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Zoobank registration of articles published in Molluscan Research


On 24 December 2018, the editors of Molluscan Research were notified by Professor Philippe Bouchet of the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle in Paris that some articles recently published in this journal did not satisfy the ICZN provisions and for electronic publications. Those provisions state: The entry in the Official Register of Zoological Nomenclature must give the name and Internet address of an organization other than the publisher that is intended to permanently archive the work in a manner that preserves the content and layout, and is capable of doing so. This information is not required to appear in the work itself. The entry in the Official Register of Zoological Nomenclature must give an ISBN for the work or an ISSN for the journal containing the work. The number is not required to appear in the work itself.

Indeed, on 24 December, 2018 the entry for Molluscan Research in the Official Register of Zoological Nomenclature (‘Zoobank’: http://zoobank.org/References/47D1DDAD-4DDC-476E-9F5A-33C902A767D2) did not record the intended permanent archive of the journal’s articles or its ISSN, although the Keepers registry then recorded that such archiving had occurred, at least for some articles from the affected period. The actual archives of the journal’s articles can be found through the link: https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/1448-6067#.

The ISSN and the specification of CLOCKSS as the intended archive (and its internet address) were recorded in the Molluscan Research Zoobank entry from 4 February 2019. Consequently, the date of the print publication, rather than the date that articles were made available online, must be regarded as the date of nomenclatural acts introduced in Molluscan Research after 2011 and prior to 4 February 2019. We understand that the issues of non-compliance relating to archiving have been remedied such that the date of online publication is valid for nomenclatural acts introduced in the journal after 4 February, 2019. A list of articles that introduced taxonomic acts affected by the journal’s incomplete registration on Zoobank is provided below. We are not aware of any changes to priority resulting from the alteration of the dates of validity for the taxonomic acts in these articles.

It is probable that similar oversights have affected other journals. Revision of the current processes for establishing the date of publication of taxonomic acts in electronic publications may be warranted. In particular, it is desirable to make confirmation of the dates of archiving for articles and issues easier for editors and authors. To this end, we raise the following points:

  1. Alterations to the operation of ZooBank should be made to: A) More clearly highlight the requirements of ICZN articles and to authors generating LSIDs; and B) Encourage authors to check electronic archiving details with their handling editor. Ensuring an article meets these provisions is the responsibility of the article’s authors.

  2. Under a literal reading, ICZN article does not require that, to be considered published, the electronic version of the articles need ever be deposited in the stipulated database. Only the intent to deposit is mandated. This situation is clearly open to omissions of actual archiving and inaccuracy in the recording of the database.

  3. Publishers sometimes change the archival repository used. Unless ICZN article is to be regarded as a mere formality, such changes should be recorded in ZooBank so that it is possible to check that an electronic publication was compliant with the code at the time of publication.

  4. For those print journals, such as Molluscan Research, for which issues (not individual articles) are deposited to electronic archival repositories, the actual date of deposition is necessarily later than the print publication. Given this and the potentially anomalous situation outlined in points (2) and (3), we consider that some method of verifying the date of archiving should be included in the validation of nomenclatural acts in electronic publications. We note that it is presently difficult to establish the date of deposition of articles into many online archives using internet searches.

In conclusion, we wish to emphasise that Molluscan Research strongly recommends the registration of its articles containing nomenclatural acts in Zoobank to comply with ICZN provisions, including article 8.5.3. In view of this we highlight the following text that is included in the formal acceptance advice for articles.

If your paper introduces new zoological taxa or nomenclatural acts at family-group level or below, you are now required to register your paper with ZooBank. You will be required to insert the generated ZooBank ID (LSID) during the publication process, when returning your proof feedback to Taylor & Francis’ production department. Please go to http://www.zoobank.org/register to complete this task. You will need your article DOI to register, which will be sent to you when your paper is entered into Taylor & Francis’ Central Article Tracking System. After publication, you will need to amend the ZooBank record of your paper to reflect the date of publication.

We encourage authors to follow this procedure.


We gratefully acknowledge Philippe Bouchet (Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle) for drawing these issues to our attention and for insightful comments on an earlier version of this editorial.

Articles published in Molluscan Research between 2012 and February 2019 that were registered on Zoobank.

The “PPD” date of the articles recorded in the following list is the “Publish Print Date” for the relevant issue in the Central Article Tracking System of Taylor and Francis or the issue cover date for volume 32 published by Magnolia Press. The date of nomenclatural acts in the articles is determined by the relevant sections in Articles 8 “What Constitutes Published Work” and 21 “Determination of Date” of the ICZN. This date is no earlier than the PPD date for the articles in the list.

Anistratenko, V., Peretolchina, T., Sitnikova, T., Palatov, D. & Sherbakov, D. (2017) A taxonomic position of Armenian endemic freshwater snails of the genus Shadinia Akramowski, 1976 (Caenogastropoda: Hydrobiidae): combining morphological and molecular evidence. Molluscan Research 37(3), 212–221. (Online 01 Feb 2017, PPD 29 Jun 2017)

Bonfitto, A. & Morassi, M. (2013) New Indo-Pacific species of Rimosodaphnella Cossmann, 1916 (Gastropoda: Conoidea): a genus of probable Tethyan origin. Molluscan Research 33(4), 230–236. (Online 20 Aug 2013, PPD 01 Nov 2013)

Bonfitto, A. (2018) New species of Epitoniidae (Gastropoda: Epitonioidea) from the Red Sea. Molluscan Research 38(2), 119–129. (Online 31 Oct 2017, PPD 14 Mar 2018)

Brown, L. (2018). New species of Nystiellidae and Epitoniidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the northeastern Pacific. Molluscan Research 39(1), 64–69. (Online 15 Feb 2018, PPD 14 Dec 2018)

Burghardt, I. & Köhler, F. (2015) Rhagada revisited: On the taxonomy of species from the Kimberley and Dampierland, Western Australia (Pulmonata, Camaenidae). Molluscan Research 35(1), 37–50. (Online 08 Oct 2014, PPD 13 Feb 2015)

Chen, C., Ogura, T., Hirayama, H., Watanabe, H.K., Miyazaki, J. & Okutani, T. (2016) First seep-dwelling Desbruyeresia (Gastropoda: Abyssochrysoidea) species discovered from a serpentinite-hosted seep in the Southeastern Mariana Forearc. Molluscan Research 36(4), 277–284. (Online 2 Jun 2016, PPD 28 Sep 2016)

Criscione, F. & Köhler, F. (2015) Setocallosa – a new genus and species of land snail from Arnhem Land, Australia (Stylommatophora: Camaenidae). Molluscan Research 35(1), 65–71. (Online 14 Nov 2014, PPD 13 Feb 2015)

Criscione, F. & Köhler, F. (2015) On the land snail Damochlora Iredale, 1938 and its cryptic sibling Nannochlora n. gen. (Stylommatophora: Camaenidae), each endemic to an island in the Western Australian Kimberley. Molluscan Research 35(4), 275–286. (Online 28 Jul 2015, PPD 12 Nov 2015)

Criscione, F. & Köhler, F. (2016) Setobaudinia nicolasi — a new species from Baudin Island, Kimberley, Western Australia (Stylommatophora, Camaenidae). Molluscan Research 36(4), 290–293. (Online 19 Jul 2016, PPD 28 Sep 2016)

de Lucía, M. & Gutiérrez Gregoric, D.E. (2017). The genus Potamolithus Pilsbry, 1896 (Gastropoda: Tateidae) on the Somuncurá Plateau, Patagonia, Argentina. Molluscan Research 37(3), 202–211. (Online 16 Feb 2017, PPD 29 Jun 2017)

Fedosov, A. & Stahlschmidt, P. (2014) Revision of the genus Thetidos Hedley, 1899 (Gastropoda: Conoidea: Raphitomidae) in the Indo-Pacific with descriptions of three new species. Molluscan Research 34(4), 258–273. (Online 14 Jul 2014, PPD 19 Nov 2014)

Fukuda, H. (2017) Nomenclature of the horned turbans previously known as Turbo cornutus [Lightfoot], 1786 and Turbo chinensis Ozawa & Tomida, 1995 (Vetigastropoda: Trochoidea: Turbinidae) from China, Japan and Korea. Molluscan Research 37(4), 268–281. (Online 16 May 2017, PPD 26 Sep 2017)

Golding, R.E. (2014) Molecular phylogeny and systematics of Australian ‘Iravadiidae’ (Caenogastropoda: Truncatelloidea). Molluscan Research 34(4), 222–257. (Online 13 May 2014, PPD 19 Nov 2014)

Gutiérrez Gregoric, D.E. Ciocco, N.F. & Rumi, A. (2014) Two new species of Chilina Gray from Cuyo Malacological Province, Argentina (Gastropoda: Hygrophila: Chilinidae). Molluscan Research 34(2), 84–97. (Online 24 Feb 2014, PPD 10 Jun 2014)

Hallan, A. & Fukuda, H. (2015). Taiwanassiminea phantasma n. sp.: a terrestrial assimineid (Caenogastropoda: Truncatelloidea) from Middle Osborn Island, Kimberley,Western Australia. Molluscan Research 35(2), 112–122. (Online 01 Apr 2015, PPD 9 Jun 2015)

Hallan, A., Fukuda, H. & Kameda, Y. (2015) Two new species of Ovassiminea Thiele, 1927 (Truncatelloidea: Assimineidae) from tropical Australia. Molluscan Research 35(4), 262–274. (Online 09 Oct 2015, PPD 12 Nov 2015)

Harasewych, M.G. (2019). Tropidofusus ypotethys, a new genus and new species of Columbariidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Turbinelloidea). Molluscan Research 39(2), 148–158. (Online 25 Jul 2018, PPD 16 Apr 2019)

Hirano, T., Kameda, Y. & Chiba, S. (2015) A new species of Aegista (Gastropoda: Eupulmonata: Camaenidae) from the Chugoku District, western Honshu, Japan. Molluscan Research 35(2), 128–138. (Online 18 May 2015, 09 Jun 2015)

Houart, R. & Marshall, B.A. (2012). The Recent Typhinae (Gastropoda: Muricidae) of New Zealand. Molluscan Research 32(3), 137–144. (Online 28 Sept. 2012, PPD 28 Sept. 2012)

Hyman, I.T. & Koehler, F. (2019) Revision of Sigaloeista Shea & Griffiths, 2010 (Helicarionidae, Gastropoda, Stylommatophora) from eastern Australia. Molluscan Research 39(2), 171–189. (Online 20 May 2018, PPD 16 Apr 2019)

Köhler, F. & Criscione, F. (2013) Arnhemtrachia ramingining: a new genus and species of land snail from Arnhem Land, Australia (Stylommatophora: Camaenidae). Molluscan Research 33(2), 110–115. (Online 02 May 2013, PPD 23 May 2013)

Köhler, F. & Criscione, F. (2018) Taxonomic rectification: Kimberleytrachia leopardus Criscione and Köhler, 2014 is a synonym of K. umbonis (Solem, 1979). Molluscan Research 38(2), 149–153. (Online 07 Aug 2017, PPD 14 Mar 2018)

Köhler, F., Criscione, F., Burghardt, I. & Kessner, V. (2016) The Enidae of Timor (Stylommatophora: Orthurethra). Molluscan Research 37(1), 8–16. (Online 10 Aug 2016, PPD 21 Dec 2016)

Köhler, F., Shea, M. & Kessner, V. (2019). Two new species of Landouria Godwin-Austen, 1918 from Timor-Leste (Stylommatophora, Camaenidae). Molluscan Research 39(3), 253–264. (Online 16 Dec 2018, PPD 19 Jul 2019)

Marshall, B.A. (2016) New species of Venustatrochus Powell, 1951 from New Zealand, and new species of Falsimargarita Powell, 1951 and a new genus of the Calliostomatidae from the southwest Pacific, with comments on some other calliostomatid genera (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Molluscan Research 36(2), 119–141. (Online 28 Jun 2016, PPD 05 Aug 2016)

Marshall, B.A. & Walton, K. (2018). A review of Buccipagoda Ponder, 2010 and descriptions of new species and a new genus (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda: Buccinoidea). Molluscan Research 39(1), 70–81. (Online 22 May 2018, PPD 14 Dec 2018)

Marshall, B.A., Fenwick, M.C. & Ritchie, P.A. (2014) New Zealand Recent Hyriidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionida). Molluscan Research 34(3), 181–200. (Online 14 May 2014, PPD 18 Sep 2014)

Marshall, B.A., Hills, S.F.K. & Vaux, F. (2018) A new species of Penion P. Fischer, 1884 from northern New Zealand (Mollusca: Neogastropoda: Buccinoidea). Molluscan Research 38(4), 238–242. (Online 05 Feb 2018, PPD 14 Sep 2018)

Miquel, S.E. & Brito, F.F. (2019). Taxonomy and distribution of species of Gastrocopta Wollaston (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Gastrocoptidae) from the Galápagos Islands (Ecuador). Molluscan Research 39(3), 269–275. (Online 20 Jan 2019, PPD 19 Jul 2019)

Páll-Gergely, B., Hunyadi, A. & Asami, T. (2013) A peculiar new species in the genus Landouria Godwin-Austen, 1918 from China (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia: Stylommatophora: Camaenidae). Molluscan Research 33(2), 130–134. (Online 03 May 2013, PPD 23 May 2013)

Páll-Gergely, B., Otani, J.U., Hosoda, T, Asami, T & Harl, J. (2018). A new species of Camaenidae (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) from Nusa Penida and Lombok Islands, Indonesia: novelty in a well-known fauna. Molluscan Research 38(1), 41–49. (Online 30 Jul 2017, PPD 16 Jan 2018)

Ponder, W.F. & Shea, M. (2014) A new species of the Fluviopupa group (Caenogastropoda: Tateidae) from north-east Queensland, Australia. Molluscan Research 34(2), 71–78. (Online 18 Oct 2013, PPD 10 June 2014, PPD 10 Jun 2014)

Rumi, A., Gutiérrez Gregoric, D.E., Landoni, N.A., Cárdenas Mancilla, J., Gordillo, S., González , J. & Alvarez, D. (2015) Glacidorbidae (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) in South America: revision and description of a new genus and three new species from Patagonia. Molluscan Research 35(3), 143–152. (Online 18 Jun 2015, PPD 03 Aug 2015)

Shu, F., Köhler, F., Fu, C. & Wang, H. (2013) A new species of Gyraulus (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) from Ancient Lake Lugu, Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Southwest China. Molluscan Research 33(1), 34–39. (Online 08 Mar 2013, PPD 05 Mar 2013)

Stephens, L.D. & Vafiadis, P. (2013) New species and records of Pelycidion P. Fischer in de Folin & Périer, 1873 (Gastropoda: Pelycidiidae) from temperate Australia. Molluscan Research 33(4), 254–264. (Online 27 Aug 2013, PPD 01 Nov 2013)

Stephens, L.D. & Vafiadis, P. (2017) First Australian records of Scalaronoba Powell, 1927 (Gastropoda: Aclididae?), with the description of two new species from Victoria. Molluscan Research 37(4), 282–288. (Online 13 Aug 2017, PPD 26 Sep 2017)

Walton, K. (2015) New Zealand living Solemyidae (Bivalvia: Protobranchia). Molluscan Research 35(4), 246–261. (Online 28 Aug 2015, PPD 12 Nov 2015)

Zhang, L.-J. (2017) A new species of freshwater snail Tchangmargarya (Gastropoda: Viviparidae) endemic to a vanished small lake in Yunnan, China. Molluscan Research 37(4), 252–257. (Online 14 May 2017, PPD 26 Sep, 2017)

Zhang, S. & Zhang, S. (2015) The genus Antillophos Woodring, 1928 (Gastropoda: Buccinidae) from the China Seas, with description of a new species. Molluscan Research 35(1), 17–23. (Online 20 Oct 2014, PPD 13 Feb 2015)

Zhang, S. & Zhang, S. (2018) A new species of the genus Pectinodonta Dall, 1882 (Gastropoda:Pectinodontidae) from the East China Sea. Molluscan Research 38(2), 86–89. (Online 23 Oct 2017, PPD 14 Mar 2018)

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