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I. Studies—Études

Implementing the truce: negotiations between the Republic and the archducal Netherlands, 1609–10

Pages 817-833 | Received 20 Jan 2010, Accepted 30 Jun 2010, Published online: 18 Jan 2011


Generally, the truce treaty that was signed in Antwerp by the archdukes and the Republic on 9 April 1609 is seen as the definitive agreement that led to an armistice of 12 years between the two belligerent parties. Yet it was only one step in a series of negotiations and conferences that lasted from the spring of 1607 to the spring of 1612, since for a number of issues the stipulations of the truce were merely agreements in principle, the terms of which had to be finalised later on. The focus of this article is on the manner in which both parties wanted to see some of the articles actualised or clarified, on the strategies used by both parties in order to obtain what they wanted, and on the final outcome of these talks.


  1. CitationGarcía García, “Tiempo de paces.”

  2. The abdication of Philip II from the Netherlands in favour of the archdukes was accompanied by a series of both public and secret conditions. The most extreme was that if the archdukes remained childless, the territory would revert to the Spanish Crown. The Spanish Army remained active in the Netherlands, and in practice it was under the authority of Philip III and was largely paid for with Spanish funds. Although Albert and Isabella did everything to attain international recognition as sovereign princes, the archducal Netherlands cannot be divorced from the wider dynastic context to which they belonged and which was led from Spain. The so-called sovereignty debate, ongoing in the historiography since the nineteenth century – regarding the extent to which Albert and Isabella effectively enjoyed the power and freedom available to other princes of the time – cannot be addressed in this contribution. For the status of the literature on this question, see CitationEsteban Estríngana, “Haciendo rostro a la fortuna. Guerra, paz y soberanía en los Países Bajos (1590–1621)”; CitationEsteban Estríngana, “Los estados de Flandes: reversión territorial de las provincias leales (1598–1623)”; CitationRaeymaekers, “Siempre un pie en palacio,” 16–20.

  3. CitationParker, The Dutch Revolt, 237–40.

  4. CitationIsrael, The Dutch Republic and the Hispanic World, 1606–1661, 1–28; CitationVan Eysinga, W.J.M. De wording van het Twaalfjarig Bestand van 9 april 1609, passim.

  5. CitationLesaffer, “La Tregua de los Doce Años y la formación del Derecho de Naciones clásico.”

  6. Verreycken to the States-General of the United Provinces, s.d. (Archives Générales du Royaume, Brussels [AGR], Audience 1372, f. 4); CitationRijperman, Resolutiën der Staten-Generaal van 1578 tot 1609, 14: 1607–1609, 690 (28 August 1609).

  7. Version ratified by the archdukes, 22 Jan. 1610 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 112).

  8. Version ratified by the archdukes, 6 Aug. 1610 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 147).

  9. The deputies of Zeeland and the representatives from Amsterdam, who were not in favour of the Truce, never showed up. Verreycken to Albert, 8 Aug. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 9). Furthermore, the belligerent Zeeland caused difficulties during the acceptance of the ratification by Philip III, and as a result it took until 22 August for the States-General to officially approve the ratification. Verreycken to N, 18 Aug. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 29), and Verreycken to Albert, 18 Aug. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 32).

 10. Text of the Truce, 9 April 1609 (Zeeuws Archief [ZA], States of Zeeland 2.2, printed minutes of the States of Zeeland 1609, f. 78-90).

 11. Israel, Dutch Republic, 368.

 12. CitationKokhuis, G.J.I. De geschiedenis van Twente, van prehistorie tot heden, 70–1.

 13. Kokhuis, De geschiedenis van Twente, 71.

 14. “Dispositien ende verclaeringe bij den burgemeesters vande stedekens inder Twente,” 31 May 1609 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 65).

 15. CitationSnuif, “Twenthe in de eerste jaren na het Twaalfjarig Bestand.”

 16. Robiano to Oldenbarnevelt e.a., s.d. (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 65).

 17. The States-General to Robiano e.a., 2 Oct. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 55).

 18. Rijperman, Resolutiën der Staten-Generaal van 1578 tot 1609, 674 (18 May 1609) and Rijperman, Resolutiën der Staten-Generaal van 1578 tot 1609, 679 (30 May 1609); States-General to N, 16 June 1609 (AGR, Audience 1502–2).

 19. CitationVan Deursen, Resolutiën der Staten-Generaal, nieuwe reeks: 1610–1670, I (1610–1612), 53 (10 March 1610), 91 (19 April 1610); and Rijperman, Resolutiën der Staten-Generaal van 1578 tot 1609, 714 (2 Dec. 1609).

 20. The States-General to the archdukes, 20 June 1609 (AGR, Audience 1502–2).

 21. Robiano, Verreycken and Maes to Albert, 9 Oct. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 77).

 22. Robiano to Albert, 12 Dec. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1373–1).

 23. Robiano e.a. to Albert, 28 Dec. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 97); Rijperman, Resolutiën der Staten-Generaal van 1578 tot 1609, 714 (2 Dec. 1609).

 24. Van Deursen, Resolutiën der Staten-Generaal, 43 (26 Feb. 1610).

 25. Van Deursen, Resolutiën der Staten-Generaal, 53 (10 March 1610), and 91 (19 April 1610).

 26. Albert to Maes, s.d. (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 117).

 27. Van Eysinga, De wording van het Twaalfjarig Bestand van 9 april 1609, 140–8; Albert to Verreycken, 14 Sept. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1373–1 and Audience 1372, f. 14); the States-General to the rural dean, or landdeken, of Antwerp, 22 Feb. 1611 (AGR, Audience 1376, z.f.).

 28. “… et qu'il y a eu diversité d'opinions entre eulx, tellement qu'ils n'en ont ancores faict aulcune declaration…”; Maes to Albert, 9 May 1610 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 128).

 29. Oldenbarnevelt had contact with the Southern deputies outside of the actual negotiations. To end the impasse he made an informal proposal to Maes, that if the area were given to the Republic, then Twente's monasteries would not be harmed and would remain free to practice their faith. Albert and Isabella did not accept this, but it does suggest that Oldenbarnevelt was more flexible on this issue than the hardliners in Overijssel and the States-General (Maes to Albert, 9 May 1610; AGR, Audience 1372, f. 128).

 30. The archdukes continued to maintain their claim. Maes to Albert, 31 May 31 1610 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 138).

 31. Maes to N, 8 July 1610 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 121).

 32. Van Deursen, Resolutiën der Staten-Generaal, nieuwe reeks: 1610–1670, 193 (2 July 1610).

 33. Resolution of the States-General (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 147).

 34. CitationDe Hullu, J. “Over de kerkelijke toestanden in Twenthe gedurende de eerste jaren van het Twaalfjarig Bestand.”

 35. De Hullu, “Over de kerkelijke toestanden in Twenthe”, 206–9; Van Deursen, Resolutiën der Staten-Generaal, 250 (9 Nov. 1610).

 36. “… in regards to the exercise of religion, all matters shall remain in the same state as they were on the day the aforementioned treaty was concluded, without that there shall be innovations…” Ratified version of the treaty of 24 June 1610, 6 Aug. 1610 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 147).

 37. De Hullu, “Over de kerkelijke toestanden in Twenthe,” 197; Albert and Isabella to the States-General, 9 Dec. 1613 (AGR, Audience, z.f.); Verreycken to Aerssen, 4 May 1619 (AGR, Audience 1376, z.f.).

 38. CitationGroenveld, S. “‘Een doore geopent’. Noord-Nederlandse tijdgenoten over de positie en de verovering van Sluis.”

 39. Groenveld, “‘Een doore geopent’”, 29–30.

 40. Robiano, Verreycken and Maes to Oldenbarnevelt e.a., 7. Oct. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 74).

 41. Decree of the United Provinces' States-General, 20 Aug. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 40).

 42. Van Deursen, Resolutiën der Staten-Generaal, 707 (12 Oct. 1610).

 43. The States-General to Robiano e.a., 13 Jan. 1610 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 107); CitationStuij, Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen. De geschiedenis van een grensgebied, 16–17.

 44. Van Deursen, Resolutiën der Staten-Generaal, 155 (24 June 1610).

 45. Albert to Robiano, Verreycken and Maes, 14. Sept. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1373–1), and a report regarding Wouw and the countryside around Bergen-op-Zoom, s.d. (AGR, Audience 1372 f. 51 and Audience 1373–1).

 46. Robiano e.a. to Oldenbarnevelt e.a., 7. Oct. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 75).

 47. Albert to Robiano, Verreycken and Maes, 14 Sept. 1609 (AGR, Audience, 13731).

 48. Report regarding Oosterhout and Dongen, s.d. (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 53).

 49. States-General to Albert, 20 Aug. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 40).

 50. Report regarding the question of Cuijk, 2 Oct. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 72).

 51. Report regarding the question of Cuijk, 2 Oct. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 72), and “Discours rakende de kwestie Cuijk,” s.d. (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 58).

 52. Documents regarding the demarcation of the borders, s.d. (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 135); “Rapport de ce qu'on a trouvé en finances”, s.d. (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 146).

 53. CitationSanders and Van Ham, Noord-Brabant tijdens de Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden, 1572–1795, 67–8.

 54. CitationBroers and Jacobs, Staatse Raad van Brabant, 11.

 55. CitationEnthoven, Zeeland en de opkomst van de Republiek. Handel en strijd in de Scheldedelta, ca. 1550–1621, 142–9; CitationKluiver, De souvereine en independente staat Zeeland. De politiek van de provincie Zeeland inzake vredesonderhandelingen met Spanje tijdens de Tachtigjarige Oorlog tegen de achtergrond van de positie van Zeeland in de Republiek, 66.

 56. Kluiver, De souvereine en independente staat Zeeland, 127.

 57. Enthoven, Zeeland en de opkomst van de Republiek, 147.

 58. The States-General to Albert, 20 June 1609 (AGR, Audience 1502–2).

 59. Albert and Isabella to the States-General, Sept. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 60).

 60. “The subjects and inhabitants of the lands of the aforementioned lord kings, archdukes and states [the Republic] shall during the Truce maintain all good correspondence and friendship together, without remembrances of the offences and damages that they suffered before; shall also be allowed to come and stay in the lands of one another and there do their traffic and commerce in all certainty, both at sea and other waters and on land, even though the aforementioned lord king explicitly restricts or limits this to the kingdoms, lands, lands and seigniories that he holds and possesses in Europe and other places, and seas where the subjects of the kings and princes who are his friends and allies have this aforementioned traffic by mutual agreement. And regarding the places, cities, ports and havens that he holds outside these proscribed limits that the aforementioned states and its subjects will not be allowed to exercise any traffic there without the express permission of the aforementioned lord king. These people will be allowed to initiate the aforementioned traffic (if it they think it good) in the lands of all other princes, potentates, and peoples that would allow it to them (even outside the aforementioned limits), without the aforementioned lord king, his officers and subjects that depend on him, will do anything negative as a consequence to the princes, potentates and people that have allowed or shall allow them the same, nor those equal to them nor the individuals with whom they have and will do the aforementioned traffic.” ZA, States of Zeeland (2.2), printed minutes of the States of Zeeland (1609), f. 78–90.

 61. Robiano e.a. to Oldenbarnevelt e.a., 28 Sept. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 60).

 62. Verreycken to Albert, 1 Oct. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 64).

 63. Verreycken to Albert, 9 Oct. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 72).

 64. Kluiver, De souvereine en independente staat Zeeland, 124–7.

 65. ZA, Gedrukte Notulen Staten van Zeeland 2.2, printed minutes of the States-Provincial of Zeeland (1609), f. 156.

 66. Kluiver, De souvereine en independente staat Zeeland, 125–6.

 67. Instructions to Robiano, Verreycken and Maes, 19 Sept. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 48).

 68. Rijperman, Resolutiën der Staten-Generaal van 1578 tot 1609, 701 (30 Sept. 1609).

 69. Robiano to Albert, 10. Oct. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1373–1).

 70. Rijperman, Resolutiën der Staten-Generaal van 1578 tot 1609, 707 (17 Oct. 1609).

 71. Rijperman, Resolutiën der Staten-Generaal van 1578 tot 1609, 707 (17 Oct. 1609).

 72. Robiano, Verreycken and Maes to Albert, 17 Oct. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1373–1), and Rijperman, Resolutiën der Staten-Generaal van 1578 tot 1609, 707 (17 Oct. 1609).

 73. Albert to Robiano, Verreycken and Maes, 4 Nov. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 93).

 74. AGR, Audience 1372, f. 112.

 75. Instructions to Maes, April 1610 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 117).

 76. Maes to Albert, 9 May 1610 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 128).

 77. Ratified version, 6 Aug. 1610 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 147).

 78. Louis Verreycken to Christiaen Huygens, 27 Jan. 1612 (AGR, Audience 1376, z.f.).

 79. CitationBruylandt, “De aartshertogen en de Staten van Vlaanderen.”

 80. CitationStols, E. “Handel-, geld- en bankwezen in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, 1580-1650”; CitationPistor, R.-G. and Smeets, H. Die Fossa Eugeniana: eine unvollendete Kanalverbindung zwischen Rhein und Maas 1626.

 81. Kluiver, De souvereine en independente staat Zeeland, 127.

 82. Verreycken to Albert, 1 Oct. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 64).

 83. ZA, Printed minutes of the States-Provincial of Zeeland 2.2, nr. 1612, f. 18.

 84. CitationGielens, “Onderhandelingen met Zeeland over de opening der Schelde (1612–1613)”; ZA, Printed minutes of the States-Provincial of Zeeland 2.2, nr. 1614, f. 164.

 85. Lesaffer, “La Tregua de los Doce Años y la formación del Derecho de Naciones clásico,” 185–91.

 86. Van Eysinga, De wording van het Twaalfjarig Bestand van 9 april 1609, 148–50.

 87. States-General to N, 20 June 1609 (AGR, Audience 1502–2).

 88. States-General to Albert, 20 Aug. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 40).

 89. Albert to Robiano, Verreycken and Maes, 4 Nov. 1609 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 93).

 90. Ratification of the treaty by the archdukes, 22 Jan. 1610 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 112).

 91. “… zelfs voor de reghten die sy hebben in de Salines van het graefschap van Bourgoigne”, ZA, Printed minutes of the States provincial of Zeeland 2.2 (1609), f. 78–90.

 92. CitationScherft, Het sterfhuis van Willem van Oranje, 269.

 93. “Promesse originale,” 9 April 1609 and ratified by the archdukes 14 April 1609 (AGR, Audience 1373–3).

 94. Scherft, Het sterfhuis van Willem van Oranje, 273.

 95. “Resultat uit de advisen…”, s.d.; act of subsidy presentation, s.d.; petition for a subsidy, s.d.; “Resultat te continueren de aydes”, s.d.; act of subsidy presentation (Rijksarchief Gent [RAG], States of Flanders nr. 808, f. 67v., 68, 69, 72, 73v.); Van Deursen, Resolutiën der Staten-Generaal, 476 (16 Sept. 1611).

 96. States General to Robiano e.a., 1 Jan. 1610 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 106).

 97. Albert to Maes, s.d. (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 117); the States-General to Albert and Isabella, 1 Jan. 1610 (AGR, Audience 1372, f. 106); Van Deursen, Resolutiën der Staten-Generaal, 309 (28 Jan. 1611).

 98. The States-General to Albert, 17 Aug. 1612 (AGR, Audience 1376, z.f.).

 99. N to Verreycken e.a., 20 Sept. 1611 (AGR, Audience 1502–2); Van Deursen, Resolutiën, 476 (16 Sept. 1611).

100. Albert to the States-General, 15 Jan. 1612 (AGR, Audience 1376, z.f.).

101. CitationAnderson, On the Verge of War, 76–8.

102. Anderson, On the Verge of War, 112–5; Israel, The Dutch Republic, 21.

103. Van Eysinga, De wording van het Twaalfjarig Bestand van 9 april 1609, 154.

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