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Moment generating functions of record values from a class of doubly truncated distributions

, &
Pages 1089-1099 | Received 16 Apr 2020, Accepted 25 Jul 2020, Published online: 10 Aug 2020


In this paper, we consider a class of doubly truncated distributions. Based on this class, recurrence relation for moment generating functions of record values is derived. Recurrence relations for single and product moments of record values are deduced from the main results. Several of the known distributions can be seen as special cases of the used class, which includes the left, right and non-truncated distributions. So, we discuss in detail some examples of these distributions based on the main results. In general, for any distribution in the considered class, we reach to a general form to find recurrence relations of moment generating function and moments.


1. Introduction

There is a large volume of works based on the study of recurrence relations between moment generating functions of record values and characterizations based on these relations. The moments have considerable importance in the statistical literature. Many authors have studied and derived several identities and recurrence relations for the single and product moments. For example, from Burr Type XII distribution, Ahmad [Citation1] derived recurrence relations for single and product moments of record values and their characterizations. Ahmad and Fawzy [Citation2] studied the recurrence relations for moments of generalized order statistics (gos). Recurrence relation for moments of record values is derived by Kamps [Citation3]. Recurrence relations for moment generating functions of record values and order statistics are considered by AL-Hussaini et al. [Citation4]. For more details, the reader is referred to Saran and Singh [Citation5], Khan and Zia [Citation6], Kumar [Citation7] and Bashir and Ahmad [Citation8]. Record values have great importance since they use in several real-life problems involving economics, weather, industry and sports. It can be demonstrated as order statistics from a sample where its size is determined by the values and order of occurrence of the observations. Numerous papers have appeared discussing characterizations based on record values, such as, Balakrishnan and Balasubramanian [Citation9], Franco and Ruiz [Citation10,Citation11], Wu [Citation12,Citation13], Bairamov [Citation14]. For more details for survey of record values, see Ahsanullah et al. [Citation15] and Hassan et al. [Citation16]. In this paper, our focus is on recurrence relations for moment generating functions of record values from a class of continuous distributions in the doubly truncated case. Section 2 gives a recurrence relation for moment generating functions of record values, which can be applied to obtain relations for single and product moments of record values from this class. In Section 3, we apply such recurrence relation for moment generating functions of record values to characterize the doubly truncated class of continuous distributions.

Suppose that a random variable (rv) X has an absolutely continuous distribution function (df), as considered by AL-Hussaini [Citation17] and it is given by F(x)Fx(x;θ)=1eλ(x),x>0,so that the probability density function (pdf) is written as f(x)=λ(x)eλ(x),where λ(x)λ(x;θ) is a nonnegative, strictly increasing and differentiable function of x such that λ(x)0 as x0+ and λ(x) as x. The function λ(x) is the derivative of λ(x) with respect to x and represents the failure rate whereas eλ(x)represents the corresponding survival function. We shall write the class of distributions as (1) ={F:F(x)=1eλ(x),x>0}.(1)

A doubly truncated pdf on [P1,Q1], denoted by fd(x), is given by (2) fd(x)=Adλ(x)eλ(x),P1xQ1,(P10,Q1<),(2) where (3) Ad=1/[eλ(P1)eλ(Q1)].(3)

The doubly truncated df and survival function (sf) are given, respectively, for 0P1xQ1, by (4) Fd(x)=Ad[eλ(P1)eλ(x)],(4) and (5) F¯d(x)=Q2+fd(x)λ(x),(5) where F¯d(.)=1Fd(.),Fd(.) is given by (4) and (6) Q2=Adeλ(Q1)=eλ(Q1)/[eλ(Q1)eλ(P1)].(6)

Note that F¯d(P1)=1Fd(P1)=1 and F¯d(Q1)=0.

The doubly truncated class denoted by d. Then, for P1xQ1,P10,Q1<), (7) d={Fd:Fd(x)=[eλP1eλ(x)]/[eλP1eλ(Q1)]}.(7)

The non-truncated, right- and left-truncated classes are denoted by , R and L, respectively. The right truncated class R is given by (8) R={FR:FR(x)=[1eλ(x)]/[1eλ(Q1)]0xQ1,Q1<},(8) where λ(x)0 as x0+.

The left-truncated class is given by (9) L={FL:FL(x)=1e[λ(x)λ(P1)],xP1,P1>0},(9) where λ(x) as x.

2. Recurrence relation for moment generating functions

Let XU(n1)XU(n2)XU(nk), be k upper record values based on a sequence {Xj,j1} of identically and independently distributed (i.i.d) rvs having pdf (2). The joint pdf of XU(n1),XU(n2),,XU(nk),n1<n2<<nk,n0=0, for 0x1<x2<<xk<,is given by (10) fn1,n2,,nk(x1,x2,,xk)=i=0k1[R(xi+1)R(xi)]ni+1ni1(ni+1ni1)!r(xi+1),(10) where R(z)=ln[F¯(z)],n0=0,R(x0)=0,r(xk)=f(xk), (11) r(xi)=f(xi)F¯(xi),i=1,,k1.(11)

For more details, see Arnold et al. [Citation18]. Note that (10) is based on k upper records, whereas the corresponding expression in the previous reference is based on k + 1 upper records (including the zeroth record). We shall use Mn1,n2,,nk(a1,a2,,ak)(t1,,tk) and μn1,n2,,nk(a1,a2,,ak), to denote the joint moment generating function and joint moments of XU(n1)a1,XU(n2)a2,,XU(nk)ak, respectively, where a1,,akare nonnegative real numbers. For simplicity, we usually drop U(ni) in the computations and be satisfied with i, so, for example we write xi instead of xU(ni). In other words, (12) Mn1,n2,,nk(a1,a2,,ak)(t1,,tk)=Eexpi=1ktiXU(ni)ai=0x1xk1×expi=1ktixiai×fn1,n2,,nk(x1,x2,,xk)dxkdx2dx1,(12) and (13) μn1,n2,,nk(a1,a2,,ak)=Ei=1kXU(ni)ai=0x1xk1i=1kxiai×fn1,n2,,nk(x1,x2,,xk)dxkdx2dx1,(13) where fn1,n2,,nk(x1,x2,,xk)is the joint pdf given by (10).

It may be observed that XU(ni)<XU(nk+1), then we can write a joint moment generating function as; Eexpi=1k1tiXU(ni)ai+tkXU(nk+1)ak=Mn1,n2,,nk1,nk+1(a1,a2,,ak1,ak)(t1,,tk1,tk).

In the following theorem, a recurrence relation for moment generating functions from the doubly truncated df (4), is obtained for record values.

Theorem 2.1

Let XU(n1),XU(n2),,XU(nk)be k upper records based on a sequence {Xj,j1}of i.i.d rvs having the doubly truncated pdf (2). For nonnegative integers a1,a2,,ak1,1n1<n2<<nk,the following recurrence relation for the moment generating function of XU(n1)a1,XU(n2)a2,,XU(nk)ak, is satisfied.

(14) Mn1,n2,,nk1,nk+1(a1,a2,,ak1,ak)(t1,,tk1,tk)Mn1,n2,,nk1,nk(a1,a2,,ak1,ak)(t1,,tk1,tk)=Gn1,,nk2,nk1,nk+1(a1,ak2,ak1,ak)(t1,,tk2,tk1,tk),(14) where (15) Gn1,,nk2,nk1,nk+1(a1,ak2,ak1,ak)(t1,,tk2,tk1,tk)=tkakEXU(nk+1)ak1λ(XU(nk+1))×expi=1ktiXU(ni)ai{1eλ(XU(nk+1))λ(Q1)}.(15)

On the other hand, if condition (14) is satisfied, then the survival function corresponding to Fd(x) is given by (5). All of the expectations and moment generating functions involved are assumed to be exist.


By replacing f and F¯in (10) and (11) by fd and F¯d, respectively, the resulting joint fn1,n2,,nk(x1,x2,,xk) is used in definition (12) to obtain the joint moment generating function

(16) Mn1,n2,,nk(a1,a2,,ak)(t1,,tk)=P1Q1x1Q1xk1Q1expi=1ktixiai×i=0k1[Rd(xi+1)Rd(xi)]ni+1ni1(ni+1ni1)!rd(xi+1)×dxkdx2dx1=P1Q1x1Q1xk2Q1expi=1k1tixiaiI(xk1)×i=0k2[Rd(xi+1)Rd(xi)]ni+1ni1(ni+1ni1)!rd(xi+1)×dxk1dx2dx1,(16) where I(xk1)=xk1Q1exp(tkxkak)×[Rd(xk)Rd(xk1)]nknk11(nknk11)!fd(xk)dxk=1(nknk11)!xk1Q1exp(tkxkak)F¯d(xk)×d[Rd(xk)Rd(xk1)]nknk1,and Rd(x)=ln[F¯d(x)]. Using integrating by parts, we obtain I(xk1)=xk1Q1exp(tkxkak)×[Rd(xk)Rd(xk1)]nknk1(nknk1)!fd(xk)dxktkakxk1Q1xkak1exp(tkxkak)×[Rd(xk)Rd(xk1)]nknk1(nknk1)!F¯d(xk)dxk.

By substituting I(xk1)in (16), we obtain (17) Mn1,n2,,nk(a1,a2,,ak)(t1,,tk)=P1Q1x1Q1xk1Q1expi=1ktixiaifd(xk)×i=0k2[Rd(xi+1)Rd(xi)]ni+1ni1(ni+1ni1)!rd(xi+1)×[Rd(xk)Rd(xk1)]nknk1(nknk1)!dxkdx2dx1tkakP1Q1x1Q1xk1Q1xkak1expi=1ktixiai×[Rd(xk)Rd(xk1)]nknk1(nknk1)!F¯d(xk)×i=0k2[Rd(xi+1)Rd(xi)]ni+1ni1(ni+1ni1)!rd(xi+1)×dxkdx2dx1.(17)

The first term in (17) is then Mn1,n2,,nk+1(a1,a2,,ak)(t1,,tk), and Equation (17) becomes Mn1,n2,,nk+1(a1,a2,,ak)(t1,,tk)Mn1,n2,,nk(a1,a2,,ak)(t1,,tk)=tkakP1Q1x1Q1xk1Q1xkak1expi=1ktixiai×[Rd(xk)Rd(xk1)]nknk1(nknk1)!F¯d(xk)×i=0k2[Rd(xi+1)Rd(xi)]ni+1ni1(ni+1ni1)!rd(xi+1)×dxkdx2dx1.

From (2), (5) and (6), we have F¯d(x)fd(x)=1eλ(x)λ(Q1)λ(x).

Using this relation in the second term, we obtain (18) Mn1,n2,,nk+1(a1,a2,,ak)(t1,,tk)Mn1,n2,,nk(a1,a2,,ak)(t1,,tk)=tkakP1Q1x1Q1xk1Q1xkak1expi=1ktixiai×[Rd(xk)Rd(xk1)]nknk1(nknk1)!F¯d(xk)fd(xk)×i=0k2[Rd(xi+1)Rd(xi)]ni+1ni1(ni+1ni1)!rd(xi+1)×fd(xk)dxkdx2dx1=tkakP1Q1x1Q1xk1Q1xkak1expi=1ktixiai×[Rd(xk)Rd(xk1)]nknk1(nknk1)!F¯d(xk)×1e[λ(xk)λ(Q1)]λ(xk)×i=0k2[Rd(xi+1)Rd(xi)]ni+1ni1(ni+1ni1)!rd(xi+1)×fd(xk)dxkdx2dx1=tkakEXU(nk+1)ak1λ(XU(nk+1))expi=1ktiXU(ni)ai×{1eλ(XU(nk+1))λ(Q1)}XU(nk+1)ak1λ(XU(nk+1)).(18)

On the other hand, if condition (14) is satisfied, then using (18), (12) and (10), such condition may be rewritten as P1Q1x1Q1xk1Q1xkak1expi=1ktixiai×[Rd(xk)Rd(xk1)]nknk1(nknk1)!×1e[λ(xk)λ(Q1)]λ(xk)×i=0k2[Rd(xi+1)Rd(xi)]ni+1ni1(ni+1ni1)!rd(xi+1)×fd(xk)dxkdx2dx1=P1Q1x1Q1xk1Q1xkak1expi=1ktixiai×[Rd(xk)Rd(xk1)]nknk1(nknk1)!F¯d(xk)×i=0k2[Rd(xi+1)Rd(xi)]ni+1ni1(ni+1ni1)!rd(xi+1)×dxkdx2dx1,or, equivalently, P1Q1x1Q1xk1Q1xkak1expi=1ktixiai×[Rd(xk)Rd(xk1)]nknk1(nknk1)!×F¯d(xk)1eλ(xk)λ(Q1)λ(xk)fd(xk)×i=0k2[Rd(xi+1)Rd(xi)]ni+1ni1(ni+1ni1)!rd(xi+1)×dxkdx2dx1=0.

Applying the extension of Müntz-Szász theorem [see, Hwang and Lin [Citation19]], we obtain 0=F¯d(xk)1eλ(xk)λ(Q1)λ(xk)fd(xk)=F¯d(xk)fd(xk)λ(xk)+{Adeλ(Q1)}.

Thus fd(x) has the pdf as given in (2).

Special cases

(1) By differentiating (14) with respect to t1,,tkand putting t1==tk=0, we obtain the following recurrence relation for product moments of record values (19) μn1,n2,,nk+1(a1,a2,,ak)μn1,n2,,nk(a1,a2,,ak)=Gn1,n2,,nk+1(a1,a2,,ak),(19) where (20) Gn1,n2,,nk+1(a1,a2,,ak)=akEi=1k1XU(ni)aiXU(nk+1)ak1λ(XU(nk+1))×{1eλ(XU(nk+1))λ(Q1)}i=1k1XU(ni)aiXU(nk+1)ak1λ(XU(nk+1)),(20) and μn1,n2,,nk+1(a1,a2,,ak)=Ei=1k1XU(ni)aiXU(nk+1)ak.

(2) If we put a1==ak1=0, ak=a,nk=m, in (20) and, in addition, tk=t, in (15), we obtain recurrence relations for the moment generating functions and moments for the single record value XU(m)a. The moment generating function is given by (21) Mm+1(a)(t)Mm(a)(t)=Gm+1(a)(t),(21) where (22) Gm+1(a)(t)=taEXU(m+1)a1λ(XU(m+1))etXU(m)a{1eλ(XU(m+1))λ(Q1)}.(22)

This leads to the moment generating function of the XU(m)a record as (23) Mm(a)(t)=M1(a)(t)+j=2mGj(a)(t),m=2,3,,(23) where M1(a)(t)=E[etXU(1)a] and Gj(a)(t)is given by (22) after replacing (m+1) by j.

A recurrence relation for the moments of single upper records is given by (24) μm+1(a)μm(a)=Gm+1(a),(24) where (25) Gm+1(a)=aEXU(m+1)a1λ(XU(m+1)){1eλ(XU(m+1))λ(Q1)}.(25)

This leads to the expectation of the XU(m)a, which can be written as follows (26) μm(a)=μ1(a)+j=2mGj(a),m=2,3,,(26) where μ1(a)=E[XU(1)a] and Gj(a) is given by (25) after replacing (m+1) by j.

(3) If we put a1==ak2=0, ak1=a,ak=b,nk1=m,nk=n, andtk1=t1,tk=t2, in (14) and (20), we obtain recurrence relations for the moment generating functions and moments of XU(m)a and XU(m)b. The moment generating function is given by (27) Mm,n+1(a,b)(t1,t2)Mm,n(a,b)(t1,t2)=Gm,n+1(a,b)(t1,t2),(27) where (28) Gm,n+1(a,b)(t1,t2)=bt2EXU(n+1)b1λ(XU(n+1))e[t1XU(m)a+t2XU(n+1)b]×{1eλ(XU(n+1))λ(Q1)}XU(n+1)b1λ(XU(n+1)).(28)

This leads to (29) Mm,n(a,b)(t1,t2)Mm,1(a,b)(t1,t2)=j=2nGm,j(a,b)(t1,t2),n=2,3,,(29) where Mm,1(a,b)(t1,t2)=e[t1XU(m)a+t2XU(1)b]and Gm,j(a,b)(t1,t2) is given by (28) after replacing (n+1) by j.

A recurrence relation for the mixed moments is given by (30) μm,n(a,b)μm,1(a,b)=Gm,n+1(a,b),(30) where (31) Gm,n+1(a,b)=bEXU(m)aXU(n+1)b1λ(XU(n+1)){1eλ(XU(n+1))λ(Q1)}.(31)

This leads to (32) μm,n(a,b)μm,1(a,b)=j=2nGm,j(a,b),(32) where μm,1(a,b)=E[XU(m)a+XU(1)b]and Gm,j(a,b) is given by (31) after replacing (n+1) by j.

Remark 2.1:

In all special cases of the doubly truncated distributions, recurrence relations remain the same, yet the following should be observed when computing the expectations.

In the non-truncated or left-truncated cases, where Q2=0, (or Q1=), we use F¯(.) such that F¯(.)=f(.)λ(.) for the non-truncated case and F¯L(.)=fL(.)λ(.) for the left-truncated case.

In the right truncated case, we use the following equation in the computation of the expectations, F¯R(.)=Q2+fR(.)λ(.), where Q2=eλ(Q1)/[1eλ(Q1)].

3. Examples

In this section, we shall apply previous results to write recurrence relations (RR) based on some members of class (4).

3.1. Doubly truncated Weibull distribution

Let λ(x)=βxγand λ(x)=βγxγ1.

Then the CDF of doubly truncated Weibull distribution is given by Fd(x)=eβP1γeβxγeβP1γeβQ1γ.

(i) For akγ,k=1,2,,which satisfy the conditions of the theorem, it follows from (15), so that we can write Gn1,,nk+1(a1,,ak)(t1,,tk)=tkakβγEXU(nk+1)akγexpi=1ktiXU(ni)ai×{1eβ(XU(nk+1)γQ1γ)}i=1k.

From (20), the rhs of RR (19) is given, by Gn1,,nk+1(a1,,ak)=akβγEi=1k1XU(ni)aiXU(nk+1)akγ{1eβ(XU(nk+1)γQ1γ)}.

(ii) For aγ,m=1,2,,it follows from (22) and it is easy to get that Gm+1(a)(t)=atβγE[XU(m+1)aγetXU(m)a{1eβ(XU(m+1)γQ1γ)}].

From (25), the rhs of RR (24) is given by Gm+1(a)=aβγE[XU(m+1)aγ{1eβ(XU(m+1)γQ1γ)}].

(iii) For bγ,m,n=1,2,,and using (28), we obtain Gm,n+1(a,b)(t1,t2)=bt2βγE[XU(n+1)bγe[t1XU(m)a+t2XU(n+1)b]×{1eβ(XU(n+1)γQ1γ)}].

Also, using (31), we get Gm,n+1(a,b)=bβγE[XU(n+1)bγXU(m)a{1eβ(XU(n+1)γQ1γ)}].

Remark 3.1:

(i) In the non-truncated case, Q1=. So that, the terms {1eβ(XU(n+1)γQ1γ)} reduce to 1. In this case, it follows from (22), so that we can write Gj+1(a)(t)=atβγE[XU(j+1)aγetXU(j)a].

It can be shown that M1(a)(t)=E[etXU(1)a]=β2γ0x2γ1exp[(βxγtxa)]dx,and (33) Gj+1(a)(t)=atβj+1j!0In+1(y)ya1eβyγdy,Ij+1(y)=0yxγ(j+1)1etxadx.(33)

This is true since in the non-truncated Weibull (β,γ) case, we obtain (34) Gj+1(a)(t)=atβγE[XU(j+1)aγetXU(j)a]=atβγ00yyaγetxaxγ(j+1)1fj,j+1(x,y)dxdy,(34) where fj,j+1(x,y) is given by Arnold et al. [Citation19] as fj,j+1(x,y)=[lnF¯(x)]jj!f(x)f(y)F¯(x),x<y.

In the non-truncated Weibull (β,γ) case, we can see that F¯(x)=eβxγandf(x)=βγxγ1eβxγ,x>0.

By substituting in (34), we obtain Gj+1(a)(t)=atβγ00yyaγetxa×(βxγ)jj!βγxγ1βγyγ1eβyγdxdy=atγβj+1j!0In+1(y)ya1eβyγdy,where Ij+1(y)=0yxγ(j+1)1etxadx.

By substituting the values of M1a(t) and Gj+1a(t) in (23), we obtain a RR for the mgf of powers of single upper record values.

In the non-truncated Weibull (β,γ) case, the same RR (26) is obtained except that in this case, Gj(a)=aβγE[XU(j)aγ],j=2,,m. It then follows, from (26), so we can write that μ1(a)=1βa/γΓ(2+aγ),μ2(a)=Γ(1+a2γ)μ1(a),,μm+1(a)=Γ(1+a(m+1)γ)μm(a).

In this case, it can be shown that μn(a)=Γ(n+1+aγ)[βa/γΓ(n+1)],n=1,2,.

This RR coincides with the RR obtained by Balakrishnan and Chan [Citation20] where they used β=1,γ=canda=k.

(ii) The exponential distribution is obtained by setting γ=1 in the Weibull (β,γ) distribution. That is, in the exponential (β) distribution, λ(x)=βx.

(iii) The Rayleigh distribution is obtained by setting γ=2 in the Weibull (β,γ) distribution. That is, in the Rayleigh (β) distribution, λ(x)=βx2.

3.2. Doubly truncated compound Weibull (three-parameter Burr Type XII) distribution

Let λ(x)=γln(1+xθ/β) and λ(x)=γθxθ1/(β+xθ).

Then the CDF of doubly truncated compound Weibull distribution is given by Fd(x)=(1+P1β/β)γ(1+xβ/β)γ(1+P1β/β)γ(1+Q1β/β)γ.

(i) For akθ,k=1,2,, it follows from (15), we can obtain that Gn1,,nk+1(a1,,ak)(t1,,tk)=tkakθγEXU(nk+1)akθ(β+xU(nk+1)θ)expi=1ktiXU(ni)ai×1β+xU(nk+1)θβ+Q1θγi=1k.

From (20), we have Gn1,,nk+1(a1,,ak)=akθγEi=1k1XU(ni)aiXU(nk+1)akθ(β+XU(nk+1)θ)×1β+XU(nk+1)θβ+Q1θγi=1k1.

(ii) For aθ,m=1,2,,it follows from (22) and we can write Gm+1(a)(t)=atθγE1β+XU(m+1)θβ+Q1θγXU(m+1)aθ(β+XU(m+1)θ)etXU(m)a×1β+XU(m+1)θβ+Q1θγ.

From (25), we obtain Gm+1(a)=aθγEβ+XU(m+1)θβ+Q1θXU(m+1)aθ(β+XU(m+1)θ)×1β+XU(m+1)θβ+Q1θγ.

(iii) For bθ,m,n=1,2,,it follows from (28) and it is easy to see that Gm,n+1(a,b)(t1,t2)=bt2θγEβ+XU(n+1)θβ+Q1θXU(n+1)bθ(β+XU(m+1)θ)e[t1XU(m)a+t2XU(n+1)b]×1β+XU(n+1)θβ+Q1θγ.

From (31), we have Gm,n+1(a,b)=bθγEXU(n+1)bθXU(m)a1β+XU(n+1)θβ+Q1θγ.

Recurrence relations of the doubly truncated (Lomax and Rayleigh) distributions can be obtained by setting θ=1 and θ=2 respectively, in the previous RR’s.

For example, to check the results, when θ=1,λ(x)=γln(1+xβ)andλ(x)=γ/(β+x), we have the compound exponential (Lomax (β,γ)) distribution. From RR (26), it is not difficult to get that μm(a)=μ1(a)+j=2mGj(a+1),m=2,3,,where μ1(a)=E[XU(1)a+1], for j=2,,m. The non-truncated Lomax(β,γ) distribution yields Gj(a)=a+1γE[XU(j)a(1+XU(j))]=a+1γ[μj(a)+μj(a+1)].

Therefore, we get μm(a+1)=μ1(a+1)+a+1γj=2m[μj(a)+μj(a+1)]=μ1(a+1)+a+1γj=2m1[μj(a)+μj(a+1)]+a+1γ[μm(a)+μm(a+1)]=μm1(a+1)+a+1γ[μm(a)+μm(a+1)]. (γa1γ)μm1(a+1)=a+1γμm(a)+μm(a+1). μm(a+1)=a+1γa1μm(a)+γγa1μm1(a+1),m=2,3,,a=1,2,.

This recurrence relation coincides with the recurrence relation obtained, differently, by Balakrishnan and Ahsanullah [Citation21] in which they used k,n,ϑinstead of a,mand γ, respectively.

For the non-truncated Lomax (β,γ) distribution, it can be shown that μn(a)=βai=0a(1)aiai/(1iγ)n+1,a<γ,n=1,2,,a=1,2,.

3.3. Doubly truncated Pareto (Type I) distribution (belongs to class =L)

Let λ(x)=γln(β/x)andλ(x)=γ/x.

Then the CDF of doubly truncated Pareto distribution is given by Fd(x)=(β/P1)γ(β/x)γ(β/P1)γ(β/Q1)γ.

(i) For ak>0,k=1,2,, it follows from (15), so we can write that Gn1,,nk+1(a1,,ak)(t1,,tk)=tkakγEXU(nk+1)akexpi=1ktiXU(ni)ai×1XU(nk+1)Q1γi=1k.

From (20), we have Gn1,,nk+1(a1,,ak)=akγEi=1k1XU(ni)aiXU(nk+1)ak1XU(nk+1)Q1γi=1k1.

(ii) For a>0,m=1,2,, and using (22), the rhs of RR (21) is given by Gm+1(a)(t)=taγEXU(m+1)Q1XU(m+1)aetXU(m)a1XU(m+1)Q1γ.

From (25), we obtain Gm+1(a)=aγEXU(m+1)a1(XU(m+1))Q1γ.

(iii) For a,b>0,m,n=1,2,,and using (28), we get Gm,n+1(a,b)(t1,t2)=bt2γEXU(n+1)Q1XU(n+1)be[t1XU(m)a+t2XU(n+1)b]×1XU(n+1)Q1γ.

From (31), we have Gm,n+1(a,b)=bγEXU(n+1)bXU(m)a1xU(n+1)Q1γ.

It can be shown that RR (26) reduces to the following RR in the case of non-truncated Pareto I (β,γ) where x>β: μm(a+1)=γγa1μm1(a+1),m=2,3,,a>0,γ>a.

Therefore, we get μn(a)=βa(11γ)n+1,γ>1,n=1,2,.

3.4. Doubly truncated beta distribution (belongs to class =R)

Let λ(x)=βln(1x)andλ(x)=β(1x).

Then the CDF of doubly truncated beta distribution is given by Fd(x)=(1P1)β(1x)β(1P1)β(1Q1)β.

(i) For ak=1,2,,k=1,2,, it follows from (15), we get Gn1,,nk+1(a1,,ak)(t1,,tk)=tkakβEXU(nk+1)ak1(1XU(nk+1))expi=1ktiXU(ni)ai×11Q11XU(nk+1)βi=1k.

We note that in the non-truncated case, since 0<x<1, then Q1=1.

From (20), we have Gn1,,nk+1(a1,,ak)=akβE1Q11XU(nk+1)XU(ni)aiXU(nk+1)ak(1XU(nk+1))×11Q11XU(nk+1)β.

(ii) For a=1,2,, and using (22), we get that Gm+1(a)(t)=taβE1Q11XU(nk+1)XU(m+1)a1(1XU(m+1))etXU(m)a×11Q11XU(m+1)β.

From (25), we have Gm+1(a)=aβE1Q11XU(nk+1)XU(m+1)a1(1XU(m+1))×11Q11XU(m+1)β.

(iii) For a,b=1,2,,m,n=1,2,, it follows from (28) and it is easy to get that Gm,n+1(a,b)(t1,t2)=bt2βEXU(n+1)b1(1XU(n+1))e[t1XU(m)a+t2XU(n+1)b]×11Q11XU(n+1)β.

From (31), we have Gm,n+1(a,b)=bβE1Q11XU(nk+1)XU(n+1)b1XU(m)a(1XU(n+1))×11Q11XU(n+1)β.

In the non-truncated beta (1,β)case (note that, in this case, Q1=1), RR (26) reduces to the RR μm(a+1)=aa+βμm1(a+1)+βa+βμm(a),m=2,3,,a=1,2,.and it can be shown that μn(a)=i=0a(1)iai/(1iβ)n+1,n=1,2,,a=1,2,.

3.5. Doubly truncated Gompertz distribution

Let λ(x)=(eγx1)/βγand λ(x)=eγx/β.

Then the CDF of doubly truncated Gompertz distribution is given by Fd(x)=e(1eγP1)/βγe(1eγx)/βγe(1eγP1)/βγe(1eγQ1)/βγ.

(i) For ak=1,2,,k=1,2,, it follows from (15), so we can get that Gn1,,nk+1(a1,,ak)(t1,,tk)=βaktkEXU(nk+1)ak1expγXU(nk+1)+i=1ktiXU(ni)ai×1expeγXU(nk+1)eγQ1βγi=1k.

From (20), we have Gn1,,nk+1(a1,,ak)=βakEi=1k1XU(ni)aiXU(nk+1)ak1eγXU(nk+1)×1expeγXU(nk+1)eγQ1βγ.

(ii) For a=1,2,,and using (22), we obtain that Gm+1(a)(t)=βatEXU(m+1)a1exp{γXU(m+1)+tiXU(m)a}×1expeγXU(m+1)eγQ1βγ.

From (25), we obtain Gm+1(a)=βaEeγXU(m+1)eγQ1βγXU(m+1)a1exp{γXU(m+1)}×1expeγXU(m+1)eγQ1βγ.

(iii) For a,b=1,2,,it follows from (28), so we can get that Gm,n+1(a,b)(t1,t2)=βbt2EeγXU(n+1)eγQ1βγXU(n+1)b1×exp{γXU(n+1)+t1XU(m)a+t2XU(n+1)b}×1expeγXU(n+1)eγQ1βγ.

Using (31), we have Gm,n+1(a,b)=βbEeγXU(n+1)eγQ1βγXU(m)aXU(n+1)b1exp{γXU(n+1)}×1expeγXU(n+1)eγQ1βγ.

3.6. Doubly truncated compound Gompertz distribution

λ(x)=δln[1+(eγx1)/βγ]and λ(x)=γδ/[1+(βγ1)eγx].

Then the CDF of doubly truncated Gompertz distribution is given by Fd(x)=[1+(eγP11)/βγ][1+(eγx1)/βγ][1+(eγP11)/βγ][1+(eγQ11)/βγ].

(i) For ak=1,2,,k=1,2,, and from (15), the rhs of RR (14) is given by Gn1,,nk+1(a1,,ak)(t1,,tk)=tkakγδEβγ1+eγXU(n+1)βγ1+eγQ1δXU(nk+1)ak1exp{1+(βγ1)eγXU(nk+1)}×expi=1ktiXU(ni)ai×1βγ1+eγXU(nk+1)βγ1+eγQ1δ.

Using (20), the rhs of RR (19) is given by Gn1,,nk+1(a1,,ak)=akγδEi=1k1XU(ni)aiXU(nk+1)ak1×exp{1+(βγ1)eγXU(nk+1)}×1βγ1+eγXU(nk+1)βγ1+eγQ1δ.

(ii) Using (22) and for a=1,2,,the rhs of RR (21) is given by Gm+1(a)(t)=taγδEβγ1+eγXU(n+1)βγ1+eγQ1δXU(m+1)a1×exp{1+(βγ1)eγXU(m+1)+tXU(m)a}×1βγ1+eγXU(m+1)βγ1+eγQ1δ.

From (25), the rhs of RR (24) is obtained by Gm+1(a)=aγδEβγ1+eγXU(n+1)βγ1+eγQ1δXU(m+1)a1exp{1+(βγ1)eγXU(m+1)}×1βγ1+eγXU(m+1)βγ1+eγQ1δ.

(iii) For a,b=1,2,,and from (28), the rhs of RR (27) is given by Gm,n+1(a,b)(t1,t2)=bt2γδEβγ1+eγXU(n+1)βγ1+eγQ1δXU(n+1)b1exp{1+(βγ1)eγXU(n+1)+t1XU(m)a+t2XU(n+1)b}×1βγ1+eγXU(n+1)βγ1+eγQ1δ.

Using (31), the rhs of RR (30) can be written as Gm,n+1(a,b)=bγδEβγ1+eγXU(n+1)βγ1+eγQ1δXU(m)aXU(n+1)b1exp{1+(βγ1)eγXU(n+1)}×1βγ1+eγXU(n+1)βγ1+eγQ1δ.

4. Conclusion

Based on a general class of doubly truncated distributions, recurrence relations for the moment generating functions and product moments of powers of upper record values are considered for a sequence of iid random variables. So, a general form in (14) can be used to find recurrence relations of moment generating function and moments of powers for any distribution includes in the class in (7) for any sequence of iid random variables. The considered class includes the right, left and non-truncated distributions as special cases. In addition, it includes the most important distributions than can be used in the life testing and other applied area of statistics. Some special cases are presented using (14) such as recurrence relations for moment generating function and moments of powers for univariate and bivariate upper record values. Also, the results of some of these special cases have been checked to ensure the agreement with already existing results in the literature.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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