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Research Article

On the convergence of sequences in ℝ+ through weighted geometric means via multiplicative calculus and application to intuitionistic fuzzy numbers

Pages 442-450 | Received 23 Oct 2021, Accepted 23 Apr 2022, Published online: 09 May 2022


We define weighted geometric mean method of convergence for sequences in R+ by using multiplicative calculus and obtain necessary and sufficient conditions under which convergence of sequences in R+ follows from convergence of their weighted geometric means. We also obtain multiplicative analogues of Schmidt type slow oscillation condition and Landau type two-sided condition for the convergence in particular. Besides, we introduce the concepts of convergence, convergence, (N¯,p)convergence, (G¯,p)convergence for sequences of intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (IFNs) and apply the aforementioned conditions to achieve convergence in intuitionistic fuzzy number space. Examples of sequences are also given to illustrate the proposed methods of convergence.

Mathematics Subject Classifications:

1. Introduction

Multiplicative calculus [Citation1,Citation2] is alternative to classical calculus and uses ratios instead of differences in order to measure deviations and compare numbers. The operations multiplication and division are crucial in multiplicative calculus and many concepts such as differentiation and integration are based on these operations. Being the main concept of this paper, the convergence of sequences of positive real numbers is also defined via these operations in multiplicative calculus. In this paper, we use multiplicative calculus to deal with the convergence of sequences of real numbers through weighted geometric means. By the way, weighted geometric means are encountered in many topics of mathematics one of which is sequences of IFNs. In particular, see intuitionistic fuzzy aggregation operators [Citation3,Citation4].

There are many examples of sequences in real number space and in intuitionistic fuzzy number space where the convergence can not be achieved via existing types of convergence. Besides, in some cases, the limit may not be unique or may not be the intended value even if the convergence is achieved via those types of convergence. To recover the convergence of such sequences, we need new types-methods of convergence. The main aim of this paper is to introduce the weighted geometric mean method of convergence for sequences in R+ by using multiplicative calculus and prove related convergence theorems in R+ with application to intuitionistic fuzzy number space. Recently, Çanak et al. [Citation5] used multiplicative calculus and defined a geometric mean method to assign a limit value to sequences which fail to converge in R+. Besides, they obtained conditions in the multiplicative sense under which convergence in R+ follows from the convergence of geometric means and gave multiplicative analogues of Schmidt type slow oscillation condition and Landau type two-sided condition as corollaries. In Example 3.2, the geometric mean method fails to assign a limit. Furthermore, in Example 3.3, the geometric mean method may not assign the intended limit value even if it achieves a limit value in R+. In such cases, we may use weighted geometric means instead of geometric means. Hence, by using multiplicative calculus, in Section 3 we define the weighted geometric mean method for sequences in R+ and obtain necessary and sufficient conditions under which convergence in R+ follows from convergence of weighted geometric means. In Section 4, we define two types of convergence and weighted mean limitation methods for sequences of IFNs to handle sequences such in Examples 4.3, 4.13 and 4.21 and apply the conditions of Section 3 to sequences of IFNs in order to recover the convergence.

2. Definitions and notations

Let uR+. Then, the absolute value of u in the multiplicative sense is [Citation6] |u|={u,u1,1u,u<1.Let u,vR+. Then, the properties below are valid. Abbas et al. [Citation7]

  1. |u|1

  2. |1u|=|u|

  3. |u|v if and only if 1vuv

  4. |uv||u||v|.

Multiplicative distance is defined by Bashirov et al. [Citation6] d(u,v)=|uv|and satisfies the following properties:

  1. d(u,v)1 for all u,vR+,

  2. d(u,v)=1 if and only if u = v,

  3. d(u,v)=d(v,u) for all u,vR+,

  4. d(u,v)d(u,z)d(z,v) for all u,z,vR+.

A sequence (un) in (R+,||) is said to be *convergent to aR+ if for all ϵ>1 there exists n0N such that d(un,a)=|una|<ϵ whenever n>n0, and denoted by una. Sequence (un) is said to be *bounded if there exists B>1 such that |un|<B for all nN. For further concepts such as multiplicative derivative, multiplicative differential equations and the Newtonian counterparts, see [Citation1,Citation2,Citation6–11].

Remark 2.1

We note that a sequence (un) in R+ *converges to aR+ if and only if (un) converges to a with respect to the usual absolute value metric in R+. That is, *convergence and convergence are equivalent in R+. On the other hand, the same is not valid for *boundedness and boundedness in R+ which can be seen by the sequence (un)=(1/n) that is bounded in (R+,||) but is not *bounded in (R+,||). See also [Citation6, Section 4.3].

Let (pn) be a sequence of nonnegative numbers such that (1) Pn:=k=0npkas n (p0>0)(1) and λn=λn for a positive number λ. SVA+ is the set of all sequences p=(pn) satisfying [Citation12] lim infn|PλnPn1|>0for each λ>0 with λ1.

Definition 2.2


A sequence (un) of positive real numbers is said to be slowly oscillating if lim infλ1+lim supnmaxn<mλn|umun|=1,or equivalently lim infλ1lim supnmaxλn<mn|unum|=1.

Now, we give some definitions concerning intuitionistic fuzzy sets which are necessary for Section 4.

Let X be a non-empty set. Then, an Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy set(A-IFS) [Citation13] has the following form: A={x,μA(x),νA(x)|xX} where μ:X[0,1] is called membership function and ν:X[0,1] is called non-membership function. For any xX, 0μA(x)+νA(x)1. In special case μA(x)+νA(x)=1, A-IFS degenerates to fuzzy set [Citation14]. For convenience, Xu and Yager [Citation3] called α=(μα,να) an IFN which satisfies μα[0,1], να[0,1], and 0μα+να1.

Definition 2.3


Let α1=(μ1,ν1) and α2=(μ2,ν2) be two IFNs, s(α1)=μ1ν1 and s(α2)=μ2ν2 the scores of α1 and α2, respectively, h(α1)=μ1+ν1 and h(α2)=μ2+ν2 the accuracy degrees of the α1 and α2, respectively. Then,

  • If s(α1)<s(α2), then α1 is smaller than α2, denoted by α1<α2.

  • If s(α1)=s(α2), then

    1. If h(α1)=h(α2), then α1 equal to α2, i.e. μ1=μ2, ν1=ν2 denoted by α1=α2;

    2. If h(α1)<h(α2), then α1 is smaller than α2, denoted by α1<α2;

    3. If h(α1)>h(α2), then α1 is larger than α2, denoted by α1>α2.

Definition 2.4


Let α1=(μ1,ν1) and α2=(μ2,ν2) be two IFNs. Then

  1. If μ1>μ2 and ν1<ν2, then α1>Lα2

  2. If μ1<μ2 and ν1>ν2, then α1<Lα2

  3. If μ1=μ2 and ν1=ν2, then α1=α2

Definition 2.5


Let α1=(μ1,ν1), α2=(μ2,ν2) be two IFNs and c0. Then,

  1. α1α2=(1(1μ1)(1μ2),ν1ν2)

  2. α1α2={(μ1μ21μ2,ν1ν2),if μ1μ2,ν1ν2, ν2>0 andν1πα2πα1ν2(0,1),otherwisewhere πα1=1μ1ν1 and πα2=1μ2ν2

  3. α1α2=(μ1μ2,1(1ν1)(1ν2))

  4. cα1=(1(1μ1)c,ν1c), where α1<L(1,0)

  5. α1c=(μ1c,1(1ν1)c), where α1>L(0,1)

The addition region of IFN ξ is defined by Aξ={αα=ξβ, βIFNS}. Let (αn) be a sequence of IFNs where αn=(μn,νn). We call (αn) an addition sequence of ξ if there exists n0N such that αnAξ for all n>n0 [Citation16].

3. Main results

In this section, we first define the weighted geometric mean method of convergence in R+ by using multiplicative calculus in order to achieve the convergence of sequences such as Examples 3.2 and 3.3. Then, we give various conditions under which convergence of sequences in R+ follows from the convergence of their weighted geometric means.

We note that (un) denotes a sequence in R+ throughout this section. Let (pn) be a sequence of nonnegative real numbers satisfying (Equation1). The weighted geometric means (wn) of sequence (un) is defined by (2) wn=(k=0nukpk)1Pn,n=0,1,2,.(2) We say that (un) *converges to aR+ by weighted geometric mean method, briefly: (G¯,p)*convergent to a if wna. When pn=1 for all nN, (G¯,p) *convergence reduces to the geometric mean method defined in [Citation5]. For weighted arithmetic means, see [Citation12,Citation17,Citation18].

Theorem 3.1

If sequence (un) is *convergent to aR+, then (un) is (G¯,p)*convergent to a.


Let (un) be *convergent to aR+. Then, for given ϵ>1 there exist n0N and B>1 such that |una|<ϵ1/2 for n>n0 and |una|<B for nn0. Besides, there is n1N such that BPn0Pn<ϵ1/2 in view of the fact limnBPn0Pn=1. Hence, we have |wna|=|(k=0nukpk)1Pn/(k=0napk)1Pn|=|{k=0n(uka)pk}1Pn|{k=0n(|uka|)pk}1Pn={k=0n0(|uka|)pk}1Pn{k=n0+1n(|uka|)pk}1Pn<BPn0Pn(ϵ1/2)PnPn0Pn<BPn0Pnϵ1/2<ϵfor n>max{n0,n1} which completes the proof.

The converse of Theorem 3.1 is not true in general. That is, (G¯,p)*convergence does not imply *convergence in R+ which can be seen by the following examples.

Example 3.2

Sequence (un) defined by un=e(1)n(n+1) is not *convergent and not G*convergent introduced by Çanak et al. [Citation5], but it is (G¯,p)*convergent to 1 for pn=1n+1.

Example 3.3

Sequence (un) defined by un=2(1)n is not *convergent, but it is (G¯,p)*convergent to 1 for pn=1 and (G¯,p)*convergent to 23 for pn={1,n is odd,2,n is even.With an appropriate choice of the weights pn, the other intended values in [1/2,2] can also be assigned as a limit value to sequence (un) by the help of weighted geometric mean method.

In this section, we give some conditions for (G¯,p) *convergence to imply *convergence in R+. We need the following lemma to prove the main results of this section.

Lemma 3.4


Let λ>1. For each n such that Pλn>Pn we have (3) unwn=(wλnwn)PλnPλnPn[{k=n+1λn(ukun)pk}1PλnPn]1.(3)


Let 0<λ<1. For each n such that Pn>Pλn we have (4) unwn=(wnwλn)PλnPnPλn{k=λn+1n(unuk)pk}1PnPλn.(4)


(i) By the fact that wλnwn=(k=0λnukpk)1Pλn(k=0nukpk)1Pn=(k=0nukpk)PnPλnPnPλn(k=n+1λnukpk)1Pλn=wnPnPλnPλn{k=n+1λn(ukun)pkunpk}1Pλn=wnPnPλnPλn{k=n+1λn(ukun)pk}1PλnunPλnPnPλn,we have (wλnwn)PλnPλnPn=unwn{k=n+1λn(ukun)pk}1PλnPnwhich implies (Equation3).

(ii) The proof of (Equation4) can be done similarly, hence it is omitted.

We now give the necessary and sufficient conditions under which (G¯,p)*convergence implies *convergence in R+.

Theorem 3.5

Let (pn)SVA+. If (un) is (G¯,p) *convergent to aR+, then (un) is *convergent to a if and only if one of the following two conditions hold: (5) lim infλ1+lim supn{|k=n+1λn(ukun)pk|}1PλnPn=1(5) or (6) lim infλ1lim supn{|k=λn+1n(unuk)pk|}1PnPλn=1.(6)


Necessity. Suppose una. Let λ>1. Then, from Theorem 3.1 we have wna which implies (7) limn|unwn|=1,(7) and (8) limn(|wλnwn|)PλnPλnPn=1,(8) in view of (pn)SVA+. Also, from Equation (Equation3) we have (9) (|k=n+1λn(ukun)pk|)1PλnPn|unwn|(|wλnwn|)PλnPλnPn.(9) Then, (Equation5) is satisfied by virtue of (Equation7), (Equation8) and (Equation9).

Let 0<λ<1. Since wna, we have (10) limn{|wnwλn|}PλnPnPλn=1(10) in view of (pn)SVA+. Also, from Equation (Equation4) we have (11) {|k=λn+1n(unuk)pk|}1PnPλn|unwn|{|wnwλn|}PλnPnPλn.(11) Then, (Equation6) is satisfied by virtue of (Equation7), (Equation10) and (Equation11).

Sufficiency. Suppose (un) is (G¯,p)*convergent to a and (Equation5) is satisfied. Then from (Equation5) there exists λj1 such that (12) limjlim supn{k=n+1λjn(ukun)pk}1PλjnPn=1(12) where λjn=λjn. Also by equality (Equation3) we have (13) lim supn|unwn|=limjlim supn{|wλnwn|}PλjnPλjnPn×limjlim supn{|k=n+1λjn(ukun)pk|}1PλjnPn.(13) Hence, from (Equation8), (Equation12) and (Equation13) we get lim supn|unwn|=1,which implies una in view of the fact that wna.

Suppose (un) is (G¯,p)*convergent to a and (Equation6) is satisfied. Then, from (Equation6) there exists λj1 such that (14) limjlim supn{|k=λjn+1n(unuk)pk|}1PnPλjn=1.(14) Also by equality (Equation4) we have (15) lim supn|unwn|=limjlim supn(|wnwλjn|)PλjnPnPλjn×limjlim supn{|k=λjn+1n(unuk)pk|}1PnPλjn.(15) Hence, from (Equation10), (Equation14) and (Equation15) we get lim supn|unwn|=1,which implies una in view of the fact that wna.

In view of Theorem 3.5, we give the following corollary as a result of the fact that slowly oscillation implies (Equation5) and (Equation6).

Corollary 3.6

If (un) is (G¯,p)*convergent to aR+ and slowly oscillating, then it is *convergent to a.

Lemma 3.7

If ((Δun)n) is *bounded then (un) is slowly oscillating, where Δun=unun1for n1 and Δu0=u0.


Let ((Δun)n) be *bounded. Then, there is H>1 such that |(Δun)n|<H for every nN. Let ϵ>1 be given. Then, for 1<λ<1+logHϵ and n<mλn we get |umun|=|k=n+1mΔuk|k=n+1m|Δuk|<k=n+1mH1/k<HmnnHλ1<ϵ,which implies that (un) is slowly oscillating.

In view of Corollary 3.6 and Lemma 3.7 we give the following results.

Corollary 3.8

Let (pn)SVA+. If (un) is (G¯,p) *convergent to aR+ and ((Δun)n) is *bounded, then (un) is *convergent to a.

Corollary 3.9

Let (pn)SVA+. If (un) is (G¯,p) *convergent to aR+ and (Δun)n1, then (un) is *convergent to a.

Remark 3.10

In view of Remark 2.1, “*convergent” can be replaced by “convergent” in the theorems and corollaries of this section.

4. Convergence of sequences of IFNs

Authors have done many studies concerning intuitionistic fuzzy sets [Citation16,Citation19–30]. Among them, Lei and Xu [Citation16] are the first to define convergence of sequences of IFNs by using subtraction operation.

Definition 4.1


Let (αn) be an addition sequence of IFN ξ. If  ϵ¯>L(0,1) there is a positive integer n0 such that αnξ<Lϵ¯for n>n0, then ξ is the addition limit of (αn).

In this definition, Lei and Xu [Citation16] implemented the assumption that (αn) is an addition sequence of ξ in order to guarantee αnξ to be an IFN, by which we mean (μnμξ1μξ,νnνξ) is an IFN for n>n0. Besides, they proved that this convergence, under the same assumption, satisfies Theorems 4.5 and 4.7 which are very useful in the calculation of limits of sequences of IFNs. However, there are many sequences of IFNs which are not addition sequences of the limit points as in Example 4.3 and hence Definition 4.1 is not applicable to such sequences. Zhang and Xu [Citation26] removed the assumption on the sequence and defined following convergence by using the addition operation and the order relation given in Definition 2.3.

Definition 4.2


Let (αn) be a sequence of IFNs and ξ be an IFN. Sequence (αn) is said to be convergent to ξ if for any IFN ϵ¯, there exists n0N such that {αn<ξϵ¯αn>ξξ<αnϵ¯αn<ξhold for n>n0.

In Definition 4.2, there is no assumption on the sequence but the limit is not unique. Besides, this type of convergence does not satisfy Theorems 4.5 and 4.7 which are useful theorems. These can be seen in the following example.

Example 4.3

Consider the sequence of IFNs defined by αn=(μn,νn)=(121n+3,131n+3).

Case 1 (convergence by Definition 4.1). The only candidate for the limit value is ξ1=(12,13), but (αn) is not addition sequence of ξ1 since (μnμξ11μξ1,νnνξ1)=(2n+3,nn+3) is not an IFN for any nN. Hence, Definition 4.1 is not applicable.

Case 2 (convergence by Definition 4.2).

(αn) converges to IFNs ξ1=(12,13) and ξ2=(712,512) in view of the facts that αn<ξ1<αnϵ¯andαn<ξ2<αnϵ¯for any IFN ϵ¯(0,1) and nN. In fact, (αn) has infinite number of limits since (αn) converges to any IFN ξ such that {ξμξνξ=16 and μξ+νξ56}Hence, the limit is not unique. On the other hand, Theorems 4.5 and 4.7 are not satisfied since limnαn=ξ2 but limnμn7/12 and limnνn5/12.

In this section, following [Citation16,Citation26], we first define the concepts of convergence and convergence for sequences of IFNs by means of the partial order given in Definition 2.4. Then, we apply the results of Section 3 in order to achieve convergence in intuitionistic fuzzy number space.

Definition 4.4

Let (αn) be a sequence of IFNs and ξ be an IFN. Sequence (αn) is said to be convergent to ξ if for any IFN ϵ¯=(ϵ,1ϵ)>L(0,1), there exists n0N such that αn<Lξϵ¯andξ<Lαnϵ¯hold for n>n0.

Theorem 4.5

A sequence (αn) of IFNs converges to an IFN ξ<L(1,0) if and only if limnμn=μξ and limnνn=νξ.


Necessity. Suppose (αn) converges to ξ. Let ϵ>0 be given. Then, for n>n0(ϵ) we have μn<1(1μξ)(1ϵ)andμξ<1(1μn)(1ϵ)and νξ(1ϵ)<νnandνn(1ϵ)<νξ.Since ϵ>0 is arbitrary, this implies limnμn=μξ and limnνn=νξ.

Sufficiency. Let limnμn=μξ and limnνn=νξ. For given ϵ>0 followings hold:

  1. There exists n1N such that μnμξ<ϵ(1μξ) and νξνn<ϵνξ for n>n1 and these imply μn<1(1μξ)(1ϵ) and νξ(1ϵ)<νn, respectively. Hence, we have αn<Lξϵ¯ for n>n1.

  2. By the assumption ξ<L(1,0) we have μξ1 and νξ0 and so there exists n2N such that μn<μξ+1μξ2=μξ+12 and νn>νξνξ2=νξ2 for n>n2. On the other hand, there exists n3N such that μξμn<ϵ(1μξ+12) and νnνξ<ϵνξ2 for n>n3. These imply μξμn<ϵ(1μn) and νnνξ<ϵνn for n>max{n2,n3}. Hence, for n>max{n2,n3} we have μξ<1(1μn)(1ϵ) and νn(1ϵ)<νξ which implies ξ<Lαnϵ¯.

From (i) and (ii), we conclude that αn<Lξϵ¯andξ<Lαnϵ¯for n>n0=max{n1,n2,n3} which completes the proof.

Now we give convergence for sequences of IFNs.

Definition 4.6

Let (αn) be a sequence of IFNs and ξ be an IFN. Sequence (αn) is said to be convergent to ξ if for any IFN ϵ¯=(1ϵ,ϵ)<L(1,0), there exists n0N such that αnϵ¯<Lξandξϵ¯<Lαnhold for n>n0.

Theorem 4.7

A sequence (αn) of IFNs converges to an IFN ξ>L(0,1) if and only if limnμn=μξ and limnνn=νξ.


Necessity. Suppose (αn) converges to ξ. Let ϵ>0 be given. Then, for n>n0(ϵ) we have μn(1ϵ)<μξandμξ(1ϵ)<μnand νξ<1(1νn)(1ϵ)andνn<1(1νξ)(1ϵ).Since ϵ>0 is arbitrary, this implies limnμn=μξ and limnνn=νξ.

Sufficiency. The proof can be done similar to the sufficiency part of the proof of Theorem 16 by changing the roles of μ and ν, and replacing the operation ⊕ by the operation ⊗.

Remark 4.8

If the limit exists by convergence, then it is unique by Theorem 4.5. Similar case is also valid for convergence by Theorem 4.7. As an example, convergence and convergence work in Example 4.3 with unique limit ξ1.

Remark 4.9

We note that if (0,1)<Lξ<L(1,0), then convergence and convergence are equivalent in intuitionistic fuzzy number space.

4.1. Convergence via weighted arithmetic means

In some cases of sequences of IFNs as in Example 4.13, convergence may fail in intuitionistic fuzzy number space. In such cases we may use weighted arithmetic means to grasp a limit. In this subsection, we assume β<L(1,0) for any IFN β.

Definition 4.10

Let (αn) be a sequence of IFNs and sequence (pn) of nonnegative real numbers satisfying (Equation1). Then, sequence of weighted arithmetic means of (αn) is defined by tn=1Pnk=0npkαk(n=0,1,2,.)Sequence (αn) is said to be convergent by the weighted arithmetic mean method, or (N¯,p)convergent, to IFN ξ if (tn) converges to ξ.

We note that (tn) is, in fact, an infinite sequence of intuitionistic fuzzy weighted averaging operators (IFWA) defined by Xu [Citation4].

Theorem 4.11

A sequence (αn) of IFNs is (N¯,p)convergent to an IFN ξ if and only if limnw(1μn)=1μξ and limnw(νn)=νξ, where wn is the weighted geometric mean operator in (Equation2).


Let (αn) be a sequence of IFNs. We have tn=1Pnk=0npkαk=(1{k=0n(1μk)pk}1/Pn,{k=0nνkpk}1/Pn)=(1w(1μn),w(νn)).By Theorem 4.5, sequence (tn) converges to ξ if and only if limnw(1μn)=1μξ and limnw(νn)=νξ. Hence, the proof is completed.

Theorem 4.12

If sequence (αn) of IFNs is convergent to an IFN ξ, then it is (N¯,p)convergent to ξ.


Let (αn) converge to ξ. From Theorem 4.5 we have limn(1μn)=1μξ and limnνn=νξ. Then, from Theorem 3.1 we have limnw(1μn)=1μξ and limnw(νn)=νξ which implies (αn) is (N¯,p)convergent to ξ in view of Theorem 4.11.

(N¯,p)convergence of a sequence of IFNs does not imply convergence by the following example.

Example 4.13

Consider sequence (αn) of IFNs defined by αn=(μn,νn)=(1(12)(1)n+2,(13)(1)n+2).(αn) is not convergent by Theorem 4.5. But, it is (N¯,p)convergent with pn=1 to IFN ξ=(3/4,1/9) by the facts that limnw(1μn)=limn{k=0n(12)(1)k+2}1n+1=14=1μξand limnw(νn)=limn{k=0n(13)(1)k+2}1n+1=19=νξ.in view of Theorem 4.11.

In view of Theorems 3.5, 4.5, 4.11 and Corollaries 3.6, 3.8, 3.9; we give the conditions under which (N¯,p)convergence implies convergence in intuitionistic fuzzy number space.

Theorem 4.14

Let (pn)SVA+. If sequence (αn) of IFNs is (N¯,p)convergent to an IFN ξ, then (αn) is convergent to ξ if and only if one of the following two conditions hold: lim infλ1+lim supn{|k=n+1λn(1μk1μn)pk|}1PλnPn=1,lim infλ1+lim supn{|k=n+1λn(νkνn)pk|}1PλnPn=1or lim infλ1lim supn{|k=λn+1n(1μn1μk)pk|}1PnPλn=1,lim infλ1lim supn{|k=λn+1n(νnνk)pk|}1PnPλn=1.

Theorem 4.15

Let (pn)SVA+. If sequence (αn) of IFNs is (N¯,p)convergent to an IFN ξ and sequences (1μn), (νn) of real numbers are slowly oscillating, then (αn) is convergent to ξ.

Theorem 4.16

Let (pn)SVA+. If sequence (αn) of IFNs is (N¯,p)convergent to an IFN ξ and sequences (Δ(1μn))n, (Δνn)n of real numbers are *bounded, then (αn) is convergent to ξ.

Theorem 4.17

Let (pn)SVA+. If sequence (αn) of IFNs is (N¯,p)convergent to an IFN ξ and (Δ(1μn))n1, (Δνn)n1, then (αn) is convergent to ξ.

4.2. Convergence via weighted geometric means

In some cases of sequences of IFNs as in Example 4.21, convergence may fail in intuitionistic fuzzy number space. In such cases, we may use weighted geometric means to grasp a limit. In this subsection, we assume β>L(0,1) for any IFN β.

Definition 4.18

Let (αn) be a sequence of IFNs and sequence (pn) of nonnegative real numbers satisfying (Equation1). Then, sequence of weighted geometric means of (αn) is defined by hn={k=0nαkpk}1/Pn(n=0,1,2,.).Sequence (αn) is said to be convergent by the weighted geometric mean method, shortly (G¯,p)convergent, to IFN ξ if (hn) converges to ξ.

We note that (hn) is, in fact, an infinite sequence of intuitionistic fuzzy weighted geometric operators (IFWG) defined by Xu and Yager [Citation3].

Theorem 4.19

A sequence (αn) of IFNs is (G¯,p)convergent to an IFN ξ if and only if limnw(μn)=μξ and limnw(1νn)=1νξ, where wn is the weighted geometric mean operator in (Equation2).


Let (αn) be a sequence of IFNs. We have hn={k=0nαkpk}1/Pn=({k=0nμkpk}1/Pn,1{k=0n(1νk)pk}1/Pn)=(w(μn),1w(1νn)).By Theorem 4.7, sequence (hn) converges to ξ if and only if limnw(μn)=μξ and limnw(1νn)=1νξ. Hence, the proof is completed.

Theorem 4.20

If sequence (αn) of IFNs is convergent to an IFN ξ, then it is (G¯,p)convergent to ξ.


Let (αn) converge to ξ. From Theorem 4.7 we have limnμn=μξ and limn1νn=1νξ. Then, from Theorem 3.1 we have limnw(μn)=μξ and limnw(1νn)=1νξ which implies (αn) is (G¯,p)convergent to ξ in view of Theorem 4.19.

(G¯,p)convergence of a sequence of IFNs does not imply convergence by the following example.

Example 4.21

Consider sequence (αn) of IFNs defined by αn=(μn,νn)=((19)(1)n+2,1(14)(1)n+2).(αn) is not convergent by Theorem 4.7. But, it is (G¯,p)convergent to IFN ξ=(1/27,7/8) for pn={3,n is odd1,n is evenin view of the facts that limnw(μn)=limn{k=0n(19)pk((1)k+2)}1/Pn=(19)3/2=127=μξand limnw(1νn)=limn{k=0n(14)pk((1)k+2)}1/Pn=(14)3/2=18=1νξby virtue of Theorem 4.19.

In view of Theorems 3.5, 4.7, 4.19 and Corollaries 3.6, 3.8, 3.9; we give the conditions under which (G¯,p)convergence implies convergence in intuitionistic fuzzy number space.

Theorem 4.22

Let (pn)SVA+. If sequence (αn) of IFNs is (G¯,p)convergent to an IFN ξ, then (αn) is convergent to ξ if and only if one of the following two conditions hold: lim infλ1+lim supn{|k=n+1λn(μkμn)pk|}1PλnPn=1,lim infλ1+lim supn{|k=n+1λn(1νk1νn)pk|}1PλnPn=1or lim infλ1lim supn{|k=λn+1n(μnμk)pk|}1PnPλn=1,lim infλ1lim supn{|k=λn+1n(1νn1νk)pk|}1PnPλn=1.

Theorem 4.23

Let (pn)SVA+. If sequence (αn) of IFNs is (G¯,p)convergent to an IFN ξ and sequences (μn), (1νn) of real numbers are slowly oscillating, then (αn) is convergent to ξ.

Theorem 4.24

Let (pn)SVA+. If sequence (αn) of IFNs is (G¯,p)convergent to an IFN ξ and sequences (Δμn)n, (Δ(1νn))n of real numbers are *bounded, then (αn) is convergent to ξ.

Theorem 4.25

Let (pn)SVA+. If sequence (αn) of IFNs is (G¯,p)convergent to an IFN ξ and (Δμn)n1, (Δ(1νn))n1, then (αn) is convergent to ξ.

Remark 4.26

The results of Subsections 4.1–4.2 can be extended to other convergence types of sequences of IFNs, provided that chosen type of convergence satisfies Theorem 4.5 or Theorem 4.7.

5. Conclusion

In this paper, we have used multiplicative calculus and introduced the weighted mean method of convergence in R+. We have obtained various conditions under which convergence of sequences of positive real numbers follows from the convergence of their weighted geometric means. Besides, we have defined some new types of convergence for sequences of IFNs and applied the obtained conditions to occurring weighted geometric averages of membership and non-membership functions in order to grasp convergence in intuitionistic fuzzy number space. Examples of sequences such that our methods of convergence work but the methods in the literature do not work have been also given to illustrate the advantage of proposed methods. In particular,

  • sequence of real numbers in Example 3.2: ordinary convergence and the geometric mean method [Citation5] do not work but (G¯,p)*convergence works,

  • sequence of real numbers in Example 3.3: (G¯,p)*convergence is able to assign an intended limit value with appropriate choice of the weights p=(pn),

  • sequence of IFNs in Example 4.3: Definition 4.1 does not work, Definition 4.2 works with an infinite number of limits but convergence and convergence work with a unique limit,

  • sequences of IFNs in Examples 4.13 and 4.21: the methods in the literature do not work but (N¯,p)convergence and (G¯,p)convergence work.

The results of this paper may help researchers to handle sequences of positive real numbers and sequences of IFNs. The results may also help when dealing with sequences of weighted geometric averages occurring in many fields of science as in sequences of IFNs mentioned in Section 4. For future work, the results may be extended to different types of fuzzy sets such as Linear Diophantine fuzzy sets [Citation31], Pythagorean fuzzy sets [Citation32–34], etc.


The author would like to thank Assoc. Prof. Özer Talo for his valuable comments and suggestions which helped to improve the quality of the manuscript.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Correction Statement

This article has been republished with minor changes. These changes do not impact the academic content of the article.


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