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Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems
Methods, Tools and Applications in Engineering and Related Sciences
Volume 22, 2016 - Issue 4: Model Order Reduction
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A POD–EIM reduced two-scale model for precipitation in porous media

Pages 323-344 | Received 09 Oct 2015, Accepted 02 Jun 2016, Published online: 27 Jun 2016


A time-dependent two-scale multiphase model for precipitation in porous media is considered, which has recently been proposed and investigated numerically. For numerical treatment, the microscale model needs to be finely resolved due to moving discontinuities modelled by several phase-field functions. This results in high computational demands due to the need of resolving many such highly resolved cell problems in course of the two-scale simulation. In this article, we present a model order reduction technique for this model, which combines different ingredients such as proper orthogonal decomposition for construction of the approximating spaces, the empirical interpolation method for parameter dependency and multiple basis sets for treating the high solution variability. The resulting reduced model experimentally demonstrates considerable acceleration and good accuracy both in reproduction as well as generalization experiments.

1. Introduction

The present paper develops and shows numerically the efficiency of a model reduction scheme for a time-dependent two-scale model for a precipitation process in a porous medium that was recently introduced in [Citation29]. A porous medium is a domain that is perforated by so-called grains, cf. [Citation4]. The domain of interest is the pore space, which is the complementary domain to the union of the grains. The considered situation in [Citation29] and here is the following one. The pore space is occupied by a mixture of three substances: water, oil and a precipitate (e.g. salt). The water contains dissolved (salt) particles that precipitate on the grain boundary and form a crystalline solid if the concentration of the dissolved particles in the water exceeds a certain threshold. The reverse reaction is also possible, that is particles of the precipitate dissolve in the water if the concentration in the water is below this threshold. Therefore, the boundary between water and precipitate is a-priori unknown and moved besides curvature effects by precipitation and dissolution. The location of the boundaries water–oil and oil–water is also a-priori unknown but only driven by curvature effects, since it is assumed that particles of the precipitate cannot dissolve in oil and that water and oil are immiscible and incompressible. The evolution of the concentration of the particles in the water is driven by the precipitation process but also by diffusion.

Since the spatial scale of the diffusion process is much larger than the scale of the pores on which a phase transition takes place, the model of [Citation29] consists of two spatial length scales: a macroscopic so-called Darcy scale and a microscopic so-called pore scale. It was developed by the application of a homogenization technique to a pure pore-scale model for simplifying the numerical treatment; for an introduction to homogenization in porous media, see [Citation8]. In the two-scale model, the unknown on the macroscopic scale is the concentration of the dissolved particles in the water, and on the microscopic scale, the evolution of the phase boundaries is modelled by three phase-fields; see [Citation8,Citation9] for a general introduction to phase-field modelling with one phase-field,[Citation6,Citation7] for the handling of three phase-fields and [Citation8] for the diffuse domain approximation method that is used in [Citation29] in order to model the evolution of the characteristic functions of the three pore-space’s subdomains that are each occupied by one of the three constituents, water, oil and precipitate. Furthermore, an auxiliary function on the microscale is described that results from the upscaling and which acts as a microscopic correction of the diffusion tensor in the evolution equation for the macroscopic concentration. The two scales are coupled, that is the evolution of the phase-fields is influenced by the macroscopic concentration of dissolved particles in the water, and conversely, the evolution of the macroscopic concentration is influenced by the rate of microscopic precipitation and the microscopic auxiliary function.

The usual two-scale model’s (detailed/high-dimensional) discretization (as described in [Citation29]) consists of an evolution scheme for the concentration on a macroscopic numerical grid and for every macroscopic grid point of a microscopic cell problem describing the evolution of the three phase-fields and of the auxiliary function. The number of cell problems that must be solved in course of a simulation is equal to the product of the number of macroscopic nodes times the number of time steps. This soon becomes numerically very demanding if both numbers increase, since in order to solve a cell problem accurately, a fine discretization is necessary.

The present study presents a model reduction approach for the two-scale model described above. Existing approaches dealing with model reduction for multiscale problems involve reduced basis approaches for cell problems [Citation5, Citation22, Citation24], the localized reduced basis multiscale method [Citation20,Citation2] or kernel surrogate models for microscale models [Citation14]. While the former are used in the context of linear problems, the latter allows nonlinear problems but only is applicable in the case of few number of inputs/outputs in the coupling of the scales.

Our approach is projection-based and aims at a reduction of the most expensive part of the cell problems in order to accelerate the computation of the overall two-scale model, where it is the discretization of the auxiliary function that is most expensive. The problem for the auxiliary function strongly depends on the shape of the microscale subdomain occupied by the water, that is the problem depends on the phase-field modelling this subdomain. The problem is elliptic but, since the phase-field for water evolves in course of a simulation, it is implicitly time-dependent, that is a good approximation of complete trajectories and a high solution variability must be accounted for by the reduction approach. In [Citation28], a similar procedure was developed for a two-scale model for crystal growth.

The detailed model for the auxiliary function will be projected to a low-dimensional solution subspace generated via a proper orthogonal decomposition (POD; [Citation19,Citation30]) strategy based on high-dimensional snapshots. The empirical interpolation method (EIM, [Citation3,Citation15]) deals with the parameter dependency enabling to evaluate local parametric discretization operators efficiently. In particular, we refer to the empirical operator interpolation approach for linear and nonlinear operators [Citation11,Citation17], as well as the discrete empirical interpolation method (DEIM) for nonlinear parametric ordinary differential equations [10] or extensions as the matrix DEIM used in [Citation33]. In addition to full precomputation of the offline data, recently also online adaptation procedures have been introduced that accept online complexities linear in the full dimension H and continuously update the reduced model throughout the simulation [2,26]. As last step in our reduction, the reduced models are subdivided into submodels where each of them is capable of producing accurate low-dimensional approximations to the high-dimensional solutions for certain shapes of the water domain. Local subdomain basis approaches can also be found in other articles on model order reduction [1, 12, 13, 16, 25, 31], where time, parameter or state–space distance is used as partitioning criterion. As an alternative to partitioning, also interpolation of local models is a possible approach, for example [14]. But here, we follow the partitioning idea and the utilized partitioning criterion will be the volume of the precipitate.

The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 will present the detailed two-scale model as introduced in [29] and additionally gives a matrix-based formulation of the microscale problem that will be reduced. This microscale equation then is subject to a POD/EIM-based model reduction, which is explained in Section 3. The extensive Section 4 then presents numerical results, which illustrate the efficiency of the reduced model over the full model both in reproduction, as well as generalization settings. The paper is concluded with comments in Section 5.

2. The detailed two-scale model

This section briefly discusses the detailed discrete two-scale model describing the evolution of the dissolved particles’ concentration in the water phase on a Darcy-scale (macroscopic) and the evolution of the boundaries of the three substances, water, oil and the precipitate, on a pore-scale (microscopic) of a porous medium. Note that this description will be very concise only focussing on the relevant parts for the derivation of our subsequent reduced model. A detailed development and explanation of the model is presented in [Citation29]. The model consists of a macroscopic homogenized equation modelling the evolution of the concentration u of the dissolved particles in water, and at each point of the macroscopic domain of microscopic cell-problems with periodic boundary conditions modelling the evolution of the three substances and of two auxiliary functions w1 and w2. The evolution of the substances is modelled by three phase-fields which smoothly approximate the characteristic functions (in a sharp-interphase sense) of the three subdomains occupied each by one of the substances.

Consider a time-interval J(T): = [0,T] with the end time T > 0 and J(T)¯=[0,T], a macroscopic spatial domain ΩRd of dimension d = 2 with a boundary ΓΩ=Ω and a microscopic spatial domain Y = (0,1)d. The domain Y is subdivided into a pore-space P, a grain G and the grain’s boundary ΓG, that is Y=PGΓG. The boundary ΓP of the pore-space P equals YΓG. Let nΩ be the outer-normal to ΓΩ and nG the inner-normal to ΓG.

As mentioned above, the pore-space P is occupied by three substances Pi, iμI = {1,2,3}: two immiscible, incompressible fluids P1 (water) and P2 (oil) and the precipitate P3. In a sharp-interface setting, the substances would occupy three disjoint time-dependent a-priori unknown regions P1s, P2s and P3s. In the phase-field setting considered in this article, three phase fields smoothly approximate the characteristic functions χ1, χ2 and χ3 of P1s, P2s and P3s, that is for iμI = {1,2,3}, the phase-field smoothly approximates χi. The model ensures a perfect mixture of the three phase fields Φ=(ϕ1,ϕ2,ϕ3) in the sense that their sum equals 1 and each of them is not less than 0, that is ΦS:=Φ=(ϕ1,ϕ2,ϕ3)[0,1]3|iIϕi=1.

In the considered initial configuration, μ of the three phases, depicted in , the precipitate P3 surrounds the grain which is located in the centre of the microscopic domain Y, the fluid P2 is located in the corners of Y and the fluid P1 occupies the remainder of the pore-space P=YG¯. Due to the considered periodic boundary conditions onμY, both P2 and P3 are spherical, where P3 is perforated by the grain.

Figure 1. The considered initial configuration ℐ of the three substances in the microscopic pore-space μ, where Y=GΓGP. The grain μ is located in the centre of Y and the pore-space μ is occupied by the two immiscible and incompressible fluids P1 (water) and P2 (oil) as well as the precipitate P2. The spherical perforated precipitate P3 is attached to the boundary Гμ of the grain μ, the spherical fluid P2 domain is located in the corners of the microscopic domain Y and the fluid P1 occupies the remainder.

Figure 1. The considered initial configuration ℐ of the three substances in the microscopic pore-space μ, where Y=G∪ΓG∪P. The grain μ is located in the centre of Y and the pore-space μ is occupied by the two immiscible and incompressible fluids P1 (water) and P2 (oil) as well as the precipitate P2. The spherical perforated precipitate P3 is attached to the boundary Гμ of the grain μ, the spherical fluid P2 domain is located in the corners of the microscopic domain Y and the fluid P1 occupies the remainder.

The fluid P1 contains dissolved particles that can precipitate on the grain-boundary Гμμ as well as on the boundary of an already existent precipitate μμP1. By assumption, P2 cannot contain particles, hence the concentration is 0 in P2. Furthermore, ρ > 0 is the fixed concentration of particles in the precipitate region P3.

The upscaled model considered here is derived in [Citation29] by a homogenization technique from a pure microscopic model for the concentration u and the phase-fields Φ for the idealized situation of periodically distributed grains. The cell problems for the auxiliary functions w1 and w2 result from the homogenization process.

2.1. The homogenized macroscopic equation for the concentration

In our presentation, we will use the notational convention that variables related to the partial differential equation model are put in normal font, independent of whether they are scalar or low-dimensional vectors. We then discriminate the resulting discretized high-dimensional coefficient vectors and matrices by consistently using an underline under the corresponding variable. The macroscopic spatial variable will be denoted by x ∈ Ω, the microscopic spatial variable by y ∈ Y. These are used as subscript for denoting the corresponding spatial differential operators, in particular x,y,Δy. Applying these conventions, we can formulate the macroscopic equation for the concentration:

Problem 2.1: Given the diffusion coefficient D > 0, the fixed concentration ρ > 0 of particles in the precipitate P3 and the regularization parameter δ > 0, the microscopic field variables Φ:J(T)¯×Ω×PS and w1,w2:JT¯×Ω×PR and the initial conditions u0:Ω[0,ρ), find the macroscopic concentration u:J(T)¯×ΩR satisfying


(1) DKϕ1+δ,w1,w2¯PxunΩ=0onJ(T)×ΓΩ,(1)

where the input of the microscopic variables is averaged on P as follows:

(2) vt,x,¯P=1PPvt,x,ydy for all v:JT¯×Ω×PR(2)
(3) Kϕ1+δ,w1,w2t,x,¯Pij=ϕ1+δδij+yiwj¯Pfor 1i,jd,(3)

with Kronecker’s delta δij, and where

(4) gδΦ=21if δ=0andΦ=(1,0,0)T,ϕ3ϕ2+ϕ3+δ=ϕ31ϕ1+δelse.(4)

The function gδ(Φ) approximates a linear function interpolating between 1 in a water–precipitate- and 0 in a water–oil-interface. Therefore, the last term on the left-hand side of the first equation in (1) accounts for the conservation of the particles’ mass.

Remark 2.2: The symmetry of the considered initial configuration of the three phases yields

(5) Kϕ1+δ,w1,w2¯P=Kϕ1+δ,w1¯P=ϕ1+δ1+y1w1¯P1001(5)

in J(T)¯×Ω. A thorough investigation of the considered symmetry’s implications will be carried out in the Remarks 2.4 and 2.6.

2.2. The microscopic cell problems

The microscopic cell problems describe the evolution of the phase-fields Φ and the auxiliary functions w1 and w2.

Problem 2.3: Given the time-relaxation parameter α > 0, the parameter ξ > 0 that is proportional to the width of the phase transition regions, the parameters cu,0,cu,1 > 0 with cu,1 < ρ (where ρ > 0 is the fixed concentration of particles in the precipitate P3), the macroscopic field variable u:J(T)×Ω[0,1], and the initial conditions Φ0=ϕ1,0,ϕ2,0,ϕ3,0:Ω×PS, for every x μμ Ω find the Y-periodic microscopic phase-fields Φ:JT¯×x×PR satisfying for iI

(6) αξ2tϕi34ξ2Δyϕi+Gi(Φ,u)=0inJ(T)×{x}×P,34ξ2yϕinG=0onJ(T)×{x}×ΓG,ϕi(0,,)=ϕi,0in{x}×P,(6)

with the potentials

(7) Gi(Φ,u)=jI{i}ϕiϕjWΦ+fi(Φ,u)foriI,(7)


(8) WΦ=2iIϕi21ϕi2,f1(Φ,u)=αξγ13(Φ)f(u),f2(Φ,u)=0,f3(Φ,u)=f1(Φ,u),γ13(Φ)=4ϕ1ϕ3,f(u)=cu,0ucu,1(8)

The function W(Φ) is non-convex in S and minimal for the pure states Φ1,0,0T,0,1,0T,0,0,1T. Since γ13 is an indicator of the diffuse interface ϕ1,ϕ312 between water and precipitate and f(u) is an affine linear rate function with a given constant rate cu,0 > 0 and a constant threshold 0 < cu,1 < ρ that separates precipitation and dissolution, the forces f1 and f3 drive the precipitation process. If u is larger than cu,1, then dissolved particles precipitate and the precipitate phase expands, otherwise it recedes if u < cu,1.

Remark 2.4: Since the subspace S of the admissible states of Φ is an invariant subspace of the solution operator Φ0Φ of Problem 2.3, it is sufficient to solve the problem for i = 2,3 and subsequently to set ϕ1=1ϕ2ϕ3, see [Citation29]. Furthermore, the considered initial configuration μ of the three phases satisfies for y1y2TP in J(T)×Ω.

(9) Φ,,y1y2=Φ,,1y1y2=Φ,,y11y2=Φ,,1y11y2.(9)

To be precise, Φ is rotational symmetric of order 4: a rotation of Φ by an angle of 90 does not change it.

Problem 2.5: Given the diffusion coefficient D = 0 and the regularization parameters δ > 0, the microscopic field variable ϕ1:J(T)×Ω×P[0,1], for j = 1,2 for every x ∈ Ω find the Y-periodic microscopic solution wj:JT×x×PR with vanishing average in μ satisfying

(10) Dy(ϕ1+δ)ywj=Dy(ϕ1+δ)ejinJ(T)×{x}×P,D(ϕ1+δ)ywjnG=D(ϕ1+δ)ejnGonJ(T)×{x}×ΓG.(10)

Remark 2.6: Since Problem 2.5 is completed by periodic boundary conditions, it is only uniquely solvable owing to the constraint demanding that the solution vanishes on average. Furthermore, due to the considered rotational symmetry of the three phases, the solutions satisfy

(11) w1,,y1y2=w2,,y1y2fory1y2P(11)

in J(T × Ω. Furthermore, w1 is symmetric to the axis y112T|y1[0,1]Y and anti-symmetric to 12y2T|y2[0,1]Y. In combination with (9), these observations yield

(12) 1(ϕ1+δ)y1w1¯P=(ϕ1+δ)y2w2¯PinJ(T)×Ω,(ϕ1+δ)y2w1¯P=(ϕ1+δ)y1w2¯P=0inJ(T)×Ω.(12)

Therefore, it is sufficient to solve Problem 2.5 for w1 only.

2.3. Discretization

Problems 2.1, 2.3 and 2.5 are discretized by the explicit Euler method with respect to the time, and by standard second-order finite differences on uniform rectangular grids Ωhg and Y with respect to the spatial domain, where hg > 0 denotes the macroscopic and hμ > 0 the microscopic space-increment. The discrete microscopic pore-space μhμ is a subset of Yhμ. The time-increment μnt depends on ϕ1n1+δ¯P, due to the CFL-condition for the discretization of Problem 2.1.

Since it is demanding to solve the microscopic cell Problems 2.3 and 2.5 in all macroscopic nodes, the problem is solved adaptively in the sense of [Citation27], that is only the microscopic problems in active macroscopic nodes AnΩhg are solved and the microscopic data of inactive nodes ΩhgAn is approximated. Details are also given in [Citation1]. This results in the following algorithm:

Algorithm 1:

  1. Set n = 0, un=u0Ωhg and Φn=Φ0Ωhg×Yh.

  2. Set n = + 1 and tn=tn1+Δnt.

  3. Adjust the set An of the active macroscopic nodes.

  4. For every node in An solve the discretization of the microscopic Problem 2.5 for ϕ2n and ϕ3n with parameter un−1 and set ϕ1n=1ϕ2nϕ3n.

  5. For every node in An solve the discretization (15) of the microscopic Problem 2.5 for w1n with parameter ϕ1n.

  6. Approximate the microscopic parameters ϕ1n+δ¯P, Kϕ1n+δ,w1n¯P and gδ(Φn)tϕ1n¯P in Ωhg.

  7. Solve the discretization of the macroscopic Problem 2.1 for un with the parameters of Step 6.

  8. Go back to Step 1 if tn T.

In this algorithm, the computation of the elliptic problem for w1 in Step 1 is the crucial expensive component – a detailed complexity discussion follows in Section 3. Therefore, only the microscopic Problem 2.5 for w1n will be solved in a reduced sense in the reduced two-scale model to be developed. The detailed model’s discretization of 2.5 reads

(13) 1D2h2yˉY¯h(y)ϕ1n(y)+ϕ1n(yˉ)+2δw1n(y)w1n(yˉ)=D2h2ϕ1ny1+h,y2ϕ1ny1h,y2,(13)

where y=y1,y2TPh and Y¯h(y) is the set of first-order neighbours of y, that is

(14) Y¯h(y)=y1+h,y2T,y1h,y2T,y1,y2+hT,y1,y2hT.(14)

As this, problem will be reduced, a compactly written vector–matrix formulation is provided in the following, which is more accessible than the above detailed formulation. For this, define H:=|Ph| as the (high) dimension of the field variable w1 and introduce the vectors of degrees of freedom (DOF) w_1,Hn:=(w1n(y))yPh and ϕ_1,Hn:=(ϕ1n(y))yPh, assuming a suitable enumeration of μhμ. The auxiliary function w_1n is characterized by the system of equations

(15) L_H(ϕ_1,Hn)w_1,Hn=R_H(ϕ_1,Hn),(15)

where the matrix LH(ϕ1,Hn)RH×H and the vector RH(ϕ1,Hn)RH×1 depend linearly on the solution ϕ_1,Hn of the microscopic Problem 2.3. To be precise, let Ni define the set of indices of the first-order neighbours of the node i and ri (and correspondingly μi) define the index of the first-order neighbour to the right (left) of the node i, then for all i,j=1,,H the matrix and the right-hand side are given by

(16) 1L_Hϕ_1,Hni,j=2kNiϕ_1,Hni+ϕ_1,Hnk+2δifj=i,ϕ_1,Hni+ϕ_1,Hnj+2δifjNi,0else,(16)


The solution of the system is approximated by a CG procedure with the following abort criterion: stop the iteration if the maximum norm of the residuum is less or equal than the product of the tolerance δ and the maximum norm of the right-hand side. A Lagrange-multiplier ensures uniqueness by enforcing the vanishing average.

3. The reduced two-scale model

The discretization of the microscopic Problem 2.3 describing the evolution of the phase-fields ϕ2 and ϕ3 in each step of time in each active macroscopic node is solvable in O (H), and the complexity of the discrete macroscopic Problem 2.1 for u is insignificant. However, the complexity of solving the sparse linear system (15) for w1n in each step of time in each active macroscopic node is roughly OH2, if we assume a standard iterative solver, where the number of iterations as well as the cost for matrix–vector products grows linearly with H. Consequently, the overall complexity of the discrete two-scale model is reducible significantly by reducing the complexity of the model for w1. In the overall reduced two-scale model, operations of complexity O(H) are accepted. Therefore, only the model for w1 is reduced, that is Step 1 of Algorithm 1 is replaced by

  • For every node in An approximate the high-dimensional solution w1,Hn of (15) with parameter ϕ1,Hn by the low-dimensional solution w1,Ln to the projection of (15) (with parameter ϕ1,Hn) to a low-dimensional snapshot-based approximation space.

The reduced model must account for the dependency on a time-dependent parameter, that is it must provide a good approximation of complete trajectories and a high solution variability, and the coupling of the microscopic equations. To consider this, a POD for the trajectory treatment, EIM for the parametrization and a partitioning approach to account for different solution regimes will be applied. As we refer to [Citation28] at various places, we want to comment on the relation to that previous study in order to clarify the contribution of the current paper. The commonality to [Citation28] is that we also consider an instationary macroscopic two-scale problem that is coupled to multi-field microscopic models, where the microscopic models are reduced by POD/EIM and a partitioning approach resulting in multiple bases. But the fundamental difference of the current study to [Citation28] is that we have a completely different application setting (here precipitation in contrast to crystal growth), with different field variables, different equations and nonlinear coupling of the microscopic fields into the macroscopic model. This requires various changes in the methodology. In particular, we merely reduce the most costly component of the model, which is only one microscopic field variable, we leave other microscopic field variables unreduced.

As typical in parametrized model reduction procedures, the overall reduction process consists of an offline and an online phase. In the offline phase, the reduced basis and further quantities are pre-computed, this phase is accepted to be costly, but only performed once. The online phase of the reduced model then will be of low complexity and allows the reduced scheme to be used rapidly and multiply. We summarize these stages for our current problem in order to clarify the overall workflow from parameter inputs to solutions from the reduced two-scale model:

In the offline phase for a given parameter setting of the two-scale model (e.g. choice of initial values, boundary conditions, macro grid resolutions), we solve the full two-scale model for this training setting by Algorithm 1. During this computation, we collect snapshots for w_1,Hn and the right hand side R_(ϕ1,Hn) for the construction of the reduced model for w_1,Hn. The construction of the corresponding basis and further offline quantities will be explained in Section 3.1.

In the online phase, for various parameter settings of the two-scale model, the two-scale model is solved by Algorithm 1 but using step (5ʹ) instead of step (5). This means, for all active macroscopic nodes, the macroscopic value un  1 is used as input parameter into the microscopic model. More precisely, the pointwise value of un1(x) enters the microscopic fields ϕ2n and ϕ3n, these determine ϕ1n, which is the final field that enters the reduced model for the microscopic variable w1n. The detailed explanation of the computations for this reduced microscopic problem for the auxiliary variable w1 is given in Section 3.2. Then the suitably averaged microscopic fields enter the macroscopic evolution problem enabling the macroscopic timestep to obtain un. So, clearly, the reduced model for w1n is used multiply for all timesteps and all active macroscopic nodes and different macroscopic simulation runs by varying macroscopic parameter settings.

3.1. The offline phase

The following steps are processed in the offline phase.

  1. Solve the detailed two-scale model and collect snapshots

    1. of the microscopic solution w_1,Hn of (15) in the set Пw

    2. and of the right hand side R_H(ϕ_1,Hn) of (15) in the set Пr.

  2. Construct a reduced basis Φw by POD: Φw={φw,1,,φw,Nw}spanΠw with size Nw=|Φw|. For i=1,,Nw, the Nw vectors φw,i are exactly the eigenvectors of the correlation operator of Пw corresponding to the Nw largest eigenvalues. If the eigenvalues λi are sorted decreasingly, then Nw is the smallest number fulfilling the condition i=1,,Nwλi1εPODi=1,,|Πw|λi with a tolerance 0 < εPOD < 1.

  3. Perform the offline phase of the Empirical Interpolation Method EIM [Citation3] to generate an approximation of the high-dimensional microscopic model (15). Use as training data the snapshot set Πr, define the tolerance 0 < εEI < 1, determine the indices YMPH of the magic points and generate the collateral basis ΦwEI. Note, that training snapshots L_Hϕ_1,Hnw_1,HnR_Hϕ_1,Hn as required for the considered model are always zero, therefore, snapshots of only R_Hϕ_1,Hn are used.Footnote1

    Furthermore, with respect to the five-point-stencil which discretizes the spatial derivatives, determine the indices YNMPH of the magic points’ neighbours, but only of those neighbours which are not magic points themselves, that is YMYNM=. Define YM=YMYNM and introduce an enumeration by YM(i)=YM(i) for all i=1,,|YM| and YM(i)=YNMi|YM| for all i=|YM|+1,,|YM|+|YNM|.

  4. Determine the reduced operators which are required for solving the reduced model; details on the operators are given in the following.

Although these offline quantities comprise a reduced basis and the interpolation points, this set of quantities is denoted a reduced basis set

(17) B=[4]Φw,YM,YM.(17)

Similar as for a crystal growth model [Citation28], not only one but also many basis sets are used for different solution regimes. Aim of the reduction is to obtain an accurate solution in much less online time than needed for the detailed model. Accuracy increases with increasing numbers Nw, μYMμμ andμμYNMμμ. Contrary to this relation, speed of computation increases with decreasing numbers Nw, μYMμμ andμμYNMμμ. In order to keep those numbers low but still to gain accurate results, multiple basis sets are used. A problem-specific feature extraction is used to partitioning the solution space. The utilized criterion is the volume of the precipitate P3. Since the fluid domain for P2 is almost unchanged, microscopic configurations of the three phases with similar precipitates’ volumes are similar themselves. Similar configurations result in similar solutions w1,H.

The construction of the NBN{0} basis sets B1,,BNB in the offline and their usage in the online phase is now straightforward. The collected snapshots are partitioned into subsets for different subintervals of the precipitates volume. This is done such that the number of snapshots is (roughly) equal for each subset, and results in volume subintervals of different size, as will be demonstrated in the experiments. For each of these snapshot subsets, the steps (2), (3), (4) mentioned at the beginning of this subsection are performed in order to generate the basis set for each subinterval.

As known in local basis construction, it can be beneficial to guarantee a certain overlap of snapshot sets for local bases [Citation28]. Identical to [Citation28], we introduce an overlapping parameter εB[0,1], which extends the snapshot sets for an interval to cover some snapshots from both neighbouring intervals. In particular, ϵB=0 corresponds to the non-overlapping situation as just explained, while ϵB=1 implies a full inclusion of the snapshot sets for the previous and next interval. In practice, a value of the overlapping parameter will be chosen close to 0.

In the online phase, the volume of the local precipitate is computed, the corresponding subinterval is determined and the corresponding basis-set is then used for computing the reduced approximation of the microscopic field w1.

3.2. The reduced model for w1

The standard empirical interpolation system approximating the detailed system (15) for the auxiliary function w1,Hn reads

(18) Φ_wEIL_Hϕ_1,HnYMΦ_ww_1,Nwn=Φ_wEIR_Hϕ_1,HnYM,(18)

with L_Hϕ_1,HnYMRYM,H and R_Hϕ_1,HnYMRYM,1, where the index YM denotes that only the rows of the matrices belonging to the magic points’ indices are considered, where Φ_wH,Nw is the matrix with columns equal to the DOF-vectors of the current appropriate POD-basis Φw, and where Φ_wEIRH,YM is the matrix with columns equal to the DOF-vectors of the current appropriate collateral basis ΦwEI. This system is not suitable because a high-dimensional system must be solved in the online phase and, furthermore, it is unknown whether the system is of full rank and it is over-determined. Therefore, Φ_wEI is eliminated from the equation by a suitable biorthogonal matrix multiplication, resulting in

(19) L_YMϕ_1,Hnw_1,Nwn=R_YMϕ_1,Hn,(19)

with a matrix LYMϕ1,HnRYM,Nw and a vector RYMϕ1,HnRYM,1. This system is suitable for an online phase because it is low-dimensional. It is solved for w_1,Nwn by a Least-Squares procedure via the pseudoinverse, as it still will be over-determined in general when |YM| > Nw.

In correspondence to (15), the low-dimensional matrix and vector are defined as follows:

(20) L_YMϕ_1,Hn=L_ϕ_1,Hnτ_YMΦ_w,R_YMϕ_1,Hni=hϕ_1,HnrYM(i)ϕ_1,HnYM(i),(20)

with L_ϕ_1,HnRYM|,|YM defined as

(21) L_ϕ_1,Hni,j=1kNYM(i)ϕ_1,HnYM(i)+ϕ_1,Hnk+2δforj=i,ϕ_1,HnYM(i)+ϕ_1,HnYM(j)+2δifYM(j)NYM(i),0otherwise,(21)

and with the restriction-matrix τ_YMRYM,H defined as

(22) τ_YMi,j=11forj=YM(i),0otherwise.(22)

The matrix τ_YMΦ_wRYM,Nw is pre-computed in the offline phase. What remains to be computed in the online phase’s time-step n is

  1. the sparse matrix Lϕ1,HnRYM,YM and the product of the two matrices Lϕ1,HnRYM,YM and τYMΦwRYM,Nw – in order to assemble the matrix L_YMϕ_1,Hn on the left-hand side of (19),

  2. the vector RYM(ϕ1,Hn)RYM,1 on the right-hand side of (19) and

  3. finally, the least-squares solution w1,NwnRNw,1 of (19).

All of these computations for the online phase of the reduced model are completely independent of the high dimension H. The computational complexity only scales with Nw,|YM| and |YM|. Consequently, the reduced model for w1 provides an ideal offline/online decomposition.

However, in order to approximate the microscopic parameter Kϕ1n+δ,w1n¯P in Ωhg in Step 6 of Algorithm 1 the high-dimensional solution w1,Hn must necessarily be approximated, which is done by the reconstruction operation w1,Hn:=Φww_1,Nwn of complexity linear in H. This complexity could also be reduced by involving an additional empirical interpolation step for this averaging equation. However, for our purposes, it is acceptable to have this moderate linear dependency on H in this coupling step.

4. Numerical results

This section presents numerical solutions of the two-scale problem for precipitation in porous media computed by the Algorithm 1 – with high-dimensional and reduced (i.e. low-dimensional) solutions of the auxiliary function w1. Three test settings S1, S2 and S3 in two spatial dimensions are considered, where S2 and S3 are variations of S1. Initially, reduced models are developed from high-dimensional snapshots of the setting S1 which therefore is the training setting. After demonstrating the significant efficiency gain of the reduced models in comparison to a high-dimensional discretization of S1, it is shown that the reduced models’ solutions of the settings S2 and S3 also approximate the corresponding high-dimensional solutions.

4.1. The three settings S1, S2 and S3

The varying parameters of the settings S1, S2 and S3 are specified in : the final time T of the time-interval, the number of the macroscopic nodes Hg in x1 and x2 direction, the initial macroscopic concentration u0, a function u_(t) that is relevant for the macroscopic boundary condition of u, and the precipitates’ initial radii r0. The following paragraph presents further explanations for the varying parameters and specifies the remaining common parameters of the three settings.

Table 1. The varying parameters of the three settings S1, S2 and S3, which are explained in Section 4.1 and . The function u_(t) = a:b increases linearly from a to b with the time-steps in the course of a simulation. For = 1,2 an initial precipitate’s radius r0(i) results in a precipitate’s initial portion of ϕ3¯P(i) on the overall pore-space’s volume, analogously the water’s initial portion is ϕ1¯P(i), and the oil’s initial portion is ϕ2¯P(i)=0.07 due to a radius r˜0(i)=30h.

Figure 2. The initial phase configurations in the microscopic pore-space Ph in the two subdomains Ωhg(1) and Ωhg(2) of the macroscopic domain Ωhg. The black points in the very centre of Ph in (b) and (c) represent the small spherical grains Gh. Each grain is surrounded by a precipitate P3 (yellow). For i=1,2, r0,i defines the initial radius of the precipitates in the subdomain Ωhg(i). Each precipitate is surrounded by water (blue) and a spherical oil phase P2 (green) is located in the corners of Ph. The coloured subdomains Pi are characterized by ϕi12 for iI. Full colour available online.

Figure 2. The initial phase configurations in the microscopic pore-space Phℓ in the two subdomains Ωhg(1) and Ωhg(2) of the macroscopic domain Ωhg. The black points in the very centre of Phℓ in (b) and (c) represent the small spherical grains Ghℓ. Each grain is surrounded by a precipitate P3 (yellow). For i=1,2, r0,i defines the initial radius of the precipitates in the subdomain Ωhg(i). Each precipitate is surrounded by water (blue) and a spherical oil phase P2 (green) is located in the corners of Phℓ. The coloured subdomains Pi are characterized by ϕi≥12 for i∈I. Full colour available online.

The time interval J(T)¯=[0,T] is discretized by JΔnt(T) using the time-dependent increments Δnt=0.001δ+minxΩhgϕ1tn1,x¯Ph, where δ=1e6, which results from stability considerations. This δ is also used as error tolerance of the CG-method solving the high-dimensional elliptic system (15) for the auxiliary function w1. The microscopic pore-space Ph is perforated by a small spherical grain Gh located in the centre of Yh and consisting of one node. Let H = 200 denote the number of the microscopic nodes in each space dimension. Then, the microscopic domain Yh and the pore-space Ph are given by

(23) Yh=yh=(k1h,k2h)|k1,k2{0,1,,H}andPh=YhGh.(23)

The edge-length hg=Hh of Yh defines the macroscopic space-increment hg. The macroscopic domain Ωhg is defined as

(24) Ωhg=xhg=(k1hg,k2hg)|k1{0,1,,Hg,11},k2{0,1,,Hg,21}.(24)

The initial concentration u0 and the diffusion coefficient D=2e+4 are fixed. For simplifying the numerical boundary treatment, it is assumed that Ω is surrounded by a virtual domain ΩV of one cell row such that the mixture in Ω is surrounded by a virtual mixture in ΩV. The diffusion tensor in a node xVΩV shall be the same as in the node x(xV)Ω¯, which is the orthogonal projection of xV on Ω¯ that is the point with shortest distance to xy, ergo x(xV)=x,1(xV)x,2(xV)T:=argminxΩ¯|xxV|. Hence, for (t,xV)J(T)¯×ΩV,

(25) K(ϕ1+δ,w1)(xV)¯P:=K(ϕ1+δ,w1)(x(xV))¯P.(25)

By definition, the concentration in the surrounding virtual domain Ωv yields on the one hand that dissolved particles flow into Ω across its upper and its right boundary and on the other hand that the remaining part of the boundary is not permeable. Precisely, for all (t,xV)J(T)¯×ΩV, the concentration is defined as

(26) u(xV,t)=2u(t)ifx,1(xV)=Hg1hgorifx,2(xV)=Hg2hg,u(x(xV))elsewhere.(26)

The remaining microscopic physical parameters are prescribed as α=100, ξ=0.25, and the concentration of particles in the precipitate P3 satisfies ρ=1. The parameters of the rate-function f from (8) are fixed as cu,0=100 and cu,1=0.5, that is dissolved particles precipitate if their concentration exceeds the threshold of 0.5 and contrarily, the precipitate dissolves if the concentration falls below 0.5. Due to the initial concentration u0=0.4 in setting S1, the precipitates dissolve in the beginning of the time-interval and grow again as soon as, due to the boundary condition, the concentration exceeds 0.5. On the contrary, the precipitates never dissolve in settings S2 and S3.

What remains to be specified is the initial configuration of the phase-fields and the parameters of the adaptive solution strategy. The grain is surrounded by a spherical precipitate P3 as displayed in . The fluid P2 is located in the corners of the microscopic domain Y. Due to the periodic boundary conditions, P2 is spherical with prescribed radius r˜0=30h. The macroscopic domain Ωhg is subdivided into the two subdomains Ωhg(1)=ΩhgΩhg(2) and Ωhg(2), where

(27) Ωhg(2)={xhgΩhg|xhg[Hg,14hg,3Hg,14hg]×[Hg,24hg,3Hg,24hg]},(27)

with the floor-function xx=maxkZkx. By definition, the initial perforated spherical precipitates in Ωhg(1) are of radius r0,1 and in Ωhg(2) of r0,2. Finally, for completeness, the parameters of the adaptive solution strategy are specified as follows, see [Citation33]: λ=0.1, ctolc=0.2, ctole=0.01, RU=0, eC=1, MA=2, IT-CA, the copy method; the initial set of active nodes contains, respectively, one node from both subdomains Ωhg(1) and Ωhg(2), and the refining tolerance is defined as

(28) tolr(t):=103/2maxi=1,2maxx,x˜Ωhg(i)dEu(,x),u(,x˜);t,λ,(28)

where dEu(,x),u(,x˜);t,λ is a metric with a fading memory measuring the distance of the concentration evolution in two macroscopic grid points.

In each setting, the macroscopic concentration u does never and nowhere fall below u0 (initial condition) or exceed max(u) (boundary condition), that is u0umax(u) in the macroscopic time-space cylinder Q=JΔnt(T)×Ωhg. Therefore, due to similar initial microscopic conditions of the three settings, and since similar evolutions of the macroscopic concentration result in similar microscopic evolutions of the three phases Φ and hence of the auxiliary function w1, it is expectable that the reduced models developed from high-dimensional snapshots of setting S1 are capable of approximating the high-dimensional solutions of S2 and S3, despite the fact that the macroscopic domains and the time-interval of the three settings vary significantly.

The quality of an approximation {uapp,Φapp,w1,app} to a high-dimensional solution {uhigh,Φhigh,w1,high} is estimated by

(1) the L(Q)-norm of Δu:=uhighuapp,

(2) the L(Q)-norm of ΔKcor:=Kcor,highKcor,app,

(3) the L(Q)-norm of ΔΦ:=ΦhighΦapp,

(4) and the L(Q)-norm of Δ(ϕ1δw1):=(ϕ1,high+δ)w1,high(ϕ1,app+δ)w1,app,

where the following abbreviations are used Q=∥L(Q), Q=∥L(Q). The term Kcor:=(ϕ1+δ)y1w1¯P defines the microscopic correction of the macroscopic diffusion tensor K of (5), Q=JΔnt(T)×Ωhg represents the macroscopic time-space cylinder and Q=JΔnt(T)×Ωhg×Ph represents a subset of the microscopic time-space cylinder. JΔnt(T) contains every 100th step of time and Ωhg contains the macroscopic nodes highlighted in . The subset Q instead of Q is used to measure the microscopic quality because of the large number of the microscopic DOF and due to limitations of memory resources. However, since the microscopic solutions do not change significantly from one step of time to another one, and since the nodes of Ωhg are well distributed in the macroscopic grid Ωhg, an accurate approximation of the overall error can be expected.

Figure 3. The nodes in the subset Ωhg of the macroscopic grid Ωhg: nodes of ΩhgΩhg(1) are indicated in red, and in blue those of ΩhgΩhg(2). Full colour available online.

Figure 3. The nodes in the subset Ωhg⋆ of the macroscopic grid Ωhg: nodes of Ωhg⋆∩Ωhg(1) are indicated in red, and in blue those of Ωhg⋆∩Ωhg(2). Full colour available online.

4.2. Setting S1: the reproduction ability of the reduced models

Setting S1’s high-dimensional solution at the final time T=5 is depicted in and the evolution of the precipitates’ volume fractions in . The setting’s initial concentration u0=0.4 is below the threshold cu,1 separating precipitation and dissolution. Therefore, in the beginning of the time-interval the precipitates dissolve and their portion on the pore-space’s volume decreases, and in contrast, the concentration of dissolved particles in the water increases inversely proportional. A further burst of growth of the concentration results from the boundary condition on the upper and the right boundary of Ω, that is from the prescribed increase of the concentration in the virtual mixture surrounding the mixture in Ω on top and on the right. As soon as the concentration exceeds the threshold cu,1, dissolved particles precipitate and the precipitates’ volume portions increase. The edges in the macroscopic field u result from the strong diffusion in Ωhg(1) and the weak diffusion in Ωhg(2). The larger the volume fraction of the water the stronger the diffusion of the dissolved particles on the macroscopic length scale. The shape of a microscopic field w1 is strongly influenced by the shape of the water-indicator ϕ1. In areas characterized by small absolute first derivatives of ϕ1, the auxiliary function w1 is almost constant. On the contrary, areas characterized by large absolute first derivatives of ϕ1 are also characterized by large absolute values of w1, where the sign of w1 and y1ϕ1 is the same.

Figure 4. High-dimensional solution of setting S1 at the end of the time-interval for T=5.

Figure 4. High-dimensional solution of setting S1 at the end of the time-interval for T=5.

Figure 5. High-dimensional solution of the setting S1: the evolution of the precipitates’ volume portion on the pore-space in the macroscopic nodes (00)T (red dashed), (126)T (blue dotted), (3618)T (black) and (4924)T (cyan). In Ωhg(1) the node (00)T (and respectively, (4924)T) is host of the precipitate with the minimum (maximum) volume portion throughout the time-interval. The same relation holds in Ωhg(2) for (126)T (minimum) and (3618)T (maximum). Full colour available online.

Figure 5. High-dimensional solution of the setting S1: the evolution of the precipitates’ volume portion on the pore-space in the macroscopic nodes (00)T (red dashed), (126)T (blue dotted), (3618)T (black) and (4924)T (cyan). In Ωhg(1) the node (00)T (and respectively, (4924)T) is host of the precipitate with the minimum (maximum) volume portion throughout the time-interval. The same relation holds in Ωhg(2) for (126)T (minimum) and (3618)T (maximum). Full colour available online.

Applying Algorithm 1 (high-dimensional), the solution has been computed by 27 processors of type Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU [email protected] GHz in roughly 57 h. On average, roughly 65 and in maximum 81 macroscopic nodes have been active that is the microscopic problems in these nodes have been solved. Consequently, in maximum every processor had to solve three high-dimensional microscopic problems per step in time and the number of steps in time was roughly 10,000.

The reduced models are constructed from snapshots of the setting S1’s high-dimensional solution. Every 16th step of time the solution w_1,Hn and the right-hand side R_Hϕ_1,Hn in every active macroscopic node are memorized. As explained earlier, the developed reduced models do not consist of only one but 100 reduced basis sets (with the overlapping parameter εB=0.1), by the ultra-small tolerance εEI=1e12 it is guaranteed that the number |YM| of the magic points YM is not smaller than the size Nw of the POD-basis Φw in each reduced basis set, such that the systems are not under-determined, and finally, the second stopping condition |YM|Nw+50 assures that the number of the magic points is not much larger than the size of the corresponding POD basis.

tabulates results of six reduced models (R2, R4, R6, R8, R10 and R12) with varying tolerance εPOD, where εPOD=1ek in Rk (k{2,4,6,8,10,12}), and of a high-dimensional approximation w1=0 with prescribed vanishing auxiliary function w1=0. Since the high-dimensional solution’s macroscopic concentration u varies in the course of the simulation between 0.4 and 0.9, the high-dimensional approximation w1=0’s error of u is (at least) roughly 4%, which is not insignificant. It is roughly 50%(!) for the phase fields Φ. And the total error of w1 in the water region is 2.52 which at the same time is the maximum of ϕ1δw1Q of the solution of the high-dimensional model that does not neglect the auxiliary function w1. Therefore, approximating the high-dimensional solution by w1=0 results on the one hand indeed in a vast speed-up of the computation time, but on the other hand, its accuracy is unacceptable. This result indicates the need and is a justification for using the two-scale model including w1 instead of neglecting the quantity.

Table 2. Results for setting S1: the column entitled by ‘speed-up’ presents the rough speed-up of the approximations’ computation time in comparison to the high-dimensional solution of S1 in 57 h (as for the high-dimensional solution 27 processors of type Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU [email protected] GHz were used), and the columns entitled by ΔuQ, ΔKcorQ, ΔΦQ and Δ(ϕ1δw1)Q present the approximations’ accuracy. The line entitled by w1=0 presents the results of a high-dimensional approximation with prescribed w1=0 resulting in Kcor=0 and ϕ1δw1=0.

Almost the same speed-up as the model w1=0 is gained by the reduced model R2 with εPOD=1e02. Every error indicator shows that R2 is much more accurate than w1=0. The weakest accuracy with a relative error of around 4% is observed by the indicator Δ(ϕ1δw1)Q measuring the error of the auxiliary function w1 in the water region. However, the results presented in show that for R2 each basis set consists of solely one POD mode (Nw=1.01) for w1. Considering this, the accuracy is surprisingly high.

Table 3. Results for setting S1: the columns entitled by Nw, |YM| and |YM| present the average sizes of the 100 basis sets of a reduced model, and the column entitled by ‘reduction time’ presents the time that one processor of type Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU [email protected] GHz needs to construct the reduced models from the pre-computed snapshots of the high-dimensional solution of S1. In particular, this time is not the full offline time, as it does not include the 57-h for the snapshots computation.

The reduction of the POD-tolerance εPOD yields an increase of the mean number of POD modes, magic points and their neighbours. The increase of the mean number of POD modes and the mean number of magic points is roughly the same, due to the second stop condition for the procedure determining the magic points: it stops once the EI-error falls below εEI or |YM|=Nw+50. The increase of the mean number of the magic points’ neighbours is a little weaker since some of them are magic points themselves. Summarizing, a decrease of the tolerance yields an increase of the basis sets’ sizes. The larger their sizes the more must be computed and the longer it takes. This is observed in both phases of the reduction procedure, that is in the part of the offline time for the reduced model construction from precomputed snapshots (, column ‘reduction time’) and the online phase (). A speed-up of 201 corresponds to an online computation time of roughly 0.3 h, and for 149, it is 0.4 h. In comparison to the high-dimensional solution, this is a significant speed up.

What is even more important to observe than the modest deceleration of the computation time, is the fact that for the POD-tolerance ϵPOD tending to 0 the reduced converges to the high-dimensional solution. In fact, for the reduced model R12 with ϵPOD=1e12, the errors of the macroscopic concentration u and of the phase-fields Φ vanish numerically. The error of the microscopic correction Kcor of the macroscopic diffusion tensor K and of the auxiliary function w1 in the water region ϕ1δw1 are five orders of magnitude smaller than the error for w1=0, which actually indicates a relative error of the same order.

As mentioned above, each two-scale model, that is both the high-dimensional and the reduced ones, are solved adaptively by Algorithm 1, where Step (5) is replaced by a reduced approximation (5ʹ) for the reduced two-scale model. As described in [29], the selection of the active macroscopic nodes is only determined with respect to the evolution of the concentration u in the macroscopic nodes of Ωhg. Since, as tabulated in , the differences of the high-dimensional and the reduced models in the macroscopic concentration field are very small, the same nodes are active and consequently the same microscopic cell problems are solved in the high-dimensional and in the reduced simulations. Therefore, the adaptive strategy does not falsify the error estimates.

Note that indeed the problem of the moving phase boundary is a hard problem to reduce as it is “almost” a discontinuity. This is reflected in the requirement of many local bases for adequate approximation. Certainly, the overall sum of local basis sizes may be very well in the range or beyond the original full dimension. But still the model represents a valid reduced model, as each single microscopic model is approximated by a low-dimensional problem.

The presented results are a justification of the employed strategy constructing the reduced models, since they show the desired online speed-up and the reproduction ability: the reduced models can be solved much quicker than the high-dimensional model and their results are a good approximation to the high-dimensional ones.

shows for the macroscopic points (00)T, (126)T, (3618)T and (4924)T the evolution of the microscopic precipitate’s volume (a) and the corresponding evolution of the utilized basis set (b) in the reduced model R10 with εPOD=1e10. The larger a precipitate’s volume the higher the index of the basis set used to approximate w1. Important to note is that, despite the fact that the volumes in (4924)T and (126)T are far from similar, the same basis set with index 73 is used in the end of the time-interval. This is due to the fact that (4924)T is host of the cell problem with the largest precipitate’s volume in the subdomain Ωhg(1) and (126)T hosts the smallest in Ωhg(2). The smallest in Ωhg(2) is way larger than the largest in Ωhg(1), but the volume interval of basis set 73 contains both of them, which can also be seen in (a).

Figure 6. Results for the setting S1 and the low-dimensional solution R10 with ϵPOD=1e10: (a) presents the evolution of the precipitates’ volumes ϕ3¯P and (b) the utilized basis sets in the course of the simulation in the macroscopic nodes (00)T (red dashed), (126)T (blue dotted), (3618)T (black) and (4924)T (cyan). Full colour available online.

Figure 6. Results for the setting S1 and the low-dimensional solution R10 with ϵPOD=1e−10: (a) presents the evolution of the precipitates’ volumes ϕ3¯P and (b) the utilized basis sets in the course of the simulation in the macroscopic nodes (00)T (red dashed), (126)T (blue dotted), (3618)T (black) and (4924)T (cyan). Full colour available online.

Figure 7. Results for the setting S1 and the low-dimensional solution R10: (a) depicts the minimum (black) and maximum (cyan) of the volume interval for the precipitates for the 100 basis sets that are used in the online phase to determine the proper basis set in order to approximate the reduced solution of w1, where the minimum is for basis set 0 and the maximum is for basis set 99; (b) shows the number of POD modes (cyan) and the number of magic points (black) of the basis sets and (c) depicts exemplary for the basis set 73 for the increasing number of modes the decay of log10 of the eigenvalues of the correlation operator in the construction of the POD basis (cyan) and for the increasing number of magic points the error decay of the EI (black). Full colour available online.

Figure 7. Results for the setting S1 and the low-dimensional solution R10: (a) depicts the minimum (black) and maximum (cyan) of the volume interval for the precipitates for the 100 basis sets that are used in the online phase to determine the proper basis set in order to approximate the reduced solution of w1, where the minimum is −∞ for basis set 0 and the maximum is ∞ for basis set 99; (b) shows the number of POD modes (cyan) and the number of magic points (black) of the basis sets and (c) depicts exemplary for the basis set 73 for the increasing number of modes the decay of log10 of the eigenvalues of the correlation operator in the construction of the POD basis (cyan) and for the increasing number of magic points the error decay of the EI (black). Full colour available online.

(b) shows furthermore that the number of the magic nodes is roughly 50 higher than the number of POD modes as expected due to the choice of the two stop conditions for the EIM. Also depicted in (c) is the error decay of the POD and EIM. Both errors decay rapidly indicating a strong compressing ability of the high-dimensional model for w1. For the basis sets 0, 73 and 99, the distribution of the magic points and the dominant POD mode are illustrated in . For each basis set, the magic points are located in the water domains’ diffuse boundaries of the used snapshots. Therefore, for an increasing index of the basis sets the magic points move from inner regions of the pore-space to outer ones, due to the increasing volume of the precipitates. There are two locations in basis set 73, since it handles a large interval of precipitate volumes, and there is a gap between the smaller and the larger ones. The characteristic shapes of the dominant POD modes also travel from inner to outer regions of the pore-space.

Figure 8. Results for setting S1 and the low-dimensional solution R10, which consists of 100 basis sets: (a), (b) and (c) illustrates the distribution of the magic points in the basis sets 0, 73 and 99, where the inner circle marks the smallest and the outer one the largest subdomain supporting the precipitate in the snapshots, and the four quarters of a circle indicate the almost unchanged oil phase; (d), (e) and (f) depict the dominant POD mode for w1 for the corresponding basis sets.

Figure 8. Results for setting S1 and the low-dimensional solution R10, which consists of 100 basis sets: (a), (b) and (c) illustrates the distribution of the magic points in the basis sets 0, 73 and 99, where the inner circle marks the smallest and the outer one the largest subdomain supporting the precipitate in the snapshots, and the four quarters of a circle indicate the almost unchanged oil phase; (d), (e) and (f) depict the dominant POD mode for w1 for the corresponding basis sets.

In summary, this subsection showed that the reduced models are capable of reproducing the training data and demonstrated their desired efficiency in comparison to the high-dimensional discretization.

4.3. The settings S2 and S3: the generalization ability of the reduced models

The reduced models of the previous subsection were constructed from snapshots of the setting S1. In this subsection, the generalization ability of these models is tested for. illustrates high-dimensional results for the settings S2 and S3 that differ from S1 in the parameters tabulated in . The time-interval of S2 and S3 is (0,2.5] instead of (0,5], the macroscopic domains are quadratic and also only half the size of Ω in S1 and the precipitates with larger volumes are located in the outer subdomain Ωhg(1) of Ω. The initial macroscopic concentration u0=0.5 instead of 0.4 in S1, the macroscopic function u increases monotonically from 0.5 to 0.8 in S2 and to 0.75 in S3 instead of from 0.6 to 0.9 in S1, and the initial radii of the microscopic precipitates are 30h for S1, 70h for S2 and 68h for S3 in Ωhg(1) as well as 70h for S1, 30h for S2 and 35h for S3 in Ωhg(1). The shape of the time-interval and the macroscopic domain do not influence the microscopic evolution of Φ and w1, but on the other hand the evolution of the macroscopic concentration u certainly does, as well as obviously do the initial radii r0 of the precipitates.

Figure 9. High-dimensional solutions of the settings S2 and S3 in the end of the time-interval at T=2.5.

Figure 9. High-dimensional solutions of the settings S2 and S3 in the end of the time-interval at T=2.5.

For S2, shows that the reduced solution converges to the high-dimensional solution for the POD tolerance εPOD tending to zero. In contrast, in case of S3 the reduced results do not converge to the high-dimensional solution () but instead remain on an acceptable level of accuracy. Since the reduced models were developed from snapshots of S1, these observations yield that the high-dimensional solution space for w1 of S2 must to be closer to S1’s solution space than the one of S3, where the initial radius r0 of the precipitates seems to make the significant difference.

Table 4. Setting S2: the approximations’ accuracy.

Table 5. Setting S3: the approximations’ accuracy.

To sum up, the constructed efficient reduced two-scale models produce accurate results for a wide range of settings as long as the settings’ solution spaces for w1 are close enough to the training setting’s one.

5. Conclusion and outlook

This article presented a model reduction procedure for a complex time-dependent two-scale model for precipitation in porous media. The model used advanced model reduction tools, in particular POD for state compression, EIM for the parameter dependency and multiple basis sets for treating the difficult problem of evolving phase boundaries. Numerical results comparing the overall high- and low-dimensional solutions of the two-scale model demonstrate that the reduced model is on the one hand capable of reproducing the high-dimensional training data and on the other hand can approximate solutions of generalized parameter settings – both extremely efficiently.

This study clearly put a methodological and numerical focus. Future work may address rigorous error analysis for the presented model reduction. The resulting reduced model avoids any operations of complexity O(Hp),p2 (or even any operations of superlinear complexity) during its online phase. But still it requires operations linear in H, which may be prohibitive in more refined space discretizations or in three-space dimensions. Therefore, a further step could consist in providing a reduced scheme that approximates all fields on the microscale (i.e. spaces for all unknowns) and avoids any operation of complexity H. However, the acquired efficiency already fulfils our current requirements.


The authors would like to thank the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung gGmbH for funding this project. Also, we thank the German Research Foundation (DFG) for financial support within the Cluster of Excellence in Simulation Technology: [Grant Number EXC 310/1] and within the International Research Training Group ‘Nonlinearities and upscaling in porous media’ [NUPUS, IRTG 1398] at the University of Stuttgart.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Additional information


This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [EXC 310/1, NUPUS IRTG 1398].


1. We give a short motivation for this choice of snapshots for EI: Equation (15) is equivalent to the root finding problem 0=F_w_H,1n:=L_Hϕ_1,Hnw_1,HnR_Hϕ_1,Hn. Standard training snapshots F_w_1,Hn are always zero, hence carry no suitable information. Motivated by the Newton fixpoint iteration DF_w_(k+1)=DF_w_(k)F_w_(k)=R_Hϕ_1,Hn we realize that for good approximation of this system (and thus good approximation of the fixpoint, i.e. the root) it seems reasonable to collect snapshots R_Hϕ_1,Hn for constructing an EI space. In this sense, we are realizing an EI for the linearized root finding problem, which in our case is the original linear problem (15).


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