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Research Article

SICK BUILDING SYNDROME experimental study on the effect of bio geometry design on electromagnetic (wi fi) waves in architectural spaces

Pages 483-503 | Received 28 Nov 2023, Accepted 17 Mar 2024, Published online: 27 Mar 2024


Electromagnetic wave are one of the most important source of the invisible pollutants, As these radiation increases with the advancement of the various transmission and wireless technology, When the rate of these electromagnetic wave radiation exceeds the safe or permissible limits, it becomes an environmental pollution affecting human health, especially within the architectural spaces, Which led to the emergence of science comes in the forefront of bio geometry, Which helps to protect against these harmful effects of modern technology while retaining them. The research attempts to reorganize the relationship between architectural design and negative effects of electromagnetic waves, and taking advantage of the organized energy of geometric shape, by conducting a set of laboratory experiments to verify the effect of bio geometry on electromagnetic contaminants within architectural spaces, The study of the effect of Wi Fi waves on groups of mice, Given the similarity of rat characteristics with human characteristics, to be studied, Access to results can be generalized to human, In collaboration with a group of health care professionals. One of the most important basic keys for generating this energy from geometric shapes is the center of the circle or any formation that results in movement (such as overlap, repetition, transparency), chromatic harmony, balance, and the qualitative effect of angles and numbers.


The architects used to deal with buildings with natural methods and energies as an essential part of architectural design by taking into account the trends, climate and the like. With the advent of the era of technology and information and its invisible energies, man realized the harm, and the study of these energies through modern science found that there are two kinds of damage, Damage caused by natural energies (different terrestrial radiation) and damage from industrial energies polluted by man-made environment (electromagnetic waves) and the extent of the impact of each of these negative energies on the efficiency of human, animal and plant performance.

Research problem:

Every day, man is exposed to a torrent of radiation from different sources and influences that haunt him everywhere in the workplace, the street, the house and even in the bedroom. Some of these radiations are caused by radio stations and electric transmission lines, others are produced by electrical appliances in the home. These radios are still more efficient as the technology of satellite transmission and wireless communication progresses, until the sky is filled with electromagnetic fog. When the rate of electromagnetic radiation exceeds the safe limits, it turns into a serious environmental pollution that affects human health. Electromagnetic pollution increases by increasing the rebar in buildings or construction in places of soil stress. In a study conducted at the University of Toronto, 211 children with leukemia, Eight years, it was found that intense exposure to the electromagnetic field has doubled the incidence of leukemia by four times compared to other children who have not been exposed to such a field [Citation1].

Which led to the creation of a new way of thinking about solving the problems of the era, and in the twenties of the twentieth century, began the emergence of this scientific trend and the spread of flame of modern science comes in the forefront of the science of engineering of the formation of the biological and derived from radiology Radiesthesia, a science that uses the sensitivity of the human body to vibrations to obtain Bau-biology, which appeared in Germany in 1920, deals with the effects of different buildings and materials on health and the branch of the science of electro-biology Electro-biology, which specializes in the impact of electromagnetic energy in electronic systems and devices on health, The geology of Geomancy, which means the art of finding a place, geobiology, geology, geology and biology. Through the application of these ancient and modern sciences, energy quality can be controlled from During the quality physics helps to protect against the harmful effects of modern technology [Citation2]. Accordingly, the research problem lies in the following:

  1. Lack of studies that study the study of electromagnetic pollutants and their relationship to architecture and its impact on human health.

  2. The scarcity of studies dealing with the design of bioenergy and its relation to the earth’s energy.

research importance:

The architect plays a major role in reducing the problems resulting from electromagnetic pollution if he is aware of the size of the problem and its risks to the users of the space. According to the distribution of the places of the brushes.

The importance of the research lies in regulating the relationship between architectural design and the negative effects of electromagnetic waves and taking advantage of the organizing energy of geometric shapes through the study of a group of sciences and laws related to the environment and have a significant impact on architecture.

Research goal:

The research aims to find solutions to reduce the risk of radiation and health damage caused by modern technology that operates with electromagnetic waves through the formation of architectural spaces compatible with the electromagnetic energy fields of the Earth or the use of specially designed geometric shapes in order to spread a quality of energy that results in a balancing of the energy function. Formulating the main objective of the research as follows:

− Formulating an approach through which new design foundations can be proposed to deal with unperceived environmental pollutants in order to obtain architectural spaces and buildings that are more humane and more in harmony with human health

Research hypothesis:

  1. The research assumes that, through the language of bio formation engineering, it is possible to provide protection against the harmful effects of environmental pollution, whether visible or invisible, such as electromagnetic fields and ground cancerous radiation, and to overcome the harmful effects of information age technology while maintaining and developing these technological sciences.

Research questions:

  1. What is the impact of electromagnetic pollutants on human health inside and outside architectural spaces?

  2. What are the possible methods to reduce and control the negative effects of electromagnetic waves?

  3. - How can negative energies be eliminated by using geometric shapes within architectural spaces?

Research methodology:

By conducting laboratory experiments in which the validity of the proposed designs is confirmed in accordance with the foundations and principles of design with biomorphic engineering and their impact on electromagnetic pollutants. By studying pathological variables in the brain of mice Pathology

Research summary

Electromagnetic waves are one of the most important sources of invisible pollutants, as the effectiveness of these radiations increases with the advancement of broadcast technology and various wireless communications, and when the rate of these electromagnetic radiation increases beyond safe or permissible limits, it turns into environmental pollution that affects human health, especially within architectural spaces, which This led to the emergence of sciences, foremost of which is the science of Biogeometry, which helps protect against these harmful effects of modern technology while maintaining it, and research is an attempt to reorganize the relationship between architectural design and the negative effects of electromagnetic waves, and to benefit from the organizing energy of geometric shapes, The research aims to conduct a set of laboratory experiments to verify the impact of Biogeometry on electromagnetic pollutants within architectural spaces, and the study of the effect of waves (Wi-Fi devices) on groups of mice was chosen, due to the similarity of the characteristics of mice with human characteristics, to be the subject of study, and access To results that can be generalized to humans, in cooperation with a group of specialists in the field of health and care.

Concept of electromagnetic energy

Electromagnetic radiation is the propagation of electromagnetic waves with their electrical and magnetic components in space, and this propagation takes place with the vibration of the electric and magnetic fields so that they form right angles to each other and with the direction of propagation. Electromagnetic waves transfer energy and torque by spreading rays in a vacuum or in transparent materials such as glass. The energy and determination of the ray is transmitted to the material when the material absorbs the ray. Electromagnetic waves are completely different from sound waves Sound waves, are mechanical waves that need a material medium to propagate, such as air, water, metals, and others.

Whether it works or not, produces an electric field, and a material such as wood and metal can intercept this field from passing through it.

As for the magnetic field, it results from any moving electric charge, and accordingly, the magnetic field results from any device connected to electricity and working. It can penetrate most materials and is difficult to protect from. The magnetic field is measured in units (ampere/meter) [Citation3]. shows The relationship of the electric field to the magnetic field.

Figure 1. The relationship of the electric field to the magnetic field.

Figure 1. The relationship of the electric field to the magnetic field.

Sources of electromagnetic pollution

Electromagnetic fields are produced in homes by operating electrical household appliances and equipment, and homes near electrical power transmission lines or with improper electrical connections can be of high value for electromagnetic fields. Being close to him is exposed to this area, which may put him at risk.

The sources of electrical pollution are divided into two parts: (sources emanating from within the architectural space – sources emanating from outside the architectural space.

First: internal sources of pollution

Household, industrial and medical electrical appliances and electrical installations.


Mobile phones, wireless communication networks, and the Internet.

X-ray laboratories, atomic scanning equipment, large electronic computers, televisions and microwaves.

Second: external sources of pollution

Electric power stations.

Electric motors, generators, electric force welding machines and heat smelting furnaces.

Radio and television broadcasting towers, which operate 24 hours a day

Radio and television broadcasting stations that transmit radio waves.

Radar devices and marine transmitting stations.

Satellites and spaceships [Citation4]. shows Sources of Electromagnetic Pollution

Figure 2. Sources of electromagnetic pollution.

Source: Hejo, Abdel Maksoud; 2002 [Citation4].
Figure 2. Sources of electromagnetic pollution.

Diseases caused by electromagnetic pollution

Electromagnetic waves have the ability to cause severe damage to the health of those exposed to them. The amount of this damage depends on several factors, the most important of which are the strength of these waves and the distance to and from the source of the waves, as well as the nature of the human body to which it is exposed, age, weight and genetic predispositions to diseases.

Among the most important diseases that may affect humans when exposed to these electromagnetic pollutants:

  1. A general feeling of fatigue, tiredness, lethargy, laziness, and unwillingness to work.

  2. Brain dysfunction and lack of proper focus.

  3. Destruction of the chemical structure of the cells of the body.

  4. Fetal malformation.

  5. Cause some types of cancer, the most important of which are breast cancer and leukemia.

  6. Increased risk of some heart diseases.

  7. Disruption of some cell functions in the body.

  8. Disturbance and distorted vision.

  9. Disorder of calcium levels in the body.

  10. Fugue and delirium.

  11. The amount of radiation absorbed by the body is greater than the amount absorbed by an adult [Citation5].

Concept of biogeometry

It is a holistic science that goes into all fields that works to introduce qualitative balance in the fields of vital energy so that it gives an opportunity for the immune system inside the human body to work more efficiently and provide it with protection against the harmful effects of environmental pollution, whether visible or invisible, such as electromagnetic fields and terrestrial radiation through the use of engineering forms and energy Color, sound, movement and various vibrational relationships that also translate into angles, proportions and geometric relationships.

This science studies the relationship between three elements (shape – energy – function) and biogeometric science specializes in introducing a complete balance between these elements, where it is possible through form to influence energy and then function, through form it is possible to introduce organized energy into all types of energies and then Rebalancing the job. The law of resonance and carrier vibrations is used to do this task show the relationship of the figure to energy

Figure 3. The relationship of the figure to energy.

Source: researcher
Figure 3. The relationship of the figure to energy.

Law of resonance

The universe and everything in it is in a permanent state of vibrational interaction at all levels, as everything is energy and energy is nothing but vibrational waves moving in the universe, these vibrational waves deal with each other through the law of resonance and this can be understood if we look in a simplified way to the law Harmonics in music [Citation6].

The thinker and inventor John Worrell Kelly also called Sympathetic Vibration. On the concept of resonance, it can be seen easily through the experience of the tuning fork. If the fork is hit until it starts to vibrate and there is another fork in the place and identical to it with the same physical properties (weight, mass and shape) the sound vibrations will mysteriously affect the other fork, making it vibrate also automatically. The same is true with different people, different societies, different nations, different planets [Citation7]. shows the shape of the tuning fork

Figure 4. The shape of the tuning fork.

Figure 4. The shape of the tuning fork.

Shape energy in biogeometry

The language of the universe is a vibrational language with which creatures can converse. Therefore, it is important to understand this vibrational characteristic and try to understand it so that one can speak the language of the universe. For example: the sound is considered vibrations that result from the movement of the vocal cords in the larynx and from them come out vibrations that push the air in front of them and until this stage there is no meaning for this sound but when this air reaches the future It is the ear (the figure), the stages of decoding this code and its communication to the brain, which understands it and gives its commands to the body until it begins to react shows the mechanism of how the geometric shape works.

Figure 5. The mechanism of how the geometric shape works.

Source: researcher
Figure 5. The mechanism of how the geometric shape works.

If this concept is taken and applied to the whole universe, he will find that there must be a transmitter or a source of the vibration, and there must be a receiver for it, and since these geometric shapes have their own vibration, they affect as much as their surroundings. The effect may or may not be perceived, and if this effect appears in the form of energy regulation, then this vibration is called an organized vibrational wave. By studying the various geometric shapes and their structures and related sciences, whether physical or symbolic, he found that this organized energy is present in the center [Citation8,Citation9].

Energy of geometric shapes

Chaumeret and de Belisal found that the circle or sphere reflects everything in the material world. He found that 12 types of energy are reflected on it, and each of them has a special resonant frequency. He found that the distribution of this energy is related to the movement of the sun. He found that at the highest point there is a quality of green energy and to the right of it in To the east, the energy of blue, then indigo, then violet, then ultraviolet is present at higher, more gentle levels. It was found that this distribution also exists around the surface of the sphere and also on the semicircular dome [Citation10], so the quality of the energy of the positive green color is at the top of the dome and the negative green is at the bottom shows the shape of the colors around the spherical shape.

Figure 6. The shape of the colors around the spherical shape.

Source: (Karim, Ibrahim; 2010, 52) [Citation10].
Figure 6. The shape of the colors around the spherical shape.

How to eliminate negative energy from geometric shapes

By studying the shape of the dome or the hemispherical shape, it was found that these shapes emit energy similar to the energy that is emitted from the pyramidal shape (vertical negative green energy) shape shows the harmful negative energy of green. Harmful from the base and to get rid of this harmful energy what the ancient Egyptians did by doing a refraction in the middle of its faces The Great Pyramid to cancel negative energy, and this refraction is very small, less than half a degree [Citation11] shows the form of refraction in the Great Pyramid to cancel negative energy.

Figure 7. Shows the harmful negative energy of green.

Source: (Karim, Ibrahim; 2010, 57) [Citation11]
Figure 7. Shows the harmful negative energy of green.

Figure 8. Shows the form of refraction in the great pyramid to cancel negative energy.

Source: (Karim, Ibrahim; 2010, 59) [Citation11]
Figure 8. Shows the form of refraction in the great pyramid to cancel negative energy.

But the treatment methods in the hemispherical or dome shape differ somewhat from the treatment of the pyramidal shape, where it is in one of the following ways:

First: By changing the shape as if it was slightly more than or less than a hemisphere, and thus the dome would not be exactly a hemisphere [Citation11], shows the different ways to solve problems.

Figure 9. The different ways to solve problems produced from a semi-circular dome.

Source: (Karim, Ibrahim; 2010, 58) [Citation11]
Figure 9. The different ways to solve problems produced from a semi-circular dome.

Second: One of the ways that eliminates the harmful effect of the dome is that it is pointed in shape.

Third: Placing the dome over the neck eliminates the harmful effects of it

Fourth: Placing the crescent over the dome or anything protruding from the top of the dome cancels the harmful effect on it.

Experimental study

In this practical experiment, only a limited amount of this limited frequency of light (Wi-Fi device waves) will be used on groups of mice, due to the similarity of their characteristics to those of humans, and to see that their results can be recorded on humans, and in partnership with a group of trusted people in the field of pathology

Experiment design

The experiment is based on studying pathological variables in the brain. The experiment consists of 4 groups of mice, each group containing 20 mice (10 male mice and 10 female mice) according to the following four cases:

The first case

conducting the tests without any influences on this group, and it is called the normal state (−ve control) shows the shape of the first natural case.

Figure 10. The shape of the first natural case.

Source: researcher
Figure 10. The shape of the first natural case.

The second case

in which the group is exposed to the waves of the ‘Wi-Fi’ router only, and it is called the positive condition (+ve control) for a period of 21 days as recorded in the scientific research shows the shape of the second case with a positive effect.

Figure 11. The shape of the second case with a positive effect.

Source: researcher
Figure 11. The shape of the second case with a positive effect.

The third case

In which the group is exposed to the waves of the device (coffee) for a period of 21 days in the case of the presence of the geometry with the router (router + geometry) shows the shape of the third case with the first treatment and the geometric shape used. The angle of the geometry is chosen with the energy of mice and the space present in this group From mice according to guiding measurements before starting the tests, by means of micro-vibration devices.

Figure 12. The shape of the third case with the first treatment and the geometric shape used.

Source: researcher
Figure 12. The shape of the third case with the first treatment and the geometric shape used.

The mechanism of designing the geometric shape used in the experiment

The figure used is two discs, one of which is a disc used as an indicator that can be moved around its center in the horizontal plane to determine the angles regulating the energy, and the other disc is attached to the energy levels regulated at different angles shows the geometric figure used and the 52° angle used to influence the Wi-Fi waves in order to create a balance and in order to obtain the energy affecting the Wi-Fi waves used in In the experiment, the cursor disk is moved to choose a geometric angle that has a special effect after identifying the problems in the place to cancel the negative impact caused by harmful Wi-Fi waves, and by means of various measurement processes (micro-vibration devices) and the law of resonance, the most appropriate and best effective angles that have the ability to enter balance in The energy of all of these areas.

Figure 13. The geometric figure used and the 52° angle used to influence the Wi-Fi waves in order to create a balance.

Source: researcher
Figure 13. The geometric figure used and the 52° angle used to influence the Wi-Fi waves in order to create a balance.

The fourth case

The effect of the Wi-Fi waves is studied in the case of placing this group of mice inside a vacuum shape that expresses a model of an architectural space designed according to the principles of bio-engineering shows the spatial shape used in the fourth case with the presence of a Wi-Fi device based on angles and proportions that will be explained The next paragraph with the ‘Wi-Fi’ device (Router + House).

Figure 14. The spatial shape used in the fourth case with the presence of a Wi-Fi device.

Source: researcher
Figure 14. The spatial shape used in the fourth case with the presence of a Wi-Fi device.

The mechanism of designing the spatial shape used in the experiment

The design of the spatial shape depends on the most appropriate and best engineering solutions and shapes designed according to the foundations of bioforming engineering by finding a set of geometric relationships between the different angles and the foundations of bioforming engineering that have the ability to create a balance in place after making many measurements in order to obtain the appropriate effect on the areas Wi-Fi is tested, and the design includes the following

1- Using the principle of repetition Shifting to find a regular frequency by repeating the square in the direction of depth within the modulation in order to obtain the effect of centralization in the surrounding space shows the use of the principle of repetition to find organized energy.

Figure 15. The use of the principle of repetition to find organized energy.

Source: researcher.
Figure 15. The use of the principle of repetition to find organized energy.

2- Finding the balance energy by using the golden ratio, as the ratio of the length of the rectangle to its width as shown in the figure gives a ratio of 1: 1.6, in addition to finding a kind of movement in a counterclockwise direction forming an angle of 135 degrees facing the four original sides, It has the ability to affect Wi-Fi domains shows how to find the organized energy through the area of the golden section and the angle of 135°.

Figure 16. How to find the organized energy through the area of the golden section and the angle of 135°.

Source: researcher
Figure 16. How to find the organized energy through the area of the golden section and the angle of 135°.

3- In this part of the spatial formation, a 1:1 ratio is used so that the hypotenuse gives an infinity ratio with the extension of the two sides of the triangle, this addition works to contain the energy of the shape and spread it in the circumference as shown in shows how to use the infinity ratio in the design in order to direct and spread the energy in the entire space.

Figure 17. How to use the infinity ratio in the design in order to direct and spread the energy in the entire space. Source: researcher.

Figure 17. How to use the infinity ratio in the design in order to direct and spread the energy in the entire space. Source: researcher.

4- Transparency composite shapes, which appear on top of each other as if they are a composite image that gives a kind of movement that helps to find organized energy shows how the principle of transparency is used to obtain regulated energy.

Figure 18. How the principle of transparency is used to obtain regulated energy. Source: researcher.

Figure 18. How the principle of transparency is used to obtain regulated energy. Source: researcher.

Laboratory experiment (pathological variables on the brain)

The experiment was carried out in cooperation with one of the specialists in pathology, Kasr Al-Aini Medicine. At this stage, the pathological variables in the brain for the test group were studied. Through the scientific research that was reviewed, it was revealed that there is an area in the brain called the ‘Hippocampus’, which is responsible for… Memory, awareness and perception, the subject of study. After leaving each case alone for 21 days, , and after completing each test, the results of the experiment are extracted and the difference between these four variables is noted in the form of data and drawings showing the effect of the mice before and after treatment as follows:

Table 1. The shape of the four tested cases.

Results of the examination report

The study of the physiology of the nervous system shows that it is often used in the outer shell in the outer shell of the hippocampus inside the brain, and vice versa, and the hippocampus is one of the most important relationships and occasions, and the relationship of storage to memory, awareness and cognition inside the brain, and the hippocampus, the hippocampus, are located in the part of the brain on two horns and connected by nerve fibers within the lobes The brain .

Figure 19. The shape of the hippocampus responsible for preserving memory in the brain.

Figure 19. The shape of the hippocampus responsible for preserving memory in the brain.

The brains of mice that were subjected to behavioral experiments were preserved with 10% formaldehyde in saline solution for a period of not less than 24 hours.

The result of the first case

It was found from the results of the first normal condition (−ve Control), that the hippocampus contains rows of neurons that are compact and coherent within the limits of 10: 12 rows, and the cells have rounded intentions and similar in shape shows the shape of the hippocampus in the normal state (−ve control).

Figure 20. The shape of the hippocampus in the normal state (−ve control).

Source: researcher
Figure 20. The shape of the hippocampus in the normal state (−ve control).

The result of the second case

As for the second case exposed to Wi-Fi waves (+ve Control), it was found by microscopic examination that the number of many rows of Hippocampus cells shrank within the limits of 4: 5 rows, and they became dispersed with hollow intentions with the presence of decomposing and fragmented cells shows the shape of the hippocampus in the case exposed to Wi-Fi waves (+ve control).

Figure 21. The shape of the hippocampus in the case exposed to wi-fi waves (+ve control).

Figure 21. The shape of the hippocampus in the case exposed to wi-fi waves (+ve control).

The result of the third case

As for the third case (the first treatment -T1), which contains the Router + the geometrical shape, it was found by examining the hippocampus, consisting of 3: 5 rows, and its intentions began to return to the alignment and rotation again shows the shape of the hippocampus in the case exposed to Wi-Fi waves + the stereotype. This gives an indication that the number of neurons can increase from the normal range again the longer the exposure to the animal.

Figure 22. The shape of the hippocampus in the case exposed to Wi-Fi waves + the stereotype.

Source: researcher
Figure 22. The shape of the hippocampus in the case exposed to Wi-Fi waves + the stereotype.

The result of the fourth case

As for the fourth case (the second treatment – T2), which contains the spatial shape of the router + house, it was found by microscopic examination of the hippocampus, consisting of neurons in the range of 3–7 rows, and they have round and compact intentions , and this Indicates that the number and shape of neurons are approaching the normal range (first case) again

Figure 23. The shape of the hippocampus in the case exposed to Wi-Fi waves + the geometric figure.

Source: researcher
Figure 23. The shape of the hippocampus in the case exposed to Wi-Fi waves + the geometric figure.

Summary of results for pathological analysis

The results of the examination indicate a decrease in the number of neurons in the second case exposed to Wi-Fi waves that contain only the router, as a result of the negative effect of this type of waves, compared to the first normal case, which was not subject to any influence of any kind, and the shape and number of neurons approached once Other than the normal range in the third and fourth cases treated with the foundations of biogeometry shows the shape of the hippocampus in the case exposed to Wi-Fi waves + the geometric figure, and this is an indication that neurons can increase by increasing the duration of the animal’s exposure to bioengineering solutions, and this was confirmed by the behavioral tests in the first stage.

Figure 24. The average number of neurons in the four cases.

Source: researcher
Figure 24. The average number of neurons in the four cases.

results and recommendations

  1. The construction site must be chosen away from sources of electromagnetic pollution such as high-voltage lines, power plants and transformers, taking into account the caution of the electrical installations adjacent to the building, as they serve as a good conductor of electromagnetic fields through sewer networks, gas, water, electricity, etc.

  2. It must be taken into account when making electrical installations, choosing a quality of well-insulated wire to prevent the generation of electromagnetic fields, choosing the locations of the distribution panels far from the places of residence, in addition to the work of the ground electrode in the internal circuits of the spaces to discharge excess charges.

  3. Ensure that the electric current and electrical appliances are disconnected before bedtime by using the Kill switch method, through which the current connecting to the sleeping space is disconnected.

  4. Minimize electrical appliances with high electromagnetic fields, such as microwaves, etc.

  5. Bioengineering is a holistic science that works to introduce qualitative balance in all fields, so that it gives an opportunity for the immune system inside the human body to work more efficiently, and provides it with protection against the harmful effects of environmental pollution, whether visible or invisible, such as electromagnetic fields and various terrestrial radiation, by translating color energy. Sound, motion, and various vibrational relationships to angles, ratios, and geometric relationships. Both the law of resonance and carrier waves are used.

  6. One of the most important basic keys for generating this energy from geometric shapes is the center of the circle or any formation that results in movement (such as overlap, repetition, transparency), chromatic harmony, balance, and the qualitative effect of angles and numbers.

  7. Taking advantage of the space of the golden section or the golden ratio embodied in most of the manifestations of nature from human beings, animals, plants and inanimate objects, as it is one of the standards of beauty, harmony and visual comfort in the universe, and through which organized energy can be introduced into things.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
