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Sensing the Limits of Fixed Marine Property Rights in Changing Coastal Ecosystems: Salmon Aquaculture Concessions, Crises, and Governance Challenges in Southern Chile



I would like to thank Edella Schlager, Diana Liverman, Paul Robbins, and Carl Bauer for insightful comments and suggestions on an earlier version of this article, and Aldo Farias for assistance with the GIS analysis. The remaining errors in fact and interpretation are the exclusive responsibility of the author.


Funding for this research was provided by the US National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant No. 1129509 and Chile's National Council for Research, Science, and Technology (CONICYT).


1 See FAO, The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (2014), http://www.fao.org/3/a-i3720e.pdf.

2 Dane Klinger & Rosamond Naylor, Searching for Solutions in Aquaculture: Charting a Sustainable Course, 37 Ann. Rev. of Env't and Res. 247, 249 (2012).

3 L. B. Crowder et al., Resolving Mismatches in U.S. Ocean Governance, 313 Sci. 617, 617–618 (2006).

4 See, e.g., Lisa Naughton-Treves & Steven Sanderson, Property, Politics and Wildlife Conservation, 23 World Devt. 1265 (1995).

5 Nathanael Hishamunda et al., Improving Aquaculture Governance: What Is the Status and Options?, in Farming the Waters for People and Food 233 (Rohana P. Subasinghe, ed., et al., 2012).

6 See Terry L. Anderson & Donald R. Leal, Free Market Environmentalism (1991); see also Steven Edwards, Ocean Zoning, First Possession and Coasean Contracts, 32 Marine Pol'y 46 (2008).

7 Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability, Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects, Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Christopher B. Field, ed., et al., 2014), http://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar5/wg2/.

8 Jose Luis Iriarte, et al., Patagonian fjord ecosystems in southern Chile as a highly vulnerable region: problems and needs, 39 Ambio 463–466 (2010).

9 See , supra.

10 See SalmonChile, available at http://www.salmonchile.cl/en/quienes-somos.php (last visited October 3, 2016), for more information about SalmonChile.

11 Jonathan R. Barton & Arnt Fløysand, The Political Ecology of Chilean Salmon Aquaculture, 1982–2010: A Trajectory from Economic Development to Global Sustainability, 20 Global Envtl. Change 739, 740 (2010).

12 See Beatriz Bustos-Gallardo, The ISA Crisis in Los Lagos Chile: A Failure of Neoliberal Environmental Governance?, 48 Geoforum, August 2013, at 196.

13 See Philip E. Steinberg, The Social Construction of the Ocean (2001).

14 See Gail Osherenko, New Discourses on Ocean Governance: Understanding Property Rights and the Public Trust, 21 J. of Envtl. Law and Litig. 317, 326–331 (2007).

15 See id. at 338–343, 50.

16 Bonnie J. McCay, The Littoral and the Liminal: Challenges to the Management of the Coastal and Marine Commons, 7 MAST 7 (2008).

17 Edella Schlager & Elinor Ostrom, Property-Rights Regimes and Natural Resources: A Conceptual Analysis, 68 Land Econ. 249 (1992).

18 J. Phyne et al., Food Safety and Farmed Salmon: Some Implications of the European Union's Food Policy for Coastal Communities, in Aquaculture Law and Policy: Towards Principled Access and Operations 385, 399–400 (David L. VanderZwaag & Gloria Chao eds., 2006).

19 Katrina M. Wyman, The Property Rights Challenge in Marine Fisheries, 50 Ariz. L. Rev. 511 (2008).

20 C. B. Macpherson, Property, Mainstream and Critical Positions (1978).

21 Carol M. Rose, Property and Persuasion: Essays on the History, Theory, and Rhetoric of Ownership (1994); Carl J. Bauer, Against the Current: Privatization, Water Markets, and the State in Chile (1998).

22 N. Blomley, Simplification Is Complicated: Property, Nature, and the Rivers of Law, 40 Env't & Planning 1825 (2008).

23 Thomas W. Merrill & Henry E. Smith, What Happened to Property in Law and Economics?, 111 Yale L. J. 357 (2001).

24 Carol M. Rose, The Several Futures of Property: Of Cyberspace and Folk Tales, Emission Trades and Ecosystems, 83 Minn. L. Rev. 129, 169 (1998) (citing Reed D. Benson, Whose Water Is It? Private Rights and Public Authority Over Reclamation Project Water, 16 Va. Envtl. L. J. 363, 367–368 (1997)).

25 W. Richard Scott, Institutions and Organizations: Ideas, Interests, and Identities (2008).

26 Mary Douglas, How Institutions Think (1986).

27 Paul Robbins et al., Insects and Institutions: Managing Emergent Hazards in the U.S. Southwest, 10 J. of Envtl. Pol'y & Planning 95 (2008).

28 Rose (1994), supra note 21.

29 L. Crowder & E. Norse, Essential Ecological Insights for Marine Ecosystem-Based Management and Marine Spatial Planning, 32 Marine Pol'y 772–778 (2008).

30 Claudia Pahl-Wostl, A Conceptual Framework for Analysing Adaptive Capacity and Multi-Level Learning Processes in Resource Governance Regimes, 19 Global Envtl. Change 354, 355 (2009).

31 Paul Pierson, Politics in Time: History, Institutions, and Social Analysis (2004).

32 David Tecklin et al., El Espacio para las Aves Costeras: Análisis del Contexto Institucional para la Protección de Hábitat para las Aves Costeras en Chile, con Énfasis en ChiloÉ (December 26, 2015) (unpublished manuscript) (on file with the Center for Environmental Studies, Universidad Austral de Chile).

33 Philip Mirowski & Dieter Plehwe, The Road from Mont PËlerin: The Making of the Neoliberal Thought Collective (2009).

34 J. Peña-Torres, The Political Economy of Fishing Regulation: The Case of Chile, 12 Marine Resource Econ. 253 (1997).

35 Constitución Política de la República de Chile, art. 19, §§ 23–24; Santiago Montt Oyarzun, Dominio Pú;blico: Estudio de su RÉgimen Especial de Protección y Utilización (2002).

36 See David Tecklin, Space Is Now Worth More Than the Resource: Property Rights, Territory, and Governance on Chile's Southern Coastline (1990–2013) (unpublished manuscript) (on file with author) (providing a detailed analysis of these principles).

37 Interview with Official Cartography Unit, Subpesca, in Valparaiso, Chile (June 27, 2013); Interview with Regional Fisheries Director, in Puerto Montt, Chile (February 28, 2012).

38 See , supra; INDEXSALMON, Análisis Especial - INDEXSALMON Concesiones de Acuicultura Otorgadas Periodo 2015–2016, con Publicación Diario Oficial, http://www.salmonexpert.cl/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/ANALISIS-PDF.pdf (last visited October 2, 2016).

39 Anapesca A.G., Diez Salmonicultoras Concentrarían un 75% de las Concesiones Acuícolas, http://www.anapesca.cl/noticias.php?id=10971 (last visited October 2, 2016).

40 Pablo Ibieta et al., Chilean Salmon Farming on the Horizon of Sustainability: Review of the Development of a Highly Intensive Production, the ISA Crisis and Implemented Actions to Reconstruct a More Sustainable Aquaculture Industry, in Aquaculture and the Env't: A Shared Destiny 215 (2011).

41 The bacterial vector for Salmon Rickettsial Syndrome (SRS) disperses an estimated 7.5–10 km. Jornadas de Salmonicultura Consagra a la Ciencia como Aspecto Clave para Futuro de la Industria, AQUA (May 12, 2014), http://www.aqua.cl/2014/05/12/jornadas-de-salmonicultura-consagra-la-ciencia-como-aspecto-clave-para-futuro-de-la-industria/. Programa del Intesal sobre vigilancia epidemiológica recomienda modificar y acentuar los controles de caligus.” AQUA (October 17, 2014), http://www.aqua.cl/2012/10/17/programa-del-intesal-sobre-vigilancia-epidemiologica-recomienda-modificar-y-acentuar-los-controles-de-caligus/.

42 Adolfo Alvial et al., The Recovery of the Chilean Salmon Industry: The ISA Crisis and its Consequences (2012); Global Aquaculture Alliance, The Recovery of the Chilean Salmon Industry: The ISA Crisis, and Its Consequences, https://gaalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/goal11-adolfoalvial.pdf (last visited October 3, 2016).

43 Edwin J Niklitschek et al., Southward Expansion of the Chilean Salmon Industry in the Patagonian Fjords: Main Environmental Challenges, 5 Reviews in Aquaculture 172 (2013).

44 Ley. No. 20.091, October 1, 2006, Diario Oficial [D.O.] (Chile).

45 Comisión de Pesca Acuicultura e Intereses Marítimos Cámara de Diputados, Informe sobre la Investigación Realizada Respecto del Impacto Laboral y Medioambiental de la Actividad Salmonera en el País (2006).

46 Boston Consulting Group, Estudios de Competividad en Clusters de la Economía Chilena: Documento de Referencia Acuicultura (2007), http://www.economia.gob.cl/cnidweb/wp-content/uploads/sites/35/2015/04/E-Competitividad-Cluster-Acuicultura.-BCG-2007.pdf.

47 Regional Fisheries Director Interview, supra note 37.

48 Valparaiso Interview, supra note 37.

49 Ley No. 19.300, March 7, 1994, Diario Oficial [D.O.] (Chile). Its regulations for environmental impact assessment came into force in 1997.

50 The producer's general obligation to maintain environmental quality is also limited to their “concessioned area,” General Law of Fisheries and Aquaculture, art. 74.

51 Subpesca, Informe Ambiental de la Acuicultura 2009–2014 (2016); Subpesca, Informe Ambiental de la Acuicultura 2005–2006 (2006).

52 Acuerdo de Producción Limpia: Sector Productores de Salmon y Trucha, Gobierno de Chile- Sector Productores de Salmón y Trucha, December 6, 2002, available at http://www.terram.cl/docs/APL_salmoneros.pdf (last visited October 2, 2016).

53 F. O. Mardones et al., The Role of Fish Movements and the Spread of Infectious Salmon Anemia Virus (ISAV) in Chile, 2007–2009, 114 Preventive Veterinary Med. 37 (2014); S. Bravo et al., Efficacy of the Treatments Used for the Control of Caligus Rogercresseyi Infecting Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar L., in a New Fish-Farming Location in Region XI, Chile, 36 J. of Fish Diseases 221 (2013).

54 José Gago, Salmoneros y el Virus ISA: Se Perdieron del Orden de los US$ 2.000 Millones, Le Mercurio, November 8, 2010, available at http://diario.elmercurio.com/detalle/index.asp?id=%7B210aebc2-cc33–498c-b1b0-ed1faf89b707%7D (last visited October 3, 2016).

55 This reform included additional modifications in 2012, Ley No. 20.434, Diario Oficial [D.O.] (Chile), and changes to the sector's sanitary (RESA) and environmental (RAMA) regulations approved in 2009, but with continuing modifications to the present. See Law Núm. 20.434, “Modifica la Ley General de Pesca y Acuicultura en Materia de Acuicultura.”

56 Interview with CEO of a medium-sized company, Puerto Mont, Chile (March 28, 2012).

57 José Ramón Gutiérrez, Estamos Jugando con Fuego, Revista Capital, November 9, 2012.

58 Adolfo Alvial et al., The Recovery of the Chilean Salmon Industry: The ISA Crisis and its Consequences (2012); Global Aquaculture Alliance, The Recovery of the Chilean Salmon Industry: The ISA Crisis, and its Consequences, https://gaalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/goal11-adolfoalvial.pdf (last visited October 3, 2016). p. 74.

59 Each barrio is assigned a twenty-one or twenty-four month (depending on the species) production period followed by a three-month fallow period.

60 See , supra.

61 See , supra.

62 SUBPESCA, Cuenta Publica 2012 (2013), http://www.subpesca.cl/institucional/602/articles-80066_recurso_1.pdf (last visited October 3, 2016).

63 Interview with Subpesca legal advisor, Valparaiso, Chile (June 28, 2013).

64 Relocalización: Sin Movimiento, Aqua, May 17, 2016, http://www.aqua.cl/reportajes/relocalizacion-sin-movimiento/ (last visited October 3, 2016). Additional measures to further facilitate relocation were enacted with modification of Ley No. 20.825, 2015, Diario Oficial [D.O.] (Chile).

65 Chile: Salmonera de los Gálmez, Mainstream y Elberg Preparan Expansión en Magallanes, Diaro Financiero, July 30, 2009.

66 EDITEC S.A., Catastro de Acuicultura en Chile 2014/2015 (2015).

67 Interview with Subpresca official, Valparaiso, Chile (April 25, 2013).

68 Production costs, on average, are estimated to have increased by 26 percent to 37 percent between 2013 and 2014, En Salmonicultura: Competitividad Perdida, Aqua: Aculcultura & Pesca, June 8, 2016, http://www.aqua.cl/reportajes/en-salmonicultura-competitividad-perdida/ (last visited October 3, 2016).

69 Bajar Costos y el Uso de Antibióticos Serían los Ejes del Plan Salmonicultor 2015, Aqua: Aculcultura & Pesca, January 16, 2015, http://www.aqua.cl/2015/01/16/bajar-costos-y-el-uso-de-antibioticos-serian-los-ejes-del-plan-salmonicultor-2015/.

70 SERNAPESCA, Informe Sobre Uso de Antimicrobianos en la Salmonicultura Nacional 2015 (2015). Interviews with two leading marine biologists at Austral University of Chile, Puerto Mont, Chile (February 28, 2012).

71 Algas Nocivas Harían Perder Hasta US$800 Millones en Producción Salmoniculora, AQUA: Aculcutra & Pesca, March 9, 2016, http://www.aqua.cl/2016/03/09/algas-nocivas-harian-perder-hasta-us800-millones-en-produccion-salmonicultora/#.

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