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Research Article

High-performance computing for static security assessment of large power systems

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Article: 2264537 | Received 23 Mar 2023, Accepted 25 Sep 2023, Published online: 04 Oct 2023


Contingency analysis (CA) is one of the essential tools for the optimal design and security assessment of a reliable power system. However, its computational requirements rise with the growth of distributed generations in the interconnected power system. As CA is a complex and computationally intensive problem, it requires a fast and accurate calculation to ensure the secure operation. Therefore, efficient mathematical modelling and parallel programming are key to efficient static security analysis. This paper proposes a parallel algorithm for static CA that uses both central processing units (CPUs) and graphical processing units (GPUs). To enhance the accuracy, AC load flow is used, and parallel computation of load flow is done simultaneously, with efficient screening and ranking of the critical contingencies. We perform extensive experiments to evaluate the efficacy of the proposed algorithm. As a result, we establish that the proposed parallel algorithm with high-performance computing (HPC) computing is much faster than the traditional algorithms. Furthermore, the HPC experiments were conducted using the national supercomputing facility, which demonstrates the proposed algorithm in the context of N−1 and N−2 static CA with immense power systems, such as the Indian northern regional power grid (NRPG) 246-bus and the polish 2383-bus networks.



Banaras Hindu university


Contingency analysis


Central processing units


Direct current


Fast decoupled load flow


Generator outage sensitivity factors


Graphical processing units


High-performance computing


Indian Institute of Technology


Line outage sensitivity factors


Message passing interface


Newton-Raphson load flow


Northern regional power grid


PARAllel machine


Performance index


Parallel virtual machine


Single instruction multiple data


Single instruction single data


Static security assessment

1. Introduction

The power system has become vulnerable to disruptions due to fast network growth, rising energy consumption and incorporation of renewable energy resources (Gholami et al., Citation2020; Nayak et al., Citation2022aCitation2022c). Subsequently, the power system's static security assessment (SSA) encounters numerous challenges in these scenarios. More specifically, the N−1 steady-state security of a power system CA is one of the most critical components of power system design, planning and real-time operation (Mitra et al., Citation2016; Salem et al., Citation2019). For instance, a transmission line or transformer contingency or outage can produce overloads in neighbouring lines, a rapid surge or a fall in node voltage, which may lead to cascaded contingency. Note that contingency is an abnormal condition in power systems, which puts the entire system, or a portion of it, under stress/blackout (Davis & Overbye, Citation2010; Ejebe & Wollenberg, Citation1979; Irisarri & Sasson, Citation1981; Mikolinnas & Wollenberg, Citation1981). The line outage is one of the major aspects in determining the impact of significant contingencies. As a result, providing possible preventative and corrective are the steps to resolve system breaches (Mishra & Khardenvis, Citation2012). Therefore, high-performance computations are needed for CA to guarantee the power system's security and reliability (Li et al., Citation2009; Li & Weng, Citation2009; Nayak et al., Citation2022bCitation2021; Yang et al., Citation2005; Zhou et al., Citation2013). Generally, load flow solutions are considered to evaluate the impacts of the component outage(s) in CA. Hence, heavy computation is a critical issue in the context of CA.

Security assessment plays a significant role in the reliable power supply of wide-area power systems. The SSA helps to make appropriate control and operational decisions during the power system's element outage(s). However, performing SSA using the conventional approach (like sequential approach without HPC) is computationally challenging for larger power systems. Alternatively, SSA is essential to determine the state and ensure the power system's stable, reliable and steady operation. It performs repeated load flow analysis, which provides a steady state solution of the power system, such as voltage magnitude, angles, bus injection and power flows transmission lines (Burada et al., Citation2016). It is noteworthy to mention that load flow analysis is a non-linear and computationally intense tool in the power system. There are various methods for load flow analysis, namely Gauss-Seidel, Newton-Raphson load flow (NRLF), fast decoupled load flow (FDLF) and others (Grainger et al., Citation2015; Kothari & Nagrath, Citation2003; Patra, Citation2015). Among these methods, the NRLF is the most accurate but computationally intensive, whereas the FDLF is slightly less accurate, with a significant reduction in computational burden. Therefore, the FDLF methods are often used for SSA using CA (Grainger et al., Citation2015; Kothari & Nagrath, Citation2003).

Contingency in a power system is an outage or loss of an element or a component or a combination of components in the power system, such as generators, transformers, or transmission lines. The outage could be due to the system's planned service maintenance or unplanned failure (Patra, Citation2015). The load flow analysis determines the system's state during each component outage. Moreover, it is generally a software application that tests all possible contingency cases for a particular system. On the other hand, CA observes and records limit violations in transmission lines' power flows or bus voltages for each outage. It is important for taking corrective actions to ensure the stable and reliable power operations. For a system with N number of elements, N−1 CA refers to analysing the occurrence of any single element outage (Mitra et al., Citation2016; Salem et al., Citation2019). Similarly, Nk CA refers to a simultaneous outage of k different elements. Moreover, N−1−1 CA refers to the sequential outage of two system elements, where the second outage occurs after the necessary remedial/corrective action is taken for the first contingency (Mitra et al., Citation2016).

In N−1−1 contingency, the operator has prior knowledge about the critical N−1 outages and corresponding actions to mitigate the effects of that outage. However, there can be possibilities of another outage after corrective action, which is referred to as N−1−1 contingency. These sequential outages could impact the system, leading to severe blackouts. To perform N−1−1 CA, we simultaneously perform an outage of two elements and investigate the limit violations in the transmission lines. Generally, the number of possible two-element combinations in N-element system is N× (N−1 ). Therefore, performing N−1−1 CA is computationally intensive for large power systems. As a result, N−1−1 CA requires computationally an efficient SSA algorithm (Zhang et al., Citation2021).

Researchers have proposed various algorithms in the literature to address the discussed computation problem. Burada et al. (Citation2016) have proposed a contingency screening and ranking method using NRLF. Davis and Overbye (Citation2010) have used line outage sensitivity factors (LOSF) and generator outage sensitivity factors (GOSF) for faster computation. Chen and McCalley (Citation2005) have investigated the network topology-based CA. Kumar and Reddy (Citation2015) have employed exact and precise methods to improve efficiency in terms of computational time. These papers have focussed on efficiently ranking all possible contingencies during SSA without omitting any critical case contingency. Various performance indices are considered in the literature for N−1 CA to estimate outage severity using post contingent values and approximate the limit violations (Brandwajn & Lauby, Citation1989; Ejebe & Wollenberg, Citation1979; Irisarri & Sasson, Citation1981; Mikolinnas & Wollenberg, Citation1981; Zaborszky et al., Citation1980). However, none of these papers has considered HPC to solve the N−1 and N−1−1 CA. Currently, CA involves a heavy load flow computation which is very difficult to update every few minutes, even with parallel computation. The requirement for faster updates is crucial because power grids operate closer to the edge to fulfil the increasing energy demand. Generally, contingency cases are relatively independent, so CA is inherently a parallel process. Mathematically, there is a relatively straightforward parallelisation path, but the issue with parallelisation schemes remains due to the uneven computation time of individual cases.

There are several ways to reduce computational overhead. (1) Efficient mathematical modelling (2) Parallel computations using HPC by dividing a large task into a set of smaller tasks. HPC employs parallel computers to solve scientific and engineering problems. These computers can range in various sizes, from a single high-performance workstation with many processing units to massive systems with hundreds or thousands of processors. Many significant works are initiated by considering power systems and HPC (i.e. distributed, grid, multicore and GPU computing) (Green et al., Citation2011; Ramesh, Citation1996). Here, HPC approaches enable faster analysis in various scenarios, even if a large set of variables exist.

This paper proposes parallel computation of N−1 and N−2 CAs and compares them with sequential computation of N−1 and N−2 CAs. Moreover, the paper aims to develop a fast and efficient HPC algorithm for large power systems' SSA without compromising accuracy. The proposed parallel algorithm with HPC ensures large power systems' security and helps in reliable operations. In the above-discussed scenarios and taking advantage of the independent nature of the contingencies, a strategy based on performance indices is proposed for screening and ranking the severe contingencies. SSA is a crucial process that ensures the reliable and stable operation of electric power systems by analysing their stability, voltage profiles and power flow patterns under various operating conditions. With the increasing size and complexity of modern power systems, HPC has become indispensable in enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of these assessments. We highlight the significant contributions of this paper as follows.

  1. We propose computationally efficient parallel algorithms for multicore HPC in a message-passing interface (MPI) environment to perform a faster calculation with acceptable accuracy in SSA. The algorithms are evaluated in the national supercomputing facility available at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) (Banaras Hindu University (BHU)), Varanasi.

  2. The proposed parallel algorithm enables the effective coordination among multicore CPU and GPU combination for faster computation.

  3. A composite performance index considering both line flow and bus voltage indices is proposed for efficient screening and ranking of the critical contingencies in large power system.

  4. To avoid the inversion of Jacobian matrix in FDLF, Conjugate Gradient (CG) method is implemented without compromisation of SSA accuracy.

  5. The proposed algorithms for N−1 and N−2 CA are evaluated in various standard test systems and Indian power systems, namely IEEE 14, IEEE 57, IEEE 118, NRPG 246-bus and polish 2383-bus.

The remaining parts of this paper are organised as follows. Section 2 describes the related work. Section 3 presents the mathematical formulation of the contingency screening and ranking problem. The key algorithmic ideas of parallel computation for SSA are described in Section 4. Section 5 shows the experimental results and discusses various test systems. Section 6 presents the conclusion and future scope.

2. Related work

This section emphasises the state-of-the-art algorithms for CA and establishes the need for an efficient algorithm. Performance index (PI) based SSA methods compute post-contingency to identify the severity of the outage (Mitra et al., Citation2016). The literature also witnesses various contingency screening algorithms based on partial or approximate network solutions that reveal the voltage and/or power flow violation levels (Brandwajn & Lauby, Citation1989). However, due to approximation and high nonlinear impact, these algorithms may provide an unrealistic severity (Zou et al., Citation2022). With the recent advancement of computational resources, performing a complete alternating current power flow for large systems has become computationally feasible and reliable (Salem et al., Citation2019). This motivates us to develop parallel algorithms for a fast, reliable and accurate assessment of N−1 and N−2 CA using parallel computing infrastructure.

Balduino and Alves (Citation2004) have used both MPI and parallel virtual machine (PVM) to perform the SSA on the Brazilian power grid. Note that this power grid serves millions of customers. Many paradigms, including synchronous and asynchronous master-slave topologies, are used to sample massive contingencies. A pervasive grid method is used to define user-friendly software architecture for gathering data from electrical networks. Subsequently, the data is processed to mimic potential scenarios in a real electrical network (Morante et al., Citation2006). Huang et al. (Citation2009) have analysed the applicability of HPC for massive CA and focussed on load balancing. They have considered 3 lakh contingencies. Every contingency case is simply a power flow analysis. Each contingency changes its admittance matrix with an incremental change from the base case, given a solved base case. To manage case allocation and load balancing, one processor is designated as the master process and the other processors as the slave processes. Green et al. (Citation2011) have used both static and dynamic load balancing strategies.

To formulate the real-time CA, both the DC load flow (DCLF) and AC load flow (ACLF) have been used on HPC platforms, Zhou et al. (Citation2016) and Roberge et al. (Citation2017), respectively. The DCLF is a linear model of non-linear power systems with large assumptions. Though DCLF is constitutionally efficient, the accuracy and capability of the solution are insufficient, e.g. the inability to check voltage limit violations. On the contrary, the non-linear ACLF is more accurate but constitutionally complex. In the literature, several sophisticated methods have been implemented on GPU to address alternating current power flow (ACPF)-based real-time CA (RTCA), such as the Newton-Raphson (NR) method and the Fast Decoupled (FD) method (Huang & Dinavahi, Citation2018). In such complex power system problems, researchers have used methods using the latest technologies: artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning and high-performance computing (Hailu et al., Citation2023) to resolve the constraints associated with existing power system solutions. In Qian et al. (Citation2022), N−1 security assessment has been carried out using a deep learning algorithm, namely a deep convolutional neural network, where the impact of renewable energy resources is assessed. However, N−1−1 security assessment is not addressed due to computational burden. Moreover, they have not used high-performance computing to reduce the computational complexities. Hassan et al. (Citation2022) have shown the impact of N - k contingencies leading to cascading failure. They have used a stacked denoising auto-encoder to extract the features of power systems and evaluated using the IEEE 118 bus test system, which may not be faster for higher bus systems like Polish and Indian power systems. However, high-performance computing makes it feasible to deal with such large power systems. Therefore, this paper attempts to solve the problem using high-performance computing because it can efficiently and accurately handle complex nonlinear problems.

A thorough CA procedure contains three steps, namely contingency selection, parallel CA and post-processing of CA. Pattery and Hassainar (Citation2013) have established the N−1 CA framework. They have explored and implemented computational load balancing strategies. Gopal et al. (Citation2007) have explored the parallel implementation of direct current (DC) power flow-based CA on the GPU, which is quite faster than the CPU implementation. Ezhilarasi and Swarup (Citation2009) have implemented a parallel processing methodology for faster calculations of SSA. However, its performance for a small system like the 14-bus system could be more efficient. The summary of the related work is shown in Table .

Table 1. Summary of the related work.

3. Contingency screening and ranking

Contingency ranking is based on the severity of the operational or element capacity limit violations. The severity calculation requires an intensive load flow solution after every single outage. Post-contingency load flow solution provides the bus voltage information and the power flow over the transmission line parameters (Gopal et al., Citation2007). These two parameters are crucial to know the system's operating condition. Given the line flow and voltage values at a particular contingency case, system constraints can be checked to ensure reliable operation using two performance indices (PIs), namely line flow index (PIpl) and bus voltage index (PIvi). In this work, the system condition is estimated by PIc, which considers both PIpl and PIvi indices. The calculations of these indices are stated as follows (Prabhakar et al., Citation2022). (1) PIpl=WlP2n[PlPlB]2n(1) (2) PIvi=WiV2n[ViVBiΔVilimit]2n(2) (3) PIPl+PLvi=PIc(3) where PIpl is the PI of branch power flow, which indicates violations in lth branch flow an outage, Pl is the power flow in lth line during contingency, PlB is the base power flow value for the lth line, WlP is the weighting factor for lth line, PIvi is the voltage PI, which indicates voltage violations at ith bus, Vi is the post contingency voltage at ith bus, VBi is the base case voltage obtained in pre-contingency load flow at ith bus, WiV is the weighting factor for ith bus, ΔVilimit is the change in voltage and n is the empirical experimental co-efficient. If PIpl > 1 or PIvi > 1, then PIc is incremented by 1.

The step-by-step procedure for ranking contingencies is as follows.

Step 1: Input line data and bus data of the test system.

Step 2: Perform FDLF analysis.

Step 3: Initialise all the possible contingencies in the network (say, j = 1).

Step 4: Run post-contingency load flow. Calculate PIpj and PIvj for every outage. If PIpj > 1 or PIvj > 1, then PIj = PIj + 1.

Step 5: Rank all the contingencies from the higher PIj value to the least PIj value.

It is noteworthy to mention that the load flow is a non-linear problem. However, its CA can be calculated by solving a set of linear equations Ax = b. In this paper, we use the FDLF method, which is faster with acceptable accuracy. Due to the decoupling of active and reactive power, the FDLF analysis is formulated with a constant Jacobian matrix and must not be calculated in each iteration. The basic FDLF model is discussed in the next section, and it is solved using a parallel programming approach.

4. Mathematical modelling and proposed algorithms using HPC

The convergence in the FDLF method is faster than the NRLF method and the Gauss-Seidel load flow method. It is often necessary to perform two to five iterations to achieve practical accuracy. The pace for iterations in the FDLF is nearly five times that of the NRLF method and roughly two-thirds that of the Gauss-Seidel method.

With the assumed slack bus voltage (usually, V1 = 1 ∠0 per unit), the remaining (n−1) bus voltages are found through an iterative process. The process is described as follows (Prabhakar et al., Citation2022). (4) Pi=j=1n|Vi||Vj||Yij|cos(θijδi+δj)(4) where Pi is the power injection at ith bus, Yij is the admittance of line between ith and jth bus, θij is the angle of Yij element of Ybus, δi is the voltage angle at ith bus and δj is the voltage angle at jth bus (Ahmadi et al., Citation2021). (5) Qi=j=1n|Vi||Vj||Yij|sin(θijδi+δj)(5) where Qi is the reactive power injection at ith bus.

Equations  (Equation4) and (Equation5) are called static load flow equations. The current injection Ii at ith bus can be evaluated using active and reactive injected powers, which is defined as follows. (6) Ii=PijQiVi(6) (7) Vi=1Yii(Iij=1,j1nYijVj)i=1,2,3,,n(7) The voltage equation is formed with (k+1)th iteration (Ahmadi et al., Citation2021). (8) Vi(k+1)=1Yii[PijQi(Vik)j=1i1(YijVjk+1)j=i+1n(YijVjk)](8) The diagonal elements of Jacobian matrix is described as follows. (9) Piδi=j=1n|Vi||Vj||Yij|sin(θijδi+δj)|Vi|2|Yii|sin(θii)(9) By considering Equation  (Equation5), the above Equation  (Equation9) can be rewritten as follows. (10) Piδi=Qi|Vi|2|Yii|sin(θii)(10) (11) Piδi=Qi|Vi|2Bii(11) where Bii is the imaginary part of diagonal elements of Ybus.

As Bii >> Qi and |Vi|2|Vii|, we can write (12) Piδi=|Vi|Bii(12) and (13) Piδi=|Vi|Bij(13) where Bij is the imaginary part of off-diagonal elements of Ybus. (14) Qi|Vi|=j=1n|Vi||Vj||Yij|sin(θijδi+δj)|Vi||Yii|sin(θii)(14) As Bii = |Yii| sin(θii), we can write (15) Qi|Vi|=Qi|Vi||Yii|sin(θii)(15) (16) Qi|Vi|=Qi|Vi|Bii(16) In compare to Bii, Qi is very less and can be neglected. Therefore, we can write (17) Qi|Vi|=|Vi|Bii(17) Again, assuming θijδi+δjθij, we can write (18) Qi|Vj|=|Vi|Bij(18) and (19) ΔP|Vi|=BΔδ,ΔQ|Vi|=BΔ|V|(19) where B is the imaginary part of Ybus of order (n−1) × (n−1) and B is the imaginary part of Ybus of order ( n1npv) × ( n1npv ), where npv is the number of generator (PV) bus. Now, the value of Δδ and Δ|V| is obtained as follows (Ahmadi et al., Citation2021). (20) Δδ=[B]ΔP|V|(20) (21) Δ|V|=[B]ΔQ|V|(21) We can solve voltage and delta from Equation  (Equation19), which are later used for computing the PI.

Our proposed algorithms use both CPU and GPU parallelisation and nodes like master, service and login. The rationality behind this is that it is based on three major factors. Firstly, MPI and CUDA are standardised, vendor-independent and portable libraries that are built for efficiency and flexibility. Secondly, it corresponds to the proposed algorithm implementation goal in real-world systems. Finally, it is simple to integrate with C language, making it ideal for code reuse, reduced development time and faster time to market.

4.1. Parallel computing with CPU and GPU

GPUs are single-instruction, multiple-data processors that have become a common characteristic of high-end video cards installed on general-purpose computers (Gopal et al., Citation2007). A computer strategy for attaining data level parallelisms (e.g. vector or array processor) is called single instruction multiple data (SIMD). As the name implies, a single instruction is applied to all data streams. On the other hand, there are significant differences between GPU and a CPU programming model. GPUs use SIMD processing, whereas the traditional CPU programming model uses single instruction single data (SISD) processing. Gopal et al. (Citation2007) have investigated the parallel implementation of DC power flow-based CA on GPUs. They solved the power flow equations using Gauss-Jacobi iterations. Moreover, they have demonstrated that GPU implementation is significantly faster than CPU implementation. The GPU's heavily pipelined parallel architecture, as opposed to the CPU's serial architecture, is responsible for increasing the speed. Ezhilarasi and Swarup (Citation2009) have presented a method for CA in power system security studies that use a parallel processing methodology. This methodology improves real-time experimentation by making it easier, faster and more accurate. A high-performance Linux cluster is used to run the experimentation. The testing was carried out using various IEEE standard test systems, namely the IEEE 14 bus, IEEE 30 bus, IEEE 118 bus, IEEE 162 bus and IEEE 300 bus. However, single-line interruptions are only taken into account for experimentation. Their method performs admirably in terms of speed and efficiency for large systems. However, they claim a performance reduction for very small systems, such as the IEEE 14 bus system. The algorithm's scalability is demonstrated through case studies. Although the number of iterations involved in the load flow process rises as the size of the system grows, this strategy still achieves a considerable parallel speedup.

4.2. Parallel implementation of N−1 static CA

Here, we discuss the implementation of the proposed parallel programming algorithm. The algorithm is shown in Algorithm 1, and the flow chart is depicted in Figure . We initialise the MPI environment, and every process is assigned a task. On the other hand, there is a process (called master) to coordinate all the tasks. Other processes are called slaves/workers. The processes are divided into two sets, master and slave, using MPI_COMM_WORLD. While the master is responsible for input and output, the slaves are responsible for their corresponding input and output in coordination with the master. The master process takes input bus data and line data from Ybus. On the contrary, the master process produces output as PI of contingencies. For this, the master performs pre-contingency load flow. From the pre-contingency load flow, we find the base voltage of buses, which is later used in the experimentation process of CA. Now, the master process sends the bus data, line data, Ybus and Base_V to all the slave processes for further experimentation process of CA. It is noteworthy to mention that rank is used to identify each processor, and size is used to determine the number of processors. Then we use an iterator i_contg, which is helpful to simulate all line outages and perform the load flow analysis.

Figure 1. Parallel implementation flowchart for N−1 CA.

Figure 1. Parallel implementation flowchart for N−1 CA.

Now we discuss how the work is divided between all the processes. Once the master process sends the required data to all the slave processes, the works are divided between the processes using their rank. Note that rank determines the id of the process. In general, a rank is an integer number, ranging from 0 to (size – 1), and the size is determined using MPI_Comm_size. A rank of a specific process can be determined using MPI_Comm_rank. All the processes iterate through i_contg. Here, we use an additional if statement to check whether a particular process should do the work. More specifically, we use a condition if(i_contg%size==rank). This condition determines whether the process should enter inside and do the work. The line outage can be simulated by removing the line, performing the load flow analysis, calculating the PI and adding the removed line for the next experimentation of load flow analysis as in the sequential algorithm. However, in this algorithm, we see multiple contingencies simulating the load flow analysis of line outages in parallel at the CPU level of parallelism. Similarly, we perform the generator outage by changing the generator's real power and reactive power to zero, i.e. removing, analysing and adding the generator. We can calculate the PI of the generator outage after performing the load flow analysis. The master process receives PIs from each slave process. The above process is repeated for each slave process, and finally, the slave process sends PI to the master. We can also see from Figure that we formulate B and B that are being computed in GPU. Four kernels are used to form B and B due to dependency between diagonal and off-diagonal elements. According to the Algorithm 1, we can see that the master process and slave processes are sharing the workload and processing them parallelly. Moreover, we can see the MPI implementation.

4.3. Parallel implementation of N−2 static CA

The proposed N−2 static CA algorithm is similar to the N−1 static CA and is shown in Algorithm 2. But, we have to simulate an outage of two lines (i.e. one line and one generator or two generators in the power system) in N−2 static CA. As we know, it is a very rare condition that two components fail simultaneously. Therefore, we first perform the N−1 CA by considering only the analysis's top five percent severe contingencies. Those lines are further considered for N−2 static CA. The rationality behind this is that we have a massive number of lines, and analysing all the lines is time-consuming. However, we consider all the generators for the N−2 static CA in the experimentation process. We can observe that we perform N−1 static CA (Algorithm  1) in the Algorithm 2 to find out the most severe cases. As we can see from the Algorithm 2, after checking the condition if(i_contg%size==rank) and removing one line, the process of N−2 contingencies is initiated. Note that it is represented in i_contg_1 and i_contg_2, respectively. Once the process is over, we add the removed line. In a similar fashion, we perform the generator outage by removing, analysing and adding the generator. Then we sort the PI of the contingencies to pick out the severe contingencies and only simulate the top five percent severe cases from the N−1 CA as part of the N−2 CA. It is noteworthy to mention that N−2 Contingency is a rare condition, but the possibility is high, mainly for the most severe cases from N−1 CA.

5. Experimental results

This section discusses the experiments of the N−1 and N−2 contingency, performs the analysis, and compares the efficacy of the proposed parallel algorithms to the performance of sequential algorithms. The experiments are performed on the PARAllel Machine (PARAM) Shivay supercomputing facility at the IIT (BHU), Varanasi. This facility contains Intel Xeon Skylake processors with NVIDIA Tesla V100. It also contains two master nodes, four service nodes, four login nodes and 223 CPU + GPU nodes and is assessed remotely. This facility is capable of producing 838 TFLOPS performance. We test the efficiency of the proposed algorithms for screening and ranking power system contingencies according to their expected severity on various standard test systems, such as IEEE 14 bus system, IEEE 57 bus system, IEEE 118 bus system, Polish 2383-bus system and NRPG 246-bus system (Kanpur, Citation2023). These IEEE test systems are publicly available at matpower.org. The possible contingencies range from 22 to 3025 for N−1 and 20 to 8335 for N−2 , out of which it is important to identify the severe contingencies. Alternatively, these contingencies are ranked to show their severity. We used CUDA (version 11.4) and OpenMPI (version 4.1.2) to conduct the experimentations. We perform the experimentations using 20 MPI processes on a 10-core and 20-thread CPU. Table  (N−1 CA) and Table  (N−2 CA) present a comparative study between sequential and proposed parallel programming algorithms. The pictorial comparisons are shown in Figures  and  in which x-axis represents the dataset and y-axis represents the time in seconds. The dataset includes network parameters (line impedance and their connection topology), bus or node data (power injections), maximum and minimum limits of line capacity, active and reactive power limits of generation and constant loads. We show that the proposed algorithms outperform the sequential algorithm in terms of execution time for large power systems.

Figure 2. Logarithmic time comparison of N−1 sequential vs. parallel algorithm.

Figure 2. Logarithmic time comparison of N−1 sequential vs. parallel algorithm.

Figure 3. Logarithmic time comparison of N−2 sequential vs. parallel algorithm.

Figure 3. Logarithmic time comparison of N−2 sequential vs. parallel algorithm.

Table 2. N−1 static CA results.

Table 3. N−2 static CA results.

5.1. Test case: NRPG bus system

Indian NRPG system consists of five generators, 246 buses, 376 lines and 42 generating units. The number of N−1 contingencies and N−2 contingencies are 418 and 87,153, respectively. We test all the N−1 outages. The ranking of the top 10 contingencies is given in Table . The outages for which the Jacobian matrix is singular or unable to converge are considered as the most severe contingencies. Similarly, the top 10 critical N−2 contingencies in the NRPG system are listed in Table . Note that this paper aims to show the effectiveness of the parallel algorithm over the sequential algorithm in power system applications. Both algorithms are tested using HPC clusters. Although other parallel algorithms can be used for power system applications, we have demonstrated only one such parallel algorithm. It can be further explored to select the most appropriate parallel algorithm in power system applications.

Table 4. Severe contingencies in Indian NRPG test System.

Table 5. Ranking of sever N−2 critical contingencies of Indian NRPG test system.

It is noteworthy to mention that we used five standard test systems, consisting of different complexities, such as topology, number of elements, nodes, thermal limit of transmission lines and many more. Moreover, these systems range from small to large power systems to show the elapsed time of the experiments. We observed the following impacts. (1) For the small test systems, the performance of the parallel algorithm is less effective than the sequential algorithm. (2) For the large test systems, the performance of the parallel algorithm is noticeably better than the sequential algorithm. It is now clearly mentioned in Section 5.1.

6. Conclusion and future work

This paper has proposed a screening and ranking strategy of extensive contingencies in a faster mode of execution for the SSA of large power systems. A composite PI based on line flow and bus voltage performance under the contingency conditions has been implemented for contingency screening and ranking. FDLF with conjugate gradient linear equation solver has been implemented for the SSA of the large power system to achieve acceptable result accuracy with faster calculation. Although real-time CA is a significant energy management system component in many electric utilities, it has a huge computational overhead. We have proposed parallel algorithms for Multicore CPU and GPU-based HPC systems that simultaneously achieve both process-level and thread-level parallelism to cope with real-time requirements, i.e. fast calculation and accuracy. Accuracy and efficiency have been validated with numerous case studies on standard test systems, IEEE 14, 57, 118 and polish 2383 bus system, and field data of NRPG Indian 246 bus system. Further, calculation accuracy can be enhanced using the data volume for which an effective mathematical model may be designed in future work. Depending on the severity of the contingency, one can choose remedial action before considering a second outage. In summary, the parallel HPC-based CA is promising for industrial applications since it can simulate the whole N−1 and N−2 static CA for larger power systems like the Polish 2383 bus system (8335 possible contingencies) within a few minutes.

The proposed CA can play an essential role in the network design stages and in programmed maintenance or network expansion to detect network weaknesses. These weaknesses can be addressed by increasing transformer rating, transmission capacity and circuit breaker rating etc. Further, operator can prevent limit violations due to element outages by using appropriate remedial actions. The proposed strategy can be implemented for the N−1−1 contingency with GPU to achieve higher parallelism in our future work. On the other hand, the proposed algorithms are efficient only for larger power systems which may not be efficient for small power systems because the parallelisation process in the master processor and communication between GPU and CPU slaves take a considerably large time in comparison to calculation.


The authors would like to thank IIT (BHU), Varanasi, for providing the PARAM Shivay supercomputing facility to execute the HPC experimentations.

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This work was fully supported by the National Supercomputing Mission (NSM), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India (Reference No.: DST/NSM/R&D_HPC_Applications/2021/03.31).


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