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Research Article

An inverse problem for Sturm–Liouville operators with nodal data on arbitrarily-half intervals

, , &
Pages 305-317 | Received 04 Mar 2020, Accepted 29 May 2020, Published online: 17 Jun 2020


Inverse nodal problems for the Sturm–Liouville operator are to reconstruct this operator from the given nodal points(zeros) of its eigenfunctions. In this paper, the potential q(x) up to its mean value on the whole interval is uniquely determined by two adjacent twin-dense nodal subsets on arbitrarily-half subintervals corresponding to eigenvalues with various boundary conditions and an example on numerical solutions for reconstructing q(x) from a nodal subset on [0,1] is presented.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications:

1. Introduction

Consider an inverse nodal problem of Sturm–Liouville operators Lξ:=L(q,h,Hξ), and denote (1) lu:=u+q(x)u=λu,x(0,1)(1) together with boundary conditions (2) U0(u):=u(0,λ)hu(0,λ)=0,(2) (3) Vξ(u):=u(1,λ)+Hξu(1,λ)=0,(3) for ξ=0,1, where h,H0,H1R, H0H1, q(x) is a real-valued and integrable function on [0,1]. The inverse nodal problem for the Sturm–Liouville operator, first posed by McLaughlin [Citation1], is to reconstruct this operator from the given nodal points (zeros) of its eigenfunctions. Subsequently, the inverse nodal problem has been widely studied by many scholars. There are many results on inverse nodal problems in the available literature by using the theory of differential operator (e.g. see [Citation2–11]).

In addition, the work related to the inverse nodal problems for the Sturm–Liouville operator is involved in nonlinear differential equation [Citation12,Citation13] and in numerical solution of differential equation[Citation14,Citation15]. Yang [Citation16] presented an interesting theorem for (Equation1)-(Equation3) in the case of ξ=0, and showed that the s-dense nodal subset on the interval [0,b] with 1/2<b1 is sufficient to determine the potential q(x) up to its mean value and coefficients h,H0 of boundary conditions by the Gesztesy-Simon theorem [Citation17]. For the results on the theory concerning densities of zeros of entire functions, the readers may refer to the references [Citation17–19]. Keskin et al. [Citation20,Citation21] studied the inverse nodal problems for Dirac type integro-differential operator and obtained a lot of helpful and interesting results. Later on, the Yang's result was improved by many authors (see [Citation22–25]). Yang [Citation24] gave a counterexample to illustrate that there exists two different potentials on the interval (1ε0/2,1+ε0/2),0<ε0<1 with the assumption that two Sturm–Liouville operators have the same spectrum and same nodal points on arbitrary subinterval [0,1ε0/2][1+ε0/2,1]. That is to say that in general the twin-dense nodal subset on the arbitrary interval [a,b] which does not contain the midpoint 12 is not sufficient to recover the potential q(x) up to its mean value on [0,1]. In order to determine the uniqueness of the potential q(x), one needs the nodal subset on subinterval of the right(or left) half domain together with some additional information.

Recently, Guo and Wei [Citation25] studied inverse nodal problems for the Sturm–Liouville problems defined on interval [0,1] with separated boundary conditions, and obtained some interesting results. It is worth mentioning that Theorem 2.2 in [Citation25] not only shows us that the potential q(x) can be uniquely determined by a twin dense subset of the nodal set on (a1,a2) with 1/2(a1,a2), but also the length a2a1 of subinterval (a2,a1) can be arbitrarily small. Meanwhile, we also realize that there are probably too much conditions in Theorem 2.6 which is treated to recover the potential on [0,1] in the case of 1/2[a1,a2]. More precisely, it may be sufficient that only one pair of nodal point has the same derivative, instead of each of nodal points with the same derivative. In view of this fact, we have the motivation to improve Theorem 2.6 in [Citation25].

The aim of this paper is to solved the inverse nodal problem for Sturm–Liouville problems on interval [0,1] with some boundary conditions. Based on the Weyl m-function, we reconstruct the potential q(x) of (Equation1) from given twin-dense nodal subsets on any subinterval [a,b] of the right half domain, i.e. 12<a<b1, and prove that the potential q(x) up to its mean value on the whole interval can be reconstructed by two adjacent twin-dense nodal subsets on any subinterval [a,b] of the right half domain corresponding to eigenvalues with various boundary conditions. Actually, the interval [a,b] could be an arbitrary subinterval of [0,1] and the interval length ba can be arbitrarily small. We also present an example on numerical solutions for reconstructing the coefficients from a nodal subset on [0,1].

2. Preliminaries

Let S(x,λ),C(x,λ),u(x,λ) and u+,ξ(x,λ) be solutions of Equation (Equation1) with the initial conditions: S(0,λ)=0,S(0,λ)=1,C(0,λ)=1,C(0,λ)=0,u(0,λ)=1,u(0,λ)=h,u+,ξ(1,λ)=1,u+,ξ(1,λ)=Hξ for ξ=0,1. Clearly, U0(u)=Vξ(u+,ξ)=0. Denote λ=ρ2 and τ=|Imρ|. For |ρ|, the following asymptotic formulae (4) u(x,λ)=cosρx+(h+120xq(t)dt)sinρxρ+o(eτxρ),(4) (5) u(x,λ)=ρsinρx+O(eτx),(5) (6) u+,ξ(x,λ)=cosρ(1x)+(Hξ+12x1q(t)dt)sinρ(1x)ρ+o(eτ(1x)ρ),(6) (7) u+,ξ(x,λ)=ρsinρ(1x)+O(eτ(1x))(7) hold uniformly with respect to x[0,1] (see [Citation26]). The following formula is called the Green's formula 01(yl(z)zl(y))dx=y,z(1)y,z(0), where y,z(x):=y(x)z(x)y(x)z(x) is the Wronskian of y and z. The characteristic function of Lξ is Δξ(λ):=u+,ξ,u(x,λ). Obviously, Δξ(λ)=Vξ(u)=U0(u+,ξ)=ρsinρ+O(eτ). Let σξ(Lξ):={λnξ}n=0 be the set of all eigenvalues of Lξ. Then all zeros λnξ of Δξ(λ) are real and simple, and (8) ρnξ:=λnξ=nπ+ωξnπ+o(1n)asn(8) for ξ=0,1, where ωξ=2h+2Hξ+01q(t)dt. Since both u(x,λnξ) and u+,ξ(x,λnξ) are the eigenfunction corresponding to the eigenvalue λnξ, there exists a constant β(λnξ)0 such that (9) u+,ξ(x,λnξ)=β(λnξ)u(x,λnξ)forallx[0,1],ξ=0,1.(9) Define the Weyl m-functions as follow, m+,ξ(x,λ)=u+,ξ(x,λ)u+,ξ(x,λ)andm(x,λ)=u(x,λ)u(x,λ). By the results in [Citation27], the following asymptotic formulae (10) m+,ξ(x,λ)=iρ+o(1),1m+,ξ(x,λ)=iρ+o(1ρ2)(10) hold uniformly in x[0,1δ], δ>0, as |λ| in any sector ε0<argλ<πε0 for some ε0>0, and (11) m,ξ(x,λ)=iρ+o(1),1m,ξ(x,λ)=iρ+o(1ρ2)(11) uniformly in x[δ,1], as |λ| in any sector ε1<argλ<πε1 for some ε1>0.

Since the potential can not be uniquely determined by the twin-dense nodal subset on [a,b] without midpoint corresponding to partial eigenvalues of {λn0} and condition (Equation13) (see [Citation24,Citation25,Citation28], we still need some other nodal information corresponding to partial eigenvalues of {λn1}. Let u(x,λnξ) be the eigenfunction corresponding to the n-th eigenvalue λnξ of Lξ and xnξj be the nodal points of the eigenfunction u(x,λnξ), where 0<xnξ1<xnξ2<<xnξj<<xnξn<1,n1. Let Xξ:={xnξj} be the set of nodal points of Lξ. Then we have (see [Citation29]) (12) xnξj=βnξj+12(nπ)2(2h+0βnξjq(t)dt)2ωξβnξj2(nπ)2+o(1n2),(12) where βnξj=j12n. Write N0=N{0}, N2=N{1}, and Sξ:={nk,ξN2:nk,ξ<nk+1,ξ,kN} for ξ=0 or 1. Denote WSξ([a,b]):={xnk,ξj:nk,ξSξ}[a,b] twin-dense nodal subset (see [Citation13,Citation22]). The following result on the Weyl m-function follows from [Citation27].

Lemma 2.1


Let m+,ξ(b0,λ) with b0[0,1) (resp.,m(a0,λ) with a0(0,1]) be the Weyl m-function. Then m+,ξ(b0,λ) (resp.,m(a0,λ)) uniquely determines the coefficient Hξ(resp.,h) of the boundary condition as well as q(x) on the interval [b0,1](resp.,[0,a0]).

To prove our main results, we need the following result in [Citation17]:

Lemma 2.2

([17,PropositionB.6]) Let f(z) be an entire function such that

  1. sup|z|=Rk|f(z)|C1exp(C2Rkα) for some 0<α<1, some sequence Rk as k and C1,C2>0.

  2. lim|x||f(ix)|=0,xR.

Then f0.

3. Main results and proofs

We consider boundary value problems Lξ and L~ξ=Lξ(q~,h~,H~ξ), and suppose here and in the sequel that they have the same form except for different coefficients. If a certain symbol γ denotes an object related to Lξ, then the corresponding symbol γ~ with tilde denotes the analogous object related to L~ξ, and γ^=γγ~.

The so-called WSξ([a,b])=W~S~ξ([a,b]) means that for any xnk,ξjkWSξ([a,b]), xnk,ξjk=x~n~k,ξj~kandxnk,ξjk+1=x~n~k,ξj~k+1,orxnk,ξjk=x~n~k,ξj~kandxnk,ξjk1=x~n~k,ξj~k1 hold, where xnk,ξjk+jWSξ([a,b]) and x~n~k,ξj~k+jW~S~ξ([a,b]). Since the twin-dense nodal subset WS0([a,c]) on the right arbitrary interval for any S0 cannot uniquely determine the potential q(x) on the whole interval [0,1] (see [Citation16]), we add another adjacent twin-dense nodal subset WS1([c,b]) corresponding to the eigenvalues in M1 on the right arbitrary interval to sufficiently guarantee the uniqueness of the potential q(x). Thus the uniqueness theorem can be determined by two adjacent twin-dense nodal subsets WS0([a,c]) and WS1([c,b]).

Theorem 3.1

Let 12<a<c<b1. Suppose that H0=H~0 and h=h~, WS0([a,c])=W~S~0([a,c]) and WS1([c,b])=W~S~1([c,b]). If (13) {nkSξ:nkn}2αξn+13αξ,ξ=0,1(13) for sufficiently large n>0, where α1=1b, α0+α1a, then q(x)01q(t)dt=a.e.q~(x)01q~(t)dton[0,1],andH1=H~1.

Remark 3.1

By symmetry, one can obtain an analogy of Theorem 3.1 for the case 0a<b<1/2. We omit the details here. Actually, the interval [a,b] could be any subinterval of [0,1] and the interval length ba can be arbitrarily small.

Substitutng the condition “H0=H~0 and h=h~” by “q(x)q~(x) is continuous at x = c” in Theorem 3.1, we obtain

Theorem 3.2

Let 12<a<c<b1. Suppose that WS0([a,c])=W~S~0([a,c]) and WS1([c,b])=W~S~1([c,b]). If the function q(x)q~(x) is continuous at x = c and (Equation13) holds for each ξ=0,1, then (14) q(x)01q(t)dt=a.e.q~(x)01q~(t)dton[0,1],h=h~andHξ=H~ξ,ξ=0,1.(14)

Next we prove our main results.

Proof of Theorem 3.1.

Without loss of generality, we assume α1α0. It is easy to prove the formula (Equation15)–(Equation18) from (Equation12) (see Lemma 3.1 in [Citation23]) (15) q(x)q~(x)=a.e.2ω^0on[a,c],(15) (16) q(x)q~(x)=a.e.2ω^1on[c,b],(16) (17) λξ,nk,ξλ~ξ,n~k,ξ=2ω^ξforallnk,ξSξ,ξ=0,1(17) (18) nk,ξ=n~k,ξexceptforafinitenumberofnk,ξSξ,ξ=0,1.(18)

Let q~1(x):=q~(x)+2ω^1,x[0,1],Mξ:={λnk,ξ:λnk,ξσ(Lξ),nk,ξSξ},ξ=0,1. Consider the new Sturm–Liouville operator L1(q~1) defined by (19) lu=u+q~1(x)u=λu,0<x<1,(19) associated with boundary conditions (Equation2) and (Equation3). Then the new Sturm–Liouville operator L1(q~1) has the same eigenvalues λnk,1 for all nk,1S1 as L1(q) and q(x)q~1(x)=a.e.0on[c,b]. Next we prove Theorem 3.1 by the following two steps.

Step 1. We now shall prove that (20) q(x)=a.e.q~1(x)on[b,1],andH1=H~1.(20) For any xnk,1jkWS1([c,b]), by Green formula for (Equation1) and (Equation19) together with u(xnk,1jk,λnk,1)=0 and u~(xnk,1jk,λnk,1)=0, we can (21) xnk,1jkb(q(x)q~1(x))u(x,λnk,1)u~(x,λnk,1)dx=u,u~(b,λnk,1)u,u~(xnk,1jk,λnk,1),(21) where u,u~(x,λ):=u(x,λ)u~(x,λ)u(x,λ)u~(x,λ). Since q(x)q~1(x)=a.e.0 on [c,b], (Equation21) implies (22) u,u~(b,λnk,1)=0forallλnk,1M1.(22) By (Equation9) and (Equation22), we obtain (23) u+,1,u~+,1(b,λnk,1)=0forallλnk,1M1.(23) By (Equation6), (Equation7) and (Equation10), we have that (24) |u+,1,u~+,1(b,λ)|=u+,1(b,λ)u~+,1(b,λ)(1m~+,1(b,λ)1m+,1(b,λ))=o(e2(1b)τ).(24) as |λ| in any sector ε1<argλ<πε1 for ε1>0 and |u+,1,u~+,1(b,λ)|=O(e2(1b)τ) for all λC. Define the function K1(λ) by K1(λ):=u+,1,u~+,1(b,λ)G1(ρ), where Gξ(λ):=λnk,ξMξ(1λλnk,ξ),ξ=0,1. We may substitute 1(λ/λnk,ξ) by λ in case λnk,ξ=0. Let Nσξ(t):={λnξ:λnξt,λnξσξ(Lξ)}andNMξ(t):={λnξ:λnξt,λnξMξ}. By (Equation13), we can conclude that (25) NMξ(t)2αξNσξ(t)αξ(25) for sufficiently large tR+. By the same arguments in the proof of Proposition B.5 in [Citation17], there exists some sequence R1k as k such that (26) sup|λ|=R1k|K1(λ)|C11exp(C12R1kr1)(26) for some 0r1<1, C11,C12>0. Since Δ1(λ) is an entire function in λ of order 12, there exists a positive constant C such that NM1(t)Nσ1(t)Ct1/2. Then NG1(t0)=Nσ1(t0)=0 for some real number t0. For a fixed yR with sufficiently large |y|, we have (27) ln|G1(iy)|=12lnG1(iy)G1(iy)¯=12λnk,1M1ln(1+y2(λnk,1)2)=12t0ln(1+y2t2)dNG1(t)=12ln(1+y2t2)NG1(t)|t012t0NG1(t)d[ln(1+y2t2)].(27) Notice that ln(1+y2t2)=O(1t2) for sufficiently large t, we have that limtln(1+y2t2)NG1(t)=0andlimtln(1+y2t2)Nσ1(t)=0. Therefore, it follows from (Equation25) that there exists a constant t1t0 and C1 such that NG1(t)2α1Nσ1(t)α1,tt1,NG1(t)2α1Nσ1(t)C1,t<t1. By (Equation27) together with the following relation y2t3+ty2=ddt(12ln(1+y2t2)), we obtain (28) ln|G1(iy)|=t0y2t3+ty2NG1(t)dt=t0t1y2t3+ty2NG1(t)dt+t1y2t3+ty2NG1(t)dt2α1t0y2t3+ty2Nσ1(t)dtα1t0y2t3+ty2dt+(α1C1)t0t1y2t3+ty2dt=2α1ln|Δ1(iy)|α1ln(1+y2)+α1C12lnt02(t12+y2)t12(t02+y2).(28) Thus, by (Equation28), (29) |G1(iy)|c11|Δ1(iy)|2α1|y|2α1(29) for sufficiently large |y|, where c11 is constant. By (Equation24) and (Equation29), (30) |K1(iy)|=o(e2(1bα1)|y|)=o(1)(30) as y. By Lemma 2.2 together with (Equation26) and (Equation30), we have K1(λ)0,λC. Then u+,1,u~+,1(b,λ)=0,λC. Consequently (31) m+,1(b,λ)=m~+,1(b,λ),λC.(31) By Lemma 2.1 and (Equation31), (Equation20) is valid.

Step 2. We shall prove that (32) q(x)=a.e.q~1(x)on[0,a].(32) Since h=h~, H0=H~0 and H1=H~1, by (Equation8) we have that (33) ω^0=ω^1.(33) From (Equation15), (Equation16), (Equation20) and (Equation33), it follows that (34) q(x)=a.e.q~1(x)on[a,1].(34) and the new Sturm–Liouville operator L0(q~1) has the same eigenvalues λnk,0 for all nk,0S0 as L0(q). Similarly we can prove (35) u,u~(a,λnk,0)=0forallλnk,0M0.(35) By Green formula for (Equation1) and (Equation19) on [a,c] together with (Equation22) and q(x)q~1(x)=a.e.0 on [a,c], we obtain (36) u,u~(a,λnk,1)=0forallλnk,1M1.(36) By (Equation4), (Equation5) and (Equation11), (37) |u,u~(a,λ)|=u(a,λ)u~(a,λ)(1m~(a,λ)1m(a,λ))=o(e2aτ)(37) as |λ| in any sector ε1<argλ<πε1 for ε1>0, and |u,u~(a,λ)|=O(e2aτ) for all λC. Denote K2(λ):=u,u~(a,λ)G0(λ)G1(λ). We notice that all eigenvalues of L0 and L1 are simple and distinct. Therefore, by (Equation35) and (Equation36), it is clear that K2(λ) is an entire function in λ. By the same arguments as in the proof of (Equation26) and (Equation29), there exists some sequence R2k as k such that (38) sup|λ|=R2k|K2(λ)|C21exp(C22R2kr2)(38) for some 0r2<1, C21,C22>0 and (39) |G0(iy)G1(iy)|ce2(α0+α1)|y|,(39) where c is constant. By (Equation37) and (Equation39), we have that (40) |K2(iy)|=o(e2(aα0α1)|y|)(40) as |y|. By Lemma 2.2 together with (Equation38), (Equation40) and α0+α1a, we obtain K2(λ)0,λC. Then u,u~(a,λ)=0,λC. Consequently, (41) m(a,λ)=m~(a,λ),λC.(41) Hence, (Equation32) is valid by Lemma 2.1 and (Equation41). It follows from (Equation32) and (Equation34) that q(x)01q(t)dt=a.e.q~(x)01q~(t)dton[0,1],andH1=H~1. Thus, the proof of Theorem 3.1 is completed.

Proof of Theorem 3.2.

By (Equation15) and (Equation16) and noticing that the function q(x)q~(x) is continuous at x = c, ω^0=ω^1. This implies q(x)q~(x)=a.e.2ω^1on[a,b],λnk,ξλ~n~k,ξ=2ω^1forallnk,ξSξ,ξ=0,1. By the same arguments as in proof of Theorem 3.1, we have (Equation14).

4. An example

In this section we study a numerical solution of the inverse nodal problem for the Sturm–Liouville operator L0(q;h;H0) by an example. 

Example 4.1

Let WS0([0,1])={xnk,0j} be the nearest neighbour dense nodal subset of the Sturm–Liouville operator L0(q;h;H0) such that (42) xnk,0j=βnk,0j+12(πnk)2(2+1cos(πβnk,0j)π2(2+1π)βnk,0j)+o(1nk2).(42) Denote Q(x)=0xq(t)dx and let Q(1)=01q(t)dx=2/π, Then q(x) on [0,1] can be reconstructed.

We may find q(x) by the following steps.

Step 1. Choose xnk,0jWS0([0,1]) such that limkxnk,0j=x for a fixed x[0,1], i.e. limkβnk,0j=x, By (Equation42) and (Equation12), we find (43) f0(x):=limk2(nkπ)2(xnk,0jβnk,0j)=2h+0xq(t)dtω0x(43) (44) =2+1cos(πx)π2(2+1π)xx[0,1](44) Step 2. Let x0=0 in (Equation44), we obtain f0(0)=2. Reconstruct h=f0(0)/2=1.

Step 3. Let x = 1 in (Equation43) and (Equation44), noticing that ω0=2h+2H0+01q(t)dt and Q(1)=2/π, we get H0=f0(1)/2=1.

Step 4. From (Equation43) and (Equation44) it follows that (45) q(x)=a.e.sin(πx),x[0,1](45) which is called the accurate solution of q(x)

By Example 4.1, we reconstruct the accurate solution q(x)=sin(πx) from the nearest neighbour dense nodal subset WS0([0,1]) with (Equation42) and Q(1)=2/π. Next we present a numerical solution of the above inverse nodal problem (refer to [Citation30]). We choose a subset of WS0([0,1]) such that xN0,0j satisfy (Equation42), where N0 sufficiently large. Let xk = kh, where h>0 is called a step length, k=1,2,,[1/h]. For each xk, we find a number j(xk,N0), 1j(xk,N0)N0, such that j(xk,N0):=min1jN0{|xkxN0,0j|}. The corresponding approximate solution qest(x) is defined by (46) qest(xk):=sin(πxN0,0j(xk,N0))forallk=1,2,,[1h].(46) By (Equation45) and (Equation46), |q(xk)qest(xk)|=|sin(πxk)sin(πxN0,0j(xk,N0))|=2|sinπ(xkxN0,0j(xk,N0))2cosπ(xk+xN0,0j(xk,N0))2|π|xkxN0,0j(xk,N0)|πmax0kN0{|xN0,0j(xk,N0)+1xN0,0j(xk,N0)|,|xN0,0j(xk,N0)xN0,0j(xk,N0)1|}πN0 for all k=1,2,,[1/h]. Thus the difference of q(x) and qest(x) is (47) |q(xk)qest(xk)|πN0(47) for all xk. Consequently the positive number π/N0 in (Equation47) is called an error for the accurate solution q(x) and the corresponding approximate solution qest(x). Figure   is a comparison of q(x) and qest(x) with the error 0.05.

Figure 1. Comparison of the accurate solution q(x) and the corresponding approximate solution qest(x) for h = 0.0159 and N0=63 with the nodal subset {xN0,0j(xk,N0)}j=163:() for q(x) and () for qest(x).

Figure 1. Comparison of the accurate solution q(x) and the corresponding approximate solution qest(x) for h = 0.0159 and N0=63 with the nodal subset {xN0,0j(xk,N0)}j=163:(∗∗∗) for q(x) and (−−−) for qest(x).


The authors are very grateful to the referees for their valuable suggestions and useful comments.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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The first author is supported by the NNSF of China [11771409] and the open project of Research Insititute for Building Energy-Saving, Anhui Jianzhu University [K02580].


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