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Multidimensional inverse Cauchy problems for evolution equations

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Pages 1582-1590 | Received 07 Nov 2019, Accepted 27 Feb 2020, Published online: 18 May 2020


We discuss inverse problems to finding the time-dependent coefficient for the multidimensional Cauchy problems for both strictly hyperbolic equations and polyharmonic heat equations. We also extend our techniques to the general inverse Cauchy problems for evolution equations.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications:

1. Introduction

In inverse problems many authors have aimed to find a unique pair (u,f) or (u,a) from the data given by a part of solutions, where u is a solution, f is a source function and a is a coefficient in partial differential equations. We mention only a few, see [Citation1–7] for references. Inverse problems have been considered significantly in a form of only one initial/initial-boundary problem with some additional data. In this paper, we solve multidimensional inverse problems by considering two Cauchy problems and find a unique pair, which consists of a solution and a time-dependent coefficient in an explicit form, that is, the solution is given by the Poisson integral, the time-dependent coefficient is given by the ratio of the additional data at an internal fixed point of any open bounded set in Rn. Historically, one of the pioneering works devoted to finding the time-dependent coefficient in the parabolic equations is a paper by Jones [Citation8]. In the present paper, our method is closely related to Malyshev's approach [Citation5] in which the author studied inverse problems in one-dimensional degenerate parabolic equations.

The structure of this short paper is as follows. In Section 2 we consider an inverse Cauchy problem for strictly hyperbolic equations. The uniqueness of the solution follows from the well-posedness of the Cauchy problem, which also implies the uniqueness of the recovered coefficient. In Section 3, in order to solve an inverse problem for polyharmonic heat equations, first we present its fundamental solution and discuss some properties. Then by using known results from [Citation9] we establish the uniqueness of the solution of Cauchy problems as a special case and solve the inverse problem in the same way as in Section 2. Section 4 is devoted to a systematic study of inverse problems for general partial differential equations. Thus, we conclude that the developed method in Sections 2 and 3 can be applied to more general cases.

2. Wave equations

In this section, we consider the (inverse) Cauchy problem for the strictly hyperbolic equation in the form (1) LΦu:=t2u(t,x)Φ(t)Δxu(t,x)=0,0<tT<,xRn,u(t,x)|t=0=u0(x),xRn,tu(t,x)|t=0=u1(x),xRn,(1) where Φ(t)C>0 and is Lipschitz continuous. Here and after Δx=j=1nxj2 is the Laplacian. Problem (Equation1) is well-posed in Sobolev spaces. It is known that for any u0Hm(Rn) and u1Hm1(Rn) there exists a unique solution uC([0,T];Hm(Rn))C1([0,T];Hm1(Rn)) for m1, see [Citation10, Chapter 9]. The solution of problem (Equation1) is given by (2) u(t,x)=RnE(t,0,x,y)u1(y)dy+RnτE(t,τ,x,y)|τ=0τ=Tu0(y)dy,(2) where E is the fundamental solution.

Let ΩRn,nN, be an open bounded set with piecewise smooth boundary Ω and let qΩ be a fixed point throughout the paper. Now we consider the inverse problem by studying two Cauchy problems with the additional data at qΩ: (3) t2v(t,x)Φ(t)Δxv(t,x)=0,0<tT,xRn,v(t,x)|t=0=0,xRn,tv(t,x)|t=0=u1(x),xRn,v(t,x)|x=q=h1(t),0<tT,qΩ,(3) and (4) t2w(t,x)Φ(t)Δxw(t,x)=0,0<tT,xRn,w(t,x)|t=0=0,xRn,tw(t,x)|t=0=Δxu1(x),xRn,w(t,x)|x=q=h2(t),0<tT,qΩ,(4) where u1C2(Ω) and supp(u1)Ω. Assuming that Φ is a certain Lipschitz continuous function and satisfies Φ(t)C>0, we solve Cauchy problems in (Equation3) and (Equation4). Their solutions are expressed by v(t,x)=RnE(t,0,x,y)(χΩu1)(y)dy=ΩE(t,0,x,y)u1(y)dy, and w(t,x)=RnE(t,0,x,y)(χΩΔyu1)(y)dy=ΩE(t,0,x,y)Δyu1(y)dy, correspondingly, where χΩ is the characteristic function of Ω. From the additional data it follows that (5) v(t,q)=ΩE(t,0,x,y)|x=qu1(y)dy=h1(t),w(t,q)=ΩE(t,0,x,y)|x=qΔyu1(y)dy=h2(t).(5) Assuming that h1C2[0,T] and twice differentiating (Equation5), we arrive at h1(t)=Ωt2E(t,0,x,y)|x=qu1(y)dy. Now by using the fact that E is the fundamental solution, that is, t2E(t,0,x,y)=Φ(t)ΔxE(t,0,x,y)=Φ(t)ΔyE(t,0,x,y),t>0, and also applying Green's second identity, we arrive at h1(t)=Ωt2E(t,0,x,y)|x=qu1(y)dy=Φ(t)ΩΔyE(t,0,x,y)|x=qu1(y)dy=Φ(t)ΩE(t,0,x,y)|x=qΔyu1(y)dy=Φ(t)h2(t). As we have assumed that Φ is Lipschitz continuous, we require h2 to be a Lipschitz continuous function such that h2(t)0 for all t(0,T]. As we have assumed that Φ(t)C>0, we require h1 and h2 to satisfy h1(t)/h2(t)C>0 for all t(0,T]. So, we have recovered the coefficient Φ. The uniqueness of the solution of the inverse problem follows from the uniqueness of the solution of the Cauchy problems. Thus, we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 2.1

Let us make the assumptions:

  1. u1C2(Ω) and supp(u1)Ω;

  2. h1C2[0,T];

  3. h2 is a Lipschitz continuous function such that h2(t)0 for all t(0,T];

  4. h1(t)/h2(t)C>0 for all t(0,T].

Then there exists a unique solution of inverse problem (Equation3)–(Equation4) with the corresponding Lipschitz continuous coefficient Φ(t)=h1(t)/h2(t) for all t(0,T].

3. Polyharmonic heat equations

The idea of the proof from the previous section can be applied to inverse Cauchy problems for more general evolution equations. To demonstrate it in this section, we discuss an inverse problem for the Cauchy problem for polyharmonic heat equations with a time-dependent coefficient.

We consider the following Cauchy problem for the polyharmonic heat equation with the time-dependent coefficient (6) tu(t,x)+α(t)(Δx)mu(t,x)=0,0<tT,xRn,u(t,x)|t=0=u0(x),xRn,(6) where mN, u0 is a given function. Here the coefficient αL1[0,T] satisfies the assumption that α1(t):=0tα(s)ds>0,forall0<tT. By the Fourier transfrom, see [Citation11], one finds its fundamental solution for all t>0 and xRn in the form (7) Eα1(t,x):=(2π)nRneixs|s|2mα1(t)ds.(7) Note that the fundamental solution (Equation7) can be reduced to the one-dimensional integral representation (8) Eα1(t,x)=(2π)n/2α1(t)n/2m0er2mrn/2J(n2)/2(r|x|α1(t)1/2m)dr,(8) where Jk is the Bessel function of the first kind. For details, we refer to [Citation12, p.183–184]. From (Equation8) it is obvious that Eα1(t,xy)=Eα1(t,yx) for all x,yRn and t>0.

In [Citation13], the author studied Cauchy problem (Equation6) in the case when m = n = 1. In our previous paper [Citation14], we investigated Cauchy problem (Equation6) in the case when m = 1, n2.

Now we assume that the equation in (Equation6) is uniformly parabolic in the sense of Petrovskii, see [Citation9, Citation12] for a precise definition. We recall the following theorem, which is a particular case of [Citation9, Theorem 5.3].

Theorem 3.1


Let αC[0,T] and u0C2m,γ(Ω),0<γ<1, with compact support in Ω. Then there exists a unique solution uC2m,γ,0([0,T]×Ω) of problem (Equation6) defined by the Poisson integral (9) u(t,x)=RnEα1(t,xy)(χΩu0)(y)dy=ΩEα1(t,xy)u0(y)dy.(9)

Now we consider an inverse problem for (Equation6). Let us consider Cauchy problem (Equation6) with the additional data (10) u(t,x)|x=q=h1(t),0tT,qΩ,(10)

and another Cauchy problem (11) tv(t,x)+α(t)(Δx)mv(t,x)=0,0<tT,xRn,v(t,x)|t=0=(Δx)mu0(x),xRn,(11) with the additional data (12) v(t,x)|x=q=h2(t),0tT,qΩ.(12) Let us suppose that αC[0,T] which ensures uniform parabolicity of the homogeneous equation in the sense of Petrovskii. In addition, we assume that u0C4m,γ(Ω) with supp(u0)Ω. Then, we have unique solutions of Cauchy problems (Equation6), (Equation11) and they can be represented by formula (Equation9) and by v(t,x)=RnEα1(t,xy)(χΩ(Δy)mu0)(y)dy=ΩEα1(t,xy)(Δy)mu0(y)dy. Using the additional data (Equation10), (Equation12), we come to u(t,x)|x=q=ΩEα1(t,xy)|x=qu0(y)dy=h1(t), and v(t,x)|x=q=ΩEα1(t,xy)|x=q(Δy)mu0(y)dy=h2(t). Now we assume that h1C1[0,T]. Differentiating h1, and then using the fact that the fundamental solution is an even function with respect to spatial variables and Green's second identity, we arrive at (13) h1(t)=ΩtEα(t,xy)|x=qu0(y)dy=α(t)Ω(Δy)mEα(t,xy)|x=qu0(y)dy=α(t)Ω(Δy)m1Eα(t,xy)|x=q(Δy)u0(y)dy==α(t)ΩEα(t,xy)|x=q(Δy)mu0(y)dy=α(t)h2(t).(13) Here we assume that h2C[0,T] and h2(t)0 for all 0tT. Thus, we have (14) α(t)=h1(t)h2(t),0tT.(14) Note that h2(0)=v(0,x)|x=q=(Δx)mu0(x)|x=q0. By the assumption, α ensures that the equation in (Equation6) is uniformly parabolic in the sense of Petrovskii. The uniqueness of the inverse problem follows from the uniqueness of α. That is, we have proved the following theorem.

Theorem 3.2

Let us make the following assumptions:

  1. u0C4m,γ(Ω) and supp(u0)Ω;

  2. h1C1[0,T];

  3. h2C[0,T] such that h2(t)0 for all 0tT (which also implies v(0,x)|x=q=(Δx)mu0(x)|x=q=h2(0)0);

  4. h1/h2 ensures that the equation in (Equation6) is uniformly parabolic in the sense of Petrovskii.

Then there exists a unique solution for inverse problem (Equation6), (Equation10)–(Equation12) with the coefficient αC[0,T] defined by (Equation14).

4. General Cauchy problems

Let us consider the higher order linear partial differential equation with the first-order partial time derivative (15) LΨu(t,x):=tu(t,x)Ψ(t)Lx[u](t,x)=0,t>0,xRn,(15) where Lx[u](t,x):=|k|mAk(t,x)ku(t,x), in multi-index notation with k=(k1,,kn)(N{0})n,|k|=k1++kn,k=1k1nkn and j=/xj. We assume that the coefficients Ψ(t)Ak(t,x) are sufficiently smooth and bounded if necessary. Also we assume that the coefficients of the highest derivatives are non-zero everywhere in Rn. The solution of (Equation15) with the initial condition (16) u(t,x)|t=0=u0(x),xRn,(16) is given by u(t,x)=Rnε1(t,0,x,y)u0(y)dy, where ε1 is the fundamental solution, see [Citation15, Section 9.6.3-1]. We assume that the solution of (Equation15)–(Equation16) is unique and the fundamental solution satisfies ε1(t,0,x,y)=ε1(t,0,y,x),t>0. Note that, the fundamental solution is a solution of tε1(t,τ,x,y)Ψ(t)Lx[ε1](t,τ,x,y)=0,t>τ0,x,yRn,ε1(t,τ,x,y)|t=τ=δ(xy),x,yRn. We also assume that the operator Lx satisfies Green's second identity, that is, Ω(φLx[ε1]ε1Lx[φ])dx=0, for all φC|k|(Ω) and supp(φ)Ω. We solve the following inverse problem of finding a unique pair (u,Ψ) (17) tu(t,x)Ψ(t)Lx[u](t,x)=0,0<tT,xRn,u(t,x)|t=0=u0(x),xRn,u(t,x)|x=q=h1(t),0tT,qΩ,(17) and (18) tv(t,x)Ψ(t)Lx[v](t,x)=0,0<tT,xRn,v(t,x)|t=0=Lx[u0](x),xRn,v(t,x)|x=q=h2(t),0tT,qΩ,(18) where u0C|k|(Ω) with supp(u0)Ω and h1,h2 are sufficiently smooth such that h2(t)0 for all t[0,T] which implies h2(0)=Lx[u0](x)|x=q0.

Theorem 4.1

Let us assume

  1. LΨ, ε1 and Lx satisfy all the previous assumptions;

  2. u0C|k|(Ω) with suppu0Ω;

  3. h1,h2 are sufficiently smooth such that h2(t)0 for all t[0,T].

Then there exists a unique solution of inverse problem (Equation17)–(Equation18) with the corresponding coefficient Ψ(t)=h(t)/h2(t).

Also one can consider an inverse problem for higher order equations with the second-order partial time derivative, see [Citation15, Section 9.6.3-2], that is, (19) LΛu(t,x):=t2u(t,x)Λ(t)Lx[u](t,x)=0,0<tT,xRn,u(t,x)|t=0=0,xRn,tu(t,x)|t=0=u1(x),xRn,u(t,x)|x=q=h1(t),0<tT,qΩ,(19) and (20) t2v(t,x)Λ(t)Lx[v](t,x)=0,0<tT,xRn,v(t,x)|t=0=0,xRn,tv(t,x)|t=0=Lx[u1](x),xRn,v(t,x)|x=q=h2(t),0<tT,qΩ,(20) where the coefficients Λ(t)Ak(t,x) are sufficiently smooth and bounded if necessary, u1C|k|(Ω) with supp(u1)Ω. Note that, the fundamental solution ε2(t,τ,x,y) of (Equation19)–(Equation20) solves t2ε2(t,τ,x,y)Λ(t)Lx[ε2](t,τ,x,y)=0,t>τ0,x,yRn,ε2(t,τ,x,y)|t=τ=0,x,yRn,tε2(t,τ,x,y)|t=τ=δ(xy),x,yRn. Assuming all necessary facts for LΛ, Lx and ε2, we can obtain a unique solution of (Equation19)–(Equation20) with the corresponding time-dependent sufficiently smooth coefficient Λ(t)=h1(t)/h2(t).

Thus the above idea can be extended to general inverse Cauchy problems.

5. Conclusion

We propose a method to finding the time-dependent coefficient for multidimensional Cauchy problems for both strictly hyperbolic equations and polyharmonic (degenerate) heat equations. In addition, we show that the method can be extended to solving the general multidimensional inverse Cauchy problems for higher order linear partial differential (evolution) equations. Basically, it is a theoretical work. However, it can be also applied to some concrete real-world processes since we consider a general class of the inverse Cauchy problems for evolution equations. The key idea is to apply the Poisson integral to find a unique pair that consists of a solution and a time-dependent coefficient in an explicit form. The time-dependent coefficient is given by the ratio of the additional data at an internal fixed point of any open bounded set of the Euclidean space. We believe a new numerical algorithm to finding the time-dependent coefficient for the Cauchy problems for evolution equations can be tested by the explicit solutions given in this paper.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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The authors were supported by the Nazarbayev University program 091019CRP2120. No new data was collected or generated during the course of research.


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