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Tales of mystery and imagination in stable isotope geochemistry: celebrating the 75th birthday of Jochen Hoefs

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Pages 1-11 | Received 31 Aug 2015, Accepted 20 Sep 2015, Published online: 22 Mar 2016


We celebrate the contribution of Jochen Hoefs to the development of stable isotope (bio)geochemistry on the occasion of his 75th birthday.

Review and bibliography

Jochen Hoefs has explored the field of stable isotope geochemistry for more than 50 years now. During his scientific career he was always at the forefront of research, looking for analytical innovations and novel applications to deepen our knowledge about Earth system processes. He has worked in the field of stable isotope geochemistry of the elements hydrogen, lithium, carbon, oxygen, and sulphur. His main scientific interests include the genesis of basaltic and granitic magmas, the mantle and lower crust, hydrothermal water/rock interactions, the development of the composition of the ocean and the atmosphere, and environmental isotope geochemistry. His international reputation is expressed in through far more than 150 (124 peer reviewed) scientific publications. A major passion of Jochen Hoefs is and was serving the communication of scientific results to the scientific community: For more than 40 years (1973–2014) he was acting as the assistant, managing and, from 1981 on, executive editor of the well-reputed international journal Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. And for 25 years (1983–2008), he was member of the editorial board of Chemical Geology.

Jochen Hoefs was born on 28 July 1939, in Cammin, Pomeranya. After his move, he joined the primary school in Neuhaus, Solling, (1946–1950) and the high school in Einbeck (until 1959), and then studied mineralogy at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen. Under the supervision of Carl W. Correns, Jochen Hoefs received his Dr rer. nat degree in 1964 with a Ph.D. thesis entitled ‘A contribution on the geochemistry of carbon in magmatic and metamorphic rocks (in German)’. This study already guided him into one of his future research fields in high-temperature and high-pressure systems. From 1964 to 1970 he worked in the Central Laboratory of Stable Isotopes, further delighted by a postdoctoral stay (1967–1968) in the US laboratories of P. Hurley (MIT) and S. Epstein (CIT). Coming back to another postdoc position at Göttingen University, and finishing his habilitation thesis in 1973, Jochen Hoefs served as an associate professor from 1976 to 1978, and as a full professor from 1979 until 2004, teaching stable isotope geochemistry to generations of geosciences students. From 1991 till 2001 he acted as the managing head of the Department of Geochemistry. Honorary professorships in China (1996, 2005) and the Crosby lectureship at the MIT (2005) further reflect his international scientific reputation. The services of Jochen Hoefs for scientific institutions are multiple, including being chairman of the German Society of Mineralogy (1975–1977), member and chairman of the ‘Kuratorium für das Zentrallabor für Geochronologie in Münster’ (1985–1996), chair of the ‘Forschungskolleg for Geochemistry’ (1993–1997), just to mention a few.

During the first years of his career, his major efforts focused on the investigation of carbon isotope distributions in a number of fundamental reservoirs (e.g. [Citation1–3]; see bibliography). Later on, his interests included high temperature/pressure processes, experimental calibration of kinetic and equilibrium fractionation factors, isotope bio- and hydrogeochemistry, including the changes in the global carbon cycle over geologic time, as reflected by sedimentary carbonates. As an example, the classic paper on secular oxygen and carbon isotope trends in sedimentary carbonate rocks, published jointly with J. Veizer, a former Alexander von Humboldt-Fellow in Göttingen[Citation4], has been cited more than 500 times so far. A recent Scopus request for the time post 1995 still gives an annual average of more than 250 citations for publications (co-) authored by Jochen Hoefs, and in the year 2015 a current Hirsch index of 35.

Apart from his scientific achievements, Jochen Hoefs is well known for his textbook about stable isotope geochemistry. When Michael DeNiro and Sam Epstein opened our eyes for the isotopic consequences of our diet (‘You are what you eat plus minus a few ‰’[Citation5], the first edition of Jochen Hoefs’ classical text book on ‘Stable Isotope Geochemistry’ already had its third birthday[Citation6]. Only four years later, the second edition of this nowadays classical book was published and, in 1983, we learned from Fretwell's law that ‘Warning! Stable isotope data may cause severe and contagious stomach upset if taken alone. To prevent reviewers’ stomachs and your own, take stable isotope data with healthy dose of other hydrologic, geologic, and geochemical information. Then you will find stable isotope data very beneficial’[Citation7]. In the meanwhile, ‘Stable Isotope Geochemistry’ has further developed into a modern compendium and text book on all significant aspects of stable isotope geochemistry, and the seventh edition has recently been published[Citation8]. It delights us with fundamental, fresh, exciting, and need-to-know news about stable isotope partitioning in natural, experimental, and modelled systems and has, therefore, become indispensable in the education of young academics.

The outstanding international reputation of Jochen Hoefs and his educational service to the scientific community was acknowledged by several awards. In 1975 and 2006 he was honoured by the Victor-Moritz-Goldschmidt and the Werner medal of the German Mineralogical Society, respectively. In 2007 he received a Certificate of recognition for outstanding accomplishment in isotope geochemistry from the International Association of GeoChemistry.

This special issue of Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies is dedicated to acknowledge the scientific achievements of Jochen Hoefs. The contributions presented here cover fundamental and applied aspects of stable and clumped isotope measurements via applications in hydrology, hydrogeochemistry and material research, to the modelling and experimental calibration of stable isotope partitioning. They represent a collection of research topics that have been influenced by Jochen Hoefs. He was always aware that the application of stable isotopes on natural environments requires careful method development, experimental calibration, and theoretical concepts to understand and apply stable isotope signatures. The first publication deals with an important instrumental aspect impacting the precision and accuracy of clumped isotope measurements in carbonates[Citation9]. The following two publications discuss the theoretical and experimental aspects of stable oxygen isotope exchange equilibrium fractionation in double carbonates (including dolomite, kutnahorite, ankerite, and newly discovered phases) [Citation10] and in the phosphate–water system[Citation11]. These types of studies build the base for applications in modern environments. While three papers give examples for the application of stable isotopes in hydrogeochemistry at the boundary between atmosphere and hydrosphere[Citation12–14], one publication provides material scientific insights into anthropogenically induced calcium carbonate formation in old cisterne mortar[Citation15]. Seasonal changes in the local hydrological cycle as reflected by the stable isotope composition at the coast of central Panama are discussed in[Citation16], and new aspects of the marine uranium isotope mass balance are presented in[Citation17]. Last but not least, one paper deals with interesting examples for the application of oxygen isotopes in bone apatite of bob cat and puma[Citation18].

Publications by Jochen Hoefs in scientific journals and books:

Hoefs J. Ein Beitrag zur Geochemie des Kohlenstoffs in magmatischen und metamorphen Gesteinen. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 1965;29:399–428.

Hoefs J, Schidlowski M. Carbon isotope composition of carbonaceous matter from the Precambrian of the Witwatersrand System. Science. 1967;155:1096–1097.

Hoefs J, Graeser S. Schwefelisotopenuntersuchungen an Sulfiden und Sulfosalzen des Binnatales. Contrib Mineral Petrol. 1968;17:165–172.

Hoefs J, Wedepohl KH. Strontium isotope studies on young volcanic rocks from Germany and Italy. Contr Mineral Petrol. 1968;19:328–338.

Hoefs J, Nielsen H, Schidlowski M. Sulfur isotope abundances in pyrite from the Witwatersrand conglomerates. Econ Geol. 1968;63:975–977.

Hoefs J, Epstein S. 18O/16O ratios of minerals from migmatites, Rapakivi granites and orbicular rocks. Lithos. 1969;2:1–8.

Hoefs J. Natural calcium oxalate with heavy carbon. Nature. 1969;223:396.

Hoefs J. Kohlenstoff- und Sauerstoffisotopenuntersuchungen an Karbonatkonkretionen und umgebendem Gestein. Contr Mineral Petrol. 1970;27:66–79.

Hoefs J, Sarntheim M. 18O/16O ratios and related temperatures of recent pteropod shells (Cavolina longirostris, Lesueur) from the Persian Gulf. Mar Geol. 1971;10:M11–M16.

Spaeth C, Hoefs J, Vetter U. Some aspects of isotopic composition of belemnites and related paleotemperatures. Geol Soc Am Bull. 1971;82:3139–3150.

Hoefs J. Is biogenic carbon always isotopically ‘light’, is isotopically ‘light’ carbon always of biogenic origin? Adv Org Geochem. 1972;657–663.

Demovic R, Hoefs J, Wedepohl KH. Geochemische Untersuchungen an Travertinen der Slowakei. Contr Mineral. 1972;37:15–28.

Bausch W, Hoefs J. Die Isotopenzusammensetzung von Dolomiten und Kalken aus dem süddeutschen Malm. Contr Mineral Petrol. 1972;37:121–130.

Hoefs, J. Stable isotope geochemistry. 1st–7th eds. Springer Science+Media; 1973, 1980, 1987, 1997, 2004, 2012, 2015.

Hoefs J. Ein Beitrag zur Isotopengeochemie des Kohlenstoffs in magmatischen Gesteinen. Contr Mineral Petrol. 1973;41:277–300.

Rothe P, Hoefs J, Sonne V. The isotopic composition of carbonates from the Tertiary of the Mainz Basin: an example of isotopic fractionations in closed basins. Sedimentology. 1974;21:373–395.

Hoefs J, Touret J. Fluid inclusion and carbon isotope study from Bamble granulites (South Norway). Contr Mineral Petrol. 1975;52:165–174.

Welte DH, Kalkreuth W, Hoefs J. Age-trend in carbon isotopic composition in Paleozoic sediments. Naturwissenschaften. 1975;62:482–483.

Hoefs J, Frey M. The isotopic composition of carbonaceous matter in a metamorphic profile from the Swiss Alps. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 1976;40:945–951.

Veizer J, Hoefs J. The nature of 18O/16O and 13C/12C secular trends in sedimentary carbonate rocks. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 1976;40:1387–1395.

Hoefs J, Stalder HA. Die C-Isotopenzusammensetzung von CO2-haltigen Flüssigkeitseinschlüssen in Kluftquarzen der Zentralalpen. Schweiz Min Petrogr Mitt. 1977;57:329–347.

Hoefs J. Some peculiarities in the carbon isotope composition of ‘juvenile’ carbon. In: Robinson BW. Stable isotopes in the Earth sciences. Lower Hutt (New Zealand): New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research; 1978. p. 181–184. (DSIR Bull. 220).

Kralik M, Hoefs J. Die Isotopenzusammensetzung der Karbonate in der Magnesitlagerstätte Eugui (Westpyrenäen). Tschermaks Min Petr Mitt. 1978;25:185–193.

Hoefs J, Armbruster T. 13C/12C-Verhältnisse in menschlichen Harnkonkrementen [13C/12C ratios in human urinary calculi]. Naturwissenschaften. 1978;65:586. German.

Hoefs J, Morteani G. The carbon isotopic composition of fluid inclusions in Alpine fissure quartzes from the Western Tauern Window (Tyrol, Austria). N Jahrb Miner Mh. 1979:123–134.

Usdowski E, Hoefs J, Menschel G. Relationship between 13C- and 18O-fractionation and changes in major element composition in a recent calcite-depositing spring. A model of chemical variations with inorganic CaCO3-precipitation. Earth Planet Sci Lett. 1979;42:267–276.

Hoefs J, Speck J. Kohlenstoffisotopen-Zusammensetzung von Hühnereierschalen [Carbon isotopic composition of chicken eggshells]. Naturwissenschaften. 1979;66:313. German.

Möller P, Morteani G, Hoefs J, Parekh PD. The origin of the ore-bearing solution in the Pb–Zn veins of the Western Harz, Germany, as deduced from rare earth element and isotope distributions in calcites. Chem Geol. 1979;26:197–215.

Erben HK, Hoefs J, Wedepohl KH. Paleobiological and isotopic studies of eggshells from a declining dinosaur species. Paleobiology. 1979;5:380–414.

Riederer J, Hoefs J. Die Bestimmung der Herkunft der Marmore von Büsten der Münchener Residenz [The localization of marbles from busts of the Residenz at Munich]. Naturwissenschaften. 1980;67:446–451. German.

Hoefs J, Faure G, Elliot DH. Correlation of δ18O and initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios in Kirkpatrick basalt on Mt.Falla, Transantarctic Mountains. Contr Mineral Petrol. 1980;75:199–203.

Hoefs J. Isotopic composition of the ocean–atmosphere system in the geologic past. In: O'Connell RJ, Fyfe WS. Evolution of the Earth. Washington: American Geophysical Union; 1981. p. 110–119. (Geodynamic Series, vol. 5).

Hoefs J, Coolen J, Touret J. The sulfur and carbon isotope composition of scapolite-rich granulites from Southern Tanzania. Contr Mineral Petrol. 1981;78:332–336.

Veizer J, Compston W, Hoefs J, Nielsen H. Mantle buffering of the early oceans. Naturwissenschaften. 1982;69:173–180.

Hoefs J, Müller G, Schuster AK. Polymetamorphic relations in iron ores from the Iron Quadrangle, Brazil: the correlation of oxygen isotope variations with deformation history. Contr Mineral Petrol. 1982;79:241–251.

Haack U, Hoefs J, Gohn E. Constraints on the origin of Damaran granites by Rb/Sr and δ18O data. Contr Mineral Petrol. 1982;79:279–289.

Dandurand JL, Gout R, Hoefs J, Menschel G, Schott J, Usdowski E. Kinetically controlled variations of major components and carbon and oxygen isotopes in a calcite-precipitating spring. Chem Geol. 1982;36:299–315.

Usdowski E, Menschel G, Hoefs J. Kinetically controlled partitioning and isotopic equilibrium of 13C and 12C in the system CO2–NH3–H2O. Zeit Phys Chem. 1982;130:13–21.

Armbruster T, Schreyer W, Hoefs J. Very high CO2 cordierite from Norwegian Lapland: mineralogy, petrology and carbon isotopes. Contr Mineral Petrol. 1982;81:262–267.

Haack U, Hoefs J, Gohn E. Genesis of Damaran granites in the light of Rb/Sr and δ18O data. In: Martin H, Eder FW, editors. Intracontinental fold belts. Heidelberg: Springer; 1983. p. 847–872.

Hoefs J, Emmermann R. The oxygen isotope composition of Hercynian granites and Pre-Hercynian gneisses from the Schwarzwald, SW Germany. Contr Mineral Petrol. 1983;83:320–329.

Harmon R, Hoefs J. Oxygen isotope ratios in Late Cenozoic Andean volcanics. In: Harmon RS, Barreiro BA, editors. Andean magmatism: chemical and isotopic constraints. Shiva Geology Series. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser; 1984. p. 9–20.

Mensing T, Faure G, Jones L, Bowman J, Hoefs J. Petrogenesis of the Kirkpatrick basalt, Solo Nunatek, Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica based on isotopic composition of strontium, oxygen and sulfur. Contr Mineral Petrol. 1984;87:101–108.

Harmon RS, Barreiro B, Moorbath S, et al. O-, Sr-, and Pb-isotope relationships in Late Cenozoic calc-alkaline lavas in the Andean Cordillera. J Geol Soc (London). 1984;141:803–822.

Faure G, Hoefs J, Mensing T. Effect of oxygen fugacity on sulfur isotope compositions and magnetite concentrations in the Kirkpatrick basalt, Mt Falla, Queen Alexandra Range, Antarctica. Isot Geosci. 1984;2:301–311.

Lindh A, Hoefs J, Malmström L. Oxygen isotope ratios in magnetite core- and mantle structures. J Metamorph Geol. 1984;2:343–348.

Johns W, Hoefs J. Maturation of organic matter in Neogene sediments from the Aderklaa oilfield, Vienna Basin, Austria. Tschermaks Min Petr Mitt. 1985;34:143–158.

Möller P, Morteani G, Hoefs J. REE and 18O/16O distributions in altered Variscan granites of the Western Harz, Germany and southern Sardinia, Italy. In: High Heat Production (HHP) granites, hydrothermal circulation and ore genesis. London: Institution of Mining and Metallurgy; 1985; p. 213–220.

Möller P, Morteani G, Hoefs J. Rare-earth element and oxygen isotope studies of altered Variscan granites: the Western Harz (Germany) and southern Sardinia (Italy). Chem Geol. 1986;54:53–68.

Hoefs J. Isotope geothermometers. In: Buntebarth G, Stegena L, editors. Paleogeothermics. Heidelberg: Springer; 1986; p. 45–52.

Hilbrecht H, Hoefs J. Geochemical and palaeontological studies of the δ13C-anomaly in Boreal and North-Tethyan Cenomanian–Turonian sediments in Germany and adjacent areas. Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol. 1986;53:169–189.

Dungan M, Lindstrom M, McMillan N, Moorbath S, Hoefs J, Haskin L. Open-system magmatic evolution of the Taos Volcanic Field, Northern New Mexico. I. The petrology and geochemistry of the Servilleta basalt. J Geophys Res. 1986;91:5999–6028.

Spaeth C, Hoefs J. C- and O-isotope study of Nautilus shell and septasecreted after transfer to aquarium conditions. Naturwissenschaften. 1986;73:502–504. German.

Usdowski E, Hoefs J. 13C/12C partitioning and kinetics of CO2 absorption by hydroxide buffer solutions. Earth Planet Sci Lett. 1986;80:130–134.

Harmon RS, Kempton P, Stosch H, Hoefs J, Kovalenko V, Ionov D. 18O/16O ratios in anhydrous spinel lherzolite xenoliths from the Shavaryn-Tsaram volcano, Mongolia. Earth Planet Sci Lett. 1987;81:193–202.

Mengel K, Borsuk A, Gurbanov A, Wedepohl K, Baumann A, Hoefs J. Origin of spilitic rocks from the southern slope of the Caucasus. Lithos. 1987;20:115–133.

Wörner G, Harmon RS, Hoefs J. Stable isotope relations in an open magma system, Laacher See, Eifel (FRG). Contr Mineral Petrol. 1987;95:343–349.

Harmon RS, Hoefs J, Wedepohl K. Stable isotope (O,H,S) relationships in Tertiary basalts and their mantle xenoliths from the Northern Hessian Depression, W-Germany. Contrib Mineral Petrol. 1987;95:350–369.

Simon K, Hoefs J. Effects of meteoric water interaction on Hercynian granites from the Südschwarzwald, Southwest Germany. Chem Geol. 1987;61:253–261.

Hoefs J, Müller G, Schuster A, Walde D. The Fe–Mn ore deposits of Urucum, Brazil: an oxygen isotope study. Chem Geol. 1987;65:311–319.

Faure G, Hoefs J, Jones L, Curtis J, Pride D. Extreme 18O depletion in calcite and chert clasts from the Elephant moraine on the East Antarctic ice sheet. Nature. 1988;332:352–354.

Usdowski E, Hoefs J. 13C/12C fractionation during the chemical absorption of CO2 gas by the NH3–NH4Cl buffer. Isot Geosci. 1988;9:79–85.

Kempton P, Harmon RS, Stosch H, Hoefs J, Hawkesworth C. Open-system O-isotope behaviour and trace element enrichment in the Sub-Eifel mantle. Earth Planet Sci Lett. 1988;89:273–287.

Arneth J, Hoefs J. Anomal hohe 13C-Gehalte in gelöstem Bikarbonat von Grundwässern im Umfeld einer Altmülldeponie. Naturwissenschaften [Anomalously heavy 13C contents of dissolved bicarbonate of groundwaters in the vicinity of a waste-disposal site]. 1988;75:515–517. German.

Hoefs J. Zur Herkunft und Wechselwirkung von Fluiden in kontinentaler und ozeanischer Kruste. Veröffentlichungen der Niedersächsischen Akademie für Geowissenschaften. 1989;1:43–48. German.

Mauche G, Faure G, Jones L, Hoefs J. Anomalous isotope compositions of Sr, Ar and O in the Mesozoic diabase dikes of Liberia, West Africa. Contr Mineral Petrol. 1989;101:12–18.

Veizer J, Hoefs J, Ridler R, Jensen L, Lowe D. Geochemistry of Precambrian carbonates: I. Archean hydrothermal systems. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 1989;53:845–857.

Veizer J, Hoefs J, Lowe D, Thurston P. Geochemistry of Precambrian carbonates: II. Archean greenstone belts and Archean sea water. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 1989;53:859–871.

Arneth J, Hoefs J. Extreme 34S-Anreicherungen in gelöstem Sulfat von Grundwässern im Umfeld einer Altmülldeponie [Extreme 34S enrichments in dissolved sulphate of groundwaters in the vicinity of a waste-disposal site]. Naturwissenschaften. 1989;76:218–220. German.

Usdowski E, Hoefs J. Kinetic 13C/12C and 18O/16O effects upon dissolution and out gassing of CO2 in the system CO2–H2O. Chem Geol. 1990;80:109–118.

Hart R, Hoefs J, Pyle D. Multistage hydrothermal systems in the Blanco Fracture Zone. In: McMurray GR, editor. Gorda Ridge, New York: Springer; 1990. p. 51–75.

Hoefs J. The carbon and oxygen isotope composition of pancreatic stones. In: Beger HG, Büchler M, Ditschuneit H, Malfertheiner P, editors. Chronic pancreatitis. Heidelberg: Springer; 1990; p. 147–152.

Veizer J, Clayton R, Hinton R, von Brunn V, Mason T, Buck S, Hoefs J. Geochemistry of Precambrian carbonates: III. Shelf seas and non-marine environments of the Archean. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 1990;54:2717–2729.

Mengel K, Hoefs J. Li–18O systematics in volcanic rocks and mafic lower crustal xenoliths. Earth Planet Sci Lett. 1990;101:42–53.

Deb M, Hoefs J, Baumann A. Isotopic composition of two Precambrian stratiform barite deposits from the Indian Shield. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 1991;55:303–308.

Usdowski E, Michaelis J, Böttcher ME, Hoefs J. Factors for the oxygen isotope equilibrium fractionation between aqueous and gaseous CO2, carbonic acid, bicarbonate, carbonate and water (19°C). Z Phys Chem. 1991;170:237–249.

Böttcher ME, Usdowski E, Hoefs J. 13C/12C und 18O/16O Fraktionierung bei der Absorption von CO2-Gas durch alkalische Lösungen – Aspekte für die praktische Anwendung auf Bodengasproben. Z Wasser Abwasser Forsch. 1991;24:194–198. German.

Hoefs J. The stable isotope composition of sedimentary iron oxides with special reference to banded iron formations. In: Clauer N, Chaudhuri S, editors. Isotopic signatures and sedimentary records. Vol. 43, Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences. Heidelberg: Springer; 1992; p. 199–213.

Iyer S, Hoefs J, Krouse R. Sulfur and lead isotope geochemistry of galenas from the Bambui Group, Minas Gerais, Brazil – implications for ore genesis. Econ Geol. 1992;87:437–443.

Dietzel M, Usdowski E, Hoefs J. Chemical and 13C/12C- and 18O/16O-isotope evolution of alkaline drainage waters and the precipitation of calcite. Appl Geochem. 1992;7:177–184.

Ionov D, Hoefs J, Wedepohl K, Wiechert U. Content and isotopic composition of sulphur in ultramafic xenoliths from Central Asia. Earth Planet Sci Lett. 1992;111:269–286.

Scheele N, Hoefs J. Carbon isotope fractionation between calcite, graphite and CO2: an experimental study. Contr Mineral Petrol. 1992;112:35–45.

Iyer S, De Oliveira M, Hoefs J, Krouse R. Sulfur and carbon isotopes in scapolite-bearing granulites of the Sao José do Rio Pardo area, Brazil. J South Am Earth Sci. 1992;6:59–66.

Zheng Y, Hoefs J. Effects of mineral precipitation on the sulfur isotope composition of hydrothermal solutions. Chem Geol. 1993;105:259–269.

Zheng Y, Hoefs J. Carbon and oxygen isotopic covariations in hydrothermal calcites. Theoretical modeling on mixing processes and application to Pb–Zn deposits in the Harz Mountains, Germany. Miner Deposita. 1993;28:79–89.

Zheng Y, Hoefs J. Stable isotope geochemistry of hydrothermal mineralizations in the Harz Mountains. I. Carbon and oxygen isotopes of carbonates and implications for the origin of hydrothermal fluids. Monogr Ser Mineral Dep. 1993;30:169–187.

Zheng Y, Hoefs J. Stable isotope geochemistry of hydrothermal mineralizations in the Harz Mountains. II. Sulfur and oxygen isotopes of sulfides and sulfate and constraints on metallogenetic models. Monogr Ser Mineral Dep. 1993;30:211–229.

Lüders V, Hoefs J. REE and δ18O distributions in granites of the Harz Mountains. Monogr Ser Mineral Dep. 1993;30:257–264.

Simon K, Hoefs J. O, H, C isotope study of rocks from the KTB pilot hole: crustal profile and constraints on fluid evolution. Contr Mineral Petrol. 1993;114:42–52.

Böttcher ME, Gehlken P, Birch WD, Usdowski E, Hoefs J. The rhodochrosite–smithsonite solid solution series from Broken Hill (NSW), Australia: Geochemical and infrared spectroscopic investigations. Neues Jb Miner Mh. 1993:352–362.

Usdowski E, Hoefs J. Oxygen isotope exchange between carbonic acid, bicarbonate, carbonate and water: A re-examination of the data of McCrea (1950) and an expression for the overall partitioning of oxygen isotopes between the carbonate species and water. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 1993;57:3815–3818.

Ionov D, Hoefs J, Wedepohl K, Wiechert U. Content of sulphur in different mantle reservoirs: reply to comment on the paper ‘Content and isotopic composition of sulphur in ultramafic xenoliths from Central Asia’. Earth Planet Sci Lett. 1993;119:635–640.

Hoefs J, Vinogradov VI. Natural variations in stable isotopes. In: Marfunin AS, editor. Methods and instrumentation. Vol. 2, Advanced Mineralogy. Heidelberg: Springer; 1994. p. 396–397.

Keller J, Hoefs J. Stable isotope characteristics of recent natrocarbonatites from Oldoinyo Lengai. In: Bell K, Keller J, editors. Carbonatites volcanism. Vol. 4, IAVCEI Proceedings in Volcanology. Heidelberg: Springer; 1995. p. 113–123.

Harmon RS, Hoefs J. Oxygen isotope heterogeneity of the mantle deduced from global 18O systematics of basalts from different geotectonic settings. Contr Mineral Petrol. 1995;120:95–114.

Wiechert U, Hoefs J. An excimer laser-based micro-analytical preparation technique for in-situ oxygen isotope analysis of silicate and oxide minerals. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 1995;59:4093–4101.

Henneke E, Luther III G, de Lange G, Hoefs J. Sulphur speciation in anoxic hypersaline sediments from the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 1997;61:307–321.

Cook NJ, Hoefs J. Sulphur isotope characteristics of metamorphosed Cu-(Zn) volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits in the Norwegian Caledonides. Chem Geol. 1997;135:307–324.

Hoefs J, Sywall M. Lithium isotope composition of Quaternary and Tertiary biogene carbonates and a global lithium isotope balance. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 1997;61:2679–2690.

Simon K, Wiechert U, Hoefs J, Grote B. Microanalysis of minerals by laser ablation ICPMS and SIRMS. Fresenius J Anal Chem. 1997;359:458–461.

Hoefs J. Kontaminationen von Deponiestandorten – die Kohlenstoff- und Schwefelisotopenzusammensetzung von Sickerwässern. In: Matschullat J, Tobschall HJ, Voigt H-J, editors. Geochemie und Umwelt. Relevante Prozesse in Atmo-, Pedo- und Hydrosphäre. Springer; 1997. p. 221–226.

Barnekow P, Hoefs J, Peccerillo A. In situ measurement of oxygen isotope ratios by laser ablation mass spectrometry – an example from the Torre Alfina volcano, Central Italy. Min Mag. 1998;62A:120–121.

Fiebig J, Wiechert U, Hoefs J. Oxygen isotope analysis of quartz using ArF-laser. Min Mag. 1998;62A:454–455.

Simon K, Hoefs J. Large fossil hydrothermal systems in Variscan granites and pre-Variscan gneisses of the SchwArzwald. Min Mag. 1998;62A:1405–1406.

Hurai V, Simon K, Wiechert U, Hoefs J, Konecny P, Huraiova M, Pironon J, Lipka J. Immiscible separation of metalliferous Fe/Ti-oxide melts from fractionating alkali basalt: P-T-fO2 conditions and two-liquid elemental partitioning. Contr Mineral Petrol. 1998; 33:12–30.

Fiebig J, Wiechert U, Rumble D, Hoefs J. High-precision in situ oxygen isotope analysis of quartz using an ArF laser. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 1999;63:687–702.

Nitychoruk J, Hoefs J, Schneider J. Klima-Änderungen im Pleistocän: Isotopenuntersuchungen an fossilen Seesedimenten aus dem Holstein-Interglazial Ostpolens. Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart. 1999;49:21–34. German.

Xiao Y, Hoefs J, van den Kerkhof AM, Fiebig J, Zheng Y. Fluid history of UHP metamorphismin Dabie Shan, China: a fluid inclusion and oxygen isotope study on the coesite-bearing eclogite from Bixiling. Contr Mineral Petrol. 2000;139:1–16.

Nitychoruk J, Ber A, Hoefs J, Krywicki T, Schneider J, Winter H. Interglaziale Klimaschwankungen in Nordost-Polen – palynologische und isotopengeochemische Untersuchungen an organischen Seesedimenten. Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart. 2000;50:86–94. German.

Xiao Y, Hoefs J, van den Kerkhof AM. Geochemical constraints of the eclogite and granulite facies metamorphism as recognized in the Raobazhai complex from North Dabie Shan, China. J Metamorphic Geol. 2001;19:1–17.

Peckmann J, Reimer A, Luth U, Luth C, Hansen BT, Heinicke C, Hoefs J, Reitner J. Methane-derived carbonates and authigenic pyrite from the northwestern Black Sea. Mar Geol. 2001;177:129–150.

Bechtel A, Sun Y, Püttmann W, Hoernes S, Hoefs J. Isotopic evidence for multi-stage base metal enrichment in the Kupferschiefer from the Sangerhausen Basin, Germany. Chem Geol. 2001;176:191–206.

Afaj AH, Rothausen KH, Rothe P, Hoefs J, Schäfer P. Paläosalinität an den höchsten Oberen Cerithien-Schichten des Mainzer Beckens (Untermiozän) – Geochemische Untersuchungen (stabile Isotope und Spurenelemente) an Molluskenschalen. Mainzer Geowiss Mitt. 2002;31:129–152. German.

Fiebig J, Hoefs J. Hydrothermal alteration of granites: a combined in situ study using electron – and UV-laser oxygen isotope microprobe. Eur J Mineral. 2002;14:49–60.

Wiechert U, Fiebig J, Przybilla R, Xiao Y, Hoefs J. Isotope-ratio-monitoring mass spectrometry for in situ laser oxygen isotope analysis. Chem Geol. 2002;182:179–194.

Jedrysek MO, Kaluzny A, Hoefs J. Sulphur and oxygen isotope ratios in spruce needles as a tracer of atmospheric pollution. J Geophys Res. 2002;107:ACH 5-1–ACH 5-12.

Xiao Y, Hoefs J, van den Kerkhof AM, Simon K, Fiebig J, Zheng Y-F. Fluid evolution during HP and UHP metamorphism in Dabie Shan, China: constraints from mineral chemistry, fluid inclusions and stable isotopes. J Petrol, 2002;43:1505–1527.

Germann K, Lüders V, Banks DA, Simon K, Hoefs. Late Hercynian polymetallic vein-type base-metal mineralization in the Iberian Pyrite Belt: fluid-inclusion and stable isotope geochemistry (S–O–H–Cl). Miner Deposita. 2003;38:953–967.

Goll M, Lippolt HJ, Hoefs J. Mesozoic alteration of Permian volcanic rocks (Thüringer Wald, Germany): Ar, Sr and O isotope evidence. Chem Geol. 2003;199:241–253.

Peckmann J, Goedert JL, Heinrichs T, Hoefs J, Reitner J. The late Eocene ‘Whiskey Creek’ methane seep deposit. Part II: Petrology, stable isotopes and biogeochemistry. Facies. 2003;48:209–231.

Gutzmer J, Banks DA, Lüders V, Hoefs J, Beukes NJ, von Bezing KL. Ancient sub-seafloor alteration of basaltic andesites of the Ongeluk Formation, South Africa: implications for the chemistry of Paleoproterozoic seawater. Chem Geol. 2003;201:37–53.

Drüppel K, Hoefs J, Okrusch M. Fenitizing processes induced by ferrocarbonatite magmatism at Swartbooisdrif, NW Namibia. J Petrol. 2005;46:377–406.

Zhang Z, Shen K, Xiao Y, Van den Kerkhof A, Hoefs J, Liou JG. Fluid composition and evolution attending UHP metamorphism: study of fluid inclusions from drill cores, southern Sulu belt, eastern China. Int Geol Rev. 2005;47:297–309.

Zhang Z, Xiao Y, Liu F, Liou JG, Hoefs J. Petrogenesis of UHP metamorphic rocks from Qinglongshan, southern Sulu, east central China. Lithos. 2005;81:189–207.

Xiao Y, Hoefs J, Kronz A. Compositionally zoned Cl-rich amphiboles from North Dabie Shan, China: monitor of high-pressure metamorphic fluid/rock interaction processes. Lithos. 2005;81:279–295.

Nitychoruk J, Binka K, Hoefs J, Ruppert H, Schneider J. Climate reonstruction for the Holsteinian interglacial in eastern Poland and its comparison with isotopic data from marine Isotope Stage 11. Quat Sci Rev. 2005;24:631–644.

Zhang ZM, Xiao YL, Hoefs J, Xu ZQ, Liou JG. Petrogenesis of UHP metamorphic crustal and mantle rocks from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Pre-pilot Hole 1, Sulu belt, eastern China. Int Geol Rev. 2005;47:1160–1177.

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Gao Y, Hoefs J, Przybilla R, Snow JE. A complete oxygen isotope profile through the lower oceanic crust. Chem Geol. 2006;233:217–234.

Zhang Z, Xiao Y, Hoefs J, Liou JG, Simon K. UHP metamorphic rocks from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project – I. Petrology and geochemistry of the Main Hole (0–2050 m). Contr Mineral Petrol. 2006;152:421–441.

Xiao Y, Zhang Z, Hoefs J, van den Kerkhof F. Ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project – II. Oxygen isotope and fluid inclusion distributions through vertical sections. Contr Mineral Petrol. 2006;152:443–458.

Xiao Y; Sun W, Hoefs J, et al. Making continental crust through slab melting: constraints from niobium-tantalum fractionation in UHP metamorphic rutile. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 2006;70:4770–4782.

Quast A, Hoefs J, Paul J. Pedogenic carbonates as a proxy for palaeo-CO2 in the Paleozoic atmosphere. Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimat Palaeoecol. 2006;242:110–125.

Zhang Z, Shen K, Xiao Y, Hoefs J, Liou JG. Mineral and fluid inclusions in zircon of UHP metamorphic rocks from the CCSD-main drill hole: a record of metamorphism and fluid activity. Lithos. 2006;92:378–398.

Gao J, Hoefs J, Hellebrand E, von der Handt A, Snow JE. Trace element zoning in pyroxenes from ODP 735B gabbros: diffusive exchange or synkinematic crystal fractionation? Contr Mineral Petrol. 2007;153:429–442.

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Hoefs J. Geochemical fingerprints: a critical appraisal. Eur J Mineral. 2010;22:3–15.

Xiao Y, Hoefs J, Hou Z, Simon K, Zhang Z. Fluid/rock interaction and mass transfer in continental subduction zones: constraints from trace elements and isotopes (Li, B, O, Sr, Nd, Pb) in UHP rocks from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Program. Contr Mineral Petrol. 2011;162:797–819.

He Y, Li S, Hoefs J, Huang F, Liu S, Hou Z. Post-collisional granitoids from the Dabie orogen: new evidence for partial melting of a thickened continental crust. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 2011;75:3815–3838.

Hoefs J. Isotopes and geobiology. In: Reitner J, Thiel V, editors. Encyclopedia of geobiology. Heidelberg: Springer; 2011. p. 511–516.

Hoefs J. Stable isotope geochemistry: some perspectives. In: Harmon R, Parker A, editors. Frontiers in geochemistry: contributions of geochemistry to the study of the Earth. Blackwell Publ. 2011. p. 117–131.

Böttcher ME, Hoefs J. Sulphur tales: a tribute on the occasion of the 90th birthday of Heimo Nielsen. Isot Environ Health Stud. 2012;48:1–6.

Milovsky R, van den Kerkhof A, Hoefs J, Hurai V, Prochaska W. Cathodoluminescense, fluid inclusion and stable C–O isotope study of tectonic breccias from thrusting plane of a thin-skinned calcareous nappe. Int J Earth Sci. 2012;101:535–554.

Slaby E, Martin H, Hamada M, et al. Evidence in Archean alkali feldspar megacrysts for high-temperature interaction with mantle fluids. J Petrol. 2012;53:67–98.

Gao Y, Vils F, Elliott T, Hoefs J, et al. Down-hole variation of lithium and oxygen isotopic compositions of oceanic crust at East Pacific Rise, ODP Site 1256. Geochem Geophys Geosyst. 2012;13:2012GC004207RR.

Böttcher ME, Hoefs J. In memoriam Dr. Heimo Nielsen. Isot Environ Health Stud. 2013;49:1–2.

He Y, Li S, Hoefs J, Kleinhanns I. Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions of Early Cretaceous granitoids from the Dabie orogen: constraints on the recycled lower crust. Lithos. 2013;156–159:204–217.

Gorve TL, Hoefs J, Müntener O. Editorial. Contrib Mineral Petrol. 2014;168:1.


The authors wish in particular to express their warm gratitude to Jochen Hoefs for his continuous support, guidance, and inspiration. The present special issue would not have been possible without the elaborate and careful support from our reviewers, whose impact on the final publications is highly appreciated. We wish to thank (in alphabetical order): M. Andersen, J. Barth, R.E. Blake, E. Bozau, G. Brennecka, C. Gardner, J. Hughes, J. Klaus, I. Krajcar Bronić, M.S. Lachniet, A. Lamb, C. Lécuyer, J. McManus, F. Mittermayr, F. Ogden, H. Reade, K. Rozanski, J. Spangenberg, A. Turchyn, and T. Vennemann. In addition, we wish to thank Taylor & Francis for the possibility to create this special issue, to G. Strauch, the responsible IEHS editor-in-chief, and his editorial office team for the helpful support throughout the realization, and, last but not least, to all contributing authors for providing stimulating examples for the application of different stable isotope systems in modern research.


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  • Strauss H, Chmiel H, Christ A, et al. Multiple sulphur and oxygen isotopes reveal microbial sulphur cycling in spring waters in the Lower Engadin, Switzerland. Isot Environ Health Stud. 2015;52:75–93. doi:10.1080/10256016.2015.1032961
  • Halder J, Pralong C, Bonvin F, Lambiel F, Vennemann T. Application of δ18O, δ13CDIC, and major ions to evaluate micropollutant sources in the Bay of Vidy, Lake Geneva. Isot Environ Health Stud. 2014;52:94–111. doi:10.1080/10256016.2014.971786
  • Dietzel M, Schön F, Heinrichs J, Deditius A, Leis A. Tracing formation and durability of calcite in a Punic–Roman cistern mortar (Pantelleria Island, Italy). Isot Environ Health Stud. 2015;52:112–127. doi:10.1080/10256016.2015.1016430
  • Kern Z, Harmon RS, Fórizs I. Stable isotope signatures of seasonal precipitation on the Pacific coast of central Panama. Isot Environ Health Stud. 2015;52:128–140. doi:10.1080/10256016.2015.1016021
  • Noordmann J, Weyer S, Georg B, Jöns S, Sharma M. 238U/235U isotope ratios of crustal material, rivers and products of hydrothermal alteration: new insights on the oceanic U isotope mass balance. Isot Environ Health Stud. 2015;52:141–163. doi:10.1080/10256016.2015.1047449
  • Pietsch S, Tütken T. Oxygen isotope composition of North American bobcat (Lynx rufus) and puma (Puma concolor) bone phosphate: implications for provenance and climate reconstruction. Isot Environ Health Stud. 2015;52:164–184. doi:10.1080/10256016.2015.1113957

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