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About derivations on G-algebras

Pages 1-5 | Received 13 Aug 2018, Accepted 11 Nov 2019, Published online: 10 Dec 2019


This paper presents several results from the study of certain properties of G-algebras. More precisely, we will show that, if N is a normal subset of a finite G-algebra X, then the order of N divides the order of X. In addition, we will give an important result about the set of derivations on a finite G-algebra X, and give a condition on this set to determine the commutativity and the associativity of X.

1. Introduction

Since 1966 many algebraic structures are introduced such as BCK-algebras, BCH-algebra [Citation1], BCI-algebra [Citation2] and B-algebra [Citation3–5].

In 2012, R. K. Bandru and N. Rafi introduced in [Citation6] a new notion called G-algebra. This notion played an important role in algebra and has many applications [Citation7, Citation8].

Our aim in this work is to study the number of derivations on G-algebras. We start with definitions and propositions on G-algebra, then we apply the Lagrange theorem on G-algebras to prove that if ΩX is the set of derivations on a finite G-algebra X, then the order of ΩX divides the order of X. As consequence, we show that:

  • If X is a G-algebra of odd order, then ΩX={I}.

  • Let (X,,e) be a G-algebra. Then (ΩX,) is abelian, and has a structure of G-algebra with the same operation.

  • The function da(x)=xa is a derivation for all aX if and only if the operation ⋆ is commutative and associative on X (i. e. X is an abelian group).

  • If there is an element a such that the function da:XX defined by da(b)=ab is not a derivation on X, then |ΩX|<|X|.

  • Every G-algebra of order 2 is an abelian group.

Many other corollaries are mentioned in this paper and have interesting applications in different examples of G-algebras.

2. Preliminaries

Let X be a non-empty set throughout a binary operation ⋆. Let 0 be a fixed element in X.

Definition 2.1

A G-algebra is a non-empty set X throughout a binary operation ⋆ such that the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. there exists an element eX such that xx=e for all xX.

  2. x(xy)=y for all x,yX.

Example 2.2

Let F be a field and X(F)=F{0}. Consider the binary operation ⋆ on X(F) defined by xy=xy1. Then (X(F),,1) is a G-algebra. In fact, for all x, y and z in X(F), xx=xx1=1 and x(xy)=x(xy1)=x(xy1)=x(xy1)1=y.

Proposition 2.3

Let (X,,0) be a G-algebra, then the following conditions hold:

  1. xe=x for all xX.

  2. xy=e, then x = y.

  3. if ax=ay, then x = y.

Definition 2.4


Let S be a non-empty subset of a G-algebra X. We say that S is a G-subalgebra of X if it is closed under ⋆, that means xyS for all x,yS.

Definition 2.5

Let N be a non-empty subset of a G-algebra X. We say that N is a normal subset of X if for all x, y, z and t in X such that xyN and ztN, we have (xz)(yt)N.

Example 2.6

Let F be a field. Consider the G-algebra X(F) mentioned in Example 2.2. Then {1,1} is a proper normal subset of X(F).

Clearly, every normal subset of X is a G-subalgebra but the converse is not true in general.

Proposition 2.7

Let (X,,e) be a G-algebra. Then

  1. every normal subset contains e,

  2. X and {e} are normal subset of X,

  3. the intersection of normal subsets (resp. G-subalgebras) of X is a normal subset (resp. G-subalgebra) of X.


It is clear that X is a normal subset of X. Let x, y, z and t be elements in X such that xy=e and zt=e. From Proposition 2.3 (2), we obtain that x = y and z = t. Therefore xz=yt, and hence (xz)(yt)=e. This shows that {e} is a normal subset of X. The proof of (3) is trivial.

Definition 2.8

A G-subalgebra (resp. a normal subset) of an G-algebra X is called proper, if it is not equal either to X nor {e}.

Example 2.9

Let X={e,a,b,c} a set and ⋆ is the binary operation on X defined as follows: eabceeabcaaebcbbaecccabe We know that (X,e,) is a G-algebra. Let N1={e,a}, N2={e,a,b} be the unique proper G-sub-algebras of X. In addition, the set N1 is the only proper normal subset of X.

Definition 2.10

If S1 and S2 are two G-algebras of X, we define their product S1S2 by S1S2={xXxyS1for some yS2}.

Lemma 2.11

As in the previous definition, if S1 is a normal subset and S2 is a G-subalgebra, then S1S2 is a G-subalgebra of X.


Assume that S1 is a normal subset and S2 is a G-subalgebra. It is clear that eS1S2, so S1S2. Let x and x be two elements in S1S2. By definition, there exist y and y in S2 such that xyS1 and xyS1. Since S1 is normal, we get (1) (xx)(yy)S1.(1) As S2 is G-subalgebra, yyS2, and from (Equation1), we obtain xxS1S2.

3. Lagrange theorem for G-algebras

Let N be a normal subset of a G-algebra (X,e,). Consider the relation R on X defined as follows: xRyxyN. As N is normal subset of X, R is an equivalent relation. For all xX, denote [x]N by the equivalence class of x under this relation. That means [x]N={zXxzN}. The set X/N of the equivalence classes of this relation form a G-algebra under the following binary operation: [x]N[y]N=[xy]N.

Definition 3.1

The G-algebra G/N obtained from the preceding construction is called the factor G-algebra (or quotient G-algebra) of X by N.

The following theorem is an analogue of the Lagrange theorem.

Theorem 3.2

If X is a finite G-algebra, then for every normal subset N of X, the order of N divides the order of X.


Let |X/N|=n and [xi]N be the distinct classes. We know that |X|=i=1n|[xi]N|. Consider the function fx:[x]NN defined as fx(z)=xz.

This function is a bijection. In fact fx(z1)=fx(z2) means xz1=xz2. Then z1=z2. In addition for all yN, xy[x]N. Also fx(xy)=x(xy)=yN. As a consequence, we obtain |[xi]n|=|N| for all i = 1, 2, …, n. Then |X|=|X/N||N|, and this proves the theorem.

Remark 3.3

The set N2 in Example 2.9 is not a normal subset because its order does not divide the order of X. Otherwise the order of N1 divides that of X.

Definition 3.4

Let (X,,e) and (X,,e) be two G-algebras. A mapping φ:XX is called a homomorphism of G-algebras, if ψ(xy)=ψ(x)ψ(y), for all x,yX.

Example 3.5

If N is a normal subset of a G-algebra X, then the natural mapping πN:XX/N defined as πN(x)=[x]N is a homomorphism of G-algebras.

Definition 3.6

Let φ:XX be a homomorphism of G-algebras. The set {xXφ(x)=e} is called the kernel of φ, denoted by kerφ. for all x,yX. We define the image of φ by the set {φ(x)xX}, and denote by (φ)

Theorem 3.7

Let ψ:XX be a homomorphism of G-algebras. Then:

  1. ψ(e)=e.

  2. ker(ψ) is a normal subset of X.

  3. If S is a G-subalgebra of X, then its direct image ψ(S) is a G-subalgebra of X.

  4. If N is a normal subset (resp. G-subalgebra) of X, then its inverse image ψ1(N) is a normal subset (resp. G-subalgebra) of X.


The proof of this theorem is easy and can be obtained directly by using the usual ideas in theory of groups.

Definition 3.8

A homomorphism ψ:XX of G-algebra is called:

  1. A monomorphism if ψ is one-to-one.

  2. An epimorphism if ψ is onto.

  3. An isomorphism if ψ is one-to-one and onto.

Lemma 3.9

A homomorphism ψ:XX of G-algebra is a monomorphism if and only if ker(ψ)={e}.


If x is an element in kerψ, then ψ(x)=e=ψ(e). Hence if ψ is a monomorphism, we obtain directly kerψ={e}. Reciprocally, if kerψ={e}, then for all x and y in X such that ψ(x)=ψ(y), we have ψ(x)ψ(y)=e. Since ψ is a homomorphism, we get ψ(xy)=e, and hence xykerψ={e}. So xy=e. Hence x = y, and this shows that ψ is a monomorphism.

4. Derivation on G-algebras

Definition 4.1

Let (X,,e) be a G-algebra. A G-derivation on X is a mapping d:XX such that d(xy)=d(x)y=xd(y) for all x,yX. We denote ΩX be the set of all G-derivation on X.

Remark 4.2

As x=xe for all xX, every G-derivation d can be determined by d(e) as follows: d(x)=xd(e), for all xX.

Lemma 4.3

Let aX and d:XX be a function defined as d(x)=xa, for all xX. If d is a derivation, then ea=a.


By definition of d, we have (2) d(e)=ea.(2) If d is a derivation, then (3) d(e)=d(ee)=ed(e)=e(ea)=a.(3) From (Equation2) and (Equation3), we obtain ea=a.

Proposition 4.4

Let (X,,e) be a G-algebra.

  1. The identity map I is a G-derivation on X.

  2. For all d1,d2ΩX, d1d2ΩX.

  3. For all d1,d2ΩX, d1d2=d2d1.

  4. For all dΩX, there exist d1ΩX such that dd1=d1d=I.


The first three properties are proved in [Citation8]. To prove (4), we need first to show that every derivation on X is a bijection.

  1. Let x and y in X such that d(x)=d(y). Then d(x)d(y)=e and d(y)d(x)=e. That means d2(x)y=e and d2(y)x=e. Hence, d2(x)=y and d2(y)=x. Therefore d(d(x))=y and d(d(y))=x. Since d(x)=d(y), we get x = y.

  2. If we take in the previous item x = y, we obtain that x=d(d(x)) for all xX

Hence d is a bijection and d1=d.

Theorem 4.5

Let (X,,e) be a G-algebra. Then (ΩX,) is abelian, and has a structure of G-algebra with the same operation.


The previous proposition shows that ΩX is an abelian group. We have dd=I for all dΩX, and by the associativity of the composite operation, we can show that d1(d1d2)=d2 for all d1 and d2 in ΩX.

Corollary 4.6

Every G-subalgebra of ΩX is a normal.

Consider the map ωX:ΩXX defined by: ωX(d)=d(e).

Lemma 4.7

Let X be a G-algebra. Then ωX is a monomorphism of G-algebras.


Let d1 and d2 be G-derivations on X. We have ωX(d1d2)=(d1d2)(e)=(d1d2)(ee)=d1(e)d2(e)=ωX(d1)ωX(d2). Hence, ωX is a homomorphism of G-algebra. Let dkerωX. Then d(e)=e, so for all xX, we have d(x)=d(xe)=xd(e)=xe=x. So d = I and kerωX={I}. Hence, ωX is one-to-one.

Proposition 4.8

ω(ΩX) is a normal subset of X.


Let xy and zt be two elements in ω(ΩX). Then there exist G-derivations d1 and d2 on X such that xy=d1(e) and zt=d2(e). Since di2=I for i = 1, 2, d1(xy)=e and d2(zt)=e. This implies that d1(x)y=e and d2(z)t=e. So d1(x)=y and d2(z)=t. Therefore, (4) d1(x)d2(z)=yt.(4) Consider the G-derivation d=d1d2. Then from (Equation4) d(xz)=yt. So d(xz)(yt)=e. This shows that the derivation d satisfies the equality d((xz)(yt))=e. Since d2=I, we deduce from the previous equality that (5) (xz)(yt)=d(e).(5) Finally, we conclude that (xz)(yt)ω(ΩX) for all xy and zt in ω(ΩX). Hence, the set ω(ΩX) is normal in X.

Corollary 4.9

Let X be a finite G-algebra. Then the order of ΩX divides the order of X.


Since ωX(ΩX) is a normal subset of X, we get by the Lagrange theorem, |ωX(ΩX)| divides |X|. Apply the first isomorphism theorem to the monomorphism ωX, we obtain ΩXωX(ΩX). Hence, the order of ΩX equals the order of ωX(ΩX). Consequently, the order of ΩX divides the order of X.

Example 4.10

Consider the G-algebra X={e,a,b,c} with the binary operation ⋆ defined as follows: eabceecbaaaecbbbaecccbae

From Remark 4.2 and Lemma 4.3, we know that every derivation on X can be written as d(x)=xz for some zX satisfying ez=z. By the definition of the operation ⋆, we can remark that z must be equal to e or z. If z = e, then d is the identity derivation, and if z = b, then we can check that the function d(x)=xb is already a G-derivation.

Finally, ΩX={d1,d2} and ωX(ΩX)={e,b}. In this example we remark that the order of ΩX divides the order of X and ωX(ΩX)={e,b} is a normal subset of X.

Example 4.11

Consider the G-algebra X={e,a,b,c,d} presented as follows: eabcdeeabcdaaebcdbbaecdccabedddabce

We know that every derivation d on X is determined by the value of d at e. Consider the five functions di:XX for i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 defined as follows: d1(x)=xe=x, d2(x)=xa, d3(x)=xb, d4(x)=xc and d5(x)=xd.

Clearly d1=I is a G-derivation, but d2 is not a G-derivation, since d2(bc)=d2(c)d2(b)c.

Applying Corollary 4.9, we obtain that the order of ΩX equals 1 or 5. Since d2 is not a derivation, we have necessarily |ΩX|=1.

Proposition 4.12

Let p be a prime number and Xn={0,1,2,,p} the G-algebra with the operation defined as follows: xy=e if x=y, and otherwise: xy=xify=e,yifye. Then X has only the identity derivation, more precisely ΩXp={I}.

Proposition 4.8 can be generalized as follows:

Proposition 4.13

Let S be a subset of ΩX closed under composition. Then ωX(S) is a normal subset of X.


The proof of this proposition is the same as that of Proposition 4.8.

Theorem 4.14

If X is a G-algebra of odd order, then ΩX={I}


Assume the contrary. That means |ΩX|>1. Then there exists a G-derivation dI. As d2=I and dI=Id=d, the subset S={I,d} is normal in ΩX. Form Proposition 4.13, the subset {e,d(e)} is normal in X. The fact de implies that d(e)e. Using Theorem 3.2, we obtain the result.

Corollary 4.15

Let X be a finite G-algebra. Then |X|=odd number if |ΩX|=1,even number if |ΩX|2.

The following example shows that if X is an infinite G-algebra, then ΩX(F) can be finite.

Example 4.16

Let F be a field and X=X(F). Take an arbitrary derivation d on X. Then d(x)=xa=xa1 for some aX.

For all x, y in X, d(xy)=xd(y). That means (xy1)a1=x(ya1)1=x(y1a). So d is a derivation if and only if a=a1. As F is a field, this equality holds only in the case when a = 1 or a = −1. Then ΩX(F)={I,I}andω(ΩX(F))={1,1}.

Theorem 4.17

Let X be a G-algebra. Then the following statements are equivalent:

  1. The function da(x)=xa is a derivation for all aX.

  2. The operation ⋆ is commutative and associative on X (i.e. X is an abelian group).


Assume that the function da(x)=xa is a derivation for all aX. Applying Proposition 2.3 and Lemma 4.3 we obtain (6) ae=ea=afor allaX.(6) Let b, c be elements in X. As dc is a derivation, dc(ab)=adc(b); therefore, (7) (ab)c=a(bc)for alla,b,cX.(7) In addition, the fact da is a derivation, da(bc)=da(b)c. Then (8) (bc)a=(ba)c.(8) Replacing b by e in the last equality, we obtain that (9) (ec)a=(ea)c.(9) Using (Equation6), we get from (Equation9): (10) ca=acfor alla,cX.(10) The properties (Equation6), (Equation7) and (Equation10) show that X is an abelian group. Reciprocally, suppose that X is an abelian group. We will show that da is a derivation for all aX. Let x, y be elements in X. As the operation ⋆ is commutative and associative, da(xy)=(xy)a=x(ya)=(xa)y=xda(y). So da(xy)=da(x)y=xda(y).

Corollary 4.18

Let X be a finite G-algebra. If there is an element a such that da is not a derivation on X (i.e. G is not a group), then |ΩX|<|X|.

Corollary 4.19

Let X be a G-algebra of prime order. If there is an element a such that da is not a derivation on X, then ΩX={I}.

Corollary 4.20

Let N be a normal subset of X of order 2. Then ΩX={e,d(e)} for some derivation d.

Let ae be the second element of N. d(x)=xa. Then d(a)=e and d(e)=ea=a.

Corollary 4.21

Every G-algebra of order 2 is an abelian group.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


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