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Economic, trade and development relations between South Africa and the European Union: The end of a strategic partnership? A South African perspective



The relationship between democratic South Africa and the European Union (EU) has been in existence for over 20 years, with its roots tracing back to anti-apartheid support measures. In its earlier form, it was anchored in the Reconstruction and Development Programme. Currently, it is guided by the National Development Plan of the National Planning Commission. This relationship has been tested over time, especially as a result of negotiations over the Economic Partnership Agreement with the EU. In the meantime, the euphoria that marked new South Africa's participation in the global system, with trade and development cooperation with the EU as one of the cornerstones, has waned considerably. The cancellation of several bilateral investment treaties with EU member states has further strained the relationship. While there are notable successes in the EU–South Africa Strategic Partnership, these may not be reflective of the actual strategic value of the partnership in the context of global shifts and the rising influence of emerging powers with which South Africa is integrating.

Notes on contributors

Mills Soko is Professor and Director at the University of Cape Town's Graduate School of Business.

Mzukisi Qobo is Associate Professor and Deputy Director at the South African National Research Foundation – Chair on African Diplomacy and Foreign Policy, based at the University of Johannesburg.


1. Council of the European Union, ‘South Africa–The European Union Strategic Partnership Joint Action Plan’, Brussels, Council of the European Union, 9650/07 (Presse 105), 14 May 2007, http://register.consilium.europa.eu/doc/srv?l=EN&f=ST%209650%202007%20INIT

2. Renard T, ‘The EU's strategic partnership agreements: Balancing geo-economics and geopolitics’, Edmont Royal Institute for International Relations, 9 June 2015, http://www.egmontinstitute.be/publication_article/eu-strategic-partnership-agreement6

3. European Commission, Multilateral Indicative Programme Between the Republic of South Africa and the European Union: 2014–2020. Brussels: The European Commission, 22 January 2015, https://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/sites/devco/files/mip-south-africa-edf11-2014_en.pdf

4. European Commission, Multilateral Indicative Programme Between the Republic of South Africa and the European Union: 2014–2020. Brussels: The European Commission, 22 January 2015, p. 1, https://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/sites/devco/files/mip-south-africa-edf11-2014_en.pdf

5. European Commission, Multilateral Indicative Programme Between the Republic of South Africa and the European Union: 2014–2020. Brussels: The European Commission, 22 January 2015, p. 3, https://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/sites/devco/files/mip-south-africa-edf11-2014_en.pdf

6. Bertelsmann-Scott T & A Sheriff, ‘Forging a partnership with the EU beyond shared history’. South African Institute of International Affairs, 17 September 2012, http://www.saiia.org.za/opinion-analysis/forging-a-partnership-with-the-eu-beyond-shared-history

7. United Nations Centre Against Apartheid, ‘Report 9/79 on the International Conference on the European Economic Community and South Africa hosted by the Irish Anti-Apartheid Movement’, Dublin, 27–28 January 1979, http://psimg.jstor.org/fsi/img/pdf/t0/10.5555/al.sff.document.nuun1979_10_final.pdf

8. European Commission, 'Briefing Paper: EU-South Africa Cooperation', The Special Programme for Victims of Apartheid: 1985 - 1994, https://eeas.europa.eu/sites/eeas/files/eu_support_to_sa_85-94_24042017.pdf

9. European Commission, Press Release: ‘Republic of South Africa’, http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-95-15_en.htm

10. Draper P & P Alves, ‘South Africa's international trade diplomacy: Implications for regional integration’, in Regional Integration in Southern Africa, Vol. 1. Botswana: Friedrich Ebert Foundation, July 2006.

11. See Keet D, ‘Europe's free trade plans with South Africa: Strategic responses from and challenges to South and Southern Africa’, Development Southern Africa, 14.2, April 1997, pp. 285–93, https://doi.org/10.1080/03768359708439964

12. European Commission, ‘European Union/South Africa: Proposals for long-term cooperation’, Memo 97/30, 21 March 1997, http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-97-30_en.htm

13. Keet D, ‘Europe's Free Trade Plans with South Africa: Strategic Responses From and Challenges to South and Southern Africa’, Development Southern Africa, 14, 2, April 1997, pp. 286.

14. European Commission, ‘European Union/South Africa: Proposals for long-term cooperation’, Memo 97/30, 21 March 1997, http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-97-30_en.htm

15. For a discussion on the various forms of power and distinction between relational and structural power. See Strange S, States and Markets. London: Pinter, 1988, pp. 24–6; Lukes, S, Power: A Radical View. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.

16. EC Trade, ‘Economic Partnership Agreements’, Fact Sheet, February 2017, http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2017/february/tradoc_155300.pdf

17. Irving J, ‘South Africa and the EU conclude sweeping trade agreement’, Africa Recovery, 13.1, June 1999, p. 1 , http://www.un.org/en/africarenewal/subjindx/131trade.htm

18. In addition to the TDCA, the EU and South Africa signed a Science and Technology Agreement (in December 1996) and an agreement on South Africa's Partial Membership in the Lomé Convention (in April 1997).

19. South Africa, Department of Trade and Industry, A Briefing Document to the Parliamentary Committee on the Conclusion of the RSA–EU Negotiations for a Trade, Development and Co-operation Agreement. Pretoria: Government Printer, February 1999, p. 3.

20. Ibid.

21. Ibid.

22. European Commission, Global Europe: Competing in the World – A Contribution to the EU's Growth and Jobs Strategy. Brussels: European Commission External Trade, 2006, http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2006/october/tradoc_130376.pdf.

23. Tsoukalis L, O Crame & R Liddle, ‘An EU fit for the purpose in the global age: Can we rise to the challenge?’, Policy Network 2010, www.policynetwork.net

24. WTO-plus arrangements are those that go beyond those issues that are on the WTO negotiations, which traditionally have focused on trade in goods. Issues that constitute WTO-plus are those to do with the relationship between trade and behind the border regulatory issues: investment, competition and government procurement.

25. European Commission, Policy and Strategy for Raw Materials: Raw Materials Initiative, November 2008, https://ec.europa.eu/growth/sectors/raw-materials/policy-strategy_en

26. European Commission, ‘Global Europe’, EC External Trade. Brussels, 2006, pp. 6–7.

27. Hurt S, ‘The EU-SADC economic partnership agreement negotiations: “Locking-in” the neo-liberal development model in southern Africa?’, Third World Quarterly, 33.3, 2012, pp. 495–510.

28. Siles-Brugge G & T Heron, ‘Competitive liberalisation and the “Global Europe” services and investment agenda: Locating the commercial drivers of the EU–ACP economic partnership agreements', 2010, p. 2, https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/13505077.pdf.

29. European Union, ‘Global Europe’, EC External Trade. Brussels, 2006, p. 11.

30. Vickers, B, ‘Between a rock and a hard place: Small states in the EU–SADC EPA negotiations’, The Roundtable, 100.413, April 2011, pp. 183–97.

31. Bertelsmann-Scott T & A Sheriff, ‘Forging a partnership with the EU beyond shared history’, South African Institute of International Affairs, 17 September 2012, http://www.saiia.org.za/opinion-analysis/forging-a-partnership-with-the-eu-beyond-shared-history

32. Hengari AT, ‘South Africa and the European Union: Moving beyond asymmetry’, South African Institute of International Affairs, 16 July 2013, http://www.saiia.org.za/opinion-analysis/south-africa-and-the-european-union-moving-beyond-asymmetry

33. For a comprehensive report of EIB Activities in South Africa, see EU–South Africa Joint Cooperation Council – Dialogue Facility, ‘Joint Cooperation Council minutes’, Minutes: 12th Meeting of the EU–SA Joint Cooperation Council, Brussels, 20 July 2011, www.dialoguefacility.org/ … /SA-EU%20reports/JCC%202011Minutes.doc

34. Grant-Makokera C & L Botha, ‘South Africa–European Union Trade: Age-old chestnuts and dealmakers’, South African Institute for International Affairs, 4 October 2011, http://www.saiia.org.za/opinion-analysis/south-africa-european-union-trade-age-old-chestnuts-and-dealmakers

35. Esnor L, ‘SA to urge EU to “help reverse deterioration” of trade terms’, Business Day, 16 July 2013.

36. Grant-Makokera C & L Botha, ‘South Africa–European Union Trade: Age-old chestnuts and dealmakers’, South African Institute for International Affairs, 4 October 2011, http://www.saiia.org.za/opinion-analysis/south-africa-european-union-trade-age-old-chestnuts-and-dealmakers

37. Allix M, ‘EU steps up fight to have treaties with SA retained’, Business Day, 12 November 2013.

38. Department of Trade and Industry, ‘Trade policy and strategy framework’, August 2010. https://www.thedti.gov.za/parliament/2014/TPSF.pdf

39. The SADC EPA Group consists of Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland.

40. See Vickers, B, ‘Between a rock and a hard place: Small states in the EU–SADC EPA negotiations’, The Roundtable, 100.413, April 2011, pp. 183–97.

41. Ibid.

42. The interim EPA pact made provision for Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland to liberalise 86% of trade by value and tariff lines by the beginning of 2010. For its part, Mozambique committed to liberalising 80.5% of trade.

43. Walker A, ‘The EC–SADC EPA: The moment of truth for regional integration’, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, Trade Negotiations Insights, 8.6, August 2009.

44. Ibid.

45. Brenton P et al., ‘Regional trade agreements in sub-Saharan Africa: Supporting export diversification’, World Bank Africa Trade Policy Note, 15, 2011.

46. See Qobo M & J Senona, ‘South Africa must take care of its core economic sovereignty’, Corporate Europe Observatory, 4 August 2009, https://corporateeurope.org/coverage/south-africa-and-epas

47. Walker A, ‘The EC–SADC EPA: The moment of truth for regional integration’, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, Trade Negotiations Insights, 8.6, August 2009.

48. Grant-Makokera C & L Botha, ‘South Africa–European Union Trade: Age-old chestnuts and dealmakers’, South African Institute for International Affairs, 4 October 2011, http://www.saiia.org.za/opinion-analysis/south-africa-european-union-trade-age-old-chestnuts-and-dealmakers

49. Ibid.

50. Ibid.

51. This section draws on confidential discussions with EU officials and a former South African government official in the latter half of 2016.

52. Woolfrey S, ‘The endgame of the EU-SADC EPA negotiations’, Tralac Discussions, https://www.tralac.org/discussions/article/5557-the-endgame-of-the-eu-sadc-epa-negotiations.html.

53. Esnor L, ‘SA to urge EU to “help reverse deterioration” of trade terms’, Business Day, 16 July 2013.

54. Grant-Makokera C & L Botha, ‘South Africa–European Union Trade: Age-old chestnuts and dealmakers’, South African Institute for International Affairs, 4 October 2011, http://www.saiia.org.za/opinion-analysis/south-africa-european-union-trade-age-old-chestnuts-and-dealmakers

55. European Union, ‘Economic Partnership Agreement’, Official Journal of the European Union, L250/3.16, September 2016, http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2015/october/tradoc_153915.pdf

56. South Africa also cancelled a BIT with Switzerland, a non-EU member, but with close ties to the trade bloc.

57. Allix M, ‘EU steps up fight to have treaties with SA retained’, Business Day, 12 November 2013.

58. European Commission, Investor-to-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS): Facts and Figures, 12 March 2015, http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/download/5k46b1r85j6f.pdf?expires=1479234397&id=id&accname=guest&checksum=FDE5EF9A445FA8434306795760FF4709

59. Hengari AT, ‘South Africa and the European Union: Moving beyond asymmetry’ , South African Institute of International Affairs, 16 July 2013, http://www.saiia.org.za/opinion-analysis/south-africa-and-the-european-union-moving-beyond-asymmetry

60. Davies R, ‘National Assembly: Debate on the Protection of Investment Bill, 2015 in Parliament by the Minister of Trade and Industry Dr Rob Davies’, 17 November 2015, http://www.gov.za/speeches/minister-rob-davies-debate-protection-investment-bill-2015-17-nov-2015-0000

61. Onstad E, ‘Italian firms sue SA over mining laws’, 9 March 2007, http://mg.co.za/article/2007-03-09-italian-firms-sue-sa-over-mining-law

62. Gaukrodger D & K Gordon, Investor–State Dispute Settlement: A Scoping Paper for the Investment Policy Community. Paris: OECD, 2012, pp. 19–20, http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/download/5k46b1r85j6f.pdf?expires=1479234397&id=id&accname=guest&checksum=FDE5EF9A445FA8434306795760FF4709

63. Waldoch M, ‘Poland to cancel bilateral investment treaties with EUs’, Bloomberg, February 2016. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-02-25/poland-seeks-to-end-bilateral-investment-deals-with-eu-members (accessed 13 November 2016).

64. See Rob Davies's response in, ‘Swiss Government Reacts to Termination of Bilateral Investment Treaty with South Africa’, Mail and Guardian, 1 November 2013. http://mg.co.za/article/2013-11-01-swiss-govt-reacts-to-termination-of-bilateral-investment-treaty-with-sa

65. Davies R, ‘National Assembly: Debate on the Protection of Investment Bill, 2015 in Parliament by the Minister of Trade and Industry Dr Rob Davies’, 17 November 2015, http://www.gov.za/speeches/minister-rob-davies-debate-protection-investment-bill-2015-17-nov-2015-0000

66. World Bank, ‘Ease of doing business: Measuring business regulation’, 2017, http://www.doingbusiness.org/data/exploreeconomies/south-africa

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