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Gerhard Leibholz, Costantino Mortati and the ideological roots of postwar party democracy in Germany and Italy



This article studies the ideological roots of the particular form of party democracy that was established in Germany and Italy after 1945. Given the deeply rooted tradition of anti-party politics and the previous failure to construct stable party democracies, it is remarkable that political parties evolved into the central actors of post-1945 democratic regimes in Germany and Italy. This article investigates how postwar reforms in this regard build on ideological assumptions put forward in the Interwar era. It centres on two thinkers who not only epitomized the historical continuity before and after the War, but also made a major impact on the reform of political institutions after 1945. Costantino Mortati and Gerhard Leibholz not only inspired political reformers with their writings, but also fostered party–state democracy during their tenures as constitutional court judges. As such, their views on political parties are of crucial importance in understanding why the postwar regimes took the shape of a ‘party–state democracy’.


Earlier versions of this article were presented at a workshop in Utrecht and a conference in Madrid. I would like to thank Martin Conway and Giovanni Orsina for their invaluable suggestions for improvement. I’m also grateful for the insightful comments made by the anonymous reviewers for the Journal of Political Ideologies. The usual disclaimer applies.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


1. E.E. Schattschneider, Party Government (New York: Rinehart Publishers, 1942), pp. 1, 6.

2. E. Holtmann, Der Parteienstaat in Deutschland. Erklärungen, Entwicklungen, Erscheinungsbilder (Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2012); M.W. Richter. ‘The German Party State. A Reassessment’, in C.S. Allen (Ed.). Transformation of the German Political Party System (New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1999), pp. 62–98; P. Scoppola, La repubblica dei partiti. Evoluzione e crisi di un Sistema politico (1945-1996)(Bologna: Il Mulino, 1997); L. Musella, Il Potere della Politica. Partiti e Stato in Italia (1945–2015) (Rome: Carocci, 2015); P. Ignazi, ‘The Three Ages of Party Politics in Postwar Italy’, in K. Lawson (Ed.) Political Parties and Democracy. Vol. II Europe (Oxford: Praeger, 2010), pp. 47–69.

3. H-J. Puhle, ‘Still the age of catch-allism? Volksparteien and Parteienstaat in Crisis and Re-equilibration’, in R. Gunter, J.R. Montero, and J.J. Linz (Eds) Political Parties, Old Concepts and New Challenges (New York: Oxford University Press), pp. 58–83: 71; G. Sartori, Parties and Party Systems. A framework for analysis (Cambridge: CUP, 1976), p. 14.

4. I. van Biezen, ‘Political Parties as Public Utilities’, Party Politics, 10, 6, (2004), pp. 701–22 at p. 706.

5. This counts in particular for the individual party histories in Italian historiography: A. Giovagnoli, Il partito italiano. La Democrazia Cristiana, 1942–1994 (Bari: Laterza, 1996); A. Vittoria, Storia del PCI (Rome: Carocci, 2006); Z. Ciuffoletti, M. Degli’Innocenti, G. Sabbatucci, Storia del PSI. Dal Dopoguerra ad Oggi (Bari: Laterza, 1993).

6. D. Rogers, Politics After Hitler: The Western Allies and the West German Party System (Basingstoke: Palgrave McMillan, 1995).

7. G. Capoccia and D. Ziblatt, ‘The Historical Turn in Democratization Studies. A Research Agenda for Europe and Beyond’, Comparative Political Studies, 43, 8/9 (2010), pp. 931–68, esp. pp. 947–49.

8. J.W. Müller, ‘The Triumph of What (if anything)? Rethinking political ideologies and political institutions in twentieth-century Europe’, Journal of Political Ideologies, 14, 2 (2009), pp. 211–235: p. 215. See more generally J.W. Müller, Contesting Democracy. Political Ideas in Twentieth Century Europe (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2011).

9. Richter, ‘The German Party State’, op. cit., Ref. 2, pp. 73–4; M. Fioravanti, Costituzione e popolo sovrano. La Costituzione italiana nella storia del costituzionalismo moderno (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1998), pp. 73–5.

10. M. La Torre, ‘The German Impact on Fascist Public Law Doctrine – Costantino Mortati’s ‘Material Constitution’, in C. Joerges and N.S. Ghaleigh (Eds). Darker Legacies of Law in Europe. The Shadow of National Socialism and Fascism over Europe and its Legal Traditions (Oxford and Portland: Hart Publishing, 2003), pp. 307–320 at p. 317.

11. M. H. Wiegandt, ‘Von der Weimarer zur Bonner Republik: Gerhard Leibholz (1901–1982)’, in: J. Lege (Ed.) Greifswald – Spiegel der deutschen Rechtswissenschaft 1815 bis 1945 (Mohr Siebeck, 2009), pp. 373–397 at p. 395.

12. S. Benöhr, Das faschistische Verfassungsrecht Italiens aus der Sicht von Gerhard Leibholz. Zu den Ursprüngen der Parteienstaatlehre (Baden Baden: Nomos Verlag Gesellschaft, 1999), p. 134.

13. M. H. Wiegandt, ‘Antiliberal Foundations, Democratic Convictions. The Methodological and Political Position of Gerhard Leibholz in the Weimar Republic’, in P.C. Caldwell and W.E. Scheuerman (Eds), Liberal Democracy to Fascism (Boston/Leiden/Cologne: Humanities Press Inc., 2000), pp. 108–35.

14. La Torre, ‘The German Impact’, op. cit., Ref. 10, p. 309.

15. P. Pombeni, La questione costituzionale in Italia (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2017), p. 75.

16. Richter, ‘The German Party State’, op. cit., Ref. 2, pp. 73–4; Van Biezen, ‘Political Parties’, op. cit., Ref. 4, p. 704.

17. J. Retallack, Red Saxony. Electoral Battles and the Spectre of Democracy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017).

18. M. L. Anderson, Practicing Democracy. Elections and Political Culture in Imperial Germany (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2000).

19. M. Ridolfi, Il PSI e la nascita del partito di massa. 1892–1922 (Bari: Laterza, 1992).

20. G. De Rosa, Il partito popolare italiano (Bari: Laterza, 1988).

21. A. von Klimó, ‘Politiker und Beamte in Italien und Deutschland (1860–1930). Vergleichende Überlegungen’, in D. Dowe, J. Kocka, H.A. Winkler (Eds) Parteien im Wandel vom Kaiserreich zur Weimarer Republik (Munich: Oldenbourg Wissenschafts Verlag, 1999), pp. 341–62 at p. 343.

22. T. Kühne, ‘Political culture and democratization’, in: J. Retallack (Ed.), Imperial Germany 1871–1918 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008), pp. 174–95 at p. 182; W.J. Mommsen, Der autoritäre Nationalstaat. Verfassung, Gesellschaft, und Kultur im deutschen Kaiserreich (Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1990), p. 289; S. Rogari, Alle origini del trasformismo. Partito e Sistema politico nell’Italia liberale (Bari: Laterza, 1998), pp. 214–5.

23. P. Ignazi, Party and Democracy. The Uneven Road to Party Legitimacy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017), pp. 75–77.

24. B. Manin, The Principles of Representative Government (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), p. 203.

25. Rogari, Alle origini, op. cit., Ref. 22, p. 89.

26. G. Ambrosini, Partiti Politici e Gruppi Parlamentari dopo la Proporzionale (Firenze: La Voce, 1921), pp. 38–9.

27. J. Caplan, ‘Recreating the Civil Service: Issues and Ideas in the Nazi Regime’, in A. McElligot (Ed.) Weimar Germany (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009), pp. 34–56 at p. 40. See also S. Grüner, ‘Probleme des Weimarer Parteiensystems im Vergleich’, in A. Wirsching (Ed.) Herausforderungen der parlamentarischen Demokratie (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2007), pp. 111–128; M-L. Sergio, Dall’antipartito al partito unico. La crisi della politica in Italia agli inizi del ‘900 (Rome: Edizioni Studium, 2002).

28. U.F.H. Rühl, ‘Nationale Demokratie und Parteienstaat’, in C. Gusy (Eds.) Demokratisches Denken in der Weimarer Republik (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2007), pp. 469–504 at p. 483; D. Richers, ‘Die Verfassung der Verfassung: Rudolf Smend (1882–1975)’, in J. Lege (Ed.) Greifswald. Spiegel der deutschen Rechtswissenschaft 1815 bis 1945 (Mohr Siebeck, 2009), pp. 271–83.

29. H. Triepel, Die Staatsverfassung der politischen Parteien. Rede bei der Feier der Erinnerung an den Stifter der Berliner Universität König Friedrich Wilhelm III in der alten Aula am 3. August 1927 (Berlin, 1927), p. 29. All translations in this article are my own.

30. H. Kelsen, Von Wesen und Wert der Demokratie (Aalen: Scientia Verlag, 1963 ([1929]), p. 20.

31. M. Weber, ‘Parliament and Government in Germany under a New Order’, in Political Writings (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), pp. 130–271 at pp. 151–2.

32. S-Y. Song, Politische Parteien und Verbände in der Verfassungsrechtslehre der Weimarer Republik (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1996), p. 157.

33. Kelsen, Von Wesen und Wert, op. cit., Ref. 30, p. 20.

34. H. Kelsen, Das Problem des Parlamentarismus (Leipzig: Wilhlem Braumüller, 1926), pp. 24–5.

35. G. Leibholz, ‘Die Grundlagen des modernen Wahlrechts. Zugleich eine Betrachtung zur Wahlreform’, in G. Leibholz, Strukturprobleme der modernen Demokratie (Karlsruhe: Verlag C.F. Müller, 1967) [1931], pp. 9–40 at p. 35.

36. S. Neumann, Die Parteien der Weimarer Republik (original title Die politischen Parteien in Deutschland) (W. Kohlkammer GmbH: Stuttgart, 1965 [1931]).

37. D. Kelly, ‘Carl Schmitt’s Political Theory of Dictatorship’, in J. Meierhenrich and O. Jones (Eds), The Oxford Handbook of Carl Schmitt (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017), pp. 217–44.

38. O. Koellreutter, Die politische Parteien im modernen Staate (Ferdinand Hirt in Breslau, 1926), pp. 86–7.

39. Benöhr, Das faschistische Verfassungsrecht, op. cit., Ref. 12, p. 134; Wiegandt, ‘Antiliberal Foundations’, op. cit., Ref. 13, p. 128; La Torre, ‘The German Impact’, op. cit., Ref. 10, p. 309; D. Schefold, ‘Die Parteiinstitution in Italien’, in D.Th. Tsatson (Ed.) 30 Jahre Parteiengesetz in Deutschland. Die Parteiinstitution im internationalen Vergleich (Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2002), pp. 132–145 at p. 135.

40. G. Leibholz, Das Wesen der Repräsentation unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Repräsentativsystems. Ein Betrag zur allgemeine Staats- und Verfassungslehre (Berlin and Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter and Co, 1929), p. 58.

41. Wiegandt, ‘Von der Weimarer zur Bonner Republik’, op. cit., Ref. 11, p. 378.

42. Leibholz, Das Wesen, op. cit., Ref. 40, p. 118.

43. For a recent example see E. Gentile, P. Corner and C. Duggan, ‘Two New Books on Fascism. A Review, the Author’s Responses, and the Reviewer’s Comments’, Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 19, 5 (2014), pp. 665–83.

44. Ignazi, Party and Democracy, op. cit., Ref. 23, pp. 100–102.

45. C. Mortati, La Costituzione in senso materiale (Ristampa inalterata con una premessa di Gustavo Zagrebelsky, Milano Giuffre editore, 1998 [1940]), p. 71.

46. C. Mortati, L’ordinamento del governo nel nuovo diritto pubblico italiano (Rome, 1931), p. 156.

47. Wiegandt, ‘Antiliberal Foundations’, op. cit., Ref. 13, p. 127.

48. G. Leibholz, Zu den Problemen des faschistischen Verfassungsrechts. Akademische Antrittsvorlesung (Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 1928), pp. 22–3.

49. G. Leibholz, Die Auflösung der liberalen Demokratie in Deutschland und das autoritäre Staatsbild (Munich: Dunkcer & Humblot, 1933), p. 79.

50. Benöhr, Das faschistische Verfassungsrecht, op. cit., Ref. 12, p. 134.

51. Leibholz, Das faschistischen Verfassungsrechts, op. cit., Ref. 48, p. 8.

52. Leibholz, Ibid., p. 37.

53. Mortati, La costituzione in senso materiale, op. cit., Ref. 45, p. 71.

54. Mortati, Ibid.

55. Benöhr, Das faschistischen Verfassungsrecht, op. cit., Ref. 12, p. 134.

56. Leibholz, Das faschistischen Verfassungsrechts, op. cit., Ref. 48, p. 37. My emphasis.

57. G. Della Cananea, ‘Mortati and the Science of Public Law: A Comment on La Torre’, in Joerges and Ghaleigh (Eds). Darker Legacies, op. cit., Ref. 10, pp. 323–335 at p. 333.

58. Mortati, L’ordinamento, op. cit., Ref. 46, p. 156.

59. Mortati, op. cit., Ref. 45, p. 74.

60. Mortati, L’ordinamento, op. cit., Ref. 46, p. 157.

61. Ibid., p. 159.

62. Ignazi, Party and Democracy, op. cit., Ref. 23, p. 100.

63. A. Nolzeln, ‘Charismatic Legitimation and Bureaucratic Rule. The NSDAP in the Third Reich’, German History, 23, 4 (2005), pp. 494–518.

64. O. Ranelletti, ‘Il Partito Nazionale Fascia nello Stato Italiano’, in Circolo Giuridico di Milano, Gli Stati Europei a Partito Politico Unico. Per i professori: Carlo Schmitt, Gaspare Ambrosini, Oreste Ranelletti (Milano, Casa Editrice Italiana, 1936), pp. 17–35.

65. C. Schmitt, ‘I caratteri essenziali dello Stato nazionalsocialista’, in Circolo Giuridico di Milano, Gli Stati Europei a Partito Politico Unico. Per i professori: Carlo Schmitt, Gaspare Ambrosini, Oreste Ranelletti (Milano, Casa Editrice Italiana, 1936), pp. 37–52 at p. 43.

66. C. Schmitt, Ibid., p. 49.

67. F. Günther, ‘“Eine in jede Richtung veränderte Wirklichkeit”. Gerhard Leibholz und die antiliberale Bewegung’, in A-B. Kaiser (Ed.) Der Parteienstaat. Zum Staatsverständnis von Gerhard Leibholz (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2013), pp. 23–44.

68. G. Leibholz, ‘Two Types of Democracy’ (1945), in G. Leibholz, Politics and Law (Leiden: Sythoff, 1965), pp. 37–48.

69. G. Leibholz, ‘Democracy, Representation and the Electoral Issue’ (1943), in G. Leibholz, Politics and Law, Ibid., pp. 49–63 at p. 50.

70. V. Crisafulli, ‘I partiti nella costituzione’, in Studi per il ventesimo anniversario dell’assemblea costituente (Florence, Valecchi editore, 1969), Vol. 2, Le Libertà civili e politiche, pp. 105–143: p. 110-120; P. Corduwener, ‘Institutionalizing the democratic party-state: political parties as ‘public utilities in Italy and West Germany, 1945-1975’, European Review of History/Revue européene d'histoire, 25, 1 (2018), 101-120.

71. F. Bösch, Die Adenauer-CDU. Gründung, Aufstieg und Krise einer Erfolgspartei 1945–1969 (Munich: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 2001); F. Malgeri, L’italia democristiana. Uomini e idee dal cattolicesimo democratico nell’Italia repubblicana (1943–1993) (Rome: Gangemi Editore, 2004). See also: O. Kircheimer, ‘The Transformation of the Western European Party System’, in O. Kircheimer, Politics, Law, and Social Change. Selected essays of Otto Kircheimer (New York: Columbia University Press, 1969), pp. 346–371.

72. Der Parlamentarische Rat 1948–1949. Akten und Protokolle, Band 2. Der Verfassungskonvent auf Herrenchiemsee, bearbeitet von Peter Bucher (Boppard am Rhein: Harald Boldt Verlag, 1981), p. 221.

73. Crisafulli, ‘I partiti nella costituzione’, op. cit., Ref. 70, pp. 105–143 at p. 115.

74. Il finanziamento dei partiti. Prima ‘Tavola Rotonda’ organizzata dal Movimento Gaetano Salvemini domenica 20 ottobre 1963 al “Ridotto “dell’Eliseo, in Roma (estratto dalla rivista Montecitorio, no 10–11, 1963), p. 49.

75. Holtmann, Der Parteienstaat in Deutschland, op. cit., Ref. 2.

76. Della Cananea, ‘Mortati’, op. cit., Ref. 57, pp. 333–4.

77. Mortati, L’ordinamento, op. cit., Ref. 46, p. 155.

78. Song, Politische Parteien, op. cit., Ref. 32, p. 205.

79. Leibholz, Das Wesen, op. cit., Ref. 40, pp. 118–9.

80. P. Lösche, ‘Parteienstaat Bonn – Parteienstaat Weimar? Über die Rolle von Parteien in der parlamentarischen Demokratie’, in E. Kolb and W. Mülhausen (Eds), Demokratie in der Krise. Parteien im Verfassungssystem der Weimarer Republik (Munich: Oldenbour Verlag, 1997), pp. 141–164.

81. G. Leibholz, Der Strukturwandel der modernen Demokratie. Vortrag gehalten in der Juristischen Studiengesellschaft in Karlsruhe am. 30 April 1952 (Karlsruhe, Verlag C.F. Müller, 1952), p. 15.

82. BVerfGE 1, 208 (1952).

83. Mortati, La Costituente, op. cit., Ref. 45, pp. 145–6.

84. Assemblea Costituente, Commissione per la Costituzione, Discussioni in Assemblea Plenaria, 22 Maggio 1947, 4160.

85. Richter, ‘The German Party State’, op. cit., Ref. 2, pp. 73–4.

86. Atti Parlamentari Camera dei Deputati, VI Legislatura Discussioni, Seduta del 9 Aprile 1974, 14 186–7.

87. C. Mortati, La Costituente. La teoria. La storia, Il problema italiano (Rome: Darsena 1945), p. 115.

88. C. Mortati, Concetto e funzione dei partiti politici, Quaderni di ricerca, no. 1 (1949), 1–27.

89. C. Mortati, Istituzioni di diritto pubblico II (Padova: Cedam 1967), p. 726.

90. G. Zagrebelsky, ‘Premessa a C. Mortati’, in C. Mortati (Ed.) La costituzione in senso materiale (Ristampa inalterata con una premessa di Gustavo Zagrebelsky, Milano Giuffre editore, 1998).

91. G. Leibholz, ‘Volk und Partei im neuen deutschen Verfassungsrecht [1950]’, in G. Leibholz, Strukturprobleme der modernen Demokratie (Karlsruhe: Verlag C.F. Müller, 1967), pp. 71–77.

92. G. Leibholz, Ibid., p. 77.

93. G. Leibholz, Strukturprobleme der modernen Demokratie (Karlsruhe: Verlag C.F. Müller, 1958), p. 75.

94. C. Mortati, La costituzione di Weimar (Florence: Sansoni editore, 1946).

95. Gerhard Leibholz, ‘Der Parteienstaat des Bonner Grundgesetzes’, in H. Wandersleb (Ed.), Recht, Staat, Wirtschaft (1951), pp. 99–125: p. 105.

96. Schattschneider, Party Government, op. cit., Ref. 1.

97. Sergio, Dall’antipartito al partito unico, op. cit., Ref. 27; Lösche, ‘Parteienstaat Bonn – Parteienstaat Weimar?’, op cit., Ref. 80; H. Mommsen, ‘Die Krise der parlamentarischen Demokratie im Europa der Zwischenkriegszeit’, in A. Wirsching, Herausforderungen der parlamentarischen Demokratie. Die Weimarer Republik im europäischen Vergleich (Munich: R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 2007), pp. 21–35.

98. G. Melis, La macchina imperfetta. Imagine e realtà dello stato fascista (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2018); J. Noakes, ‘Leaders of the People? The Nazi Party and German Society’, Journal of Contemporary History, 39, 2 (2004), pp. 189–212.

99. R.J. Evans, The Coming of the Third Reich (New York: Penguin Press, 2004), pp. 353–88; Sergio, Dall’antipartito al partito unico, op. cit., Ref. 27.

100. M. Mazower, Dark Continent. Europe’s Twentieth Century (London: Allen Lane, 1998); M. Conway and P. Romijn (Eds) The War for Legitimacy in Politics and Culture, 1936–1946 (Oxford: Berg, 2008).

101. D. Crew, ‘The Ambiguities of Modernity: Welfare and the German State from Wilhelm to Hitler’, in G. Eley, Society, Culture and the State in Germany 1870–1930 (Ann Arbour: University of Michigan Press, 1996), pp. 319–44; B. Gausemeier, ‘Genetics as a Modernization Program: Biological Research at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes and the Political Economy of the Nazi State’, Historical Studies in Natural Sciences, 40, 4 (2010), pp. 429–56; M. Renneberg and M. Walker (Eds) Scientists, Engineers, and National Socialism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994); M. Roseman, ‘National Socialism and Modernization’, in R. Bessel (Ed.) Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), pp. 197–229.

102. M. Conway, ‘Introduction’, in T. Buchanan and M. Conway (Eds) Political Catholicism in Europe 1918–1965 (Oxford: Clarendorn Press, 1996), pp. 1–33; P. Pombeni, ‘Political Models and Political Transfer in the Shaping of Europe’, European Review of History: Revue européenne d’histoire, 12, 2 (2005), pp. 223–238; R. Bessel, ‘The Nazi Capture of Power’, Journal of Contemporary History, vol. 39, no. 2 (2004), pp. 169–188; M.S. Piretti, ‘Continuità e rottura alla nascita del sistema dei partiti’, in C. Franceschini, S. Guerrieri and G. Monina (Eds), Le idee costituzionali della resistenza. Atti del Convegno di studi Roma 19, 20 e 21 ottobre 1995 (Rome: Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri, 1995), pp. 206–12.

103. C. Duggan, ‘Italy in the Cold War Years and the Legacy of Fascism’, in C. Duggan and C. Wagstaff (Eds) Italy in the Cold War. Culture, Politics, Society, 1948–1958 (Oxford: Berg, 1995), pp. 2–23; C. Pavone, Alle Origini della Repubblica. Scritti su fascismo, antifascismo e continuità dello Stato (Torino: Vollati Boringhieri editore, 1995); C. Levy, ‘From Fascism to “Post-Fascists”: Italian Roads to Modernity’, in R. Bessel (Ed.) Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, pp. 165–96; M. Fioravanti, ‘Giuristi e dottrine del partito politico: gli anni trenta e quaranta’, in Franceschini, Guerrieri and Monina (Eds), Le idee costituzionali, op. cit., 193–205; M. Gregorio, ‘Costituzione, forma di governo e partiti politici’, in P. L. Ballini and S. Guerrieri and A. Varsori (Eds) Le istituzioni repubblicane dal centrismo al centro-sinistra (1953–1968) (Rome: Carocci, 2006), pp. 109–23; G. Orsina, Il berlusconismo nella storia d’Italia (Venice: Marsilio, 2013).

104. Schefold‚‘Die Parteiinstitution in Italien’, op. cit., Ref. 39, p. 136.

105. The phrase ‘restrained democracy’ is from J.W. Müller, Contesting Democracy. Political Ideas in Twentieth Century Europe (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2011).

106. I. van Biezen, Political Parties in New Democracies. Party Organization in Southern and East-Central Europe (Basingstoke: Palgrave McMillan, 2003).

107. I. van Biezen and P. Kopecký, ‘The cartel-party and the state: party–state linkages in European democracies’, Party Politics, 20, 2, (2014), pp. 170–182; P. Mair, Ruling the Void. The Hollowing of Western Democracy (London: Verso, 2013).

108. C. Lavagna, Considerazioni sulla istituzionalizzazione dei partiti (Padova: CEDAM, 1950), p. 4.

109. G. Leibholz, Das Wesen der Repräsentation und der Gestaltwandel der Demokratie im 20. Jahrhundert (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1960), p. 243.

110. M. Fioravanti, ‘La trasformazione del modello costituzionale’, Studi Storici, 42, 4, (2001), pp. 813–825 at p. 814.

Additional information


This work is part of the research programme ‘The party–state in the twentieth century’ with project number 275-52-017, which is financed by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).