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Research Articles

An approximate solution of a differential inclusion with maximal monotone operator

Pages 1475-1481 | Received 09 Jun 2020, Accepted 26 Sep 2020, Published online: 13 Oct 2020


The theory of differential inclusions has played a central role in many areas as biological systems, physical problems and population dynamics. The principle aim of our work is to compute explicitly the discrete approximate solution of a differential inclusion including a maximal monotone operator. Also we present a numerical application of our results for showing how to compute the discrete approximate solution of its corresponding differential inclusion.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications:

1. Introduction

The differential inclusion has been studied by S. Adly, A. Hantoute, T. Nguyen, M. Thera and L. B. Khiet in [Citation1–3], and by Y. Shang [Citation4–6] in the study of fixed-time stability in the field of control engineering. We refer the interested reader to [Citation7, Citation8] for more details regarding related applications (mathematical questions tied to analysis dealing with porous media or biological systems, respectively).

We consider, in this work, the following differential inclusion: (1) ν(s)g(ν(s))B(ν(s))a.e.s[0,1]ν(0)=ν0domB,(1) where B:RNRN (resp. g:RNRN) is a maximal monotone operator (resp. a k-Lipschitz function), RN is the Euclidean N-space, and domB is the domain of B which is given by domB:={xRN:Bx}. In 2006, Mordukhovich [Citation9] contemplated the accompanying differential inclusion ν(s)G(ν(s)) a.e s[0,b] where G is a Lipschitz multifunction. In 2019, he used in the work [Citation10] the same method to study the following differential inclusion: ν(s)NC(s)(ν(s))a.e0st,ν(0)C(0), where C(s) is the convex variable set continuously evolves in time and NC(s)() means the normal cone operator of C(s).

We present in this work a method for obtaining the best approximate solution of (Equation1). The existence of the solution of this inclusion is a classical result proved by Brezis in [Citation11].

Let n be a positive integer, and si=in for all i=0,,n. Consider the following approximate problem for (Equation1) (2) νn(si)=g(νn(si))B1n(νn(si))forall0in1νn(0)=ν0,(2) such that for all 0in1, νn(si)=n(νn(si+1)νn(si)) and νn(s)=νn(si)foralls in the interval [si,si+1[.

This problem has many applications in optimization and fixed-point theory, and there are many papers that studied the exact and approximate solution (see, e.g. [Citation12–14]). Our idea to prove the main result of this paper is to use this problem to find an approximate solution of our principle problem (Equation1).

Recall that, the unique discrete trajectory νn(si), i=0,,n, of (Equation2) is given by νn(s0)=ν0,νn(si+1)=1ng(νn(si))+J1nBνn(si)forall0in1. We say that νn() is a piecewise extension of the unique discrete trajectory of (Equation2) which is defined on the sub-interval [si,si+1[ by the following relation: νn(s)=νn(si)(ssi)νn(si). We will prove that if νn() is a piecewise extension of the unique discrete trajectory νn(si) of (Equation2) and ν() is a solution of (Equation1), then νn() converges uniformly to ν().

2. Background

In this section, we give some definitions and notations that are needed throughout this article.

The orthogonal projection mapping ΠX onto a set X is defined as ΠX(s)={zX:zs=infyXys}. Let B be an operator on RN. The domain (resp. the graph) of B are given respectively by domB:={xRN:Bx},gphB:={(x,y)RN×RN:yBx}. The operator B is said to be monotone if y1y2,x1x20forall(xi,yi)gphB,i=1,2, and we said that B is maximal monotone, if B is monotone and its graph does not have an extension to a graph of another monotone operator.

For λ>0, the resolvent of B is given by JλBx:=(id+λB)1(x), and the Yoshida approximation of B is given by Bλx:=1λ(idJλB)(x), where id: RN RN stands for the identity mapping.

If B is maximal monotone, then Bλ is Lipschitz continuous with constant 1λ and maximal monotone. In this case, we have also for all xRN,Bλ(x)B(JλBx) and if xdomB, then Bλ(x)B0(x) where B0x:={xBx:x=minzBxz} is the set of points of minimal norm in Bx.

A function w from an interval [a,b] into RN is called absolutely continuous, if for all positive real number ε>0, there exists a δ>0 such that for every finite collection {[ai,bi]} of disjoint sub-intervals of [a,b], we have i|aibi|δi|w(ai)w(bi)|ε. Finally, we recall the Gronwall's lemma [Citation15, Lemma 4.1].

Lemma 2.1

Let b be a positive real number and f(), g() two functions in L1([0,b],R) such that the function g() is positive on [0,b], and let w be an absolutely continuous function from [0,b] into R+ such that (1λ)w(t)f(t)w(t)+g(t)wλ(t)a.e.t[0,b] with 0λ<1. Then the following inequality is satisfied for all 0tb w1λ(t)w1λ(0)exp(0tf(α)dα)+0texp(ktf(α)dα)g(s)ds.


Let ϵ be a positive real number. Put wε(s)=(w(s)+ε)(1λ)exp(0sf(α)dα) The first derivative of wε is wε(s)=f(s)exp(0sf(α)dα)(w(s)+ε)(1λ)+exp(0sf(α)dα)(1λ)w(s)(w(s)+ε)λ After simplification, we obtain wε(s)=exp(0sf(α)dα)[f(s)w(s)+(1λ)w(s)εf(s)(w(s)+ε)λ]. Using the fact that (1λ)w(t)f(t)w(t)+g(t)wλ(t)a.et[0,b], we get wε(s)exp(0sf(α)dα)(w(s))λ(w(s)+ε)λg(s)εf(s)(w(s)+ε)λexp(0sf(α)dα)exp(0sf(α)dα)(w(s))λ(w(s)+ε)λg(s)+ε|f(s)|(w(s)+ε)λexp(0s|f(α)|dα). Hence wε(s)exp(0sf(α)dα)g(s)+ε1λ|f(s)|×exp(0s|f(α)|dα) Integrating this inequality from s = 0 to s = t, we get wε(t)wε(0)0texp(0sf(α)dα)g(s)ds+ε1λ0t|f(s)|exp(0s|f(α)|dα)ds0texp(0sf(α)dα)g(s)ds+ε1λ(exp(0t|f(α)|dα)1) Taking ε0 in the last inequality, we obtain w1λ(t)exp(0tf(α)dα)w1λ(0)0texp(0sf(α)dα)g(s)ds. Hence w1λ(t)w1λ(0)exp(0tf(α)dα)+0texp(stf(α)dα)g(s)ds.

3. Main results

We present in this section our principle result (see Theorem 3.1) for which we give an approximate solution of (Equation1).

Theorem 3.1

Let νn() be a piecewise extension of the unique discrete trajectory νn(si), i=0,,n, of (Equation2) such that νn(0)=ν0. Then νn() converges uniformly to the solution ν() of (Equation1).

We need the following propositions to prove Theorem 3.1.

Proposition 3.2

If ν() is the solution of (Equation1), then the following inequalities are satisfied for every real number s in the interval [0,1].

  1. ν(s)ekν(0) and ν(s)ekν(0)+ν0,

  2. g(ν(s))kekν(0)+2kν0+g(ν0),

  3. b(ν(s))(k+1)ekν(0)+2kν0+g(ν0),

where ν(s)=g(ν(s))b(ν(s)) a.e. s[0,1], b(ν(s))B(ν(s)).


Since ν() is a solution of (Equation1), we have ν(s)=g(ν(s))b(ν(s)) a.e. s[0,1]. So t]0,1[ such that s+t1, we have ν(s+t)=g(ν(s+t))b(ν(s+t)) a.e. s[0,1]. This equation with the initial condition ν(0)=ν0domB has a unique solution ν() which is absolutely continuous on [0,1] (see, e.g. [Citation11]).

Fix s]0,1[. As g is k-Lipschitz function and B is a maximal monotone operator, we have ddtν(s+t)ν(s)2=2ν(s+t)ν(s),ν(s+t)ν(s)=2g(ν(s+t))b(ν(s+t))g(ν(s))b(ν(s)),ν(s+t)ν(s)=2g(ν(s+t))g(ν(s)),ν(s+t)ν(s)2b(ν(s+t))b(ν(s)),ν(s+t)ν(s)2kν(s+t)ν(s)2. Using Gronwall Lemma (see Lemma 2.1), we get ν(t+s)ν(s)2ν(t)ν(0)2e2ksforall0t1. Therefore ν(t+s)ν(s)ν(t)ν(0)eks. Dividing the last inequality by t and taking t0, we obtain that ν(s)ν(0)eks. As ν(0)=g(ν0)b(ν0), we get ν(s)g(ν0)b(ν0)ek. Using the fact that ν(s)=0sν(t)dt+ν0, we get ν(s)0sν(t)dt+ν00sν(t)dt+ν0ekν(0)+ν0. By the Lipschitzianity of g, we get for all s[0,1] : g(ν(s))=g(ν(s))g(ν0)+g(ν0)g(ν(s))g(ν0)+g(ν0)kν(s)ν0+g(ν0)kν(s)+kν0+g(ν0)kekν(0)+2kν0+g(ν0). Since ν(s)=g(ν(s))b(ν(s)) a.e. s[0,1], we obtain b(ν(s))=ν(s)+g(ν(s)) a.e. s[0,1]. Therefore b(ν(s))=g(ν(s))ν(s)g(ν(s))+ν(s)kekν(0)+2kν0+g(ν0)+ekν(0)(k+1)ekν(0)+2kν0+g(ν0).

Proposition 3.3

Let νn() be a piecewise extension of the unique discrete trajectory νn(si) of (Equation2). Then the following inequalities are satisfied for every real number s in the interval [0,1] and for all 0in.

  1. νn(s)ekνn(0) and νn(s)ekνn(0)+ν0,

  2. g(νn(s))kekνn(0)+2kν0+g(ν0),

  3. B1n(νn(si))(k+1)ekνn(0)+2kν(0)+g(ν0).


Let νn() be a piecewise extension of the unique discrete trajectory νn(si) of the following problem: νn(si)=g(νn(si))B1n(νn(si))forall0in1νn(0)=ν0. Then for all 0in1, we have νn(si+1)=νn(si)+1nνn(si)=νn(si)+1n[g(νn(si))B1n(νn(si))]=νn(si)+1ng(νn(si))(νn(si)J1nBνn(si)). Therefore νn(si+1)=J1nBνn(si)+1ng(νn(si))forall0in1. Hence νn(si+2)νn(si+1)=J1nBνn(si+1)J1nBνn(si)+1n[g(νn(si+1))g(νn(si))]. Since JλB (resp. g) is 1-Lipschitz (resp. k-Lipschitz) continuous function, νn(si+2)νn(si+1)J1nBνn(si+1)J1nBνn(si)+1ng(νn(si+1))g(νn(si)) Hence νn(si+2)νn(si+1)νn(si+1)νn(si)+knνn(si+1)νn(si) That means νn(si+2)νn(si+1)(kn+1)νn(si+1)νn(si) Consequently νn(si+2)νn(si+1)(kn+1)νn(si+1)νn(si)(kn+1)2νn(si)νn(si1)(kn+1)i+1νn(s1)νn(s0)(kn+1)nνn(s1)νn(s0). Since (kn+1)nek, νn(si+2)νn(si+1)ekνn(s1)νn(s0)forall0in2. We deduce that n(νn(si+2)νn(si+1))ekn(νn(s1)νn(s0))forall0in2. Therefore νn(si)ekνn(0)forall1in1. Clearly the previous inequality is also true when i = 0, and since νn(s)=νn(si) for all s[si,si+1[ and i=0,,n1, we get νn(s)ekνn(0)foralls[0,1]. For every s[0,1], we have yn(s)=0sνn(r)dr+ν0. Then νn(s)0sνn(r)dr+ν00sνn(r)dr+ν0sekνn(0)+ν0ekνn(0)+ν0. By the Lipschitzianity of g, we get for every s[0,1]: g(νn(s))=g(νn(s))g(ν0)+g(ν0)g(νn(s))g(ν0)+g(ν0)kνn(s)ν0+g(ν0)kνn(s)+kν0+g(ν0)kekνn(0)+2kν0+g(ν0). Since νn(si)=g(νn(si))B1n(νn(si)) for all 0in1, we obtain that B1n(νn(si))=g(νn(si))νn(si)g(νn(si))+νn(si)(k+1)ekνn(0)+2kν0+g(ν0).


Proof of theorem 3.1

For all s[si,si+1[, we have 12ddsνn(s)ν(s)2=νn(s)ν(s),νn(s)ν(s)=νn(s)ν(s),νn(si)ν(s)+νn(s)ν(s),νn(s)νn(si). Since νn(s)=νn(si) for all s[si,si+1[ and 0in1, we have clearly that: νn(s)=νn(si)(ssi)νn(si) for all s[si,si+1[ and 0in1. Therefore νn(s)νn(si)(ssi)νn(si)1nνn(si). Using the Proposition 3.3 and the fact that νn(0)=g(ν0)B1n(ν0) and B1n(ν0) is less than or equal b(ν0), we get νn(s)νn(si)1nekνn(0)1nek(g(ν0)+b(ν0)). Applying Proposition 3.2 and the last inequality, we obtain that νn(s)ν(s),νn(s)νn(si)νn(s)ν(s)νn(s)νn(si)2(m1)2n, where m1=ek(g(ν0)+b(ν0)).

Using again Proposition 3.3, and the fact that νn(0)g(ν0)+b(ν0), we get for all i=1,,n1 (3) B1n(νn(si))(k+1)ek(g(ν0)+b(ν0))+2kν0+g(ν0).(3) On the other hand, we have for all s[si,si+1[: νn(s)ν(s),νn(si)ν(s)=g(νn(si))g(ν(s)),νn(si)ν(s)B1n(νn(si))b(ν(s)),νn(si)ν(s)=g(νn(si))g(ν(s)),νn(si)ν(s)B1n(νn(si))b(ν(s)),J1nBνn(si)ν(s)B1n(νn(si))b(ν(s)),νn(si)J1nBνn(si). Since B1n(νn(si))B(J1nBνn(si)) and B  is monotone, we can show that B1n(νn(si))b(ν(s)),J1nBνn(si)ν(s)0. On the other hand, we have B1n(νn(si))b(ν(s)),νn(si)J1nBνn(si)B1n(νn(si))b(ν(s))νn(si)J1nBνn(si)B1n(νn(si))+b(ν(s))nB1n(νn(si)).

From Proposition 3.2 and the inequality (Equation3), we get B1n(νn(si))b(ν(s)),νn(si)J1nBνn(si)2(m2)2n. where m2=(k+1)ek(g(ν0)+b(ν0))+2kν0+g(ν0).

Therefore, for all real number s in the interval [si,si+1] and 0in1, νn(s)ν(s),νn(si)ν(s)kνn(si)ν(s)+2(m2)2n. As νn(s)=νn(si)(ssi)νn(si) for all s[si,si+1[ and i=0,,n1, we can obtain directly that νn(si)ν(s)2νn(s)ν(s)2+(ssi)νn(si)2+2νn(s)ν(s)(ssi)νn(si). Hence 2νn(s)ν(s)(ssi)νn(si)νn(s)ν(s)2+(ssi)νn(si)2. So νn(si)ν(s)22νn(s)ν(s)2+2(ssi)νn(si)2. Hence for all s[0,1], we have νn(s)ν(s),νn(s)ν(s)2kνn(s)ν(s)2+2k(ssi)νn(si)2+2(m2)2n+2(m1)2n2kνn(s)ν(s)2+(2k+2)(m1)2n+2(m2)2n2kνn(s)ν(s)2+cn, where c=(2k+2)(m1)2+2(m2)2.

Consequently dds12νn(s)ν(s)22kνn(s)ν(s)2+cn,s[0,1]. From Gronwall's Lemma 2.1, we get for all 0s1 νn(s)ν(s)2(c4kn)e2ktc4kn. Finally sups[0,1]νn(s)ν(s)2(c4kn)e2kc4kn. Hence νn(s)ν(s) as n+.

3.1. Numerical application

We can find an approximate solution of the differential inclusion (Equation1) by taking n large enough. Let νn() be a piecewise extension of (Equation2): νn(si+1)=1ng(νn(si))+J1nBνn(si)forall0in1,νn(0)=ν0. We consider here si:=in[0,1]forall0in1. Then νn(0)=ν0(given)ν1=νn(1n)=1ng(ν0)+J1nB(ν0)ν2=νn(2n)=1ng(x1)+J1nB(ν1),νj=νn(jn)=1ng(νj)+J1nB(νj),νn(1)=1ng(νn1)+J1nB(νn1). The sequence (νn())n converges uniformally to ν() the unique solution of (Equation1). Then for n large enough, νn(si), i=0,,n are approximate solution of (Equation1) in si.

We have νn(s)=νn(si)(ssi)νn(si) for all s[si,si+1[ νn(s)ν(s)2(c2kn)e2ksc2kn,s[0,1]. Hence νn() is an approximate solution to (Equation1) for n large enough.

Example 3.4

Application to Electrical

In this example, we apply our result to the case of electrical circuits where current source is fixed. We discuss the circuit considered in [Citation16]. Lν(s)+Rν(s)NI(ν(s))withI=[c,+[. If ν(0)=0 and L = R, then ν(s)ν(s)NI(ν(s)).

In this example, g(ν(s))=ν(s), B(ν(s))=NI(ν(s)) and J1nB(ν)=ΠI(ν).

We have νn(si), i=0,,n is a discrete trajectory of νn(si+1)=1ng(νn(si))+ΠI(νn(si)),i=0,,n1,νn(0)=ν0, where si=in[0,1] for all i=0,,n. Then

νn(0)=0 (given)






For n large enough: νn(s)ν(s)n+(1n)i1n+1cforalls[in,i+1n[and0in.

Example 3.5

We consider the differential inclusion (4) x˙(t)x(t)N[0,+)(x(t))a.et[0,1]x(0)=1[0,+),(4) over the space of all absolutely continuous arcs x:[0,1]R. where N[0,+)(x)={yR/y(xz)0,z[0,+)}

The differential inclusion (Equation4) has a unique solution x(t)=et.

We take the following discrete approximations: (5) x˙n(tj)=xn(tj),j=0,,nxn(0)=1[0,+),(5) where tj:=jhn[0,1] as j=0,,n, hn=1n such that

  1. x˙n(tj)=xn(tj+1)xn(tj)hn for all j=0,,n.

  2. x˙n(t)=x˙n(tj),t[tj,tj+1[, for all j=0,,n.

  3. xn(t)=xn(tj)(ttj)x˙n(tj),t[tj,tj+1[, and j=0,,n.

We can write the differential inclusion (Equation5) as follows: xn(tj+1)=1nxn(tj)+xn(tj),j=0,,n1,xn(0)=1. Clearly xn(1n)=1n+1, xn(2n)=(1n+1)2,,xn(jn)=(1n+1)j and xn(1)=(1n+1)n, and if n = 1000, j = 500, we get x1000(0.5)=(11000+1)5001,6483 and e0.51,6486.


We have studied, in this work, a differential inclusion including a maximal monotone operator, where a discrete approximate solution of an interesting problem has been given explicitly. The method used in this work can be applied in the future to a single-solution inclusions by selecting some discrete modulators.


The author express his deep gratitude to the referee for his/her meticulous reading and valuable suggestions which have definitely improved the paper.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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