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The Search for Legitimacy in Post-Martial Law Poland: The Case of Claude Lanzmann's Shoah

Pages 501-526 | Published online: 11 Dec 2006


This article focuses on the motives and aims behind the exploitation of the Polish-Jewish past undertaken by the communist establishment in the context of the lack of legitimacy of General Jaruzelski's government, its rivalry with the Catholic Church and democratic opposition, and the economic crises of the 1980s. Using the communist regime's response to Claude Lanzmann's film Shoah in 1985 as a case study, the article examines the military regime's attempt to employ the Poles' perception of the Second World War and their heroic and martyrological vision of the past as a means via which to respond to challenges presented by the reality of post-martial law in Poland.


 [1] Martial Law (suspensions of civil rights and union operations, formation of the Military Council for National Salvation, arrests of Solidarity activists) was declared on 13 of December 1981.

 [2] On the extent of the deterioration of Polish-USA and Polish-French relations see Jaruzelski, Prezemówienia, 154–74, 172–74; Olszowski, Current Problems and Stefanowicz, Niewdizięczna Misja.

 [3] On the structure of political rule in this period see Kolankiewicz and Lewis, Poland Politics, 66–96.

 [4] On sources of party weakness see Lewis, Political Authority, 227-41 and Gen Jaruzelski's speech delivered at the end of XXIII Plenum KC PZPR on 21 of December 1985 in Jaruzelski, X Zjazd.

 [5] See Rakowski, Jak to się stało, 52–53.

 [6] The precise relationship between the communist party, the state and military in the 1980s is difficult to determine since Gen Jaruzelski was at the same time the first secretary of the Party, prime minister and minister of national defence; also other military figures held a number of major positions in the party and the state. See Kolankiewicz and Lewis, Poland Polities, 148–52.

 [7] Ekiert, State, 265.

 [8] See Poznanski, Poland's Protracted, 83–166; specifically on the Polish economic crisis in 1985 see a report by anonymous Polish economists: ‘The state of the Economy in 1985’ in Poland: Stagnation, Collapse or Growth? A Report by an Independent Group of Economists in Poland. London: the Centre for Research into Communist Economies, 1988, 9–36.

 [9] Poznanski, Poland's Protracted, 91.

[10] Ibid., 93

[11] Smolar, Rich, 42–54.

[12] Hirzowicz, “Jewish,” 199–208 and Kersten and Szapiro, “Contexts,” 255–265, 261.

[13] On the internal purges in the Party and the anit-Semitic campaign of 1967–68 see Stola, Kamania.

[14] Hirszowicz, “Documents,” 55–65.

[15] See for example Chirot, “What Happened,” 1–25 and Schöpflin, Politics.

[16] Schöpflin, Politics, 187.

[17] Ibid., 159–168.

[18] Following the declaration of Martial Law in Poland on 13 December 1981 there was no French ambassador in Poland.

[19] PAP, Trybuna Ludu, 2 May 1985.

[20] Trybuna Ludu: 02.05.1985; 03.05.1985; 04-05.05.1985; 07.05.1985; 08.05.1985; 09.05.1985; 16.05.1985; 19-19.05.1985; (some issues published more than one article).

[21] Rzeczpospolita: 02.05.1985; 0.05.1985; 04-05.05.1985; 06.05.1985; 07.05.1985; 14.05.1985; 16.05.1985; 18-19.05.1985; 21.05.1985; 24.05.1985; 31.05.1985.

[22] The best examples of articles taking this line are in Rzeczpospolita: “Film Shoah obelgę dla narodu Polskiego,” 3 May 1985; “Protesty Polskiego Społeczeństwa,” 4–5 May 1985 and in Trybuna Ludu: “Oburzenie w Polsce,” 2 May 1985; “Łapzłodzieja?” 8 May 1985.

[23] The most elaborated articles written on this theme are in Rzeczpospolita: “Oszczerstwa przeciwko Polsce w filmie Shoah,” 2 May 1985; “Kto pomagał hitlerowcom w eksterminacji francuskich Żydów,” 3 May 1985; “Cynizm poczterdziestu latach,” 6 May 1985; Marek Ostrowski, “Zapomnieli o własnej historii,” 14 May 1985; and “30 tysięcy Francuzów w mundurach nazistowskich,” Trybuna Ludu, 5 May 1985; Andrzej Bilik, “Korespondencja z Paryża,” Trybuna Robotnicza, 10 May 1985; Olgierd Terlecki, “Francuski Kompleks,” Życie Literacki, 19 May 1985, Tadeusz Sołton, “Człowiek jest sumą swoich czynów,” Kierunki, 9 July 1985.

[24] The Press Conference of the Polish Government's Minister for Press Relation, Jerzy Urban, 15 May 1985. Rzeczpospolita, 16 May 1985.

[25] See on this point: Bryk, “Hidden,” 161–83.

[26] Jaruzelski, Przemówienia, 90–94, 91.

[27] A good example of an article taking this line is Daniel Luliński, “Antypolscy fałszerze historii,” Trybuna Luda, 2 May 1985; also Włodzimierz Żrałek, “Odporność na klimat,” Trybuna Ludu, 18–19 May 1985.

[28] See more on the Bitburg controversy in Hartman, Bitburg.

[29] The Union of Fighters for Freedom and Democracy (ZBoWiD) was established in 1949 as a result of merging ex-servicemen organizations that were created or tolerated by Communists after the war.

[30] Jabłoński, “Pokój nam potrzebny,” 15–19, 17–18.

[31] Jaruzelski, “ZBoWiD,” 23–26.

[32] Kamiński, “Wierni Tradycjom,” 27–42, 31–33.

[33] Ibid., 36.

[34] Kąkol, “Germańskie Lobby,” 68–72.

[35] Krzyżanowski, “Pomni Słów,” 241–44.

[36] ‘Rezolucja’ in VII Kongres Związku, pp. 324–25. Also the detailed summary of speeches made at the Congress and the voted resolution appered in Rzeczpospolita, 7 May 1985.

[37] See Jaruzelski, Polska od Bugu. This edition contains selected speeches delivered by Gen. Jaruzelski in April and May 1985.

[38] See on this point Kolankiewicz and Lewis, Poland, 152–59.

[39] Terlecki, see note 23.

[40] The Headquarters of Disabled Ex-servicemen's declaration sent to the French embassy, Rzeczpospolita, 3 May 1985.

[41] The Central Union Co-operative for the Blind's protest sent to the French embassy, Rzeczopospolita, 4–5 May 1985.

[42] ZBoWiD's protest sent to the French embassy in Warsaw, Rzeczposposlita, 4–5 May 1985.

[43] Kąkol, “Germańskie Lobby,” 70–71 and Krzyżanowski, “Pomni Słów,” 241 and 243.

[44] Kąkol, 70.

[45] See: Bokszański, “Poles and Their Attitudes,” 257.

[46] Andrzej Wasilewski, the Minutes of: XIX Plenum KC PZPR 13–14 Maj 1985 published in Nowe Drogi (Suplement), 4 August 1985, 35–38, 37.

[47] Ibid., Jerzy Krasowski, 63–67, 66–67.

[48] Ibid., Wojciech Jaruzelski, 157–66, 166.

[49] Bilik, see note 23.

[50] Terlecki, see not 23.

[51] Jerzy Urban, in Trybuna Ludu, 26–27 October 1985.

[52] Michał Misiorny, “To nie jest film o Polakach,” Trybuna Luda, 31 October – 3 November 1985.

[53] Franciszek Lewicki,” W krzywym zwierciadle filmowego kadru,” Trybuna Robotnicza, 31 October – 3 November 1985.

[54] See Rem [Jerzy Urban], “Minęly pieszczoty,” 119–124.

[55] Walicki, “Three Traditions,” 32.

[56] Barabara Janicka intervied by Anna Matałowska, “Ludzie garną się do skandalu,” Polityka, 11 May 1985.

[57] Adam Krzemiński, “Kadisz w Polsce,” Polityka, 11 May 1985.

[58] Jan Rem, “Szpetni I Dzicy,” Polityka, 3 August 1985.

[59] Artur Sandauer, “Shoah a Sprawa Polska,” Polityka, 3 August 1985.

[60] Ibid.

[61] Rem, see note 58.

[62] Ibid.

[63] On the rapprochement, cooperation and divisions between the Catholic Church and the political opposition in Poland see: Michnik, Kościół and Michnik, “Letter”. On relations between the Church and Solidarity see in Touraine, Wieviorka and Strzelecki, Solidarity, 44–49.

[64] See Kolankiewicz and Lewis, Poland, 159–65 and Ekiert, Political Crisis, 266–73.

[65] Ignacy Krasicki, “Co się stało z filmem Shoah?” Życie Literackie, 8 September 1985 and Jerzy Pardus, “Chcę Obejrzeć Shoah,” Rzeczywistość, 1 September 1985.

[66] An interview with Jerzy Urban, “Dlaczego wyświetlimy Shoah,” Trybuna Ludu, 26–27 October 1985.

[67] Polish News Agency (PAP), Trybuna Ludu, 4 November 1985; Michał Misiorny, “To nie jest film o Polakach,” Trybuna Ludu, 31 October-3 November 1985.

[68] See Franciszek Lewicki, “ W krzywym zwierciadle filmowego kadru,” Trybuna Robotnicza, 31 October-3 November 1985; Włodzimierz Krzyżanowski, “Wszyscy jesteście kapo,” Prezegląd Tygodniowy, 10 November 1985. Bolesław Zamczewski, “ Polacy w Shoah,” Słowo Powszechne, 1-2-3 November 1985.

[69] Iwona Chudzińska, “Płaczcie matki, drżyjcie dzieci,” Rzeczywistość, 17 November 1985.

[70] Jerzy Pardus, “Widzieliśmy Shoah,” Rzeczywistość, 17 November 1985.

[71] Andrzej Grzegorczyk, “Kwesta Żydowska” and Krzysztof Teodor Toeplitz, “To jest kwestia ideologiczna,” Polityka, 30 November 1985; Andrzej Grzegorczyk, “Może się dogadamy?” Polityka, 21–27 December 1985.

[72] Daniel Passent, “Akcja I Reakcja,” Polityka, 16 December 1985.

[73] “Letters to Editor,” Polityka, 16 December 1985 and 18 January 1986.

[74] Zygmunt Kałużyński, “Odmawiam przebaczenia,” Polityka, 7 December 1985.

[75] Czesław Kiszczak, Minister of Internal Afairs, Sprawozdanie Stenograficzne z 65 posidezenia Sejmu Polskiej Rzeczpospolitej Ludowej w dniu 10 maja 1985 r. Warszawa 1985, 9–26, 15–16.

[76] Ibid., 16.

[77] I would like to thank the anonymous reviewer of my article from Cold War History for pointing out this information to me.

[78] The Polish press reported on the conference; See Jerzy Tomaszewski, “Jom Kipur w Oxfordzie,” Polityka, 2 November 1985.

[79] Steinlauf, Bondage, 110–12.

[80] Jaruzelski, Stan wojenny; Rakowski, Dzienniki; Bereś and Skoczylas, General Kiszczak; Kękol, Spowiedż.

[81] Ascherson, “Shoah,” 54–55.

[82] The Radio and TV Public Opinion Research Centre (31.10.1985). Results were published in Trybuna Ludu, 11 November 1985.

[83] Swisz, “Obraz,” 137–165.

[84] Ibid., 163.

[85] Śpiewak, “Dlaczego,” 17–20.

[86] Ibid., 18.

[87] See underground publications: KOS, 19 May 1985, Biuletyn Dolnoślęski, November/December 1985, Tygodnik Mazowsze, 7 November 1985, Wyzwolenie, No 3, 1985, Arka, 10 (1985), Kurs, No 18, 1986; émigré publications: Kultura (Paris, November 1985), Aneks (London, 41–42 1986);

[88] Jacek Kuroń, “O filmie Shoah,” Tygodnik Mazowsze, 7 November 1985.

[89] Dawid Warszawski, “Historia i Fałszerze,” KOS, 19 May 1985.

[90] Ibid.

[91] See Brandys, Miesięce, 79–86; Karski, “Shoah,” 121–123; Herling-Grudziński, “Dziennik,” 24–25; Karpiński, “Asymetria,” 3–12; Bartoszewski, “Jews,” 395–396 and A.W., “Komu bije dzwon?” published by the clandestine Wyzwolenie, No 3, 1985.

[92] For an attempt to confront the problem of the Church and anti-Semitism see Marek Leski's “Glossa do ‘Żydów Polskich’ Normana Daviesa” published by the clandestine Arka in October 1985.

[93] Smolar, “Tabu”

[94] Niedziela published by the Częstochowa Metroplitan Curia with a circulation of 100,000, distributed nationally.

[95] Gość Niedzielny published by the Katowice Metropolitan Curia with a circulation of 200,000, distributed nationally.

[96] Tygodnik Powszechny (2 June 1985, 10 November 1985 and 2 March 1986). Przegląd Kotolicki, 1 December 1985, Więź (July-August 1986).

[97] Zaremba, Komunizm, 383–396.

[98] For Wojciech Jaruzeski ‘s speeches delivered between 1981–85 see Jaruzelski, Selected Speeches; specifically for speeches delivered in 1985 see Jaruzelski Przemówienia 1985.

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