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Even order uniform hypergraph via the Einstein product

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Pages 159-167 | Received 30 May 2023, Accepted 08 Jul 2023, Published online: 25 Jul 2023


We propose the algebraic connectivity of an undirected 2m-uniform hypergraph under the Einstein product. We generalize the algebraic connectivity to a directed 2m-uniform hypergraph and reveal the relationship between the vertex connectivity and the algebraic connectivity. We present some results on the eigenvalue multiplicity of the M-splitting of tensors by the hypergraph method under the Einstein product.


1 Introduction

Hypergraph is widely used in many applications [Citation7, Citation8, Citation27, Citation35, Citation36]. Hypergraph generalizes the concept of edges, and a hyperedge can contain more than two vertices. As a result, the hypergraph model has more flexibility than that of the traditional graph model. The property of the hypergraph is much more complicated than the graph theory, which has attracted attention from both computer scientists [Citation2, Citation23, Citation41] and mathematicians [Citation21, Citation24, Citation30, Citation34]. The intention of the hypergraph varies a lot, resulting in various representations and the diverse studies of the hypergraph [Citation14, Citation40].

The connectivity of the hypergraph is a major concern in the theoretical analysis of the hypergraph. In the graph theory [Citation3], the connectivity of a connected graph can be measured by the edge connectivity and the vertex connectivity. However, computing the edge connectivity and the vertex connectivity are quite difficult. Fiedler [Citation22] proposed the algebraic connectivity and proved the relationship between the algebraic connectivity and the vertex connectivity, made it possible to bound the vertex connectivity on a relatively lower cost. Fiedler’s notion of algebraic connectivity has been generalized to directed graphs [Citation49]. Their idea is also widely discussed for the hypergraph. There are some matrix based approaches [Citation1, Citation4]. Hu and Qi [Citation24] represented a 2m-uniform hypergraph as a tensor and utilized H-eigenvalues and Z-eigenvalues [Citation33, Citation42, Citation50] to define the algebraic connectivity. Cooper and Dutle [Citation15] investigated spectral hypergraph theory via adjacency tensors.

There is a relationship between a graph and its corresponding adjacency matrix, and an m-uniform hypergraph is naturally corresponding to an m-th order n-dimensional tensor. Conversely, for a tensor-based analysis of the hypergraph, the uniform condition is necessary to construct the adjacency tensor. However, as the structures of tensor differ, the definitions of adjacency tensors may also differ. Besides H-eigenvalues and Z-eigenvalues, Chen et al. [Citation11, Citation12] used tensor decomposition to analyze the entropy and the controllability of an m-uniform hypergraph. In this paper, the Einstein product is applied to analyze the adjacency tensor and Laplacian tensor.

The Einstein product is firstly proposed by Nobel laureate Einstein in 1916 [Citation20]. This structure has been widely used in the tensor analysis [Citation6]. The Einstein product has similar properties as the matrix product and is easy to compute. In the structure of the Einstein product, the idea of eigenvalues and quadratic forms can be naturally generalized to the tensor form. Using the Einstein product, we propose the algebraic connectivity of a 2m-uniform hypergraph and reveal the relationship between the algebraic connectivity and the vertex connectivity. Starting from a tensor with the Einstein product, a hypergraph can help us to present results of the M-splitting of a tensor. Schneider [Citation38] constructed a graph from a matrix and proved some results about the index and the algebraic multiplicity of eigenvalues of a matrix relevant to an M-splitting. Such techniques can be applied to tensors and hypergraphs. We then consider the multiplicity of eigenvalues related to an M-splitting of a tensor using the hypergraph method under the Einstein product.

The main contributions of this paper are listed as follows.

  1. We propose the algebraic connectivity of an undirected 2m-uniform hypergraph under the Einstein product. We reveal the relationship between the vertex connectivity and the algebraic connectivity, and we enable the algebraic connectivity to serve as a bound of the vertex connectivity.

  2. We generalize the algebraic connectivity to a directed 2m-uniform hypergraph. We prove the relationship between the vertex connectivity and the algebraic connectivity.

  3. We present some results on the eigenvalue multiplicity of M-splitting of tensor using the hypergraph method under the Einstein product.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Tensor and the Einstein Product

Tensor is a high order generalization of a matrix, and a matrix is called a second order tensor. A tensor is a multidimensional array [Citation13, Citation33, Citation48]. The order is the number of its indices. A tensor is denoted by calligraphic letters A,B and so on. Specially, we use O to represent a zero tensor. An m-th order tensor has the form ARn1×n2××nm. A square tensor has the same size in all its dimensions: ARn××n=Rnm and is also called an m-th order n-dimensional tensor. An element in the tensor A is located by an ordered set of indices î=(i1,i2,,im) by means of aî=ai1,i2,,im=(A)î. In this paper, î is an abbreviation for (i1,i2,,im) if the order is clear.

In 1916 [Citation20], Albert Einstein firstly proposed a product “*m” between two tensors, named the Einstein product.

Definition 2.1.

The Einstein product of tensors ARn1××nk×p1××pm and BRp1××pm×q1××ql is a tensor in Rn1××nk×q1××ql such that (A*mB)i1,,ik,j1,,jl=t1,t2,,tmai1,,ik,t1,,tmbt1,,tm,j1,,jl.

For a 2m-th order tensor A, its transpose under the structure of the Einstein product “*m” is defined as (A)i1,,im,j1,,jm=(A)j1,,jm,i1,,im.

The square tensors possess some interesting properties [Citation6]. For 2m-th order n-dimensional tensors, a symmetric tensor is defined as A=A and the identity I can be defined as Iî,ĵ=k=1mδikjk,where δikjk is the Kronecker delta. The inverse [Citation6] can be defined as A*mA1=A1*mA=I.

All the 2m-th order n-dimensional tensors form a ring that is isomorphic to the ring of all the nm×nm matrices; there exists an one to one correspondence between a 2m-th order n-dimensional tensor and an nm×nm matrix and many properties, such as the product, the eigenvalue and the eigenvector, inverse and the Moore-Penrose inverse, the Drazin inverse and the Riccati equation can be generalized [Citation6, Citation9, Citation10, Citation25, Citation30, Citation39, Citation47]. Many concepts can be borrowed from matrices, such as the triangular matrix, invertibility, the linear equation and so on. In this paper, we discuss the 2m-th order n-dimensional tensor and its m-th order eigen-tensors or the solutions for multilinear systems [Citation6, Citation19, Citation43–46], “*m” can be abbreviated as “*”.

For a 2m-th order n-dimensional tensor A, its eigenvalue λ and corresponding eigen-tensor XRnm is defined as A*mX=λX,XO.

The eigenvalue under the Einstein product is easier to compute than that of the H-eigenvalue and the Z-eigenvalue [Citation17, Citation31, Citation33]. Borrowing the concept from matrices, the algebraic multiplicity of an eigenvalue λ of a tensor A is denoted as multλ(A). The index of eigenvalue λ is defined as [Citation3, Citation28, Citation29] indλ(A)=argmink{ker((λIA)k)=ker((λIA)k+1)}.

A quadratic form of a tensor A is defined as X*mA*mX for XRnm. A tensor is called diagonally dominant, if |aî,î|ĵî|aî,ĵ|holds for all its diagonal elements. In the Einstein product, a symmetric diagonally dominant tensor with nonnegative diagonal elements is positive semidefinite because this property is invariant under the transformation from matrices to tensors. The Courant–Fischer theorem [3] also holds for the quadratic form of 2m-th order n-dimensional tensors, as there exists an isomorphism from nm×nm matrices to 2m-th order n-dimensional tensors and if two elements have the same indices î (or ĵ), then it will be in the same row (or column) after the isomorphism.

2.2 Hypergraph

A hypergraph G=(V,E) consists of two parts: G=(V,E), where V={v1,v2,,vn} is the set of vertices and E={E1,E2,,Et} is the set of hyperedges. A hyperedge EiV consists of several vertices. A hypergraph is m-uniform if all its hyperedges contain the same number of vertices, i.e., |Ei|=m, for EiE. Specially, a graph can be regarded as a 2nd uniform hypergraph.

For an undirected hypergraph, the hyperedge is a set without the order. For a directed hypergraph, its hyperedge Ei=(Ti,Hi) is further divided into two parts: the head and the tail [Citation2, Citation23, Citation41]. In this paper, we only discuss the 2m-uniform hypergraph. For a directed 2m-uniform hypergraph, we always assume that |Hi|=|Ti|=m, for EiE.

The idea of a path can be generalized to a hypergraph form. In [Citation34], let V={1,,s+t(ks)}, if (E1,E2,,Et) satisfies Ei={1+(i1)(ks),,s+i(ks)},then (E1,E2,,Et) is an s-path. This definition leads to |EiEi+1|=s,i=1,2,,t1, and when sm, EiEi+1Ei+2=,i=1,2,,t2.

Our definition is based on this. An s-path satisfies |EiEi+1|=s,i=1,2,,t1,and EiEi+1Ei+2=,i=1,2,,t2, as we only consider .

Specially, a path in graph theory is a 1-path. We can further define the s-th path connectivity between two sets of vertices. Two sets V1,V2V are s-th path connected if there is an s-path (E1,E2,,Et) such that V1 is the subset of the first hyperedge E1 and V2 is the subset of the last hyperedge Et.

The vertex connectivity v(G) is the minimum size of a vertex cut. v(G)=minV̂V{|V̂|:G(V\V̂) is nots-connected},where G(V\V̂) is the sub-hypergraph generated by V\V̂, or saying, removing all the vertices in V̂ and their incident hyperedges from G.

2.3 Adjacency tensor, Laplacian tensor and algebraic connectivity of hypergraph

For an undirected graph G=(V,E) with |V|=n, its adjacency matrix [Citation3] is an n × n matrix A=(aij)i,j=1n such that aij = 1 if and only if (i,j)E and 0 otherwise; its degree matrix is an n × n diagonal matrix D=(dij)i,j=1n such that dii=j=1naij.

Furthermore, the Laplacian matrix of a graph is defined as L=DA.

There are some basic properties of the Laplacian matrix. As the Laplacian matrix is diagonally dominant and all its diagonal elements are non-negative, it is symmetric positive semi-definite. The smallest eigenvalue is 0, as the sum of its row is 0. The second smallest eigenvalue of a Laplacian matrix is called the algebraic connectivity [Citation3] of the associated graph. This definition is firstly proposed by [Citation22], who displayed some important properties of the algebraic connectivity, especially the relations among the algebraic connectivity, the vertex connectivity and the edge connectivity.

The algebraic connectivity can also be expressed by the Courant–Fischer theorem [3, 22]. Let e=[1,1,,1]Rn and E=span{e}. As the sum of the row of the Laplacian matrix is 0, the eigenvector corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue 0 is e, i.e., Le=0. According to the Courant–Fischer theorem, for a graph G with the Laplacian matrix L, the algebraic connectivity can be expressed by Gallo et al. [Citation23] and Wu [Citation49] (1) a(G)=min||x||2=1,xExLx.(1)

For undirected graphs with nonnegative weights, a(G)0 with the inequality being strict if and only if G is connected. However, for a directed graph, a(G) can be negative as illustrated by the dis-connected graph in Wu [Citation49]. For a real symmetric matrix A of order n, let the eigenvalues of A be arranged as: λ1(A)λ2(A)λn(A). It is well known that [Citation49, Lemma 3] λ1(12(L+L))a(G)λ2(12(L+L)).

The adjacency matrix, the Laplacian matrix and the algebraic connectivity can be generalized to the hypergraph. The study of the Laplacian tensor for a uniform hypergraph was explored by Hu and Qi [Citation24]. Li, Qi and Yu [Citation26] proposed another definition of the Laplacian tensor. Later, [Citation51] introduced the signless Laplacian tensor for a uniform hypergraph. In 2014 [Citation32], Qi proposed the simple definitions L=DAfor the Laplacian tensor and L=D+A for the signless Laplacian tensor, all for a uniform hypergraph. The normalized abstract Laplacian tensor of a weighted hypergraph is investigated by Liu and Wei [Citation27].

For an undirected 2m-uniform hypergraph G=(V,E) with n vertices, we define the adjacency tensor ARn2m as follows, ai1,,im,im+1,,i2m={1nm1{i1,i2,,i2m}E,0otherwise.

Some properties hold naturally. For a permutation σ:{1,2,,2m}{1,2,,2m} we have ai1,,im,im+1,,i2m=aiσ(1),,iσ(m),iσ(m+1),,iσ(2m),as they correspond to the same hyperedge in E. Therefore the adjacency tensor is permutation-invariant. If there exist unequal t1 and t2 such that it1=it2, then ai1,,im,im+1,,i2m=0 because hyperedges forbid duplicate vertices. However, in Section 5 on the M-splitting, we start from the tensor rather than the hypergraph, therefore allowing such duplication and distinguishing the order. This also indicates that in adjacency tensor defined above, there are many redundant slices with all zero elements. The degree tensor DRn2m is defined as di1,,im,i1,,im=j1,,jm=1nai1,,im,j1,,jm and the Laplacian tensor is L=DA.

For a directed 2m-uniform hypergraph, the definition of adjacency tensor is quite similar, ai1,,im,im+1,,i2m=1nm1({i1,,im},{im+1,,i2m})E.

The following definition of the Laplacian tensor is the same.

For a 2m-uniform hypergraph and the corresponding 2m-th order n-dimensional adjacency tensor, the definition of the m-path is compatible with the adjacency tensor under the Einstein product. Suppose that A and B are two adjacency tensors and C=A*B,then cî,ĵ0 if and only if there is an m-path of length 2 from î to ĵ, and the first hyperedge belongs to GA and the second hyperedge belongs to GB.

The definition of the adjacency tensor carries much more redundancy than the adjacency matrix and these redundancy remains in the Laplacian tensor. In the definition of the hypergraph, a hyperedge has no duplicate vertices. In the adjacency tensor, the duplication of the indices leads to a zero slice in A. Let E denote the subspace of Rnm spanned by eigen-tensors corresponding to these two situations of 0 eigenvalues:

  1. All-one tensor, the same as the all-one eigenvector e of the eigenvalue 0 in the graph situation.

  2. The slice that is all zero due to the duplication in vertex indices.

Then the algebraic connectivity can be defined as follows, (2) a(G)=min||X||F=1XEX*L*X,(2) where ||X||F is the Frobenius norm [Citation33] of the tensor X.

For an undirected hypergraph, a(G)0 as L is weakly diagonally dominant and symmetric and all the diagonal elements are non-negative. For a directed hypergraph, the definition of algebraic connectivity is the same as (2).

3 Undirected 2m-uniform Graph

Lemma 3.1.

The algebraic connectivity is the (nmn!(nm)!+2)- th smallest eigenvalue of L.

Proof. The algebraic connectivity is an eigenvalue of L by the Courant–Fischer theorem. We simply count the number of indices î with duplicate indices ij = ik (jk). In total there are nm indices, and there are n!(nm)! indices with no duplication.

Therefore there are nmn!(nm)! eigen-tensors in E corresponding to eigenvalue 0 due to the duplicated vertex indices. Furthermore, the all-one tensor is in E as the sum of all the elements of L is 0. Thus there are nmn!(nm)!+1 eigen-tensors in E corresponding to the eigenvalue 0. Therefore the algebraic connectivity is the (nmn!(nm)!+2)-th smallest eigenvalue of L. □

Theorem 3.2.

If G is m-connected, i.e., for any {i1,i2,,im},{j1,j2,,jm}V, there exists an m-path from {i1,i2,,im} to {j1,j2,,jm}, then a(G)>0.


Consider the quadratic form X*A*X=12i^,j^ai^,j^(xi^xj^)2.

An m-path (E1,E2,,Et) indicates that each Ei can be split into two parts: Ei1Ei and EiEi+1; each parts have m vertices and (Ei1Ei)(EiEi+1)=.

If X*A*X=0, then xi1,,im0 and {i1,,im,j1,,jm}E, xi1,,im=xj1,,jm holds. As G is m-connected, i.e., {i1,i2,,im},{j1,j2,,jm}V, there exists an m-path from {i1,i2,,im} to {j1,j2,,jm}, all the values in the path equal to xi1,,im. Therefore X=k*ones(size(X)) where ones(size(X)) is all-one tensor with the same order and dimension as X. It means all the elements in X are a constant k. □

Theorem 3.2 shows that algebraic connectivity can distinguish the m-connected hypergraph from dis-connected one. Further, we move on to the order property of the algebraic connectivity.

Lemma 3.3.

Let G1=(V,E1), G2=(V,E2) and G=(V,E1E2). If E1E2=, then a(G)a(G1)+a(G2).


Let L,L1,L2 be the Laplacian tensors corresponding to hypergraphs G,G1,G2, then a(G)=minXEX*L*X=minXEX*(L1+L2)*XminXEX*L1*X+minXEX*L2*X=a(G1)+a(G2).

Using the non-negative property of the algebraic connectivity for the undirected hypergraph and Lemma 3.3, Corollary 3.4 holds.

Corollary 3.4.

Let G1=(V,E1) and G2=(V,E2), if E1E2, then a(G1)a(G2).

Now we move to the relationship between the algebraic connectivity and the vertex connectivity.

Lemma 3.5.

Let G be a 2m-uniform hypergraph, let G1 arise from removing r vertices and all their incident hyperedges. Then a(G1)a(G)r.


Let G1=(V,E1) arise from removing one vertex from G=(V,E). Without loss of generality, we assume that the vertex deleted is vn.

Let L and L1 be corresponding Laplacian tensors for hypergraphs G and G1. Suppose that the eigen-tensor of a(G1) is X. Let YRnm be such that yi1,,im=xi1,,imit<n,t{1,2,,m}and yi1,,im=0 if n{i1,i2,,im}.

Meanwhile, let L1={li1,i2,,im,j1,,jm} and construct an auxiliary tensor L0={l̂i1,i2,,im,j1,,jm}. l̂i1,i2,,im,j1,j2,,jm has such form, (3) l̂i1,i2,,im,j1,j2,,jm={lî,ĵ    ifit<n and jt<n,t{1,2,,n} and îĵlî,ĵ+1ifit<n and jt<n,t{1,2,,n} and î=ĵ1nm1ifn{i1,i2,,im,j1,j2,,jm} and îĵnifn{i1,i2,,im,j1,j2,,jm} and î=ĵ.(3)

We can identify that L0 is symmetric and diagonally dominant and all the diagonal elements are non-negative. The same as Laplacian tensor, L0 satisfies L0*ones(size(X))=O.

Then for i1,i2,,im with it<n,t{1,2,,m}, we have (L0*Y)î=j1,,jm=1nl̂î,ĵyĵ=j1,,jm=1n1l̂î,ĵyĵ+n{j1,,jm}l̂î,ĵyĵ=j1,,jm=1n1(lî,ĵ+δî,ĵ)xĵ=(L1*X)î+xî=(a(G1)+1)xî=(a(G1)+1)yî.

Otherwise, if n{i1,i2,,im}, then (L0*Y)î=j1,,jm=1nl̂î,ĵyĵ=j1,,jm=1n1l̂î,ĵyĵ+n{j1,,jm}l̂î,ĵyĵ=j1,,jm=1n11nm1xĵ=1nm1j1,,jm=1n1xĵ=0.

The last equality is due to the orthogonality between eigen-tensors corresponding to different eigenvalues 0 and a(G1). Therefore Y*L0*Y=a(G1)+1 and YE.

From the construction of L0, we can conclude Y*L0*Y=îĵl̂i1,,im,j1,,im(yi1,,imyj1,,jm)2îĵli1,,im,j1,,im(yi1,,imyj1,,jm)2=Y*L*Y.

As a result, we have a(G)=min||X||F=1XEX*L*XY*L*YY*L0*Y=a(G1)+1.

The remaining part of the proof follows by mathematical induction on r. As the loss of algebraic connectivity is at most 1 on the removal of 1 vertex, the lemma is easy to prove. □

In the definition of the adjacency tensor and Laplacian tensor, the coefficient of a hyperedge is 1nm1. This can be improved by a constant. In (3), this leads to the addition l̂î,î=lî,î+1 in the diagonal elements whose indices î does not contain n because l̂î,î=ĵîlî,ĵ=lî,î+nĵ1nm1=lî,ĵ+1.

There are exactly nm1 1nm1 terms in the last summation.

To improve it, we firstly substitute 1nm1 with 1(nm1m1)m!=(n2m)!(nm1)! in the definition of adjacency tensor and Laplacian tensor. Furthermore, when constructing L0, let l̂î,ĵ={(n2m)!(nm1)!ifnîĵ and îĵ and no duplicatevertices in îĵ0    ifnîĵ and îĵ and existingduplicate vertices inîĵĵîlî,ĵifnîĵ and î=ĵ,and the other cases are the same as (3). This also leads to a symmetric diagonally dominant L0 and l̂î,î=lî,î+1 as there are exactly (nm1)!(n2m)! (n2m)!(nm1)! terms this time. The other cases follow similarly. In this way, we can also prove Lemma 3.5 and the relationship between the algebraic connectivity and the vertex connectivity. The algebraic connectivity is nm1(nm1)(nm2)(n2m+1) times larger and therefore serves as a better lower bound. However, when m is much smaller than n, the ratio is nearly 1, then we may retain the former definition for succinctness.Corollary 3.6 follows immediately from Lemma 3.5.

Corollary 3.6.

Suppose that G=(V,E) has a splitting V=V1V2 and generates the sub-hypergraphs Gi=(Vi,Ei),i=1,2. Then a(G)min{a(G1)+|V2|,a(G2)+|V1|}.

Theorem 3.7.

For a hypergraph G=(V,E) we have a(G)v(G).


Suppose V=V1V2, V2 and generates the dis-connected hypergraph G2, it follows from Corollary 3.6 and a(G2)=0 that a(G)|V1|+a(G2)=|V1|=v(G).

We use a 4-uniform n-dimensional hypergraph Kn to illustrate our theory. Kn corresponds to a 4th-order n-dimensional tensor. The number of zero eigenvalues due to the duplicate indices is n2n(n1) and the algebraic connectivity is the (n2n(n1)+2)-th smallest eigenvalue.

We compute the algebraic connectivity for the complete hypergraph in .

Table 1 The algebraic connectivity for 4-uniform n-dimensional complete hypergraph.

Note that a 4-uniform 4-dimensional complete hypergraph is not 2-path connected. Consider î={1,2} and ĵ={1,3}, the only hyperedge {1,2,3,4} violates EiEi+1Ei+2=, because {1,2}{1,2,3,4}{1,3}={1}. But a 4-uniform 5-dimensional complete hypergraph is 2-path connected, as there are a 2-path E1={1,2,4,5},E2={5,4,1,3} connecting î={1,2} and ĵ={1,3}. Thus the vertex connectivity of 4-uniform n-dimensional hypergraph is n – 4. The result supports our theory.

4 Directed 2m-uniform graph

The exploration on eigenvalues need an additional condition for directed hypergraphs.

Lemma 4.1.

Assume that a directed hypergraph G satisfies for SV, if |S|=m, then |{EE:E=(S,H)}|=|{EE:E=(T,S)}|.

Then the algebraic connectivity is the (nmn!(nm)!+2)th smallest eigenvalue of 12(L+L).


We see the fact that X*L*X=X*L*X=X*12(L+L)*X.

As |{EE:E=(S,H)}|=|{EE:E=(T,S)}|, we have L*ones(size(X))=ones(size(X))*L=O.

Thus 12(L+L) has the same property as L, the Laplacian tensor of an undirected 2m-uniform hypergraph in Lemma 3.1. The remaining proof is similar. □

For an arbitrary directed hypergraph, the positive semi-definite property no longer holds. Using the fact that 1C*L*1C=0 for the indicator 1C of some connected component C, we have the following theorem.

Theorem 4.2.

If G is not m-connected, then a(G)0.

Lemma 4.3.

Let G1=(V,E1), G2=(V,E2) and G=(V,E1E2). If E1E2=, then a(G)a(G1)+a(G2).

The proof is analogous to the case of the undirected hypergraph.

For the directed hypergraph, L=L no longer holds, and the proof of the following lemma is modified.

Lemma 4.4.

Let G be a 2m-uniform hypergraph, and let G1 arise from removing r vertices and all incident hyperedges. Then a(G1)a(G)r.


Let G1 be constructed by removing the last vertex vn from G. Let L be the Laplacian tensor and L̂ be the Laplacian tensor of G, then L̂ and L have following property, (4) l̂î,ĵ={lî,ĵifit<n and jt<n,t{1,2,,n} and îĵlî,ĵ+dîifit<n and jt<n,t{1,2,,n} and î=ĵvî,ĵifn{i1,i2,,im} and n{j1,j2,,jm}wî,ĵifn{j1,j2,,jm} and n{i1,i2,,im}zî,ĵifn{i1,i2,,im,j1,j2,,jm} and î=ĵ.(4)

In (4), dî=ĵvî,ĵ and we use v, w and z to represent the slices of L̂ of which indices contain n. Define the auxiliary tensor F as follows, fî,ĵ={lî,ĵifit<n and jt<n,t{1,2,,n} and îĵlî,ĵ+1ifit<n and jt<n,t{1,2,,n} and î=ĵ1nm1ifn{i1,i2,,im} and n{j1,j2,,jm}wî,ĵ1nm1+vî,ĵifn{j1,j2,,jm} and n{i1,i2,,im}zî+nmdîifn{i1,i2,,im,j1,j2,,jm} and î=ĵ.

Let Y=argminYEY*L*Y, then (Y0)*F*(Y0)=a(G1)+1minXEX*F*XminXEX*L*X+minXEX*(FL)*X=a(G)+minXEX*(FL)*X,where (Y0) is an informal representation: in the first (n1)×(n1)××(n1) hypercube, (Y0) is the same as Y; the other part is filled with zeros.

Consider the last term minXEX*(FL)*X. For FL it is symmetric and diagonally dominant and all the diagonal elements are non-negative. As a result, minXEX*(FL)*X0. Finally we have a(G1)+1a(G).

Using the mathematical induction, the lemma is proved. □

This lemma leads to a corollary immediately.

Corollary 4.5.

Suppose that G=(V,E) has a splitting V=V1V2 and generates sub-hypergraphs Gi=(Vi,Ei),i=1,2. Then a(G)min{a(G1)+|V2|,a(G2)+|V1|}.

Finally the relationship between the algebraic connectivity and the vertex connectivity is proved.

Theorem 4.6.

a(G)v(G) holds for a directed hypergraph G.

5 From tensor to hypergraph: M-splitting

We construct a hypergraph from a tensor: Aî,ĵ0 will lead to a hyperedge (î,ĵ) and we use Γ(A) to represent the hypergraph. Thus some questions of tensor can be solved via the hypergraph approach. A splitting of a tensor A is A=MN. A Z-tensor A is A=sIP,where I is an identity tensor and P is nonnegative.

Furthermore, if sρ(P), where ρ(P) is the spectral radius of P, then A is an M-tensor [Citation18]. By the Perron-Frobenius theorem [18, 33], that A is a nonsingular M-tensor is equivalent to s>ρ(P). A is a singular M-tensor if and only if s=ρ(P).

In this case, as we start from tensors rather than hypergraphs, the duplication of the indices is not prohibited. Moreover, we distinguish the order of indices inside î and ĵ, allowing it to be not permutation-invariant. For an m-path E1,,Et with Ei=(Ti,Hi), as we distinguish the order, we ask Hi=Ti+1 where Hi and Ti+1 are ordered set.

Let Δ be the hypergraph induced by the identity tensor. The closure Γ(A)¯ is defined as Γ(A)¯=ΔΓ(A)Γ(A2).

If the vertex set î has access to ĵ via an m-path of length k, then (Ak)î,ĵ>0. Specially, A is irreducible if and only if Γ(A) is m-connected.

For a splitting A=MN, it is said to be

  1. weak regular if M1O and M1*NO;

  2. regular if M1O and NO;

  3. an M-splitting if M is an -tensor and NO ;

  4. graph compatible if Γ(M)Γ(A)¯;

Lemma 5.1.

If A=MN is an M -splitting, then M

  1. A is a Z-tensor.

  2. Γ(M,N):=Γ(M)Γ(N)=Γ(A)Δ, Δ is the hypergraph derived from the identity tensor.

  3. is graph compatible.

  4. Γ(M1*N)=Γ(M)¯Γ(N).


As A=MN=sIPN,PO and NO, then P+NO. For îĵ,aî,ĵ=0 is equivalent to Mî,ĵ=Nî,ĵ=0. Moreover, Mî,î>0. This leads to Δ and the first three results. For the last result, we just need to prove Γ(M1)Γ(M)¯, which is obvious because M1=(sIP)1=1si=0n(s1P)ias s>ρ(P). □

Let the m-path or hyperedge generated from Γ(M) be red and the m-path or hyperedge generated from be bl Γ(N) ue [Citation38].

Lemma 5.2.

Let A=MN, î=(i1,i2,,im) and ĵ=(j1,j2,,jm). Then (î,ĵ)Γ(M1*N) if and only if in Γ(M)Γ(N), and there is an m-path starting from î and ending by ĵ with an initial red path followed by a single blue hyperedge.


If there is an m-path from (i1,i2,,ik) to (j1,j2,,jk) via an initial red path followed by a single blue hyperedge, then there exists (i1,i2,,im,t1,t2,,tm)Γ(M)¯,(t1,t2,,tm,j1,j2,,jm)Γ(N)¯.

Then (i1,i2,,im,j1,j2,,jm)Γ(M1*N). The converse is a inference from Lemma 5.1. □

As a result, we can conclude the conclusion.

Theorem 5.3.

Let A=MN be an M-splitting. Let î,ĵV have m elements. There is a nonempty path from î to ĵ in Γ(M1*N) if and only if there exists an m-path from î to ĵ in Γ(M,N) that end in a blue hyperedge.


If there exists an m-path from î to ĵ ending with a blue hyperedges in Γ(M,N), then the path can be split by all its blue hyperedges. Each partition is a path starting with a red path and ending with a blue hyperedges, therefore the hyperedge that consists of the endpoints of this part belongs to Γ(M1*N)=Γ(M)¯Γ(N). The total m-path is a path in Γ(M1*N). The converse is from Lemma 5.1. □

We further consider the index and algebraic multiplicity of the tensor derived from a splitting. It is necessary to build the isomorphism from tensor to matrix [Citation6]. Let Ext(·) be the map from 2m-th order n-dimensional tensor ring to nm×nm matrix ring and the map from the indices of ordered set in tensor from to the indices of matrices. An index î=(i1,i2,,im) is mapped to Ext(î)=1+k=1m(ik1)nmk, then Ext(A)Rnm×nm can be defined by (Ext(A))Ext(î),Ext(ĵ)=aî,ĵ.

Ext(·) preserves the product operation. Moreover, many properties for eigenvalues, indices, irreducibility and algebraic multiplicity are also preserved.

Lemma 5.4.

Every irreducible singular M-tensor has a simple eigenvalue 0 and its principal sub-tensor is a nonsingular M-tensor.


By the definition of a singular M-tensor, A=sIP with s=ρ(P) and PO. As A is irreducible, P is also irreducible. Then by the Perron-Frobenius theorem [33], ρ(P) is a simple eigenvalue and its eigen-tensor X>O. Then 0 is a single eigenvalue of A. Similarly, A is a singular M-tensor and there exists Y>O satisfying A*Y=O. Extend A to the nm×nm matrix Ext(A), then the principal sub-tensor corresponds to a principal sub-matrix of Ext(A) and the adjoint matrix of Ext(A) has the form [Citation5, Theorem 4.16] adj(Ext(A))=λExt(X)Ext(Y).

As 0 is a simple eigenvalue, λ0. If λ<0, then adj(Ext(A))<0. As it is a continuous function of A, there exists δ>0 such that adj(Ext(A+δI))<0. However, A+δI is a nonsingular M-tensor and Ext(A+δI) is a nonsingular M-matrix. Its inverse is positive, a contradiction. So λ>0 and therefore adj(Ext(A))>0. Specially, all the principal minors of Ext(A) is positive, which indicate all the principal sub-matrix of Ext(A) is nonsingular. As a principal sub-tensor of a singular M-tensor corresponds to a principal sub-matrix of Ext(A), the principle sub-tensor is nonsingular. □

Theorem 5.5.

Suppose ARn2m is an M-tensor, A=MN is a weak regular splitting.

  1. If A is nonsingular M-tensor, then B=IM1*N is also a singular M-tensor and ind0(B)=1.

  2. Suppose A is singular M-tensor. If there exists XRnm such that A*XO, then B=IM1*N is also a singular M-tensor and ind0(B)=1.


Using the isomorphism Ext(·), this theorem is the tensor form of Lemmas 4.1 and 4.3 in [Citation38]. □

Let A be a singular M-tensor. By the Perron-Frobenius theorem [33] the eigen-tensor X of ρ(A) is positive. It leads to a corollary.

Corollary 5.6.

Suppose ARn2m is an irreducible singular M-tensor, if A=MN is a weak regular splitting. Then B=IM1*N is a singular M-tensor and ind0(B)=1.

Let Vm be the family of all the m elements subsets of V. The strong m-connected relation between the ordered vertex set î=(i1,i2,,im) forms an equivalent relationship on the ordered vertex set Vm, splitting it into several parts V=(V1,V2,,Vc). Moreover, the accessibility by an m-path from one part to another forms an order on such partition. If V1 has access to V2 and vice versa, then V1 and V2 are strongly m-connected and therefore V 1 = V 2. If V1 has access to V2 and V2 has access to V3 then V1 has access to V3. We may assume Vk has access to Vk+1 for all k.

The 2m-th order n-dimensional tensor can be extend to an nm×nm matrix via the isomorphism Ext(·). Suppose A is extended to matrix E(A), then Ext(Vt1) and Ext(Vt2) can lead to a sub-matrix Ext(A)t1,t2=Ext(A)E(Vt1),E(Vt2) from Ext(A). Suppose (At1,t2)î,ĵ={aî,ĵîVt1 and ĵVt20otherwise.

If t1 = t2 we simply denote them as At and Ext(A)t. The eigenvalues of Ext(A)t and At are the same besides some 0 eigenvalues in At. The 0 eigenvalues result from the indices that are not in Vt lead to a zero slice. When considering the eigenvalues or singularity of At, we omit these 0 eigenvalues and only consider the inherent eigenvalues.

This partition makes it possible to generalize Rothblum’s index theorem for a nonnegative matrix [Citation37] to the tensor form. If λ is an eigenvalue of At, we say Vt is a λ-class. A sequence of λ-class Vt1,Vt2,,Vtc such that Vti has access to Vti+1 forms a λ-chain. Use the isomorphism Ext(·), we can deduce the following theorem.

Theorem 5.7

(Rothblum’s index theorem for a nonnegative tensor). Let PO and ρ=ρ(P) be its spectral radius. Then indρ(P) equals to the length of the longest λ-path

We check the isomorphism Ext(·) which preserves eigenvalues with Vt corresponding to the set of vertices.

Theorem 5.8.

Suppose ARn2m is a singular M-tensor, A=MN is a graph compatible weak-regular splitting, then

  1. ρ(M1*N)=1.

  2. mult1(M1*N)mult0(A).

  3. ind1(M1*N)ind0(A).

These property also holds for the M-splitting.


By the partition, At1,t2=0 for t1>t2. As the splitting is graph compatible, Mt1,t2=0 for t1>t2, therefore Nt1,t2=0 for t1>t2.

As A is a singular M-tensor, there is at least one singular At. For each singular At, by definition being irreducible, it follows from Lemma 5.4 that the algebraic multiplicity of the eigenvalue 0 is 1; from Corollary 5.6 it is an M-tensor. Therefore (IM1*N)t is also a singular M-tensor and the multiplicity of the eigenvalue 0 is 1. For each nonsingular At, by Theorem 5.5, (IM1*N)t is a nonsingular M-tensor. Therefore IM1*N is a singular M-tensor. Then ρ(M1*N)=1. The first statement is proved.

Furthermore, every singular sub-tensor At adds 1 to the multiplicity of the eigenvalue 0 and also leads to a singular diagonal block inside IM1*N. For a singular diagonal block of IM1*N, the multiplicity of the eigenvalue 0 is equal to the multiplicity of the eigenvalue 1 in tensor M1*N. The second statement is proved.

Suppose ind1(T)=γ. Let (W1,W2,,Wd) be a partition for T=M1*N. Then TO. By Rothblum’s index theorem of tensor form, there exists a chain Wi1,Wi2,,Wiγ for the eigenvalue 1. As the splitting is graph compatible, each Wiq is contained in a Viq and Viq corresponds to a singular Aiq. As Wiq1 has access to Wiq in Γ(T), such access also holds in Γ(A). Therefore Viq1 has access to Viq.

If two Wiq is contained in the same Viq, then by Theorem 5.7, ind1(Tiq)>1. Then ind1((IM1*N)iq)>1, which is contrary to the fact that ind0(IM1*N)iq=1 for singular blocks. Thus two Wiq cannot be contained in the same Vj. Therefore ind1(A)γ. □


The authors would like to thank Professor Manjunatha Prasad Karantha and the referee for their detailed comments.

Additional information


The author Jiaqi Gu would like to acknowledge the support given by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant 12271108 and Innovation Program of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. The author Yimin Wei would like to acknowledge the support given by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant 12271108 and Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission under grant 23WZ2501400.


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