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Inverse spectral problems for differential pencils on a graph with a rooted cycle

Pages 1647-1660 | Received 19 Aug 2015, Accepted 19 Dec 2015, Published online: 01 Feb 2016


An inverse spectral problem is studied for differential pencils on graphs with a rooted cycle and with standard matching conditions in internal vertices. A uniqueness theorem is proved, and a constructive procedure for the solution is provided.

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1. Introduction

This paper is devoted to inverse spectral problems for ordinary differential equations on spatial networks (geometrical graphs). Differential operators on graphs often appear in mathematics, mechanics, physics, geophysics, physical chemistry, electronics, nano-technology and other branches of natural sciences and engineering (see [Citation1Citation8] and the bibliography therein). Most of the works are devoted to the so-called direct problems of studying properties of the spectrum and root functions. In this direction we mark the monograph,[Citation8] where extensive references can be found related to direct problems of spectral analysis on graphs. inverse problems consist in recovering coefficients of operators from their spectral characteristics. Such problems have many applications and therefore attract attention of scientists. On the other hand, inverse spectral problems are very difficult for investigation because of their nonlinearity. The main results and methods on inverse spectral problems for differential operators on an interval (finite or infinite) were obtained in the second half of the XX century; these results are presented fairly completely in the monographs,[Citation9Citation12] where an extensive bibliography can be found.

Active research on the inverse spectral problems for differential operators on graphs started in the XXI century. The first important and rather wide class of problems, for which the theory of solutions of inverse problems has been constructed, were the Sturm–Liouville operators on the so-called trees, i.e. graphs without cycles.[Citation13Citation15] Two different methods were applied in the investigation of inverse problems on trees in [Citation13Citation15]: the transformation operator method and the method of spectral mappings. The first method [Citation13] connects with the process of wave propagation, and the second one [Citation14] uses ideas of contour integration and the apparatus of the theory of analytic functions. In particular, the method of spectral mappings allowed one not only to prove a uniqueness theorem with most limited data, but also to obtain an algorithm for the solution of this class of inverse problems. Moreover, this method turned out to be effective also for essentially more difficult problems on graphs with cycles. Inverse spectral problems for Sturm–Liouville operators on arbitrary compact graphs with cycles have been solved in [Citation16Citation20] and other works. Some other aspects of the inverse problem theory for Sturm–Liouville operators on graphs were discussed in [Citation21Citation29] and other works.

Differential pencils (when differential equations depend nonlinearly on the spectral parameter) produce serious qualitative changes in the spectral theory. In particular, there are only a few works on inverse spectral problems for differential pencils on graphs (see [Citation30,Citation31] and the references therein). In this paper we investigate the inverse spectral problem for non-self-adjoint second-order differential pencils on compact graphs with a rooted cycle under standard matching conditions in interior vertices and boundary conditions in boundary vertices. We pay attention to the most important nonlinear inverse problem of recovering coefficients of differential equations (potentials) provided that the structure of the graph is known a priori. For this inverse problem we prove the uniqueness theorem and provide a procedure for constructing its solution. For studying the inverse problem we develop the ideas of the method of spectral mappings.[Citation11] The obtained results are natural generalizations of the results on inverse problems for Sturm–Liouville operators on an interval and on graphs.

Consider a compact graph G in Rm with the set of vertices V={v0,,vr} and the set of edges E={e0,,er}, where e0 is a cycle, Ve0=v0. The graph has the form G=e0T, where T is the tree (i.e. graph without cycles) with the root v0, the set of vertices {v0,,vr} and the set of edges {e1,,er}, Te0=v0, and v0 is a boundary vertex for T,  but v0 is an internal vertex for the graph G.

For two points a,bT we will write ab if a lies on a unique simple path connecting the root v0 with b. We will write a<b if ab and ab. The relation < defines a partial ordering on T. If a<b we denote [a,b]:={zT:azb}. In particular, if e=[v,w] is an edge, we call v its initial point, w its end point and say that e emanates from v and terminates at w. For each internal vertex v we denote by R(v):={eT:e=[v,w],wV} the set of edges emanated from v. For each vV we denote by |v| the number of edges between v0 and v. For any vV the number |v| is a non-negative integer, which is called the order of v. For eT its order is defined as the order of its end point. The number σ:=maxj=1,r¯|vj| is called the height of the tree T. Let V(μ):={vV:|v|=μ}, μ=0,σ¯ be the set of vertices of order μ, and let E(μ):={eE:e=[v,w],vV(μ-1),wV(μ)}, μ=1,σ¯ be the set of edges of order μ.

For definiteness we enumerate the vertices vj as follows: Γ:={v1,,vp} are boundary vertices of G, vp+1V(1), and vj,j>p+1 are enumerated in order of increasing |vj|. We enumerate the edges similarly, namely: ej=[vjk,vj], j=1,r¯,jk<j. In particular, E:={e1,,ep} is the set of boundary edges, ep+1=[v0,vp+1]. The edge ep+1, emanated from the root v0, is called the rooted edge of T. Clearly, ejE(μ) iff vjV(μ). As an example see Figure where r=9,p=5,σ=4.

Let dj be the length of the edge ej, j=0,r¯. Each edge eE is viewed as a segment [0,dj] and is parameterized by the parameter xj[0,dj]. It is convenient for us to choose the following orientation: for j=1,r¯ the end vertex vj corresponds to xj=0, and the initial vertex vjk corresponds to xj=dj; for the cycle e0 both endpoints x0=+0 and x0=d0-0 correspond to v0.

Figure 1. A graph with a rooted cycle.

Figure 1. A graph with a rooted cycle.

A function Y on G may be represented as Y={yj}j=0,r¯, where the function yj(xj) is defined on the edge ej. Let q={qj}j=0,r¯ and p={pj}j=0,r¯ be complex-valued functions on G; they are called the potentials. Assume that qj(xj)L(0,dj),pj(xj)AC[0,dj]. Consider the following differential equation on G:(1.1) yj(xj)+(ρ2+ρpj(x)+qj(xj))yj(xj)=0,xj[0,dj],(1.1)

where j=0,r¯, ρ is the spectral parameter, the functions yj(xj),yj(xj) are absolutely continuous on [0,dj] and satisfy the following matching conditions in the internal vertices v0 and vk, k=p+1,r¯: For k=p+1,r¯,(1.2) yj(dj)=yk(0)for allejR(vk),ejR(vk)yj(dj)=yk(0),(1.2)

and for v0,(1.3) yp+1(dp+1)=y0(d0)=y0(0),yp+1(dp+1)+y0(d0)=y0(0).(1.3)

Matching conditions (Equation1.2) and (Equation1.3) are called the standard conditions. In electrical circuits, they express Kirchhoff’s law; in elastic string network, they express the balance of tension, and so on. Let us consider the boundary value problem L0(G) for Equation (Equation1.1) with the matching conditions (Equation1.2) and (Equation1.3) and with the Dirichlet boundary conditions at the boundary vertices v1,,vp:yj(0)=0,j=1,p¯.

Moreover, we also consider the boundary value problems Lk(G), k=1,p¯ for Equation (Equation1.1) with the matching conditions (Equation1.2) and (Equation1.3) and with the boundary conditionsyk(0)=0,yj(0)=0,j=1,p¯\k.

We denote by Λk={ρkn},k=0,p¯, the eigenvalues (counting with multiplicities) of Lk(G). In contrast to the case of trees (see [Citation14,Citation30]), here the specification of the spectra Λk, k=0,p¯, does not uniquely determines the potentials, and we need an additional information. Let Sj(xj,ρ),Cj(xj,ρ),j=0,r¯ be the solutions of equation (1.1) on the edge ej with the initial conditions Sj(0,ρ)=Cj(0,ρ)=0,Sj(0,ρ)=Cj(0,ρ)=1. For each fixed xj[0,dj], the functions Sj(ν)(xj,ρ),Cj(ν)(xj,ρ),j=0,r¯,ν=0,1, are entire in ρ of exponential type. Moreover, Cj(xj,ρ),Sj(xj,ρ)1, where y,z:=yz-yz is the Wronskian of y and z. Denotea(ρ):=C0(d0,ρ)-S0(d0,ρ),h(ρ):=S0(d0,ρ).

Let V={νn} be zeros (counting with multiplicities) of the entire function h(ρ). Then {νn} are the eigenvalues of the boundary value problem B for Equation (Equation1.1) with j=0 under the boundary conditions y0(0)=y0(d0)=0. Let Ω={ωn} be the Ω-sequence for B (see [Citation32]). For example, if all zeros of h(ρ) are simple, thenωn=0,a(νn)=0,+1,a(νn)0,arga(νn)[0,π),-1,a(νn)0,arga(νn)[π,2π).

We note that for the classical self-adjoint periodic Sturm–Liouville inverse problem, the Ω-sequence was introduced and studied in [Citation33,Citation34] and other works. The inverse problem is formulated as follows.

Inverse Problem 1.1:

Given Λk,k=0,p¯ and Ω, construct q and p on G.

Let us formulate the uniqueness theorem for the solution of inverse problem 1.1. For this purpose together with (pq) we consider potentials (p~,q~). Everywhere below if a symbol μ denotes an object related to (pq) then μ~ will denote the analogous object related to (p~,q~).

Theorem 1.2:

If Λk=Λ~k,k=0,p¯, and Ω=Ω~, then q=q~ and p=p~ on G. Thus, the specification of Λk,k=0,p¯ and Ω uniquely determines the potentials q and p on G.

This theorem will be proved in Section 3. Moreover, we will give there a constructive procedure for the solution of inverse problem 1.1. In Section 2 we introduce the main notions and prove some auxiliary propositions.

2. Characteristic functions

Fix k=p+1,r¯. Denote Qk:={zT:vk<z},Gk:=G\Qk¯. ThenQk=eiR(vk)Tki,

where Tki is the tree with the root vk and with the rooted edge ei. Clearly, Gk=e0Tk, where Tk=T\Qk¯.


If D is a graph, then we will denote by L0(D) the boundary value problem for Equation (Equation1.1) on D with the standard matching conditions in internal vertices and with the Dirichlet boundary conditions in boundary vertices. Let {Y}D:={yj}ejD. If vj is a boundary vertex of D,  then Lj(D) will denote the boundary value problem for Equation (Equation1.1) on D with the standard matching conditions in internal vertices, with the Neumann boundary condition Y|vj=0 at vj and with the Dirichlet boundary conditions in all other boundary vertices. For example, L0(Gk) is the boundary value problem on Gk with the boundary conditions ym(0)=0,emEGk, and Lk(Gk) is the boundary value problem on Gk with the boundary conditions yk(0)=0,ym(0)=0,em(EGk)\ek. We also consider the BVP L1(T) for Equation (Equation1.1) on T with the boundary conditions Y|v0=0,Y|vj=0,j=1,p¯.

Fix k=1,p¯. Let Φk={Φkj}j=0,r¯, be solutions of Equation (Equation1.1) satisfying the matching conditions (Equation1.2) and (Equation1.3) and the boundary conditions(2.1) Φkj(0,ρ)=δkj,j=1,p¯,(2.1)

where δkj is the Kronecker symbol. Denote Mk(ρ):=Φkk(0,ρ),k=1,p¯. The function Mk(ρ,G):=Mk(ρ) is called the Weyl function with respect to the boundary vertex vk.

Denote Mkj0(ρ)=Φkj(0,ρ), Mkj1(ρ)=Φkj(0,ρ),j=0,r¯. Then(2.2) Φkj(xj,ρ)=Mkj1(ρ)Cj(xj,ρ)+Mkj0(ρ)Sj(xj,ρ),j=0,r¯.(2.2)

In particular, Mkk0(ρ)=Mk(ρ,G), Mkk1(ρ)=1, Mkj1(ρ)=0 for j=1,p¯\k. HenceΦkk(xk,ρ)=Ck(xk,ρ)+Mk(ρ,G)Sk(xk,ρ),

and consequently, Φkk(xk,ρ),Sk(xk,ρ)1. Substituting (Equation2.2) into (Equation1.2), (Equation1.3) and (Equation2.1) we obtain a linear algebraic system sk with respect to Mkj0(ρ),Mkj1(ρ),j=0,r¯. The determinant Δ0(ρ,G) of this system does not depend on k and has the form(2.3) Δ0(ρ,G)=Δ0(ρ,T)d(ρ)+Δ1(ρ,T)h(ρ),(2.3)

where(2.4) d(ρ)=C0(d0,ρ)+S0(d0,ρ)-2,h(ρ)=S0(d0,ρ),(2.4) Δ0(ρ,T) and Δ1(ρ,T) are the characteristic functions of the boundary value problems L0(T) and L1(T) respectively, which were defined and studied in [Citation35]. For convenience of the readers in the Appendix 1 at the end of the paper we provide formulae for constructing the functions Δ0(ρ,T) and Δ1(ρ,T) from [Citation35]. The function Δ0(ρ,G) is entire in ρ of exponential type, and its zeros (counting with multiplicities) coincide with the eigenvalues of the boundary value problem L0(G). This fact and other similar facts can be shown by the well-known arguments (see, e.g. [Citation11,Citation14,Citation35,Citation37]). Solving the algebraic system sk we get by Cramer’s rule: Mkjν(ρ)=Δkjν(ρ,G)/Δ0(ρ,G), ν=0,1,j=0,r¯, where the determinant Δkjν(ρ,G) is obtained from Δ0(ρ,G) by the replacement of the column which corresponds to Mkjν(ρ) with the column of free terms. In particular,(2.5) Mk(ρ,G)=-Δk(ρ,G)Δ0(ρ,G),k=1,p¯,(2.5)

where Δk(ρ,G),k=1,p¯, is obtained from Δ0(ρ,G) by the replacement of Sk(ν)(dk,ρ),ν=0,1, with Ck(ν)(dk,ρ). Similarly to the function Δ0(ρ,G), one can see that the zeros of Δk(ρ,G) (counting with multiplicities) coincide with the eigenvalues of the boundary value problem Lk(G). The function Δk(ρ,G),k=0,p¯, is called the characteristic function for the boundary value problem Lk(G).

Fix k=p+1,r¯. Let Δ0(ρ,Gk) and Δk(ρ,Gk) be the characteristic functions for L0(Gk) and Lk(Gk), respectively. Using (Equation2.3) and (Equation2.4) and formulae for Δ0(ρ,T),Δ1(ρ,T) from [Citation35] (see also the Appendix 1) one can get(2.6) Δ0(ρ,G)=Δ0(ρ,Qk)Δ0(ρ,Gk)+eiR(vk)Δ0(ρ,Tki)Δk(ρ,Gk),(2.6)

where Δ0(ρ,Qk) and Δ0(ρ,Tki) are the characteristic functions for L0(Qk) and L0(Tki), respectively, which were defined and studied in [Citation35] (see also the Appendix 1). Similarly, for ejETks,(2.7) Δj(ρ,G)=Δj(ρ,Qk)Δ0(ρ,Gk)+Δj(ρ,Tks)eiR(vk),isΔ0(ρ,Tki)Δk(ρ,Gk),(2.7)

where Δj(ρ,Qk) and Δj(ρ,Tki) are constructed from Δ0(ρ,Qk) and Δ0(ρ,Tki) by the replacement of Sj(ν)(dj,ρ),ν=0,1, with Cj(ν)(dj,ρ).

Example 2.1:

Let σ=1. Then r=1,Δ0(ρ,G)=S1(d1,ρ)d(ρ)+S1(d1,ρ)h(ρ),Δ0(ρ,T)=S1(d1,ρ),Δ1(ρ,T)=S1(d1,ρ).

Example 2.2:

Let σ=2. Then r=p+1,Tp+1,i={ei},i=1,p¯, henceΔ0(ρ,T)=m=1pSm(dm,ρ)i=1pSi(di,ρ)Si(di,ρ)Sp+1(dp+1,ρ)+Cp+1(dp+1,ρ),Δ1(ρ,T)=m=1pSm(dm,ρ)i=1pSi(di,ρ)Si(di,ρ)Sp+1(dp+1,ρ)+Cp+1(dp+1,ρ).

In particular, for p=2,Δ0(ρ,T)=(S1(d1,ρ)S2(d2,ρ)+S1(d1,ρ)S2(d2,ρ))S3(d3,ρ)+S1(d1,ρ)S2(d2,ρ)C3(d3,ρ),Δ1(ρ,T)=(S1(d1,ρ)S2(d2,ρ)+S1(d1,ρ)S2(d2,ρ))S3(d3,ρ)+S1(d1,ρ)S2(d2,ρ)C3(d3,ρ),

and (Equation2.6) takes the formΔ0(ρ,G)=(S1(d1,ρ)S2(d2,ρ)+S1(d1,ρ)S2(d2,ρ))(S3(d3,ρ)d(ρ)+S3(d3,ρ)h(ρ))+S1(d1,ρ)S2(d2,ρ)(C3(d3,ρ)d(ρ)+C3(d3,ρ)h(ρ))=Δ0(ρ,Q3)Δ0(ρ,G3)+Δ0(ρ,T31)Δ0(ρ,T32)Δ3(ρ,G3),



Without loss of generality we assume that d=0. It is known (see [Citation36]) that for each fixed j=0,r¯ on the edge ej, there exist fundamental systems of solutions of Equation (Equation1.1) {ej1±(xj,ρ),ej2±(xj,ρ)}, xj[0,dj],ρΠ±,|ρ|ρ with the properties:


the functions dνdxjνejs±(xj,ρ),ν=0,1, are continuous for xj[0,dj],ρΠ±,|ρ|ρ, and are analytic with respect to ρ for ±Imρ>0,|ρ|>ρ;


uniformly for xj[0,dj], the following asymptotical formulae hold(2.8) dνdxjνej1±(xj,ρ)=(iρ)νexp(i(ρxj+Ej(xj)))[1],dνdxjνej2±(xj,ρ)=(-iρ)νexp(-i(ρxj+Ej(xj)))[1],(2.8) where ρΠ±,|ρ|,[1]=1+O(ρ-1),ν=0,1.

Fix k=1,p¯. One has(2.9) Φkj(xj,ρ)=Akj±(ρ)ej1±(xj,ρ)+Bkj±(ρ)ej2±(xj,ρ),ρΠ±,xj[0,dj],j=0,r¯.(2.9)

Substituting (Equation2.9) into (Equation1.2), (Equation1.3) and (Equation2.1) we obtain a linear algebraic system sk± with respect to Akj±(ρ),Bkj±(ρ),j=0,r¯. The determinant δ±(ρ) of sk± does not depend on k,  and has the form(2.10) δ±(ρ)=(δ0±+O(1ρ))ρr+1-pE±(ρ),δ0±0,ρΠδ±,|ρ|.(2.10)

Solving the algebraic system sk± and using (Equation2.8)–(Equation2.10) we get for each fixed xk[0,dk):(2.11) Φkk(ν)(xk,ρ)=(±iρ)νexp(±i(ρxk+Ek(xk)))[1],ρΠδ±,|ρ|.(2.11)

In particular,(2.12) Mk(ρ)=(±iρ)[1],ρΠδ±,|ρ|.(2.12)

Moreover, for |ρ|,k=0,r¯, uniformly in xk[0,dk],(2.13) Sk(ν)(xk,ρ)=12(-iρ)1-νexp(-i(ρxk+Ek(xk)))[1]+12(iρ)1-νexp(i(ρxk+Ek(xk)))[1].(2.13)

Similarly, one gets for ρΠδ±,|ρ|:(2.14) Δ0(ρ,G)=Δ0±ρpE±(ρ)[1],Δ0±=(-2i)-r-1δ0±,(2.14) (2.15) Δk(ρ,G)=(iρ)Δ0±ρpE±(ρ)[1],k=1,p¯.(2.15)

3. Solution of inverse problem 1.1

In this section, we provide a constructive procedure for the solution of inverse problem 1.1 and prove its uniqueness. First we consider the following auxiliary inverse problem for G on the edge ek, k=1,p¯, which is called IP(k).

IP(k). Given Mk(ρ,G),construct qk(xk),pk(xk),xk[0,dk].

In IP(k) we construct the potentials only on the edge ek, but the Weyl function Mk(ρ,G) brings a global information from the whole graph, i.e. IP(k) is not a local inverse problem related only to the edge ek.

Lemma 3.1:

Fix k=1,p¯. The specification of two spectra Λ0 and Λk uniquely determines the Weyl function Mk(ρ,G).


The characteristic functions Δk(ρ,G),k=0,p¯, are entire in ρ of exponential type. By Hadamard’s factorization theorem,(3.1) Δk(ρ,G)=Bkexp(Akρ)Δk(ρ,G),k=0,p¯,(3.1)

where(3.2) Δk(ρ,G)=ρξknΛk(1-ρρnk)exp(ρ/ρnk),k=0,p¯,(3.2) Λk={n:ρnk0}, and ξk0 is the multiplicity of the zero eigenvalue. In view of (Equation2.5) and (Equation3.1), we deduce(3.3) Mk(ρ,G)=-bkexp(akρ)Δk(ρ,G)Δ0(ρ,G),k=1,p¯,(3.3)

where bk=Bk/B0, ak=Ak-A0. Using (Equation2.12) we calculate for ρΠδ±,|ρ|:bkexp(akρ)=(iρ)Δ0(ρ,G)[1]Δk(ρ,G),

and consequently,(3.4) ak=lim|ρ|1ρln(Δ0(ρ,G)Δk(ρ,G)),ρΠδ±,k=1,p¯,(3.4) (3.5) bk=lim|ρ|(iρ)Δ0(ρ,G)exp(-akρ)Δk(ρ,G),ρΠδ±,k=1,p¯.(3.5)

Thus, we have uniquely constructed Mk(ρ,G) by (Equation3.2)–(Equation3.5).

Let us prove the uniqueness theorem for the solution of IP(k).

Theorem 3.2:

If Mk(ρ,G)=M~k(ρ,G), then pk(xk)=p~k(xk) and qk(xk)=q~k(xk) a.e. on [0,dk]. Thus, the specification of the Weyl function Mk uniquely determines the potentials pk and qk on the edge ek.


Let us introduce the functions(3.6) P1sk(xk,ρ)=(-1)s(Φkk(xk,ρ)S~k(2-s)(xk,ρ)-Φ~kk(2-s)(xk,ρ)Sk(xk,ρ)),s=1,2.(3.6)

Since Φkk(xk,ρ),Sk(xk,ρ)1, it follows that(3.7) Sk(xk,ρ)=P11k(xk,ρ)S~k(xk,ρ)+P12k(xk,ρ)S~k(xk,ρ).(3.7)

Denote Ωk(xk)=cosE^k(xk), where E^k(xk)=Ek(xk)-E~k(xk). Taking (Equation2.11), (Equation2.13) and (Equation3.6) into account we obtain(3.8) P1sk(xk,ρ)=δ1sΩk(xk)+O(ρ-1),ρΠδ±,|ρ|,xk(0,dk),s=1,2.(3.8)

Using (Equation3.6) and the relation Φkk(xk,ρ)=Ck(xk,ρ)+Mk(ρ,G)Sk(xk,ρ), we calculateP1sk(xk,ρ)=(-1)s-1((Ck(xk,ρ)S~k(2-s)(xk,ρ)-Sk(xk,ρ)C~k(2-s)(xk,ρ))+(M~k(ρ,G)-Mk(ρ,G))Sk(xk,ρ)S~k(2-s)(xk,ρ)).

Since Mk(ρ,G)=M~k(ρ,G), it follows that for each fixed xk, the functions P1sk(xk,ρ) are entire in ρ of exponential type. Together with (Equation3.8) this yields P11k(xk,ρ)Ωk(xk),P12k(xk,ρ)0. Substituting these relations into (Equation3.6) and (Equation3.7) we get(3.9) (S~k(xk,ρ))-1Sk(xk,ρ)=(Φ~kk(xk,ρ))-1Φkk(xk,ρ),(3.9)

for all xk and ρ. Using (2.11) and (2.13) we obtain for |ρ|,ρΠδ±,(S~k(xk,ρ))-1Sk(xk,ρ)=exp(E^k(xk))[1],(Φ~kk(xk,ρ))-1Φkk(xk,ρ)=exp(±E^k(xk))[1].

From this and from (3.9) we infer exp(2E^k(xk))1. Since E^k(0)=0, it follows that E^k(xk)0, i.e. P11(xk,ρ)1,φk(xk,ρ)φ~k(xk,ρ),Φkk(xk,ρ)Φ~kk(xk,ρ), and consequently, qk(xk)=q~k(xk),pk(xk)=p~k(xk) on [0,dk].

Using the method of spectral mappings [Citation11] for the Sturm–Liouville operator on the edge ek one can get a constructive procedure for the solution of the inverse problem IP(k).

Now we consider the following auxiliary inverse problem IP(0) on the cycle e0.

IP(0). Given d(ρ),h(ρ) and Ω, construct p0(x0),q0(x0),x0[0,d0].

This inverse problem is the classical periodic inverse problem on the interval [0,d0]; it was solved in [Citation33,Citation34], where the uniqueness theorem was proved and an algorithm for constructing the solution of IP(0) was provided.

Fix k=0,p¯. Let the spectrum Λk of the boundary value problem Lk(G) be given. Then we can construct the characteristic function Δk(ρ,G) as follows.

Using (Equation3.1) and (Equation3.2) and the asymptotical formulae (Equation2.14) and (Equation2.15), we obtain for ρΠδ±,|ρ|:B0exp(A0ρ)Δ0(ρ,G)=Δ0±ρ-pE±(ρ)[1],Bkexp(Akρ)Δk(ρ,G)=(iρ)ρ-pΔ0±E±(ρ)[1],k=1,p¯,

and consequently,(3.10) Ak=-κk±ij=0rdj,k=0,p¯,κk±:=lim|ρ|lnΔk(ρ,G)ρ,ρΠδ±.(3.10)


This yields(3.11) Bk=Δ0±σk±,k=0,p¯,(3.11)


Now we are ready to provide a constructive procedure for the solution of Inverse Problem 1.1 and prove its uniqueness. Let Λk,k=0,p¯ and Ω be given. The procedure for the solution of inverse problem 1.1 consists in the realization of the so-called Dμ- procedures successively for μ=σ,σ-1,,1,0 where σ is the height of T. Let us describe Dμ- procedures.



For each fixed k=1,p¯, we construct the Weyl function Mk(ρ,G) using (Equation3.2)–(Equation3.5).


For each fixed k=1,p¯, we solve the inverse problem IP(k) and find the potentials pk(xk),qk(xk),xk[0,dk] on the edge ek.


For each fixed k=1,p¯, we calculate Ck(ν)(dk,ρ),Sk(ν)(dk,ρ),ν=0,1.


For each fixed k=0,p¯, we construct Δk(ρ,G) via (Equation3.1), (Equation3.2), (Equation3.10) and (Equation3.11).


For each fixed vkV(σ-1)\Γ we choose and fix s and j such that ejETks. Solving the linear algebraic system (Equation2.6) and (Equation2.7), we find Δ0(ρ,Gk) and Δk(ρ,Gk).


For each fixed vkV(σ-1)\Γ we construct the Weyl function Mk(ρ,Gk) for the graph Gk by the formula(3.12) Mk(ρ,Gk)=-Δk(ρ,Gk)Δ0(ρ,Gk).(3.12) Now, we carry out Dμ- procedures successively for μ=σ-1,,2, by induction. Fix μ=2,σ-1¯, and suppose that Dσ,,Dμ+1- procedures have been already carried out. Let us carry out Dμ- procedure.


For each edge ekE(μ), we solve the inverse problem IP(k) on Gk and find pk(xk),qk(xk),xk[0,dk] on the edge ek.


For each ekE(μ), we calculate Ck(ν)(dk,ρ),Sk(ν)(dk,ρ),ν=0,1.


For each fixed vkV(μ-1)\Γ we choose and fix s and j such that ejETks. Solving the linear algebraic system (2.6)-(2.7), we find Δ0(ρ,Gk) and Δk(ρ,Gk).


For each fixed vkV(μ-1)\Γ we calculate Mk(ρ,Gk) for the graph Gk via (Equation3.12).


We solve the inverse problem IP(p+1) on Gp+1 and find pp+1(xp+1),qp+1(xp+1),xp+1[0,dp+1] on the rooted edge ep+1.


We calculate Cp+1(ν)(dp+1,ρ),Sp+1(ν)(dp+1,ρ),ν=0,1.


Solving the linear algebraic systemΔ0(ρ,Gp+1)=Sp+1(dp+1,ρ)d(ρ)+Sp+1(dp+1,ρ)h(ρ),Δp+1(ρ,Gp+1)=Cp+1(dp+1,ρ)d(ρ)+Cp+1(dp+1,ρ)h(ρ), we find d(ρ) and h(ρ).


Using d(ρ),h(ρ) and Ω, we construct p0(x0),q0(x0),x0[0,d0] on the cycle e0 by solving the inverse problem IP(0).

Thus, executing successively Dσ,Dσ-1,,D0-procedures we obtain the solution of inverse problem 1.1 and prove its uniqueness.

Additional information


This work was supported by [grant number 1.1436.2014K] of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science and by [grant number 13-01-00134] of Russian Foundation for Basic Research.


No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.


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Appendix 1

Consider the tree T and fix k=p+1,r¯. Denote Qk:={zT:vk<z},Tk:=T\Qk¯. Then Qk=eiR(vk)Tki, where Tki is the tree with the root vk and the rooted edge ei. Let us define functions Δ0(ρ,T) and Δ1(ρ,T) recurrently with respect to σ, where σ is the height of T. For σ=1 the tree T is the segment e1=[0,d1], and we putΔ0(ρ,T)=S1(d1,ρ),Δ1(ρ,T)=S1(d1,ρ).

For each σ2, we put(A1) Δ0(ρ,T)=ekR(vp+1)Δ0(ρ,Tp+1,k)eiR(vp+1)Δ1(ρ,Tp+1,i)Δ0(ρ,Tp+1,i)Sp+1(dp+1,ρ)+Cp+1(dp+1,ρ),(A1) (A2) Δ1(ρ,T)=ekR(vp+1)Δ0(ρ,Tp+1,k)eiR(vp+1)Δ1(ρ,Tp+1,i)Δ0(ρ,Tp+1,i)Sp+1(dp+1,ρ)+Cp+1(dp+1,ρ).(A2)


Then relations (EquationA1) and (EquationA2) take the form(A3) Δ0(ρ,T)=Δ0(ρ,Qp+1)Sp+1(dp+1,ρ)+ekR(vp+1)Δ0(ρ,Tp+1,k)Cp+1(dp+1,ρ),Δ1(ρ,T)=Δ0(ρ,Qp+1)Sp+1(dp+1,ρ)+ekR(vp+1)Δ0(ρ,Tp+1,k)Cp+1(dp+1,λ).(A3)

The functions Δ0(ρ,T),Δ1(ρ,T) and Δ0(ρ,Qp+1) are entire in ρ of exponential type. We note that Δ1(ρ,T) is obtained from Δ0(ρ,T) by the replacement of Sp+1(dp+1,ρ) and Cp+1(dp+1,ρ) with Sp+1(dp+1,ρ) and Cp+1(dp+1,ρ) respectively.

Figure A1. A tree with σ=2.

Figure A1. A tree with σ=2.

Example 1.1:

Let σ=2. Then r=p+1,Tp+1,i={ei},i=1,p¯, henceΔ0(ρ,T)=k=1pSk(dk,ρ)i=1pSi(di,ρ)Si(di,ρ)Sp+1(dp+1,ρ)+Cp+1(dp+1,ρ).

In particular, for p=2,Δ0(ρ,T)=(S1(d1,ρ)S2(d2,ρ)+S1(d1,ρ)S2(d2,ρ))S3(d3,ρ)+S1(d1,ρ)S2(d2,ρ)C3(d3,ρ).

Example 1.2:

Consider the tree on Figure . ThenΔ0(ρ,T)=Δ0(ρ,Q4)S4(d4,ρ)+S1(d1,ρ)(S2(d2,ρ)S3(d3,ρ)S5(d5,ρ)+S2(d2,ρ)S3(d3,ρ)S5(d5,ρ)+S2(d2,ρ)S3(d3,ρ)C5(d5,ρ))C4(d4,ρ),Δ0(ρ,Q4)=S1(d1,ρ)(S2(d2,ρ)S3(d3,ρ)S5(d5,ρ)+S2(d2,ρ)S3(d3,ρ)S5(d5,ρ)+S2(d2,ρ)S3(d3,ρ)C5(d5,ρ))+S1(d1,ρ)(S2(d2,ρ)S3(d3,ρ)S5(d5,ρ)+S2(d2,ρ)S3(d3,ρ)S5(d5,ρ)+S2(d2,ρ)S3(d3,ρ)C5(d5,ρ)).

Let Δj(ρ,T),Δj(ρ,Tks),Δj(ρ,Tj) and Δj(ρ,Qk) be constructed from Δ0(ρ,T),Δ0(ρ,Tks),Δ0(ρ,Tj) and Δ0(ρ,Qk), respectively by the replacement Sj(ν)(dj,ρ) with Cj(ν)(dj,ρ),ν=0,1. Fix k=p+1,r¯. Then regrouping terms in (EquationA3) one can getΔ0(ρ,T)=Δ0(ρ,Qk)Δ0(ρ,Tk)+eiR(vk)Δ0(ρ,Tki)Δk(ρ,Tk).

Similarly, for j=1,p¯, ejETks,Δj(ρ,T)=Δj(ρ,Qk)Δ0(ρ,Tk)+Δj(ρ,Tks)eiR(vk),isΔ0(ρ,Tki)Δk(ρ,Tk).

Example 1.3:

Let σ=1,r=1,dj=π,qj(xj)=pj(xj)0. Then,Δ0(ρ)=sinρπρ(3cosρπ-2),

and the spectrum Λ0 of the boundary value problem L0(G) consists of two parts Λ0=P0P1, wherePj={ρnj},ρn0=n,nZ\{0},ρn1=±arccos2/3+2πn,nZ.

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