di Stato, Museo A 107, fols. 77–9v (1482); Trinchera, Codice Aragonese, 357–8, doc. LXXV (1491); Vallone, ‘Corti feudali’, 146–9; Vallone, ‘Terra’, 441; Galasso, ‘La justice’, 427.

47. Cernigliaro, Sovranità, 52–4, 157–9, 212–3, note 127; Cernigliaro, ‘Giurisdizione’, 177–87.

48. CitationD'Aloe, La Congiura de’ baroni, clxxvi (1487, from the minutes of the trial of the barons). Despite the prevailing pessimism (above, note 14), the efficiency of the Aragonese administrative edifice has been long recognized: Ryder, The Kingdom; the recent, more positive historiographical approach is outlined in CitationVitolo and Musi, Mezzogiorno, 87–98.

49. De Afflictis, In Utriusque, 171 (Rub. XLI, no. 15); Cernigliaro, Sovranità, 164, 482 n. 246; Vallone, Iurisdictio domini, 149–56.

50. Cassandro, ‘Lineamenti’, 52–3; Vallone, Iurisdictio domini, 161–73; Vallone, ‘Corti feudali’, 151; for the sixteenth century Cernigliaro, ‘Giurisdizione’, 184–7.

51. Ryder, The Kingdom, 319; CitationPiano Mortari, Inizi, 72, 122–8; Quaglioni, Limiti, 25–6, 33, 42; CitationWilson, Absolutism, 60–1, 106–7; CitationEpstein, Freedom, 6–8, 15–6; Sakellariou, Southern Italy, chap. 1.

52. CitationKelly, ‘Justice’, 31–9; Ryder, The Kingdom, 159–62.

53. Cassandro, ‘Lineamenti’, 66–7, 169–70; CitationGasparrini, ‘Ancora dei Parlamenti’, 312.

54. Giannone, Istoria Civile, vol. 3, 491; Ryder, The Kingdom, 137–8, 152, 328.

55. Volpicella, Regis Ferdinandi Primi, 105–7.

56. Naples, Archivio di Stato, Sommaria, Tesorieri e Percettori, fasc. 4060/458, fols. 52v–55; Carafa, Memoriali, 149–63; Abulafia, ‘The Crown’, 133.

57. CitationZecchino, Le edizioni; CitationRomano, ‘Introduzione’, xxxiv–xxxvi; Piano Mortari, Inizi, 73–4; Cernigliaro, Sovranità, 304–11.

58. Cassandro, ‘Lineamenti’, 66–7; CitationPontieri, ‘Dinastia’, 51. Piano Mortari, Inizi, 122–3. Ryder, The Kingdom, 75–6, 91–120, 137–44; Giannone, Istoria Civile, vol. 3, 372–3.

59. Cassandro, ‘Lineamenti’, 116–20; CitationCassandro, ‘Origini’, 7.

60. Ryder, The Kingdom, 108.

61. CitationMazzoleni, Codice Chigi, 106–7 (28/8/1451); Ryder, The Kingdom, 111.

62. Naples, Archivio di Stato, Museo A 16, fol. 8v (8/11/1489).

63. Naples, Archivio di Stato, Museo A 16, fol. 36 (19/4/1491).

64. Ryder, The Kingdom, 105–6; above, notes 62–3.

65. Above, note 28.

66. For example, Vario, Pragmaticae, vol. 1, 336: Pragmatica I, tit. XXIX, De baronibus et eorum officio.

67. Giannone, Istoria Civile, vol. 3, 48–54, 184, 189–94, 385–9, 400, 443; Ryder, The Kingdom, 147–9, 157–8, 191–203; Citationdelle Donne, ‘Regia Camera della Sommaria’, 25–61.

68. CitationVultaggio, Frammenti, 177, doc. V, 10 (1484).

69. Giannone, Istoria Civile, vol. 3, 184–6.

70. Ryder, The Kingdom, 157, 167; also CitationRyder, ‘Incidence of Crime’, 61–5; for composition in baronial lands in the early modern period, Astarita, Village Justice, 227, note 29.

71. Vario, Pragmaticae, vol. 1, 424: Pragmaticae I–II, tit. XLVI, De compositionibus et commutationibus poenarum.

72. CitationRicciotti, Vita, 40–50.

73. CitationNovario, De vassallorum; Astarita, Continuity, 151–2.

74. Barcelona, Archivo de la Corona de Aragón, Cancillería, Registros, Privilegiorum Neapolis 2914, fol. 178r; Ryder, The Kingdom, 138.

76. CitationVallone, Iurisdictio domini , 29–31; Vario, Pragmaticae, vol. 2, 418–9.

77. Resistance of feudal vassals against their lords during the reign of Robert of Anjou, Caggese, Roberto, vol. 1, 329–32. On the contrasting interests of feudal lords and feudal communities, Galasso, ‘Il comune’, 68–70, 78–9.

78. Naples, Archivio di Stato, Museo A 16, fol. 37v.

79. Naples, Archivio di Stato, Museo A 16, fols. 25v–29v.

80. Ryder, The Kingdom, 111.

81. CitationPontieri, Registri, 182–4; Ryder, The Kingdom, 330.

82. CitationColesanti and Santoro, ‘Omicidi’, 1012–22.

83. Cassandro, ‘Lineamenti’, 187–8, doc. XIII.

84. Mazzoleni, Codice Chigi, 115–7, 342–3; Ryder, The Kingdom, 112, 144.

85. Giannone, Istoria Civile, vol. 3, 182–3; CitationGalasso, Calabria, 20–2.

86. CitationCroce, Storia, 113–4.

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