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Research Articles

Nonlinearity contributions on critical MKP equation

Pages 777-782 | Received 06 Mar 2020, Accepted 24 Apr 2020, Published online: 04 Jun 2020


The mathematical new plasma wave solutions are specified in the compose of trigonometric, rational, hyperbolic, periodic and explosive kinds that are realistic for Modified-Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (MKP) equation. Also, numeral studies for the acquired solutions have been reveals that periodic, shock and explosive new forms may applicable in D-F Earth's ionosphere plasma. The used method is influential and robust in comparison applications in plasma fluids. To depict the propagating soliton profiles in a plasma medium, it is needful to solve MKP equation at a critical mass ratio. The Riccati–Bernoulli sub-ODE technique has been utilized to introduce some new important and applicable solutions. The number of these MKP solutions give a leading deed in applied ion acoustics in ionosphere.

AMS Subject Classifications:

1. Introduction

The existence of the ion-acoustic solitary excitations (IAs) in plasmas has been spotted in laboratory [Citation1–5]. Different observations in space assured the IAs propagations in magnetospheres and ionosphere [Citation6–10]. The ion pairs electrostatic oscillations were conceived by Oohara and Hatakeyama by using fullerenes [Citation11,Citation12]. Saleem studied the plasma quasineutrality in pair ion-acoustic nonlinear dynamical properties [Citation13]. Sabry et al. [Citation14] used nonthermal properties of electron to discuss the ion wave formation characteristics in pair plasma. On the other hand, the progress of rogue ion-acoustic behaviours in many distributed electrons have been investigated [Citation15,Citation16]. Generally, many theoretical studies in solitary applications in natural science and space have been reported [Citation16–26].

Consider the nonlinear partial differential equation (1) H(ψ,ψx,ψt,ψxx,ψxt,ψtt,)=0(1) for an unknown function ψ(x,t). Utilizing the wave transformation (2) ψ(x,t)=ψ(ξ),ξ=kxωt.(2) Equation (Equation1) converted to the following ODE: (3) E(ψ,ψ,ψ,ψ,)=0.(3) There are so many models in physics, fluid mechanics and engineering fields in forms of partial differential Equation (Equation1) are transformed into the following ODE: (4) α1ψ+α2ψ3+α3ψ=0,(4) see for example [Citation27–39]. This observation gives this equation special and important feature. Due to the importance of Equation (Equation3), we pose the robust and unified solver for the widely used NPDEs, utilizing RB sub-ODE method [Citation40]. Namely, RB sub-ODE method [Citation40] is the basic ingredient for this solver. This solver can be used as a box solver for solving so many equations arising in applied science. This solver will be so helpful for engineers, physicists and mathematicians in order to emphasis some interesting phenomena in real-life problems.

2. The RB sub-ODE method

According to RB sub-ODE method [Citation40], the solution of Equation (Equation3) is (5) ψ=aψ2m+bψ+cψm,(5) where a, b, c and n are constants determined later. Equation (Equation5) gives (6) ψ=ab(3m)ψ2m+a2(2m)ψ32m+mc2ψ2m1+bc(m+1)ψm+(2ac+b2)ψ,(6) (7) ψ=ψ[ab(3m)(2m)ψ1m+a2(2m)(32m)ψ22m+m(2m1)c2ψ2m2+bcn(m+1)ψm1+(2ac+b2)].(7) The solitary solutions ψi(ξ) of Equation (Equation5) are

  1. For m = 1 (8) ψ(ξ)=ςe(a+b+c)ξ.(8)

  2. For m1, b = 0 and c = 0 (9) ψ(ξ)=a(m1)(ξ+ς)1/m1.(9)

  3. For m1, b0 and c = 0 (10) ψ(ξ)=ab+ςeb(m1)ξ1/m1.(10)

  4. For m1,a0 and b24ac<0 (11) ψ(ξ)=b2a+4acb22a×tan(1m)4acb22(ξ+ς)1/1m(11) and (12) ψ(ξ)=b2a4acb22a×cot(1m)4acb22(ξ+ς)1/1m.(12)

  5. For m1, a0 and b24ac>0 (13) ψ(ξ)=b2ab24ac2a×coth(1m)b24ac2(ξ+ς)1/1m(13) and (14) ψ(ξ)=b2ab24ac2a×tanh(1m)b24ac2(ξ+ς)1/1m.(14)

  6. For m1, a0 and b24ac=0 (15) ψ(ξ)=1a(m1)(ξ+ς)b2a1/1m.(15)

2.0.1. Bäcklund transformation

If ψr1(ξ) and ψr(ξ)(ψr(ξ)=ψr(ψr1(ξ))) are the solutions of Equation (Equation5), we have dψr(ξ)dξ=dψr(ξ)dψr1(ξ)dψr1(ξ)dξ=dψr(ξ)dψr1(ξ)(aψr12m+bψr1+cψr1m), namely (16) dψr(ξ)aψr2m+bψr+cψrm=dψr1(ξ)aϕr12m+bψr1+cψr1m.(16) Integrating Equation (Equation16) once with respect to ξ, yields a Bäcklund transformation of Equation (Equation5) as follows: (17) ψr(ξ)=cΛ1+aΛ2ψr1(ξ)1mbΛ1+aΛ2+aΛ1ψr1(ξ)1m1/1m,(17) where Λ1 and Λ2 are arbitrary constants. Equation (Equation17) gives the infinite solutions of Equation (Equation5), as well of Equation (Equation1).

3. Unified solver

In this section, we will see how the concept of a unified solver is in practice implemented. (18) α1ψ+α2ψ3+α3ψ=0,(18) using RB sub-ODE method. Substituting Equations (Equation6) into Equation (Equation18), we obtain (19) α1ab(3m)ψ2m+a2(2m)ψ32m+mc2ψ2n1+bc(m+1)ψm+(2ac+b2)ψ+α2ψ3+α3ψ=0.(19) Putting m = 0, Equation (Equation19) is reduced to (20) α1(3abu2+2a2ψ3+bc+(2ac+b2)ψ)+α2ψ3+α3ψ=0.(20) Setting each coefficient of ψi(i=0,1,2,3) to zero, we get (21) α1bc=0,(21) (22) α1(2ac+b2)+α3=0,(22) (23) 3α1ab=0,(23) (24) 2α1a2+α2=0.(24) Solving Equations (Equation21)–(Equation24), yields (25) b=0,(25) (26) c=α32α1α2,(26) (27) a=±α22α1.(27) Hence, we give the cases of solutions for Equations (Equation18) and (Equation1), respectively

  1. When b = 0 and c=0(α3=0), the solution of Equation (Equation18) is (28) ψ1(x,t)=α22α1ξ+ς1,(28) where ς is arbitrary constant.

  2. When α3/α1<0, substituting Equations (Equation25)– (Equation27) and (Equation2) into Equations (Equation11) and (Equation12), then the trigonometric function solutions of Equation (Equation1) are (29) ψ2,3(x,t)=±α3α2tanα32α1ξ+ς(29) and (30) ψ4,5(x,t)=±α3α2cotα32α1ξ+ς,(30) where ς is arbitrary constant.

  3. When α3/α1>0, substituting Equations (Equation25)–(Equation27) and (Equation2) into Equations (Equation13) and (Equation14), then the hyperbolic function solutions of Equation (Equation1) are, (31) ψ6,7(x,t)=±α3α2tanhα32α1ξ+ς(31) and (32) ψ8,9(x,t)=±α3α2cothα32α1ξ+ς,(32) where ς is arbitrary constant.

4. Mathematical model

Using stretched τ=ϵ3t, ξ=ϵ(xλt), η=ϵ2y, where ε is a very small value and λ is the IA speed. Sabry et al. [Citation17] examined the propagating IAWs in plasma having negative and positive fluids in addition to electrons. In the case of Maxwillian electrons, Poisson's equation reads, (33) 2φ x2+ 2φ y2=μnn++μeexpφ.(33) Where n,+ is the number density of heavy negative ions, light positive ions normalized by its equilibrium value n0,+0, u,v(u+,v+) is the negative (positive) ion fluid velocity, the electrostatic potential φ. With μ=Zn0/Z+n+0 and μe=ne0/Z+n+0 are the unperturbed negative ion and electron to positive ion ratio, respectively. Thus, the equilibrium condition implies μ+μe=1,Q=m+/m is the mass ratio, where m(m+) is the heavy (light) ion fluid mass, α=Z/Z+ where Z is charge numbers. The obtained results support that the system becomes at critical at Q=Qc, the modified KP equation was given: (34) ξτφ+Gφ2ξφ+R3ξ3φ+P2η2φ=0(34) with (35) Qc=±3λ4μeα31μe,(35) (36) G=15λ6μe+15α3Q3μn+4λ5μeR=λ2μe,P=λ2.(36) By using a similarity transformation given in the form: (37) χ=Lξ+Mητ(υ1+υ2),(37) (38) φ(χ)=φ(x,y,t)(38) (39) τ=t,(39) where L and M are the directional cosines of x- and y -axes.

The modified KP form transformed into the ODE in the form: (40) 3(vs)φ+hφ3+3θd2φdχ2=0.(40) Equation (Equation40) gives stationary soliton in the form (41) φc=6(vSh)sechvShθhχ,(41) (42) S=M2PLu,(42) (43) h=GL,θ=RL3,(43) where u and v are the travelling speed in the two directions.

5. Results and discussion

Comparing Equation (Equation40) with the general form (Equation18), gives α1=3θ, α2=h and α3=3(υs). According to the unified solver given in Section 3, the solutions of Equation (Equation40) are:

Rational function solutions: (when υ=s)

The rational solutions of Equation (Equation40) are (44) φ1,2(x,t)=h6θχ+ς1.(44) Trigonometric function solution: (When υs/θ>0)

The trigonometric solutions of Equation (Equation40) are (45) φ3,4(x,t)=±3(υs)htanυs2θ(χ+ς)(45) and (46) φ5,6(x,t)=±3(υs)hcotυs2θ(χ+ς).(46) Hyperbolic function solution : (When υs/θ<0)

The hyperbolic solutions of Equation (Equation41) are (47) φ7,8(x,t)=±3(υs)htanhsυ)2θ(χ+ς)(47) and (48) φ9,10(x,t)=±3(υs)hcothsυ2θ(χ+ς).(48) Two-dimensional propagation of MKP solitary nonlinear IAs have been examined in a plasma mode using parameters related to the plasmas of Earth's ionosphere [Citation16,Citation17]. At certain mass ratio value called the criticality value, the obtained equation cannot describe mode. So, new stretching produced MKP equation which describes critical system under investigation. Equation (Equation42) represents soliton with stationary behaviour at different directionalcosine in x-axis (L) as shown in Figure . At a critical point, many solitary forms were expected to discuss the IAs behaviour using Riccati–Bernoulli solver for MKP equation. Solution (Equation45) is solitonic wave type called explosive type with rapid increasing amplitude as depicted in Figure . Solution (Equation46) is blow-up periodic shape as in Figure . On the other hand, the dissipative behaviours are also produced in Figures  and . In the solution of (Equation48), the shock wave is propagated in the medium as shown in Figure . Finally, the explosive shock profile is obtained for solution (49) as shown in Figure .

Figure 1. Variation φc of against χ,L for u=0.5,α=1.0,μe=0.8,υ=0.01.

Figure 1. Variation φc of against χ,L for u=0.5,α=1.0,μe=0.8,υ=0.01.

Figure 2. Variation of φc against χ,L for u=0.2,α=1.0,μe=0.8,υ=0.3.

Figure 2. Variation of φc against χ,L for u=0.2,α=1.0,μe=0.8,υ=0.3.

Figure 3. Plot of φc against χ for u=0.02,α=1.0,μe=0.8, υ=0.3,L=0.6.

Figure 3. Plot of φc against χ for u=0.02,α=1.0,μe=0.8, υ=0.3,L=0.6.

Figure 4. Variation of periodic φc against χ for u=0.02,α=1.0,μe=0.8,υ=0.3, L = 0.92.

Figure 4. Variation of periodic φc against χ for u=0.02,α=1.0,μe=0.8,υ=0.3, L = 0.92.

Figure 5. Variation of shock φc against χ,L for u=0.02,α=1.0,μe=0.8,υ=0.03.

Figure 5. Variation of shock φc against χ,L for u=0.02,α=1.0,μe=0.8,υ=0.03.

6. Conclusions

Riccati–Bernoulli solver gives new solitary excitations for MKP equation such as periodic, explosive, shock and new explosive shocks which represent the pictures of wave motion of plasma solitons. It was reported that the obtained forms can be used in verify the broadband and magnetotail electrostatic waves observations.


This project was supported by the deanship of scientific research at Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University under the research project No. 10259/01/2019.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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