CrossRef citations to date




Adams, R., Fredstrom, B., Peets, K., Hodges, E. V. E., Bowker, J. C., Holleb, L., & Gilman, R.—Validating a measure of friends’ responses to self-disclosure in adolescent obese and public school samples 745

Addington, J.—see Woodberry et al.

Ahlkvist, J. A.—see Wadsworth et al.

Aktar, E., Majdandžić, M., de Vente, W., & Bögels, S. M.—Parental expressions of anxiety andchild temperament in toddlerhood jointly predict preschoolers’ avoidance of novelty S421

Albano, A. M.—see Hale et al.

Albano, A. M.—see Kiff et al.

Alfano, C. A.—see Barrios et al.

Alfano, C. A.—see Cowie et al.

Ammerman, B. A., Steinberg, L., & McCloskey, M. S.—Risk-taking behavior and suicidality: The unique role of adolescent drug use 131

Anastopoulos, A. D., DuPaul, G. J., Weyandt, L. L., Morrissey-Kane, E., Sommer, J. L., Rhoads, L. H., Murphy, K. R., Gormley, M. J., & Gudmundsdottir, B. G.—Rates and patterns of comorbidity among first-year college students with ADHD 236

Anthony, L. G.—see Strang et al.

Arbel, R., Perrone, L., & Margolin, G.—Adolescents’ daily worries and risky behaviors: The buffering role of support seeking 900

Arch, J. J.—see Schneider et al.

Arnold, C. C.—see McLeod et al.

Arnold, D. H.—see Tichovolsky et al.

Arnold, L. E.—see Perez Algorta et al.

Arnold, L. E.—see Salcedo et al.

Arnold, L. E.—see Van Meter et al.

Arora, A.—see Freeman et al.

Askew, C.—see Reynolds et al.

Asnaani, A.—see Foa et al.

Bagner, D. M.—see Blizzard et al.

Bagner, D. M.—see Villodas et al.

Baker, B. L.—see Noroña et al.

Balleur, A.—see Strang et al.

Barbaro, J.—see Hudry et al.

Barnett, N P.—see Spirito et al.

Barrios, C. S., Jay, S. Y., Smith, V. C., Alfano, C. A., & Dougherty, L. R.—Stability and predictive validity of the Parent-Child Sleep Interactions Scale: A longitudinal study among preschoolers 382

Barroso, N. E.—see Blizzard et al.

Baskin-Sommers, A. R.—see Waller et al.

Bearden, C. E.—see Woodberry et al.

Bearss, K.—see Bradshaw et al.

Becker, K. D., Boustani, M., Gellatly, R., & Chorpita, B. F.—Forty years of engagement research in children’s mental health services: Multidimensional measurement and practice elements 1

Becker, S. J.—see Hogue et al.

Becker, S. P.—see Dvorsky et al.

Becker, S. P.—see Lee et al.

Bedford, R.—see Gueron-Sela et al.

Bedford, R.—see Wagner et al.

Bélanger, M., Bernier, A., Simard, V., Desrosiers, K., & Carrier, J.—Sleeping toward behavioral regulation: Relations between sleep and externalizing symptoms in toddlers and preschoolers 366

Belk, G.—see DePaul et al.

Belt, C. C.—see Perez Algorta et al.

Bendezú, J. J., Pinderhughes, E. E., Hurley, S. M., McMahon, R. J., & Racz, S. J.—Longitudinal relations among parental monitoring strategies, knowledge, and adolescent delinquency in a racially diverse at-rick sample S21

Bendezú, J. J.—see Wadsworth et al.

Benito, K.—see Freeman et al.

Berg, M. T.—see Fontaine et al.

Bernard, K.—see Caron et al.

Bernier, A.—see Bélanger et al.

Bettis, A. H., Forehand, R., Sterba, S. K., Preacher, K. J., & Compas, B. E.—Anxiety and depression in children of depressed parents: Dynamics of change in a preventive intervention 581

Bianco, H.—see Wadsworth et al.

Bilodeau, F., Brendgen, M., Vitaro, F., Côté, S. M., Tremblay, R. E., Touchette, E., Montplaisir, J., & Boivin, M.—Longitudinal association between peer victimization and sleep problems in preschoolers: The moderating role of parenting S555

Birmaher, B.—see Hale et al.

Birmaher, B.—see Kiff et al.

Birmaher, B.—see Perez Algorta et al.

Birmaher, B.—see Salcedo et al.

Birmaher, B.—see Van Meter et al.

Bitsko, R. H.—see Danielson et al.

Bjørnebekk, G.—see Kjøbli et al.

Blizzard, A. M., Barroso, N. E., Ramos, F. G., Graziano, P. A., & Bagner, D. M.—Behavioral parent training in infancy: what about the parent-infant relationship? S341

Bloch, M. H.—see Taylor et al.

Blumberg, S. J.—see Danielson et al.

Bögels, S. M.—see Aktar et al.

Bögels, S. M.—see Majdandžić

Bögels, S. M.—see Majdandžić et al.

Boivin, M.—see Bilodeau et al.

Boivin, M.—see Brouillard et al.

Bolt, D.—see Hartley et al.

Booker, J. A.—see Ollendick et al.

Bookhout, M. K.—see Grassetti et al.

Boustani, M.—see Becker et al.

Bowker, J. C.—see Adams et al.

Bradshaw, J., Bearss, K., McCracken, C., Smith, T., Johnson, C., Lecavalier, L., Swiezy, N., & Scahill, L.—Parent education for young children with autism and disruptive behavior: Response to active control treatment S445

Braet, C.—see Wante et al.

Brammer, W. A., Galán, C. A., Mesri, B., & Lee, S. S.—Parental ADHD and depression: Time-varying prediction of offspring externalizing psychopathology S137

Brendgen, M.—see Bilodeau et al.

Brendgen, M.—see Brouillard et al.

Bress, J. N.—see Meyer et al.

Briggs-Gowan, M. J.—see Mian et al.

Brody, J. L.—see Rohde et al.

Brouillard, C., Brendgen, M., Vitaro, F., Dionne, G., & Boivin, M.—Links between the mother-adolescent and father-adolescent relationships and adolescent depression: A genetically informed study S397

Bryant, C.—see Woodberry et al.

Bufferd, S. J., Dougherty, L. R., Olino, T. M., Dyson, M. W., Carlson, G. A., & Klein, D. N.—Temperament distinguishes persistent/recurrent from remitting anxiety disorders across early childhood 1004

Burns, G. L.—see Lee et al.

Burns, G. L.—see Litson et al.

Burton, C.—see Hughes et al.

Bustos, C. E.—see Haine-Schlagel et al.

Byrd, A. L., Hawes, S. W., Loeber, R., & Pardini, D. A.—Interpersonal callousness from childhood to adolescence: Developmental trajectories and early risk factors 467

Byrne, A.—see Rabinowitz et al.

Byrow, Y.—see Majdandžić

Cacioppo, S.—see Van Roekel et al.

Cacioppo, J. T.—see Van Roekel et al.

Cadenhead, K. S.—see Woodberry et al.

Campez, M.—see Sibley et al.

Cancilliere, M. K.—see Spirito et al.

Cannon, T. D.—see Woodberry et al.

Capaldi, S.—see Foa et al.

Caretto, A.—see Strang et al.

Carlson, G. A.—see Bufferd et al.

Carmody, J. K.—see Chardon et al.

Caron, E. B., Bernard, K., Dozier, M.—In vivo feedback predicts parent behavior change in the attachment and biobehavioral catch-up intervention S35

Carper, M. M., Makover, H. B., & Kendall, P. C.—Future directions for the examination of mediators of treatment outcomes in youth 345

Carrier, J.—see Bélanger et al.

Carter, A. S.—see Mian et al.

Caserta, A.—see Fabiano

Chacko, A., Fabiano, G. A., Doctoroff, G. L., & Fortson, B.—Engaging fathers in effective parenting for preschool children using shared book reading: A randomized controlled trial 79

Chan, G.—see Hale et al.

Chapman, A. L.—see Kleiman et al.

Chardon, M. L., Stromberg, S. E., Lawless, C., Fedele, D. A., Carmody, J. K., Dumont-Driscoll, M. D., & Janicke, D. M.—The role of child and adolescent adjustment problems and sleep disturbance in parent psychological distress 374

Chen, F. R.—see Raine

Chen, Y.—see Salcedo et al.

Chorpita, B. F.—see Becker et al.

Chorpita, B. F.—see Park et al.

Chronis-Tuscano, A., Danko, C. M., Rubin, K. J., Coplan, R. J., & Novick, D. R.—Future directions for research on early intervention for young children at risk for social anxiety 655

Cicchetti, D.—see Koss et al.

Cillessen, A. H. N.—see Schrooten et al.

Clark, J. E., & Frick, P. J.—Positive parenting and callous-unemotional traits: Their association with school behavior problems in young children S242

Clementi, M. A.—see Cowie et al.

Cohen, J. R.—see Menon et al.

Cohen-Kettenis, P.—see Strang et al.

Colalillo, S.—see Park et al.

Cole, D. A.—see Rights

Coles, E. K.—see Sibley et al.

Compas, B. E.—see Bettis et al.

Compton, S. N.—see Hale et al.

Compton, S. N.—see Kiff et al.

Coplan, R. J.—see Chronis-Tuscano et al.

Cornblatt, B. A.—see Woodberry et al.

Côté, S. M.—see Bilodeau et al.

Coughlin, C. G.—see Taylor et al.

Cowie, J., Clementi, M. A., & Alfano, C. A.—Examination of the intolerance of uncertainty construct in youth with generalized anxiety disorder 1014

Coxe, S. J.—see Sibley et al.

Crnic, K. A.—see Gerstein

Cummings, E. M.—see Koss et al.

Custer, B.—see DePaul et al.

Czyz, E. K., Horwitz, A. G., Yeguez, C. E., Ewell Foster, C. J., & King, C. A.—Parental self-efficacy to support teens during a suicidal crisis and future adolescent emergency department visits and suicide attempts S384

Daffner, M.—see DePaul et al.

Dahl, R. E.—see Silk et al.

Danielson, M. L., Bitsko, R. J., Ghandour, R. M., Holbrook, J. R., Kogan, M. D., & Blumberg, S. J.—Prevalence of parent-reported ADHD diagnosis and associated treatment among U.S. children and adolescents, 2016 199

Danko, C. M.—see Chronis-Tuscano et al.

Davies, P. T.—see Koss et al.

De Los Reyes, A., & Langer, D. A.—Assessment and the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology’s Evidence Base Updates series, Evaluating the tools for gathering evidence 357

De Raedt, R.—see Wante et al.

de Vente, W.—see Aktar et al.

de Vente, W. —see Majdandžić

de Vries, A. L. C. —see Strang et al.

Deane, K., Richards, M., Mozley, M., Scott, D., & Rice, C.—Posttraumatic stress, family functioning, and externalizing in adolescents exposed to violence: A moderated mediation model S176

Demeyer, I.—see Wante et al.

Desrosiers, K.—see Bélanger et al.

Dionne, G.—see Brouillard et al.

Dishion, T. J.—see Hails et al.

Dixon, A. L.—see Hancock et al.

Doctoroff, G. L.—see Chacko et al.

Dodd, H. F.—see Majdandžić

Donenberg, G. R.—see Manczak et al.

Dougherty, L. R.—see Barrios et al.

Dougherty, L. R.—see Bufferd et al.

Dozier, M.—see Caron et al.

Drabick, D. A. G.—see Rabinowitz et al.

Drake, K.—see Schleider et al.

Dumont-Driscoll, M. C.—see Chardon et al.

DuPaul, G. J., Kern, L., Belk, G., Custer, B., Daffner, M., Hatfield, A., & Peek, D.—Face-to-face vs. online behavioral parent training for young children as-risk for ADHD: Treatment engagement and outcomes S369

DuPaul, G. J.—see Anastopoulos et al.

Dvorsky, M. R., Langberg, J. M., Evans, S. W., & Becker, S. P.—The protective effects of social factors on the academic functioning of adolescents with ADHD 713

Dyson, M. W.—see Bufferd et al.

Dyson, M. W.—see Schweizer et al.

Edwards-Leeper, L.—see Strang et al.

Egeland, B.—see Enlow et al.

Ehrensaft, D.—see Strang et al.

Emerson, E.—see Manczak et al.

Engels, R. C. M. E.—see Van Roekel et al.

Englund, M. M.—see Enlow et al.

Enlow, M. B., Englund, M. M., & Egeland, B.—Maternal childhood maltreatment history and child mental health: Mechanisms in intergenerational effects S47

Erath, S. A., Su, S., & Tu, K. M.—Electrodermal reactivity moderates the prospective association between peer victimization and depressive symptoms in early adolescence 992

Ernestus, S.—see Kiff et al.

Evans, S. W., Owens, J. S., Wymbs, B. T., & Ray, A. R.—Evidence-based psychosocial treatments for children and adolescents with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder 157

Evans, S. W.—see Dvorsky et al.

Ewell Foster, C. J.—see Czyz et al.

Fabiano, G. A., & Caserta, A.—Future directions in father inclusion, engagement, retention, and positive outcomes in child and adolescent research 847

Fabiano, G. A.—see Chacko et al.

Fedele, D. A.—see Chardon et al.

Field, A. P.—see Reynolds et al.

Findling, R. L.—see Perez Algorta et al.

Findling, R. L.—see Salcedo et al.

Findling, R. L.—see Van Meter et al.

Flegenheimer, C., Lugo-Candelas, C., Harvey, E., & McDermott, J. M.—Neural processing of threat cues in young children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity symptoms 336

Foa, E. B., Asnaani, A., Zang, Y., Capaldi, S., & Yeh, R.—Psychometrics of the Child PTSD Symptom Scale for DSM-5 for trauma-exposed children and adolescents 38

Fontaine, N. M. G., Hanscombe, K. B., Berg, M. T., McCrory, E. J., & Viding, E.—Trajectories of callous-unemotional traits in childhood predict different forms of peer victimization in adolescence 458

Forbes, E. E.—see Silk et al.

Forehand, R.—see Bettis et al.

Fortson, B.—see Chacko et al.

Fowler, P. J.—see Taylor et al.

Frazier, T. W.—see Perez Algorta et al.

Frazier, T. W.—see Salcedo et al.

Frazier, T. W.—see Van Meter et al.

Fredstrom, B.—see Adams et al.

Freeman, J., Benito, K., Herren, J., Kemp, J., Sung, J., Georgiadis, C., Arora, A., Walther, M., & Garcia, A.—Evidence base update of psychosocial treatments for pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder: Evaluating, improving, and transporting what works 699

Frick, P. J.—see Clark

Firstad, M. A.—see Perez Algorta et al.

Fristad, M. A.—see Salcedo et al.

Firstad, M. A.—see Van Meter et al.

Gadow, K. D.—see Salcedo et al.

Galán, C. A.—see Brammer et al.

Garcia, A.—see Freeman et al.

Gawrysiak, M. J.—see Grassetti et al.

Geiser, C.—see Litson et al.

Gellatly, R.—see Becker et al.

Georgiadis, C.—see Freeman et al.

Gerstein, E. D., & Crnic, K. A.—Family interactions and developmental risk associated with early cognitive delay: Influences on children’s behavioral competence S100

Ghandour, R. M.—see Danielson et al.

Gibb, B. E.—see James et al.

Gibb, B. E.—see Meyer et al.

Gilman, R.—see Adams et al.

Ginsburg, G. S.—see Hale et al.

Ginsburg, G. S.—see Kiff et al.

Ginsburg, G. S.—see Schleider et al.

Gnagy, E.—see Sibley et al.

Gonzalez, A.—see Kiff et al.

Gordon, R. D.—see Troop-Gordon et al.

Gormley, M. J.—see Anastopoulos et al.

Grant, K. E.—see Taylor et al.

Grassetti, S. N., Hubbard, J. A., Smith, M. A., Bookhout, M. K., Swift, L. E., & Gawrysiak, M. J.—Caregivers’ advice and children’s bystander behaviors during bullying incidents S329

Graves, H, R.—see Spirito et al.

Graziano, P. A.—see Blizzard et al.

Graziano, P. A.—see Ros

Greene, R. W.—see Ollendick et al.

Greiner, A.—see Sibley et al.

Griffith, S. F.—see Tichovolsky et al.

Gudmundsdottir, B. G.—see Anastopoulos et al.

Gueron-Sela, N., Bedford, R., Wagner, N. J., & Propper, C. B.—Children’s executive functions attenuate the link between maternal intrusiveness and internalizing behaviors S435

Gueron-Sela, N.—see Wagner et al.

Hale, A. E., Ginsburg, G. S., Chan, G. Kendall, P. C., McCracken, J. T, Sakilsky, D., Birmaher, B., Compton, S. N., Albano, A. M., & Walkup, J. T.—Mediators of treatment outcomes for anxious children and adolescents: The role of somatic symptoms 94

Hall, N. T.—see James et al.

Hails, K., Reuben, J., Shaw, S., Dishion, T. J., & Wilson, M. N.—Transactional associations among maternal depression, parent-child coercion, and child conduct problems during early childhood S291

Haine-Schlagel, R., Martinez, J. I., Roesch, S. C., Bustos, C. E., & Janicki, C.—Randomized trial of the Parent and Caregiver Active Participation Toolkit for child mental health treatment S150

Hainsworth, C. J.—see Hancock et al.

Hajcak, G.—see Meyer et al.

Halverson, T.—see Van Meter et al.

Hammen, C.—see Morgan et al.

Hancock, K. M., Swain, J., Hainsworth, C. J., Dixon, A. L., Koo, S., Munro, K.—Acceptance and commitment therapy versus cognitive behavior therapy for children with anxiety: Outcomes of a randomized controlled trial 296

Hankin, B. L.—see Schneider et al.

Hanscombe, K. B.—see Fontaine et al.

Hartley, S., Papp, L., & Bolt, D.—Spillover of marital interactions and parenting stress in families of children with autism spectrum disorder S88

Harvey, E.—see Flegenheimer et al.

Harvey, E. A.—see Tichovolsky et al.

Hatfield, A.—see DePaul et al.

Hawes, S. W.—see Byrd et al.

Henderson, C. E.—see Hogue et al.

Hernandez, L.—see Spirito et al.

Herren, J.—see Freeman et al.

Hetzel, S.—see Koss et al.

Hidalgo-Gato, N.—see Sibley et al.

Hill, M. M.—see Miller et

Hilton, D. C.—see Jarrett et al.

Hinshaw, S. P.—see Owens et al.

Hinshaw, S. P.—see Rooney et al.

Hodges, E. V. E.—see Adams et al.

Hogue, A., Henderson, C. E., Becker, S. J., & Knight, D. K.—Evidence base on outpatient behavioral treatments for adolescent substance use, 2014-2017: Outcomes, treatment delivery, and promising horizons 499

Holbrook, J. R.—see Danielson et al.

Holleb, L.—see Adams et al.

Horwitz, A. G.—see Czyz et al.

Horwitz, S. M.—see Salcedo et al.

Horwitz, S. M.—see Van Meter et al.

Hostinar, C. E., Nusslock, R., & Miller, G. E.—Future directions in the study of early-life stress and physical and emotional health: Implications of the neuroimmune network hypothesis 142

Hubbard, J. A.—see Grassetti et al.

Hudry, K., Rumney, L., Pitt, N., Barbaro, J., & Vivanti, G.—Interaction behaviors of bilingual parents with their young children with autism spectrum disorder S321

Hudson, J. L.—see Majdandžić

Hughes, E. K., Burton, C., Le Grange, D., & Sawyer, S. M.—The participation of mothers, fathers, and siblings in family-based treatment for adolescent anorexia nervosa S456

Hurley, S. M.—see Bendezú et al.

Hurwich-Reiss, E.—see Wadsworth et al.

Hyde, L. W.—see Waller et al.

Hymel, S.—see Schrooten et al.

Iacono, W. G.—see Samek et al.

Iosif, A.—see Miller et al.

Irsheid, S.—see Taylor et al.

Jakubovski, E —see Taylor et al.

James, K. M., Owens, M., Woody, M. L., Hall, N. T., & Gibb, B. E.—Parental expressed emotion-criticism and neural markers of sustained attention to emotional faces in children S520

Janicke, D. M.—see Chardon et al.

Janicki, C.—see Haine-Schlagel et al.

Janssen, A.—see Strang et al.

Jarrett, M. A., Van Meter, A., Youngstrom, E. A., Hilton, D. C., & Ollendick, T H.—Evidence-based assessment of ADHD in youth using a receiver operating characteristic approach 808

Jay, S. Y.—see Barrios et al.

Jensen-Doss, A.—see Langer

Johnson, C.—see Bradshaw et al.

Johnston, C., Williamson, D., Noyes, A., Stewart, K. & Weiss, M. D.—Parent and child ADHD symptoms in relation to parental attitudes and parenting: Testing the similarity-fit hypothesis S127

Johnston, C.—see Park et al.

Jones, R.—see Spirito et al.

Jorgensen, J.—see Rohde et al.

Jouriles, E. N., Rosenfield, D., McDonald, R., Vu, N. L., Rancher, C., & Mueller, V.—Children exposed to intimate partner violence: Conduct problems, interventions, and partner contact with the child 397

Karasic, D. H.—see Strang et al.

Karlsgodt, K. W.—see Uddin

Kemp, J.—see Freeman et al.

Kendall, P. C.—see Carper et al.

Kendall, P. C.—see Hale et al.

Kendall, P. C.—see Kiff et al.

Kendall, P. C.—see McLeod et al.

Kendall, P. C.—see Silk et al.

Kenworthy, L.—see Strang et al.

Kern, L.—see DePaul et al.

Kiff, C. J., Ernestus, S., Gonzalez, A., Kendall, P. C., Albano, A. M., Compton, S. N., Birmaher, B., Ginsburg, G. S., Rynn, M., Walkup, J. T., McCracken, J., & Piacentini, J.—The interplay of familial and individual risk in predicting clinical improvements in pediatric anxiety disorders S542

Kiff, C.—see Klein et al.

King, C. A.—see Czyz et al.

Kjøbli, J., Zachrisson, H. D., & Bjørnebekk, G.—Three randomized effectiveness trials – One question: Can callous-unemotional traits in children be altered? 436

Kleiman, E. M., Turner, B. J., Chapman, A. L., & Nock, M. K.—Fatigue moderates the relationship between perceived stress and suicidal ideation: Evidence from two high-resolution studies 116

Klein, D. N.—see Bufferd et al.

Klein, D. N.—see Schweizer et al.

Klein, M. R., Lengua, L. J., Thompson, S. F., Moran, L., Ruberry, E. J., Kiff, C., & Zalewski, M.—Bidirectional relations between temperament and parenting predicting preschool-age children’s adjustment S113

Knight, D. K.—see Hogue et al.

Kogan, M. D.—see Danielson et al.

Koo, S.—see Hancock et al.

Koss, K. J., Cummings, M., Davies, P. T., Hetzel, S., & Cicchetti, D.—Harsh parenting and serotonin transporter and BDNF Val66Met polymorphisms as predictors of adolescent depressive symptoms S205

Kowatch, R. A.—see Salcedo et al.

Kowatch, R. A.—see Van Meter et al.

Kroon Van Diest, A. M.—see Perez et al.

Kuschner, E. S.—see Strang et al.

Lackey, J.—see Tompsett et al.

Ladouceur, C. D.—see Silk et al.

Landy, L. N.—see Schneider et al.

Langberg, J. M.—see Dvorsky et al.

Langer, D. A., & Jensen-Doss, A.—Shared decision-making in youth mental health care: Using the evidence to plan treatments collaboratively 821

Langer, D. A.—see De Los Reyes

Laptook, R. S.—see Schweizer et al.

Lawless, C.—see Chardon et al.

Lazarus, R. S.—see Majdandžić

Le Grange, D.—see Hughes et al.

Lecavalier, L.—see Bradshaw et al.

Lee, E. E.—see Troop-Gordon et al.

Lee, S., Burns, G. L., & Becker, S. P.—Toward establishing the transcultural validity of sluggish cognitive tempo: Evidence from a sample of South Korean children 61

Lee, S. S.—Perspectives on parenting behavior: Origins, mechanisms, and future opportunities Editorial for the supplement on parenting S1

Lee, S. S.—see Brammer et al.

Lee, S. S.—see Morgan et al.

Lee, S. S.—see Noroña et al.

Lee, S. S.—see Tung

Lebowitz, E. R.—see Taylor et al.

Leibowitz, S.—see Strang et al.

Lengua, L. J.—see Klein et al.

Lewis, H. C.—see Strang et al.

Litson, K., Geiser, C., Burns, G. L., & Servera, M.—Trait and state variance in multi-informant assessments of ADHD and academic impairment in Spanish first-grade children 699

Loeber, R.—see Byrd et al.

Loo, S. K.—see Morgan et al.

Loughlin-Presnal, J.—see Wadsworth et al.

Lugo-Candelas, C.—see Flegenheimer et al.

Ly, J., & Zhou, Q.—Bidirectional associations between teacher-child relationship quality and Chinese American immigrant children’s behavior problems 954

MacPherson, H. A.—see Perez Algorta et al.

Mahoney, A.—see Tompsett et al.

Majdandžić, M., Lazarus, R. S., Oort, F. J., van der Sluis, C., Dodd, H. F., Morris, T. M., de Vente, W., Byrow, Y., Hudson, J. L., & Bögels, S. M.—The structure of challenging parenting behavior and associations with anxiety in Dutch and Australian children 282

Majdandžić, M.—see Aktar et al.

Majdandžić, M.—see Metz et al.

Makover, H. B.—see Carper et al.

Manczak, E. M., Donenberg, G. R., & Emerson, E.—Can mother-daughter communication buffer adolescent risk for mental health problems associated with maternal depressive symptoms? S509

Mandel, F.—see Strang et al.

Mannarino, A.—see Silk et al.

Margolin, G.—see Arbel et al.

Margolin, G.—see Rodriguez

Martel, M. M.—see Zastrow et al.

Martinez, J. I.—see Haine-Schlagel et al.

Mathalon, D. H.—see Woodberry et al.

McBurnett, K.—see Owens et al.

McBurnett, K.—see Rooney et al.

McCauley Ohannessian, C.—see Vannucci

McCloskey, M. S.—see Ammerman et al.

McCracken, C.—see Bradshaw et al.

McCracken, J.—see Kiff et al.

McCracken, J. T.—see Hale et al.

McCrory, E. J.—see Fontaine et al.

McCue Horwitz, S.—see Perez Algorta et al.

McDermott, J. M.—see Flegenheimer et al.

McDonald, A.—see Wadsworth et al.

McDonald, R.—see Jouriles et al.

McGlashan, T. H.—see Woodberry et al.

McGue, M.—see Samek et al.

McLeod, B. D., Southam-Gerow, M. A., Rodriguez, A., Quinoy, A. M., Arnold, C. C., Kendall, P. C., & Weisz, J. R.—Development and initial psychometrics for a therapist competence instrument for CBT for youth anxiety 47

McMahon, R. J.—see Bendezú et al.

McMakin, D. L.—see Silk et al.

Meagher, H.—see Strang et al.

Meller, S.—see Silk et al.

Menon, S. V., Cohen, J. R., Shorey, R. C., & Temple, J. R.—The impact of intimate partner violence-exposure in adolescence and emerging adulthood: A developmentalpsychopathology approach S497

Menvielle, E.—see Strang et al.

Merz, E. C., Tottenham, N., & Noble, K. G.—Socioeconomic status, amygdala volume, and internalizing symptoms in children and adolescents 312

Mesri, B.—see Brammer et al.

Metz, M., Majdandžić, M. & Bögels, S.—Concurrent and predictive associations between infants’ and toddlers’ fearful temperament, coparenting, and parental anxiety disorders 569

Meyer, A., Bress, J. N., Hajcak, G., & Gibb, B. E.—Maternal depression is related to reduced error-related brain activity in child and adolescent offspring 324

Meyerson, D. A.—see Taylor et al.

Mian, N. D., Soto, T. W., Briggs-Gowan, M. J., & Carter, A. S.—The Family Life Impairment Scale: Factor structure and clinical utility with young children S530

Miller, G. E.—see Hostinar et al.

Miller, M., Iosif, A., Young, G. S., Hill, M. M., & Ozonoff, S.—Early detection of ADHD: Insights from infant siblings of children with autism 737

Montplaisir, J.—see Bilodeau et al.

Moran, L.—see Klein et al.

Morgan, J. E., Hammen, C., & Lee, S. S.—Parental serotonin transporter polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) moderates associations of stress and child behavior with parenting behavior S76

Morgan, J. E., Loo, S. K., & Lee, S. S.—Neurocognitive functioning mediates the prospective association of birth weight with youth ADHD symptoms 727

Morley, C.—see Sibley et al.

Morris, T. M.—see Majdandžić

Morrissey-Kane, E.—see Anastopoulos et al.

Moskowitz, A. L.—see Park et al.

Mozley, M.—see Deane et al.

Mueller, S. C.—see Wante et al.

Mueller, V.—see Jouriles et al.

Munro, K.—see Hancock et al.

Murphy, K. R.—see Anastopoulos et al.

Neill, E. L., Weems, C. F., & Scheeringa, M. S.—CBT for child PTSD is associated with reductions in maternal depression: Evidence for bidirectional effects 410

Noble, K. G.—see Merz et al.

Nock, M. K.—see Kleiman et al.

Noroña, A. N., Tung, I., Lee, S. S., & Baker, B. L.—Developmental patterns of child emotion dysregulation as predicted by serotonin transporter genotype and parenting S354

Novick, D. R.—see Chronis-Tuscano et al.

Noyes, A.—see Johnston et al.

Nusslock, R.—see Hostinar et al.

Olino, T. M.—see Bufferd et al.

Olino, T. M.—see Schweizer et al.

Ollendick, T. H., Booker, J. A., Ryan, S., & Greene, R. W.—Testing multiple conceptualizations of oppositional defiant disorder in youth 620

Ollendick, T. H.—see Jarrett et al.

Olson, S.—see Sibley et al.

Oort, F. J.—see Majdandžić

Operario, D.—see Spirito et al.

Osigwe, I.—see Rabinowitz et al.

Owens, E. B., Hinshaw, S. P., McBurnett, K., & Pfiffner, L.—Predictors of response to behavioral treatments among children with ADHD-Inattentive type S219

Owens, J. S.—see Evans et al.

Owens, M.—see James et al.

Ozonoff, S.—see Miller et

Page, T.—see Sibley et al.

Papp, L.—see Hartley et al.

Pardini, D. A.—see Byrd et al.

Park, A. L., Moskowitz, A. L., & Chorpita, B. F.—Community-based providers’ selection of practices for children and adolescents with comorbid mental health problems 796

Park, J. L., Johnston, C., Colalillo, S., & Williamson, D.—Parents’ attributions for negative and positive child behavior in relation to parenting and child problems S63

Peek, D.—see DePaul et al.

Peets, K.—see Adams et al.

Pelham, W. E.—see Sibley et al.

Perez, M., Kroon Van Diest, A. M., Smith, J., & Sladek, M. R.—Body dissatisfaction and its correlates in 5- to 7-year-old girls: A social learning experiment 757

Perez Algorta, G., MacPherson, H. A., Youngstrom, E. A., Belt, C. C., Arnold, L. E., Frazier, T. W., Taylor, H. G., Birmaher, B., McCue Horwitz, S., Findling, R. L., Fristad, M. A., & The LAMS Team—Parenting stress among caregivers of children with bipolar spectrum disorders S306

Perkins, D. O.—see Woodberry et al.

Perrone, L.—see Arbel et al.

Pfiffner, L.—see Owens et al.

Pfiffner, L. J.—see Rooney et al.

Phillips, M. L.—see Salcedo et al.

Piacentini, J.—see Kiff et al.

Pinderhughes, E. E.—see Bendezú et al.

Pitt, N.—see Hudry et al.

Pleak, R. R.—see Strang et al.

Preacher, K. J.—see Bettis et al.

Propper, C. B.—see Gueron-Sela et al.

Propper, C. B.—see Wagner et al.

Quinoy, A. M.—see McLeod et al.

Rabinowitz, J. A., Osigwe, I., Byrne, A., Drabick, D. A. G., & Reynolds, M. D.—Father- and youth-reported family affective expression differentially predicts youth internalizing and externalizing symptoms S264

Racz, S. J.—see Bendezú et al.

Raine, A., & Chen, F. R.—The Cognitive, Affective, and Somatic Empathy Scales (CASES) for children 24

Ramos, F. G.—see Blizzard et al.

Rancher, C.—see Jouriles et al.

Ray, A. R.—see Evans et al.

Reuben, J.—see Hails et al.

Reynolds, G., Field, A. P., & Askew, C.—Reductions in children’s vicariously learnt avoidance and heart rate responses using positive modeling 555

Reynolds, M. D.—see Rabinowitz et al.

Rhoads, L. H.—see Anastopoulos et al.

Rice, C.—see Deane et al.

Richards, M.—see Deane et al.

Rights, J. D., & Cole, D. A.—Effect size measures for multilevel models in clinical child and adolescent research: New R-squared methods and recommendations 863

Rindlaub, L.—see Wadsworth et al.

Rodnan, L.—see Strang et al.

Rodriguez, A.—see McLeod et al.

Rodriguez, A. J., & Margolin, G.—Stepping up, sticking together: Military adolescents’ support of their civilian parents and concurrent depression symptoms S278

Rodriguez, A. M.—see Spirito et al.

Roesch, S. C.—see Haine-Schlagel et al.

Rohde, P., Turner, C. W., Waldron, H. B., Brody, J. L., & Jorgensen, J.—Depression change profiles in adolescents treated for comorbid depression/substance abuse and profile membership predictors 595

Rolon-Arroyo, B.—see Tichovolsky et al.

Rooney, M., Hinshaw, S. P., McBurnett, K., & Pfiffner, L. J.—Parent adherence in two behavioral treatment strategies for the predominantly inattentive presentation of ADHD S233

Ros, R., & Graziano, P. A.—Social functioning in children with or at risk for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A meta-analytic review 213

Rosenfield, D.—see Jouriles et al.

Rubin, K. H.—see Chronis-Tuscano et al.

Ruberry, E. J.—see Klein et al.

Rumney, L.—see Hudry et al.

Ryan, N. D.—see Silk et al.

Ryan, S.—see Ollendick et al.

Rynn, M.—see Kiff et al.

Sakolsky, D.—see Hale et al.

Salcedo, S., Chen, Y., Youngstrom, E. A., Fristad, M. A., Gadow, K. D., Horwitz, S. M., Frazier, T. W., Arnold, L. E., Phillips, M. L., Birmaher, B., Kowatch, R. S., & Findling, R. L.—Diagnostic efficiency of the Child and Adolescent Symptom Inventory (CASI-4R) depression subscale for identifying youth mood disorders 832

Samek, D. R., Wilson, S., McGue, M., & Iacono, W. G.—Genetic and environmental influences on parent-child conflict and child depression through late adolescence S5

Sawyer, S. M.—see Hughes et al.

Scahill, L.—see Bradshaw et al.

Scheeringa, M. S.—see Neill et al.

Schleider, J. L., Ginsburg, G. S., & Drake, K.—Perceived peer victimization predicts anxiety outcomes in a prevention program for offspring of anxious parents S255

Schleider, J. L., & Weisz, J. R.—Parent expectancies and preferences for mental health treatment: The roles of emotion mindsets and views of failure S480

Schneider, R. L., Arch, J. J., Landy, L. N., & Hankin, B. L.—The longitudinal effect of emotional regulation strategies on anxiety levels in children and adolescents Issue 6

Scholte, R. H. J.—see Schrooten et al.

Scholte, R. H. J.—see Van Roekel et al.

Schreier, H.—see Strang et al.

Schrooten, I., Scholte, R. H. J., Cillessen, A. H. N., & Hymel, S.—Participant roles in bullying among Dutch adolescents with autism spectrum disorder 874

Schwartz-Mette, R. A., & Smith, R. L.—When does co-rumination facilitate depression contagion in adolescent friendships? Investigating intrapersonal and interpersonal factors 912

Schweizer, T. H., Olino, T. M., Dyson, M. W., Laptook, R. S., & Klein, D. N.—Developmental origins of rumination in middle childhood: The roles of early temperament and positive parenting S409

Scott, D.—see Deane et al.

Sehm, M., & Warschburger, P.—Prospective associations between binge eating and psychological risk factors in adolescence 770

Seidman, L. J.—see Woodberry et al.

Servera, M.—see Litson et al.

Shaw, D.—see Hails et al.

Shumer, D. E.—see Strang et al.

Shorey, R. C.—see Menon et al.

Sibley, M. H., Coxe, S. J., Campez, M., Morley, C., Olson, S., Hidalgo-Gato, N., Gnagy, E., Greiner, A., Coles, E. K., Page, T., & Pelham, W. E.—High versus low intensity summer treatment for ADHD delivered at secondary school transitions 248

Siegle, G. J.—see Silk et al.

Silk, J. A., Tan, P. Z., Ladouceur, C. D., Meller, S., Siegle, G. J., McMakin, D. L., Forbes, E. E., Dahl, R. E., Kendall, P. C., Mannarino, A., & Ryan, N. D.—A randomized clinical trial comparing individual cognitive behavioral therapy and child-centered therapy for child anxiety disorders 542

Silverman, W. K.—see Taylor et al.

Simard, V.—see Bélanger et al.

Sladek, M. R.—see Perez et al.

Smith, H.—see Perez et al.

Smith, M. A.—see Grassetti et al.

Smith, R. L.—see Schwartz-Mette

Smith, T.—see Bradshaw et al.

Smith, V. C.—see Barrios et al.

Sommer, J. L.—see Anastopoulos et al.

Soto, T. W.—see Mian et al.

Southam-Gerow, M. A.—see McLeod et al.

Spack, N.—see Strang et al.

Spirito, A., Hernandez, L., Cancilliere, M. K., Graves, H. R., Rodriguez, A. M., Operario, D., Jones, R., & Barnett, N. P.—Parent and adolescent motivational enhancement intervention for substance using truant adolescents: A pilot randomized trial S467

Steinberg, L.—see Ammerman et al.

Sterba, S. K.—see Bettis et al.

Storfer-Isser, A.—see Van Meter et al.

Strang, J. F., Meagher, H., Kenworthy, L., de Vries, A. L. C., Menvielle, E., Leibowitz, S., Janssen, A., Cohen-Kettenis, P., Shumer, D. E., Edwards-Leeper, L., Pleak, R. R., Spack, N., Karasic, D. H., Schreier, J., Balleur, A., Tishelman, A., Ehrensaft, D., Rodnan, L., Kuschner, E. S., Mandel, F., Caretto, A., Lewis, H. C., & Anthony, L. G.—Initial clinical guidelines for co-occurring autism spectrum disorder and gender dysphoria or incongruence in adolescents 105

Stewart, K.—see Johnston et al.

Stromberg, S. E.—see Chardon et al.

Su, S.—see Erath et al.

Sung, J.—see Freeman et al.

Swain, J.—see Hancock et al.

Swiezy, N.—see Bradshaw et al.

Swift, L. E.—see Grassetti et al.

Tan, P. Z.—see Silk et al.

Taylor, H. G.—see Perez Algorta et al.

Taylor, J. H., Lebowitz, E. R., Jakubovski, E., Coughlin, C. G., Silverman, W. L., & Bloch, M. H.—Monotherapy insufficient in sever anxiety? Predictors and moderators in the child/adolescent anxiety multimodal study 266

Taylor, J. J., Grant, K. E., Zulauf, C. A., Fowler, P. J., Meyerson, D. A., & Irsheid, S.—Exposure to community violence and the trajectory of internalizing and externalizing symptoms in a sample of low-income urban youth 421

Temple, J. R.—see Menon et al.

Thompson, R.—see Villodas et al.

Thompson, S. F.—see Klein et al.

Tichovolsky, M. H., Griffith, S. F., Rolon-Arroyo, B., Arnold, D. H., & Harvey, E. A.—A longitudinal study of fathers’ and young children’s depressive symptoms S190

Tilghman-Osborne, E. M.—see Wadsworth et al.

Tishelman, A.—see Strang et al.

Tompsett, C. J., Mahoney, A., & Lackey, J.—Sibling aggression among clinic-referred children and adolescents 941

Tottenham, N.—see Merz et al.

Touchette, E.—see Bilodeau et al.

Tremblay, R. E.—see Bilodeau et al.

Troop-Gordon, W., Gordon, R. D., Vogel-Ciernia, L., Lee, E. E., & Visconti, K. J.—Visual attention to dynamic scenes of ambiguous provocation and children’s aggressive behavior 925

Tsuang, M. T.—see Woodberry et al.

Tu, K. M.—see Erath et al.

Tung, I., & Lee, S. S.—Context-specific associations between harsh parenting and peer rejection in child conduct problems at home and school 642

Tung, I.—see Noroña et al.

Turner, B. J.—see Kleiman et al.

Turner, C. W.—see Rohde et al.

Uddin, L. Q., & Karlsgodt, K. H.—Future directions for examination of brain networks in neurodevelopmental disorders 483

van der Sluis, C.—see Majdandžić

Van Meter, A., You, D. S., Halverson, T., Youngstrom, E. A., Birmaher, B., Firstad, M. A., Kowatch, R. A., Storfer-Isser, A., Horwitz, S. M., Frazier, T. W., Arnold, L. E., Findling, R. L., & the LAMS Group—Diagnostic efficiency of caregiver report on the SCARED for identifying youth anxiety disorders in outpatient settings S161

Van Meter, A.—see Jarrett et al.

Van Roekel, E., Verhagen, M., Engels, R. C. M. E., Scholte, R. H. J., Cacioppo, S., & Cacioppo, J. T.—Trait and state levels of loneliness in early and late adolescents: Examining the differential reactivity hypothesis 888

Vannucci, A., & McCauley Ohannessian, C.—Body image dissatisfaction and anxiety trajectories during adolescence 784

Verhagen, M.—see Van Roekel et al.

Viding, E.—see Fontaine et al.

Villodas, M. T., Bagner, D. M., & Thompson, R.—A step beyond maternal depression and child behavior problems: The role of mother-child aggression 634

Visconti, K. J.—see Troop-Gordon et al.

Vitaro, F.—see Bilodeau et al.

Vitaro, F.—see Brouillard et al.

Vivanti, G.—see Hudry et al.

Vogel-Ciernia, L.—see Troop-Gordon et al.

Vu, N. L.—see Jouriles et al.

Wadsworth, M. E., Ahlkvist, J. A., McDonald, A., & Tilghman-Osborne, E. M.—Future directions in research and intervention with youths in poverty 1023

Wadsworth, M. E., Bendezú, J. J., Loughlin-Presnal, J., Ahlkvist, J. A., Tilghman-Osborne, E., Bianco, H., Rindlaub, L., & Hurwich-Reiss, E.—Unlocking the black box: A multi-level analysis of preadolescent children’s coping 527

Wagner, N. J., Gueron-Sela, N., Bedford, R., & Propper, C.—Maternal attributions of infant behavior and parenting in toddlerhood predict teacher-rated internalizing problems in childhood S569

Wagner, N. J.—see Gueron-Sela et al.

Waldron, H. B.—see Rohde et al.

Walker, E. F.—see Woodberry et al.

Walkup, J. T.—see Kiff et al.

Walkup, J. T.—see Hale et al.

Waller, R., Baskin-Sommers, A. R., & Hyde, L. W.—Examining predictors of callous-unemotional traits trajectories across adolescence among high-rick males 444

Walther, M.—see Freeman et al.

Wante, L., Mueller, S. C., Demeyer, I., De Raedt, R., & Braet, C.—The role of interference and inhibition processes in dysphoric early adolescents 608

Warschburger, P.—see Sehm

Weems, C. F.—see Neill et al.

Weiss, M. D.—see Johnston et al.

Weisz, J. R.—see McLeod et al.

Weisz, J. R.—see Schleider

Weyandt, L. L.—see Anastopoulos et al.

Widiger, T. A.—see Zastrow et al.

Williamson, D.—see Johnston et al.

Williamson, D.—see Park et al.

Wilson, M. N.—see Hails et al.

Wilson, S.—see Samek et al.

Woodberry, K. A., Seidman, L. J., Bryant, C., Addington, J., Bearden, C. E., Cadenhead, K. S., Cannon, T. D., Cornblatt, B. A., McGlashan, T. H., Mathalon, D. H., Perkins, D. O., Tsuang, M. T., Walker, E. F., & Woods, S. W.—Treatment precedes positive symptoms in North American adolescent and young adult clinical high risk cohort 69

Woods, S. W.—see Woodberry et al.

Woody, M. L.—see James et al.

Wymbs, B. T.—see Evans et al.

Yeguez, C. E.—see Czyz et al.

Yeh, R.—see Foa et al.

You, D. S.—see Van Meter et al.

Young, G. S.—see Miller et

Youngstrom, E. A.—see Jarrett et al.

Youngstrom, E. A.—see Perez Algorta et al.

Youngstrom, E. A.—see Salcedo et al.

Youngstrom, E. A.—see Van Meter et al.

Zachrisson, H. D.—see Kjøbli et al.

Zalewski, M.—see Klein et al.

Zang, Y.—see Foa et al.

Zastrow, B. L., Martel, M. M., & Widiger, T. A.—Preschool oppositional defiant disorder: A disorder of negative affect, surgency, and disagreeableness 967

Zhou, Q.—see Ly

Zulauf, C. A.—see Taylor et al.

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