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An operational method for solutions of Riccati type differential equations with functional arguments

Pages 661-669 | Received 08 Jan 2020, Accepted 16 Apr 2020, Published online: 13 May 2020


In this article, an operational matrix approach is presented to solve the Riccati type differential equations with functional arguments. These equations are encountered in Mathematical Physics. The method is based on the least-squares approximation and the operational matrices of integration and product. By obtaining the operation matrices for each term of the problem, the method converts the problem to a system of nonlinear algebraic equations. The roots of last system are used in determination of unknown function. Error analysis is made. Numerical applications are given to show efficiency of the method and also the comparisons are made with other methods from literature. In applications of the method, it is observed from the applications that the suggested method gives effective results.

1. Introduction

Ordinary and partial differential equations has much important in applied science such as physics, chemistry, biology [Citation1–7]. Also, the Riccati differential equations [Citation8] and its generalizations describe many different phenomenon in applied science, ranging from mathematical finance to quantum mechanics [Citation9–12]. There are lot of works are devoted to find exact solutions under some assumptions. For instance, Mak and Harko [Citation13] gave the integrability conditions for generalized Riccati equation. However, in general case, in view of the nonlinear nature of the equations, it is unlikely that such exact solutions will be found. Therefore, many researchers have developed various numerical techniques for these equations and researchers continue to find new and effective methods. Within recent years much attention has been directed to study of the numerical aspects of the different types of Riccati differential equations [Citation14–25]. In solving of Schrödinger equation which is an important equation of Mathematical Physics, the Riccati differential equations arise. A class of nonlinear Schrödinger equation has been studied in [Citation26]. The (G'/G)-expansion method with Riccati equation has been used to in solving of a special nonlinear partial differential equation [Citation27]. The Riccati differential eqution with functional arguments has been solved numerically by using the Bezier curves method [Citation28].

Our aim in this paper is to present a numerical technique based on the operational matrices to solve the Riccati type differential equations with functional arguments as follows [Citation28] (1) pxuα1x+β1+qxu2α2x+β2+rxuα3x+β3=gx,0x1,(1) with initial condition (2) u0=λ.(2) Here, p, q, r and g are known continuous functions, αi,βi (i=1,2,3) and λ are constants. The problem (Equation1)–(Equation2) has a unique solution. It can be obviously seen from [Citation29].

In 1973, Corrington [Citation30] showed that linear differential and integral equations could be transformed to a system of the algebraic linear equations with an approximation in the sense of least-squares and repeated integrations of Walsh functions. This study has become the source of various researchers with Walsh functions. The method based on operational matrices for Walsh functions was introduced in 1975 by Chen and Hsiao [Citation31]. There are various works regarding the methods based on various polynomials and functions such as the Bessel functions [Citation32], the Bernstein polynomials [Citation33], the Legendre polynomials [Citation34], the Haar functions [Citation35], the Chebyshev polynomials [Citation36], etc. Also, the operation martix method [Citation37, Citation38] for Taylor polynomials has been used for solving integro-differential equations and pantograph equations by Yuzbasi and Nurbol.

The operational matrices of integration P and product C in dimensional (N+1)×(N+1) are defined as follows: (3) 0xXtdtPXx,XxDXxCXx,(3) where X(x)=[1 x x2xN]T and D is known vector. In next section we will give a scheme of deriving these matrices.

The rest of paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the operational matrices are derived. Section 3 contains utilizing operational matrices in method of solution. In Section 4, error analysis is given. In Section 5, we apply the method to some examples and report the numerical results. In last section, conclusions are given.

2. Operational matrices

In this section, least-squares approach is introduced to find polynomial approximation of any function. This will form the main idea of the method. After that, it is used to derive operational matrices which will be used in method of solution.

2.1. Least-squares approximation

Let Y=Span{1,x,x2,,xN}. Since Y is the finite-dimensional subspace of L2[0,1], there is the best approximation out of y0Y. In view of that Y contains all polynomials of degree at most N, the polynomial y0 can be expressed as y0=k=0Nakxk=AXx, where ak are unknown coefficients which will be determined. Suppose f(x)L2[0,1] then the function f(x)y0 is orthogonal to Y, that is for all yY holds the following (4) fy0,y=0,(4) where the inner product is given by f,g=10fxgxdx. Now, we substitute the functions 1,x,x2,,xN into Equation (Equation4) and thus we obtain a system of algebraic equations with the unknowns ak, (k=0,1,,N,) (5) 01fxy0xidx=0,i=0,1,,N.(5) By solving the system (Equation5) we gain the best approximation of f(x) out of Y. In other words, the known function f(x) is approximately represented by polynomial as (6) fxAXx.(6) [Citation37]

2.2. Operational matrix for integration

In this subsection, we derive the operational matrix for integration. For this purpose, we consider expression 0xXtdt=0x1dt0xtdt0xt2dt0xtNdtT=xx22x33xN+1N+1T=ΛX1x, where the matrix Λ in dimesional (N+1)×(N+1) has the components 1,12,13,1/(N+1) on the main diagonal and zeros elements elsewhere and X1(x)=[x x2 x3xN+1]T. By using Equation (Equation6) for f(x)=xN+1, we obtain xN+1AN+1Xx, where the components of AN+1 are determined according to previous subsection. The functions xj1, (j=1,2,,N+1) are can be written as xj1=IjXx, where Ij is jth row of the identity matrix in the dimensional (N+1)×(N+1). As a result, the integral 0xX(t)dt can be written as 0xXtdt=Λ X1x1000120001N+1×I2I3AN+11xxN. Thus, the operational matrix for integration is gained in the form (7) P=1000120001N+1I2I3AN+1.(7) [Citation37, Citation38]

2.3. Operational matrix of product

In this subsection, we derive the operational matrix of product which is used to linearize the nonlinear term in Equation (Equation1). Components of the row matrix X(x)DX(x) can be approximated according to (Equation6). Hence we have the following relation XxDXx=k=0Ndkxkk=0Ndkxk+1k=0Ndkxk+NC1C2CN+11xxN, where dk are the components of D and Ci, (i=1,2,,N+1) are the coefficients that provide the above expression according to (Equation6).

Thus, we can write expressions k=0NdkxkC1xk=0Ndkxk+1C2Xxk=0Ndkxk+NCN+1Xx.

3. Solution method

In this section, the operational matrices are utilized to construct the numerical solutions of problem (Equation1)–(Equation2). Firstly, we can approximate derivative function according to (Equation6) as follows (8) uxuNx=AXx.(8) Here, the components of A are unknowns coefficients ak, (k=0,1,,N,). Equation (Equation8) is integrated to approximate the unknown function u and thus we obtain 0xutdt=uxu0A0xXtdt. By utilizing the operational matrix for integration P, we have the following approximation (9) uxuNx=λ+APXx,(9) where λ is constant in the condition (Equation2). Here notice that, the polynomial uN(x) is not derivative of the polynomial uN(x). However, they are used for approaching the functions u(x) and u(x), respectively.

By putting xαix+βi, (i=1,2,3) in X(x), we obtain the matrix relation (10) Xαix+βi=QiXx,(10) where Qi=1000βiαi00βi22βiαiαi20CNNβiNCNN1βiN1αiCNN2βiN2αi2CN0αiN,CNk, (k=0,1,,N) are binomial coefficients.

Now, by using Equations (Equation8)–(Equation10), the terms u(α1x+β1) and u(α3x+β3) in Equation (Equation1) can be approximated by the next polynomials, respectively, (11) uNα1x+β1=AQ1XxuNα3x+β3=λ+APQ3Xx.(11) The next step is consists of finding of polynomial approximation of the nonlinear term u2(α2x+β2). For this term we use the operational matrix of product C as follows (12) u2α2x+β2uN2α2x+β2=λ+APQ2Xx2=λ2+2λAPQ2Xx+ APQ2XxAPQ2Xxλ2+2λAPQ2Xx+APQ2CXx.(12) By substituting the approximate expressions (Equation11)–(Equation12) into Equation (Equation1), we have (13) AQ1pxXx+2λAPQ2qxXx+APQ2CqxXx+APQ3rxXx=gxλ2qxλrx.(13) For each components of column matrices p(x)X(x), q(x)X(x), r(x)X(x) and for function g(x)λ2q(x)λr(x) we apply least-squares approximation scheme which is given in Section 2. As a result, we gain the the following approximations, respectively, pxXxL1Xx,qxXxL2Xx,rxXxL3Xx,gxλ2qxλrxGXx. Here Li, (i=1,2,3) are matrices in dimensional (N+1)×(N+1) and G is vector.

We substitute them into Equation (Equation13) and then simplify X(x). Hence we get a system of nonlinear algebraic equations (14) AQ1L1+2λAPQ2L2+APQ2CL2+APQ3L3=G.(14) To construct approximate functions for unknown function and derivative function we solve the system (14) and use the Equations (Equation8)–(Equation9). As a result, the approximate solution of the functional Riccati differential equation is gained.

4. Error analysis

In this section, we firstly present an estimation technique based on residual functions for error function eN(x)=u(x)uN(x). Secondly, we consider checking of the accuracy of approximate solutions. Lastly, the upper bound for error is given.

4.1. Error estimation

In this subsection, we obtain the functional Riccati type differential equations related with error function eN(x) and then we will solve the error problem by the proposed method.

The approximate solution uN(x) satisfies the following equation (15) pxuNα1x+β1+qxuN2α2x+β2+rxuNα3x+β3=gx+RNx,(15) and the condition uN(0)=λ.

Here RN(x) is residual function. If we take the difference of Equations (Equation1) and (Equation15), we obtain pxeNα1x+β1+qxeN2α2x+β2+rx+2qxuNα2x+β2eNα3x+β3=RNx.

The initial condition of this error equation becomes as follows eN(0)=u(0)uN(0). Thus, this error problem is can be solved by the proposed method for some integer M. Thus we obtain approximate solution eN,M(x), which can be used as estimation of the error function eN(x). Note that, this technique is general and applicable even if the exact solutions are unknown.

In addition, estimation of error depends on precision of method, the error becomes as decrease as precision of method increases.

4.2. Accuracy of solutions

The accuracy of approximate solution can be done in two different ways.

One of them is to use RN(x) in the Equation (Equation15).

Now, let us explain other one. The degree of uN(x) is (N1). However, the derivative function of unknown function uN(x) can be approximated by polynomial of degree N by using Equation (Equation8). More clearly, the function uN(x) in Equation (Equation15) are computed by means of Equation (Equation8). Then the function uN(x) becomes Nth degree. In other words, the accuracy of approximate solutions can be checked by the residual function ENx=pxuNα1x+β1+qxuN2α2x+β2+rxuNα3x+β3gx, where uN(x) and uN(x) are figured out by Equations (Equation8)–(Equation9), respectively. In numerical examples the comparison of residual functions RN(x) and EN(x) are given.

4.3. Upper bound of error

In this subsection, we give error bound of approximate solution uN(x).

Theorem 4.1

Let uN(x) and u(x) represent our approximate solution and the exact solutions of the problem (Equation1), respectively. If u(x)Ck[0,1], k=0,1,,N+1, then |u(x)uN(x)||RNT(x,q)|+|uNT(x)uN(x)| where uNT(x) exhibits the Nth degree Taylor polynomial of u around the point x = q and RNT(x,q) represents its reminder term.


Since u is N + 1-times differentiable, u can be represented by the Taylor series as u(x)=n=0N(xq)nn!un(q)+RNT(x,q), where RNT(x,q)=(xq)N+1(N+1)!u(N+1)(cx),0cxx1. is the reminder term of the Taylor expansion of u. Let us denotes the Nth degree Taylor polynomial of u around the point x = q by uNT(x). Thus, u(x)uNT(x)=RNT(x,q). By using it and triangle inequality, we obtain |u(x)uN(x)|=|u(x)uN(x)+uNT(x)uNT(x)||u(x)uNT(x)|+|uNT(x)uN(x)|=|RNT(x,q)|+|uNT(x)uN(x)|. As a results, an upper bound of the absolute errors is found for the approximate solutions of our method.

5. Numerical examples

In this section, we apply the proposed method to several examples. In addition, to estimate the error we use the residual estimation method according to Section 4.

Example 5.1


Our first equation is (16) uxxu0.5x+u2x=cosxxsin(0.5x)+sin2x,(16) with the initial condition u(0)=0.

The problem has the exact solution u(x)=sinx. For N = 3, the present method is applied. We can write the following expression according to Section 3: uxu3x= AXxu3x=APXxxu30.5x=APL3Q1Xxu32x=APXxAPXxAPCXx, where X(x)=[1 x x2 x3]T, A=[a1 a2 a3 a4], C is the operational matrix of integration, P=0100003.571428E37.142857E2000.5000.33333330.32142850.4999999,Q1=100000.500000.2500000.125.L3=0100001000011/702/79/72,F=[1.0020424.432472E20.22337040.4109088]. Substituting the above matrix forms into (Equation16), we get the system A-APL3Q1+APC=F. The last system is solved and thus the numerical solution is u3x=0.143827x30.019802x2+1.005096x0.000287. In Figure , the comparison between the Bessel collocation method [Citation25] and the present method are made by the absolute error function |e3(x)|. Also, in Figure , accuracies of approximate solutions of these methods are compared.

Figure 1. Comparison of error |e3(x)|.

Figure 1. Comparison of error |e3(x)|.

Figure 2. Accuracy of approximate solutions |R5(x)|.

Figure 2. Accuracy of approximate solutions |R5(x)|.

Example 5.2


Weconsider the Riccati differential equation with functional arguments given by ux+2x2u2x3u2x1=gx with the initial condition u(0)=2.

Here, g(x)=3+2x19x2+20x35x4 and the exact solution is u(x)=x2x2. The proposed method is applied for N = 2 and thus, we gain u2(x)=0.082772x21.330725x1.980444.

Example 5.3


Now, let solve Riccati differential equation ux+u2x=1 with the initial condition u(0)=0.

The exact solution of problem is u(x)=(e2x1)/(e2x+1). Present method is applied for N = 5 and thus we compute the approximate solution


For N = 5, M = 6 we apply the residual error method and we obtain the estimation error function


In Table , the numerical results are given. Namely, the absolute errors of the Taylor method [Citation20], the Bessel collocation method [Citation25] and the present method for N = 5, 7, 8, 9. The actual error function e5(x) and the estimation error function e5,6(x) are given in Figure .

Figure 3. Graphics of |e5(x)| and |e5,6(x)|.

Figure 3. Graphics of |e5(x)| and |e5,6(x)|.

Table 1. Comparison of absolute errors.

Example 5.4


Lastly, let solve the Riccati differential equation ux2u+u2x=1 with the initial condition u(0)=0.

By applying the present method for N = 6, we obtain the approximate solution


The graphic of the absolute error function for N = 7 is illustrated in Figure . In Figure , the comparison of errors is reported. In Figure , we give comparison of residual functions RN(x) and EN(x) for N = 6.

Figure 4. Graphic of |e7(x)|.

Figure 4. Graphic of |e7(x)|.

Figure 5. Absolute error functions obtained by different methods.

Figure 5. Absolute error functions obtained by different methods.

Figure 6. Comparison of the residual functions |R6(x)| and |E6(x)|.

Figure 6. Comparison of the residual functions |R6(x)| and |E6(x)|.

6. Conclusions

In this paper, a numerical method based on the operational matrices of integration and product for standard bases polynomials are presented to solve Riccati type differential equations with functional arguments. Indeed, the method is based on the least-squares approximation, too. There are some features of the method. For example, the method doesn't require collocation points. Moreover, the operational matrix of integration consists of zeros, so that it involves convenience in computational works. Also, the polynomials of degree N are obtained which approximate unknown function and its derivative. From numerical examples, it is can be seen errors of approximate solutions are less then errors of other methods. In addition, it is seen that the estimation errors are closed to actual errors in Examples. Therefore, it is observed that the error estimation method is efficiency. It can be used for measurement of errors when the exact solution of the problem is unknown.


The authors are supported by the Scientific Research Project Administration of Akdeniz University. Author would like to thank the reviewers for their thoughtful comments and efforts towards improving his article.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Correction Statement

This article has been republished with minor changes. These changes do not impact the academic content of the article.


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