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Continuities and Discontinuities in Politics: The ROC and PRC Policies Toward Overseas Chinese, 1912–66



Supporters of the GMD (Guomindang) and CCP (Chinese Communist Party) tend to emphasize the differences between the two parties in their policies toward the overseas Chinese and see the power transfer in 1949 as a watershed in the evolution of China’s official policies toward them. However, a close examination of the policies and practices that both parties adopted in managing overseas Chinese affairs indicates that from 1949 to 1966, the PRC followed many of the policies toward the overseas Chinese that the ROC adopted between 1911 and 1949, although they also made some significant changes. The beginning of the Cultural Revolution in 1966, which caused a radical change of previous policies toward the overseas Chinese, was a much more important turning point than 1949 in the relations between the Chinese government and the overseas Chinese.


1 Studies on Nationalist polices include Zhang Xizhe (ed.), Wushinian laide huaqiao yu qiaowu (The Overseas Chinese and the Overseas Chinese Affairs in the Past Fifty Years) (Taipei: Huaqiao xiehui zonghui、Huaqiao wenjiao shiye weiyuanhui, 1962); Qiaowu weiyuanhui (ed.), Qiaowu wushinian (Overseas Chinese Affairs in the Past Fifty Years) (Taipei: Qiaowu weiyuanhui, 1982); Lee Ying-hui, Huaqiao zhengce yu haiwai minzu zhuyi, 1912–1949 (The Origins of Overseas Chinese Nationalism, 1912–1949) (Taipei: Guoshiguan, 1997); Studies on Communist policies include Lu Yu-sun, Programs of Communist China for Overseas Chinese (Hong Kong: Union Research Institute, 1955); He Wei, Zhonggong qiaowu yu qiaoxiang (Communist China’s Overseas Chinese Affairs and the Ancestral Lands of the Overseas Chinese) (Hong Kong: Zilian, 1956); Stephen Fitzgerald, China and the Overseas Chinese: A Study of Peking’s Changing Policy 1949–1970 (Cambridge University Press, 1972); Mao Qixiong and Lin Xiaodong (eds.), Zhongguo qiaowu zhengce gaishu (An Introduction to PRC’s Policies Regarding Overseas Chinese Affairs) (Beijing: Zhongguo huaqiao, 1993); Fan Shiping, Zhongguo dalu qiaowu zhengce yu gongzuo tixi zhi yanjiu (A Study on the Policy and Operational Work System of the Overseas Chinese Affairs in China) (Taipei: Xiuwei keji gufen youxiangongsi, 2010); Glen Peterson, Overseas Chinese in the People’s Republic of China (London: Routledge, 2012). The studies on the Communist era usually include only brief sections on the policies and practices of the Nationalist governments.

2 Chen Meian, “Huaqiao zhuanguan jiguan de guoqu he xianzai” (The Past and Present of the Administration of Overseas Chinese Affairs), Huaqiao zhoubao, 1 (1932): 39–43; for the evolution of official institutions dealing with overseas Chinese affairs during the Qing and ROC period, see Qiaowu weiyuanhui (ed.), Qiaowu wushinian, 17–18, and Lee Ying-hui, Huaqiao zhengce yu haiwai minzu zhuyi, 1912–1949, 17–94.

3 Chen Min, “Zhuang Xiquan,” Huaqiao huaren lishi yanjiu, no. 1 (1989): 50–52; Lin Lianyong, “Zhuming aiguo qiaoling Li Tiemin” (Li Tiemin: A Famous Patriotic Overseas Chinese), Wenshi jinghua, no. 6 (2004): 15–21.

4 Qiaowu weiyuanhui, ed., Qiaowu wushinian, 18.

5 Chen Shuren, “Yinianlai qiaowu zhi huiyi” (Overseas Chinese Affairs in the Past Year), in Qiaowu weiyuanhui yizhounian jinian tekan (Special Issue for Celebrating the One-Year Anniversary of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Council) (Nanjing: Qiaowuweiyuanhui, 1933), 8.

6 Chen Meian, “Huaqiao zhuanguan jiguan de guoqu he xianzai,” Huaqiao zhoubao, 1 (1932): 39–43.

7 Qiaowu huikan (Bulletin of Overseas Chinese Affairs), 1 (1929): 17–18.

8 Lin Youren, “Cujin huaqiao jiaoyu zhi guanjian” (Some Ideas about Promoting Overseas Chinese Education), Huaqiao zhoubao, 1 (1932): 19–21; 2 (1932), 29–32.

9 Chen Chunpu, “Qiaomin jiaoyuchu yinianlai zhi gongzuobaogao” (Report on the Work of the Department of Overseas Chinese Education in the Past Year), Qiaowu shiwunian (Overseas Chinese Affairs in the Past 15 Years) (Nanjing: Qiaowu weiyuanhui, 1947), 3; Qiaowu weiyuanhui yizhounian jinian tekan, 14.

10 Qiaowu yuebao (Overseas Chinese Monthly), 5 (1935): 155.

11 Qiaowu weiyuanhui, Qiaowu shiwunian, 3.

12 Oiyan Liu, “Countering ‘Chinese Imperialism’: Sinophobia and Border Protection in the Dutch East Indies,” Indonesia, no. 97 (April 2014): 87–110.

13 Qiaowu weiyuanhui, Qiaowu shiwunian, 3.

14 “Huaqiao jiaoyuhui guicheng” (Guidelines for Associations of Overseas Chinese Education) (1940), in Qiaowu weiyuanhui (ed.), Qiaowu fagui (Laws and Regulations Regarding Overseas Chinese Affairs) (Taipei: Qiaowu weiyuanhui, 1956), 75–76; “Qiaomin minzhong xuexiao guicheng” (Guidelines for Overseas Chinese Adult Schools) (1939). In Qiaowu weiyuanhui (ed.), Qiaowu fagui, 87–88; “Huaqiao wenhua fuwushe zuzhi zhangcheng” (Guidelines for Organizing Offices of Overseas Chinese Cultural Services) (1948). In Qiaowu weiyuanhui (ed.), Qiaowu fagui, 93–94.

15 Qiaowu weiyuanhui, Qiaowu weiyuanhui gongbao (Bulletin of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Council), 25 (1935): 8–10.

16 For more details about the Overseas Chinese Normal School and the overseas Chinese schools in North Vietnam, see Xiaorong Han, “A Community Between Two Nations: The Overseas Chinese Normal School in Hanoi, 1956–1972,” Journal of Vietnamese Studies, 12, no. 4 (2017); Xiaorong Han, “Spoiled Guests or Dedicated Patriots: The Chinese in North Vietnam, 1954–1978,” International Journal of Asian Studies, 6, no. 1 (2009): 1–36.

17 Qu Xiaofan and Liu Shuzhen, “Dangdai Chaoxian huaqiao de guiguo dingju jiqi anzhi shilue” (A Brief Account of the Relocation and Resettlement of Overseas Chinese from North Korea in China), Huaqiao huaren lishi yanjiu, no. 4 (2000): 47.

18 Wu Wenhua, “Shilun dongnanya huaren de wenhua jiaoyu” (The Culture and Education of the Chinese in Southeast Asia), Huaqiao huaren lishi yanjiu, no. 2 (1990): 1–7; Qiu Xuanyu, “Yijiuliuqi nian yiqian yinni huaqiao jiaoyu de shengkuang” (The Flourishing of Overseas Chinese Education in Indonesia before 1967), Yinni qiaosheng (Voice of the Overseas Chinese in Indonesia), 19, no. 3 (2007).

19 Chen Youmao, “Ershishiji zhongye yinni guiqiao xuesheng zai zhongguodalu de daxue shenghuo diandi” (Some Memories of the College Life of Some Returned Overseas Chinese Students from Indonesia in Mainland China in the Mid Twentieth Century,” http://bazhong5069.868cn.net/t742-topic.

20 Li Yong, Wen Lequn, et al., He Xiangning zhuan (Biography of He Xiangning) (Beijing: Zhongguo huaqiao chubangongsi, 1993), 226.

21 Fang Fang, “Guanyu guonei qiaowu gongzuo de ruogan zhengce” (On Some of Our Policies Regarding Domestic Overseas Chinese Affairs) (1956, 10, 9). In Qiaowubaoshe (News on Overseas Chinese Affairs) (ed.), Qiaowu zhengce wenji (Collected Essays on Policies Regarding Overseas Chinese Affairs) (Beijing: Renmin, 1957), 62.

22 Fang Fang, “Guanyu muqian qiaowu gongzuo de yixie wenti” (On Some Problems in Our Work Related to Overseas Chinese Affairs) (1957, 3, 16), in Qiaowu baoshe (ed.), Qiaowu zhengce wenji, 68; “Zhonghua renmin gongheguo huaqiao shiwu weiyuanhui fuzeren fabiao tanhua huanying qiaobao touzi he banxue” (Director of PRC’s Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission Speaks about Welcoming Overseas Chinese to Invest and Build Schools in China) (1957, 8, 12), In Qiaowu baoshe (ed.), Qiaowu zhengce wenji, 107.

23 “Huaqiao juanzi xingban xuexiao banfa” (Guidelines for Overseas Chinese to Create Schools in China) (1957, 8, 1). Qiaowu baoshe (ed.), Qiaowu zhengce wenji, 102–04.

24 Hong Bing, “Taoli bianwuzhou de xiada haiwai hanshou xueyuan” (Xiamen University’s College of Overseas Correspondence Education Has Educated Students from All over the World), Zhongguo jianshe (China Reconstruction), no. 5 (1989): 46–47.

25 Huaqiao zhoubao, 6 (1932), 31.

26 Huaqiao zhoubao, 11–12 (1932), 55.

27 Guangzhou minguo ribao (Guangzhou Republican Daily), September 27, 1930.

28 Huaqiao zhoubao, 11–12 (1932), 54.

29 Huaqiao zhoubao, 7 (1932), 30–31.

30 Huaqiao zhoubao, 3 (1932), 30.

31 Guangdongsheng danganguan, “Guangdongsheng zhengfu guanyu jiuji guifan huaqiao yishi de xunling” (Guangdong Provincial Government’s Ordinance about Aiding the Returned Overseas Chinese) (1934, 5, 16), Guangdong Provincial Archives, 004-002-0111-026-035; Guangdongsheng danganguan, “Jiuji guiguo huaqiao shiye jihua” (The Industrial Plan for Aiding the Returned Overseas Chinese), Guangdong Provincial Archives, 006-002-1016-006-009.

32 Wang Zhiyuan, “Kaiken huangdi yu jiujinanqiao” (Cultivating Wasteland and Aiding Overseas Chinese Refugees), Qiaowu yuebao, special issue (1934), 9–15; Chen Shuren, “Qiaolecun chuangbanjingguo jiqi yiyi” (The Creation of Qiaolecun and Its Significance), Qiaowu yuebao, no. 1 (1936); Ling Yan, “Minguo shiqi Anhui Xuancheng Qiaolecun chutan” (A Preliminary Study of Qiaolecun in Xuancheng of Anhui Province), Guangzhou daxue xuebao, 13, no. 12 (2004): 79–84; Zhang Shihui, “Qiaolecun: Nanjing guomin zhengfu jiuzhu nanqiao cuoshi de xinchangshi” (Qiaolecun: A New Experiment Conducted by the ROC Government in Nanjing for Aiding the Overseas Chinese Refugees), Huaqiao Huaren lishi yanjiu, no. 3 (2013): 66–76.

33 Guangdongsheng danganguan, “Guangdongsheng zhengfu guanyu luyong huaqiao zidi xuexi zhuanmen jishu banfa dengqing de wen” (The Report of Guangdong Provincial Government about Recruiting Young Overseas Chinese to Study Professional Skills) (1940, 11, 1). Guangdong Provincial Archives, 004-001-0004-056-057.

34 Huaqiao zhoubao, 3 (1932): 29.

35 Ling Yan, “Guomin zhengfu liangci nanqiao jiuji zhi bijiao” (A Comparison of ROC’s Aid Program for Overseas Chinese Refugees During Two Different Time Periods), Guangdong shehui kexue, no. 3 (2013): 129–37; Yuan Ding and Li Yali, “Guomin zhengfu de jiuji nanqiao huodong—1931–1937: yi Guangdong wei zhongxin” (ROC’s Programs for Aiding Overseas Chinese Refugees—1931–1937: The Case of Guangdong), Huaqiao huaren lishi yanjiu, no. 1 (2003): 37–46; He Jinlin, “Taipingyang zhanshi qianhou guomin zhengfu jiuji nanqiao de huodong” (ROC’s Programs for Aiding the Overseas Chinese Refugees during the Pacific War), Huaqiao huaren lishi yanjiu, no. 3 (2005): 34–40; Zheng Zelong, “Li Hanhun yu kangzhan shiqi Guangdong jiuqiao huqiao shuping” (Li Hanhun and the Programs for Aiding and Protecting Overseas Chinese Refugees in Guangdong during the Anti-Japanese War), Guangzhou daxue xuebao, no. 3 (2006): 27–31.

36 Fang Fang, “Guanyu muqian qiaowu gongzuo de yixie wenti.”

37 Xiang Tao, “Zhongguo jingji fuxing yundong yu huaqiao” (The Economic Revival of China and the Overseas Chinese), Huaqiao zhoubao, no. 1 (1932): 13–17.

38 Chen Meian, “Huaqiao zhuanguan jiguan de guoqu he xianzai,” Huaqiao zhoubao, 1 (1932): 39–43.

39 Li Yaohuan, “Zhengge huaqiao genben chulu wenti” (The Ultimate Way-Out for the Overseas Chinese), Huaqiao zhoubao, 13 (1932): 13–16; Chen Gaoyong, “Kaifa xibei yu huaqiao” (The Development of Northwestern China and the Overseas Chinese), Huaqiao zhoubao, 23–24 (1933), 4–8; Wei Chengyu, “Jiaotong jianshe yu huaqiao huiguo touzi wenti” (The Construction of the Transportation System and the Investment of Overseas Chinese in China), Huaqiao zhoubao, 43 (1933), 16–22; 44 (1933), 12–19.

40 Huaqiao zhoubao, 13 (1932), 17–18.

41 Guangdongsheng danganguan, “Guangdongsheng zhengfu jiangzhu huaqiao touzi xingban Guangdongsheng shiye banfa” (Official Guidelines Approved by the Guangdong Provincial Government for Promoting Overseas Chinese Investment in Industries in Guangdong), Guangdong Provincial Archives, 006-002-0579-157-159; “Jiangzhu huaqiao xingban Guangdongsheng kuangye banfa” (Guidelines for Promoting Overseas Chinese Investment in the Mining Industry of Guangdong), Guangdong Provincial Archives, 006-002-0610-053-054.

42 “Huaqiao jizi kaipi gudoushan” (Overseas Chinese Have Put Together Investment for Developing Gudoushan), Guangzhou minguo ribao (Guangzhou Republican Daily) (1929, 2, 16); “Huaqiao dui guangdong jingji zhi gongxian” (The Contribution of the Overseas Chinese to the Economy of Guangdong) (1941). In Guangdongsheng danganguan (Guangdong Provincial Archives) et al. (eds.), Huaqiao yu qiaowu shiliao xuanbian (Selected Historical Materials about the Overseas Chinese and Overseas Chinese Affairs), vol. 1 (Guangzhou: Guangdong renmin, 1991), 202–10; “Qiaozi kenzhi jingguo gaikuang” (Introduction to Overseas Chinese Investment in Farming) (1946). Huaqiao yu qiaowu shiliao xuanbian, 239–88.

43 Guangdongsheng danganguan, “Huaqiao huikuan zongdongyuan yijian” (Ideas about Promoting Overseas Chinese Remittances) (Huang Xingbin, 1937, 11, 23), Guangdong Provincial Archives, 004-001-0219-226-232.

44 Fang Fang, “Dangqian de qiaowu gongzuo” (The Current Situation of Overseas Chinese Affairs) (1957, 12, 26). In Fang Fang wenji (Collected Works of Fang Fang) (Guangzhou: Guangdong renmin, 1990), 516.

45 “Zhonghua renmin gongheguo guowuyuan guanyu guanche baohu qiaohui zhengce de mingling” (Ordinance of the State Council of the PRC about Enforcing Policies Aimed at Protecting Overseas Chinese Remittances) (1951, 8, 2). In Qiaowu baoshe, (ed.), Qiaowu zhengce wenji, 94–95; Guowuyuan, “Guowuyuan guanyu guanche baohu qiaohui zhengce de mingling” (Ordinance of the State Council about Enforcing Policies Aimed at Protecting Overseas Chinese Remittances) (1955, 2, 23). http://www.gqb.gov.cn/node2/node3/node5/node9/node102/userobject7ai1564.html.

46 Fang Fang, “Cong taishan de bianhua kan qiaoxiang de xinmao” (The Development of the Ancestral Places of the Overseas Chinese as Reflected in the Transformation of Taishan) (1958, 12, 18). In Fang Fang wenji, 518.

47 “Huaqiao touzi yu guoying huaqiao touzi gongsi de youdai banfa” (Guidelines for Rewarding the Overseas Chinese for Investing in State-Owned Overseas Chinese Investment Companies) (1957, 8, 1). In Qiaowu baoshe, (ed.), Qiaowu zhengce wenji, 100–01; Fang Fang, “Muqian guonei qiaowu gongzuo ruogan zhengce wenti” (Some Policy Issues Regarding Current Overseas Chinese Affairs Within the Country) (1956, 6, 8). In Fang Fang wenji, 493–94.

48 Zhang Xinghan, “He Xiangning yu haiwai qiaobao” (He Xiangning and the Overseas Chinese), in Wu Yannan (ed.), Liao Zhongkai He Xiangning yanjiu (Studies of Liao Zhongkai and He Xiangning), (Guangzhou: Guangdong gaodeng jiaoyu, 1993), 416.

49 “Huaqiao shenqing shiyong guoyou de huangshan huangdi tiaoli” (Regulations for Overseas Chinese Applications for Using State-Owned Waste Mountains and Waste Land) (1955, 8, 6). In Qiaowu baoshe, (ed.), Qiaowu zhengce wenji, 96–99.

50 Chen Chunpu, “Qiaomin jiaoyuchu yinianlai zhi gongzuobaogao,” Qiaowu shiwunian, 3; Qiaowu weiyuanhui yizhounian jinian tekan, 14.

51 Wang Jixian, “1927–1945, Guomindang haiwai baokan de guanlitizhi” (The Administration of the Overseas Newspapers of the Chinese Nationalist Party.” Xinwen aihaozhe (Fans of Journalism), no. 2 (2012): 89–90; “Jintie haiwai qiaobao banfa” (Guidelines for Subsidizing Overseas Chinese Newspapers) (1948). In Qiaowu weiyuanhui, (ed.), Qiaowu fagui, 95.

52 Wu Shiquan, “Ershi shiji yuenan beifang huawen baokan minglu jianjie” (Introduction to Chinese Language Newspapers Based in Northern Vietnam During the Twentieth Century), Zhencang.net (http://www.zhencang.net/roller/main/entry/bao).

53 In a letter to Zhou Enlai, written in 1940, Liao Chengzhi reported that the Communists were publishing a newspaper in the Philippines and a news magazine in Hong Kong catering to overseas Chinese readers and suggested that since the Nationalists were expanding its influence among the overseas Chinese by publishing numerous magazines, the CCP should attach more importance to propaganda work among the overseas Chinese. Liao Chengzhi, “Liao Chengzhi zhi qiaowei bing Zhou Enlai dian—guanyu jiaqiang huaqiao xuanchuan gongzuo zhi yijian” (Liao Chengzhi’s Telegram to the CCP Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee and Zhou Enai about Promoting Propaganda Work among the Overseas Chinese) (1940, 9, 27). In Guangdongsheng danganguan, (ed.), Huaqiao yu qiaowu shiliao xuanbian, vol. 1, 570–71.

54 Nie Rongzhen, Nie Rongzhen huiyilu (Memoirs of Nie Rongzhen), vol.1 (Beijing: Zhanshi, 1983), 147.

55 Mi Shitong, “Yanan shiqi de qiaolian he huaqiao” (The Overseas Chinese and Overseas Chinese Associations during the Yanan Period), Yanan boyuan, no. 2 (2012); “Haiwai qiaobao dui qiongya kangzhan de yuanzhu” (The Assistance of the Overseas Chinese to the Anti-Japanese War in Hainan) (1940, 4, 10). In Guangdongsheng danganguan, et al. (eds.), Huaqiao yu qiaowu shiliao xuanbian, vol. 1, 568–69; Huang Zhijian, “Kangrizhanzheng shiqi de dongjiang huaqiao huixiang fuwutuan” (The Dongjiang Service Corps of the Returned Overseas Chinese during the Anti-Japanese War). http://www.gznjs.cn/news_detail.aspx?classcode=007001&id=241.

56 Huang Shuntong and Liu Zhengying, “Cong Yangjialing dao Aoyuan—Ji Chen Jiageng he Mao Zedong de jiaowang” (From Yang Jialing to Aoyuan—The Relations Between Chen Jiageng and Mao Zedong), Jimei xiaoyou zonghui (April, 1993); Shi Huaizhang, “Mao Zedong he Chen Jiageng Yanan chushi” (The First Meeting Between Mao Zedong and Chen Jiageng in Yanan). In Zhonggong Xiamen shiwei dangshi yanjiushi, (ed.), Xiamen geming yizhi shang de gushi (Stories about the Revolutionary Sites of Xiamen) (Beijing: Zhonggong dangshi, 2014).

57 Zhang Kaiming, Fang Fang: Nanyue dadi de erzi (Fang Fang: The Son of Guangdong) (Beijing: Changzheng, 2000), 170.

58 Zhong Zhong, “Kangrizhanzheng shiqi de huaqiao yu zhongguo gongchandang” (Overseas Chinese and the CCP During the Anti-Japanese War), Jishou daxue xuebao, no. 2 (2000): 87.

59 Fang Fang, “Dangqian de qiaowu gongzuo.” In Fang Fang wenji, 512.

60 Fang Fang, “Zai Guangdongsheng diyijie gejie renmin daibiao huiyi shang guanyu Guangdong tudi gaige wenti de baogao” (Report about the Land Reform in Guangdong Delivered at the First Provincial Assembly of Representatives of Guangdong) (1950, 10, 8). In Fang Fang wenji, 394.

61 Lin Xingsheng, et al., “Shenqing ai chizi zhengce nuan qiaoxin” (Fang Fang: The Man Who Loves the Overseas Chinese and Who Made Policies That Warmed the Hearts of Overseas Chinese). In Zhonggong Guangdong shengwei dangshi yanjiu weiyuanhui, Zhonggong Guangdong shengwei dangshi ziliao zhengji weiyuanhui, (eds.), Huiyi Fang Fang (Memories of Fang Fang) (Hong Kong: Sanlian, 1986), 39.

62 Yuan Puzhi, “Zhixing qiaowu zhengce de mofan” (A Model for Enforcing the Policies Toward Overseas Chinese). In Huiyi Fang Fang, 35; Lian Guan, et al., “Mianhuai Fang Fang geming de yisheng” (Remembering Fang Fang’s Revolutionary Career). In Huiyi Fang Fang, 20.

63 “Zhonghua renmin gongheguo huaqiao shiwu weiyuanhui He Xiangning zhuren 1956 nian guoqingjie dui guowai huaqiao de guangboci” (Director of the PRC Overseas Chinese Affairs Council He Xiangning’s Broadcast Speech to Overseas Chinese Delivered on the National Day of 1956). In Qiaowu zhengce wenji, 14.

64 Fang Fang, “Zai Guangdongsheng diyijie gejie renmin daibiao huiyi shang guanyu Guangdong tudi gaige wenti de baogao.” In Fang Fang wenji, 394–95.

65 “Zhongyang renmin zhengfu zhengwuyuan guanyu tudi gaige zhong dui huaqiao tudi caichan de chuli banfa” (Policies Issued by the State Council of the Central People’s Government about How to Deal with the Land Properties of the Overseas Chinese during the Land Reform) (1950, 11, 6). Faguiwang (http://www.110.com/fagui/law_269.html); Shang Mingxuan, He Xiangning zhuan (A Biography of He Xiangning) (Beijing: Minzu, 2004, revised edition), 321; Yi Meihou, “Qiaowu gongzuozhe de liangshiyiyou” (A Great Teacher and Friend of the Officials in Charge of Overseas Chinese Affairs). In Huiyi Fang Fang, 31.

66 Fang Fang, “Muqian guonei qiaowu gongzuo ruogan zhengce wenti.” In Fang Fang wenji, 493; Fang Fang, “Guanyu muqian qiaowu gongzuo de yixie wenti.”

67 “Zhou Enlai zongli dui Miandian huaqiao de jianghua” (Premier Zhou Enlai’s Speech to the Chinese Living in Burma) (1956, 12, 18). In Qiaowu zhengce wenji, 7–8; Sun Junhua, “Zhou Enlai zongli jiejue huaqiao shuangchong guoji wenti” (Premier Zhou Enlai Solved the Problem of Dual Citizenship), Wenshi jinghua, no. 2 (2007).

68 Sun Junhua,“Zhou Enlai zongli jiejue huaqiao shuangchong guoji wenti.”

69 Fang Fang, “Dangqian de qiaowu gongzuo.” In Fang Fang wenji, 513.

70 Fang Fang, “Jiedai anzhi guiqiao gongzuo baogao” (Report on Receiving and Relocating Returned Overseas Chinese) (1960, 5, 2). In Fang Fang wenji, 524.

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Xiaorong Han

Xiaorong Han teaches history at the Department of Chinese Culture of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He has conducted research on the interactions between intellectuals and peasants in China, the relations between state and ethnic minorities in China and Southeast Asia, as well as China’s relations with her neighbors, particularly Vietnam. His publications include Chinese Discourses on the Peasant, 1900–1949 (SUNY, 2005), Red God: Wei Baqun and His Peasant Revolution in Southern China, 1894–1932 (SUNY, 2014), Zhongguo minzu guanxi sanlun (Essays on China’s Ethnic Relations, Singapore, World Scientific, 2015), and numerous journal articles.

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