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Ethical considerations in social work research

Etični razmisleki v raziskovanju v socialnem delu

Considerazioni etiche nella ricerca di servizio sociale

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Too often, discussions of research ethics focus on the steps needed to avoid fraud or protect human subjects. These topics, while essential, are only a fraction of the considerations for ethical research, and excessive attention to them can obscure other important and meaningful decisions. Ethical dilemmas are inherent throughout the research process, from the choice about what to study and how to study it through to analysis and dissemination of findings. Attention to these considerations is especially important for researchers in social work who, by their professional discipline, code of ethics, or research foci are expected to demonstrate particular sensitivity to vulnerable populations, issues of social justice, conflicts of interest, and respect for dignity and privacy. Rooted in three workshops held during ECSWR since 2014, this paper examines the nature of embedded ethical dilemmas, with special attention to the challenges related to the principle of nonmaleficence and to the role of the researcher. In light of illustrative examples, the paper presents recommendations and resources to build ethical awareness and research integrity beyond regulatory compliance.


Prepogosto je razprava o raziskovalni etiki omejena le na korake, potrebne za preprečevanje ponaredb ali za zaščito sodelujočih oseb. Čeprav osrednjega pomena, pa so te teme le delček razmislekov o etičnem raziskovanju – kadar jim posvečamo pretirano pozornost, zanemarimo druge pomembne in pomenljive odločitve. Etične dileme so prisotne skozi ves raziskovalni proces, od tega, kako izberemo raziskovalno temo, kako preučujemo in analiziramo podatke, ter kako te predstavimo. Osredotočenost na tovrstne razmisleke je še posebej pomembna za raziskovalce in raziskovalke v socialnem delu, od katerih se pričakuje, da zaradi svojega področja, kodeksa etike ali teme raziskovanja pokažejo še posebno občutljivost za ranljive populacije, vprašanja socialne pravičnosti, konflikte interesov in spoštovanje dostojanstva in zasebnosti. Pričujoči članek temelji na treh delavnicah od leta 2014 v okviru European Conference for Social Work Research in raziskuje naravo etičnih dilem v raziskovanju; posebno pozornost namenja izzivom, ki so povezani z načelom neškodovanja in z vlogo raziskovalke oz. raziskovalca. Na podlagi predstavljenih primerov članek ponudi priporočila in vire za krepitev etične zavesti in raziskovalne integritete, ki sega preko spoštovanja pravilnikov in zakonodaje.


Le considerazioni sull'etica nella ricerca si concentrano spesso sui passi necessari per evitare le frodi o per proteggere gli esseri umani. Pur essenziali, questi aspetti rappresentano solo una parte delle attenzioni necessarie alla ricerca etica, e un'eccessiva concentrazione su di essi può nascondere altri snodi altrettanto significativi. I dilemmi etici sono infatti insiti lungo tutto il processo di ricerca, dalla scelta su come e cosa studiare fino all’ analisi e alla diffusione dei risultati. Questi aspetti sono particolarmente importanti per i ricercatori di servizio sociale dai quali ci si attende che, per la disciplina professionale, per il loro codice etico e per i temi di ricerca, abbiano una sensibilità specifica verso i soggetti vulnerabili, le questioni di giustizia sociale, i conflitti di interesse e il rispetto della dignità e la privacy delle persone. Basato su tre workshop tenuti dal 2014 al 2017 durante le Conferenze Europee sulla Ricerca nel Servizio Sociale (ECSWR), l’articolo esamina la natura dei dilemmi etici insiti nella pratica della ricerca. In particolare, considera le sfide legate al principio etico della ‘non maleficenza’ e al ruolo del ricercatore. Utilizzando due esempi illustrativi, l’articolo presenta alcune raccomandazioni e risorse per sviluppare la consapevolezza etica e l'integrità della ricerca, al di là della conformità alla normativa.


The authors would like to acknowledge Prof. Dr Julia Franz, HS Hannover, Germany, the co-author of a workshop at the 5th European Conference on Social Work Research, where the initial idea for this paper was created. Ana Marija Sobočan would like to thank prof. Viviene Cree and prof. John Devaney of Social Work at the School for Social and Political Science of the University of Edinburgh, UK, for institutional support.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Notes on contributors

Ana M. Sobočan is an assistant professor and currently a postdoctoral researcher based at the University of Ljubljana, primarily interested in ethical dilemmas in social work practice, decision-making in social work, social work professional identity and research issues, as well as gender issues and diversity/equality issues. She has served as vice-chair of the European Social Work Research Association (ESWRA). She is currently a visiting researcher at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

Teresa Bertotti is Associate Professor of Social Work at the University of Trento. She has a professional background in child and family work. Her research interests currently include ethical dilemmas and professional identity, decision-making, child protection policies and social work education. She is currently Secretary of the European Association of Schools of Social Work (EASSW).

Kim Strom-Gottfried is the Smith. P. Theimann Jr., Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Professional Practice at UNC and director of policy and ethics for the university. Her research focuses on interpretations of ethical standards for unique practice roles and circumstances, as well as studying the factors that inhibit ethical action. She recently served on the committee to revise the NASW Code of Ethics.

Additional information


Part of this work (that of the author Ana Marija Sobočan) was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency (Javna Agencija za Raziskovalno Dejavnost RS) [Grant Number Z5-7192].