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The Bullock Report on Industrial Democracy and the Post-War Consensus



The post-war settlement among the policy elite is central to much historical literature. This article considers the rise and fall of the idea of ‘industrial democracy’, and its relationship to this settlement. The elite failed to respond coherently to claims for workplace democracy. The notion that politicians could work with ‘the unions’ and ‘industry’ was shown to be deficient. The unions contained numerous views, many hostile to industrial democracy in the form proposed by Bullock and the TUC. Industry was almost uniformly antagonistic. The notion of consensus ostensibly underpinned the attempts of Labour and Conservative politicians to progress this issue. In truth, this was a curious approach. The debate over Bullock was, at root, an argument over whether the owners of capital should cede some of their power in favour of organised labour. There was never likely to be agreement on this. The inconclusive debate over Bullock ultimately showed how fragile the consensus was. The political elite could not forever smooth over underlying disagreements between capital and labour, or between groups of workers with differing interests.


I am grateful to Professors Peter Ackers, Willy Brown and Martin Chick for their helpful comments on an earlier draft of this article.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.


  [1] Terms of Reference of Report, v.

  [2] Quoted in CitationHorner, Studies in Industrial Democracy, 11.

  [3] See Terms of Reference, above.

  [4]Report, 96.

  [5] See CitationMarwick, ‘Middle Opinion in the Thirties’; CitationCalder, People's War: Britain 1939–45 esp. at 524–586; and CitationBogdanor and Skidelsky, Age of Affluence, 1951–64.

  [6]CitationAddison, Road to 1945.

  [7] Ibid., 90.

  [8]CitationMiddlemas, Power, Competition and the State Vol. 1, at 74–76 and 109–113.

  [9]CitationMiddlemas, Power, Competition and the State Vol. 2.

 [10]CitationMiddlemas, Power, Competition and the State Vol. 3 at 42.

 [11] See e.g., CitationMarquand, Unprincipled Society, 18–19; CitationHennessy, Never Again; CitationDutton, British Politics Since 1945. And for a very recent restatement of the orthodox view, see CitationBogdanor, Britain in the 20th Century.

 [12] See CitationBarnett, Audit of War.

 [13] This definition is a somewhat modified version of that adopted by Kavanagh and Morris, and followed by Addison: see CitationKavanagh and Morris, Consensus Politics from Attlee to Thatcher, 4–6; and CitationAddison, British Historians, 7.

 [14]CitationFriedman, Capitalism and Freedom, 133–136.

 [15] See e.g. CitationSeifert and Sibley, Revolutionary Communist at Work, 118–122.

 [16]CitationBlyton and Turnbull, Dynamics of Employee Relations, 255.

 [17] Bert Ramelson in 1968, quoted in CitationSeifert and Sibley, Revolutionary Communist at Work, 119.

 [18] See CitationYoung and Lowe, Intervention in the Mixed Economy, 40.

 [19]CitationTomlinson, Government and the Enterprise Since 1900, 267–271.

 [20] Conservative Party Annual Conference Minutes 1970, 79, Oxford, Conservative Party Archive, NUA 2/1/75.

 [21] Bert Ramelson in 1968, quoted in CitationSeifert and Sibley, Revolutionary Communist at Work, 120.

 [22] See CitationTrades Union Congress, Chequers and Downing Street Talks.

 [23] Government Strategy Meeting, GEN 61(72), 24.11.72, 9, The National Archives (‘TNA’), CAB 130/536.

 [24] See, for example, CitationCoates and Topham, Industrial Democracy in Great Britain. For the lengthy history of British attempts at codetermination, see CitationMcGaughey, ‘British Codetermination and the Churchillian Circle’.

 [25] See CitationPribićević, Shop Stewards' Movement; and CitationBarry, Nationalisation in British Politics, Chs 6 and 9.

 [26]CitationCoates and Topham, Industrial Democracy in Great Britain, 364.

 [27]CitationBarratt Brown and Coates, ‘Big Flame’, 6.

 [28]CitationCoates and Williams, How and Why Industry Must be Democratised, 3.

 [29]CitationBarratt Brown and Coates, ‘Big Flame’, 6.

 [30]CitationCoates et al., Can the Workers Run Industry?, 227–235.

 [31] Declaration of 6th National Conference on Workers' Control, adopted at Nottingham 31.3.68, quoted in CitationScanlon, Way Forward.

 [32] For their background, see http://www.workerscontrol.net/activists/ken-coates-tony-topham-0 (accessed April 28, 2015).

 [33] See e.g.: CitationPusić, First International Conference.

 [34]CitationHall, Thompson and Williams, 1967 New Left Mayday Manifesto, 16, 39/40.

 [35]CitationTopham, Report on the 5th National Conference, 51–57.

 [36]CitationScanlon, Way Forward.

 [37] Jones at the 1968 TUC Congress, quoted in CitationWrigley, British Trade Unions, 1945–1995, 138–140. As to the unions' position, see below.

 [38]CitationBell, Labour Party in Opposition, 164–177.

 [39]CitationInstitute for Workers' Control, Industrial Democracy, 22.

 [40]CitationBenn, Ten-Year Industrial Strategy for Britain, 4.

 [41]CitationRadice, Working Power, 21.

 [42]CitationLiberal Party, Liberal Party Election General Manifesto (1964).

 [43]CitationLiberal Party, Liberal Party Election General Manifesto (1970).

 [44] As to ‘participation’, e.g.: CitationSawtell, Sharing Our Industrial Future?. For ‘partnership’, e.g. CitationMiller, Partnership Not Participation.

 [45]CitationHorner, Studies in Industrial Democracy, 26–186.

 [46] See seminar at Conservative Research Department (CRD), 9.5.73, Oxford, Conservative Party Archive, CRD 4/4/56; CitationEuropean Communities Commission, Green Paper on Employee Participation and Company Structure of the European Community.

 [47]CitationBalfour (ed.), Participation in Industry, 20.

 [48] See Note of Meeting with Commissioner Gundelach, 24.7.75, Warwick University, The Modern Records Centre, CBI Collection, CBI MSS.200/C/3/EMP/2/38.

 [49] See e.g., CitationFry, Industrial Democracy; CitationHeathfield, Economics of Co-Determination.

 [50]Report, 56–57.

 [51]CitationJones, Planning and Productivity in Sweden, 143–148; and CitationSchneider and Kingsman, The German Co-Determination Act.

 [52]CitationRoberts, Workers' Control, 22.

 [53] Ibid., 23 and to similar effect: CitationLabour Research Department, Industrial Democracy, 9.

 [54]CitationRoberts, Workers' Control, 59.

 [55] Although see CitationWise, Women and the Struggle for Workers' Control.

 [56]CitationBritish Institute of Management, Industrial Democracy, 12.

 [57] For these categories, see note 7 above.

 [58]CitationConservative Political Centre, Fair Deal at Work, 9, 10.

 [59]CitationBow Group, Employee Participation in British Companies.

 [60] Howe, Note to cabinet, 13.7.73, TNA, CAB/129/170/19.

 [61]CitationWhite Paper on Company Law Reform (July 1973) para 59.

 [62] HC Deb 30 October 1973 vol. 863 cc6.

 [63] Note of Employment Committee, 14.6.73, CRD 4/4/156.

 [64] ‘New Industrial Charter’, 8.7.74, Oxford, Conservative Party Archive, LCC 1/3/3.

 [65]CitationCBI, Responsibilities of the British Public Company, paras 116–123.

 [66] CRD Note ‘Political Aspects of the Issue of Employee Participation’, 8.8.73, CRD 4/4/57.

 [67] CRD Note, ‘Employee Participation’, 18.6.74, paras 35–36 and Annex, CRD 4/4/59.

 [68]CitationWebb and Webb, Industrial Democracy, 841/842.

 [69] E.g.: CitationAlbu, ‘The Organisation of Industry’.

 [70] See CitationThomas-Symonds, Nye, 165.

 [71]CitationLabour Party, Report of the Labour Party, 10.

 [72]CitationCoates and Topham, Labour Party's Plans for Industrial Democracy.

 [73]CitationClift et al., ‘Labour Party and the Company’.

 [74]CitationLabour Party, Labour's Programme for Britain: Annual Conference 1972, 25.

 [75]CitationLabour Party, Labour's Programme for Britain: Annual Conference 1973, 27

 [76]CitationLabour Party, Community and the Company, 12–17.

 [77]CitationTUC, Industrial Democracy: an Interim Report (London, 1973), paras 27–34. As to the position of the unions, see below. As to the nationalised industries, where little progress had been made towards Industrial Democracy by the mid-1970s, see CitationTopham and Coates, Industrial Democracy and Nationalization.

 [78]CitationLabour Party, October 1974 Labour Party Manifesto (London, 1974).

 [79] HC Deb 15 January 1975 vol. 884 c 464.

 [80] Prior to entering Parliament, Radice had worked as a research officer for the General and Municipal Workers' Union.

 [81] HC Deb 15 January 1975 vol 884 cc. 464–465.

 [82]Bulletin of the Institute for Workers' Control, February 1975, no. 23, 1 (hereafter Bulletin).

 [83] Cabinet Meeting, 15.5.75, 6 (views of Shore), TNA, CAB 128/56/24.

 [84] Ibid., 5.

 [85] Note of meeting 12.5.75, TNA, PREM 16/506.

 [86]CitationBenn, Benn Diaries 1940–1990 entry for 11.4.74, 287.

 [87]Bulletin, July 1975, no. 25, 2/3.

 [88] Shore Memorandum, 17.6.75, TNA, CAB 129/183/19, 2.

 [89] Cabinet Minutes, 19.6.75, 4, views of Shore, TNA, CAB 128/56/28.

 [90] HC Deb 5 August 1975 vol. 897 c 245.

 [91]CitationCastle, Castle Diaries, 422–424.

 [92] Cabinet Minutes, 19.6.75, 4, views of Foot, TNA, CAB 128/56/28.

 [93]Bulletin, no. 3, February 1976, 2.

 [94] Shore Memorandum, 14.5.75, TNA, CAB 129/183/9.

 [95] Report ACP/76/1, 12.1.76, ‘Industrial Relations and the Trade Unions’, para 5, Oxford, Conservative Party Archive, ACP 3/21.

 [96] ‘Towards a New Policy on Industrial Relations’, report of Policy Group, 6.6.74 at paragraphs 8 and 9, ACP 3/21; in 1975, a Policy Group on Participation was set up: letter to Joseph, 22.7.75, Oxford, Conservative Party Archive, the Papers of Keith Joseph, KJ 26/3.

 [97] Note from Prior to Joseph, late 1975, KJ 17/4.

 [98] ‘Employment Policy: Interim Report’, paper by Prior (about July 1976), CRD 4/4/62.

 [99] Letter from Peyton to Prior, 7.7.76, Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre, the Thatcher Papers, 2/6/1/159.

[100] Report 12.1.76, ACP/76/1, ACP 3/21, para 5.

[101]CitationOne Nation Group of MPs, One Nation at Work, 21.

[102]The Times, 26.11.75.

[103] HC Deb 3 December 1975 vol. 901 c671W.

[104] The membership was: Professor George Bain, University of Warwick; N. P. Biggs, Williams and Glyn's Bank; Jack Callard, ex-I.C.I.; Barrie Heath, GKN; Clive Jenkins, ASTMS; Jack Jones, TGWU; David Lea, TUC; John Methven, Director-General of Fair Trading; Kenneth Wedderburn, L.S.E.; N. S. Wilson, Solicitor.

[105] See consultations between Wilson and TUC over membership of Committee, 1974/5, TNA, PREM 16/506 and 507.

[106] From the beginning, the union and academic members met in caucus: see note 5.1.76, Warwick University, The Modern Records Centre, the Papers of Clive Jenkins, MSS.79/1991/1.

[107]Report, page v.

[108] David Lea Interview, 7.11.12.

[109]CitationCole, Workers' Control in Industry.

[110]CitationClay, ‘Workers' Control’.

[111]CitationHorner, Studies in Industrial Democracy, 20–21.

[113] Ibid., para 1002.

[114] Ibid., paras 143–154.

[116]CitationTUC, Industrial Democracy, paras 35–40, 92. For the European context, see CitationGold, ‘Worker Directors in the UK’.

[117]CitationTUC, Industrial Democracy.

[118]CitationCoates and Topham, Catching Up with the Times.

[119] TUC Note, 22.4.74, at Warwick University, The Modern Records Centre, TUC Collection, TUC MSS.292D/574.93/2.

[120]CitationJones, World to Win.

[121] George Bain Interview, 14.3.15.

[122] Quoted in CitationDukes, ‘Otto Kahn-Freund and Collective Laissez-Faire’, 221.

[123] Interview with Bob Hepple, 11.10.12.

[124]CitationClegg, Industrial Democracy and Nationalization, 22.

[125]CitationClegg, New Approach to Industrial Democracy, 132.

[126]CitationFox, ‘Corporatism and Industrial Democracy’, 51.

[127]CitationKahn-Freund, ‘Industrial Democracy’.

[128]CitationTUC, Industrial Democracy, 36–38; and CitationLabour Party, Community and the Company, 12.

[129]CitationJones, Union Man, 315.

[130] Bert Ramelson, Industrial Organiser of the Communist Party, quoted in CitationRoberts, Workers' Control, 22.

[131] Arthur Scargill quoted in CitationScargill et al., Debate on Workers' Control, 5. See also: CitationCoates, Workers' Control.

[132] Letter Chapple of EETPU to Len Murray, 3.6.77, TUC MSS.292D/574.93/1.

[133] Note Chapple to CRD, 1976, enclosing union's evidence to Bullock, at Oxford, Conservative Party Archive, CRD 4/4/18.

[134] See e.g.: Telegram dated 27.1.77 from Sapper of ACTT to Len Murray, at TUC MSS.292D/574.93/1; letter Basnett (GMWU) to TUC, 10.6.77, TUC MSS.292D/574.93/1.

[135]CitationBenedictus et al., Industrial Democracy, para 8.1.

[136] Memo Donoughue to Callaghan, 26.10.76, ‘Meeting with Lord Bullock’, Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre, the Papers of Lord Donoughue, DNGH 1/1/13.

[137] John Monks Interview 15.10.12; Monks, later General Secretary, worked for the TUC from 1969 and headed its Organisation and Industrial Relations Department, 1977–87.

[138]CitationPhillips, ‘UK Business Power and Opposition to the Bullock Committee's 1977 Proposals on Worker Directors’.

[139] See generally, CitationDrinkwater, Industrial Democracy.

[140] Clive Jenkins manuscript note of oral evidence of Harold Watkinson, CBI President-elect, 30.3.76, the Papers of Clive Jenkins, MSS.79/1991/4.

[141] Report on ‘Employee Participation’, February 1976, CBI MSS.200/C/1/1/C/76.

[142]CitationGordon-Brown et al., Industrial Democracy 1976, 39–41.

[143] Meetings with Conservatives on 22.11.76 and 18.4.77: the Thatcher Papers, 2/12/2/1 and 2/12/2/2.

[144] Note of meeting between Thatcher's PPS and ICI managers on 20.10.76, the Thatcher Papers, 2/6/1/153; letter from Sparrow of Morgan Grenfell to Thatcher, summarising City opinion on Bullock, 12.5.77, the Thatcher Papers, 2/6/1/242.

[145] Minutes of Internal Meeting, 19.1.77, 7, CBI MSS.200/C/1/1/C/77.

[146]The Times, 14.1.77, 19.

[147]CitationPhillips, ‘UK Business Power’, 29.

[148] Bain Interview.

[149] Bain Interview; Wilson semi-ironically coined the ‘Further Members’ tag.

[150] See memo Donoughue to Callaghan, 25.5.77, ‘David Basnett’, at DNGH 1/1/17.

[151] Summarised at Report, 26–28. Many smaller unions did not submit their own evidence but left it to the TUC to advance their views: see Report Annex A for those who submitted evidence.

[152]CitationFabian Society Working Party, Workers in the Boardroom: Fabian Evidence to Bullock.

[153] TASS evidence, 4, TNA, Dept. of Trade Papers, PJ 11/25.

[154]Report, 124.

[155]CitationBarratt Brown and Coates, Accountability and Industrial Democracy; evidence at PJ 11/157.

[156] AUEW, ‘Investigation into the Scope of Industrial Democracy’, 13; see also, EETPU evidence to Bullock, para 8, both at TUC MSS.292D/611.414/3.

[157] Ibid., 30–33.

[158] E.g. Shell evidence (problems for multinational structure), TNA, PJ 11/271.

[159] CBI Supplementary evidence, para 27, TNA, PJ 11/291.

[160] EEF evidence, 12, TNA, PJ 11/138.

[161] Evidence of Allied Breweries, TNA, PJ 11/218.

[162]Bulletin, no. 33, November 1976, 10.

[163] Bain Interview.

[164] Ibid.

[165] Bain Advisory Board lecture, 29.11.01 (Warwick, 2001), 5.

[166] Minutes of 10th meeting, 16.3.76, 2, Warwick University, The Modern Records Centre, Papers of Sir George Sayers Bain, MSS.65/116.

[167] Note CB 15, about March 1976, the Papers of Clive Jenkins, MSS.79/1991/6.

[168] Note of meeting PM and Bullock, 28.10.76, TNA, PREM 16/1323.

[169]Report, 92.

[170] Ibid., 162–166.

[171]Report, 167–195.

[172] Ibid., 169 para 1.

[173] Ibid., 182.

[174] General Council Minutes, 26.1.77, item 42,TUC MSS.292D/574.93/4.

[175] For adverse Left reaction to the Report, see CitationCoates and Topham, Shop Steward's Guide to the Bullock Report, 115–116, 121–124. As to the CBI, see below.

[176] Agenda for 153rd Meeting of Advisory Committee of Policy, 9.11.77, Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre, the Papers of Lord Howell, HWLL 2/4/1/9.

[177] ASTMS Conference Resolution, 2.6.77, the Papers of Clive Jenkins, MSS.79/6/CJ/3/52.

[178] Cabinet Minutes, 18.5.76, 1, TNA, CAB/128/59/5.

[179] Minutes of meeting 1 of Official Steering Group, 25.10.76, 1, 5, TNA, CAB/130/886.

[180] Minutes of Official Steering Group, 10.1.77, 5, TNA, CAB/130/942.

[181] Note of meeting between PM and TUC, 12.1.77, TNA, PREM 16/1323.

[182] Ibid.

[183] Dell memorandum 17.1.77, TNA, CAB/129/194/8.

[184] Callaghan introducing the topic, Cabinet Minutes, 20.1.77, 4, TNA, CAB/128/61/2.

[185] Callaghan summary, ibid., 7.

[186] HC Deb 26 January 1977, vol. 924 c.1494.

[187] Lea memo 6.10.77, TUC MSS.292D/574.93/1.

[188] Lea letter to Jones 31.5.77, TUC MSS.292D/574.93/4.

[189] Letter to Callaghan, 31.1.77, from Chairmen of Courtaulds et al., TNA, PREM 16/1321.

[190] IOD Response, 26.1.77, the Papers of Clive Jenkins, MSS.79/1991/15.

[191] Note of meeting CBI and PM 15.2.77, at ibid.

[192]CitationCity Company Law Committee, A reply to Bullock paras 9, 19 and 21.

[193]CitationDenton, Beyond Bullock, 24.

[194]CitationCoates and Topham, Shop Steward's Guide to the Bullock Report, 115–116.

[195] Ibid., 123 (Scanlon views). Basnett (GMWU) to TUC, 10.6.77, TUC MSS.292D/574.93/1.

[196] Para 4.2 of paper at Benedictus, Industrial Democracy.

[197] Note of meeting with EETPU, 1.2.77, TNA, PREM 16/1325.

[198] Minutes of Economic Committee, 14.6.77, TUC MSS.292D/574.93/1.

[199] Memorandum by Williams, 26.4.78, TNA, CAB/129/200/24.

[200] Dell Note of meeting with Methven, 19.12.77, TNA, PREM 16/1709.

[201] Stowe Note of meeting with Murray, 12.12.77, TNA, PREM 16/1709.

[202] CBI Press release, 23.5.78, the Thatcher Papers, 2/6/1/21.

[203]CitationReam, Guide to the White Paper on Industrial Democracy.

[204]CitationCottrell, ‘On “Industrial Democracy”’.

[205] Cabinet Minutes 27.4.78, 6–9, and 4.5.78, 7–10, at TNA, CAB/ 128/63/16 and 17.

[206]Industrial Democracy.

[207] Minutes of Economic Committee of TUC with Dell, 14.6.78, TUC MSS.292D/574.93/3: agreement ‘to urge that the timescale of the proposals … be far less protracted’.

[208] Booth Memorandum, ‘Industrial Democracy: The Principle of the Single Channel’, 19.3.79; Williams Memorandum, ‘Industrial Democracy’, 19.3.79, TNA, CAB 129/205/22 and CAB 129/205/22.

[209] See notes 28.1.77 and 11.2.77, re meetings with CBI, TNA, PREM, 16/1324 and 1325.

[210] Letter Jenkins to Callaghan, 31.1.77, the Papers of Clive Jenkins, MSS.79/1991/14. Callaghan seemed unconvinced: letter, 14.2.77 at ibid.

[211] Hunt note 19.12.77, TNA, PREM 16/1709; memorandum by Williams re draft White Paper, 16.5.78, TNA, CAB/129/201/58.

[212] Note of outcome of consultations, 9.11.78, TNA, CAB/130/1014.

[213] CPRS Note, 27.5.77, TNA, CAB/130/975.

[214] Cabinet Minutes, 20.1.77, 4, TNA, CAB/128/61/2.

[215] Nott Paper on Bullock, 3.2.77, para 1, the Thatcher Papers, 2/6/1/160.

[216] Ibid., para 3.

[217] Ibid., para 6.

[218] Nott statement on White Paper, 23.5.78, and speech 13.6.78, both at CRD 4/4/62.

[219] Paper of 29.1.79 by Hayhoe and Brittan, ‘Commitments and Options on Industrial Relations’, 20, the Thatcher Papers, 2/11/9/12, and letter from Prior and Nott to the Chairman of CTU, 15.5.78, CRD 4/4/62.

[220] Letter Nott to Thatcher, 26.5.77, CRD 4/4/62.

[221] Letter from Shepherd of CRD enclosing drafts for Manifesto, the Thatcher Papers, 2/7/1/9.

[222] DOT analysis of differences between Labour and Conservative approaches, 16.5.78, TNA, PREM, 16/1712.

[223] Memo dated 21.3.74, Hoover Institution, IEA MSS, Box 295.

[224] Sherman memo re meeting with Hoskyns and others, 29.9.75, Sherman MSS, Royal Holloway Library, box 7.

[225] Memo ‘Thoughts on “Implementing our Strategy”’, 15.1.78, the Thatcher Papers, 2/6/1/246.

[226] See CitationHoskyns, Just in Time, 59.

[227] Note 14.5.78, Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre, the Papers of Sir John Hoskyns, HOSK 1/132.

[228] Letter of 17.7.78 from Joseph: HWLL 2/4/1/19.

[229]CitationHoskyns, Just in Time, 67.

[230] Paper ‘Bullock Report’ by Leonard Neal, January 1977, the Thatcher Papers, 2/6/1/153.

[231] Ibid.

[232] See CitationDorey, ‘Conciliation or Confrontation with the Trade Unions?’; and CitationDorey, ‘Stepping Stones Programme’.

[233] Letter Bulmer to Thatcher, 7.4.77, the Thatcher Papers, 2/1/1/13.

[234] Press release for Howe speech, 28.1.77, at the Thatcher Papers, 2/6/1/153.

[235] Letter Kaye to Howell, 12.4.76, enclosing Submission to Bullock, 29, HWLL 2/4/1/19.

[236]CitationJones, Union Man, 315.

[237]CitationHeller et al., What Do the British Want, 20.

[238]CitationBrannen, Worker Directors, 236.

[239]CitationCampbell-Smith, Masters of the Post, 533–552.

[240]CitationBatstone et al., Unions on the Board, 177.

[241] For what happened in the ensuing decade (not much): see CitationClarke, ‘Industrial Democracy in Great Britain’.

[242] See CitationO'Grady, ‘Attlee Memorial Lecture’.

[243] See CitationIndustrial Relations Journal, Special Issue: Bill McCarthy Symposium; and CitationBogg, ‘Lord Wedderburn and the “Political Constitution” of Collective Labour Law’; McCarthy (1925–2012) and Wedderburn (1927–2012) were leading academic voluntarists, albeit on different sides of the Bullock debate.

[244]CitationKing and Van de Vall, Models of Industrial Democracy, 194, 197.

[245]CitationThomson, ‘New Focus’, 43.

[246]CitationElliott, Conflict or Co-Operation?, 160.

[247]CitationBarratt Brown and Coates, Accountability and Industrial Democracy, 2 (Bill Jones, retired trade unionist).

[248]CitationFatchett, Industrial Democracy, 33–37.

[249]CitationHeller et al. (eds.), What Do the British Want, 54.

[250]CitationFlanders et al., Experiment in Industrial Democracy, 192/193.

[251] Bain Advisory Board lecture, 6/7.

Additional information

Notes on contributors

Adrian Williamson

Adrian Williamson QC practises as a barrister at Keating Chambers, London. Between 2010 and 2014, he completed a PhD at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, now published as Conservative Economic Policymaking and the Birth of Thatcherism, 1964–1979, March 2015, Palgrave Macmillan, Palgrave Studies in the History of Finance. Correspondence to Adrian Williamson, Keating Chambers, 15 Essex Street, London, WC2R 3AA, UK. Email: [email protected]

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