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An alternating iterative procedure for the Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation

, , &
Pages 45-62 | Received 06 Jul 2013, Accepted 13 Jul 2013, Published online: 20 Aug 2013


We present a modification of the alternating iterative method, which was introduced by Kozlov and Maz’ya, for solving the Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation in a Lipschitz domain. The reason for this modification is that the standard alternating iterative algorithm does not always converge for the Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation. The method is then implemented numerically using the finite difference method.

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The Helmholtz equation

Let Ω be a bounded domain in Rd with a Lipschitz boundary Γ. Let Γ be divided into two disjoint parts Γ0 and Γ1 such that Γ¯0Γ¯1 is Lipschitz, see Figure . We denote by ν the outward unit normal to the boundary Γ and consider the following Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation:(1) {Δu+k2u=0inΩ,u=fonΓ0,νu=gonΓ0,(1) where the wave number k is a positive real constant, ν denotes the outward normal derivative and f and g are specified Cauchy data on Γ0. We are considering real-valued solutions to problem (Equation1).

The Helmholtz equation arises in applications related to acoustic and electromagnetic waves. In the case of acoustic waves, u describes the pressure and the wave number is given by k=ω/c, where ω>0 is the frequency and c is the speed of sound. For electromagnetic waves, the wave number k is given in terms of the electric permeability ϵ and magnetic permeability μ by k=ωϵμ; see [Citation2, Citation3]. The Cauchy problem (Equation1) has physical applications in optoelectronics [Citation4] and characterization of sound sources.[Citation5, Citation6]

The Cauchy problem is an ill-posed problem: its solution is unique but does not depend continuously on the Cauchy data; see [Citation7Citation10]. A number of methods have been developed for solving the Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation such as the potential function method by Sun et al. [Citation11], the modified Tikhonov regularization and the truncation method by Qin et al. [Citation12, Citation13], the modified regularization method based on the solution given by the method of separation of variables by Wei and Qin [Citation14], the method of approximate solutions by Regińska and Regiński [Citation15] and the alternating boundary element method by Marin et al. [Citation16]. For the latter, Marin et al. [Citation16] implemented the alternating iterative algorithm formulated in [Citation17] for a purely imaginary number k and in that case, they solved the Cauchy problem for the modified Helmholtz equation, i.e.Δuk2u=0.They also noticed that the alternating algorithm does not always converge. In this paper, we propose a modification of the alternating algorithm that we used to solve the problem (Equation1). We also analyse the convergence of the modified method and present the numerical results.

Fig. 1 The bounded domain Ω with the boundary Γ divided into Γ0 and Γ1 is represented in the left. On the right and on the bottom, the choice of the artificial interior boundaries γi, i=1,,m described in Section 1.4 are presented.

Fig. 1 The bounded domain Ω with the boundary Γ divided into Γ0 and Γ1 is represented in the left. On the right and on the bottom, the choice of the artificial interior boundaries γi, i=1,…,m described in Section 1.4 are presented.

The alternating algorithm

The alternating algorithm was proposed by Kozlov and Maz’ya in [Citation1] for solving ill-posed boundary value problems. Such algorithms preserve the differential equations and every step involves the solution of two well-posed problems for the original differential equation. The regularizing character of the algorithm is ensured solely by an appropriate choice of boundary conditions in each iteration. The method has been used for solving ill-posed problems originating from various applications; see [Citation17Citation25].

In the alternating iterative algorithm for problem (Equation1), one considers the following two auxiliary problems:(2) {Δu+k2u=0inΩ,u=fonΓ0,νu=ηonΓ1,(2) and(3) {Δu+k2u=0inΩ,νu=gonΓ0,u=ϕonΓ1,(3) where f and g are given in (Equation1) and the functions η and ϕ are changed in each iteration of the algorithm. The standard alternating iterative procedure for solving the problem (Equation1) is as follows:

  1. The first approximation u0 is obtained by solving (Equation2), where η is an arbitrary initial approximation of the normal derivative on Γ1.

  2. Having constructed u2n, we find u2n+1 by solving (Equation3) with ϕ=u2n on Γ1.

  3. We then find u2n+2 by solving (Equation2) with η=νu2n+1 on Γ1.

Recently, Johansson and Kozlov [Citation26] modified the algorithm to solve the Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation and proved that the modified method converges. This modification applied to problem (Equation1) can be described as follows: As an initial step, the solution u is decomposed as u=v+w, where the function v belongs to an explicitly defined subspace and w belongs to its complement. The original alternating algorithm described above is then applied to the problem of finding the function v=uw. It is not easy to implement this algorithm. In this study, we propose another modification of the alternating algorithm which we use to solve the problem (Equation1). This modification is based on the choice of an artificial interior boundary γ and a positive constant μ. In the new algorithm, we alternate not only the Dirichlet–Neumann boundary conditions on Γ0 and Γ1, but we also alternate boundary conditions on γ. More details about this modification can be found in [Citation27].

Non-convergence of the standard algorithm

In this section, we show by an example that the original alternating iterative algorithm does not converge for large values of the constant k2 in the Helmholtz equation. For this purpose, we consider the following Cauchy problem in the rectangle Ω=(0,a)×(0,b):(4) {Δu(x,y)+k2u(x,y)=0,0<x<a,0<y<b,u(x,0)=0,0xa,yu(x,0)=0,0xa,u(0,y)=u(a,y)=0,0yb,(4) where k>0. This problem is ill–posed.

Denoting Γ0=(0,a)×{0} and Γ1=(0,a)×{b}, we observe for this problem that the Cauchy data f and g described in problem (Equation1) are set to zero. Choosing an initial approximation of the normal derivative ηH1/2(Γ1), we use the algorithm described in Section 1.2 and find thatu0(x,y)=n=1Anλncosh(λnb)sin(nπax)sinh(λny),where λn=a2n2π2k2 and An=2a0aη(x)sin(nπax)dx. Also, u2m+1 and u2m+2 are given byu2m+2(x,y)=n=1An(tanh(λnb))2m+2λncosh(λnb)sin(nπax)sinh(λny)andu2m+1(x,y)=n=1An(tanh(λnb))2m+1λncosh(λnb)sin(nπax)cosh(λny),respectively. Notice that the solution to (Equation4) is u=0. Let us defineAn(y)=An(tanh(λnb))2m+2λncosh(λnb)sinh(λny).Using Parseval’s identity, we obtain thatu2m+2L2(Ω)2=a2n=1An2(tanh(λnb))4m+4λn2cosh2(λnb)(cosh(λnb)sinh(λnb)λnb2λn).The sequence (u2m+2)m=0 converges to 0 in L2(Ω) when |tanh(λ1b)|<1, wheretanh(λ1b)={tanh(a2π2k2b)ifa2π2k2>0,itan(k2a2π2b)ifa2π2k2<0.The sequence (u2m+2)m=0 diverges fork2π2(a2+(4b)2).We, thus, conclude that the algorithm does not always converge for the Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation.

A modified alternating algorithm

To formulate the modified alternating algorithm for the geometries described in Figure on the right and on the bottom, we first introduce an interior boundary γ as follows: let ω1,,ωm be open subsets inside the domain Ω with ωi¯Ω for i=1,,m, such that ωi¯ωj¯= for ij. We assume that every ωi is a Lipschitz domain. We denote by γ1,,γm the boundaries of ω1,,ωm, respectively, and by ν the outward unit normal to the boundary γi. Let Ω1=i=1mωi with boundary γ=i=1mγi and Ω2=Ω(Ω1γ). Then Ω=Ω1Ω2γ.

Now let u be a function defined in Ω and putu1=uinΩ1andu2=uinΩ2. We denote by[u]=u1|γu2|γand[νu]=νu1|γνu2|γ the jump of the function u and the jump of the normal derivative νu across γ, respectively. To describe the modified algorithm, we also choose a positive constant μ so that the bilinear form associated to the Helmholtz equation, the boundary γ, and the constant μ is positive, i.e.,(5) Ω(|u|2k2u2)dx+μγu2dS>0,(5) for uH1(Ω) such that u0. The algorithm consists of solving in an alternating way the following two well–posed boundary value problems:(6) {Δu+k2u=0inΩγ,u=fonΓ0,νu=ηonΓ1,[νu]+μu=ξonγ,[u]=0onγ,(6) and(7) {Δu+k2u=0inΩγ,νu=gonΓ0,u=ϕonΓ1,u=φonγ.(7) The modified alternating iterative algorithm for solving (Equation1) is as follows:

  1. The first approximation u0 is obtained by solving (Equation6), where η is an arbitrary initial approximation of the normal derivative on Γ1 and ξ is an arbitrary approximation of [νu0]+μu0 on γ.

  2. Having constructed u2n, we find u2n+1 by solving (Equation7) with ϕ=u2n on Γ1 and φ=u2n on γ.

  3. We then obtain u2n+2 by solving the problem (Equation6) with η=νu2n+1 on Γ1 and ξ=[νu2n+1]+μu2n+1 on γ.

As for the original alternating iterative algorithm, this modification thus consists of solving well-posed mixed boundary value problems for the original equation.

Bilinear form and properties of traces

In this section, we introduce the function spaces, used in this paper. We define the bilinear form associated to the Helmholtz equation, the boundary γ and the constant μ. We also define the normal derivative of functions that satisfy the Helmholtz equation.

Function spaces

We denote by L2(Ω) the space of square integrable functions in Ω. The Sobolev space H1(Ω) consists of all functions in L2(Ω) whose first-order weak derivatives belong to L2(Ω). The space H1(Ω) is a Hilbert space with the inner product(u,v)H1(Ω)=(u,v)L2(Ω)+j=1d(ju,jv)L2(Ω),u,vH1(Ω).The corresponding norm is given byuH1(Ω)=(Ωu2dx+Ω|u|2dx)1/2,uH1(Ω).We also define H01(Ω) as the subspace to H1(Ω) of functions in Ω that vanish on Γ. Let H1/2(Γ) be the space of traces of function in H1(Ω) on Γ. One of the equivalent norms in this space is given byuH1/2(Γ)=(Γu(x)2dSx+ΓΓ(u(x)u(y))2|xy|ddSxdSy)1/2,where dSx and dSy denote surface measures. Similarly, we define H1/2(γ) as the space of traces of function in H1(Ω) on γ. We denote by H1/2(Γ0) the space of restrictions of functions belonging to H1/2(Γ) to Γ0. The space H1/2(Γ1) is defined similarly. We also denote by H001/2(Γ1) the space of functions from H1/2(Γ) vanishing on Γ0. The norm in this space is given in Lions and Magenes (see [Citation28, Chapter 1, Section 11.5]) byuH001/2(Γ1)=(Γ1u(x)2dist(x,Γ0)dSx+Γ1Γ1(u(x)u(y))2|xy|ddSxdSy)1/2,where dist(x,Γ0) is the distance from x to Γ0. We will denote the dual space of H1/2(Γ) by H1/2(Γ). This space is equipped with the norm of dual spaces:uH1/2(Γ)=supvH1/2(Γ)|u,v|vH1/2(Γ).The space H1/2(γ) is defined in the same way.

A bilinear form aμ and a sufficient condition for aμ to be positive definite

Let u be a smooth solution to the Helmholtz equation(8) Δu+k2u=0inΩγ.(8) Green’s formula and (Equation8) yield that(9) Ω(u·vk2uv)dx=γ[νu]vdS+Γ(νu)vdS(9) for all u,vH1(Ω). Now assume that μ is a positive constant. By adding the expression μγuvdS to both sides of (Equation9), we obtain that(10) Ω(u·vk2uv)dx+μγuvdS=γ([νu]+μu)vdS+Γ(νu)vdS(10) for all u,vH1(Ω).

Let us introduce a bilinear form aμ, defined by(11) aμ(u,v)=Ω(u·vk2uv)dx+μγuvdSforu,vH1(Ω).(11) Since we assume that (Equation5) holds, this form is an inner product on H1(Ω) and the corresponding norm defined by uaμ=aμ(u,u)1/2 for every uH1(Ω) is an equivalent norm in H1(Ω); (see [Citation29, Chapter 1, Section 1.2]).

We now prove a sufficient condition for the form aμ to be positive definite on H1(Ω).

Lemma 2.1

Put(12) Λμ=infuH1(Ω)uL2(Ω)=1(Ω|u|2dx+μγu2dS)(12) and(13) Λ=infuW0(Ω)uL2(Ω)=1Ω|u|2dx,(13) where W0(Ω)={uH1(Ω):u=0onγ}. Then there exists a positive constant C such that(14) ΛΛμC(Λ3μ)1/2.(14)


It follows directly from (Equation12) and (Equation13) that ΛμΛ. The infimum in (Equation12) is attained for a function uμH1(Ω). Since uμL2(Ω)=1, formula (Equation12) shows that(15) γuμ2dSΛμ.(15) On the other hand, since uμ solves (Equation12),(16) Ωuμ·vdx+μγuμvdS=ΛμΩuμvdx(16) for every function vH1(Ω). The identity (Equation16) now implies that(17) {Δuμ+Λμuμ=0outsideγ,uμ=uμonγ,νuμ=0onΓ.(17) Now let uμ=u0+w be a decomposition of uμ, where u0H1(Ω) is harmonic outside γ and satisfies{Δu0=0outsideγ,u0=uμonγ,νu0=0onΓ.Using a result from [Citation30, Chapter 7], we see that(18) u0L2(Ω)CuμL2(γ).(18) Replacing uμ by u0+w in (Equation17), we obtain the following problem:(19) {Δw+Λμw=Λμu0outsideγ,w=0onγ,νw=0onΓ.(19) Multiplying the first equation of (Equation19) by wH1(Ω), integrating by parts and taking into account the boundary conditions, we obtain thatΩ(|w|2Λμw2)dx=ΛμΩu0wdx.The Cauchy–Schwarz inequality now shows that(20) Ω(|w|2Λμ|w|2)dxΛμu0L2(Ω)wL2(Ω).(20) We observe from (Equation19) that the function w belongs to H1(Ω) and w=0 on γ. We thus have from (Equation13) thatΛΩ|w|2dxΩw2dx.This relation together with (Equation20) give that(ΛΛμ)Ω|w|2dxΛμu0L2(Ω)wL2(Ω),which leads to(21) wL2(Ω)ΛμΛΛμu0L2(Ω).(21) Since uμL2(Ω)=1, it follows from (Equation21) that1u0L2(Ω)+wL2(Ω)ΛΛΛμu0L2(Ω).Using the estimate (Equation18) and the fact that ΛΛμ, we see thatΛΛμCΛuμL2(γ).The result now follows from (Equation15).

Theorem 2.2

If Λ is positive, thenΩ(|u|2k2u2)dx+μγu2dS>0,forallu,u0onγ.for sufficiently large μ.

Traces and their properties

In this section, we define the trace spaces and their properties. We begin by giving the definition of a weak solution to the Helmholtz Equation (Equation8). Let us define V(Ω)={uH1(Ω):u=0onΓγ}.

Definition 2.3

A function uH1(Ω) is called a weak solution to the Helmholtz equation (Equation8) if(22) Ωu·vdxk2Ωuvdx=0(22) for every function vV(Ω).

Let H denote the space of weak solutions to (Equation8). Assume that uC2(Ω¯) is a classical solution to (Equation8). The identity (Equation9) can be used to define the normal derivative νu on Γ and on γ for a solution to (Equation8). It follows from [Citation28, Chapter 1, Section 9.2] that for any pair of functions ψ1H1/2(Γ) and ψ2H1/2(γ), there exists a function vH1(Ω) such that v=ψ1 on Γ and v=ψ2 on γ, satisfying(23) vH1(Ω)C(ψ1H1/2(Γ)+ψ2H1/2(γ)),(23) where the constant C is independent of ψ1 and ψ2.

Lemma 2.4

There exists a bounded linear operatorG:HH1/2(Γ)×H1/2(γ)such that for uH and ψ=(ψ1,ψ2)H1/2(Γ)×H1/2(γ),(24) G(u),ψ=Ωu·vdxk2Ωuvdx,(24) where vH1(Ω) satisfies v|Γ=ψ1 and v|γ=ψ2. Moreover,G(u)=(νu,[νu])ifuC2(Ω).


We first show that the right–hand side of (Equation24) is independent of the choice of v. Let uH. If v1,v2H1(Ω) and v1=v2=ψ1 on Γ and v1=v2=ψ2 on γ, then the difference v=v1v2 belongs to V(Ω). From (Equation22), we therefore have thatΩu·vdxk2Ωuvdx=0. It follows thatΩu·v1dxk2Ωuv1dx=Ωu·v2dxk2Ωuv2dx. Thus, the definition of G(u) does not depend on v. We now show that G(u) is a bounded operator from H to H1/2(Γ)×H1/2(γ). Applying the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality to the right–hand side of (Equation24), we get that|G(u),ψ|(1+k2)uH1(Ω)vH1(Ω).Together with (Equation23), this yields that|G(u),ψ|CuH1(Ω)(ψ1H1/2(Γ)+ψ2H1/2(γ)),which shows that G(u) belongs to H1/2(Γ)×H1/2(γ) and that G is bounded.

The main theorem

We now prove the main theorem in this paper. We denote the sequence of solutions to (Equation1), obtained from the modified alternating algorithm described in Section 1.4 by (un(f,g,η,ξ))n=0. The proof uses a similar argument as in [Citation17].

Theorem 3.1

Suppose that assumptions on the choice of the interior boundary formulated in Section 1.4 and the positivity of the quadratic form (Equation5) are fulfilled. Let fH1/2(Γ0) and gH1/2(Γ0), and let uH1(Ω) be the solution to problem (Equation1). Then, for every ηH1/2(Γ1) and every ξH1/2(γ), the sequence (un)n=0, obtained from the modified alternating algorithm, converges to u in H1(Ω).


Lemma 2.4 shows that νu|Γ1H1/2(Γ1). Sinceu=un(f,g,νu|Γ1,[νu]+μu|γ), it follows thatun(f,g,η,ξ)u=un(0,0,ηνu|Γ1,ξ([νu]+μu|γ)),which means that we can assume that f=g=0. Then u2n solves problem (Equation6) with u2n=0 on Γ0, νu2n=νu2n1 on Γ1 and [νu2n]+μu2n=[νu2n1]+μu2n1 on γ. From (Equation10) and (Equation11), we have thataμ(u2n1,u2n)=Γ1(νu2n1)u2ndS+γ([νu2n1]+μu2n1)u2ndS=Γ1(νu2n)u2ndS+γ([νu2n]+μu2n)u2ndS=aμ(u2n,u2n).Notice that u2n+1 solves problem (Equation7) with νu2n+1=0 on Γ0, u2n+1=u2n on Γ1 and on γ. Again, it follows from (Equation10) and (Equation11) thataμ(u2n,u2n+1)=Γ1(νu2n)u2n+1dS+γ([νu2n]+μu2n)u2n+1dS=Γ1(νu2n+1)u2n+1dS+γ([νu2n+1]+μu2n+1)u2n+1dS=aμ(u2n+1,u2n+1).From these relations, we obtain that(25) aμ(u2n+1u2n,u2n+1u2n)=aμ(u2n,u2n)aμ(u2n+1,u2n+1)(25) and(26) aμ(u2nu2n1,u2nu2n1)=aμ(u2n1,u2n1)aμ(u2n,u2n).(26) It thus follows from (Equation25) and (Equation26) that the sequence (aμ(un,un))n=0 is decreasing.

In the following, we denote the space H1/2(Γ1)×H1/2(γ) by (H1/2). Now for χ=(η,ξ)(H1/2), put un(χ)=un(0,0,η,ξ). We will show that the set R of pairs χ(H1/2) such that (un(χ))n=0 converges to zero in H1(Ω) is closed in (H1/2). Suppose that χjR and χjχ(H1/2). Notice thataμ(un(χ),un(χ))1/2aμ(un(χχj),un(χχj))1/2+aμ(un(χj),un(χj))1/2.Squaring both sides, we obtain that(27) aμ(un(χ),un(χ))2aμ(un(χχj),un(χχj))+2aμ(un(χj),un(χj)).(27) Since (aμ(un,un))n=0 is decreasing, we have thataμ(un(χχj),un(χχj))aμ(u0(χχj),u0(χχj)).Using the fact that u0 is a solution to problem (Equation6), we obtain thataμ(un(χχj),un(χχj))Cχχj(H1/2).Now consider the second term in the right–hand side of (Equation27). Since we have assumed that χjR, aμ(un(χj),un(χj)) tends to zero as n. This shows that (un(χ))n=0 converges to zero in H1(Ω) and thus that χR.

To show that R=(H1/2), it suffices to prove that R is dense in (H1/2). Assume that φH1/2(Γ1) and φH1/2(γ) satisfy(28) Γ1(νu1(η)η)φdS+γ([νu1(ξ)]+μu1(ξ)ξ)φdS=0(28) for every ηH1/2(Γ1) and ξH1/2(γ). We shall prove that φ=0 on Γ1 and φ=0 on γ.

Consider a function vH1(Ω) that satisfies (Equation7) with νv=0 on Γ0, v=φ on Γ1 and v=φ on γ. The relation (Equation10) and the expression (Equation28) and using the fact that v=φ on Γ1 and v=φ on γ, we obtain thatΓ1(ηφ+(νv)u1)dS+γ([νv]+μv)u1dSγξφdS=0.Let u1H1(Ω) be a solution to (Equation7) with νu1=0 on Γ0 and u1=u0 on Γ1 and on γ. The above expression thus gives(29) Γ1(ηφ+(νv)u0)dS+γ([νv]+μv)u0dSγξφdS=0.(29) Now let wH1(Ω) be a function that satisfies (Equation6) with w=0 on Γ0, νw=νv on Γ1 and [νw]+μw=[νv]+μv on γ. From (Equation29), we obtain thatΓ1(ηφ+(νw)u0)dS+γ([νw]+μw)u0dSγξφdS=0.The relation (Equation10) yields thatΩ(w·u0k2wu0)dx+μγwu0dSΓ1ηφdxγξφdS=0.Using again the relation (Equation10) and since the function u0H1(Ω) satisfies (Equation6) with u0=0 on Γ0, νu0=η on Γ1 and [νu0]+μu0=ξ on γ, we arrive atΓ1η(wφ)dS+γξ(wφ)dS=0.Since ηH1/2(Γ1) and ξH1/2(γ) are arbitrary functions, we have w=φ on Γ1 and w=φ on γ. On the other hand, since v=φ on Γ1, v=φ on γ, and νw=νv on Γ1, we obtain that wv=ν(wv)=0 on Γ1. Now, using the fact that wv solves the Helmholtz equation in Ω, it follows that w=v. From the fact that w=νv=0 on Γ0, it follows that w=v=0 in Ω. Thus, φ=0 on Γ1 and φ=0 on γ. This shows that R is dense in (H1/2). Since R is closed and dense in (H1/2), we have R=(H1/2). That means that for any χ(H1/2), the sequence un(χ) converges to zero in H1(Ω). Since we assumed that f=g=0, the theorem is thus proved.


  1. The boundary value problem (Equation6) can be replaced by{Δu+k2u=0inΩγ,u=fonΓ0,νu+σu=ηonΓ1,[νu]+μu=ξonγ,[u]=0onγ, where σ is a positive constant. The alternating iterative algorithm described above thus runs the same way, where, for any even step, the boundary condition νu+σu on Γ1 is used instead of the boundary condition νu on Γ1. This case is considered in the numerical experiments in the next section.

  2. The alternating iterative method described here does not converge if the boundary value problem (Equation7) is given by{Δu+k2u=0inΩγ,νu=gonΓ0,u=ϕonΓ1,[νu]+μu=φonγ. In that case, the even steps of the algorithm in Section 1.4 are kept the same and for any odd step, one wants to find u2n+1 by solving the above problem with ϕ=u2n on Γ1 and φ=[νu2n]+μu2n. The proof of the main theorem thus does not hold since the sequence (aμ(un,un))n=0 is not monotonic. In fact, the Equations (Equation25) and (Equation26) becomeaμ(u2n+1u2n,u2n+1u2n)=aμ(u2n,u2n)aμ(u2n+1,u2n+1) and aμ(u2nu2n1,u2nu2n1)=aμ(u2n,u2n)aμ(u2n1,u2n1),from which we conclude that the sequence (aμ(un,un))n=0 is neither decreasing nor increasing.

  3. We also have the same convergent result, if we replace the Laplacian operator Δu by an elliptic operator ·(A(x)u), where A(x) is a symmetric matrix whose elements are bounded and measurable real–valued functions and the normal derivative ν replaced by the conormal derivative ν·(A(x)u).

  4. We do not discuss the stopping rule here but one can use the same stopping rule as in [Citation19, Section 7].

Numerical results

In this section, we present some numerical experiments. The results are obtained using the modified alternating algorithm presented in the previous sections, where the well–posed boundary value problems (Equation6) and (Equation7) are solved using the finite difference method (FDM). We also verify the non–convergence result for the standard alternating algorithm. We let Ω=(0,1)×(0,L), where L>0, be the domain and consider the following problem:{Δu(x,y)+k2u(x,y)=0,0<x<1,0<y<L,u(x,0)=f(x),0x1,uy(x,0)=g(x),0x1,u(0,y)=u(1,y)=0,0yL.We put Γ0=(0,1)×{0} and Γ1=(0,1)×{L}. Our aim is to compare the numerical and exact solutions at y=L.

For the implementation of the modified algorithm, the interior boundary γ discussed in Section 1.4 is chosen so that the eigenvalue for the problem inside γ and the eigenvalue for the problem outside γ are approximately equal so that the relation (Equation14) in Section 2.2 is satisfied. Different choices of γ are discussed in Examples 4.1 and 4.2. We first provide details about the FDM. We discretize the domain by choosing an equidistant grid:{(xi,yj):xi=ih,yj=jh,0iN,0jM}with the grid size h=N1. Note that, since we want the grid size to be equal in the x- and y-directions, we use M=round(Lh1). In that case, N1=LM1 and the same step size is used in the x- and y-directions. Let ui,j denote the discrete approximation to u(xi,yj). The finite difference approximation for the Helmholtz equation at each interior point (xi,yj) simplifies to(4k2h2)ui,jui1,jui+1,jui,j1ui,j+1=0.At the boundaries corresponding to x=0, and x=1, the value of the function u is zero and the corresponding variables ui,j are explicitly set to zero. However, at the boundaries corresponding to y=0, and y=L we get different equations depending on the type of the boundary condition. For the Dirichlet boundary conditions, we get the discretization of the formui,j=dij,i=0,,N,j=1orj=M,where dij is the prescribed Dirichlet data at y=0 or y=L. The discretization of the Neumann boundary conditions is given by(3ui,j+4ui,j+1ui,j+2)(2h)1=nij,i=0,,N,j=1orj=M2,and nij is the prescribed Neumann data at y=0 or y=L. This particular choice means that we approximate the Neumann condition with accuracy O(h2).

According to the type of the boundary data at y=0 and y=L, the discretization of the two well–posed boundary value problems (Equation6) and (Equation7) using the finite difference approximation discussed above leads to two different types of linear systems Aiu=bi, i=1,2, where each Ai is a large sparse matrix of size MN×MN, and each bi is a vector that contains the boundary data values. These systems are solved in an alternating way using the LU factorization of the matrix Ai. Since each matrix Ai depends only on the size of the domain, the parameter k2 and the parameter μ, but not on the actual boundary data values, we can save the matrix Ai and its sparse LU factorization between iterations. This significantly improves the computational speed.

Fig. 2 Numerical solution ue(x,y) obtained by solving the direct problem with boundary conditions u(x,0) and ue(x,L) is displayed to the left. On the right we plot uy(x,0) (dashed line) and uy(x,L) (solid line) for k2=15.

Fig. 2 Numerical solution ue(x,y) obtained by solving the direct problem with boundary conditions u(x,0) and ue(x,L) is displayed to the left. On the right we plot uy(x,0) (dashed line) and uy(x,L) (solid line) for k2=15.

Fig. 3 On the left, we show the value of the exact solution at y=L (solid line) and the reconstructed function (dashed line) for k2=15. The divergence of the algorithm for k2=25.5 is shown on the right where we plot the error en for 1500 iterations.

Fig. 3 On the left, we show the value of the exact solution at y=L (solid line) and the reconstructed function (dashed line) for k2=15. The divergence of the algorithm for k2=25.5 is shown on the right where we plot the error en for 1500 iterations.

Fig. 4 The solid lines represent the exact solution ue(x,L) and the dashed lines the numerical solution un(x,L). On the left, we present the results when no noise is added to the data. The corresponding results when a normally distributed random noise of variance ϵ=2.5·102 is added to the data are presented on the right.

Fig. 4 The solid lines represent the exact solution ue(x,L) and the dashed lines the numerical solution un(x,L). On the left, we present the results when no noise is added to the data. The corresponding results when a normally distributed random noise of variance ϵ=2.5·10−2 is added to the data are presented on the right.

Fig. 5 The boundary condition uy(x,L) is replaced by the boundary condition uy(x,L)+σu(x,L) in the modified alternating algorithm. The solid lines represent the exact solution ue(x,L) and the dashed lines the numerical solution un(x,L). On the right a normally distributed random noise of variance ϵ=2.5·102 is added to the data.

Fig. 5 The boundary condition uy(x,L) is replaced by the boundary condition uy(x,L)+σu(x,L) in the modified alternating algorithm. The solid lines represent the exact solution ue(x,L) and the dashed lines the numerical solution un(x,L). On the right a normally distributed random noise of variance ϵ=2.5·10−2 is added to the data.

Fig. 6 Two interior boundaries described in Example 4.2 are chosen. The solid lines represent the exact solution ue(x,L) and the dashed lines the numerical solution un(x,L). On the right a normally distributed random noise of variance ϵ=2.5·102 is added to the data.

Fig. 6 Two interior boundaries described in Example 4.2 are chosen. The solid lines represent the exact solution ue(x,L) and the dashed lines the numerical solution un(x,L). On the right a normally distributed random noise of variance ϵ=2.5·10−2 is added to the data.

For the numerical computations, we particularly choose L=0.2, N=400 and M=80, and select the boundary data f(x)=u(x,0) on Γ0 asu(x,0)=(3sin(πx)+sin(3πx)19+9exp(30(xL)2))x2(1x)2.The exact boundary data on Γ1, used to test the performance of the algorithm, is given byue(x,L)=2(8sin(πx)+sin(3πx)17+20exp(50(xL)2))x2(1x)2.The boundary data g(x)=uy(x,0) is obtained numerically after solving the direct problem for the Helmholtz equation with boundary data u(x,0) and ue(x,L) given above and u(0,y)=u(1,y)=0. The numerical solution is displayed in Figure . To start the algorithm, we chose an arbitray initial guess uy(x,L)=0 on Γ1. In order to test the convergence of the algorithm, we compute the following normen=max0x1|ue(x,L)un(x,L)|,where un(x,L) is the numerical solution at y=L and n the iteration number. For all tests, the results are displayed after 1500 iterations. In Figure , we display the convergence of the standard alternating iterative algorithm, described in Section 1.2, for k2=15 and its divergence for k2=25.5. Notice that the algorithm diverges for k2>25.29 according to the results in Section 1.3. This confirms the fact that the standard algorithm does not always converge. We can now implement the modified alternating iterative algorithm. For this, we need to choose the interior boundary γ.

Example 4.1

We choose the interior boundary as follows: we first choose the centre of gravity of the rectangle Ω=(0,1)×(0,L). We pick the interior boundary as a rectangle with the same centre of gravity as Ω, and side lengths L1 and L2. The interior domain is Ω1=41(1L1,1+L1)×(LL2,L+L2) with boundary γ. For the test, we chose L=0.2, L1=0.20 and L2=0.08. The boundary data values on γ are chosen numerically so that they will be different from the values of the exact solution on γ.

Figure shows the exact and numerical results for u(x,L) for different values of k2 and μ. We also present the corresponding results when a normally distributed random noise of variance ϵ=2.5·102 is added on the data u(x,0) and uy(x,0).

For the results in Figure , it can be seen that when the boundary condition uy(x,L) is replaced by the boundary condition uy(x,L)+σu(x,L) with the initial guess given by uy(x,L)+σu(x,L)=0, the algorithm converges. In this case, we have observed the improvement of the numerical results for the values of μ and σ relatively small.

Example 4.2

We now choose two interior boundaries γ1 and γ2. The first rectangle is Ω1=41(1L1,1+L1)×(LL2,L+L2) with boundary γ1 and the second rectangle Ω2=41(1L3,1+L3)×LL4,L+L4) inside Ω1 has boundary γ2. For the test, we chose L1=0.22, L2=0.08, L3=0.12 and L4=0.04. As above, the boundary data values on γ1 and γ2 are chosen numerically. The numerical results are shown in Figure and it can be observed that accurate and stable results are obtained.


The work of Lydie Mpinganzima is supported by the Swedish Development International Agency (SIDA) and the National University of Rwanda (NUR).


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