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Research article

Governance assessment of a protected area: the case of the Alde Feanen National Park

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Pages 647-670 | Received 03 Nov 2016, Accepted 10 Jan 2018, Published online: 13 Mar 2018


This paper addresses the challenge of appropriate governance of complexity and diversity in the Dutch national park of Alde Feanen. The issue is how to enhance ecosystem resilience. Our focus relates to a navigable waterway within the park that affects the natural values of the area. The governance assessment tool is used to assess the governance context of the waterway and ecosystem resilience in the area. The study shows that a lack of a long-term integrated vision makes the governance context less supportive. Such a vision could maximize the focus on the resilience of the park's nature and motivate actors to work towards a common future for a concerned area. However, institutional complexity, combined with institutional inertia, is revealed as a hindrance to the quality of governance and shapes a weak ability to adapt the current situation to move towards resilience.

1. Introduction

Literature on the governance of protected areas addresses important concerns regarding deterioration, disturbances and recovery from natural or man-made stresses. Disturbances and recovery are often linked to the concept of resilience of the system. Many national parks are already experiencing substantial impacts from human pressures and climate change. As illustrated in this paper, human activities can threaten the natural environmental qualities at local and regional levels. But, to be resilient, national parks need to cope with, and adapt to, changing human and climate conditions over time in a way that those areas continue to deliver long-term ecosystem services (Dudley and Stolton Citation2008). As providers of ecosystem services, national parks have a wide spectrum of functional roles that contribute to human well-being (Reid et al. Citation2005). These roles are related to provision of ecosystem servicesFootnote1 (and their benefits) that are utilized by humans and serve their key functions (Boyd and Banzhaf Citation2007). Two key examples of specific benefits in national parks are: biodiversity benefits (supporting services) – that maintain ecosystem functioning, increase resilience and provide aesthetic values; and, landscape/cultural benefits (cultural services) – that allow recreational activities and that provide non-use values and spiritual benefits (Boyd and Banzhaf Citation2007). Thus, maintaining resilience of the biodiversity within protected areas becomes essential for the long-term sustainability of these areas (Lebel et al. Citation2006; Parker and Murphy Citation2013). However, the role of biodiversity in sustaining the ecosystem services is often poorly understood or undervalued (Science for Environment Policy Citation2015), meaning that the crucial importance of supporting ecosystem services, as a basis for other services, is often overlooked.

Governance in relation to protected area resilience is a relatively new area of research and with, as yet, limited scholarly literature related to it (Hannah Citation2006; Lockwood Citation2010; Eagles et al. Citation2013). In the majority of the literature, governance is viewed as a component of resilience and often these concepts are interlinked (Biggs et al. Citation2012; Mitchell et al. Citation2015). Our paper's focus on the governance context, and whether this context restricts or enables the absorptive, adaptive and transformative capacity of the system under consideration (which is the national park), adds to the body of literature in this relatively new field. The purpose of assessing the governance context influences on resilience is to draw attention to how this context operates through complex governance processes and relations towards reaching policy goals.

1.1. Conceptualizing resilience

Conceptually, we first need to address the challenge that results from the vagueness of the term and its dynamic nature and context (Davidson et al. Citation2013; Nelson, Adger, and Brown Citation2007; Carpenter, Westley, and Turner Citation2005; Cumming et al. Citation2005). This is to be done to prepare the ground for our case study and to make the approach practical and useable beyond its theoretical context to policy-makers and managers in protected areas (Davidson et al. Citation2013).

Originally, the concept of resilience was introduced by Holling (Citation1973) as: “a measure of the ability of ecosystems to persist in the face of disturbances and maintain relationships within a system” and the: “ability of these systems to absorb changes and still persist” and adapt (Adger Citation2003, 1; Davoudi Citation2012, 300; Bahadur, Ibrahim, and Tanner Citation2010, 7; Folke et al. Citation2010). This view on resilience derives from the understanding of natural systems as being dynamic (Bahadur, Ibrahim, and Tanner Citation2010; Davidson et al. Citation2013). An important consideration is that resilience results from trade-offs between “the absorptive, adaptive and transformative capacities” of a system under consideration; and these capacities respond to different levels and intensity of stresses (Béné et al. Citation2012, 21; Folke et al. Citation2010; Walker et al. Citation2004). According to Folke et al. (Citation2010), adaptability and transformability are seen as parts of resilience, and as key ingredients of resilience thinking. Adaptability has been defined as: “the capacity of actors in a system to influence resilience” (Walker et al. Citation2004, 5) and: “to maintain certain processes despite changing internal demands and external forces on the ecosystems” (Folke et al. Citation2010, 4; Carpenter and Brock Citation2008). Transformability has been defined as: “the capacity to create a fundamentally new system when ecological, economic, or social structures make the existing system untenable” (Walker et al. Citation2004, 5). The theoretical basis of resilience in our study views resilience as a dynamic and adaptive system where ‘change’, rather than ‘equilibrium’, is characteristic of the normal resilience state (Folke et al. Citation2010; Lockwood et al. Citation2014; Mitchell et al. Citation2015; Davidson et al. Citation2013). Therefore, we focus on, in the governance context, what restricts and enables absorptive, adaptive and transformative capacity of the system under consideration.

According to some scholars, resilience is viewed as being context-dependent and as a process of learning lessons from governance failures (Chandler Citation2014; Joseph Citation2016). It also depends on the legal and regulatory environment that gives control over natural resources to its users (Bahadur, Ibrahim, and Tanner Citation2010, 10). Given these dependencies, we aim to analyse the context of governance processes in managing resources to see how governance affects system resilience as a whole. Our focus is on understanding better the relationship between the qualities of the governance regime and the feasibility of measures to foster ecosystem resilience.

1.2. Resilience through the governance lens

Recent trends in protected area governance have seen multi-level stakeholders involved in inclusive governance models (Lockwood Citation2009). Lockwood (Citation2009, 754) highlights this form of governance as relating to the “structures, processes and traditions.” It determines “how power and responsibilities are exercised, how decisions are taken and how stakeholders have their say.” In our research, governance is defined as a “combination of the relevant multiplicity of responsibilities and resources, instrumental strategies, goals, actor-networks and scales that forms a context that to some degree restricts and to some degree enables actions and interactions (Bressers et al. Citation2016, 6).”

There is a solid relationship signalled in the literature between the quality of biodiversity conservation and the quality of the governance context (Smith et al. Citation2003; Eklund and Cabeza Citation2016). Hence, it makes sense to view resilience of protected areas from a governance perspective in ways that can improve our understanding of the relationship between the governance context, governance processes and ecosystem resilience. We examine the case of the Dutch national park, Alde Feanen, to assess to what extent a concern for ecosystem resilience is embedded in the governance of this area in the face of ongoing climate and human disturbances.

1.3. Purpose, objective and contribution

The purpose of our case study is to highlight the importance of the governance context as a key element through which the ecosystem resilience of a concerned area can be enhanced. Governance is generally comprised of multiple institutions from different sectors. One issue is whether institutions with governance responsibilities are actually committed to resilience. Concrete measures for the resilience of protected areas often face a variety of governance context conditions that influence the feasibility of these arrangements. Thus, our objective is to explore and assess these conditions as to whether they support or restrict processes aimed towards enhancing resilience. These conditions were investigated using the governance assessment tool (GAT) (Bressers et al. Citation2016). This has its basis in contextual interaction theory (CIT) (Bressers Citation2004) and we test whether this tool can contribute to the assessment of governance processes in efforts to enhance resilience of the concerned area. The research question to be addressed was: what governance aspects support or hamper implementation of measures to foster resilience in the Alde Feanen National Park? Implementation means the “processes that concern the application of relevant policy instruments, including the realisation of projects to achieve physical changes” (Bressers Citation2004, 284). Measures can mean the arrangements or actions undertaken to enhance the resilience of the park.

Achieving the objective and answering the research question will provide insights into the governance of resilience of the studied area. This will occur by exploring the processes of institutional arrangements in the implementation process. This will examine how decisions are made and highlight any connections between conceptual governance tool and adaptive implementation actions in the process towards resilience. The study will contribute to the understanding of protected area resilience from a governance perspective and will enrich the scarce literature in this field.

In what follows, Section 2 describes the methodology. Section 3 elaborates the conceptual framework. Section 4 introduces the case study. Section 5 presents and explores the application of the assessment framework to the case study. Analyses and observations of the supportiveness of the governance context are examined according to the GAT. Finally, in Section 6, our findings are discussed that answer the research question and draw conclusions.

2. Methodology

The method proposed is to build understanding based on a case study approach. The focus and interactions around the research are in a real-life context surrounding a contemporary phenomenon (Yin Citation2003). A case study approach is also used to operationalize resilience. It helps to understand the current state of resilience in a system, predicting future directions and identifying aspects that deliberate resilience (Davidson et al. Citation2013; López-Angarita et al. Citation2009). The Resilience Alliance (Citation2010, 25) assessment workbook also highlights that:

understanding resilience of a system involves describing its current state, as well as its historical and potential future states. A state is defined by its key components and how they interact, function and respond to changes that are both internal and external to the system.

Key components of the system might include the biophysical properties of the park (e.g. species, climate variables and changes in the species regime) and the social properties (e.g. developments, nature monitoring programmes and economic incentives to control human interventions). The relationships and interactions among components enable systems to function and determine how a system can respond to change. Identifying the focal system (i.e. the case study area) and scale and main issue(s) are essential to understand the current state of resilience (Resilience Alliance Citation2010).

Regarding governance, this article offers an assessment framework based on the CIT, of which the GAT is part, and uses a case study of the Alde Feanen National Park to illustrate how this framework can be applied. The selected area is an important wetland characterized by fenland vegetation and polders. The landscape scale, which is bigger than the park itself, is chosen in response to an expressed need from regional authorities for alternative approaches to the use of the waterway in the area (which is deemed to be undesirable by many involved stakeholders) and to the need for improvement of the declining environmental quality due to identified threats. The area is also of international importance, as it is a part of European Nature 2000 network and is a listed global Ramsar wetlands site.

The main issue analysed concerns human interventions that affect the ecosystem resilience of the area. The waterway crosses the park, and a controversial decision is about whether to widen the waterway to facilitate large transport vessels, or to close the park for those vessels. The unit of analysis for the assessment framework targets the processes and interactions of the actors involved in decision-making about the issue and implementation of system interventions to enhance the ecosystem resilience of the area.

A case study approach (Yin Citation2003) is well suited to answer the research question as it is based on direct observations, documents and systematic interviewing. The nature of the research question is ‘what’ and ‘process’ oriented. It is exploratory by nature, but also explanatory, in terms of how and why multiple actors interact to provide in-depth understanding and insight concerning their behaviour towards reaching the goals (Yin Citation2003).

The data that form the basis of the conceptual analysis have been acquired from secondary sources, including academic literature, relevant reports and documents and/or reliable Internet sources. Interviews and observations were used for primary data collection. The evaluative questions of the GAT (presented in ) were asked during interviews. These questions shed light on the degree to which the governance context is supportive towards or restricts the implementation of policies and projects.

Table 1. Evaluative questions of GAT (Bressers et al. Citation2016).

Table 2. Interviewed individuals.

Eleven interviews were conducted with stakeholders from organizations involved in the governance of the case study area, including: regional authorities (Province of Fryslân); Alde Feanen managers; representatives from a nature conservation organization (It Fryske Gea); the water board (Wetterskip Fryslân); Institute for Nature Education and Sustainability (IVN); Frisian Environmental Federation; and, Consultative Board (Overlegorgaan) members of the Alde Feanen National Park (). The GAT was also used to guide an interactive workshopFootnote2 with stakeholders dedicated to the case study. The goal of the workshop was to bring together various actors involved in the governance of the studied area in an interactive session to discuss the ongoing threats and developments. They focused on the issues that require decision-making, and to reveal and assess positive or negative aspects in the governance context that influence the resilience of the park. The main questions asked were: how is ecosystem resilience observed in the area? What are the main issues or threats observed? To what extent is resilience actually embedded within practices and procedures, or in management agendas?

The analysis relied on open discussions between the interviewees and the interviewer, interview transcripts and notes. The ranking of high, medium and low (as scores) was used when the governance context was assessed according to the qualities and dimensions of the GAT. These judgments were made through discussions between at least two of the research team to ensure that the assessment did not overlook any important aspects and to check for consistency in the analysis.

3. Conceptual framework for governance assessment

A number of assessment frameworks appear in the governance literature to analyse governance systems (Ostrom Citation2005; Lockwood Citation2009; Borrini-Feyerabend and Hill Citation2015; Potts et al. Citation2016; Clement, Moore, and Lockwood Citation2016; Wyborn Citation2015). Some are used more often (Ostrom Citation2005). Others are based on the principles of good governance to ensure sustainable management (Lockwood Citation2009) or they are tailored to the requirements of environmental problems or specific needs (Young Citation2008; Clement, Moore, and Lockwood Citation2016). For instance, the institutional fit concept, which is closely related to the approach of institutional diagnosis (Young Citation2008; Cox Citation2012; Clement, Moore, and Lockwood Citation2016; Potts et al. Citation2016), determines that actors and institutions should share the same values or norms when dealing with problems. However, the concept of fit is considered limiting as it is rather vague and raises many questions (Cox Citation2012). Most identified evaluative frameworks do not address governance systems holistically (Potts et al. Citation2016) and do not consider the cumulative influence of the interactions between plans, policies, programmes and relationships within governance systems as a whole (Potts et al. Citation2016). There is no widely accepted method from amongst the large number of assessment frameworks that identifies the requirements of a good governance regime for protected areas (Lockwood Citation2009).

Our conceptual framework for governance assessment incorporates the CIT and GAT as part of the theory. CIT has been developed over the years with its initial roots in the implementation analysis that has been further elaborated in the “policy instrument theory” to enable comparison of instruments (Bressers et al. Citation2016) subsequently adding network analysis, multiple scale issues and other governance regime aspects as context. The framework used provides a synthesis of other available frameworks focusing on implementation processes. CIT and GAT are designed to assess the governance context and processes as a multi-actor interaction process for the implementation of relevant policies. The reasons we use this particular governance assessment framework are: first, it emphasizes the implementation processes; and, second, it focuses on how well the governance context supports or restricts the implementation process. The GAT is the most appropriate tool for this. The benefit of the applied framework, in comparison with others, is that it concentrates on the effectiveness of the governance context in supporting the processes of implementation of resilience measures. The benefit is particularly demonstrated in understanding interactions in policy implementation and envisions these processes as participatory social interactions, with external influences and internal frictions in a case-specific context (De Boer and Bressers Citation2011).

The GAT elaborates a simple concept of policy, with actors striving to achieve goals with means, and expands this to all relevant aspects of the governance context. It consists of five governance dimensions:


Levels and scales: assuming a general multi-level character for all scales (not necessarily administrative, but could relate to, for example, spatial, hydrological and political);


Actors and networks: assuming a multi-actor character for relevant network/s;


Problem perceptions and goal ambitions: assuming a multi-faceted character for problems and ambitions;


Strategies and instruments: assuming a multi-instrumental character for strategies of the actors involved;


Resources and responsibilities: assuming a complex multi-resource basis for implementation.

These five dimensions can be used to systematically describe the governance context in a certain area and for a certain issue. To assess the quality and capacity of the governance regime, four evaluation criteria are added to form a matrix together with the five dimensions. These quality criteria are:


Extent (refers to the completeness and comprehensiveness of issues at hand, enquiring if all relevant aspects of the governance dimensions are taken into account);


Coherence (refers to whether elements of the governance dimensions strengthen, rather than contradict each other: paying more attention to separate issues that add to complexity and fragmentation when it is not accompanied by thoughtful connections);


Flexibility (refers to what degree the governance regime elements allow and facilitate multiple adaptive strategies to reach the goals);


Intensity (refers to the degree to which the elements of the governance context urge and support changes in current developments).

This tool aims to provide a systematic assessment of all relevant elements and qualities of the governance context and helps to understand the circumstances for the implementation of measures.Footnote3

The GAT has its basis in the CIT (), which focuses on actors and their interaction processes and takes stakeholder characteristics into consideration. CIT is based on the notion that multi-actor processes can be understood from the characteristics of different stakeholders involved in the process. These characteristics are: motivation (which drive their actions), cognition (information with which the situation is interpreted) and resources (providing capacity and power). CIT explains the dynamics of social interaction processes and is meant to be simple and straightforward (Bressers et al. Citation2016). The characteristics of the actors shape the process, but are also influenced by the course of, and experiences in, the process and, therefore, can change gradually during the process. The three main characteristics are, not only intrinsic to the actors and influenced by the process, but are also influenced by many external factors from a multi-layered context. Part of that context is the case-specific context. This involves factors such as the characteristics of the geographical place where the project is realized (Kotzebue, Bressers, and Yousif Citation2010). Another important element is the case history of previous decision-making and framing. This special type of case history affects the institutional arena for the process that influences which actors participate, and to what extent, and with what legal resources and expectations.

Figure 1. GAT within contextual interaction theory as an assessment framework for the case (based on Bressers and Lulofs Citation2010).

Figure 1. GAT within contextual interaction theory as an assessment framework for the case (based on Bressers and Lulofs Citation2010).

4. Case study: the Alde Feanen National Park

The Alde Feanen National Park covers about 40 km2 and is located in the northern province of Fryslân (). It is one of the most extensive fenland areas in the Netherlands and is included in the Nature 2000 network. The area is of great natural significance and is popular with many holidaymakers, annually attracting a large number of visitors (Nouta Citation2015). However, water quality problems, droughts and a decline in the quality of environmental conditions have been identified as threats affected by different contributing factors. Most factors are related to human interventions that are potentially diminishing the natural values of the park.

Figure 2. Alde Feanen National Park. Source: Nouta Citation2015.

Figure 2. Alde Feanen National Park. Source: Nouta Citation2015.

The black line represents the boundary of the whole national park; while the green line represents the boundary of the Nature 2000 area. The area within the grey lines represents exclave areas (one of them is Eernewoude village).

The central objective for the park is conservation and restoration of the abiotic and biotic factors that determine the survival of the fenland area. presents a time line of important historical changes to the area in terms of landscape formation and policy developments.

Table 3. Landscape formation and policy developments of the Alde Feanen area.

presents biophysical and social properties of the Alde Feanen focal system.

Table 4. Key properties of the Alde Feanen focal system.

The park is crisscrossed by a large number of watercourses. These vary considerably in size and breadth. They are used for transportation, fishing, recreation, and agricultural activities and, in the early days, for transportation of dug peat. The situation under study concerns the shipping waterway (to the harbour of the city of Drachten) that passes through the Nature 2000 area in the middle of the park.Footnote4 The harbour is considered an important driver of employment in the region. However, the ecological value of the Alde Feanen has long been recognized, as well as its economic value in terms of tourism and recreation. The businesses involved believe it is necessary to upgrade (widen and deepen) the shipping waterway for bigger ships. However, other stakeholders (e.g. the nature protection organization It Fryske Gea) find this action undesirable, as this would lead to negative impacts to the ecosystem affecting a large part of the Frisian water system, as well as creating confrontations between the recreation and cargo ships. The ships involved are already considered too big as they require special traffic regulations to mitigate the impacts on the delicate landscape. As the waterway crosses the Nature 2000 area within the park, the construction of alternative routes () was also considered as a solution (CDA Fryslân [Christian Democtratic Appeal, Political Party in Friesland] Citation2014). Additional benefits of these alternative routes are the relief of the village Eernewoude and the separation of the recreational and commercial vessels.

Figure 3. Legend: alternative routes: (1) broadening and deepening of the current route, also as 0+ variant (crosses Nature 2000 area); (2) alternative route south of the Alde Feanen in two variants; (3) alternative route east of the Alde Feanen in three variants; (4) alternative route via De Leijen and lake Bergummermeer. Source: Province of Fryslân.

Figure 3. Legend: alternative routes: (1) broadening and deepening of the current route, also as 0+ variant (crosses Nature 2000 area); (2) alternative route south of the Alde Feanen in two variants; (3) alternative route east of the Alde Feanen in three variants; (4) alternative route via De Leijen and lake Bergummermeer. Source: Province of Fryslân.

The discussion as to whether to upgrade the existing waterway for bigger ships, or to change it to alternative routes around the park, has been ongoing for more than a decade. Although the waterway is an important transportation route for commercial shipping in the northern Netherlands, it has created considerable negative impacts on the environment of the area.

5. Application of the assessment framework to the case study

5.1. Results of the governance context analysis

How supportive the governance context is in relation to the resilience measures and waterway issue is described and analysed according to the GAT's five dimensions alongside the four governance qualities. The analysis is based on the information acquired from interviews, an interactive workshop with stakeholders and relevant documents and reports (KKBA Vaarweg Drachten Citation2014; Beheerplan Natura 2000 Alde Feanen Citation2015; Beheer-en Inrichtingsplan Alde Feanen Citation2005). There were two stages of the analysis: collecting the interview data according to the five governance dimensions of the GAT to describe the context concerning certain issues; and, analysing the data according to the four evaluation criteria to assess the quality and the capacity of the governance context. The questions were sent to the invited interviewees prior to the interview. The first questions dealt with the specific context of the national park. The second part of the questions used the GAT to investigate the governance context. The GAT was used as a checklist, and not direct questions, to ensure that all issues were covered during the conversation. The approach guided stakeholders to assess the situation and the circumstances they were working in and to improve or deal with the issues. Each of the 20 cells of the GAT matrix was assessed by a brief statement and given a judgment of ‘high’, ‘medium’ or ‘low’ score in a discussion between observers. The statements are visualized in with colours and scores. After conducting the assessment and making judgments, the results of the analysis were sent to the respondents for feedback and comments on the accuracy of the assessment. Due to time limitations, not all interviewees could respond; only half of the respondents reacted (It Fryske Gea; Friese Milieu Federatie; Researcher; park managers, a representative of the overlegorgaan from nature organization) and agreed on the judgments made, and accepted the notion that a more ambitious agenda including, not only protection, but also resilience of the area, should be a main point for the future of the park. The rest of the interviewees can be approached in the future for comments on the developments and decisions around the issues concerned.

Table 5. Visualisation of the governance context analysis.

5.2. Overview of the assessments results

The observations were analysed and summarized according to the four governance qualities of extent, coherence, flexibility and intensity of the GAT. The issue about the waterway interconnects with other challenges in the park that affect the ecological qualities of the area. Whenever an assessment is different for this subcase it is mentioned in the text. Results point to what could change in order to improve the governance context.

The degree of extent was assessed as being more of medium quality, due to the absence of participation by the national levelFootnote5 and lack of farmers’ participation in the actors’ network. The role of the national level has been partly taken over by EU regulations and directives and, because they are quite demanding in support of concrete protective actions, no additional national policies are required: “Protection is guaranteed by different level regulations and it is rather enough” (It Fryske Gea respondent).

Regarding the scales, the relevant ecological scale is larger than park boundaries, but the hydrological scale is too narrow, as only an area of a Frisian water system is considered. Moreover, the Nature 2000 area is smaller than the whole national park. In the actor and networks dimension, farmers are only formally represented in the Overlegorgaan and are seen more as a target, rather than a part of the network. The farmers’ organization (LTO) is not strongly supported by its member farmers: Not all farmers are members of the farmers’ organization; those that are members do not always agree on issues (Alde Feanen management respondent). LTO is not always recognized as a negotiator on behalf of farmers. Thus, they have no real power. This aspect was regarded as a drawback because farmers are landowners in the area and they should be more involved if the area is to be extended; especially in the case of the waterway, as alternative routes will require purchasing large parts of agricultural land. The problem perceptions and goals dimension were not scored as high, because ecosystem resilience is not addressed as a common goal, and the provision of ecosystem services was not considered as a function for the area; although other problems and issues are considered and emphasized: the term resilience itself is too complex for decision-makers, they do not understand what it is, certainly do not understand its importance; for them it is just a measure (It Fryske Gea respondent).

The strategies and instruments were also not scored high, but rather medium. This was due to a lack of monitoring and enforcement instruments in certain situations, such as preventing the discharge of sewage from boats, which affects the water quality. The extent of responsibilities and resources was scored as low. The responsibilities were not aligned with the extent of the problem perceptions of different actors. This prevents pooling those responsibilities and resources. Although the responsibilities are assigned, there are insufficient resources to protect the area and responsible actors largely depend on outside resources and funds need to be sought to have desirable solutions in the case of the waterway. An assumption is that, if the area is extended, more resources can be obtained if one adopts a long-term perspective.

The degree of coherence tends to be of lower quality, even though actors of relevant levels institutionalized in the Overlegorgaan are inclined to cooperate and work together (except, perhaps, in the case of the waterway issue). However, there is a certain level of hierarchy in the process of decision-making; with the province being the main decision-maker, but sometimes not in accordance with other actors. In general, a lot of talking is going on among the stakeholders, they all provide their arguments on board, they also have their lobby in the province, but stakeholders have no power to make final decisions (Overlegorgaan respondent).

In terms of problems and goals, there was also a big clash of interests between actors (for example, between the actors around the waterway issue; between water transport and recreation, agriculture and nature, with the plan to extend the area and to include all farmers’ lands around the national park, not for the purpose of more recreation, but rather for more biodiversity). Absence of a common purpose, rather than conflicts, weakens the coherence quality. A common goal for the management could enable coherency (Brown Citation2008). There was a clear fragmentation of the policy instruments with regard to the waterway issue, and with regard to the water levels in the entire park area and beyond. The aim of the province to have similar water levels across the seasons makes natural circumstances unnatural, which proves the incoherency of the strategies and instruments. For example, the water board attempts to provide the preferred water level to agriculture, but in dry periods, due to a lack of surface water, the ground water level decreases, also affecting water levels for agriculture (Water board respondent). In addition, there is a competence struggle due to fragmentation of the responsibilities (with no common goals) and resources that are linked to those responsibilities. This lowers the coherence quality. The actors involved only account for their own jurisdiction and everything that falls outside their authority is not of their concern. The strategies and instruments dimension also showed low coherence, due to the fragmentation of policy instruments in relation to nature and agriculture. However, involved actors were motivated and willing to collaborate to make optimal decisions. While this worked for the short-term measures, it also contributed to a stalemate outcome for the long-term measures.

The degree of flexibility is of medium quality towards low; but it shows medium to high in the dimensions of levels and scales and actors and networks, as the Overlegorgaan and steering group (in charge of waterway)Footnote6 provided the collaborative environment between levels/ actors and networks, and provided possibilities to include new actors by establishing working groups. The positive side was that the actors concerned for resilience have the ability to take the issues up to the provincial level for decision-making.

In the case of the waterway, the position of the companies is more prominent, with the province playing the role of a mediator. The nature organization It Fryske Gea and water board (Wetterskip) have made a coalition by linking their goals and taking a lead every now and then to get things done in a flexible way and to have actor network modifiers as a team. For the waterway, this move depends on the position of the province, which has been reluctant to invest a large amount in an alternative route and wants to integrate this decision in long-term socio-economic plans at a regional level. Although some flexibility was observed in the relationships between different levels and actors, multiple goals could not be optimized in package deals, as there was no common long-term perspective for the future of the park. Inflexibility was observed in the dimension of the strategies and instruments, due to a lack of combined instruments for environmental conditions and towards resilience. “To release the subsidies for the park, the Province requires broader and innovative plans and measures on a wider geographical scale” (It Fryske Gea respondent). Inflexibility was also observed in the dimension of the responsibilities and resources, since responsibilities of most involved stakeholders were accounted for within their own authority and what falls outside their domain was often overlooked. Institutional inertia that deals traditionally with the issues weakens flexibility and prevents pooling of those assigned responsibilities and resources for the common goal.

Finally, the degree of intensity also shows a low quality. Pressure from EU (Nature 2000, Birds/Habitat directives, SPA-Special Protected Area status) and global regulations (Ramsar Convention on wetlands) were seen as the only drivers that fostered resilience, but no other levels were interested or concerned to make changes in that direction. These regulations mean that the pressure can also come from the legal system should these measures ever be taken against nature and which end up being challenged in an administrative court. These were observed as supportive factors in favour of resilience measures and that would contribute to a supportive context in the case of preventing the widening of the waterway. However, actors, such as municipalities and industries, see no threat to the park by widening the waterway. It seemed obvious that the shipping route should be limited in the park and eventually removed. However, due to a lack of actions and support from those actors, it has been an ongoing issue for the last decade. It Fryske Gea and the water board cannot decide and mobilize resources, as they depend on the province. The province delays the decision, as it evaluates the issue at a larger scale in the socio-economic context and is seeking the best investment outcome:

Industries like to upgrade the existing waterway and this will cause even bigger problem for nature values and for tourism, so there is a political discussion in the coming years about that, whether to upgrade or to find alternative way which costs a lot of money. (It Fryske Gea respondent)

Economic interest seems to overweigh the ecological factors and this creates no pressure from some actors to embrace measures to account for, or increase, resilience. Such pressure mostly resides within EU and global regulations. The lack of intensity is also attributable to the different priorities in the dimension of problems and goals with the long-term perspective for decisions. It is also due to the absence of a central focus and common goal for the management of the area. For instance, to have ecosystem resilience as a goal on the future agenda could enforce and motivate changes from the current practices. To remove the waterway out of the park could also be an important resilience measure: we will be against the widening of the waterway as regulations support us; an alternative option is to remove companies from the city of Drachten (which are far from the water) and place them closer to the water, but nobody talks about that, because it is costly to move companies from Drachten. The cheapest alternative is widening the canal (It Fryske Gea respondent).

Responsibilities and resources also reflect a mismatch and there are insufficient resources to implement measures for intended changes; especially not for a long-term perspective. Rerouting of the waterway and ideas about expansion of the area are projected into the future, but, as yet, have no available resources. “If there is an alternative route it costs lots of money and for that, cooperation with the national government is needed and even search for European money” (Overlegorgaan respondent).

To deal with these issues, the province will probably develop projects at a bigger (beyond the natural resources) scale and connect the issues to economic development. The position of the province is less supportive towards the coalition of It Fryske Gea and Wetterskip, which could push towards enhancing the resilience of the park. Although the province has the resources needed, it prioritises strategies other than resilience. This resource dependency means the province could become the dominant actor at the geographical scale that potentially could be highly beneficial for the resilience of the park. Without the resources of the province, It Fryske Gea and Wetterskip cannot pursue their resilience strategy for the park.

5.3. Discussion on the results analysis

The analysis and judgements made during the assessment raise several points of concern in the governance context of the Alde Feanen for further discussion and where interventions and improvements could be made. We have compared and highlighted the results with aspects of other assessment frameworks. We can also emphasize our contribution to the literature related to governance assessment of conservation areas.

The analysis of the extent quality revealed an incompleteness of the regime in terms of the involvement of relevant stakeholders. This quality can be compared with the inclusiveness principle used by Lockwood (Citation2009). This principle gives opportunities to all stakeholders to participate in, and influence, decision-making processes and actions. The fact that farmers are not fully involved needs to be tackled, especially if the area is extended. The withdrawal of the national level, as a consequence of decentralization of nature policy, brings more challenges to the lower level authorities in terms of their allocation of sufficient resources and for the new arrangements to work effectively for decentralisation. Another concept to compare with the extent quality is a fit-for-purpose concept with institutional diagnosis method (Clement, Moore, and Lockwood Citation2016). This assesses whether institutions do fit the functional aspect (Boyd and Folke Citation2011) and whether they have the capacity to deal with issues at hand and the complex situations (Clement, Moore, and Lockwood Citation2016). Sometimes, they may not be fit-for-purpose to involve actors from all levels, as this depends on the context, and may require only relevant actors to be involved.

In the coherence quality, some elements of the governance dimensions weaken each other, although actors and networks of different levels tend to cooperate. Coherence quality can be compared with the connectivity principle used by Lockwood (Citation2009). This highlights the critical need for well-connected governance systems in which actors of different levels have mutual respect, trust and cohesion to work through conflicts and difficulties. In the challenging environment of the Alde Feanen with all the diversity of perspectives for the area, the clash of interests between different level actors is inevitable. The important question is how governance arrangements deal with the clash of interests. Well-connected actors can tackle this to some extent, but fragmentation of instruments and responsibilities creates a step backwards. To deal with these issues, a decision about priorities should be made by stakeholders. Overlegorgaan needs to bring these issues up to the board to strengthen the coherence of the governance context.

Regarding flexibility, a regime is more flexible when the relationship between levels and scales is based more on decentralisation of power, but without upper levels withdrawing their support (De Boer and Bressers Citation2011). In a highly dynamic environment and in complex processes, such as in the Alde Feanen, a certain degree of coherence is needed for flexibility to be built upon. Otherwise, a fragmented and a weak form of implementation would occur (De Boer and Bressers Citation2011). Flexibility can be comparable with the concept of adaptiveness used by Lockwood (Citation2009), which relies on the ability of actors to deal with changing internal or external circumstances. In this case, although there is an adaptive atmosphere between levels and scales, fragmentation in the coherence quality, and lack of common interest, influences the flexibility of actors to pool resources and make changes towards resilience.

Regarding the intensity quality, there is not enough pressure from actors to make changes in the status quo. In policy implementation terms, intensity is related to the size of the task to create new dynamics by creative cooperation or conflict. Subsequently, this urges change of motivation, changing cognitions, including widening of boundary judgements for the issues and developing new availability and combinations of resources (De Boer and Bressers Citation2011). With more intensity, the urge to use sound adaptive strategies to deal with, and change the setting of, the process increases. Intensity is the greater whenever the upper levels and powerful actors are more deeply involved in the relevant networks for the issue and resources and when these are made available to make changes in the current development (De Boer and Bressers Citation2011). In the case of the Alde Feanen, given the considerable extent of the levels and actors' involvement, powerful actors have prioritized strategies other than resilience and have delayed with the decisions on the issues at stake. They project the way forward in ways they combine with issues on a broader regional scale linked with economic goals and when resources can be made available within a long-term perspective. This quality can be comparable with the growing notion of governance vitality that is being explored by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which entails a governance setting to be integrated and connected, adaptive and reflective, innovative and creative and able to take on responsibilities in effective ways (Borrini-Feyerabend and Hill Citation2015).

The contribution of our framework to the broader governance literature is that it provides a synthesis of the available frameworks and focuses on the implementation processes to understand key aspects of the relationships between the governance context and resilience.

6. Findings and conclusions

6.1. Supporting or hindering governance factors

Interactions between key actors have been analysed to answer the research question and to reveal governance influences and factors that support or hamper resilience. Although the Alde Feanen Park belongs to the Nature 2000 network, some human interventions have diminished its natural values. The park has a potential to function as an ecosystem resilient area and governance processes may have a leading role to make the area more resilient. However, a number of factors make implementation of resilience measures challenging. The governance dimensions of instruments and resources especially were revealed as weak qualities and, overall, the intensity of the governance context was observed as weak. Some resilience measures have been undertaken within the limitations imposed by these conditions, but only those framed by externally funded projects, such as EU Life+. For further far-reaching and more ambitious measures, such as extending the park area, or removing the shipping route from the park, the governance context also proves to be weak. The dimension of problem perceptions and goal ambitions lacks sufficient coherence and intensity for that.

The overall picture that emerges from the analysis has shown a governance context that is insufficiently supportive and displays more concerns than positive qualities. Extent and coherence revealed that the majority of actors, whilst well connected in dealing with issues with having a fair degree of collaboration in their interactions, they also reveal low qualities for specific issues. Flexibility and intensity are also revealed to be restrictive; despite the motivation of the actors involved to collaborate and seek consensus in decision-making. Given the research question (what governance aspects support or hamper implementation of measures to foster resilience in the Alde Feanen National Park?), the analyses shed light on the degree to which the governance context is supportive and restrictive. It also identified the aspects that support or hamper the implementation of measures to foster resilience in the studied area. Institutional complexity is exposed as a hindrance in an effort to increase the resilience of the area. Specifically, the wide extent of stakeholder involvement in the governance makes the governance context more complex to deal with issues and contributes to the complicated and longer decision-making process. Institutional inertia, involving certain traditional practices that shape how problems are dealt with, is another factor that, combined with institutional complexity, weakens flexibility and does not provide enough intensity to change the current situation and any meaningful behaviour in support of resilience.

6.2. Conclusions

Conclusions have been reached from the interpretation of the data analysis obtained from interviews, workshop and secondary sources. Our article focused on the governance assessment of the Alde Feanen National Park with the purpose to appreciate how the governance context affects system resilience. Our research contributes to the literature by seeing resilience operational through the case study approach and by using a governance assessment framework to analyse the governance context of the national park. The findings from the case study underscore the ways in which governance aspects can impact the feasibility of the implementation of resilience measures. According to Clement, Moore, and Lockwood (Citation2016), institutional complexity is the norm for protected area governance. However, in this particular case, this aspect was revealed as a hindrance to the governance context of the park. The results suggest that priorities should be clearly stated where there are differing views and conflicts. Strategies and instruments should be combined and directed to a common purpose for the area. A compelling vision of the future of the park is definitely needed to increase the likelihood that instruments and resources for resilience will improve. Otherwise, there will be a continuation of small-scale short-term measures wherever some resources are found and oppositions can be avoided. The study highlights that a lack of a long-term integrated vision is a key in making the governance context less supportive. Such a long-term vision for the park would be not only about protection, but also focused on improvements to enhance the resilience of the park's nature and increase the provision of ecosystem services that the park can offer. Such measures will need to motivate actors to make them more enthusiastic, to overcome differences in opinions and to work on a common future for the area. Only in this way can a bandwagon effect be created that might improve, rather than restrict the governance context one sees today. Thus, coming back to the relationship between resilience and governance, it is not only governance that restricts resilience in this case, but a more widely understood concept of resilience could also help fuel a vision of the park that might improve governance conditions in the future.

The framework we used complements other available governance assessment frameworks by the way it added the focus on the implementation process to help build understanding of the circumstances in the process of the implementation of measures. The proposed framework emphasizes that the mechanisms and results of a policy process fundamentally depend on actors’ characteristics and these characteristics help to shed light upon multi-level, multi-actor processes. The framework also draws connections between actor characteristics and degree of cooperation in an implementation situation (De Boer and Bressers Citation2011).

The usefulness of this assessment framework is apparent in the ways that it enables users to focus in on the key issues, as demonstrated by the assessment of the four quality criteria, which guides one to identify important points of intervention. Our results can be used to build further research and, specifically, to concentrate on the motivation of the actors in regard to the future vision for the park. The results can be also used for policy-makers, researchers and managers for their governance analysis, management, policy planning and implementation.

The practical usefulness can be enhanced by applying the GAT framework more interactively with the practitioners, as demonstrated in this study, by not only conducting interviews, but also interactive workshops and, consequently, reviewing the analysis by interviewees. Workshops could then help to establish a programme of action leading towards resolution of conflicts, or an integrated long-term vision for the park. Future studies could even go beyond that and make the analysis a co-production between practitioners and scientists. Apart from the novelty of using a governance assessment framework to study a feasibility of measures to enhance system resilience, this research highlights the importance of the governance context in complex and dynamic governance processes. Moreover, application of the governance assessment to the Alde Feanen demonstrates the potential for future application of this framework to explore other cases and enrich insight and understanding of the complex governance processes.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


1. Provisioning services (such as food and water), supporting services (such as nutrient cycling for maintaining life conditions), regulating services (such as floods and disease control) and cultural services (such as spiritual, recreational and cultural benefits) (MEA Citation2005)

2. The workshop was organized in the frame of the Summer School “Working on innovative solutions for our future challenges” by the University of Groningen/ Campus Fryslân, 6–8 June 2016. The theme of the workshop was “Resilience and governance of natural landscapes: climate resilience measures and governance analyses of the Dutch National Parks” (with the focus on the Alde Feanen issues).

3. More explanation and use of this tool can be found in an open access book “Governance for Drought Resilience: Land and Water Drought Management in Europe” at: doi:10.1007/978-3-319-29671-5.

4. The waterway connects the harbour to the Princess Margriet canal which is a part of the EU network for the biggest inland vessels.

5. By then the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) and after October 2010 it became a Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation.

6. The steering group consists of two municipalities of Smallingerland and Tytsjerksteradiel, Water board Friesland, It Fryske Gea, the Alde Feanen national park, Business Association Drachten and Province of Friesland (Nationaal Park De Alde Feanen Citation2016).

7. In surrounding areas, the ground water level is set relatively low for agricultural purposes and is controlled by (Wetterskip) regional water authority (Wetterskip Citation2014).

8. Life+ project ‘Booming Business’ (2013–2019) (€6 mln); http://www.np-aldefeanen.nl/8829/booming-business; Life+ is a European funding program for rehabilitation and development of special natural values in Natura 2000 areas.


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