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Generalized inverses in graph theory

, &
Pages 108-114 | Received 01 Jun 2023, Accepted 02 Jul 2023, Published online: 21 Jul 2023



In this article, some interesting applications of generalized inverses in the graph theory are revisited. Interesting properties of generalized inverses are employed to make the proof of several known results simpler, and several techniques such as bordering method and inverse complemented matrix methods are used to obtain simple expressions for the Moore-Penrose inverse of incidence matrix and Laplacian matrix. Some interesting and simpler expressions are obtained in some special cases such as tree graph, complete graph and complete bipartite graph.


1 Introduction

Due to wide applications in various fields of science, the subjects of generalized inverses and graph theory intersect and are extensively studied in the literature (see, [Citation3, Citation4, Citation6, Citation16]). The matrices such as incidence matrix, adjacency matrix and Laplacian matrix play prominent role in studying the network flow, electrical networks, defining new distances on graphs and studying Markov process. For example, if Q is the incidence matrix of given network (multi-digraph) then the system Qx = b represents net inflow at each of the vertices when the flows through the edges of network is given by x. As the matrix Q is not invertible and the solution for Qx = b need not be unique or consistent, it is of natural interest that to find minimum inflow through n arcs of the network to achieve net inflow at m vertices are as close as possible to the desired net inflow. It is also found in the literature that Lapacian matrix and its Moore-Penrose inverse have an interesting relation with distance matrix. The purpose of this article is to revisit the literature and employ several interesting properties and new methods of computing Moore-Penrose inverse to provide new proofs and new observations related to the existing results.

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we introduce the notations and basic definitions related to generalized inverses and graph theory.

Throughout this paper G refers to a multi-digraph, unless indicated otherwise. The notation Q(G) (or simply Q) refers to incidence matrix of G. The matrices B, A, and D refers to incidence matrix, adjacency matrix and the distance matrix in the case of G is a simple unweighted graph. The Laplacian matrix of the graph G is denoted by L(G) (or simply L). The notations 1 denote the column vector with entries 1, Jn and Jmn denote the matrices of size n×n and m × n, respectively, with all entries equal to 1. For all the standard terminologies and notations related to graphs, we refer the readers to [Citation8] and [Citation3].

The notation Rm×n is used to denote the class of all real m × n matrices. For ARm×n, we denote transpose of A, conjugate transpose of A, column space of A, row space of A, null space of A, trace of A and rank of A by AT, A*,C(A),R(A),N(A),Tr(A) and rank(A), respectively. For matrices X and Y, we write XSPY if C(X)=C(Y) and R(X)=R(Y). If S is a subspace of a vector space, then S denotes the orthogonal complement of S.

For ARm×n, consider the following matrix equations called Penrose conditions: (1)AXA=A(2)XAX=X(3)(AX)T=AX(4)(XA)T=XA.

The matrix G satisfying the condition (1) of the Penrose conditions is called the generalized inverse. Moore-Penrose inverse is the matrix G satisfying all the four equations of the Penrose conditions. An arbitrary generalized inverse of A is denoted by A and the Moore-Penrose inverse is denoted by A. Whenever A is a square matrix, the unique matrix G, whenever exists, satisfying (1) and (2) of Penrose conditions and AX = XA is called the group inverse of A and denoted by A#. For all the basics related to generalized inverses, we refer the readers to [Citation16] and [Citation3].

In the following lemmas, we list some interesting properties required for the further discussions.

Lemma 2.1.

For an m × n matrix A, we have the following:

  1. If B and C are any nonzero matrices of suitable size, then BAC is invariant under any choice of A if and only if C(C)C(A) and R(B)R(A). [Citation14, Theorem 2.7]

  2. A is the unique generalized inverse of A such that ASPAT.

  3. If m = n and A# exists, then A# is the unique generalized inverse such that A#SPA.

Lemma 2.2.

Given a graph G with n vertices and m edges, we have the following:

  1. The null space of Q is {1}, we have C(QQ)={1} and QQ=I1nJ

  2. The rank of Q is n – 1.

  3. The Laplacian matrix L ( =QQT) is of rank n – 1 and LSP(I1nJ).

Readers are referred to [Citation3] for the proof of above lemma.

3 Generalized inverses of incidence matrix

The graph representing a network flow is always a connected multi-digraph and it has been noted that the incidence matrix is a rectangular matrix with its rank is strictly lesser than its order. If the network has n nodes and m arcs, then the rank is always n – 1. So, finding the minimum inflow through each of arcs to achieve the net inflow closer to the desired inflow at each of the nodes. From the theory of generalized inverses it is known that Ab is the unique minimum norm least squares solution of the linear system Ax = b.

Y. Ijiri in his article [Citation9], investigated that the Moore-Penrose inverse of incidence matrix representing the given network flow has several interesting properties and it provides the optimal solution to the network flow problem mentioned above. In this section we review his work and provide several innovative methods of computing the Moore-Penrose inverse of the incidence matrix using its properties. The following theorem is due to Y. Ijiri, describing Moore-Penrose inverse of incidence matrix with reference to given network.

Theorem 3.1.

If Q is the n × m incidence matrix of a given network, then an m × n matrix X is the Moore-Penrose inverse of Q if and only if (X)i,j, the ith entry of jth row of X it satisfies the following conditions:

  1. (X)i,j is the quantity flowing through jth arc for one unit of inflow is made at ith node and 1/n outflows are made each of n nodes.

  2. For any sequence of arcs connecting a given pair of nodes the sign adjusted sum of the flow quantities are identical.

Now, we will have an independent discussion for the proof of the above Theorem 3.1 using the properties of Moore-Penrose inverse.

If X=Q satisfying the Penrose conditions (1)–(4) given in the definition. In fact, Q is the unique generalized inverse such that QSPQT. Referring Lemma 2.2 we have that QX=I1nJ and therefore X satisfies condition 1 given in the theorem. Since each column of Q could be written as a linear combinations of given basis columns (corresponding to a spanning tree) uniquely, QSPQT implies that X satisfies condition 2.

If X is any matrix satisfying the conditions given in the theorem, then we get that QX=I1nJ and therefore X satisfies conditions (1) and (3) of Penrose-conditions. From condition 2 of the theorem, we get that the nullspaces of Q and XT are same and therefore XQ is symmetric and rank(Q)=rank(X). So, X=Q.

Following the properties of Moore-Penrose inverse of an incidence matrix observed in the Theorem 3.1, Ijiri [Citation9] proposed a method of computing Moore-Penrose inverse of incidence matrix Q of a network G with n nodes and m arcs (see also [Citation3]). The steps involved in the computation are as given in the following:

  1. Identify a spanning tree of the given network.

  2. Write Q in the form of Q=[UV] (subject to permutation of columns), where columns of U correspond to arcs of the spanning tree.

  3. Solve for D, where V = UD (Uniquely exists, as U is a full column rank matrix).

  4. For suitable i, let U(i) be the submatrix of U obtained by deleting ith row (which is invertible) and for suitable j, M(i)(j) be the submatrix of M=I1nJ obtained by deleting ith row and jth column of M.

  5. Find Q=[XDTX], where

  6. the submatrix X(j) of X obtained by deleting jth column of X is given by X(j)=[U(i)(I+DDT)]1M(i)(j)

  7. jth column of X is Xj=X(j)1.

Note that this method involves several computations including finding the unknown matrix D. In the following, we provide a relatively simple and convenient computational method to find the Moore-Penrose inverse of Q, using the properties of incidence matrix and the recent results available on Moore-Penrose inverses.

3.1 By using projector

It may be noted from the literature (for example see, [Citation16]) that a least-square generalized inverse of A satisfying the conditions (1) and (3) of Penrose conditions is given by AT(AAT) for any arbitrary generalized inverse of A. Also, for any oblique projectors P1 and P2 onto C(A) and C(AT), respectively, the matrix G=P2TAP1 is uniquely determined and G is the generalized inverse inverse of A whose column space is R(P2) and the row space is R(P1). Therefore, the Moore-Penrose inverse of Q is given by (1) Q=QT(QQT)(I1nJ), for any (QQT),(1)

which is space equivalent with QT. One may even verify EquationEq. (1) by direct substitution.

3.2 By partioning Q

Now from the properties of incidence matrix of a network, we can partition the n × m incidence matrix Q as (2) Q=[Q1Q2],(2) where Q1 is the submatrix of Q taking first n – 1 rows of Q and Q2=1n1TQ1. Note that by using the properties of incidence matrix, Q1 is full row rank matrix. Now using EquationEqs. 1 and Equation2, an expression for the Moore-Penrose inverse is given by (3) Q=[Q1T(Q1Q1T)10](I1nJ).(3)

In case of G is a tree, the expression for the Moore-Penrose inverse of Q given in EquationEq. (3) reduces to the following, as the matrix with first n – 1 rows of Q is invertible. (4) Q=[Q110](I1nJ)(4)

Now we will consider some examples to demonstrate the above expressions.

Example 3.2.

Consider the network G given below and the corresponding incidence matrix given by

Network G Q(G)=[10000001100110011000100110100001101].

Now, partition the matrix Q as [Q1Q2], where Q1=[1000000110011001100010011010] and Q2=[0001101]. By substitution, we get Q1T(Q1Q1T)1=14[4000111000111112221111011121] and using EquationEq. (3), we get the Moore-Penrose inverse of Q as (5) Q=[Q1T(Q1Q1T)10](I15J5)=15[41111113/21/41/4005/45/400005/45/4111/41/43/2111/43/21/4005/405/4].(5)

3.3 Interpretation of Moore-Penrose inverse

The jth column of Q represents the minimum flow through each of the edges required to achieve the net inflow of 45 at jth vertex and 15 at remaining vertices. The flow quantities represented by first column is shown in the network. The minus sign indicates that the flow is in the direction opposite to the direction of the edge. In the following, we interpret the first column of Moore-Penrose inverse given in EquationEq. (5).

The first column of Q represents the minimum flow required through each arc of G to achieve the net inflow of 45 at node 1 and 15 at remaining nodes, which is nearest to the desired net inflow of 1 at node 1 and 0 elsewhere.

Example 3.3.

Consider the tree T given below.

The incidence matrix of T is Q=[10001101011000100001]

On partitioning Q as in (2), we get Q1=[1000110101100010], which is invertible. Now, using (4), the Moore-Penrose inverse of Q is given by (6) Q=[Q110](I15J5)=15[41111223321114111114].(6)

3.4 By bordering Q

Given any m × n matrix A of rank r, one may obtain a bordered matrix of size (m+nr)×(m+nr) in the form T=[APQ0], where columns of P are the basis for N(AT) and the rows of Q are the basis for N(A), to obtain the Moore-Penrose inverse in the block of T1 corresponding to A in T. Readers are referred to [Citation13] and [Citation7] for more details.

In the context of G being a tree, the corresponding incidence matrix is full column rank matrix with N(QT) is {1}. Therefore, T=[Q1] is invertible and Moore-Penrose inverse of Q is given by T1[In10].

Example 3.4.

For the tree T given in Example 3.3, we have T=[Q|1]=[1000111011011010010100011].and T1=15[4111122332111411111411111].

Thus, the Moore-Penrose inverse of Q is given by Q=T1[I40]=15[41111223321114111114].

4 Generalized inverses of weighted graphs

The Laplacian matrix and its generalized inverse have a greater significance in the study of networks. Klein and Randić in [Citation12] introduced a new notion called the resistance distance in a graph, which is different from the conventional distance(called graphical distance) in a graph. The graphical distance between the vertices a and b in the graphs G1,G2 and G3 given below are all equal to 2. However, in the graph G2 or G3, the number of paths between a and b is more than one. In other words, a and b have better communication in these graphs. One might think of a real life example of traveling between the cities a and b. Fewer the number of routes connecting a and b, the more is the traffic, making it more difficult to travel from one city to another.

The ease of communication between a and b increases as we go from graph G1 to G2 to G3. However, the usual distance between a and b is the same for all the three graphs.

The resistance distance introduced in [Citation12] is based on the electric network theory and it has the characteristic property of multiple-route distance diminishment. They considered each edge of a graph as a fixed resistor and defined the resistance distance between two vertices as the effective resistance between those two vertices.

Throughout this section, the graph G is simple, connected and edges (i, j) are associated with a strictly positive number (say wij). Adjacency matrix A(G) (or simply A) is with entries equal to the reciprocal of the weight if the corresponding vertices are adjacent and equal to zero, otherwise. The degree of each vertex is the sum of reciprocal of the weights of the edges incident with it. The degree matrix Δ is a diagonal matrix in which the (i, i)th entry is the degree of ith vertex. The distance matrix D is defined such that the (i, j)th entry is the minimum of length of paths between vi and vj, where the length of path is the sum of weights of edges. The Laplacian matrix of the graph G is ΔA. It may be noted easily that C(L)={1} and is of rank n – 1.

Using Kirchhoff’s law and Ohm’s law, it is proved in [Citation12] that the resistance distance (effective resistance) between the ith vertex and jth vertex is given by (7) rij=(fij)TLfij=lii++ljj+2lij+,(7) where fij=eiej and lij+ is the (i, j)th entry of L. In fact, with being the diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries are the diagonal entries of L, the matrix (8) R=J+J2L(8) is called the resistance matrix.

Since it has been noted that L is a positive semidefinite matrix (see, [Citation11]), the above “resistance distance” is a distance function on {1}.

We list some interesting properties of generalized inverses of Laplacian matrix of a weighted graph G.

Theorem 4.1.

Given a graph G, the following hold.

  • (ii)If G is a tree, for a column matrix τ whose ith entry is 2-deg(vi) (here deg refers to the degree of vertex in the unweighted graph G) and the distance matrix D, we have (9) LD+2I=τ1T.(9)

This in turn gives that 12D is a generalized inverse of L and D = R.

  • (ii) If G is any connected graph, then 12R is generalized inverse of L.


The EquationEq. (9) of part 1 of the above theorem could be verified easily by substitution, noting that distance between the adjacent vertices in a tree is same as the weight of edge incident with them. 12D is a generalized inverse of L could be proved using EquationEq. (9) and the fact that 1TL=0.

Since fij1 and C(L)={1}, we get fijTLfij is invariant under the choice of L and therefore dij=fijT(12D)fij=fijTLfij=rij, proving that R = D.

For the proof of part (ii), we refer to Lemma 1 of [Citation2]. □

Now, we will discuss different methods of constructing Moore-Penrose inverse of L.

4.1 Inverse complemented matrix method

In [Citation10], in the more general context of ring elements, it has been proved that every reflexive generalized inverse of a square matrix could be obtained by using suitable inverse complement. The matrix version of the same result in the case of Moore-Penrose inverse is given below.

Theorem 4.2.

For any square matrix A of size n × n and any matrix C such that A + C is invertible and A*C=AC*=0, the Moore-Penrose inverse of A is given by (10) A=(A+C)1A(A+C)1.(10)

Further, for any orthogonal projection P onto C(AT) and orthogonal projection Q onto C(A), we get A=P(A+C)1=(A+C)1Q.

Since 1C(L) and L is symmetric, the following theorem follows as corollary to the Theorem 4.2.

Theorem 4.3.

If L is the Laplacian matrix of a weighted graph G, we have (11) L=(L+λJ)1(I1nJ)=(I1nJ)(L+λJ)1=(L+λJ)11λn2J,(11) for any nonzero λ.

By taking λ=1n in the expression EquationEq. (11), we get L=(L+1nJ)11nJ.

In the following example, we find the Moore-Penrose inverse of Laplacian matrix of a network using Theorem 4.3 and so obtained Moore-Penrose inverse is used to find the resistance matrix of the network.

Example 4.4.

Consider the electrical network G given below, for which the Laplacian matrix is given by L=[7/21/2121/25/61/3011/317/63/2203/27/2].

Network G

Now, (L+J4)1=1144[3719513191092331523431113311143] and hence by taking λ = 1 in EquationEq. (11), the Moore-Penrose inverse of L is given by L=(L+J4)1(I14J4)=172[14142214501620216171220117].

Therefore, the resistance matrix is R=J+J2L=[023/1835/723/823/18011/8107/7235/7211/804/93/8107/724/90].

The (i, j)th entry of R represents the resistance distance between the vertices vi and vj. That is, the resistance distance between the vertices v1 and v2 is r12=2318 and the resistance distance between the vertices v2 and v4 is r24=10772 and so on.

4.2 Bordering method

For any m × n matrix of rank r, it has been proved in [Citation13] that the bordered matrix T=[APQ0], where P is m×(mr) matrix with C(A)C(P) and Q is n×(nr) matrix with R(A)R(Q), is invertible and the inverse is useful in obtaining the Moore-Penrose inverse of A. In fact, he showed that the block G11 in the matrix T1=[G11G12G21G22], correspond to A in T, is the Moore-Penrose inverse of A, G12 is a least squares g-inverse (moreover, a right inverse) of Q, and G21 is a minimum norm g-inverse (moreover, a left inverse) of P.

Since C(L)={1} and R(L)={1}, it follows that the matrix T=[L11T0] is invertible and the Moore-Penrose inverse is given by (12) L=[In0]T1[In0].(12)

Example 4.5.

Consider the Laplacian matrix L of the network given in Example 4.4, for which T=[L11T0]=[7/21/21211/25/61/30111/317/63/21203/27/2111110]and T1=172[1414221814501620182161711822011718181818180].

Thus, the Moore-Penrose inverse of L is given by [I40]T1[I40]=172[14142214501620216171220117].

4.3 Partition method

Let the Laplacian matrix of a graph be partitioned as (13) L=[L11L12L21L22],(13) where L11 is the n1×n1 principal submatrix of L. Since rank(L)=n1 and L1=1TL=0, the submatrix L11 is a full rank matrix. Noting that I1nJ is a projection onto C(L)=R(L) and that [L111000] is a generalized inverse of L, and therefore the Moore-Penrose inverse of L is given by (14) L=(I1nJ)[L111000](I1nJ).(14)

Example 4.6.

Partitioning the Laplacian matrix L of network considered in Example 4.4 as in EquationEq. (13), we get L11=[7/21/211/25/61/311/317/6],L12=[203/2],L21=L12T and L22=72. Now, using EquationEq. (14), the Moore-Penrose inverse of L is given by L=(I14J4)[L111000](I14J4)=172[14142214501620216171220117].

As a consequence of EquationEq. (14), the resistance distance between a fixed vertex (say vn) and the rest are given as in the following theorem.

Theorem 4.7.

If we partition the Laplacian matrix L in the following form L=[L11L12L21L22],where L11 is the first principal submatrix of order n – 1 of L. Then the resistance distance between the vertices v1,,vn1 and vn is given by the corresponding diagonal entries of L111. In other words, rin=(L111)ii=λ(adj(L11))ii, where λ is the reciprocal of number of spanning trees in the graph.


Since fij is in C(L)=R(L),fijTLfij is invariant under the choices of L . Now the theorem follows immediately from the definition of resistance distance and the fact [L111000] is a generalized inverse of L. □

4.4 Moore-Penrose inverse of some special graphs

Given a complete graph Kp and a complete bipartite graph Kp,q (both are unweighted), the corresponding Laplacian matrices are of the form pIJp and [pIqJpqJqpqIp], respectively. Further, it may be noted by direct verification that (15) (pIq+Jq)1=1p(Iq1p+qJq).(15)

Above information is useful in proving the following theorem.

Theorem 4.8.

For complete graph Kp and complete bipartite graph Kp,q, both are unweighted, we have

  1. (L(Kp))=1p(Ip1pJp)=1p2L (16)

  2. (L(Kp,q))=1pq[pIp00qIq]1(p+q)2[λJpJpqJqpμJq], (17)

where λ=1q(p+2q) and μ=1p(q+2p).


(i) The Laplacian matrix of Kp has all of its diagonal entries equal to p – 1 and off diagonal entries equal to –1 i.e., L=pIpJp and hence L+Jp=pIp. Now, by taking λ = 1 in EquationEq 11, we get (L(Kp))=1pIp1p2Jp=1p2(pIpJp)=1p2L.

(ii) Note that the Laplacian of Kp,q is L(Kp,q)=[qIpJpqJqppIq],and hence, (18) L+J=[qIp+Jp00pIq+Jq].(18)

Now, by taking λ = 1 in EquationEq. (11) and using EquationEq. (15), we obtain the Moore-Penrose inverse as in Eq. (17). □

Theorem 4.9.

Let Kp and Kp,q denote the complete graph and complete bipartite graphs, both are unweighted, respectively.

(i) The resistance distance between any two distinct vertices of Kp is 2p and the resistance matrix is R(Kp)=2p(JpIp).

(ii) Suppose vi and vj are two distinct vertices of Kp,q with bipartition (V 1, V 2). Then the resistance distance between vi and vj is given by rij={2q if vi and vj are in the same partition V12pif vi and vj are in the same partition V2p+q1pq if vi and vj are in the different partitionsand resistance matrix is given by R(Kp,q)=[2qJpp+q1pqJpqp+q1pqJqp2pJq].


The proof is immediate from the Eqs. (16), (17) and the definition of resistance distance. □

5 Conclusion

In this article, we have reviewed interesting applications of generalized inverses in the area of graph theory. Some of the existing results are rewritten focusing on the role of generalized inverses. Significance of Moore-Penrose inverse of incidence matrix of a directed graph in network flow analysis is studied. New methods of computing the Moore-Penrose inverse of incidence matrix and that of Laplacian matrix are provided.


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