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Research Articles

Periodic solutions for first-order cubic non-autonomous differential equation with bifurcation analysis

Pages 1208-1217 | Received 02 Jun 2020, Accepted 11 Aug 2020, Published online: 26 Aug 2020


This article deals with the development of the number of periodic solutions for ordinary differential equations. We investigated focal values for first-order non-autonomous differential equation for periodic solutions from a fine focus z=0. Periodic solutions with polynomial coefficients are executed for classes C10,3,C10,4, and C10,5. Limit cycles are found for both non-homogeneous and homogeneous polynomials with trigonometric coefficients for classes C22,11,C24,12 and C10,10, respectively. We developed a formula ϰ10, which is not available in literature. By using our newly developed formula, we succeeded to find highest known multiplicity 10 for the classes C10,3,C10,4 with algebraic and C10,10,C24,12 with trigonometric coefficients. We present a variety of polynomial classes along with their bifurcation analysis which confirms the generality and authenticity of the method presented.

1. Introduction

In real world, in general, most of the known phenomena have the tendency to repeat after some time. There are two main kinds of models: (i) The autonomous equation – is the differential in which the dynamic of the system is given by the same map. This kind of systems predicts the evolution without considering many changes along the time. (ii) The non-autonomous equation – the differential equation whose right side, explicitly depends upon time or change. Hence, seasonal influences, controlling, external effects and other mechanisms are considered as non-autonomous models. For example, a linear or nonlinear oscillator can be forced by a periodic external force. The main open problem in the qualitative theory of real planar differential system is the determination of limit cycles. Limit cycles are usually obtained by perturbing the periodic orbits of the centre. In this paper, we are mainly concerned with non-autonomous differential equation for which limit cycles are determined by perturbing the periodic orbits of the centre, for more details, see [Citation1–11].

The problem of studying the limit cycles that can bifurcate from the period annulus surrounding the origin for system of the form (1) z=γ(τ)z3+δ(τ)z2+υ(τ)z,(1) with z=0, has been extensively considered; see for instance [Citation12–14]. Where z is complex-valued; and coefficients are real polynomial in the real variable τ. The question for the number of periodic solutions for non-autonomous differential system continues to attract more interest. Neto in [Citation15] states that for Equation (Equation1), we are unable to have upper bound for number of periodic solutions until some coefficients are restricted. Also in this paper, our basic focus is to acquire highest periodic solutions for any class of the form of Equation (Equation1), by using bifurcation method. The Equation (Equation1), is a part of the equation described in Lloyd [Citation16] as follows: (2) z=p0(τ)zn+p1(τ)zn1+p2(τ)zn2++pn(τ).(2) With the assumption that p0(τ)=1 and p1(τ),,pn(τ) are real-valued periodic continuous functions. This class of equation has received more attention in the literature. It was shown in [Citation17]  that when p0(τ)=1, then there are three periodic solutions provided account is taken of multiplicity. For n = 3 Equation (Equation2) is known as Abel's differential equation, that is important because of its connection with the well-known Hilbert's sixteenth problem for differential equations. We also refer reader to the article [Citation18], for further information regarding Hilbert's sixteenth problem background and its present status. In general, finding limit cycles is a very difficult problem. The number of limit cycle of a polynomial differential equation in the plane is the main object of the second part of Hilbert's sixteenth problem. When n4 and p0(τ)=1, the results of [Citation17] no longer holds; the examples given in Neto [Citation15] can be used to show that there is no upper bound to the periodic solutions. Moreover systems with constant angular velocities can be reduced to polynomial equations. General consequence about the number of periodic solutions can be used to obtain number of limit cycles; for examples see [Citation13,Citation19,Citation20].

Consider that for Equation (Equation1) there exists βR such that: zβ=z0. These solutions are periodic, even if γ, δ and υ are not themselves periodic. The solution satisfying z(β)=z(0), are called periodic orbits of the equation. To find maximum number of periodic solution for Equation (Equation1), complexified form is used. This is because, the number of zeros in a bounded region of the complex plane cannot be changed by any small perturbation of the coefficients. For more detail, see [Citation12,Citation15,Citation17]. The periodic orbits that are isolated in the set of all periodic orbits are usually called limit cycle. Limit cycles bifurcate out of the fine focus z=0 when the coefficients of γ and δ are slightly perturb in bifurcation method. If for Equation (Equation1) multiplicity μ>1, as was described in [Citation12], we could reduce the Equation (Equation1) to the form as follows: (3) z=γ(τ)z3+δ(τ)z2.(3) Here γ and δ may be polynomials (i) in τ (ii) in cosτ and sinτ (trigonometric functions). The functions ξi(τ), for i>1 are calculated by utilizing the relation: (4) ξi=γj,k,l1j+k+l=iξjξkξl+δj,k1j+k=iξjξk.(4) With ξ1(τ)=1. However as i increases, certain calculations become tremendously complicated because of integration by parts, used in it. Assume that ϰi= ξi(β), at that point ϰ=i if ϰ1=1 and ϰk=0 for 2ki2 but ϰi0 these ϰi´s are known as focal values, given in Section 2. For i8 functions ξi(τ) and ϰi are given in [Citation12], for i = 9 Yasmin in [Citation21] had calculated ξ9(τ) and ϰ9. For i=10,  we have calculated ξ10(τ) and ϰ10. It also gives attention to the readers that one may calculate the next formulas by substituting the value of i>10, in Equation (Equation4). Due to which, one may be able to compute the maximum periodic solutions greater than ten.

In Section 3, perturbation techniques and isolation conditions for centre are given. Main results are presented in Section 4 and some conclusions are given in Section 5.

2. Development of some essential formulas

For Equation (Equation4), Alwash in [Citation12] gives functions ξi(τ) and ϰi, for 2i8 and Yasmin in [Citation21] had calculated ξ9(τ) and ϰ9. For i = 10 we have calculated ξ10(τ) and ϰ10, presented in Theorems 2.1 and 2.2. To develop Algorithm for various classes, we use computer Algebra Language Maple, which can be used to calculate periodic solutions by using following theorems.

Theorem 2.1

For Equation (Equation4) conclusive functions ξ2,ξ3,,ξ8 are given in [Citation12]. And conclusive function ξ9 and ξ10 are given as follows:

By using these functions, we have theorem 2 that enables us to find the maximum multiplicity in which integral is like γ(τ)δ(τ)¯dτ.  Here bar shows integral of the form δ(τ)¯=δ(τ)dτ, and is indefinite. This is the main theorem given by Alwash in [Citation12] with which we are able to calculate the multiplicity.

Theorem 2.2

The solution z=0 of (Equation3) has a multiplicity k, wherever 2k10 iff ϰn=0 for 2nk1 and ϰn0 where









and ϰ10=0βγδ¯712356γγ¯δ¯59703γγ¯2δ¯3237δδ¯2γ¯324γγ¯2δδ¯270γ¯δ¯3γ221γ¯4δ74γγ¯3δ¯+52γ¯2δδ¯4+32δ¯4γδγ¯¯16δδ¯4γ¯15δ¯5γ236δδ¯γ¯2δγ¯¯8δδ¯4γγ¯.

3. Bifurcation and isolation conditions for centre

In this section, we describe some conditions for centre. From Theorem 2.2, we find maximum periodic solutions for different classes of non-autonomous differential equation of the form as (Equation1). Stopping criteria is defined for calculating maximum multiplicity ϰk. Now, some suitable conditions sufficient for z=0 as a centre are given below in the form of theorems and corollaries as:

Theorem 3.1

Consider that there are continuous functions fg defined on I=σ([0,α]) and differentiable function σ with σ(α)=σ(0) such that: γτ=fστσδτ=gστσ, then the origin is a centre for (Equation3).

Corollary 3.1

The origin is a centre for Equation (Equation3). If γ is a constant multiple of δ and 0βδ(τ)dτ=0.

Corollary 3.2

If any δ or γ is identically 0 and other has mean value zero then the origin is a centre.

Corollary 3.3

For odd continuously differentiable functions γ and δ of period ω. The origin is a centre.

Corollary 3.4

Consider for continuously differentiable functions γ and δ of period ω and there exist θ[0,ω] such that γ(θτ)=γ(τ),δ(θτ)=δ(τ). The origin is a centre.

After determining the maximum multiplicity, which we called μ, now we have to make series of perturbation of the coefficients, every one of which results one periodic solution to come out of origin. We briefly explain it here, for more detail, see [Citation12,Citation16].

For this, suppose equation of the form (Equation3), having multiplicity μ=j (suppose). Let U be in the region nearby 0 in the complex plane containing no periodic solution except z=0. From theorem (2.4) in [Citation12], the initial point which is contained in U remained fixed with respect to the total number of periodic solutions. Having the restriction that perturbation of the coefficients consider small enough. Our goal is to get ϰ2=ϰ3==ϰj2=0 but ϰj10 by perturbing and making suitable choices of γ and δ, if possible. Obviously the most effective solution in U and ψ are zero solution while we get periodic solution ψ(τ) where ψ(0)U as non-trivial solution. By considering the underlying fact that the complex solutions always appear in conjugate pair, so we can say that ψ is real. Let now U1 and V1 are neighbourhood of zero and ψ, respectively, such that V1U1U and V1U1=φ. The periodic solutions around V1 and U1 are preserved when we take small perturbation in presented coefficients. By applying same procedure as above our choice is to perturb the coefficients such that ϰk=0 for k=2,3,,j3 but ϰj20, So we get μ=j2. By applying that procedure we get two non-trivial real periodic solutions with zero solution having multiplicity j2. Continuously, in this way we ends up for Equation (Equation3) having μ=2, and j−2 distinct non-trivial (other than zero) real periodic solutions.

Remark 3.1

In the perturbation techniques defined above; the full complement of (j2) real periodic solutions fails to yield, if it so happens that there is j<k such that ϰj=0 whenever ϰj1=0. This happens when the multiplicity is necessarily odd. However, for the number of real periodic solutions, we can say from “exchange of stability” argument that, If multiplicity μ is even, the origin is stable ϰμ<0 and unstable if ϰμ>0. If μ is odd, then the origin is stable on the right and unstable on the left if ϰμ<0, while it is stable on the left and unstable on the right if ϰμ>0.

4. Main results

4.1. Polynomial coefficients for classes C10,3, C10,4 and C10,5

To compute the higher periodic solutions, we use programming language Maple18. Moreover, method for calculating periodic solution involves integration by parts, which is very time consuming as the multiplicity increases. For the polynomial τ consider Cp,q indicates the class of equation of the form (Equation3) with degree p & q for γ and δ, respectively, for example, see [Citation14,Citation22–24], the above-mentioned classes are presented below in the form of theorems. The verification of the following theorems, with which we are concerned, stems form a sequence of papers published by Alwash in [Citation12,Citation13,Citation19].

Theorem 4.1

Consider the class C10,3 for Equation (Equation3), with γ(τ)=a+bτ+dτ3+eτ4+hτ7+kτ10.δ(τ)=m+pτ3. Then we conclude μmax(C10,3)10.


Using Theorem 2.2, we take: ϰ2=m+14p,ϰ3=a+12b+14d+15e+18h+111k. Thus multiplicity of z=0 is μ=2, if ϰ20. And multiplicity μ=3, if ϰ2=0 but ϰ30. If ϰ2=ϰ3=0, then by using value of m and a, γ(τ)  and δ(τ) are as follows: (5) γ(τ)=b(τ12)+dτ314+eτ415++hτ718+kτ10111,(5) (6) δ(τ)=pτ314.(6) Also we compute ϰ4 as given below: ϰ4=p(420k385h176e+660b)158400. If ϰ4=0, then either p = 0 or: (7) k=385420h176420e+660420b.(7) If p=0, then δ(τ)=0 and for ϰ3=0, it means that mean value of γ(τ) is zero. Thus, origin is a centre from Corollary 3.2. So, consider that p0. Now if (Equation7) holds then ϰ5 is given as: ϰ5=p2(1127h880e+108b)119508480. If ϰ5=0, then as already considered p0 implies: (8) h=8801127e+1081127b.(8) And by using (Equation8) we take ϰ6 as: ϰ6=243p(e+5b)(36680b+17595p22048e)649295751104000. If ϰ6=0, as we already supposed p0 either e = −5b or (9) e=366802048b+175952048p2.(9) If e=5b, then h=4b,k=0, and Equations (5) and (Equation6) take the following form: γ(τ)=dτ314+b4τ75τ4+t,δ(τ)=pτ314. Let σ(τ)=(τ4/4)(τ/4) then, σ(τ)=τ314, also σ(0)=σ(1). So, we write above equations as: γ(τ)=d+f4τ44τσ(τ),δ(τ)=pσ(τ). Thus, from Theorem 3.1, origin is the centre with f(σ)=[d+f(4τ44τ)], and g(σ)=p. So, we take e5b. If (Equation9) holds then we compute ϰ7 as: ϰ7=p2(3p2+8b)(13670440264b+5589889019p2+1199245824d)47695612493168640. If ϰ7=0 recalling that p0 then either b=38p2 or: (10) b=558988901913670440264p2119924582413670440264d.(10) If b=38p2 then from Theorem 3.1, origin is the centre with f(σ)=d+p232τ4+32τ and g(σ)=p. So, consider that b38p2. By using (Equation10), we calculate ϰ8 as: ϰ8=p(258635p2+669222d)Ψ43463316928873540928239207930410620419276800. Where the value of Ψ is, Ψ=7526084232904678336920240879p48751871539611598818810702dp2+926676854534594320425774d2. Now, if ϰ8=0 then either Ψ=0 or  (11) d=258635669222p2.(11) Because p0. If (Equation11) holds but Ψ0,p0 then we compute ϰ9 as: ϰ9=p5(2111147084238400+21174293979747p)16152297100357017600. If ϰ9=0 then, as p0 considered above results p50, we take value of p as: (12) p=211114708423840021174293979747.(12) If Equation (Equation11) 0, p0, but Ψ=0 holds then d=yip2 for i = 1, 2 with y1=94.9656479174,y2=85.5212860619. If (Equation12) holds then we calculate ϰ10 as: ϰ10=93351428133151593024568204354525030339864140887918071001783779417421204958773850815232579389654487942946965726551297214332117906066816491844460616391273770091215. Here ϰ10 is equal to constant number which is non-zero. Hence, we conclude that multiplicity of class C10,3 is 10 i.e. μmax(C10,3)10. As the maximum multiplicity is 10 (even) and is also negative. So, from Remark 3.1, the periodic solutions are stable (Figure ).

Figure 1. Stability of Class C10,3.

Figure 1. Stability of Class C10,3.

Theorem 4.2

For Equation (Equation3), with


and (13) δ(τ)=5277867710596002117429397974714ϵ1+ϵ8+211114708423840021174293979747+ϵ1τ3.(13) Choose ϵp for 1p8 to be non-zero and small as compared to ϵp1. Then there exist eight real non-trivial periodic solutions for Equation (Equation3).


If substitute ϵp=0,  p=1,2,,8 and coefficients are as given Theorem 4.2. So, multiplicity of the origin ϰ is 10. Now, choose ϵ10 and ϵp=0 for 2p8 then it can be easily seen that ϰ9 is constant multiple of ϵ1, but ϰ2=ϰ3==ϰ7=ϰ8=0. So, the multiplicity reduces by one and ϰ=9. For that reason, one periodic solutions bifurcate out of the origin. Now set ϵ10, ϵ20 and ϵp=0 for 3p8 then we have ϰp=0 for p=2,3,,7. But ϰ8 results in form of ϵ2 with some constant multiple. So, ϰ=8. Now, set ϵ10, ϵ20,ϵ30 and ϵp=0 for 4p8 then we have ϰp=0 for p=2,3,,6. But ϰ7 results in form of ϵ3 with some constant multiple. If ϵ2 is sufficient small then there are two non-trivial real periodic solutions. Further moving on present way, we own eight real periodic non-trivial solutions.

Corollary 4.1

For an equation (14) z=γ(τ)z3+δ(τ)z2+ν+υ.(14) If γ(τ),δ(τ) are as given in Theorem 4.2 and ν,υ are small enough, Equation (Equation14) has 10 real periodic solutions.


Given that ν=0, υ=0 and μ=2 then, (Equation14) have eight real periodic solution. If ν0 but enough small then μ=1, also using the same arguments as above, we have nine periodic solutions. These are distinct and other than 0, z=0 is another solution. Thus we take 10 real periodic solutions.

Theorem 4.3

Consider the class C10,4 for Equation (Equation3), with γ(τ)=a+bτ+eτ4+fτ5+jτ9+kτ10.δ(τ)=m+qτ4. Then we concluded that μmax(C10,4)10.


Using Theorem 2.2, we take ϰ2=m+15q,ϰ3=a+12b+15e+16f+110j+111k. Thus multiplicity of z=0 is μ=2 if ϰ20. And multiplicity μ=3 if ϰ2=0 but ϰ30. If ϰ2=ϰ3=0; then, γ(τ) and δ(τ) takes the form as follows: (15) γ(τ)=b(τ12)+eτ415+fτ516+jτ9110+kτ10111,(15) (16) δ(τ)=mτ415.(16) And we compute ϰ4 as given below ϰ4=q(525k504j200f+1320b)277200. If ϰ4=0 then either q = 0 or (17) k=504525j200525f+1320525b.(17) If q = 0 then δ(τ)=0 and for ϰ3=0, it shows that mean value of γ(τ) is zero. Thus origin is a centre from Corollary 3.2. So consider that q0. Now if (Equation17) holds then ϰ5 is calculated as: ϰ5=q2(15414j+26375f+81180b)7861854000. If ϰ5=0 then as we already considered q0 implies: (18) j=2637515414f8118015414b.(18) By using (Equation18) we take ϰ6 as follows: ϰ6=q(f+6b)(649493400b+179590716q216466875f)52171649245497600. If ϰ6=0 then as we already considered q0 either f = −6b or (19) f=64949340016466875b+17959071616466875q2.(19) If f = −6b then (Equation18) gives j=5b, and (Equation17) gives k=0. By using these values, Equations (Equation15) and (Equation16) can be written in the following form as: γ(τ)=eτ415+b5τ96τ5+τ,δ(τ)=mτ415. Let σ(τ)=τ5τ then σ(τ)=5τ41. Also σ(0)=σ(1). Hence, we can write above equations as: γ(τ)=15e+b5τ55τσ,δ(τ)=m5σ. Thus from Theorem 3.1, origin is the centre with f(σ)=15[e+b(5τ55τ)], and g(σ)=(m/5). So we take f6b. If (Equation19) holds then we compute ϰ7 as: ϰ7=197q2(6q2+25b)(7036332930832775b+1794501181064122q2+290044397663625e)6848906100301437046875000. If ϰ7=0 recalling that q0 then either b=625q2 or (20) b=17945011810641227036332930832775q22900443976636257036332930832775e.(20) If b=625q2 then origin is the centre, from Theorem 3.1; with f(σ)=15e+q265τ5+65τ and g(σ)=m5, where σ(τ)=τ5τ. So consider b625q2. By using (Equation20) we calculate ϰ8 as: ϰ8=197q(4014926848q2+11008630875e)ϖ6939449768773500932418315676158429598001527563338156746875000000. Where


Now if ϰ8=0 then either ϖ=0 or  (21) e=401492684811008630875q2.(21) Because q0. If (Equation21) holds but ϖ0,q0 then we compute ϰ9 as: ϰ9=512q5(2527722586684226341+20998929244622336q)14061064382915928894140625. If ϰ9=0 then as q0 considered above, we take value of q as: (22) q=252772258668422634120998929244622336.(22) If Equation (Equation21) 0, q0, but ϖ=0 holds then e=viq2 for i=1,2. With v1=84.4702410464,v2=74.5099737888. If (Equation22) holds then we calculate ϰ10 as: ϰ10=5644655707686406277876584513365582638309951290433032328259727755553482623693806534607791941601819815075766865987599183241770579745454277570119546116932602223409031372525625598634849278584013805360748064212956940098070978960165676326686062215685034641922068492508037466808226743801457609748643624246894790981008200477132299109643396915578083040190294123506009374720000000000000000 Here ϰ10 is equal to constant number which is non-zero. Hence we conclude that multiplicity of class C10,4 is 10 i.e. μmax(C10,4)10. As the maximum multiplicity is 10 (even) and is also negative. So, from Remark 3.1, the periodic solutions are stable (Figure ).

Figure 2. Stability of Class C10,3.

Figure 2. Stability of Class C10,3.

Theorem 4.4

For Equation (Equation3), consider that γ(τ)=υ1+bτ+eτ4+fτ5+jτ9+kτ10.δ(τ)=252772258668422634110499464622311168015ϵ1+ϵ8+252772258668422634120998929244622336+ϵ1τ4. With υ1=401492684855043154375×252772258668422634120998929244622336+ϵ12+257346252278353940346441266354ϵ2462026079221450ϵ3113310276ϵ47550ϵ5111ϵ6+ϵ7,b=625252772258668422634120998929244622336+ϵ1211601775906545281453317233311ϵ2+ϵ3,e=401492684811008630875×252772258668422634120998929244622336+ϵ12+ϵ2,f=3625252772258668422634120998929244622336+ϵ1222880105908315921407266586166555ϵ2+25979736658675ϵ3+ϵ4,j=252772256842263412099892244622336+ϵ12+59087593249045019701732063177ϵ21348470184429ϵ32637515414ϵ4+ϵ5, and k=232816394665792089850866103165885ϵ2+2643566644610725ϵ3+97247707ϵ42425ϵ5+ϵ6. If ϵl (1l8), are taken to be non-zero and also ϵ8ϵ7ϵ6ϵ1. Then (Equation3) has eight distinct non-trivial real periodic solutions, i.e. other than zero.


The proof is similar to Theorem 4.2. Hence, it is omitted.

Theorem 4.5

Consider the class C10,5 for Equation (Equation3), with γ(τ)=a+b2τ+d2τ3+f2τ5+k2τ10.δ(τ)=l+q2τ5. Then we conclude μmax(C10,5)8.


By utilizing Theorem 2.2, we calculate: ϰ2=l+163q,ϰ3=a+b+2d+163f+102411k. Thus, multiplicity of z=0 is μ=2 if ϰ20. And multiplicity μ=3 if ϰ2=0 but ϰ30. If ϰ2=ϰ3=0 then, we have: (23) γ(τ)=b2τ1+d2τ32+f2τ4163+k2τ10102411,(23) (24) δ(τ)=q2τ4163.(24) And ϰ4 is Calculated as: ϰ4=4q(640000k+6732d+4675b)58905. If ϰ4=0 then, either q = 0 or: (25) k=6732640000d+4675640000b.(25) If q = 0 then δ(τ)=0, and for ϰ3=0, it means that the mean value of γ(τ) is zero. So, by Corollary 3.2, origin is a centre. Consider that q0. Now by using (Equation25) we compute: ϰ5=256q2(294d+275b)1864863. If ϰ5=0 then: (26) d=275294b.(26) Because we have already supposed q0. If (Equation26) holds then: ϰ6=bq(27529488896q2+487893013b)2486625314355. If ϰ6=0 , either b = 0 or: (27) b=27529488896487893013q2,(27) because q0. For b=0, let σ(τ)=165τ5163τ then σ(τ)=16t4163. Also σ(0)=σ(1). So, we can write as: γ(τ)=f+b43013920t6+430111760t2σ,δ(τ)=qσ. Utilizing Theorem 3.1, origin is the centre with f(σ)=f+b43013920t6+430111760t2 and g(σ)=q. So, we take b0. If (Equation27) holds then ϰ7 is: ϰ7=88509251584q4(130544687537652794072q2+3386236105714215325f)359837002367076102937805669625. Now if ϰ7=0, recalling that q0 then: (28) f=1305446875376527940723386236105714215325q2.(28) With holding (Equation28) we have:


That is constant multiple of q7 and q is also non-zero, q0 taken above. Thus, we conclude that multiplicity of class C10,5 is 8, i.e. μmax(C10,5)8. As the maximum multiplicity is 8 (even) and is also positive. So, from Remark 3.1, the periodic solutions are unstable (Figure ).

Figure 3. Stability of Class C10,5.

Figure 3. Stability of Class C10,5.

4.2. Trigonometric coefficients for non-homogeneous and homogeneous polynomials

Now, we consider equation of the form as below: (29) z=γ(τ)z3+δ(τ)z2,(29) having polynomials γ(τ) and δ(τ) in sinτ and cosτ; for this we suppose that ω=2π. This brings us closer to Hilbert's sixteenth problem that is original motivation. Equations of the form (Equation29) are of Hilbert's type which comes from (Equation1) with υ=0, γ and δ of degree 2(n+1) and (n+1)  respectively, are non-homogeneous polynomials. In this context, there are restrictions on the possible values of multiplicity 'ϰ which did not apply to the equations considered in Section 4.1; these make problem more complicated. Consider that γ and δ contain only terms of even and odd degree, respectively; same situation is in Hilbert's type with n is even in (Equation1), for degree of γ and δ. Suppose γ(π+τ)=γ(τ), δ(π+τ)=δ(τ); therefore, -φ(τ+π) is a periodic solution if φ(τ) is such a solution. From the theory of complex analysis, complex solutions always occur in conjugate pairs due to which total number of non-trivial periodic solutions is even. Furthermore, if multiplicity of the origin is odd; for ϰ>1 we can show (ϰ1) is even.

In accordance with Section 4.1, we now go off to numerous classes of Equation (Equation29). By using computer Algebra Maple18, the calculations in this module are verified. The expressions relating to Theorem 2.2 are of bulk extent that straightforward use of Maple18 integrating operator either failed or progress slow due to insufficient pile space. This difficulty was overcome by individually computing a list of definite integrals of the form 02πτjcosmτsinnτdτ using Maple18, firstly we store this in a file and then enter it into an array during a Maple18 run. After this indefinite integrals are calculated for polynomials τ, sinτ, and cosτ.

4.2.1. Non-homogeneous trigonometric coefficient

Periodic solutions for the classes C22,11 and C24,12 are calculated below.

Theorem 4.6

Let the class C22,11 for Equation (Equation29), if the coefficients are: γ(τ)=asin14τ+bsinτcos13τ+dcosτsin13τ×cos2τ+sin2τ4,δ(τ)=gcosτsin10τ+icos10τsinτ. Then we calculate ϰmax(C22,11)9.


From Theorem 2.2, we now calculate ϰ2=0, and ϰ3=429aπ1024 For ϰ3=0, by putting value of a = 0, ϰ4=0 and by proceeding further we calculate ϰ5 as: ϰ5=3059giπ(b+d)47244640256. If ϰ5=0 then, either g = i = 0 or: (30) b+d=0.(30) If g = i = 0 then δ(τ)=0, and for ϰ3=0,  it shows that mean value of γ(τ) is zero. As a result, from Corollary 3.2, origin is a centre. From Equation (Equation30), we substitute b = −d and calculate ϰ6=0 with ϰ7 as: ϰ7=2052417dgiπ(gi)(g+i)68116944363978752. For ϰ7=0, as πgi0, then for d = 0 we get b=0, due to which γ(τ) is zero for the value of d=b=a=0, and for ϰ2=0 gives that δ(τ) has mean value zero. As a result, origin is a centre from corollary 3.2. So, we take dgiπ0. Further, by using the value g=±i, we calculate ϰ8=0 and moving in the same manner we calculate ϰ9 as: ϰ9=±1539578881388202051857233080777916863741952di4π. Which is constant multiple of the variables, that are non-zero. Hence μmax(C22,11)9.

Theorem 4.7

Let the class C24,12 for Equation (Equation29), if the coefficients are: γ(τ)=esin10τ+(f)cosτsin9τ+gcos9τsinτ+hcos10τ×cos2τ+sin2τ7,δ(τ)=a)cos7τsinτ+bsin7τcosτ×cos2τ+sin2τ2. Then μmax(C24,12)10 is presented.


With the use of Theorem 2.2, it is easily calculated that ϰ2=0 and: ϰ3=63π(e+h)128. If ϰ3=0, then, as π0, we substitute value of ”e = −h ” and calculate ϰ4 as: ϰ4=1515πh(a+b)32768. For ϰ4=0, if we consider hπ0, then we put a = −b, and get ϰ5= 0 with ϰ6 as: ϰ6=135387bhπ(f+g)83886080. For ϰ6=0, if b = 0 then a=0, and as a result δ(t)=0, and for ϰ3=0 shows that mean value of γ(τ) is zero. As a result, origin is a centre from Corollary 3.2. So, we suppose that b0, and substitute f=g, with which we calculate ϰ7=ϰ8=0, but ϰ9 as: ϰ9=bπ(94936183603200g2+235562160127gb33396424024719360h2)22166154415964160. If ϰ9=0, then as bπ0, we put, h2=949361836032003396424024719360g2+2355621601273396424024719360gb3. and calculate ϰ10 as: ϰ10=g3bπ(7318586589734405455888357785600gb2173594075291076034335740295905280g2+9332277799849085034833334665b5154578670934888723063647991808gb3.783162059372457471546426572931072000 From Theorem 2.2, due to the lack of formula ϰ11, which is used to calculate multiplicity greater than 10. So, we cannot move towards further calculations. Hence we conclude that μmax(C24,12)10.

Finally, for Equation (Equation29), we consider homogeneous polynomials with trigonometric coefficients.

4.2.2. Homogeneous trigonometric coefficient

Theorem 4.8

Let C10,10 be the class with: γ(τ)=asin8τ+bcosτsin7τ+dcos7τsinτ+ecos8τ×cos2τ+sin2τ,δ(τ)=gcos7τsinτ+hcosτsin7τ×cos2τ+sin2τ. Then μmax(C10,10)10 is calculated.


With the use of Theorem 2.2, it can be easily calculated that ϰ2=0, and, ϰ3=35π(e+a)64. For ϰ3=0, by substituting e=a, we calculate ϰ4 as: ϰ4=25aπ(g+h)512. If ϰ4=0 as π is irrational and non-zero, either a=0, or h + g = 0. If a = 0 then e=0, and by substituting e=a=0, γ is the constant multiple of δ and also 02πδ(τ)dt=0. Thus from Corollary 3.1, origin is a centre. So, we consider that a0, and by substituting: (31) h=g,(31) we calculate ϰ5=0 and ϰ6 as: ϰ6=315gaπ(b+d)131072. If ϰ6=0, either g=0, because a0 (considered above) and for g = 0 Equation (Equation31) gives h = 0, and as a result δ(t)=0. For ϰ3=0, mean value of γ(t) is zero. So by Corollary 3.2, origin is the centre. Now supposed that g0,  and substituting d=b, we calculate ϰ7=0, ϰ8=0 and by proceeding further, ϰ9 is as follows: ϰ9=gπ(662955045683200000a2120365385252864000b239705206001849bg3)3958241859993600000. If ϰ9=0, as gπ0(shown above), then the substitution of explicit function a2 is as follows: (32) a2=39705206001849662955045683200000bg3+120365385252864000662955045683200000b2.(32) With holding Equation (Equation32), ϰ10 comes out as: ϰ10=g3bπ(130740337229914440440183408640bg3+4717720188035374060782344553g5+16266549215034938791838613504000bg2+498496355511533840443868446720000b2)1492842048351124836385921433600000000. From ϰ10 we cannot substitute any value for further calculation. Hence we conclude that μmax(C10,10)10.

5. Conclusion

In this paper, we have obtained some existence results for first-order cubic non-autonomous differential equation by using method of perturbation. A new formula ϰ10 is constructed and is used to find maximum multiplicity 10 for various polynomial classes C24,12 with non-homogeneous and C10,10 with homogeneous trigonometric coefficients, while C10,3 and C10,4 for polynomial coefficients are presented. We validate our results in accordance with the classical paper by Alwash [Citation12]. This is in fact that solution of Hilbert's Sixteenth problem is still faraway, looking through more limit cycles and escalate the general upper bounds form could be a constructive choice in approaching the problem.


The authors would like to express their sincere thanks to the support of National Natural Science Foundation of China. All authors contributed equally to the writing of this paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [grant number 61673169].


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