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Research Article

Guaranteed a posteriori estimation of uncertain data in exterior Neumann problems for Helmholtz equation from inexact indirect observations of their solutions

, &
Pages 525-535 | Received 30 Apr 2020, Accepted 01 Jul 2020, Published online: 29 Jul 2020


We consider the problem of guaranteed estimation of unknown right-hand sides of the equations entering the statement of the exterior Neumann problems for the Helmholtz equation from indirect observations of their solutions. A method is developed for the determination of guaranteed a posteriori estimates of this right-hand sides which are compatible with measurement data. It is shown that such estimates can be expressed via solutions of a uniquely solvable system of the Helmholtz equations.

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1. Introduction

Inverse problems associated with the analysis of exterior boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation constitute an important part of the inverse scattering theory with major applications in electromagnetics and acoustics [Citation1,Citation2]. A review of results can be found in [Citation2,Citation3]. Obtaining guaranteed estimation of the unknown right-hand sides of equations and boundary conditions entering the statements of boundary value problems from observations of their solutions is a relatively new research direction. The settings and methods that simultaneously take into account the uncertainty of data for this class of inverse problems have been recently developed in [Citation4,Citation5].

In this paper, we extend the approaches set forth in our earlier studies [Citation4,Citation5] aimed at the analysis of inverse problems with uncertain data arising in the electromagnetic and acoustic diffraction theory. A goal is to establish a technique for obtaining guaranteed a posteriori estimates in electromagnetic and acoustic inverse problems formulated for the exterior Neumann problems for Helmholtz equations and provide its complete mathematical justification.

In order to determine such estimates, additional data (observations) are needed. Here we use indirect observations that are linear transformations of unknown solutions of the exterior Neumann problems with additive deterministic errors. Such a kind of observation is motivated by the fact that unknown solutions often cannot be observed directly.

Assuming that unknown perturbations of right-hand sides of equations, Neumann boundary conditions, and errors in observations satisfy some quadratic restrictions, we define the set consisting of all right-hand sides entering into the exterior Neumann problem which are compatible with observation data. Any element belonging to this set is called an a posteriori estimate of unknown right-hand sides. Then we choose the optimal estimate among them, called the guaranteed a posteriori estimate.

As an optimality criterion, we use the guaranteed deviation between the a priori estimates of right-hand sides of the exterior Neumann problem and their exact values.

We show that the guaranteed a posteriori estimates of unknown right-hand sides are expressed via solutions of some uniquely solvable systems of Helmholtz equations.

2. Problem statement

Let D be a bounded domain in Rn, n=2,3, with the Lipschitz boundary Γ having the unit outward normal ν, D=RnD¯, and ϕ be a solution to the Neumann problem (1) (Δ+k2)ϕ=fin D,(1) (2) ϕν=gon Γ,(2) (3) ϕrikϕ=o(1/r(n1)/2),r=|x|, r,(3) in which

  • k is a given nonzero complex number, 0argk<π,

  • ϕ/ν is a normal derivative of ϕ on the boundary Γ,

  • f is a function from the space L~2(D0), where by L~2(D0) we denote the space of all complex-valued functions square-integrable in a bounded subdomain D0D that vanish outside D¯0 in the domain D,

  • g is a function defined on Γ and belonging to the space L2(Γ).

Setting (Equation1)–(Equation3) may be referred to [Citation2,Citation3] as the forward problems describing the scattering of a time-harmonic acoustic (or electromagnetic) wave of a (given) frequency ω by a rigid body D, n = 2, 3 (or a perfectly conducting cylinder having the cross-section DR2, n = 2) with φ being the sound-pressure (or the polarized electromagnetic-field component) amplitude function; here k=ω/c is the wave number and c is the sound (or light) speed in a homogeneous medium.

Denote by dΓ the element of measure on surface Γ, by L2(Γ) the space of square-integrable functions on Γ, and by H1(Ω) the standard Sobolev space of order 1 on the domain Ω.

Introduce the spaces Hloc1(D)={u:u|DΩRH1(DΩR) for every R>0 such that DΩR},Hloc1(D,Δ):={u:uHloc1(D), ΔuLloc2(D)}, where Lloc2(D)={u:u|DΩRL2(DΩR) for every R>0 such that DΩR},ΩR:={x:|x|<R}; the Laplacian is taken in the distributional sense.

It is proved that problem (Equation1)–(Equation3) has a unique solution such that ϕHloc1(D,Δ) (see, e.g. [Citation6,Citation7]).

Introduce the Hilbert space H:=L~2(D0)×L2(Γ) with the inner product defined by (f1,f2)H:=D0f1(x)f2(x)¯dx+Γg1g¯2dΓf1=(f1,g1),f2=(f2,g2)H. Let Ωj, j=1,,M, be a given system of bounded subdomains of D that do not intersect and have a piecewise smooth boundary. We suppose that one observes the functions of the form (4) yj(x)=Cjϕ(x)+vj(x),xΩj,j=1,,M,(4) where vj(x)L2(Ωj) are observation errors and CjL(L2(Ωj),L2(Ωj)) are linear continuous operators.

Suppose that there is the following a priori information about the data and errors: f:=(f,g)H and v:=(v1(),,vM()) belong to the set G of the form G={(f,v)H:j=1MΩjDj(x)vj(x)vj(x)¯dx+D0Q1(ff0)(x)(f(x)f0(x))¯dx+ΓQ2(gg0)(gg0)¯dΓ)βM2}, in which βM is a known number, f0=(f0,g0)H is a known vector-function, Dj(x) are known measurable bounded positive continuous functions on Ω¯k, and Q1 and Q2 are Hermitian positive definite operators in L2(D0) and L2(Γ), respectively, for which there exist bounded inverse operators Q11 and Q21, H:=L~2(D0)×L2(Γ)×L2(Ω1)××L2(ΩM). Introduce the notion of a guaranteed a posteriori estimate of vector-function f=(f,g).

Definition 2.1

The set Gy defined by Gy={fH:F(y,f)βM2} is called the a posteriori set of all possible f=(f,g) corresponding to measurements (Equation4) and (f,v) belonging to G, where y:=(y1(),,yM()), F(y,f)=j=1MΩjDj(x)(yj(x)Cjϕ(x))(yj(x)Cjϕ(x))¯dx+D0Q1(ff0)(x)(f(x)f0(x))¯dx+ΓQ2(gg0)(gg0)¯dΓ.

Definition 2.2

The vector-function fˆg=(fg,gg) from the set Gy is called a guaranteed a posteriori estimate of vector-function f=(f,g) if the following condition holds: inff1Gysupf2Gyf1f2H=supf2Gyfˆgf2H.

Definition 2.3

The quantity δa=supf2Gyfˆgf2H is called guaranteed error of a posteriori estimation.

Definition 2.4

A vector-function ϕˆg is called a guaranteed a posteriori estimate of unknown solution ϕ if it uniquely solves problem (Equation1)–(Equation3) at f=fˆg.

Let us give an important remark. As a result of applying measurements yj(x), j = 1,.., m, the set of unknown elements f=(f,g) becomes Gy. Functions f(x), g(x) at which measurements yj(x), j = 1,.., m, are given belong to this set. The elements of set Gy are a posteriori estimates of unknown functions f and g. Next, if f1=(f1,g1) is a certain a posteriori estimate of the element f=(f,g), then the guaranteed error δ(f1)=supfGyf1fH. Note that this estimate is not worse than the a priori estimate (f0,g0)=f0 because from the proof of Theorem 3.1 it follows that δ(fg)=inff1Hδ(f1), and therefore the inequality δ(f0)δ(fg), holds.

3. Main results

In order to obtain the representation for a posteriori estimates, we first prove the following assertion.

Lemma 3.1

There exists a unique element fˆ=(fˆ,gˆ)H such that inffHF(y,f)=F(y,fˆ) which is determined by (5) fˆ(x)=χD0(x)Q11pˆ(x)D0+f0(x),gˆ=Q21pˆΓ+g0,(5) where pˆHloc1(D,Δ) is uniquely defined from the solution of the problem (6) (Δ+k¯2)pˆ(x)=j=1MχΩj(x)CjDj[Cjϕˆyj](x)in D,(6) (7) pˆν=0on Γ,(7) (8) pˆr+ik¯pˆ=o(1/r(n1)/2),r=|x|,r,(8) (9) (Δ+k2)ϕˆ(x)=χD0(x)Q11pˆ(x)|D0+f0(x)inD,(9) (10) ϕˆν=Q21pˆ+g0on Γ,(10) (11) ϕˆrikϕˆ=o(1/r(n1)/2),r=|x|,r.(11) Here, ϕˆHloc1(D,Δ), χM(x)=1,xM0,xM is a characteristic function of the set MRn.

Functional F(y,f) can be represented in the form (12) F(y,f)=F(y,fˆ)+F1(ffˆ),(12) where (13) F1(f)=j=1MΩjDj(x)Cjϕ(x)Cjϕ(x)¯dx+D0Q1f(x)f(x)¯dx+ΓQ2gg¯dΓ.(13)


It is easy to see that functional F(y,f) can be decomposed as F(y,f)=F1(f)+L(y,f)+C0(y), where F1(f) is defined by (Equation13), L(y,f)=2j=1M(DjCjϕ,yj)L2(Ωj)+(Q1f,f0)L2(D0)+(Q2g,g0)L2(Γ),C0(y)=j=1MΩjDj(x)yj(x)yj(x)¯dx+D0Q1f0(x)f0(x)¯dx+ΓQ2g0g0¯dΓ. Using the fact that the solution ϕ(x) to problem (Equation1)–(Equation3) can be represented as ϕ(x)=Cf(x):=D0Φk(x,y)f(y)dy+ΓΦk(x,y)g(y)dΓyin D, where Φk(x,y) is the Green function satisfying the conditionFootnote1 Φk(x,y)/νx=0 on Γ, and introducing the operators Aj:HL2(Ωj) defined by Ajf(x):=Cf(x)Ωj,j=1,,M, we see that functionals F1(f) and L(y,f) can be rewritten in the form (14) F1(f)=(Q~f,f)H,(14) L(y,f)=2f,j=1MAjCjDjyj+Qf0H, where Q~ and Q:HH are Hermitian positive definite bounded operators defined by (15) Q~=j=1MAjCjDjCjAj+Q,(15) and Qf:=(χD0()Q1f,Q2g)f=(f,g)H, respectively, Aj:L2(Ωj)H are the operators adjoint of Aj defined by Ajv=χD0()Ωjv(x)Φk(x,)¯dx,Ωjv(x)Φk(x,)¯dx|ΓvL2(Ωj). From here, it follows that F1(f) is a quadratic form which corresponds to a semi-linear continuous Hermitian form π(f,g):=(Q~f,g)H and L(f) a linear continuous functional defined on H. Moreover, since F1(f) is also a strictly convex functional in the space H satisfying the condition F1(f)cfH2fH,c=const, we obtain, using Remark 1.1 to Theorem 1.1 from [Citation8], that there exists a unique element fˆH such that inffHF(y,f)=F(y,fˆ). Hence, for τR, the following relation is valid ddτF(y,fˆ+τw)|τ=00w=(w1,,w2)H. Next, observing that (16) 12ddτF(y,fˆ+τw|τ=0=j=1MΩjDj(x)(yj(x)Cjϕˆ(x))Cjϕ~(x)¯dx+D0Q1(fˆf0)(x)w1(x)¯dx+ΓQ2(gˆg0)w¯2dΓ,(16) where ϕˆ and ϕ~ uniquely solve problem (Equation1)–(Equation3) at f=fˆ and f=w, respectively, and introducing function pˆHloc1(D,Δ) as the unique solution to the problem (17) (Δ+k¯2)pˆ(x)=j=1MχΩj(x)CjDj[yjCjϕˆ](x)in D,(17) (18) pˆ(;u)ν=0on Γ,(18) (19) pˆr+ik¯pˆ=o(1/r(n1)/2),r=|x|,r,(19) we obtain from (Equation16), (20) 12ddτF(y,fˆ+τw|τ=0=(D0pˆ(x)w1(x)¯dxΓpˆw2¯dΓ+D0Q1(fˆf0)(x)w1(x)¯dx+ΓQ2(gˆg0)w¯2dΓ)0wH.(20) Indeed, choosing R large enough so that D¯,D¯0,ΩjΩR, j=1,,M, and applying to pˆ(x) and ϕ~(x) in the domain ΩRD¯ the second Green's formula, transforms the first term in the right-hand side of (Equation16). We have (21) j=1MΩjDj(x)(yj(x)Cjϕˆ(x))Cjϕ~(x)¯dx=ΩRD¯j=1MχΩj(x)CjDj[yjCjϕˆ](x)ϕ~(x)¯dx=ΩRD¯(Δ+k¯2)pˆ(x)ϕ~(x)¯dx=ΩRD¯pˆ(x)(Δ+k2)ϕ~(x)¯dxΓpˆϕ~¯νdΓ+ΓRpˆϕ~¯νdΓRΓRpˆνϕ~¯dΓR=(D0pˆ(x)w1(x)¯dxΓpˆw¯2dΓ+ΣR(pˆ,ϕ~)),(21) where by ΣR(pˆ,ϕ~) we denote ΣR(pˆ,ϕ~):=ΓRpˆϕ~ν¯pˆνϕ~¯dΓR with ΓR=ΩR, ν denotes the outward unit normal to the sphere ΓR. Since pˆ and ϕ~ satisfy, respectively, the Sommerfeld radiation conditions (Equation19) and (Equation3), pˆ(x)=O(1/R) and ϕ~(x)=O(1/R), R=|x| (see [Citation9]), and we obtain an estimate for ΣR(pˆ,ϕ~), ΣR(pˆ,ϕ~):=ΓRpˆϕ~νikϕ~¯dΓRΓRpˆν+ik¯pˆϕ~¯dΓR=ΓRO(1/R)o(1/R)dΓRΓRo(1/R)O(1/R)dΓR=o(1)as R. From here, passing to the limit as R in (Equation21), we obtain (Equation20).

Putting in (Equation20) w1(x)=Q1(fˆf0)(x)χD0(x)pˆ(x) and w2=Q2(gˆg0)pˆ|Γ, we obtain (22) D0|Q1(fˆf0)(x)pˆ(x)|2dx+Γ|Q2(gˆg0)pˆ|2dΓ=0.(22) Equations (Equation17)–(Equation19) and (Equation22) imply representation (Equation5).

The above analysis and the fact that functional F(y,f) has one minimum point fˆ lead to the conclusion that problem (Equation6)–(Equation10) is uniquely solvable.

Let us prove (Equation12). Let ϑ(τ):=F(y,fˆ+τ(ffˆ)). By expanding the function ϑ(τ) by Taylor's formula in a neighbourhood of zero, we find (23) ϑ(τ)=ϑ(0)+dϑdτ|τ=0τ+12d2ϑdτ2|τ=0τ2.(23) Since fˆArgminF(y,f) then (dϑ/dτ)|τ=0=0. Setting τ=1 in (Equation23), we obtain that (24) ϑ(1)=F(y,f)=F(y,fˆ)+12d2ϑdτ2|τ=0.(24) Representation (Equation12) follows from (Equation24) if we observe that (d2ϑ/dτ2)|τ=0=F1(ffˆ). This completes the proof of the lemma.

From this lemma, we conclude that the set Gy has the form (25) Gy={f:F1(ffˆ)βM2F(y,fˆ)}.(25) Using this fact, we establish in the proof of Theorem 3.1 that fg=fˆ.

Theorem 3.1

The guaranteed a posteriori estimate fˆg of unknown vector-function f coincides with vector-function fˆ, i.e. fgˆ(x)=fˆ(x)a.e. in D0,gˆg=gˆa.e. on Γ, and the guaranteed a posteriori estimate ϕˆg of unknown solution ϕ coincides with function ϕˆ, i.e. ϕˆg(x)=ϕˆ(x)a.e. in D, where fˆ, gˆ and ϕˆ are determined from (Equation5) to (Equation11).

The estimation error δa is determined by (26) δa=(βM2F(y,fˆg))1/2supaH=1(Q~1a,a)H1/2,(26) where Q~1 is the inverse of a Hermitian positive definite bounded operator Q~:HH defined by (Equation15).


First, notice that Q~1 exists, and it is a Hermitian positive definite bounded operator since it is the inverse of Q~. It is evident from the definition of element fˆH that fˆGy. From (Equation14) and (Equation25), it follows that the set Gy can be represented as Gy={fH:(Q~(ffˆ),ffˆ)Hγ}, where γ:=βM2F(y,fˆ)>0. Introduce also the set G~y={f~H:(Q~f~,f~)Hγ}. It is easy to see that Cauchy–Schwarz inequality implies f1f2H=supaH1|(a,f1f2)H|. Then for all f1Gy, supf2Gyf1f2H=supaH1supf2Gy|(a,f1)H(a,f2)H|=supaH1supf~G~y|(a,f1fˆ)H(a,f~)H|=supaH1|(a,f1fˆ)H|+supf~G~y|(a,f~)H|. From here, taking into account the relationshipFootnote2 supf~G~y|(a,f~)H|=γ1/2(Q~1a,a)H1/2, we obtain that for all f1Gy, inff1Gysupf2Gyf1f2HsupaH1inff1Gy|(a,f1fˆ)H|+supf~G~y|(a,f~)H|=supaH1supf~G~y|(a,f~)H|=γ1/2supaH=1(Q~1a,a)H1/2, where equality is attained at f1=fˆ. Whence, fˆg=fˆ, ϕˆg=ϕˆ, and δa is defined by (Equation26). This completes the proof.

As a corollary, we obtain the following result.

Theorem 3.2

Let ΩR:={xRn:|x|<R} and R0 be chosen so that D¯ΩR0. Then, for any RR0, there exists a positive constant αR>0, dependent only on R, such that the following inequality holds: (27) ϕϕˆgH1(ΩRD¯,Δ)αRδa,(27) where ϕˆg is the guaranteed a posteriori estimate of unknown solution ϕ, δa is determined by formula (Equation26), and ψH1(ΩRD¯,Δ)=ψH1(ΩRD¯)+ΔψL2(ΩRD¯) ψHloc1(D,Δ).


Since ϕˆg(x) solves problem  (Equation1)−(Equation3) at f=fgˆ, function ϕ1(x):=ϕ(x)ϕˆg(x) solves the following problem: (Δ+k2)ϕ1=f1in D,ϕ1ν=g1on Γ,ϕ1rikϕ1=o(1/r(n1)/2),r=|x|,r, where f1=ffˆg, g1=ggˆg. From a priori estimates for exterior Neumann problem for the Helmholtz equation (see [Citation6,Citation10]), it follows that ϕ1H1(ΩRD¯,Δ)αRf1H, where αR a positive constant dependent only on R, f1=(f1,g1), whence it follows estimate (Equation27).

4. Conclusion

Following our main objective to establish a technique for obtaining guaranteed a posteriori estimates in acoustic and electromagnetic inverse problems, we have constructed the tools for efficient estimation of the right-hand sides entering Neumann problems for the Helmholtz equation that model the wave fields in acoustic scattering on rigid bodies or electromagnetic scattering on perfectly conducting cylindrical bodies.

We have proposed the relevant mathematically correct definition of guaranteed a posteriori estimate, and the description of measurement errors.

A uniquely solvable linear system of Helmholtz equations has been obtained that generates guaranteed a posteriori estimates of the Neumann data.

The developed approach continue our studies aimed at elaborating mathematically justified solution techniques for various forward and inverse problems with uncertainties arising in electromagnetics and acoustics.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


1 That is, for fixed xD function, Φk(x,y) solves the Neumann boundary value problem: (Δy+k2)Φk(x,y)=δ(xy),yD,Φk(x,y)νx=0,yΓ,Φk(x,y)rikΦk(x,y)=o(1/r(n1)/2),r=|y|,r, where Δy denotes the Laplacian with respect to the y variables, and δ is the Dirac delta function concentrated at x.

2 In fact, by virtue of generalized Cauchy–Schwarz inequality [Citation11, p.186], supf~G~y|(a,f~)H|supf~G~y|(a,f~)H|supf~G~y(Q~1a,a)H1/2(Q~f~,f~)H1/2=γ1/2(Q~1a,a)H1/2, and this inequality is transformed into an equality on the element f~=γ1/2(Q~1a,a)H1/2Q~1a.


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