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CT image reconstruction algorithms based on the Hanke Raus parameter choice rule

, , &
Pages 87-103 | Received 02 Mar 2017, Accepted 30 May 2019, Published online: 14 Jun 2019


Computed tomography (CT) image reconstruction is one of the focal problems in clinical medicine. The data received by the detector is usually not completed for man-made or environmental factors. To reconstruct high-quality CT images from incomplete data, total variation (TV) regularization has shown great potential, in which the choice of the regularization parameter becomes a crucial problem. In this paper, the Hanke Raus rule without the knowledge of noise level is derived and applied to choose the regularization parameter of TV regularization and the split Bregman iteration based on a continuation strategy is utilized to TV minimization. The proposed reconstruction algorithm is applied to limited projection data of the Shepp-Logan phantom image as well as the teeth image. The numerical results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm based on the Hanke Raus rule exhibits superior performance than the sequential discrepancy principle and the L-curve rule.


1. Introduction

Compared with radiography, computed tomography (CT) can distinguish the anatomical structure and the specific location of lesion more clearly. Therefore, the scope of examination on the human body is enlarged significantly, which improves the recognizable rate of the disease and the accuracy of the diagnosis. Moreover, it is very important in modern clinical diagnosis whether CT image can be reconstructed accurately. Many scholars have paid much attention to this problem.

A simple physical model is reviewed here. f(x) is the X-ray attenuation coefficient of the tissue at the point x, and the tissue is divided into little blocks with same size along these ray paths l. The process of X-ray going through each block follows the Lambert-Beer law, (1) I=I0elf(x)dx.(1) Here I and I0 denote the intensity received by the detector behind the object and the intensity of the ray sent from the X-ray source, respectively. Equation (Equation1) describes the scanning process, that is the line integral of the function f along each of the lines l. We have to reconstruct f from all these integrals.

We model a two-dimensional slice through the target object by a rectangle ΩR2, and a nonnegative attenuation coefficient f:Ω[0,). The object is contained in a subset Ω1Ω, and f(x)=0 for xΩΩ1. This process can be described by Radon transform as (2) R:L2(Ω)L2(D)(Rf)(θ,s)=L(θ,s)f(l)dl(2) where L(θ,s)={fR2:f1cosθ+f2sinθ=s} is the line of the X-ray, D={(θ,s):rsr,0θ<π} is the projection space. This leads to the linear equation (3) Rf=g,(3) where the data g on the right side of the equation is the projection or observation value, which usually appears as the sinogram. Therefore, the reconstruction problem of CT simply calls for the inversion of the Radon transformation. In 1917, Johann Radon gave an explicit inversion formula (see section 1.1 in [Citation1]). It has been proven that the Radon transformation R is compact [Citation1]. Especially, the Radon transform is L2 continuous, L1 continuous and BV continuous for functions with compact support (see [Citation1,Citation2]). The problem is inherently ill-posed in the sense of unstable dependence of the solution on the data. Because of the surrounding environmental factors, instead of exact data g, only noisy observation data gδ satisfying ggδδ with presumably known δ can be obtained usually. On the other hand, due to some reasons, only a limited projection can be received. For example, the projection is obtained by equal-spacing sparse sampling, or by limited view. Thus, with only limited projections (undersampling), the problem will become undetermined and therefore more ill-posed. In order to overcome these difficulties, we need to find some effective regularization methods [Citation3,Citation4]. Several algorithms for CT image reconstruction have been developed, including the analytic reconstruction algorithm (e.g. Filter back-projection, FBP), the algebraic reconstruction technique, (ART, e.g. Kaczmarz's method with its variants), and simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique [5] (SART, e.g. Landweber method) [Citation6,Citation7]. For limited data, it is difficult to reconstruct high-quality images by the conventional CT image reconstruction algorithms. Especially, FBP requires high completeness of data [Citation1].

TV minimization was used for few-view and limited-angle CT reconstruction [Citation8–11], in which CT reconstruction problem is converted to a optimization problem (4) minfΦα(f)=12Rfgδ2+αfTV.(4) Here α>0 is a regularization parameter and TV is the TV penalty to be introduced in detail in Section 2.1. A key problem of all regularization methods for the ill-posed problems is how to choose the regularization parameter appropriately. The regularization parameter α was usually chosen posteriorly by the Morozov discrepancy principle [Citation3], or by a sequential discrepancy principle [Citation12], which depends on the noise level δ. However, such noise level information is usually unknown in reality. There are several heuristic parameter choice rules which do not use the knowledge of noise level, including the generalized cross validation, the L-curve method [Citation13], quasi-optimality criterion [Citation14] and Hanke Raus rule [Citation15]. We notice that Hanke Raus rule has been extended to the general penalty term in Banach spaces [Citation16,Citation17]. It may as well be a parameter choice rule for the optimization problem with TV constraints (4).

Our contribution in this paper are follows: First, the optimal parameter is chosen by Hanke Raus rule due to the unknown noise level in advance, which is the novelty and the interest of this paper. Second, based on the Hanke Raus rule, split Bregman iteration is combined with the continuation technique respectively. To the best of our knowledge, Hanke Raus rule has not been used as parameter choice rule for split Bregman iteration.

Third, we apply the proposed methods to actual clinical CT images of teeth when the clinical data we obtained is incomplete and the noise level is unknown.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, the discrete setting of Radon transformation is given, the posterior parameter choice rule, such as sequential discrepancy principle, heuristic parameter choice rules such as L-curve rule and the Hanke Raus rule are introduced. In Section 3, the reconstruction methods and the strategy of parameter selection with incomplete CT data are discussed and simulated in Shepp-Logan image reconstruction. Moreover, with Hanke Raus rule, the proposed algorithm is applied to the actual clinical CT images of teeth. Compared with discrepancy principle and L-curve rule, the numerical results show the effectiveness of Hanke Raus rule.

2. Discrete setting and methods

In this section, we describe the discrete problems and introduce the sequential discrepancy principle, the L-curve rule and the Hanke Raus rule. Moreover, we present TV minimization algorithms based on split Bregman iteration.

2.1. Discrete setting

For each p,qN+, 1, 2 norm are defined by f1=i,j|fi,j| and f=i,j|fi,j|2 for any fRp×q. Let fi,j, i=1,,m, j=1,,n be the discretized image defined on a rectangular grid of size m×n and gi,j, i=1,,k, j=1,,l be the discretization for an element in the sinogram space Σ=[0,π)×[r,r], where k and l are the number of angles and lines, respectively. Then the Radon transformation can be discretized by the following map R:Rm×nRk×l For the line x(θiˆ,sjˆ), (iˆ=1,k,jˆ=1,l), we can define ψi,j(θiˆ,sjˆ)=1,when the line x(θiˆ,sjˆ) goes through the pixel (i,j)0,otherwise, where i=1,,m and j=1,,n. By the linearity of the Radon transform, we have the discrete Radon transform Rf(θiˆ,sjˆ)=i=1mj=1nfi,jRψi,j(θiˆ,sjˆ) where Rψi,j(θiˆ,sjˆ) is equal to the length of the intersection of the projection line with the pixel (i,j).

Note that R is linear and ill-posed, we consider a Tikhonov-type regularization functional with TV constraint (5) Φα(f)=12Rfgδ2+αfTV(5) In this paper, we introduce the 1 norm of gradient filed (anisotropic TV) represented as fTV=i=1nj=1m|1f|+|2f|, where (1f,2f) is the discrete gradient of f and (1f)i,j=fi+1,jfi,j,for i=1,,n1; j=1,,m1fn,j+1fn,j,for i=n; j=1,,m1;(2f)i,j=fi,j+1fi,j,for i=1,,n; j=1,,m1,fi+1,mfi,m,for i=1,,n1; j=m.

2.2. Heuristic parameter choice rules

How to select the regularization parameter is crucial for Tikhonov-type regularization methods. It has been discussed in depth for classical quadratic regularization whether in the theoretical analysis or in the numerical implementation. DP rule (the sequential discrepancy principle) is a frequently-used posterior parameter choice rule in the regularization methods. Choose αΔq, when the condition is satisfied firstly Rfαgδτδ,τ>1, in which, the regularization parameters α are tested on a logarithmically uniform grid, i.e. Δq={α0qj: j=0,1,,0<q<1}. with α0=R2. However, DP rule requires knowledge of the noise level δ in advance, which is unknown beforehand in reality. In practical application, overestimation or underestimation on the noise level, the accuracy of algorithm will have a significant loss.

The L-curve rule is a very popular error-free parameter rule [Citation13], which displays the trade-off between minimizing the residual term and minimizing the constraint term. The method is done by plotting fαTV versus Rfαgδ2 in a log-log scale for a range of α values. For a continuous regularization parameter α, we should compute the curve (log(fαTV),log(Rfαgδ2)) and seek the point with maximum curvature, which is called as the ‘L-curve’ corner. In [Citation18] the discrete L-curve and TV-based conjugate gradient method were applied for few-view CT reconstruction of X-ray. However, the L-curve rule still lacks a sound mathematical foundation and criticisms of the L-curve method have been published [Citation3,Citation19].

The Hanke Raus rule as a heuristic parameter choice rule has been proposed for classical Tikhonov regularization as well as several iterative regularization methods [Citation3,Citation15]. It does not require a knowledge of the noisy level δ and still allow some theoretical justification. Now, we give some motivation of the Hanke Raus rule, especially for regularization with general penalty term.

For a convex and weak lower semicontinuous function Θ:Rm×n[0,], we seek a minimizer of the functional Φα(f)=12Rfgδ2+αΘ(f). Let fα be the minimizer of Φα(f) with the regularization parameter α. By the Hanke Raus rule regularization parameter is picked for which 1αRfαgδ2min. The motivation comes from following error estimates [Citation20]

Theorem 2.1

Assume that f satisfies Rf=g with δ=gδg. Let DξΘ(f,f) be the Bregman distance of Θ from f to f with respect to the direction ξΘ(f). Then there is constant ρ>0, such that the following estimates hold DξΘ(fα,f)(δ+ρα)22α,Rfαgδδ+2ρα.

From Theorem 2.1, we see that Rfαgδ2α(δ+2ρα)2α which implies that Rfαgδ2/α can be used for error estimation DξΘ(fα,f). Therefore, in the Hanke Raus rule a computable function H(α,gδ) is defined H(α,gδ):=Rfαgδ2α. It can be proved that the function αRfαgδ is monotonically increasing and uniformly bounded, which implies that limα+H(α,gδ)=0. Therefore, we can get an optimal parameter α by minimizing H(α,gδ) over any bounded and closed interval of [0,].

In [Citation16], the authors also derived the error estimates, when the optimal parameter α was chosen as αargminα[0,R2]H(α,gδ). In practice, we tested values for α on a logarithmically uniform grid. Thus, the Hanke Raus rule (HR rule) is given as follows (6) αargminαΔqH(α,gδ).(6) In principle, one could apply several simple optimization algorithms to search automatically the optimal regularization α. In this paper, we couple TV minimization algorithms with a continuation strategy on the regularization parameter to reduce the computational time.

2.3. TV minimization algorithms

Over the last few years, a large number of algorithms for TV/1 minimization have been developed: iterative thresholding algorithm [Citation21], gradient projection sparse reconstruction [Citation22], fixed point iteration with continuation [Citation23], semi-smooth Newton method [Citation24,Citation25], fast iterative shrinkage thresholding algorithm (FISTA) [Citation26,Citation27], and split Bregman iteration (SBI). In this paper, we will consider split Bregman iteration with TV penalty to reconstruct CT image, which was proposed firstly in [Citation28]. It combined the splitting technique with Bregman iteration to solve the minimization of the objection function with non-differentiable and multi-parameter regularization [Citation29,Citation30].

The idea of ‘split’ is to split the TV/1 and 2 norm solutions of the functional to be minimized. We usually use a complex nonlinear algorithm in order to solve the TV regularization. Moreover, the shrinkage operator to the TV/1 term is to reduce the computational burden and difficulty. We follow [Citation28] to introduce a new variable d=Wf, and consider the minimization problem minf,d12Rfgδ2+αd1+β2Wfd2, where α,β>0. Applying the Bregman iteration method, split Bregman iteration can be expressed as three steps: fk+1=argminf12Rfgδ2+β2Wfdk+bk2,dk+1=argmindαd1+β2Wfk+1d+bk2,bk+1=bk+(Wfk+1dk+1). Split Bregman iteration (SBI) has been used to solve CT image reconstruction with limited data (examples: refer to [Citation8,Citation10,Citation31]). Note that, the problem for solving the minimization on d is classical 1 constrained minimization problem, which can be solved by the soft thresholding operator. The minimization problem on f is a quadratic optimization problem and the corresponding one-order optimality condition is (7) (RTR+βWTW)f=βWT(dkbk)+RTgδ.(7) It can be solved by the conjugate gradient method. Now we summarize split Bregman iteration in Algorithm 1.

Split Bregman iteration can be regarded as the alternating direction multiplier method (ADMM) [Citation32]. Based on the discrepancy principle, the convergence and regularization were analysed in [Citation33]. It is worthy to point out that the new variable d introduced in split Bregman iteration brings the new parameter β, which guarantees the algorithm to be stable even if R is ill-posed (or ill-conditioned). In the next section of numerical experiments, we will discover that α plays a role of regularization parameter, which should be selected appropriately.

3. Numerical experiments

In this section, we will present various numerical results of Shepp-Logan phantom image as well as the clinical teeth images to show the efficiency of the Hanke Raus rule for the split Bregman iteration. All the experiments are done on a two-core laptop with 1.9 GHz and 8GB RAM.

In order to illustrate the quality of the reconstruction results, we use the relative error and peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) as the evaluation indexes. For the reconstructed image f and the original image f, the relative error is defined by RelErr=fff, and the PSNR is defined by PSNR=10log102552MSE[dB], where the MSE stands for the mean-squared error per pixel. We also calculate the mean structural similarity (SSIM) defined in [Citation34], which is used to measure the similarity between the two given images.

3.1. Shepp-Logan phantom image

In the following numerical simulations, we consider test problems of modelling the standard 2D parallel-beam tomography. We consider the full-angle model using 180 projection angles evenly distributed between 1 and 180 degrees, in which 367 detector pixels are used. Referring to Figure , we show the Shepp-Logan phantom of size N×N with N=256, the sinogram in the projection space with the angular step size Δθ=1, 10, 15 and the limited angle data consists of 21 projections with total opening angle of 100 (Δθ=5). The Gaussian noise is added to the data gδ=g+εn where g denotes the theoretical value of Radon transformation, ϵ is noise level, and nN(0,1) is a Gaussian random variable.

Figure 1. The original image and the projection data in sinogram form. The angular step size Δθ=1, 10, 15 (the total view angle is 180) respectively and total opening angle is 100, the angular step size Δθ=5. The missing parts of sinograms are denoted by black.

Figure 1. The original image and the projection data in sinogram form. The angular step size Δθ=1∘, 10∘, 15∘ (the total view angle is 180∘) respectively and total opening angle is 100∘, the angular step size Δθ=5∘. The missing parts of sinograms are denoted by black.

We first analyse the parameters in split Bregman iteration, and give some suggestions about how to choose the parameters. It is observed that there are two parameters α and β in split Bregman iteration. α is the regularization parameter, and β is a Lagrange parameter. In order to test the influence of two parameters on the algorithm, we take β=2l (l=1,2,,6), and the parameter α=2j (j=0,1,2,,19) (i.e. αΔq with q=12). As initial guess, we choose f0,d0,b0 to be the zero elements. Iterations are terminated when fkfk1/fk<5×104. The maximal iterative step Kmax=400. We take Δθ=10 and ε=0.01, and record the numerical results (the PSNR value) for split Bregman iteration with different α and β in Figure . Moreover, we fix α=27, and report the objective functional value for different β. It follows that for the fixed β, α should be chosen appropriately to obtain the higher PSNR value. Figure  also shows that β affects the convergence speed. We can have better reconstructed quality and faster convergence speed by choosing β=23,24, thus we fix β=23 in the following tests.

Figure 2. small The numerical results with split Bregman iteration: the PSNR value and the objective function value when β varies (Δθ=10,ε=0.01).

Figure 2. small The numerical results with split Bregman iteration: the PSNR value and the objective function value when β varies (Δθ=10∘,ε=0.01).

Now we illustrate the performance of the posterior parameter rules: DP rule and heuristic parameter choice rules: the L-curve rule and HR rule. We define S(α,gδ):=Rfαgδ,H(α,gδ):=Rfαgδ2α. In Figure , we plot the corresponding results on the value of PSNR, the residual S(α,gδ), H(α,gδ) and curve (log(fαTV),log(Rfαgδ2)). It indicates that: (i) the value of PSNR increases first and then decreases after some small α, we can get the optimal regularization parameter α by using manual parameter selection with known original image; (ii) the residual S(α,gδ) shrinks with the decrease of α, then DP rule can be satisfied with τ>1. However, the noise level δ should be known in advance; (iii) L-curve (log(fαTV),log(Rfαgδ2)) indeed looks like the letter ‘L’, and we can get its corner; (iv) the value of H(α,gδ) decreases first and then increases, which implies a global minimizer.

Figure 3. The numerical results with split Bregman iteration: the PSNR value, residual S(α,gδ), (log(fαTV),log(Rfαgδ2)), H(α,gδ) when β=23, Δθ=10,ε=0.01.

Figure 3. The numerical results with split Bregman iteration: the PSNR value, residual S(α,gδ), (log⁡(∥fα∥TV),log⁡(∥Rfα−gδ∥2)), H(α,gδ) when β=2−3, Δθ=10∘,ε=0.01.

In order to give the comparison results, we perform the numerical simulations when the regularization parameter α is chosen by manual tuning, DP rule, HR rule and the L-curve rule. We choose α0=1, and αj=α0qj, j=1,,40 with q=0.8. The optimal parameter (RegPara), the PSNR value, the relative errors (RelErr) and the measure of mean structural similarity index (SSIM) under different noise levels are summarized in Table . As comparisons we also consider the DP rule with various choices of τ to choose regularization parameters. From Table  it can be seen that, for DP rule, the choice of τ influences the accuracy of algorithm. A proper τ should be given, which corresponds to the proper estimation of the noise level. DP rule can give better result if a proper τ is used, however, it can give much worse result if τ is too small or too large. As a special case, when δ=1e3, τ=1.1, it gives worse result because it chooses a too small parameter. The L-curve rule and HR rule can give satisfactory reconstruction result although no information on noise level is used. Compared the regularization parameters from the L-curve rule and HR rule with optimal parameters(manual tuning), we notice that the L-curve rule chooses the parameters which are a bit too small and leads to larger errors and HR rule chooses the better parameters which are a little bit more. Because of the ill-posedness of R, a smaller regularization parameter might produce unstable results, which explains that the numerical results by HR rule is superior to that by the L-curve. Figures  and  show the reconstructed images from the simulated data (the angular step Δθ be 10, 15) by using split Bregman iteration with different parameter choice rules. Figure  shows the results from the limited angle data consisted of 21 projections with total opening angle of 100 (Δθ=5). For enhanced visualization, we also report the difference between the reconstructed image and the original image. We observe that, compared with the manual parameter selection, HR rule produces reasonable results and performs well comparable in terms of visual inspection.

Figure 4. The reconstructed results of SBI (Algorithm 1) with different parameter choice rules: manual parameter selection, DP rule with τ=1.1, the L-curve rule, HR rule. In all cases, the total view angle is 180, the angular step size Δθ=10, and ε=0.01 (above: reconstruction, below: error map).

Figure 4. The reconstructed results of SBI (Algorithm 1) with different parameter choice rules: manual parameter selection, DP rule with τ=1.1, the L-curve rule, HR rule. In all cases, the total view angle is 180∘, the angular step size Δθ=10∘, and ε=0.01 (above: reconstruction, below: error map).

Figure 5. The reconstructed results of SBI (Algorithm 1) with different parameter choice rules: manual parameter selection, DP rule with τ=1.1, the L-curve rule, HR rule. In all cases, the total view angle is 180, the angular step size Δθ=15, and ε=0.01 (above: reconstruction, below: error map).

Figure 5. The reconstructed results of SBI (Algorithm 1) with different parameter choice rules: manual parameter selection, DP rule with τ=1.1, the L-curve rule, HR rule. In all cases, the total view angle is 180∘, the angular step size Δθ=15∘, and ε=0.01 (above: reconstruction, below: error map).

Figure 6. The reconstructed results of SBI (Algorithm 1) with different parameter choice rules: manual parameter selection, DP rule with τ=1.1, the L-curve rule, HR rule. In all cases, The projection data of simulated limited-angle Shepp-Logan phantom (total opening angle is 100, the angular step size Δθ=5 and ε=0.01), above: the reconstructed image, below: the error map.

Figure 6. The reconstructed results of SBI (Algorithm 1) with different parameter choice rules: manual parameter selection, DP rule with τ=1.1, the L-curve rule, HR rule. In all cases, The projection data of simulated limited-angle Shepp-Logan phantom (total opening angle is 100∘, the angular step size Δθ=5∘ and ε=0.01), above: the reconstructed image, below: the error map.

Table 1. Reconstructed results with different noise levels: the value of PSNR, the relative errors (RelErr), SSIM. Regularization parameters(RegPara) are chosen as Manual tuning of the parameters, DP rule, HR rule and the L-curve rule (q=0.8).

In the following, we give some efficient strategies to numerically realize HR rule. It is worth to notice that the whole TV minimization process requires two optimization routines. The outer iteration aims to find a optimal regularization parameter fulfilling HR rule, so a sequence of parameters should be tested. For every test, the inner iteration aims to compute a minimizer of the Tikhonov type functional. In practice, we should give Δq, a set of logarithmically spaced regularization parameters and pick the one that minimizes the function H. In this case, if q is too small, then only a very coarse search is performed, and the optimal value is missed. However, if q is close to 1, the test procedure will cost more time. So, from the computational perspective, we give two strategies: (1) we couple TV minimization algorithms with a continuation strategy on the regularization parameter. The reconstructed solution at current parameter is regarded as the initial value of next decreased parameter, and the optimal parameter is chosen by HR rule. This technique of continuation strategy (on the regularization parameter) has been used to the ‘Primal Dual Active Set’ algorithm in [Citation35]. (2) we refine the search by first using a large value of J to identify the best regime for {αj}j=0,1J by HR rule, then within that regime, using a smaller J (fine searches) to narrow in the best value, and repeating this process until the optimal regularization parameter has been found. Since H function is continuous, this idea is reasonable. In Table , we use a small q to choose the regularization parameter, in which α0=1e2, αJ=1e16, q=0.1 for the coarse search. We record the numerical results with different noise levels, in which the continuation technique is applied.

Table 2. Reconstructed results with different noise level (Δθ=10, q=0.1, α[1e16,1e2]), Regularization parameter(RegPara) chosen as HR rule, CPU time, the value of PSNR.

3.2. Reconstruction of teeth image

In this part, we take an actual clinical CT dicom images (N=512) of teeth as a model, and apply the split Bregman iteration (Algorithm 2 with HR rule) when the projection data with angle increment Δθ=5, 10 respectively.

In the numerical test, we first take q=0.1, α0=1e2, αJ=1e16, and obtain αHR0=1e2 by Algorithm 2 with HR rule. And then, we determine the interval [1e−1,1e−3] of αHR and take q=0.8, α0=1e1, αJ=1e3 to get the optimal regularization αopt. In Table , we record the numerical results with the angular step size Δθ=10. At the same time, we take the reconstruction of limited data into consideration which consists of 21 projections with total opening angle of 100 (Δθ=5). Note that, when the noise level in real data is unknown, the general discrepancy principle does not work. Observing Figure , we can see that the reconstructed results is satisfactory.

Figure 7. The projection data of teeth (the first row): full-angle sinogram with different angular step size Δθ=5, 10 (total view angle is 180) and limited angle sinogram (total opening angle is 100. The reconstructed image and error map of SBI (Algorithm 2) with different parameter choice rules: manual parameter selection (the second row and the third row), HR rule (the fourth row and the fifth row).

Figure 7. The projection data of teeth (the first row): full-angle sinogram with different angular step size Δθ=5∘, 10∘ (total view angle is 180∘) and limited angle sinogram (total opening angle is 100∘. The reconstructed image and error map of SBI (Algorithm 2) with different parameter choice rules: manual parameter selection (the second row and the third row), HR rule (the fourth row and the fifth row).

Table 3. Numerical results: The value of PSNR, the relative errors (RelErr), SSIM. Regularization parameter(RegPara) chosen as Manual tuning of the parameters, HR rule with the continuation strategy and without the continuation strategy.

4. Conclusion

In this paper, as a heuristic parameter choice rule, Hanke Raus rule is introduced to regularization with TV penalty to reconstruct the CT image. Since no a prior noise level is provided in real situations, discrepancy principle is not suitable. Although Hanke Raus rule does not use any information on the noise level, it still gives comparable results.

Compared with the L-curve rule, the Hanke Raus rule has the complete theoretical results even for general penalty term and Banach spaces. From the application's view, for the L-curve rule, there is typical quite a wide range of regularization parameters corresponding to points on the curve near its corner. Moreover, some numerical optimization routines are still needed, like seeking the point on the graph with maximal curvature. While for the Hanke Raus rule, in principle, one could apply a simple optimization algorithm to search automatically. In order to reduce the computational time, we couple TV minimization algorithms with a continuation strategy on the regularization parameter. An important future research problem is to develop more efficient algorithms to numerically realize the Hanke Raus rule.


The authors are grateful to the anonymous referees for their useful suggestions and for drawing the authors's attention to relevant references. The authors are grateful to Jin Qinian (Australian National University, Australia) for valuable, helpful comments and discussions.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Additional information


The author Li Li was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61307023). The author Wang Wei was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11401257) and Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (No. LY19A010009).


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