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Total colorings of some classes of four regular circulant graphs

, , &
Pages 1-3 | Received 15 Apr 2022, Accepted 06 Jun 2022, Published online: 27 Jun 2022


The total chromatic number, χ(G) is the minimum number of colors which need to be assigned to obtain a total coloring of the graph G. The Total Coloring Conjecture (TCC) made independently by Behzad and Vizing that for any graph, χ(G)Δ(G)+2, where Δ(G) represents the maximum degree of G. In this paper we obtained the total chromatic number for some classes of four regular circulant graphs.

1. Introduction

Let G be a simple graph with vertex set V(G) and edge set E(G). The total coloring of a graph G is an assignment of colors to vertices and edges such that no two adjacent vertices or edges or edges incident to a vertex receives a same color. The total chromatic number of a graph G, denoted by χ(G), is the minimum number of colors required for its total coloring. It is clear that χ(G)Δ(G)+1, where Δ(G) is the maximum degree of G.

Behzad [Citation1] and Vizing [Citation10] have independently proposed the Total Coloring Conjecture (TCC) which states that any simple graph G, χ(G)Δ(G)+2. The graphs that can be totally colored by Δ(G)+1 colors are said to be Type I graphs whereas the graphs which can be colored by Δ(G)+2 colors are said to be Type II graphs. The total coloring is problem NP-complete even for cubic bipartite graph [Citation9]. Good survey of techniques and other results on total coloring can be found in Yap [Citation11], Borodin [Citation2] and Geetha et al. [Citation4]. In this paper, we show that some four regular circulant graphs are Type I.

2. Four regular circulant graphs

For a sequence of positive integers 1d1<d2<<dln2, the circulant graph G=Cn(d1,d2,,dl) has vertex set V(G)={0,1,2,,n1} and two vertices x and y are adjacent if x(y±di)modn for some i where 1il. A power of cycles graph Cnk is a graph with vertex set V(G)={0,1,2,,n1} and two vertices x and y are adjacent if and only if |xy|k. It is easy to see that the four regular circulant graph Cn(1,2)Cn2. Campos and de Mello [Citation3] proved that Cn2,n7, are Type I and C72 is Type II. We know that K4,4 is a four regular circulant graph and it is Type II [Citation11]. Geetha et al. [Citation5] have obtained the total chromatic number for some classes of circulant graphs. A Unitary Cayley graph is a circulant graph with vertex set V(G)={0,1,2,,n1} and two vertices x and y are adjacent if and only if gcd((xy),n)=1. Prajnanaswaroopa et al. [Citation8], proved that almost all Unitary Cayley graphs of even order are Type I and odd order satisfies TCC. In this paper, we considered some classes of four regular circulant graphs of the forpdelm Cn(a,b),1a<bn12.

Junior and Sasaki [Citation6] proved that the graphs Cn(2k,3) are Type I for n=(8μ+6λ)k, with k1 and non-negative integers μ and λ. Riadh Khennoufa and Olivier Togni [Citation7] studied total colorings of circulant graphs and proved that every 4-regular circulant graphs C6p(1,k), p3 and k<3p with k1mod3 or k2mod3, are Type I. Other cases are still open.

Also they proved that the total chromatic number of C5p(1,k), with k<5p2,k2mod5,k3mod5 is 5. In the following theorem, we prove that the graphs C5p(1,k) are Type I for the remaining cases k1mod5 and k4mod5.

Theorem 2.1.

The circulant graphs C5p(a,b), where p1,a,b0mod5, are Type I.


Let q1=gcd(5p,a) and q2=gcd(5p,b). The circulant graphs G=C5p(a,b) are four regular graphs with q1 cycles of order 5pq1 and q2 cycles of order 5pq2.

Let φ:V(G)E(G)C={0,1,2,3,4} be a mapping of G defined as follows.

The vertices vi of C5p(a,b) can be colored by φ(vi)=imod5,0i5p1.

Since, all the four regular graphs C5p(a,b),C5p(b,a),C5p(5pa,b) and C5p(a,5pb) are isomorphic to each other, for the edge colorings, we need to consider the three cases.

Case 1: a1mod5 and b1mod5.

The edges of cycles can be colored by setting φ(viv(i+a) mod5)=(i+2)mod5 and φ(viv(i+b) mod5)=(i+4)mod5. If φ(vi)=c where cC, then φ(viv(i+a) mod5)=(c+2) mod5,φ(v(ia)mod5vi)=(c+1)mod5,φ(viv(i+b)mod5)=(c+4)mod5 and φ(v(ib) mod5vi)=(c+3)mod5.

Case 2: a2mod5 and b2mod5.

The edges of cycles can be colored by setting φ(viv(i+a) mod5)=(i+3)mod5 and φ(viv(i+b) mod5)=(i+4)mod5. If φ(vi)=c where cC, then φ(viv(i+a) mod5)=(c+3)mod5,φ(v(ia) mod5vi)=(c+1)mod5,φ(viv(i+b) mod5)=(c+4)mod5 and φ(v(ib) mod5vi)=(c+2)mod5.

Case 3: a1mod5 and b2mod5.

The edges of cycles can be colored by setting φ(viv(i+a) mod5)=(i+3)mod5 and φ(viv(i+b) mod5)=(i+1)mod5. If φ(vi)=c where cC, then φ(viv(i+a) mod5)=(c+3)mod5,φ(v(ia) mod5vi)=(c+2)mod5,φ(viv(i+b) mod5)=(c+1)mod5 and φ(v(ib) mod5vi)=(c+4)mod5.

Therefore, five colors are used for totally color the graph. □

In the following theorem, we prove some classes of four regular circulant graphs Cn(a,b) of order 3p are Type I.

Theorem 2.2.

Let p be an odd integer. Then circulant graphs C3p(a,b) with gcd(a,b)=1 and 3pgcd(3p,b)=3s,sN are Type I.


Let q1=gcd(3p,a) and q2=gcd(3p,b). The circulant graphs G=C3p(a,b) are four regular graphs with q1 cycles of order 3pq1 and q2 cycles of order 3pq2. Let φ:V(G)E(G){0,1,2,3,4} be a mapping obtained by the following process.

Let Ci be the cycles of order 3pq2 with the vertices via, 0iq21. First, we consider the cycle C0. If q2=1, then the vertices and edges of C0 are colored with the colors 0, 3 and 1 cyclically, starting with v0 receiving the color 0. Otherwise the vertices and edges of C0 are colored with the colors 3, 1 and 0 cyclically, starting with v0 receiving the color 1. Now, consider the cycle C1. The vertices and edges of C1 are colored with the colors 1, 0 and 4 cyclically, starting with va receiving the color 1. For the cycles Ci, 2iq21, if i is even then the vertices and edges of Ci are colored with the colors 0, 2 and 1 cyclically, starting with via receiving the color 0 and i is odd they are colored with the colors 1, 0 and 2 cyclically, starting with via receiving the color.

The edges of cycles of order 3pq1 are colored in the following way: if vertex viC0 then φ(viv(i+a) mod3p)=2, if viCi where i is odd then φ(viv(i+a) mod3p)=3 and if viCi where i is even then φ(viv(i+a) mod3p)=4. Therefore, only five colors are used for totally coloring the graph. Hence, φ is a Type I coloring of G. □

For the circulant graphs Cn(a,b) where n=3p and p is odd, which we considered in the above theorem, the value of b is restricted to factors and multiple of p. In the following theorem, we show that few classes of circulant graphs Cn(1,k) where n=9p are Type I.

Theorem 2.3.

For each k{2,3,,9p12}, every circulant graph C9p(1,k) with 9pgcd(9p,k)=3s,sN is Type I.


Let q=gcd(9p,k). The circulant graphs G=C9p(1,k) are four regular graphs with q internal cycles of order 9pq, which are disjoint, and one outer cycle of order 9p. Let φ:V(G)E(G){0,1,2,3,4} be a mapping obtained by the following process.

Case 1: p is even.

When p is even, 9p will be a multiple of 6. Riadh Khennoufa and Olivier Togni [Citation7] proved that the total chromatic number of G=C6p(1,k), with k<5p2,k1mod3,k2mod3 is 5. From this, one can easily see that the circulant graph C9p(1,k), where p1 and k<9p2,k1mod3,k2mod3 are Type I.

Now, we consider the remaining case, k0mod3.

The vertices vi are colored by φ(vi)=(imod3+ikmod3)mod3 if q = k, else the vertices vi are colored by φ(vi)=(2imod3i3mod3)mod3. The edges of the internal cycles can be colored by setting φ(viv(i+k) mod9p)=(2φ(v(i+k) mod9p)φ(vi))mod3. In this coloring process, the vertices and the internal edges of G are colored using only three colors 0, 1 and 2. Now, the edges of the outer cycle can be colored by two colors 3 and 4 as it is of even order. Therefore, five colors are used for total coloring the graph, hence the graph C9p(1,k) is Type I.

Case 2: p is odd.

The case when q1, follows from Theorem 2.2. Now, we consider the case when q=1.

Sub case 2.1: k1mod9

The vertices vi where 0i9p1 of G can be colored by φ(vi)=imod3+(i3mod3)imod32. The edges of the internal cycles can be colored by setting if i1mod3 then φ(viv(i+k) mod9p)=φ(v(i+k) mod9p)+13φ(v(i+k) mod9pvi)mod55 else by φ(viv(i+k) mod9p)=φ(v(i+2k) mod9p). The colors used for vertex vi and edges incident to it is given in the table below as an ordered triplet (φ(vi),φ(v(ik) mod9pvi),φ(viv(i+k) mod9p)).

The common missing color for vertices vi and vi+1 can be used for coloring the edge vivi+1. Therefore, five colors are used for totally coloring the graph, hence G=C9p(1,k) is Type I.

Sub case 2.2: k4mod9.

The vertices vi where 0i9p1 of G can be colored by φ(vi)=imod3+(i3mod3)imod32. The edges of the internal cycles can be colored by setting if i1mod3 then φ(viv(i+k) mod9p)=φ(v(i+k) mod9p+1) else by φ(viv(i+k) mod9p)=φ(v(i+2k) mod9p). The colors used for vertex vi and edges incident to it is given in the table below as an ordered triplet (φ(vi),φ(v(ik) mod9pvi),φ(viv(i+k) mod9p))

The common missing color for vertices vi and vi+1 can be used for coloring the edge vivi+1. Therefore, five colors are used for totally coloring the graph, hence G=C9p(1,k) is Type I.

Sub case 2.3: k7mod9.

The vertices vi where 0i9p1 of G can be colored by φ(vi)=imod3+(i3mod3)imod32. The edges of the internal cycles can be colored by setting φ(viv(i+k) mod9p)=φ(v(i+k+1) mod9p). The colors used for vertex vi and edges incident to it is given in the table below as an ordered triplet (φ(vi),φ(v(ik) mod9pvi),φ(viv(i+k) mod9p)).

The common missing color for vertices vi and vi+1 can be used for coloring the edge vivi+1. Therefore, five colors are used for the total coloring the graph, hence G=C9p(1,k) is Type I.

In Theorem 2.2, we considered few classes of circulant graph Cn(a,b) of order n=3p, where p is an odd integer. Now, in the following theorem, we consider few classes of Cn(a,b) of order n=6p.

Theorem 2.4.

Every circulant graph C6p(a,b) where a,b0mod3 is Type I, if p is even. Also, C6p(a,b) where a,b0mod3 is Type I, if p is odd and gcd(a,b)=1.


Let q1=gcd(6p,a) and q2=gcd(6p,b). The circulant graphs G=C6p(a,b) are four regular graphs with q1 cycles of order 6pq1 and q2 cycles of order 6pq2. The circulant graphs considered in the hypothesis can be colored in a similar manner irrespective of p being odd or even, if 6pq1 is odd we swap the value of a and b, as graph Cn(a,b) is isomorphic to Cn(b,a). Let φ:V(G)E(G){0,1,2,3,4} be a mapping.

The vertices vi are colored by φ(vi)=imod3 and the edges of cycles of order 6pq2 be colored by setting φ(viv(i+a) mod6p)=(2φ(v(i+a) mod3p)φ(vi))mod3. Now, the edges of cycle 6pq1 with two colors 3 and 4 as it is a cycle with even order. Therefore, five colors are used for the total coloring φ of the graph, hence graph G is Type I. □


The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for their careful look and several valuable suggestions that helped us improve the presentation.

Additional information


This research work was supported by SERB, India (No. SERB: EMR/2017/001869).


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