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Review Article

A Narrative Review of Fatigue in Agriculture and Its Impact on Injury and Fatality in Australia

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To identify current knowledge about the role of fatigue in occupational injury in the agricultural sector and briefly assess potential intervention approaches.


Narrative review of peer reviewed literature (in English) from 2010 to 2022 focusing on fatigue in agricultural and other sectors. Data were extracted from Medline, Scopus, and Google Scholar.


The initial search revealed 6,031 papers, of these 33 met the inclusion criteria. The literature unanimously agreed that fatigue contributes to occupational injury in agriculture and related industries. However, there was a scarcity of literature specific to Australia or agriculture. This limits the ability to draw conclusions about the true relationship between fatigue and injury.


While fatigue is likely a major contributor to occupational injury in Australian agriculture, the limited literature impedes the ability to draw conclusions and extrapolate interventions used by other industries that are practical and feasible, to agriculture. Future studies should establish the nature of the problem in Australian agriculture and consult with members of the sector to establish the best interventions to ameliorate the problem, then implement and robustly evaluate intervention studies.


Agriculture is a major contributor to the Australian economy and underpins the social and economic structures of rural and regional Australia. Agricultural products were responsible for 12% of goods and services exported in 2020–21. This accounted for 1.9% of the total national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 2.5% of all employment.Citation1 Around 70% of all agricultural output is exported, with beef ranked (7th), meat excluding beef (14th) and wheat (16th) in relation to the total value of export incomes from all sources.Citation2

Internationally, the agriculture sector is recognised as a high-risk industry.Citation3–5 This is also reflected in the Australian data with over 1,550 fatal non-intentional injury-related incidents on Australian farms between 2001 and 2020, with no change in the rates of death when assessed by hours worked.Citation6 Furthermore, when compared to other industry sectors in Australia over the 2016–20 period, agriculture has the unenviable record of having the second highest occupational fatality rate (12.2/100,000 workers), behind road transport (12.4/100,000).Citation7 By way of comparison, the construction and mining sectors recorded rates of 2.2 and 2.1/100,000, respectively. Additionally, the agricultural fatality rate (12.2), is almost 8.5 times higher than the all-industries average (1.45/100,00).Citation7

A review of Australian workers compensation data over the 2014–2019 period examined non-fatal injury in the agricultural sector.Citation8 It revealed that 70% of the claims involved body stressing (i.e. lifting, carrying, moving objects), being hit by a moving object (e.g. an animal or vehicle), or falls, trips, and slips. Furthermore, fatigue and its relationship to injury were identified as an issue by stakeholders in this study. However, the precise nature of this relationship could not be ascertained based on existing data, as fatigue is not captured in workers compensation data.Citation8

Notwithstanding these data limitations, the relationship between fatigue and injury is well correlated across multiple industry sectors internationally.Citation9–11 Within agriculture, putative risk factors include the physically demanding nature of the work, use of a vast array of machinery and technology, the seasonal nature of some sectors (e.g. high work intensity sowing/harvest periods), plus overall chronic time demands (e.g. in dairying), and the all-encompassing nature of the job demanding a strong work ethic that sometimes portrays sleep as a weakness leading to further fatigue.Citation2,Citation12,Citation13 Added to this are factors outside the direct control of farmers such as the fluctuating economics of agricultural commodity prices, weather conditions, and natural phenomena that can unpredictably dictate many functions of a workday.Citation12 More recently, the COVID-19 epidemic has also exacerbated issues such as access to temporary staff (e.g. agricultural visa holders or back-packers), resulting in major labour shortages within the agricultural sector.Citation14

Fatigue is a multi-factorial and multi-dimensional concept; within the literature the definition of fatigue varies based on context and required complexity.Citation15 At its broadest definition fatigue is defined as “a biological drive for recuperative rest.”Citation16 Most literature recognises both mental and physical causes and consequences to fatigue.Citation17,Citation18 Fatigue can be defined as both a consequence of mental and/or physical exertion and a cause of mental and/or physical exertion. For the purpose of this paper, fatigue has been defined in accordance with the statements of Safe Work Australia “Fatigue is more than feeling tired and drowsy. It is mental or physical exhaustion that reduces your ability to work safely and effectively. It can also have serious short and long-term health effects on workers.”Citation19

Most literature acknowledges a time awake and time active component to fatigue;Citation16,Citation18,Citation20 that is to say, fatigue is more likely to occur with more time since waking, or since the last rest break and with longer working hours. This concept is intimately linked to other expanded definitions of fatigue that include sleep quantity, quality, and homeostatic factors.Citation21

Consequently, the aim of this narrative review is to establish what is known about the role of fatigue in occupational injury in the Australian agricultural sector. In addition, the review will assess contemporaneous data from other industry sectors, from which lessons to reduce fatigue-related injuries may be learned – such as forestry, maritime, oil, and mining. This information may then assist in providing a baseline to underpin future research and interventions in ameliorating the contributions of fatigue to injury.


This review was conducted with the intention of answering five research questions:

  1. How does fatigue impact on injury in a work context?

  2. What information is available on the impact of fatigue in relation to injury in western agricultural production systems (e.g. Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, and USA)?

  3. What steps have been taken to manage fatigue in the agriculture sector within Australia and internationally?

  4. How have other industry sectors such as fishing, gas, mining, oil, forestry, and transport addressed fatigue management (what is considered best practice)?

  5. Drawing on the information collated in questions 1–4, what steps are recommended for future study and/or implementation to manage fatigue in the context of the Australian agriculture sector.

The data used in this study are publicly available and used in accordance with the data custodians requirements, ethics approval was not required.

Three separate searches were completed to answer the five research questions as outlined above in a narrative style review. Medline, Scopus, and Google Scholar were employed to search for papers from 2010 to March 31, 2022. Papers were excluded if not written in English, were not peer reviewed, or if they were irrelevant to western agricultural production systems. The primary outcome focus of papers was required to centre on fatigue and/or specifically for the agricultural sector, and on antecedents that may be causative (e.g. sleep duration and quality).

The first search used the keywords “fatigue,” “injury,” “occupational injury” including all combinations of words. The second search employed the keywords “fatigue,” “agricult*,” “farm*,” “injury,” including combinations of all words. The third search included “fatigue,” “manage*,” “best practice,” and keywords related to relevant industries including “oil,” “gas,” “mining,” and “forestry.” Titles and abstracts were assessed for relevance and exclusion criteria by the principal author, full-text articles that were included were then read and further assessed for relevance and exclusion criteria by at least two authors. Additionally, bibliographies were interrogated for relevant literature complying with the inclusion and exclusion criteria.


The results from the search are outlined in . The initial three searches revealed 6,037 studies, which after consideration of inclusion and exclusion criteria were reduced to 33 papers. Of the papers included in the final review, 10 were directly related to agricultural production, with the remainder (n = 23), reporting on other industry sectors. Summary results are outlined in (n = 10) and (n = 23), reflecting those specific to agriculture and examining alternate sectors, respectively.

Figure 1. Study flow chart.

Figure 1. Study flow chart.

Table 1. Summary features of studies assessing fatigue in the agriculture sector from Jan 1, 2010 to March 31, 2022.

Table 2. Summary features of studies assessing fatigue in non-agricultural sectors from Jan 1, 2010 to March 31, 2022.

In relation to the first and second study questions, the literature supports the proposition that fatigue contributes to injury occurrence in a work context. Ten of the identified studies were conducted solely on agriculture, none of which were Australian.Citation20,Citation22–30

Fatigue increased the risk of injury in several studies.Citation9,Citation18,Citation20,Citation21,Citation28,Citation29,Citation38–40,Citation44,Citation45 A cross-sectional survey of 89,366 US workers found that long working hours and short sleep duration both independently increased the risk of occupational injury; with each 10-h increase in weekly working hours and each 1-h decrease in sleep time, there was an increase in injury risk by 14% and 10%, respectively.Citation21 An analysis of 8 years, including 6,584 reports of forestry incident data in New Zealand concluded that 70% of incidents were caused by worker failures and 78% of worker failures showed indications of fatigue. There was a bimodal distribution of the time of incidents, with peaks at 1000 and 1400 h. The authors speculated that this was indicative of fatigue due to patterns of hours worked and break times. More specifically; 1000 and 1400 h tended to correlate with >4 h since the last rest break.Citation18 The relationship between fatigue and injury is also reported in qualitative studies with farmers, forestry plus oil and gas workers.Citation28,Citation38,Citation47

A literature review assessing the link between fatigue and safety suggested that fatigue is a consequence of sleep homeostatic dysregulation and leads to reduced performance and safety impairment.Citation16 This was reinforced by an offshore oil drilling study that found stress, sleep disruption, and fatigue were all associated with lower work safety awareness and increases in unsafe behaviour.Citation44 More recently, it was identified that isolation and loneliness contribute to fatigue generation and both physical and mental fatigues are negatively correlated with safety compliance and participation in oil and gas workers.Citation17

With specific regard to agricultural studies (research question 2), there were two that quantified an increased risk of injury from fatigue, both emanating from the Saskatchewan Farm Study.Citation20. The cross-sectional survey involved 2,390 Saskatchewan farms and found that <5 h of sleep increased the injury odds by 2.42 (95% CI 1.04–5.59) compared to >7 h of sleep.Citation20 This study also established that those participants reporting economic worry, working more than 60 h per week and daily alcohol intake, were more likely to report less than 5 h of sleep and furthermore that alcohol significantly increased the rate of injury.Citation20 In assessing differences between peak and non-peak farming season and injury rates, no difference between seasons was found.Citation20 However, once confounding variables were accounted for, a reduced sleep duration in non-peak season was associated with increased injury rates, even though shorter sleep duration was more common in peak production seasons than non-peak production seasons. The authors speculated that this unexpected result may be related to the nature of the task; with non-peak season tasks tending to be more monotonous, less varied, and more hazardous.Citation20 This is in keeping with data from other sectors.Citation16 King (2014) also found that farmers with excessive daytime sleepiness were more likely to be injured (OR 1.34 [95% CI 0.92 to 1.96]) and report poorer physical health (OR 2.19 [95% CI 1.45 to 3.30]).Citation29 Additionally, loud snoring was associated with higher rates of injury, however physician diagnosed obstructive sleep apnoea was not.Citation30 It was proposed that this may reflect that once apnoea is diagnosed and treatment is received, injury risk returns to baseline. Additionally, despite relatively small sample sizes, recent studies suggest women may be at higher risk from fatigue.Citation23,Citation25

In relation to the third and fourth study questions, there were only three intervention studies that have directly addressed the issue of fatigue and been systematically evaluated.Citation36,Citation42,Citation48,Citation49 While none of these was in the agricultural sector, potential ameliorating factors include the implementation of a broad ranging Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS) consisting of several aspects (e.g. reduced work hours, mandated rest breaks and vacation leave, task rotation, encouragement of stretching & exercise).Citation42 A review of multiple industries indicated that HoS limitations were effective for fatigue prevention and provided sufficient opportunity for rest.Citation46 This is reinforced by a cohort study comparing different watchkeeping routines on maritime workers' sleep, fatigue, and safety. The cohort working the 8-h work and 8-h rest routine had significantly better sleep efficiency compared to the 6-h work and 6-h rest cohort, however no difference in fatigue or safety was found.Citation48 This suggests that both limitations on hours worked and sufficient time for rest are beneficial to the prevention of fatigue and quality of rest. Additionally, a study interviewing 703 hospitalised workers compared the time of injury to work shifts and rest breaks. Workers with rest breaks of >30 min were able to work significantly longer without injury, compared to those without a rest break.Citation41


The literature unanimously agrees that fatigue contributes to work injury across multiple sectors. While there is a relative paucity of agriculturally focused studies (n = 10),Citation20,Citation22–30 the data supports this contention.

A range of factors were defined as being potentially associated with this increase across sectors, including long working hours and reductions in sleep time,Citation21 periods between break times,Citation41 stress,Citation44 sleep homeostasis,Citation16 and social isolation,Citation17 among others. More specifically for the agricultural sector, the additional issues highlighted included daytime sleepiness,Citation29 loud snoring,Citation30 less than 5-h sleep, economic worry, working more than 60 h per week and daily alcohol intake.Citation20 There was also a suggestion that women are at increased risk.Citation23,Citation25

As evidenced in this review, the overwhelming majority of studies (both agricultural and in other sectors), have been descriptive cross-sectional assessments looking at quantifying and explaining the potential causative mechanisms and impacts of fatigue on injury. Further, there are only three studies within the papers assessed that have conducted an intervention study with an accompanying evaluation, none of which involved agriculture.Citation36,Citation42,Citation48 This suggests significant potential to scale-up more robust intervention studies to address this issue within agriculture.

When other industries have attempted to address fatigue, an approach drawing on a holistic Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS) has typically been adopted, reflecting the multifactorial nature of fatigue. Several of the primary industries assessed in this review have internationally coherent strategies to address fatigue based on a FRMS that are then underpinned by either aligned national and/or state-based strategies. From an international perspective, this includes agencies such as the International Maritime Organization,Citation50 the International Association of Oil and Gas ProducersCitation51 and the International Aluminium Institute.Citation52 The forestry sector has a dated Code of Practice (1998),Citation53 but does have current national approaches such as those in Australia,Citation54 Canada,Citation55 and New Zealand.Citation33

Conceptually, strategies to address fatigue and injury can be divided into three modifiable factors: factors related to occupation, to the individual and the environment.Citation56 Occupation factors include implementation of hours of service (HoS) restrictions, enforced rest periods and vacation time, timing of shift work, and task rotation.

Factors related to individuals include lifestyle modifications such as diet and exercise,Citation32,Citation56 limited alcohol consumption,Citation20,Citation56 a sleep space, and habits conducive to sleep.Citation56 Management of medical conditions that may cause fatigue and sleepiness, such as sleep apnoea and obesity, have also been highlighted as beneficial for fatigue prevention.Citation26,Citation28,Citation30

Environmental factors amenable to intervention include provision of conditions that are conducive to a safe workplace and limit the requirements for mental energy to navigate the physical workplace.Citation42 Additionally, the implementation and encouragement of a safety culture and FRMS are considered important. A safety culture describes a workplace that approaches safety lapses as opportunities to improve safety in a workplace.Citation46 Meanwhile, a fatigue risk management system (FRMS), describes the policy and procedures that reflect a safety culture.Citation57 This includes education for workers, methods of measuring fatigue levels and reporting, investigating and recording incidents attributable to fatigue. To facilitate this approach, processes for evaluating fatigue-related incidents, undertaking interventions, and evaluating interventions are required.Citation46 A focus on safety culture and the effective implementation of FRMS have been shown to improve safety outcomes among mining,Citation35,Citation42 transport,Citation43 and agriculture,Citation27 with these strategies being employed where HoS limitations are not desirable or feasible.Citation46

While there are numerous guides and fatigue management resource materials available that farmers may avail themselves of through various agricultural departments, commodity sector organisations or occupational health services (including online), we are unaware of any evidence-based programs that have been implemented and formally evaluated within an agricultural context internationally. In the case of Australian agriculture, we also believe there are no such interventions currently in progress. This highlights a significant gap in our knowledge and thereby reduces the potential for effective preventive approaches.

In the Australian context, employers are legally required to eliminate or minimise the risk of fatigue, so far as is reasonably practicable.Citation58 In general terms, this could include establishing relevant FRMS within agricultural businesses, as examples this may be inclusive of – rostering, monitoring fatigue signs, job rotation (where feasible), ensuring sufficient sleep periods and use of new fatigue detection technologies as they are developed.

The limitations of this study include the lack of a consistent definition of “fatigue” in the literature, thereby restricting the ability to synthesise conclusions and understand the true nature of the problem. Furthermore, ethical restrictions in regard to studying fatigue and injury limit the possibility for conducting more robust research e.g. controlled studies with fatigue inducement. The studies in this review are exclusively cross-sectional or case study designs, thereby restricting the ability to draw causal conclusions and increasing the potential for confounders such as sleep quality and stress. Furthermore, data for farmers and farm workers have not been disaggregated and while the impact of fatigue and its contribution to subsequent injury in these groups are not fully understood, there may well be important differences between these cohorts. Due to the nature of the studies conducted, much of the data is self-reported, with few studies seeking to use validated sleep and fatigue scales resulting in potential for response bias. As this is not a systematic review, no detailed assessment of the overall quality of the studies has been undertaken (as previously noted, they are predominantly cross-sectional assessments). However, the consistency of the findings does support the generalisability of the results even for the agricultural studies, which were lower in number (n = 10). Finally, limiting the relevance of the conclusions made by this review is the scarcity of the literature in the agriculture sector, with none having been conducted in the Australian agricultural sector. This also brings into question the practicality of interventions used in other industries within agriculture. Interventions such as HoS limitations, log books, enforced rest breaks and vacation leave, may not be desired, practical, feasible, or enforceable in the agricultural sector. Similar issues have also been identified within the USA, where such “best practices” have been highlighted as being incompatible with work in the agricultural sector, necessitating a greater focus on risk mitigation.Citation13

Based on what has been revealed in this review and the limitations outlined, future studies should focus on defining fatigue, then assessing the direct empirical impacts that fatigue has on agricultural workers in relation to injury. Due to the complex nature of agricultural work and the unique demands of the industry, consultation with members of the agricultural sector is imperative to assess potential efficacious and practical solutions to the problem of fatigue. This should then be followed by well-designed and robustly evaluated intervention studies.

There is unanimous agreement that fatigue contributes to occupational injury in industries comparable to agriculture, however there is a scarcity of the literature specific to agriculture in general and Australia specifically. This limits the relevance of conclusions that can be drawn and brings into question the practicality of interventions used by other industries for agriculture and potentially a greater focus on risk mitigation.Citation13 It is contended that the unique demands, conditions, and culture of the Australian agriculture sector are likely to contribute to fatigue generation and injury. Whilst other sectors have introduced some effective strategies, these may or may not be suitable for agriculture. Therefore, potential solutions require consultation with and enthusiastic adoption from the agricultural sector and suggest that international collaboration among countries that have somewhat similar farming practices, may be feasible to address this issue.

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No funding was received for this study.


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