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Numerical differentiation for two-dimensional functions by a Fourier extension method

, , &
Pages 126-143 | Received 26 Nov 2017, Accepted 28 Jul 2019, Published online: 09 Sep 2019


Based on the idea of Fourier extension, we develop a new method for numerical differentiation of two-dimensional functions on an arbitrary domain. The function will be extended to a periodic function on a larger domain. The Tikhonov regularization method in Hilbert scales is presented to deal with the ill-posedness of the problem. The Sobolev norm defined on the larger domain will be used as a stabilizer. An error analysis is provided with a regularization parameter chosen by a discrepancy principle. Numerical experiments are also presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


1. Introduction

Numerical differentiation is an interesting topic in the field of numerical analysis. This arises in a lot of mathematical models and engineering problems [Citation1–6]. The main difficulty of numerical differentiation is that it is ill-posed, i.e. the small errors in the input data may lead to huge errors in its approximated derivatives. In the past years, a wide range of computational methods have been reported to treat the numerical differentiation problem [Citation7–20]. According to the types of regularization techniques, these methods can be classified into difference methods, mollification methods, truncation methods and Tikhonov methods. Most of these papers focused on a one-dimensional case, but only a few results on the high dimensional cases have been reported [Citation12,Citation21–24]. In particular, based on radial basis functions approximation [Citation15], the authors used a semi-norm in the global space as the regularization functional on a finite interval. By solving numerically a smoothing functional, a regularization solution based on Green's function was constructed [Citation12]. Wei et al.[Citation21] gave a regularization algorithm for reconstruction of numerical derivatives from two-dimensional scattered noisy data based on the thin plate spline approximation theory.

In [Citation23], a truncated Fourier series method was proposed for the numerical differentiation of 2D periodic functions. This method is effective for calculating arbitrary derivatives of periodic functions. However, the situation changes completely when the function is non-periodic. The reason lies in the well-known Gibbs phenomenon, and rapid convergence of Fourier series is available only for periodic functions. Recently, Fourier extension method has attracted more and more attentions of the researchers [Citation25–30]. It has been proved successfully to ameliorate the Gibbs phenomenon. If a function fHp(Ω2), the idea of the Fourier extension is to extend the function f to the function g that is periodic on a rectangular domain Ω1Ω2.

For numerical differentiation, our aim is to obtain approximation derivatives of f from its perturbed data fδ satisfying (1) ffδL2(Ω1)δ,(1) where δ>0 is a given constant called the error level. In this paper, we construct an approximation function f by using the Fourier extension method. Considering the features of numerical differentiation problems, we present a modified Tikhonov regularization method to obtain a stable Fourier extension. The Sobolev norm defined on a larger domain will be used as a stabilizer, and an error analysis is provided when we choose the regularization parameter by a discrepancy principle.

The structure of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, we present the mathematical formulation of the Fourier extension by using the Tikhonov method. The choice of the regularization parameter and corresponding convergence results are shown in Section 3. Section 4 provides a variety of numerical results to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

2. Formulation of problem and solution

We first introduce some notations. Let Ω1=(π,π)×(π,π) and Ω2 be a subdomain of Ω1. Let x=(x1,x2), l=(l1,l2) and li be integers. Set |l|=max{|l1|,|l2|} and lx=l1x1+l2x2. Next, let N be the set of all non-negative integers. For any two-tuples α=(α1,α2)N2, |α|1=α1+α2. The notation j stands for /xj and Dαf=x1α1x2α2f. For any positive integer q, we define Dqf={Dαf:|α|1=q} and (2) |Dqf|=(|α|1=q|Dαf|2)1/2.(2) s,Ωk,k=1,2, denotes the norm in Sobolev space Hs(Ωk), and we defined s,Ωk,k=1,2 as (3) fs,Ωi:=(Ωi(|f|2+|Dsf|2))1/2,(3) where s = 0 and 0,Ωk denotes the L2(Ωk) norm. Let Hps(Ω1) be the subspace of Hs(Ω1) containing all functions with period 2π for all variables.

Fourier transformation of a function fL2(Ω1) is (4) F[f(x)]=|l|=0fleilx(4) with the Fourier coefficients (5) fl=14π2Ω1f(x)eilxdx.(5) Accordingly, for any vector v={vl}|l|=0l2, we define the operator (6) (Fv)(x)=|l|=0vleilx(6) and (7) (PNv)(x)=|l|=0Nvleilx(7) Suppose that we know the perturbed data fδ of fL2(Ω2) satisfying (8) fδf0,Ω2δ,(8) where δ>0 is a given error level; our aim is to obtain approximation derivatives of f from fδ.

By using the Tikhonov regularization method, we treat this problem as follows: define a cost functional (9) Φ(v)=Fvfδ0,Ω22+βFvq,Ω12,(9) where β is a regularization parameter and q is a positive integer. If we let (10) dq(l)=[1+|α|1=q|l|=0|l1|2α1|l2|2α2]1/2andDqv=[dq(l)vl],(10) then we can verify that (11) Fvq,Ω1=12πDqvl2.(11) So cost functional (Equation9) can be converted to (12) Φ(v)=Fvfδ0,Ω22+βDqvl22.(12) Now if vβδ is the minimizer of the functional Φ, then (13) fβδ=Fvβδ(13) will be chosen as the approximate function of f. It is well known that vβδ can be obtained by solving the following equation [Citation31] (14) (FF+βDq2)v=Ffδ.(14)


Dq is a diagonal matrix. The method can be easily implemented because of the Fourier transformation's differential properties.

Moreover, if we let gβ(λ)=1/(λ+β) and T=FDq1, then (15) vβδ=Dq1gβ(TT)Tfδ,(15) and the following lemma holds.

Remark 2.1

It is well known that the function gβ(λ) has the following properties.

Lemma 2.2


(16) supλ>0λ1/2|gβ(λ)|12β,supλ>0λ|gβ(λ)|1(16) and (17) supλ>0λ1/2|1λgβ(λ)|β2,supλ>0|1λgβ(λ)|1.(17)

By using the extension theorem in Sobolev spaces [Citation33] and cut-off functions in [Citation34,Citation35], we can give the following lemma.

Lemma 2.3

For any fHs(Ω2), there exists a function f^Hps(Ω1) such that (18) f^(x)=f(x)xΩ2andf^s,Ω1E(18) with some constant E.

Lemma 2.4

Suppose that fHs(Ω2) and f^ is defined above, and the vector v^={f^l}|l|=0 contains all the Fourier coefficients of f^; if we let v^N=PNv^, then for qs (19) v^v^Nl2NsEandDqv^Nl2qsNqsE,(19)


(20) v^v^Nl2=(IPN)v^l22=|l|=N+1f^l2=N2s|l|=N+1N2sf^l2N2s|l|=N+1[ds(l)]2f^l2N2s|l|=0[ds(l)]2f^l2=N2sDsv^l22(20) and (21) Dqv^Nl22=|l|=0N[dq(l)]2f^l2qsN2(qs)|l|=0N[ds(l)]2f^l2qsN2(qs)Dsvl22(21) The assertion of the lemma follows from (Equation11), (Equation18), (Equation20) and (Equation21).

The following interpolation inequality is needed for our theoretical analysis.

Lemma 2.5


Let Ω be a domain in Rd satisfying the cone condition. There exists a constant K depending on ϵ0 and j, s such that for any 0<ϵϵ0 and 0js (22) fj,ΩK(ϵfs,Ω+ϵj/(sj)f0,Ω).(22)

3. The choice of regularization parameter β and convergence results

Morozov's discrepancy principle will be used to choose the regularization parameter β: for a given constant C1, choose β as the solution of the nonlinear scalar equation (23) Fvβδfδ0,Ω2=Cδ.(23) Then, we can get the following error estimate.

Theorem 3.1

Suppose that Fvβδ is defined by (Equation13) and (Equation23) and fHs(Ω2), then for any k<sq we have (24) Dk(Fvβδf)=O(δ(sk)/s).(24)


Letf^ be some a certain Fourier extension of f which satisfies (Equation18) and β be chosen by (Equation23). We set (25) N0=[(C1)δ2E]1/s,v^N0=PN0v^,f0=Fv^N0.(25) If we let vβ,0=Dq1gβ(TT)TFv^N0, it can be deduced that (26) F(vβδvβ,0)=Tgβ(TT)T(fδFv^N0),F(v^N0vβ,0)=T[Igβ(TT)TT]Dqv^N0,Dq(vβδvβ,0)=gβ(TT)T(fδFv^N0),Dq(v^N0vβ,0)=[Igβ(TT)TT]Dqv^N0.(26) By using the triangle inequality, (Equation11), (Equation19), (Equation23) and (Equation25) (27) F(vβδv^N0)0,Ω2Fvβδfδ0,Ω2+fδf0,Ω2+fF(v^N0)0,Ω2(C+1)δ+f^f00,Ω1=(C+1)δ+v^v^N0l2(C+1)δ+N0sE.(27) Moreover, in terms of the triangle inequality, (Equation19) and Lemma 2.2, we have (28) Dq(vβδv^N0)l2Dq(vβδvβ,0)l2+Dq(vβ,0v^N0)l212βfδFvN00,Ω2+Dqv^N0l212β(δ+N0sE)+qsN0qsE.(28) Moreover, let Sβ=Igβ(TT)TT. We use the representation fδFvβδ=Sβfδ and obtain from (Equation11), (Equation19) and Lemma 2.2 (29) Cδ=Fvβδfδ0,Ω2Sβ(fδf)0,Ω2+Sβ(ff0)0,Ω2+Sβf00,Ω2δ+f^f00,Ω1+Sβf00,Ω1δ+v^v^N0l2+SβTDqv0l2δ+N0sE+β2qsN0qsE,(29) then we have (30) δβq(C1)sN0qsE.(30) From (Equation25), (Equation27), (Equation28) and (Equation30), we can obtain (31) F(vβδv^N0)0,Ω23C+12δ,(31) (32) Dq(vβδv^N0)l2(C+1)q4s[(C1)2E]q/sδ(sq)/s.(32) Noting that (33) F(vβδv^N0)q,Ω2F(vβδv^N0)q,Ω1=Dq(vβδv^N0)l2,(33) and by using Lemma 2.5 with ϵ=δ(qs)/s, we can deduce that there exists a constant E1 such that (34) F(vβδv^N0)s,Ω2E1.(34) Therefore, (35) Fvβδfs,Ω2=F(vβδv^)s,Ω2F(vβδv^N0)s,Ω2+F(v^N0v^)s,Ω2F(vβδv^N0)s,Ω2+F(v^N0v^)s,Ω1E1+E.(35) Moreover, (36) Fvβδf0,Ω2Fvβδfδ0,Ω2+ffδ0,Ω2(C+1)δ.(36)

Remark 3.2

The number ‘N0’ is only needed in the proof. We don't need to compute it in the real example.

Remark 3.3

Actually, by the theoretical process in [Citation32], the theorem conclusions are only needed to be always true for s2q. The specific deduction can be referred to [Citation32].

Remark 3.4

The main conclusion can be easily extended to n-dimensional space.

4. Numerical tests

To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, we present several tests under various cases. All the examples are computed on Windows 7 system with Memory 8 GB, CPU Intel(R) Core(7m) is 3470 cpu@320 GHz by MATLAB 2017b. We take the perturbed data which is given by (37) fδ(x¯)=f(x¯)+randn(size(x¯))δ1,(37) where randn(size(x¯)) is a Matlab function.

To estimate the computational error of an approximate solution, we compute the relative error by the following formula: (38) Ek=|α|1=k[Dα(ffδ)](x¯)l2|α|1=k(Dαf)(x¯)l2.(38)

Example 4.1

Take a smooth function f(x,y)=(x2+y3)sin(xy), and Equation (Equation14) is discretized by the collocation method. We take f(x,y) as the unknown function to compute the numerical differentiation of its first- and second-order derivatives. The nodes x¯ are given as follows:

  1. case 1: Ω1=[π/2,π/2]×[π/2,π/2], and the nodes are equidistant (Figure (a)).

  2. case 2: Ω1=[π/2,π/2]×[π/2,π/2], and the nodes are random scatter (Figure (b)).

  3. case 3: Ω1 is a polygon with vertices at (2,1.5), (1.5,1.1), (0.6,2.1), (0.5,2.3), (0.7,1.5), (1.6,0.9), and the nodes are random scatter (Figure (c)).

  4. case 4: Ω1 is a rectangular ring, and the nodes are random scatter (Figure (d)).

Figure 1. Domains and nodes for Example 4.1: (a) case 1, (b) case 2, (c) case 3, and (d) case 4.

Figure 1. Domains and nodes for Example 4.1: (a) case 1, (b) case 2, (c) case 3, and (d) case 4.

Firstly, we observe that the impact of parameter q. The relative errors of Case 1 for various q are given in Table . The results show that the errors become smaller with the increase of q and the improvement becomes less obvious when q is lager than 32. So we test other cases with q = 32.

Table 1. The numerical results of Case 1 for Example 4.1.

The relative errors of Cases 2–4 are given in Table . Comparing the data of columns 2–3 in Table  with the ones of column 4 and column 10 in Table , we can see that the results of random scatter nodes are worse than the equidistant nodes. And from Table , we can see that the method works well for all cases.

Table 2. The numerical results of Case 2-4 with q = 32 for Example 4.1.

The numbers in columns 7 and 13 in Table , and columns 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13 in Table  show that the ratios are stable when δ10. Moreover, fit the numbers in the above columns to (39) kδ1ωi=Ei,(i=1,2).(39) (Find k and ωi, which can be determined by the data linearization method [Citation36], so that kδ1ωi is the least-squares power curve.) We can get ω1=0.6577,ω2=0.5030 for case 1, ω1=0.5241,ω2=0.4079 for case 2, ω1=0.6774,ω2=0.4751 for case 3, ω1=0.7343,ω2=0.5390 for case 4 with q = 32.

From the above results, it can be seen that this method is suitable for several different node and region cases. We can also see that ωi(i=1,2) in case 2 are worse than the other cases. The results may be caused by the discretization errors.

Now we present the results of two examples from [Citation12,Citation37]. The numerical processing of this method is simpler.

Example 4.2


Choose the exact function f(x,y)=(2(2x1)2)2cos(4y). Equation (Equation14) is discretized by the collocation method, and the nodes x¯ are given as Ω1=[0,1]×[0,π] and are equidistant. We also create noisy data by adding some random errors to the exact values in manner of (Equation37). The error is controlled by δ1, and the numerical results are shown in Table  and Figures (a–c) and (a–c). We take q=32,δ1=103 in Figures  and .

Figure 2. The first-order derivative of f(x,y) in Example 4.2 with q = 32 and δ1=103. (a) The exact function of fx+fy, (b) the constructed function of fx+fy, and (c) the constructed error function of fx+fy.

Figure 2. The first-order derivative of f(x,y) in Example 4.2 with q = 32 and δ1=10−3. (a) The exact function of fx+fy, (b) the constructed function of fx+fy, and (c) the constructed error function of fx+fy.

Figure 3. The second-order derivative of f(x,y) in Example 4.2 with q = 32 and δ1=103. (a) The exact function of fxx+fxy+fyy, (b) the constructed function of fxx+fxy+fyy, and (c) the constructed error function of fxx+fxy+fyy.

Figure 3. The second-order derivative of f(x,y) in Example 4.2 with q = 32 and δ1=10−3. (a) The exact function of fxx+fxy+fyy, (b) the constructed function of fxx+fxy+fyy, and (c) the constructed error function of fxx+fxy+fyy.

Table 3. The numerical results of Example 4.2.

Substitute the numbers in columns 7 and 13 in Table  into the right-hand side of the (Equation39), we can obtain ω1=0.7804,ω2=0.6707 with q = 32 for Example 4.2.

From the figures, we can see that the numerical results is quite good.

Example 4.3


Let f(x,y)=sin(πx)(cos(2y)+0.5),(x,y)Ω1 where Ω1={(x,y)|14x34,π2y3π2} and the nodes are equidistant. Numerical results are shown in Table  and Figures (a–c) and (a–c). We take q=32,δ1=103 in Figures  and . And we give the cpu time denoted by T in Table  when q = 32 for E1 and E2.

Figure 4. The first-order derivative of f(x,y) in Example 4.3 with q = 32 and δ1=103. (a) The exact function of fx+fy, (b) the constructed function of fx+fy, and (c) the constructed error function of fx+fy.

Figure 4. The first-order derivative of f(x,y) in Example 4.3 with q = 32 and δ1=10−3. (a) The exact function of fx+fy, (b) the constructed function of fx+fy, and (c) the constructed error function of fx+fy.

Figure 5. The second-order derivative of f(x,y) in Example 4.3 with q = 32 and δ1=103. (a) The exact function of fxx+fxy+fyy, (b) the constructed function of fxx+fxy+fyy, and (c) the constructed error function of fxx+fxy+fyy.

Figure 5. The second-order derivative of f(x,y) in Example 4.3 with q = 32 and δ1=10−3. (a) The exact function of fxx+fxy+fyy, (b) the constructed function of fxx+fxy+fyy, and (c) the constructed error function of fxx+fxy+fyy.

Table 4. The numerical results of Example 4.3

Substitute the numbers in columns 7 and 13 in Table  into the right-hand side of the (Equation39), we can get that ω1=0.7300,ω2=0.5723 with q = 32 for Example 4.3.

Compared with the results in [Citation12,Citation37], the performance of the method in this paper is satisfactory.

All the above examples are for infinitesimal differentiable functions. Now we give a less smooth function to test the validity of the method.

Example 4.4

Let (40) f(x,y)=cos2πx{y22y0y22y0(40) (x,y)Ω1, where Ω1={(x,y)|1x1,1y1}, and the nodes are equidistant. We take f(x,y) as the unknown function to compute the numerical differentiation of its first-order derivatives. Numerical results are shown in Table  and Figure (a–c). We take q=32,δ1=103 in Figure  for E1.

Figure 6. The first-order derivative of f(x,y) in Example 4.4 with q = 32 and δ1=103. (a) The exact function of fx+fy, (b) the constructed function of fx+fy, and (c) the constructed error function of fx+fy.

Figure 6. The first-order derivative of f(x,y) in Example 4.4 with q = 32 and δ1=10−3. (a) The exact function of fx+fy, (b) the constructed function of fx+fy, and (c) the constructed error function of fx+fy.

Table 5. The numerical results of Example 4.4.

Substitute the numbers in columns 7 and 13 in Table  into the right-hand side of the (Equation39), we can obtain ω1=0.6009 with q = 32 for Example 4.4.

The reconstructed function are very similar to those of corresponding function. In general, we can see that our construction is effective. The above numerical results show that the proposed method is effective and promising for numerically computing the first- and second-order derivatives of functions with two variables from the noisy data.

5. Conclusions

A method based on Fourier extension has been proposed to obtain derivatives of two-dimensional functions. We have proved that the numerical method is stable. Numerical results for tests show that the method can work for any domain and the function with non-smooth derivatives. The method will be expected to deal with other ill-posed problem, which will be discussed in a future paper.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11201085, Q18306), Project of enhancing school with the innovation of Guangdong Ocean University (2016050202) and Class Discipline of Zhejiang-A (Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics-Statistics).


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