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SPECIAL SECTION: GLOBAL RESEARCH NETWORKING GUEST EDITOR: Arch Woodside (Boston College) and Junyean Moon (Hanyang University, ERICA Campus)

Assessing the Damage: An Exploratory Examination of Electronic Word of Mouth

뒀훔i乎1-l; : 져힘子디牌行銷’웹探索性考察

, , &
Pages 188-198 | Received 01 Feb 2010, Accepted 22 Jun 2010, Published online: 03 Apr 2012


This study attempts to examine the influence that negative WOM (NWOM) has in an online context. It specifically focuses on the impact of the service failure description and the perceived intention of the communication provider on consumer evaluations of firm competence, attitude toward the firm, positive word of mouth and behavioral intentions.

Studies of communication persuasiveness focus on “who says what; to whom; in which channel; with what effect (Chiu 2007).” In this research study, we examine electronic web posting, particularly focusing on two aspects of “what”: the level of service failure communicated and perceived intention of the individual posting. It stands to reason electronic NWOM that appears to be trying to damage a product's or firm's reputation will be viewed as more biased and will thus be considered as less credible. According to attribution theory, people search for the causes of events especially those that are negative and unexpected (Weiner 2006). Hennig-Thurau and Walsh (2003) state “since the reader has only limited knowledge and trust of the author of an online articulation the quality of the contribution could be expected to serve as a potent moderator of the articulation-behavior relationship. We therefore posit the following hypotheses:

H1. Subjects exposed to electronic NWOM describing a high level of service failure will provide lower scores on measures of (a) firm competence, (b) attitude toward the firm, (c) positive word of mouth, and (d) behavioral intention than will subjects exposed to electronic NWOM describing a low level of service failure.

H2. Subjects exposed to electronic NWOM with a warning intent will provide lower scores on measures of (a) firm competence, (b) attitude toward the firm, (c) positive word of mouth, and (d) behavioral intention than will subjects exposed to electronic NWOM with a vengeful intent.

H3. Level of service failure in electronic NWOM will interact with the perceived intention of the electronic NWOM, such that there will be a decrease in mean response on measures of (a) firm competence, (b) attitude toward the firm, (c) positive word of mouth, and (d) behavioral intention from electronic NWOM with a warning intent to a vengeful intent.

The main study involved a 2 (service failure severity) x 2 (NWOM with warning versus vengeful intent) factorial experiment. Stimuli were presented to subjects online using a mock online web posting. The scenario described a service failure associated with non-acceptance of a gift card in a brick-and-mortar retail establishment. A national sample was recruited through an online research firm. A total of 113 subjects participated in the study. A total of 104 surveys were analyzed. The scenario was perceived to be realistic with 92.3% giving the scenario a greater than average response. Manipulations were satisfactory. Measures were pre-tested and validated. Items were analyzed and found reliable and valid.

MANOVA results found the multivariate interaction was not significant, allowing our interpretation to proceed to the main effects. Significant main effects were found for post intent and service failure severity. The post intent main effect was attributable to attitude toward the firm, positive word of mouth and behavioral intention. The service failure severity main effect was attributable to all four dependent variables: firm competence, attitude toward the firm, positive word of mouth and behavioral intention.

Specifically, firm competence for electronic NWOM describing high severity of service failure was lower than electronic NWOM describing low severity of service failure. Attitude toward the firm for electronic NWOM describing high severity of service failure was lower than electronic NWOM describing low severity of service failure. Positive word of mouth for electronic NWOM describing high severity of service failure was lower than electronic NWOM describing low severity of service failure. Behavioral intention for electronic NWOM describing high severity of service failure was lower for electronic NWOM describing low severity of service failure. Therefore, H1a, H1b, H1c and Hid were all supported. In addition, attitude toward the firm for electronic NWOM with a warning intent was lower than electronic NWOM with a vengeful intent. Positive word of mouth for electronic NWOM with a warning intent was lower than electronic NWOM with a vengeful intent. Behavioral intention for electronic NWOM with a warning intent was lower than electronic NWOM with a vengeful intent. Thus, H2b, H2c and H2d were supported However, H2a was not supported though results were in the hypothesized direction. Otherwise, there was no significant multivariate service failure severity by post intent interaction, nor was there a significant univariate service failure severity by post intent interaction for any of the three hypothesized variables. Thus, H3 was not supported for any of the four hypothesized variables.

This study has research and managerial implications. The findings of this study support prior research that service failure severity impacts consumer perceptions, attitude, positive word of mouth and behavioral intentions (Weun et al. 2004). Of further relevance, this response is evidenced in the online context, suggesting the need for firms to engage in serious focused service recovery efforts. With respect to perceived intention of electronic NWOM, the findings support prior research suggesting reader's attributions of the intentions of a source influence the strength of its impact on perceptions, attitude, positive word of mouth and behavioral intentions. The implication for managers suggests while consumers do find online communications to be credible and influential, not all communications are weighted the same. A benefit of electronic WOM, even when it may be potentially damaging, is it can be monitored for potential problems and additionally offers the possibility of redress


止b~규充 읍 4로 j용察m 디뼈 (~rNWOM) 져1로했‘行챔해影F힘, 훌 훌分析Jll 용失J&:.해#옮~ 以&.1훌f흥지&젖}商íF.J 意I허훌-Þ何影P폐 j힘 費 옳착企jι 호용¥力 íF.J i乎fJ;、화企~혀,칭度、 以及t;&' ú쉰 디뼈行짧 디行치;훌 1허。

~1횡 f슬 iiJll力혀확充훌훌手“i홉 ii 1 1-十ι‘ ’ ~i1i; 1훤 i후4만꿇 i휠; 有何影σl혀 (Chiu 2007)"。在比我,떠확充T 힘子쩨짧용 布, 尤其是“f十~"해 R힘 4‘方面 : 1훨f등지&용失J&:.뼈等~ιI.&.~‘λ 윷布빼~.행;훌 1허。 훤」子@ 디뼈훌似iE在몇뚱#후 j호品或企~íF.J}휠 홍, i흔펀‘~不3홉理解}l]{.十4‘ λ까1.힐져캉帝有偏까L, iλ껴其不~ 좋。 根握l셔因理끓, λ1f1흰쌀흉求事件혀j훤因, 尤其是耶些f폐 板íF.J;훌차íF.J事件아Teiner 2006)0 Hennig-Thurau"Walsh (2003) 꿇 tl:“짧然演옳해 ~i;; ,,~在쳤j응,팅íF.J 1'¥옳f응任度都쩌춰限, 융r ‘v.,re‘훤‘子디뼈띔做是홍~-行껴흥,¥빼有效뼈협。tl:A룸比행‘끼]提 tl: ιA下假i£.

4월끊1 在衛훌(a)企jι 풍뽕力, (b)λ1f1화企~뼈,칭度, (c)t;板 的디뼈, 以及(φ行치훌 I허ß;j, 面,)옮高等~용失J&:.1l!. 子@ 디”뼈해~홍4흉分11&.手面’l옮 11&.等찢Jll 용失J&:.훤‘子@ n빼빼화象。

假ii2 在衛훌(a)企~-Jt춤力, (b)λ1f1착企~해,칭度, (c)꼈板 해디뼈, 以及(d)行치훌 1허ß;j, 面뼈뽕쏟;훌 1허훤‘子m 디 빼빼~象4풍分11&.-T"面’l없&흥;옳 1허훤‘子m 디빼빼~흉

4월.i~3. {-동훤‘子@ 디뼈中, Jll용失敗해等~"~행;훌 I허죠相影 꺼혀, 因此‘在衛훌 (a)企~흉흉í-;/], (b)λ떠화企~빼흰 度, (c)천板해디뼈, ιA及(d)行껴;훌 I허빠, 響옴意I허뼈 훤‘予@ 디뼈빼1-均反&1.훌大手~l 훌훌 I허빼훤‘予@ 디 뼈。

초훌확 1t ~A줄 -~2 (服용失敗빼?훗性) x 2(흉쏟;훌 I허VS해 흥훌 1허íF.J~ 디 ι뼈)쩍析因횟짧。 將i훤 i호模쩨íF.J-{호호 R페용~布f슬‘칭 刺짧셰호~~象。i후 -71 案옮~íF.JJll용失뼈윷4호4융~íF.J좋f홍 ~tA성 不接쫓;iL4껴一f", 1훤 lì- 家4호했‘해빡똥상혀J.J…全固뼈¥。 共有 113~‘화흉參되比찍짧, 共分析1104싼쩨호 l꾀옳。 확젊화象iÁ. j6i졌;장案~!tJJí!. g긴, 92.3%져比反효꿇烈。;;감案íF.J i츠作~1êJ 띔송λ i훌;훌, 所有íF.J';}홉拖훌~~ξf멧先6선폐~광양i;E, 용4‘J따 티 뾰조分析i.iE S긴~흙휴有~。

多훌훌;하差分析송果효示多 훌훌폐£明Jk. íF.J ÆAIêJ影P폐, 因止h 我‘까1 .R.lõ퓨짧초훌影o폐--감땐 1허얘&용失敗íF.J? 훌性。 꺼슴땐 1허 초훌影σ폐 ~1샅~해 쪼 j홍、 t;&' ú선 디뼈"H"}l];훌 I허。Jll 용失J&:.íF.J F 훌性초훌影꺼혀4~‘因 훗윷 : 企~íF.J:t총力、 ~企~íF.J i칭度、 t;&'해 디뼈"行}l] 훌 1허。

섭함特헤指 tl:íF.J풍, 필 훤‘子m 디뼈#휩 ~}l]? 훌 6캉Jll 용失J&:.ß;j, 企~뼈흉총;/] 11&.手훤J子@ 디釋錯~}l] 활홉빼Jll 젖}失J&:.ß;j。 필 훤J 子@ 디뼈錯~}l]? 훌쩍Jll 용失J&:.ß;j, 처企~해‘창 1훌差手훤J子@ 디뼈빼~}l] 홍호쯤íF.JJll왔失J&:.ß;j。 필 훤‘子@ 디釋#옮 ~}l]? 훌하9 Jll 용失J&:.ß;j, 企~해 디빼差 手1l!.子@ 디뼈#혐 ~}l] 홉홍죠íF.JJll젖}失J&:. ß;j。휩 훤」子~o 뼈端~}l]? 훌íF.JJll 흉失J&:. at, H"}l];훌 I허{I&.手훤‘ 子@ 디뼈빼i초치휩훌죠해Jll용失敗Bt。 因比, 1않끊1 中쩍abc뼈F得 헥了£持。Jj 차, 衛윷~'Ì企~íF.J갱~l훌ß;j, 響쏟;뚫 1허빼훤‘子m 디 a후4풍分11&.手빡흥;훌 1허빼훤‘子@ 디/뼈。 衛훌企~뼈다뼈ß;j, 뽕쏟;훌 I허해훤」子@ 디뼈得分{I&.-T" ~l흥;훌 1허빼훤‘子m 디뼈。 衛윷行껴;훌 1허 Bt , 쫓쏟훌 1허뼈1l!.子~o 釋4풍分11&.-T" ~l흥;뚫 1허빼훤J子~o a후。 因此‘되假i~2 中해a펜不符, ~'Î쫓송果읍 1허해是假i뚱方I허。 除tr.ξ차, -{호假i~뼈도도4‘훨윷中, 꺼슴땐 I허화Jll 용失J&:. á쉰휴훌性 £明쿄해多 훗훌或‘후훌훌影찌허。 因此‘, 假ii3 被推觀。

止r.1õ규짧有껴규찾t."管理íF.J XÄJ흥찮iJI, ~σ흐前íF.J1õ규쪼--¥, Jit.lõ규 1t~용果i;E횟 1 Jll종失J&:.íF.J?훌性影σ힘 j힘蘭훌~혀t、 ,천흉、 꼈板 해디뼈ιI.&.行}l] 훌 1혀아Teun et al. 2004)。夫手팔-步쩍뼈풍 性, -{호했‘ l지容i正횟 1i갖反강 i혹;황朱훌企~需훌努;/]i옮H"Jll용 차救。 至手훤‘子@ 디뼈íF.J ~i뚫;훌 I허,-Þ흐前6선빠갖t.--¥, 此.짜규 쪼갤果;훌행j홈 i쫓경중 ~l휠 k응 ~#íF.J;황 1허影o폐共~~행、 ‘칭度、 t;、 板디뼈"行껴훌 I허뼈作l폐大4、。 져管理훌웹鍵熾在手, 띔 i댐費 경중~~凡4로했‘交流닐r 業」쿄有影P폐;겐ß;j, 不是所有빼交ìiL훌~ 1려等훗 要。훤‘子디빼빼好~A호手강닐r ‘;AJ않測港4호빼 l펙짧휴꿇供니£해 可能性, ~r'Í'훗有;替4동쩍危좋。

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