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Technical Papers

Early atmospheric detection of carbon dioxide from carbon capture and storage sites

, , &
Pages 739-747 | Received 27 Sep 2015, Accepted 02 Apr 2016, Published online: 22 Apr 2016


The early atmospheric detection of carbon dioxide (CO2) leaks from carbon capture and storage (CCS) sites is important both to inform remediation efforts and to build and maintain public support for CCS in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. A gas analysis system was developed to assess the origin of plumes of air enriched in CO2, as to whether CO2 is from a CCS site or from the oxidation of carbon compounds. The system measured CO2 and O2 concentrations for different plume samples relative to background air and calculated the gas differential concentration ratio (GDCR = −ΔO2/ΔCO2). The experimental results were in good agreement with theoretical calculations that placed GDCR values for a CO2 leak at 0.21, compared with GDCR values of 1–1.8 for the combustion of carbon compounds. Although some combustion plume samples deviated in GDCR from theoretical, the very low GDCR values associated with plumes from CO2 leaks provided confidence that this technology holds promise in providing a tool for the early detection of CO2 leaks from CCS sites.  Implications: This work contributes to the development of a cost-effective technology for the early detection of leaks from sites where CO2 has been injected into the subsurface to enhance oil recovery or to permanently store the gas as a strategy for mitigating climate change. Such technology will be important in building public confidence regarding the safety and security of carbon capture and storage sites.


To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, carbon dioxide (CO2) from fossil fuel combustion can be concentrated, compressed, and injected into the subsurface for long-term storage (Metz et al., Citation2005). Such carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies include economically beneficial uses for the CO2 in enhanced oil recovery (EOR; Alvarado and Manrique, Citation2010) or simply a disposal strategy involving depleted gas and oil wells, or storage in deep saline aquifers (White et al., Citation2003).

Carbon dioxide leakage from geological storage sites is a matter of concern. Leaked CO2 can contaminate shallow aquifers and surface water bodies and eventually reach the atmosphere with potential adverse impacts on ecosystem and human health (Keating et al., Citation2013). To gain and preserve public support for CCS, it will be necessary to implement technologies for the early detection and rapid mitigation of CO2 from storage sites (Bruant et al., Citation2002; Verkerke et al., Citation2014).

In 2008, the Government of Alberta committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50 Mt/yr by 2020 and 200 Mt/yr by 2050, with CCS accounting for 139 Mt CO2/yr by 2050 (Alberta Energy, Citation2009). Assuming this goal is met through a linear increase in CCS in the province beginning in 2017 (i.e., 4.1 Mt/yr of new CCS storage each yr) at a leak of 0.001%/yr (Metz et al., Citation2005), the total flux to the atmosphere would be ca. 600 L CO2/min (569 t CO2/yr) in 2022, and 40 times that in 2050. Throughout this paper, leak rates will be described in units of L/min to emphasize that detection of relatively small rather than large leaks is the focus of the study. Although leaks from CCS are likely to be distributed across the province, a technology to find point source leaks in the range of tens to hundreds of L/min would be valuable in permitting early remediation of the site and to build public confidence for the technology.

CCS leaks can be detected at local sites by monitoring soil or atmospheric CO2 concentrations (Cohen et al., Citation2013; Schutz et al., Citation2013; Verkerke et al., Citation2014), whereas leak detection can involve the use of chemical tracers (Myers et al., Citation2013). At all scales, including global, ratios of gases or their isotopes have been proposed as strategies for identifying CO2 leaks from CCS sites (Keeling et al., Citation2011; Romanak et al., Citation2013; Ma et al., Citation2013).

The present study reports on a mobile measurement method to both detect atmospheric CO2 plumes and identify whether the CO2 in the plume may have originated from a pure CO2 source (such as that from a CCS reservoir or a CO2 pipeline), as opposed to biological respiration/combustion, or the combustion of fossil fuels. This study focuses on the precision of measurements of the ratio of ΔO2 to ΔCO2 for various combustion processes relative to background air and a comparison of calculated and experimentally measured ratios. Although elevated concentrations of 50–200 ppm CO2 are easily detectable against a background of 400 ppm CO2, measuring a similar decrease in O2 concentration is more challenging, since the background O2 in air is 20.9% (209,460 ppm).

Methods capable of resolving such small changes in O2 include interferometric analysis (Keeling, Citation1988) and measurements based on mass spectroscopy (Bender et al., Citation1994). These methods require intensive field campaigns and the equipment used for the determinations are expensive in comparison with the differential fuel cell technology. An alternative fuel cell technology was used to create a differential oxygen analyzer (DOX) system (Willms et al., Citation1997; Kettlewell, Citation2004) for measurements of photosynthetic and respiratory quotients in biological systems and commercialized by Qubit Systems Inc. (Kingston, Canada). In a recent study, Van Leeuwen and Meijer (Citation2015) also used fuel cell technology at a fixed location for continuous measurements of O2 to detect CCS leaks downwind. Compared with other measurement methods for O2, the DOX technology is mobile, more cost-effective to build and operate, but lacks the sensitivity of mass spectrometry. However, the resolution of the DOX technology met our requirements for measuring O2 concentration differentials in plume samples. The DOX had a resolution of 0.4 Pa (~4 ppm) against background air with accuracy of 0.2 Pa (~2 ppm) (Kettlewell, Citation2004).

Experimental methods

The ultimate goal of this work is to build a portable, field-based system that (a) detects and samples CO2 plumes in air, (b) analyses them for differential O2/CO2 ratios relative to bulk air to determine whether the CO2 may have come from a CCS storage site, and if so, (c) combine this information with information on wind speed, direction, and global positioning system (GPS) data to identify the approximate location of the potential leak. The prototype instruments build for this feasibility study involved a field-based detection/sampling system and a laboratory-based analytical system for measurement of the O2/CO2 ratio to determine the origin of the CO2 in the plume.

To test the laboratory-based analytical system, a number of gas samples were created by either mixing gases having different compositions or by sampling plumes from known combustion sources. The results were compared with theory. Also, a field study was carried out in which the plumes of air downwind of a CO2 source (dry ice) were detected and sampled and then analyzed in the laboratory.

The analytical system

The gas analysis system shown in was built to measure the differences in the CO2 and O2 concentrations between a reference gas having the composition of background air and samples containing CO2-enriched plume gas. A pump (model P651; Qubit Systems Inc., Kingston, ON) was used to draw two gas streams from an 86L reference gas bag (model 32310-314; VWR International, Radnor, PA). The gas streams flowed through two flow meters (model RMA-150; Dwyer Instruments, Michigan City, IN) and drying columns of magnesium perchlorate at a flow rate of 20–40 mL/min each before reaching the reference (R) and sample (S) sides of a differential oxygen analyzer (DOX; prototype version of model S104; Qubit Systems) that contained sensor outputs for absolute (PA, ) and differential (PD, ) pressure, absolute (OAr and OAs, ) and differential (OD, ) oxygen, and numerous temperatures (not shown).

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the gas analysis system used to measure the O2 and CO2 concentration differences between a reference gas (bulk air) and a sample/plume gas to calculate differences in the oxygen (ΔO2) and carbon dioxide (ΔCO2) concentrations. DOX, differential oxygen analyzer; IRGA, infrared gas analyzer; OAr and OAs, absolute O2 sensor for reference and sample gas, respectively; OD, differential O2 output; PA and PD, absolute and differential pressure sensors, respectively; CA. absolute CO2 sensor output.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the gas analysis system used to measure the O2 and CO2 concentration differences between a reference gas (bulk air) and a sample/plume gas to calculate differences in the oxygen (ΔO2) and carbon dioxide (ΔCO2) concentrations. DOX, differential oxygen analyzer; IRGA, infrared gas analyzer; OAr and OAs, absolute O2 sensor for reference and sample gas, respectively; OD, differential O2 output; PA and PD, absolute and differential pressure sensors, respectively; CA. absolute CO2 sensor output.

The gas stream flowing through the sample side of the DOX was also provided to the sample cell of an infrared gas analyzer (IRGA; model LI-7000; Licor Instruments, Lincoln, NB) setup so that the reference cell was maintained in CO2-free air and the voltage output was proportional to the absolute CO2 concentration (CA, ). The sensor outputs from the DOX and the IRGA were converted from analog to digital signals (DAQcard-6036E; National Instruments, Vaudreuil-Dorion, QB) and monitored by computer running gas exchange software (model C950; Qubit Systems).

The gas analysis system was used to quantify the differences in CO2 (ΔCO2) and O2 (ΔO2) concentrations between a reference gas of ambient air (fO2i = 0.209 and fCO2i = 0.0004) and a sample gas that was typically enriched in CO2 and depleted in O2 relative to the reference gas. The measured gas differential concentration ratio (GDCRm) was defined as


Preparation of gas samples for testing

To create gas samples that would be typical of that found in CO2-enriched plumes in air, two approaches were used and combined with theoretical calculations to compare measured and predicted values for GDCR.

Gas mixing

A volume of an initial gas (Vi) having a known fractional O2 (fO2i) and CO2 (fCO2i) composition was assumed to mix with a smaller volume of injected gas (Vinj) with a known fractional O2 (fO2inj) and CO2 (fCO2inj) composition. The predicted gas differential concentration ratio (GDCRp) after injection was calculated as


Assuming the initial gas was bulk air (fO2i = 0.209 and fCO2i = 0.0004) and the injected gas was pure CO2, a GDCRc value of 0.209 was calculated. If the injected gas was changed to 10.15% CO2 in N2, a GDCRc value of 2.07 was calculated.

Combustion of carbonaceous material

The complete oxidation of a carbonaceous compound can be described by eq 3:


where m represents the moles of O2 consumed and x, y, and z are the atom-moles of C, H, and O in the molecule. Values for m can be calculated from the chemical formula for the carbonaceous compound using eq 4:


In the gas analysis system used here, the reference and sample gases are dried (H2O removed) in a magnesium perchlorate column before being measured. Therefore, the (y/2) term makes no contribution to gas composition after combustion and the net gas exchange (NGE; mole/mole initial carbonaceous compound) associated with the reaction can be calculated as


Assuming the carbonaceous compound is combusted in a gas with known initial fractional O2 (fO2i) and CO2 (fCO2i) concentrations, the predicted gas differential concentration ratio (GDCRp, pO2/pCO2) is:


shows the chemical reactions for complete oxidation of three carbon substrates tested in the present study, and for each provides the calculated GDCRp values. Note that eqs 36 can also be used to calculate GDCRp values for a CO2 leak into air ().

Table 1. Prediction of the gas differential concentration ratio (GDCRp) associated with the combustion of four carbonaceous compounds or CO2 mixing with air.

Measurement of GDCRm in prepared gases

Gas-impermeable bags (Tedlar 232-05, SKC Inc., Eighty Four, PA), having a volume of 86 L (reference) or 5 L (sample), were filled with outside air at the same time and away from any sources of CO2. The reference and sample bags were connected to the gas analysis system as shown in and the fractional CO2 concentration (fCO2i) measured in the sample and reference bags. The fractional O2 concentration in the reference bag was assumed to be 0.209 (fO2i = 0.209), and the DOX was used to measure the differential O2 partial pressure (ΔpO2i; Pa) in the sample relative to the reference gas. Using known values for atmospheric pressure (PA; Pa), temperature (T), the fractional, partial pressure of a gas (pG; Pa) was converted to molar concentration (fG; ppm) using the following equation:


where G is an arbitrary gas molecule.

When the three-way valve on the gas analysis system () was set to draw both reference and sample gases from the reference bag, incremental amounts of pure CO2 (fCO2inj = 1.0) or a gas with a fractional concentration of 10.15% CO2 in N2 (fCO2inj = 0.1015, fO2inj = 0; certified, Praxis Inc, Danbury, CT), were injected into the sample bag and mixed as described previously.

After each injection, the fractional CO2 concentration (fCO2) was measured along with the O2 concentration differential (ΔO2) relative to the reference gas bag. To obtain representative GDCRm values for each sample, triplicate measurements relative to the reference gas were made by switching the three-way valve between reference and sample gas inlets every 4 min. For the last 30 sec of each 4-min period, average values were recorded for the OD, CA, atmospheric pressure, and the pressure differential between sample and reference gases. Pressure differentials were used to correct the OD measurements. Changes in CO2 partial pressure (ΔCO2) and differential O2 partial pressure (ΔO2) relative to the reference gas were calculated, to permit the subsequent calculation of GDCRm using eq 1.

demonstrates the real-time, replicate measurements of the absolute CO2 concentration and the O2 differential concentration in a sample gas bag filled with reference gas before and after it received each of three serial injections (at 13, 32, and 55 min) of a gas containing 10.15% CO2 in N2. Note that after each injection, a consistent stepwise change was observed in both the CO2 and O2 concentrations relative to the reference gas. Every 3–5 min, the gas streams being sampled by the analysis system could be switched, making it possible to obtain CO2 differentials with a resolution of about 1 ppm and O2 differentials with a resolution of about 5 ppm.

Figure 2. Output of the IRGA [CO2] and DOX [O2] (converted to absolute or differential concentrations, respectively), during a typical experimental run where the gas supplied to the sample cell of the DOX and IRGA was switched between a reference gas (clear background) and a sample gas (shaded background). The ~5-L sample gas bag was either identical in gas composition to the reference gas (S0) or the result of 0.3 mL (S1), 0.8 mL (S2), or 1.2 mL (S3) injections of 10.15% CO2 in N2 at the times denoted by the black triangles.

Figure 2. Output of the IRGA [CO2] and DOX [O2] (converted to absolute or differential concentrations, respectively), during a typical experimental run where the gas supplied to the sample cell of the DOX and IRGA was switched between a reference gas (clear background) and a sample gas (shaded background). The ~5-L sample gas bag was either identical in gas composition to the reference gas (S0) or the result of 0.3 mL (S1), 0.8 mL (S2), or 1.2 mL (S3) injections of 10.15% CO2 in N2 at the times denoted by the black triangles.

Laboratory experiments employing the same methodology were used to test the capability of the gas analysis system to measure the GDCR of plumes from different combustion sources. After capturing the plume gases, subsamples of it were sequentially injected into a known volume (about 5 L) of reference gas to create a series of step change increases in the CO2 differential relative to the reference gas. Subsamples were needed because the plume samples collected often exceeded the detection range of the instrument. The targeted steps for CO2 differentials in the sample gas bag (relative to the reference gas) were 50–100 ppm, then 100–200 ppm, then 200–400 ppm CO2. Between each sequential injection, the gas sample was placed on the gas-exchange system to obtain a data set similar to that shown in .

For methane combustion, gas samples were collected ~10–20 cm above the flame of a Bunsen burner consuming 99% methane (certified Praxair) and stored in a 5-L gas bag. Propane combustion gas samples were collected ~10–20 cm above the flame of a propane-fired barbeque. For biomass combustion, pieces of paper were burned in a furnace and gas samples were collected 10–50 cm above the flames. For gasoline combustion, sample bags were collected 30–50 cm away from an idling vehicle’s tailpipe. A minimum of three replicate samples were taken for all materials except for gasoline where only two replicate samples were taken.

Field sampling

Once the validity of the methodology had been tested through comparison of predicted (GDCRp) and measured (GDCRm) values for GDCR, a field trial was carried out to resemble a CO2 leak under more “real-world” conditions. On September 7, 2012, six cubes of dry ice, 50 lbs (23 kg) each, weighed before and after the experiment to determine CO2 flux, were placed on a wooden platform at a height of 15 cm above the ground in a soccer field located on the west campus of the University of Calgary. The location provided a flat and uniform surface far from buildings and major roads to prevent interference with other anthropogenic sources of CO2. Emissions started at 11 a.m. and measurements were completed by 7 p.m.

A portable (12 V DC) backpack gas monitoring and sampling system was built (not shown) consisting of an infrared CO2 analyzer (model SBA-4 OEM; PP Systems Inc., Amesbury, MA) connected through an A/D convertor (model USB-6009 OEM; National Instruments, Austin, TX) to a laptop computer (model Toughbook 31; Panasonic, Secaucus, NJ) running software (Labview version 8.6, Student edition; National instruments). A low volume pump (750 mL/min; model NMP 09 B; KNF Neuberger Inc., Trenton, NJ) continuously sampled air through a handheld 180-cm-long “wand” held approximately 40 cm off the ground and provided it to the CO2 analyzer.

When a plume of 100–600 ppm above ambient was detected (or a background air sample was needed upwind of the CO2 source), the computer was used to activate a high volume pump (9 L/min; model N 89 KTDC; KNF Neuberger) that collected air from the same location as the smaller pump was sampling and delivered it to a 5-L Tedlar gas bag. Typically, 5 L of gas was sampled over a 30-sec period. Air monitoring for CO2 plumes was carried out between 1 and 100 m from the source, and the samples were typically collected between 9 to 20 m from the source where the CO2 concentration was 100–600 ppm above ambient.

A large 85-L sample of background air was collected upwind from the dry ice at 10:00 a.m., and then smaller background air samples and CO2 plume samples were taken between 10:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. local time, as shown in and described above. Air temperature ranged from 30 to 33 °C under low wind speed conditions. The average wind speed was 1 m/sec, and the average wind direction was from north to south. The gas samples were taken back to the laboratory for CO2 and O2 analysis using the gas analysis system described in .

Figure 3. Ten-minute average temperature and wind speed (a) and wind direction (b) measured at University of Calgary weather station at the time of the field experiment. The sample times for collection of background air (B2–B6) and CO2 plumes (S1–S6) are shown in the upper panel.

Figure 3. Ten-minute average temperature and wind speed (a) and wind direction (b) measured at University of Calgary weather station at the time of the field experiment. The sample times for collection of background air (B2–B6) and CO2 plumes (S1–S6) are shown in the upper panel.

Result and discussion

Testing and calibrating the gas analysis system for GDCRm measurements

As shown in , the gas analysis system was able to reproducibly measure the changes in the concentrations of O2 and CO2 in synthetic plume gas relative to background air in the range of 100–600 ppm. Although such a detection range is routine for CO2 where the background atmospheric CO2 concentration is ca. 400 ppm CO2, it is more challenging for O2, which has a background atmospheric concentration of about 20,900 ppm.

To generate the range of ΔO2 and ΔCO2 in the sample gas bags analyzed and presented in , various quantities of a calibration gas having 10.15% CO2 in N2 were injected into a sample gas bag containing the reference gas. When independently calibrated DOX and IRGA analyzers were used to quantify the resulting ΔO2 and ΔCO2 values, the measured GDCRm values were within 5% of the calculated values for GDCRp that were obtained using eq 2 (data not shown). Consequently, we chose to use this gas mixing strategy to calibrate the DOX and lock it to an external, standards-based calibration of the IRGA. This calibration approach not only sped up and simplified the use of the instruments, but also made it possible to rapidly check calibration stability over time.

Comparing GDCRm and GDCRc in gas plumes

Laboratory experiments were carried out to measure the GDCRm of either pure CO2 or gas from plumes of CO2 created through the combustion of carbonaceous material and compare these values with theoretical calculated GDCRc values. The results are provided in .

Figure 4. Measured ΔO2 and ΔCO2 and the resulting GDCRm values for sample gases generated by injected into a reference gas, pure CO2 (a) or plume gases sampled from the combustion of paper (b), gasoline (c), propane (d), or methane (e). Each bar graph is shown ±1 SE (n = 3). The dotted horizontal lines in the lower panels show the predicted GDCRp values from eq 6 as presented in .

Figure 4. Measured ΔO2 and ΔCO2 and the resulting GDCRm values for sample gases generated by injected into a reference gas, pure CO2 (a) or plume gases sampled from the combustion of paper (b), gasoline (c), propane (d), or methane (e). Each bar graph is shown ±1 SE (n = 3). The dotted horizontal lines in the lower panels show the predicted GDCRp values from eq 6 as presented in Table 1.

The measured GDCRp values are a good match to the predicted GDCRP values, and are a better fit when the CO2 and O2 differentials were larger. This is not surprising, since instrument sensitivity becomes less of a measurement problem with higher differentials. The largest difference between predicted and measured GDCR is associated with methane combustion where the measured GDCR values are 10% higher than predicted (). That result may have been the result of incomplete combustion of the methane, leading to some O2 consumption but the production of CO (rather than CO2) that would not be detected by the IRGA. Consequently, incomplete combustion would lead to a higher, rather than a lower GDCR ratio () that could result in difficulties in differentiating combustion sources. It is worth noting that the combustion substrate was analytical grade methane, so it should not be contaminated by H2 that could also account for the methane measurements of GDCRm being higher than predicted GDCRP. Of course, if natural gas were to be used, rather than pure methane, some variation around the GDCRp value of 1.79 value would be expected.

Among the five possible plume sources tested here, the pure CO2 leak had both predicted and measured GDCR values that were the most different from the others plumes tested (). However, there are many more possible sources of atmospheric CO2 plumes that need to be considered for their potential ability to give a false-positive detection of a CO2 leak.

Human breath, for example, would have a GDCR that reflects the carbon source being metabolized, so for carbohydrates, it would be 1.0, and for fats (e.g., linoleic acid, C18H32O2), the GDCR could be as high as 1.4.

Coal, on the other hand, may have an elemental composition that ranges from C4H4O (lignite) to C61H24O (anthracite), and the GDCRP from their complete oxidation ranges from 1.12 to 1.09 (data not shown), values that are midway between biomass and oil combustion. Consequently, there should be no problem differentiating a CO2 leak (GDCR of 0.21) from coal combustion or human breath.

In the case of anaerobic metabolism, the GDCRP is dependent on whether the end products are gases or not. For example, the process of anaerobic digestion typically results in the production of a biogas with a composition that ranges from an equimolar mix of CO2 and CH4 to 60% CH4 and 40% CO2 (Herout et al., Citation2011). In plumes from such biogas production, the resulting GDCRP would range from 0.42 to 0.52, values that are at least 2-fold higher than what would be expected from a CO2 leak.

The one process that could deliver a false-positive GDCRP value when monitoring for a CO2 leak is an anaerobic metabolism process leading to the production of ethanol fuel, such as that which occurs in a bioethanol fermentation facility. Since the method being developed here would be used to monitor known CCS sites, and the operator would presumably know the location of bioethanol facilities in the region, such false positives are likely to be very rare.

Field measurements of CO2 plumes from a simulated CO2 leak

For the field study, the background atmospheric CO2 concentration was 390 ± 0.6 (SE) ppm CO2, and over the study period, it varied by no more than 2 ppm CO2 (data not shown). The background O2 concentration was assumed to be 209,000 ppm O2 and variations were measured as a differential relative to an air sample collected at the start of the study period. O2 concentrations in subsequent background air samples were within 18 ppm O2 of the initial sample and had a SE of ±3 ppm (data not shown). These results provided confirmation that there were no other major sources of CO2 near the measurement site.

Over the 9-hr study period, a portion of the dry ice sublimated releasing to the atmosphere an average of 116 L CO2/min (= 110 t CO2/yr). Assuming a leak rate of 0.001% per year (Metz et al., Citation2005), this magnitude of this leak would be associated with having about 11 Mt CO2 in storage.

Air samples downwind of the dry ice were monitored using a handheld wand connected to a portable monitoring and sampling system. When a CO2 plume was detected, a 4–5-L sample was collected over a 30-sec period. Subsequent laboratory analysis for ΔO2 and ΔCO2 showed concentrations of CO2 that were 100–350 ppm higher than background air, but the measured O2 concentration differential was much less (27–85 ppm; ).

Figure 5. The ΔO2, ΔCO2, and GDCRm values measured in six different CO2 plumes (S1–S6) collected 9–20 m downwind of dry ice placed in a field to simulate a CO2 leak. Each bar graph is shown ±1 SE (n = 3). The dotted line in the lower panel shows the predicted GDCRP value.

Figure 5. The ΔO2, ΔCO2, and GDCRm values measured in six different CO2 plumes (S1–S6) collected 9–20 m downwind of dry ice placed in a field to simulate a CO2 leak. Each bar graph is shown ±1 SE (n = 3). The dotted line in the lower panel shows the predicted GDCRP value.

The resulting GDCRm values averaged 0.26 ± 0.2, or about 24% higher than the predicted GDCRP of 0.21. This discrepancy could be attributed to a contribution of soil or plant respiration to the plume, or perhaps a contaminant in the dry ice that may have contributed to the dilution of O2 in the air resulting in a greater than expected ΔO2.

Even so, the measured GDCRm values were consistent with a pure CO2 “‘leak,” and much lower than a GDCRm generated from biological respiration or from biomass or fossil fuel combustion ().

The 3–5-fold difference in the GDCR values associated with CO2 leak and the GDCR values obtained from other combustion process () was considered sufficient to justify this methodology for the early detection of CO2 leaks from CCS sites.


This study has demonstrated the feasibility of detecting CO2 leaks in ambient air downwind from CCS sites based on changes in the ratio of O2 to CO2 concentration differentials relative to background air using a mobile system. Large and statistically significant differences were observed in plumes with as little as a 100 ppm change in carbon dioxide concentrations.

Further work is needed to miniaturize the differential O2 analyzer for a fully mobile field system and provide real-time measurements of ΔO2:ΔCO2 ratios on sampled gas streams. If sensors and software were also integrated into the system to provide wind speed/direction and GPS coordinates, it should be possible to map elevated CO2 mixing ratios and combine this with either back trajectory or inversion modeling to predict in real time, the GPS coordinates of a CO2 leak from a CCS storage site. Moving towards those coordinates should increase the signal strength and permit the early atmospheric detection of CO2 from CCS sites.


This work was supported by a grant from the Institute for Sustainable Energy, Environment and Economy (University of Calgary) to Ann-Lise Norman and David B. Layzell. An NSERC Discovery Grant (RGPIN-2015-06628) to Ann-Lise Norman also contributed to the research. David B. Layzell is the co-inventor of two patents behind the DOX used in this study, and that instrument is the prototype of DOX analyzers that are currently being offered for sale by Qubit Systems Inc. (Kingston, ON, Canada), a company in which Layzell is part owner.

Additional information


This work was supported by a grant from the Institute for Sustainable Energy, Environment and Economy (University of Calgary) to Ann-Lise Norman and David B. Layzell. An NSERC Discovery Grant (RGPIN-2015-06628) to Ann-Lise Norman also contributed to the research. David B. Layzell is the co-inventor of two patents behind the DOX used in this study, and that instrument is the prototype of DOX analyzers that are currently being offered for sale by Qubit Systems Inc. (Kingston, ON, Canada), a company in which Layzell is part owner.

Notes on contributors

Nasrin Mostafavi Pak

Nasrin Mostafavi Pak was a M.Sc. student in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Calgary.

Ofelia Rempillo

Ofelia Rempillo was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Calgary.

Ann-Lise Norman

Ann-Lise Norman is an associate professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Calgary.

David B. Layzell

David B. Layzell is a professor and director of the Canadian Energy Systems Analysis Research (CESAR) Initiative in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Calgary.


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