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Guest Editorial


(Co-Guest Editor and Lead Technical Advisor to ESV)

This is the second special edition of Traffic Injury Prevention to be associated with peer-reviewed papers presented at the International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). The first special edition of Traffic Injury Prevention, published in 2013, broke new ground for ESV. The fifteen papers represented the “best of the best” in terms breadth of subject matter, depth of research and quality among the over 200 papers presented at the 23rd ESV in Seoul, Korea. In the two years since published, the papers have been viewed or downloaded over 6000 times cumulatively in the open access format arrangement. It did not go unnoticed by many attendees that the overall quality of all papers at ESV was enhanced because of this process that resulted in the papers published in the special edition. As guest editor, I offer my congratulations to all the authors.

The theme of the 24th ESV, held in Gothenburg, Sweden in June, 2015, was “Traffic Safety Through Integrated Technologies.” Vehicle safety systems rely on information from a variety of sensors and control units scattered throughout the vehicle to inform warning and other systems that can be deployed or actuated. While warning, restraint and post-crash alert systems have been in production for some time, the seamless integration of these technologies from crash prevention to crash severity mitigation to post-crash safety will require even more complex and smarter integration of components, subsystems, possibly even information from the road infrastructure. The conference offered fourteen sessions focusing on the technology and research that has been traditionally associated with crash avoidance or crashworthiness, but now is being integrated at a much greater frequency to meet safety needs. The twenty one papers featured in this special edition of Traffic Injury Prevention demonstrate some of that integration in diverse subject areas such as pedestrian safety, human-machine interface, connected vehicle technology and human modeling.

I want to thank all the authors that submitted abstracts for consideration. In many ways, the ESV Conference belongs to the over 1000 delegates who attend, present, publish and network in this ever changing field. The continued high enthusiasm for improving vehicle safety, in all areas, is encouraging and exciting! The publication of this special edition captures that excitement to share with all safety professionals and to usher in the next wave of safety innovations that are sure to come.

June, 2015