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Research Article

Well-posedness and regularity of some stochastic time-fractional integral equations in Hilbert space

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Pages 788-798 | Received 04 Mar 2022, Accepted 26 Aug 2022, Published online: 12 Sep 2022


In the current work, we deal with a class of stochastic time-fractional integral equations in Hilbert space by studying their well-posedness and regularity. Precisely, we use the celebrity fixed point theorem to prove the well-posedness of the problem by imposing the global Lipschitz and the linear growth conditions. Further, we prove the spatial and temporal regularity by imposing only a regularity condition on the initial value. An important example is considered in order to confirm and support the validity of our theoretical results.

1. Introduction

There are many phenomena in applied sciences as anomalous diffusion in some physical processes and dynamical systems with memory in medicine, which cannot be described adequately by the classical differential and integral equations. This fact gives rise of the theory of fractional differential and integral equations. Such kinds of equations became an effective tool to model such phenomena in the past four decades, although the roots of the fractional calculus that extends to the year 1695, see for a short list [Citation1–9].

However, the nondeterministic nature of the most of such phenomena obliges us to incorporate randomness into their mathematical descriptions and provide more realistic mathematical models of them, and this frequently results in stochastic fractional differential and/or integral equations. For example, Arab et al. [Citation10] studied the fractional stochastic Burgers-type equation and proved not only its well-posedness in the Hölder space, but its numerical approximations as well. The authors in Ref. [Citation11] developed the basic theory of fractional calculus and anomalous diffusion from probability's point of view. While Metzler et al. [Citation12] discussed extensively the occurrence of anomalous dynamics in various fields ranging from nanoscale over biological to geophysical and environmental systems.

Recently, a few contributions have been considered by some authors in the analysis of stochastic integro-differential equations driven by a fractional Brownian motion. For details, Caraballo et al. [Citation13] studied the asymptotic behaviour for neutral stochastic integro-differential equations driven by a fractional Brownian motion. Arthi et al. [Citation14] proved the existence and exponential stability of a same class of equations with impulses. In Ref. [Citation15], Sathiyara et al. dealt with the contrabillity of fractional higher order stochastic integro-differential systems with fractional Brownian motion. Moreover, a class of fractional stochastic Itö integral or Skorokhod integral equations has been studied by El-borai et al. [Citation16,Citation17], where the well-posedness of such classes has been established and in the recent literature various qualitative behaviors of solutions of Volterra integral equations, ordinary and stochastic differential delay equations of second order and integro-differential equations of first order have been investigated in [Citation18–22] and some new qualitative results have been obtained in these papers.

From these facts and regarding the importance of the stochastic time-fractional integral equations in the description of some anomalous diffusions, our contribution in the current paper will be the study of such class of equations, which is given in the following general form: (1) u(t)=u0+1Γ(α)0tAu(s)(ts)1αds+1Γ(α)×0tF(u(s))(ts)1αds+1Γ(α)0tG(ts)1αdW(s),(1)

where, t[0,T], for fixed T>0, α(12,1], the initial condition u0:=u(0) is a H-valued F0-measurable random variable, with H be a real Hilbert space, A:D(A)HH is a linear closed operator generates a semigroup (S(t))t[0,T], F:HH and G:HH are two operators, W is a H-valued cylindrical Wiener process.

In our work, we consider the fractional integrals in the Riemann–Liouville approach.

It is worth mentioning that in Ref. [Citation16], the authors studied an equation similar to (Equation1), perturbed by a multiplicative noise, where W is a Wiener process on the real separable Hilbert space K, with covariance operator Q. They proved only the well-posedness of the problem, where the mild solution (u(t))t[0,T] satisfies u(t) is an L2(Ω,H)-valued random variable, for any t[0,T]. In our case, the equation is perturbed by an additive noise, where we prove the well-posedness, with u(t) is an Lp(Ω,H)-valued random variable, for p2. Further, to the best of the authors knowledge, there is no work has been dealt with the regularity of solutions for such class of equations. For this, our main contribution is not only to study the temporal regularity, but to study the spatial regularity as well.

This work is ordered by the following: Section 2 is devoted to prove the well-posedness of the problem. In Section 3 we prove the spatial regularity of the problem. The temporal regularity is postponted to Section 4. Finally, conclusion is presented in Section 6.

We close this introduction by giving the following notations. For O an operator we mean by D(O) its domain of definition, H is a real Hilbert space endowed with the norm |.|H, L(H) is the space of linear bounded operators defined on H into it self endowed with the norm .L(H), HS is the space of Hilbert-Schmidt operators defined from the Hilbert space H into it self, and we indicate its norm by .HS. Let (Ω,F,F,P) be a filtered probability space, where F:=(Ft)t[0,T] is a normal filtration and X be a Banach space, Lp(Ω,X), for p2 is the space of X-valued pth integrable random variables on Ω, its norm is denoted by .Lp(Ω,X), Λ([0,T];H):={vC([0,T];Lp(Ω,H)),visFadapted} is a Banach space equipped with the norm vΛ:=supt[0,T]v(t)Lp(Ω,H). We use the abbreviation RHS for right hand side.

2. Well-posedness of problem (1)

The current section is devoted to prove the existence and the uniqueness of a mild solution u defined as follows (see Refs. [Citation16,Citation23,Citation24]).

Definition 2.1

Let u:=(u(t))t[0,T] be an H-valued stochastic process. u is said to be a mild solution of problem (Equation1) if

  • for all t[0,T], u(t) is Ft-adapted,

  • u satisfies the following equality in H, P-a.s., (2) u(t)=0ξα(θ)S(tαθ)u0dθ+α0t0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)S((ts)αθ)×F(u(s))dθds+α0t0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)S((ts)αθ)×GdθdW(s),t[0,T],(2) where ξα is a probability density function defined on (0,).

We need here to impose the following assumptions to prove the well-posedness of problem (Equation1). For p2:

HA- The linear operator A:D(A)HH is an infinitesimal generator of C0-semigroup (S(t))t[0,T], satisfies: for all γ0 and all ξ>0, there exist CS,Cξ>0 such that (3) AγS(t)L(H)CStγ,for allt(0,T],(3) and (4) AξHSCξ,(4) HF- The operator F:HH (not necessarily linear) satisfies the global Lipschitz and the linear growth conditions, i.e. (5) |F(u)F(v)|HCF|uv|H,(5) and (6) |F(u)|HCF|u|H,(6) for some positive constant CF.

We need here to reformulate Assumption HF in the random context. To this end, let x and y be two H-valued random variables. Then, we have (7) F(x)F(y)Lp(Ω,H)p=E|F(x)F(y)|HpCFpE|xy|Hp=CFpxyLp(Ω,H)p,(7) and (8) F(x)Lp(Ω,H)p=E|F(x)|HpCFpE|x|Hp=CFpxLp(Ω,H)p.(8) HG- The operator G:HH is linear and bounded, i.e. GL(H)CG, for some positive constant CG.

Hu0- The initial condition u0 is an F0-measurable random variable, satisfies u0Lp(Ω,F0,P;H), i.e. u0Lp(Ω,H)<.

Remark 2.1

In the rest of this paper, when we need to use estimations in the random context as it has been proved above for Assumption HF, we will do it without proof in order to avoid the repetitions.

Theorem 2.1

Under the Assumptions HA (Est.(Equation3) with γ[0,112α) and Est.(Equation4) with ξ(0,112α)), HF, HG and Hu0, the problem (Equation1) admits a unique mild solution uΛ([0,T];H), provided that CSCα,1CFTα<1, for α(12,1) and p2.

To prove this theorem, we need the following useful result.

Lemma 2.1

see [Citation24]

Let α(0,1) and ν(1,+). It is true that 0θνξα(θ)dθ=Γ(1+ν)Γ(1+αν)=:Cα,ν, where ξα is a probability density function defined on (0,) and Γ is Gamma function.


Proof of Theorem 2.1

Let α(12,1) and p2. We define the mapping ψ:Λ([0,T];H)Λ([0,T];H) as follows (9) Ψ(u(t)):=0ξα(θ)S(tαθ)u0dθ+α0t0θ(ts)α1×ξα(θ)S((ts)αθ)F(u(s))dθds+α0t0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)S((ts)αθ)×GdθdW(s),t[0,T],(9) First we have, (10) (ψ(u))(t)Lp(Ω,H)0ξα(θ)S(tαθ)u0dθLp(Ω,H)+α0t0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)0t×S((ts)αθ)F(u(s))dθdsLp(Ω,H)+α0t0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)0t×S((ts)αθ)GdθdW(s)Lp(Ω,H).(10) To estimate 0ξα(θ)S(tαθ)u0dθLp(Ω,H), we use Assumption HA; Est.(Equation3) (with γ=0), Assumption Hu0 and Lemma 2.1 (with ν=0) to get (11) 0ξα(θ)S(tαθ)u0dθLp(Ω,H)0ξα(θ)S(tαθ)u0Lp(Ω,H)dθ0ξα(θ)S(tαθ)L(H)u0Lp(Ω,H)dθCSu0Lp(Ω,H)0ξα(θ)dθCSCα,0u0Lp(Ω,H).(11) To estimate the second term in the RHS of (Equation10), let α(12,1). Then, by using Assumption HA; Est.(Equation3) (with γ=0), Lemma 2.1(with ν=1) and Assumption HF, we obtain (12) α0t0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)0t×S((ts)αθ)F(u(s))dθdsLp(Ω,H)α0t0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)S((ts)αθ)×F(u(s))Lp(Ω,H)dθdsα0t0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)S((ts)αθ)L(H)×F(u(s))Lp(Ω,H)dθdsαCS0t(0θξα(θ)dθ)(ts)α1×F(u(s))Lp(Ω,H)dsαCSCα,10t(ts)α1F(u(s))Lp(Ω,H)ds,αCSCα,1CF0t(ts)α1u(s)Lp(Ω,H)ds,αCSCα,1CFuΛ0t(ts)α1ds,CSCα,1CFuΛTα.(12) Now, to deal with the stochastic term in the RHS of (Equation10), we use Burkholder–Davis–Gundy inequality (see [Citation25, Proposition 2.12, p.24]) as follows α0t0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)S((ts)αθ)0t×GdθdW(s)Lp(Ω,H)αCp(E(0t0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)0t×S((ts)αθ)GdθHS2ds)p2)1p=αCp0t0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)S((ts)αθ)Gdθ×HS2dsLp2(Ω,R)12, where Cp:=(p2(p1))12(pp1)(p21).

First, we need to estimate 0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)S((ts)αθ)GdθHS2. To do this, let α(12,1) and γ(0,112α), by using the fact that ABHSAHSBL(H), for every AHS and every BL(H), we obtain 0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)S((ts)αθ)GdθHS2(0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)S((ts)αθ)GHSdθ)2(0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)S((ts)αθ)HS×0GL(H)dθ)2=(0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)AγAγS((ts)αθ)HS×0GL(H)dθ)2(0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)AγHS×0AγS((ts)αθ)L(H)GL(H)dθ)2. The use of Assumption HA; Est.(Equation3) (with γ(0,112α)) and Est.(Equation4) (with ξ=γ), Assumption HG and Lemma 2.1 (with ν=1γ, which is possible since 1γ>1) helps us to get 0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)S((ts)αθ)GdθHS2CS2Cγ2CG2Cα,1γ2(ts)2(α(1γ)1). And so, α0t0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)S((ts)αθ)×0GdθdW(s)Lp(Ω,H)αCp0tCS2Cγ2CG2Cα,1γ2(ts)2(α(1γ)1)dsLp2(Ω,R)12αCpCSCγCGCα,1γ(0t(ts)2(α(1γ)1)ds)12. Thanks to the condition γ(0,112α), we can easily obtain (13) α0t0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)S((ts)αθ)×0GdθdW(s)Lp(Ω,H)αCpCSCγCGCα,1γTα(1γ)12(2α(1γ)1)12.(13) Coming back to Est.(Equation10), we replace Est.(Equation11), Est.(Equation12) and Est.(Equation13) in it, to get (14) (ψ(u))(t)Lp(Ω,H)CSCα,0u0Lp(Ω,H)+CSCα,1CFuΛTα+αCpCSCγCGCα,1γTα(1γ)12(2α(1γ)1)12,(14) For all t[0,T]. And so Ψ is well defined.

Now, we prove that Ψ is a contraction mapping. To do this, let u,vΛ([0,T];H). From Est.(Equation9) we infer that (15) (ψ(u))(t)(ψ(v))(t)Lp(Ω,H)α0t0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)S((ts)αθ)×0(F(u(s))F(v(s)))dθdsLp(Ω,H).(15) To estimate the term in the RHS of Est.(Equation15), we follow the same steps to lead to Est.(Equation12). Thus (16) α0t0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)S((ts)αθ)×0(F(u(s))F(v(s)))dθdsLp(Ω,H)CSCα,1CFTαuvΛ.(16) Consequently, (17) ψ(u)ψ(v)ΛCSCα,1CFTαuvΛ.(17) If CSCα,1CFTα<1, then ψ is a contraction, and so it has a unique fixed point that coincides with a unique mild solution of problem (Equation1).

3. Spatial regularity of problem (1)

In this section, we study the spatial regularity of the mild solution. Its main result is the following.

Theorem 3.1

Let uΛ([0,T];H) be the mild solution of problem (Equation1) with an initial condition u0 satisfies Aηu0Lp(Ω,H)<, for all η(0,1214α). According to Assumptions HA, HF and HG, the solution u satisfies uC([0,T];Lp(Ω,D(Aη)))C, for some positive constant C.

Before proving this result, we first need to recall the Grönwall lemma (see [Citation26, Lemma 7.1.1] and [Citation25, Lemma A.2]).

Lemma 3.1

Let f:[0,T]R be a positive and continuous function, for a fixed T>0. If there exists ϱ>0 such that f(t)C1+C20t(ts)ϱ1f(s)ds,t(0,T], for some two positive constants C1 and C2. Then, there exists C=C(C2,T,ϱ)>0, such that f(t)C1C(C2,T,ϱ).


Proof of Theorem 3.1

Let p2, α(12,1) and η(0,1214α) (which is possible thanks to the condition α(12,1)). First, from Equation (Equation2), we have (18) Aηu(t)Lp(Ω,H)0ξα(θ)AηS(tαθ)u0dθLp(Ω,H)+α0t0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)AηS((ts)αθ)×0F(u(s))dθdsLp(Ω,H)+α0t0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)AηS((ts)αθ)×0GdθdW(s)Lp(Ω,H),:=S1+S2+S3,(18) for all t[0,T]. Then, the use of Est.(Equation3) (with γ=0) and the application of Lemma 2.1 (with ν=0) lead to (19) S1:=0ξα(θ)AηS(tαθ)u0dθLp(Ω,H)0ξα(θ)AηS(tαθ)u0Lp(Ω,H)dθ=0ξα(θ)S(tαθ)Aηu0Lp(Ω,H)dθ0ξα(θ)S(tαθ)L(H)Aηu0Lp(Ω,H)dθCSCα,0Aηu0Lp(Ω,H).(19) Again, the use of Est.(Equation3) (with γ=η), the Assumption HF and Lemma 2.1 (with ν=1η) yields S2:=α0t0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)AηS((ts)αθ)0t×F(u(s))dθdsLp(Ω,H)α0t0θξα(θ)(ts)α1×AηS((ts)αθ)F(u(s))Lp(Ω,H)dθdsα0t0θξα(θ)(ts)α1AηS((ts)αθ)L(H)×F(u(s))Lp(Ω,H)dθdsαCS0t0θ1ηξα(θ)(ts)α(1η)1×F(u(s))Lp(Ω,H)dθdsαCSCF0t0θ1ηξα(θ)(ts)α(1η)1×u(s)Lp(Ω,H)dθdsαCSCFCα,1η0t(ts)α(1η)1u(s)Lp(Ω,H)ds. The fact AL(H)AHS, AHS and Est.(Equation4) (with ξ=η) yield (20) S2αCSCFCα,1η0t(ts)α(1η)1×AηAηu(s)Lp(Ω,H)dsαCSCFCα,1η0t(ts)α(1η)1AηL(H)×Aηu(s)Lp(Ω,H)dsαCSCFCα,1η0t(ts)α(1η)1AηHS×Aηu(s)Lp(Ω,H)dsαCSCFCα,1ηCη0t(ts)α(1η)1×Aηu(s)Lp(Ω,H)ds.(20) An application of Burkholder-Davis-Gundy inequality enables us to estimate S3 as follows S3:=α0t0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)AηS((ts)αθ)0t×GdθdW(s)Lp(Ω,H)αCp0t0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)AηS((ts)αθ)0t×GdθHS2dsLp2(Ω,R)12αCp0t(0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)0t×AηS((ts)αθ)GHSdθ)2dsLp2(Ω,R)12αCp0t(0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)0t×AηS((ts)αθ)HSGL(H)dθ)2dsLp2(Ω,R)12αCp0t(0θ(ts)α1ξα(θ)AηHS×0tA2ηS((ts)αθ)L(H)GL(H)dθ)2dsLp2(Ω,R)12. The use of Est.(Equation3) (with γ=2η), Est.(Equation4) (with ξ=η), Lemma 2.1 (with ν=12η) and Assumption HG, helps us to get (21) S3αCpCSCξCα,12η0t(ts)2α(12η)20t×GL(H)2dsLp2(Ω,R)12αCpCSCξCα,12ηCG(0t(ts)2α(12η)2ds)12αCpCSCξCα,12ηCGTα(12η)12(2α(12η)1)12.(21) By replacing Est.(Equation19), Est.(Equation20) and Est.(Equation21) in Est.(Equation18), we obtain Aηu(t)Lp(Ω,H)C1+C20t(ts)α(1η)1×Aηu(s)Lp(Ω,H)ds., where C1:=CSCα,0Aηu0Lp(Ω,H)+αCpCSCξCα,12ηCGTα(12η)12(2α(12η)1)12 and C2:=αCSCFCα,1ηCη.

An application of Grönwall Lemma 3.1 with ϱ=α(1η) (which is possible thanks to the condition η<1214α<1) yields (22) Aηu(t)Lp(Ω,H)C1C(C2,T,α(1η)),for allt(0,T].(22) Then, the desired result is obtained.

4. Temporal regularity of problem (1)

We deal with the temporal regularity of the mild solution in this section, where its main result is the following.

Theorem 4.1

According to Assumptions HA, HF and HG, the mild solution u of (Equation1) with an initial condition u0 satisfies Aηu0Lp(Ω,H)<, for all η(0,112α), is time Hölder continuous with exponent μ:=min{αη,1α,α(1η)12}, i.e. u(t)u(s)Lp(Ω,H)C(ts)μ, for all 0<t0s<tT, with t0 and T be fixed and for some positive constant C.

In order to prove Theorem 4.1, we need the following useful lemma besides Lemma 2.1.

Lemma 4.1

see [Citation24, Lemma 2.5]

Let T>0 be fixed. For any 0s<tT and any κ[0,1]. It is true that tκsκκcκ1(ts)κ, where c(0,1).


Proof of Theorem 4.1

Let p2, α(12,1), t0>0, 0<t0s<tT and η(0,112α) (which is possible thanks to the condition α<12). From Equation (Equation2) we have (23) u(t)u(s)Lp(Ω,H)i=17Ri,(23) where R1:=0ξα(θ)(S(tαθ)S(sαθ))u0dθLp(Ω,H),R2:=α0s0θξα(θ)(sr)α1(S((tr)αθ)0tS((sr)αθ))F(u(r))dθdrLp(Ω,H)R3:=α0s0θξα(θ)((tr)α1(sr)α1)0t×S((tr)αθ)F(u(r))dθdrLp(Ω,H)R4:=αst0θξα(θ)(tr)α1S((tr)αθ)0t×F(u(r))dθdrLp(Ω,H),R5:=α0s0θξα(θ)(sr)α1(S((tr)αθ)0tS((sr)αθ))GdθdW(r)Lp(Ω,H)R6:=α0s0θξα(θ)((tr)α1(sr)α1)0t×S((tr)αθ)GdθdW(r)Lp(Ω,H) and R7:=αst0θξα(θ)(tr)α1S((tr)αθ)0t×GdθdW(r)Lp(Ω,H). To estimate R1, let η(0,112α). First, the semigroup property enables us to write R10ξα(θ)(S(tαθ)S(sαθ))u0Lp(Ω,H)dθ=0ξα(θ)stdS(rαθ)dru0drLp(Ω,H)dθ=0ξα(θ)stαθrα1AS(rαθ)u0drLp(Ω,H)dθ0ξα(θ)stαθrα1AS(rαθ)u0Lp(Ω,H)drdθ. By using Est.(Equation3) (with γ=1η) and Lemma 2.1 (with ν=η), we obtain R1α0ξα(θ)stθrα1A1ηS(rαθ)L(H)×Aηu0Lp(Ω,H)drdθαAηu0Lp(Ω,H)0ξα(θ)stθrα1×A1ηS(rαθ)L(H)drdθαAηu0Lp(Ω,H)CS0θηξα(θ)strαη1drdθ=αAηu0Lp(Ω,H)CSCα,ηtαηsαηαη. The use of Lemma 4.1 (with κ=αη), which is possible since αη(0,1) yields (24) R1C1(ts)αη,(24) where C1:=αAηu0Lp(Ω,H)CSCα,ηcαη1, with c(0,1).

Let η(0,112α). To estimate R2 we have R2α0s0θξα(θ)(sr)α1(S((tr)αθ)S((sr)αθ))F(u(r))Lp(Ω,H)dθdrα20s0θ2ξα(θ)(sr)α1st(ζr)α1×AS((ζr)αθ)F(u(r))Lp(Ω,H)dζdθdrα20s0θ2ξα(θ)(sr)α1st(ζr)α1×A1+ηS((ζr)αθ)L(H)×AηF(u(r))Lp(Ω,H)dζdθdrα20s0θ2ξα(θ)(sr)α1st(ζr)α1×A1+ηS((ζr)αθ)L(H)AηL(H)×F(u(r))Lp(Ω,H)dζdθdrα20s0θ2ξα(θ)(sr)α1st(ζr)α1×A1+ηS((ζr)αθ)L(H)AηHS×F(u(r))Lp(Ω,H)dζdθdr. The use of Assumption HA (Est.(Equation3) with γ=1+η and Est.(Equation4) with ξ=η), Assumption HF and Lemma 2.1 (with ν=1η) lead to R2α2CSCηCF0s0θ1ηξα(θ)(sr)α1×st(ζr)αη1u(r)Lp(Ω,H)dζdθdrα2CSCηCFCα,1ηuΛ0s(sr)α1×st(ζr)αη1dζdr=α2CSCηCFCα,1ηuΛ1αη0s(sr)α1×((sr)αη(tr)αη)dr=α2CSCηCFCα,1ηuΛ1αη0s×(sr)α1((tr)αη(sr)αη)(tr)αη(sr)αηdrα2CSCηCFCα,1ηuΛ1αηt02αη0s(sr)α1×((tr)αη(sr)αη)dr An application of Lemma 4.1 (with κ=αη) yields (25) R2α2CSCηCFCα,1ηuΛt02αηcαη1(ts)αη×0s(sr)α1drC2(ts)αη,(25) where C2:=αCSCηCFCα,1ηuΛt02αηcαη1Tα and c(0,1).

Let η(0,112α). We estimate R3 according to Assumption HF, Assumption HA (Est.(Equation3) with γ=η and Est.(Equation4) with ξ=η), Lemma 2.1 (with ν=1η) and Lemma 4.1 (with κ=1α), as follows (26) R3α0s0θξα(θ)((sr)α1(tr)α1)×S((tr)αθ)F(u(r))Lp(Ω,H)dθdrα0s0θξα(θ)((sr)α1(tr)α1)×AηS((tr)αθ)L(H)AηF(u(r))Lp(Ω,H)dθdrαCFuΛCSCη0s0θ1ηξα(θ)×((sr)α1(tr)α1)(tr)αηdθdrαCFuΛCSCηCα,1η0s((sr)α1(tr)α1)×(tr)αηdrαCFuΛCSCηCα,1η0s×((tr)1α(sr)1α)(sr)1α(tr)1α(tr)αηdrαCFuΛCSCηCα,1ηt02(1α)(1α)×cα(ts)1α0s(tr)αηdrC3(ts)1α,(26) where C3:=αCFuΛCSCηCα,1ηt02(1α)(1α)cαT1αη1αη.

To estimate R4, let η(0,112α). We use Assumption HF, Assumption HA (Est.(Equation3) with γ=η and Est.(Equation4) with ξ=η) and Lemma 2.1 (with ν=1η) and argue as above. Then, (27) R4αst0θξα(θ)(tr)α1×S((tr)αθ)F(u(r))Lp(Ω,H)dθdr,αst0θξα(θ)(tr)α1AηS((tr)αθ)L(H)×AηF(u(r))Lp(Ω,H)dθdr,αCFuΛCSCηst0θ1ηξα(θ)(tr)α1×(tr)αηdθdr,αCFuΛCSCηCα,1ηst(tr)α(1η)1drC4(ts)α(1η),(27) where C4:=αCFuΛCSCηCα,1η1α(1η).

To estimate R5 we first use Burkholder–Davis–Gundy inequality as follows (28) R5:=α0s0θξα(θ)(sr)α1(S((tr)αθ)0tS((sr)αθ))GdθdW(r)Lp(Ω,H)Cpα0s(sr)2α2×(0θξα(θ)(S((tr)αθ)0t×S((sr)αθ))GHSdθ)2drLp2(Ω,R)12,(28) To deal with the term (S((tr)αθ)S((sr)αθ))GHS, let η(0,112α). The use of Assumption HA (Est.(Equation3) with γ=1+η and Est.(Equation4) with ξ=η) and Lemma 4.1 (with κ=αη) yields (S((tr)αθ)S((sr)αθ))GHS=stαθ(ζr)α1AS((ζr)αθ)GdζHSαθst(ζr)α1A1+ηS((ζr)αθ)L(H)×AηGHSdζαθst(ζr)α1A1+ηS((ζr)αθ)L(H)×AηHSGL(H)dζαθηCSCηGL(H)st(ζr)αη1dζαθηCSCηGL(H)1αη((sr)αη(tr)αη)αθηCSCηGL(H)t02αηαη((tr)αη(sr)αη)αθηCSCηGL(H)t02αηcαη1(ts)αη. Coming back to Est.(Equation28), an application of Lemma 2.1 (with ν=1η) and the use of Assumption HG give us (29) R5Cpα2CSCηt02αηcαη1(ts)αηCα,1η×0s(sr)2α2GL(H)2drLp2(Ω,R)12Cpα2CSCηt02αηcαη1(ts)αηCα,1ηCG×(0s(sr)2α2dr)12Cpα2CSCηt02αηcαη1(ts)αηCα,1ηCGTα12(2α1)12C5(ts)αη,(29) where C5:=Cpα2CSCηt02αηcαη1Cα,1ηCGTα12(2α1)12.

To estimate R6, we have (30) R6:=α0s0θξα(θ)((tr)α1(sr)α1)0s×S((tr)αθ)GdθdW(r)Lp(Ω,H)Cpα0s((tr)α1(sr)α1)2×(0θξα(θ)S((tr)αθ)GHSdθ)2drLp2(Ω,R)12.(30) Let η(0,112α). The use of Assumption HA (Est.(Equation3) with γ=η and Est.(Equation4) with ξ=η) enables us to write (31) S((tr)αθ)GHSAηS((tr)αθ)L(H)AηGHSAηS((tr)αθ)L(H)AηHSGL(H)CS(tr)αηθηCηGL(H).(31) From (Equation30) and (Equation31) with an application of Lemma 2.1 (with ν=1η), Assumption HG and Lemma 4.1 (with κ=1α), we arrive at (32) R6CpαCSCηCα,1η0s((tr)α1(sr)α1)20t×(tr)2αηGL(H)2drLp2(Ω,R)12CpαCSCηCα,1ηCG(0s((tr)α1(sr)α1)20t×(tr)2αηdr)12CpαCSCηCα,1ηCG(1α)cαt02(1α)(ts)1α×(0s(tr)2αηdr)12C6(ts)1α,(32) where C6:=CpαCSCηCα,1ηCG(1α)cαt02(1α)T12αη(12αη)12.

To deal with R7, we argue as above with the use of Est.(Equation31). Then, (33) R7Cpαst(tr)2α2(0θξα(θ)0t×S((tr)αθ)GHSdθ)2drLp2(Ω,R)12CpαCSCηst(tr)2α2(0θ1ηξα(θ)0t×(tr)αηGL(H)dθ)2drLp2(Ω,R)12CpαCSCηCα,1ηCG(st(tr)2α(1η)2dr)12CpαCSCηCα,1ηCG1(2α(1η)1)12×(ts)α(1η)12C7(ts)α(1η)12,(33) where C7:=CpαCSCηCα,1ηCG1(2α(1η)1)12.

Finally, we replace Est.(Equation24), Est.(Equation25), Est.(Equation26), Est.(Equation27), Est.(Equation29), Est.(Equation32) and Est.(Equation33) in Est.(Equation23) to get (34) u(t)u(s)Lp(Ω,H)C(ts)μ,(34) where μ:=min{αη,1α,α(1η)12}, where α(12,1), η(0,112α), and C:=i=17Ci. By this the proof is completed.

5. Example: stochastic space-time fractional integro-differential equation

We give in this section an important example of problem (Equation1) in order to confirm and support the validity of our theoretical results. Namely; Theorems 2.1, 3.1 and 4.1.

Example 5.1

Let α´>2α2α1 where α(12,1). We consider the following stochastic space-time fractional integro-differential equation in the Hilbert space H:=L2(0,1) with an initial condition u0=0. (35) u(t)=u0+1Γ(α)0tAα´u(s)(ts)1αds+1Γ(α)0tu(s)(ts)1αds+1Γ(α)0tIH(ts)1αdW(s),(35) where

  • Aα´:=(Δ)α´2=:Aα´2 is the fractional Laplacian and A:=Δ is Laplace operator endowed with the Dirichlet boundary conditions. We know that (see for more details [Citation10,Citation27]), the operator Aα´:D(Aα´)L2(0,1)L2(0,1) is linear generates an analytic semigroup (Sα´(t):=etAα´)t[0,T].

    Further, it satisfies the following estimates.

    Lemma 5.1

    Let α´>0 and t(0,T] for T be fixed. For all δ0, Cδ>0 such that (36) AδSα´(t)L(H)Cδt2δα.(36)

    For all ξ´>14, there exists Cξ´:=1π4ξ´(4ξ´1)>0 such that (37) Aξ´HSCξ´.(37)


    The first estimate already exists, see, e.g. [Citation10, Lemma 2.3].

    About the second estimate, let ξ´>14 and let (ej,λj)j=1+ are the eigenpairs of the operator A, where ej(.):=2sin(jπ.) and λj:=(jπ)2. The use of the definition of the Hilbert-Schmidt norm, with the fact that |ej|H=1, lead to (38) Aξ´HS2=jN0|Aξ´ej|H2=jN0|λjξ´ej|H2=jN0λj2ξ´|ej|H2=jN0λj2ξ´π4ξ´jN0j4ξ´π4ξ´1x4ξ´dx.(38) The integral 1x4ξ´dx=14ξ´1 converges, thanks to ξ´>14, and so Aξ´HS21π4ξ´(4ξ´1).

    The operator Aα´ satisfies Assumption HA; Est.(Equation3) (with γ0) and Est.(Equation4) (with ξ(12α´,1214α)).

    Indeed, let γ0 and ξ(12α´,1214α) (which is possible thanks to the condition α´>2α2α1). From Est.(Equation36) (with δ=α´γ2) and Est.(Equation37) (with ξ´=α´ξ2>14, which is possible since ξ>12α´) respectively, we have Aα´γSα´(t)L(H)=Aα´γ2Sα´(t)L(H)Ctγ, and Aα´ξHS=Aα´ξ2HSCξ, and for some Cξ>0,

  • The operator F:HH is given by F(v)=v, for any vH. It is easy to check that F satisfies the global Lipschitz and the linear growth conditions imposed in this paper.

    In fact, let u,vH, we have |F(u)F(v)|H=|uv|H, and |F(u)|H=|u|H, Hence, the operator F satisfies Assumption HF.

  • The operator G:HH is the identity operator IH defined on the Hilbert space H. It is well known that, IHL(H). Thus, G satisfies Assumption HG.

6. Conclusion

Stochastic fractional integral (or integro-differential) equations have been used as mathematical models of many physical processes as the anomalous diffusions. Nevertheless, we can find in the literature a few works concerned with this type of equations. Motivated by this fact, we considered in this paper a class of stochastic time-fractional integral equations in a Hilbert space H. We used the fixed point theorem in order to prove the well-posedness of the problem by imposing the global Lipschitz and the linear growth conditions. Moreover, we achieved not only the spatial regularity of the mild solution u:=(u(t))t[0,T] but the temporal regularity as well. Precisely, by imposing a regularity condition on the initial value (i.e. Aηu0Lp(Ω,H)<), we proved that such solution satisfies uC([0,T];Lp(Ω,D(Aη))), where η(0,1214α), p2 and it is time Hölder continous with exponent μ:=min{αη,1α,α(1η)12}, for α(12,1) and η(0,112α). In general, it is not easy to solve this kind of equations analytically, for this, the numerical study plays an important role by providing a numerical approximations of the analytic solutions with respect to time, space or to both simultaneously. Motivated by this fact, some numerical approximations for the mild solution of the problem are interesting directions for our future research.


The authors would like to thank the reviewers for giving them constructive comments and suggestions which would help them in order to improve the quality of the paper.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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