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Note From the Editor

Note From the Editor


Greetings, JSE readers! I hope that your 2016 got off to a great start. The past few months have seen many exciting changes for the Journal of Statistics Education. As you may already know, starting since October 2015 all submissions to JSE are made through the Scholar One system at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ujse. Also, starting with our latest issue, JSE is now being published by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC; in case you would like to bookmark JSE's new web address, here it is: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ujse20. I would like to thank JSE Editorial Coordinator Jean Scott, ASA Journals Manager Eric Sampson, and Taylor & Francis Production Editor Rebecca A. Corpier for all their hard work in putting together this issue.

As many, if not all, of you know, I took over as Editor of JSE very recently; I started reviewing new submissions starting September 2015, but officially my appointment began January 2016. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to Michelle Everson, Editor 2013–2015, for her expert advice and guidance on big and small matters during the transition months as well as now, and to Jean for making the transition very smooth. I would also like to thank all the continuing Associate Editors (AE) as well as the many brand new AEs and referees for so generously volunteering their time and expertise to JSE! It is thanks to the hard work of all of you that JSE continues to publish high quality articles on improving the teaching and learning of statistics.

Now more about JSE's latest issue: this issue includes three regular articles, one Research in K-12 Statistics Education article, and an interview by Allan J. Rossman with Robert W. Hayden. I hope you enjoy reading this issue, and welcome your feedback.

There are several other exciting developments on the way for JSE. Please stay tuned for more information. Remember, you can request to join JSE's Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/486553198048126/?ref=ts&fref=ts or follow JSE on Twitter (@JStatEd).


Soma Roy
