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A propos Brexit: on the breaking up of integration areas – an NEG analysis

Pages 97-120 | Received 21 Dec 2018, Published online: 11 Feb 2020


Inspired by Brexit, the paper explores the effects of splitting an integration area or ‘Union’ on trade patterns and the spatial distribution of industry. A linear three-region New Economic Geography (NEG) model is developed and two possible situations before separation are considered: agglomeration and dispersion. By analogy with the Brexit options, soft and hard separation scenarios are considered. Firms in the leaving region may move to the larger Union market, even on the periphery, relocation substituting trade; or firms in the Union may move in the more isolated leaving region, escaping from competition. The paper also analyses deeper Union integration following separation. Instances of multistability and complex dynamics are found.


The forming of integration areas and its problems have always been at the centre of international economics. The breaking up of integration areas is far less investigated. However, with the imminent Brexit, it is precisely this breaking up and its implications that moves into the focus of interest.

Integration – not only, but in particular within the European Union (EU) – always encompasses trade as well as factor movements. This interrelationship between trade and factor movements – while neglected in the traditional international trade models – is at the core of the New Economic Geography (NEG), a paradigm pioneered by Krugman in the early 1990s (Krugman, Citation1991). In the following, we present an NEG analysis of the breaking up of an integration area, inspired by the Brexit.

Which stylized facts do we take on board?

  • The EU is not a homogeneous integration area, but shows marked regional inequality (e.g., Eurostat, Citation2019a, reports that in 2017 regional gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, expressed in terms of purchasing power standards (PPS), in the richest NUTS-2 region is 20 times higher than in the poorest NUTS-2 region).Footnote1

  • With the UK, a core region is leaving the EU (Eurostat, Citation2019a, reports that the NUTS-1 region Greater London was one of the richest regions and enjoyed in 2017 a regional GDP per capita, expressed in terms of PPS, that was 187% of the EU average).

  • Different hard and soft Brexit options are possible.

  • Brexit is expected to have substantial impacts not only on trade patterns but also on factor movements, in particular on the location of firms.

  • As a reaction to Brexit, the EU may try to deepen integration of the remaining regions (as Emmanuel Macron suggested in a widely noted speech; Macron, Citation2017).

In models of the NEG, the breaking up of an integration area is represented by an increase in trade costs. These models combine a trade model à la Krugman (Citation1980) based upon monopolistic competition, trade costs and productive factors that choose location according to expected factor rewards. Access to a larger home market and the possibility to reach the other markets with low trade costs translates into higher factor rewards, which attracts firms to this particular location to serve the local as well as the international market. The market access effect fosters agglomeration of industry in few regions. It is mitigated by a competition effect: more firms in a location reduce factor rewards. An increase in trade costs will change the access to international markets and thus trade patterns; at the same time, the attractiveness of a region for industry location changes. NEG models focus on the long-run effects of a change in trade costs simultaneously on industry location and trade patterns.

Since Krugman’s seminal contribution (Krugman, Citation1991), a plethora of NEG models emerged differing in particular on the productive factor that is considered as internationally mobile and the specification of the demand function. At the core of the present study (which is inspired by the EU with its notorious low mobility of unqualified labour) is the mobility of high-qualified labour and capital; accordingly, we choose a footloose entrepreneur (FE) model. In addition, we use an FE model with a linear (instead of an isoelastic) demand function. In this model version, ‘zero trade’ situations are possible; they therefore allow one to shed a very clear light on changes in trade patterns.

Finally, we view the EU not as a homogenous integrated area, but rather as split between central and peripheral regions (indeed, with the UK leaving, part of the centre leaves the EU); and we suspect that these core–periphery (CP) patterns are not entirely exogenous, but have at least been reinforced by endogenous agglomeration processes (which are prominent in an NEG perspective). Therefore, we need a model with (at least) three regions.

Our model extends the linear NEG model put forward by Ottaviano, Tabuchi, and Thisse (Citation2002) (more specifically, the FE version presented by Baldwin, Forslid, Martin, Ottaviano, & Robert-Nicoud, Citation2003), in two directions: (1) as mentioned, we increase the number of regions considered from two to three; and (2) following Behrens (Citation2004, Citation2005), we study explicitly the number and direction of trade links between regions and their dependence upon the degree of trade integration.

When only two regions are considered, the possible number of trade patterns are only four (no trade, one-way trade from the first to the second region, one-way trade from the second to the first region, bilateral trade). By increasing the number of regions, the possible number of trade patterns changes substantially (even if the number of potential trade links between each pair of regions is still the same).

The specific trade pattern is determined by the size of trade costs and by the distribution of firms across the economy. In general, the market of one region is less accessible for firms of a second region, if the degree of local competition, determined by the number of home firms or of firms from a third region that have already penetrated that market (third-region effect), is higher. The existence or absence of one (or more) trade links alters substantially the attractiveness of a region and the possible long-run outcomes. Thus, in this model the evolution of the spatial distribution of firms and of trade patterns are deeply interrelated; and the long-run distribution of firms and the trade network structure are determined simultaneously.

In the literature, there are a few linear three-region NEG models that mostly assume symmetric trade costs: Castro, Correia-da-Silva, and Mossay (Citation2012) and Gaspar, Castro, and Correia-da-Silva (Citation2019) consider, respectively, the standard CP model and the FE model with isoelastic demand functions extended to the case of several regions larger than two, which are equally spaced along a circle. Tabuchi, Thisse, and Zeng (Citation2005) consider an n-region economy where in each region a city emerges, that is, it is characterized by a positive share of the mobile factor (workers). The model is quite different from ours, assuming the existence of a third good (land or housing) and commuting costs. Commuting costs and land rents impact on urban costs, which are a function of the share of the mobile factor. The demand functions for the manufactured goods are linear (derived from a quadratic sub-utility function, as in Ottaviano et al., Citation2002), but trade costs are sufficiently low so that cities always trade with each other (i.e., the trade network is always full). Distance between the regions is equal since they are positioned on a circle and trade involves going through its centre.

Ago, Isono, and Tabuchi (Citation2003, Citation2006) consider a three-region CP linear model where the regions are distributed and equally spaced along a line. They study the effect on industry location and trade patterns formation of integration as the distance between the central region and the two regions at the extremes becomes closer as the unique trade cost parameter is reduced.

Commendatore, Kubin, and Sushko (Citation2018a, Citation2018b) consider a three-region FE linear model and study three simplified cases: in the first case, trade costs are so high that none of the regions is trading, no trade network structure can emerge; in the second case, trade costs between two regions are reduced allowing for trade between them, but the third region is still autarkic. Only four possible trade network configurations can emerge which are very simple. Finally, in the third case, two of the regions are sufficiently integrated that they are always engaged in bilateral trade; and trade costs between one of these regions and the third region is reduced. Also in this case only four trade network configurations are possible (differentiated by the number and direction of trade links involving the third region and the closest region belonging to the integrated area). Behrens (Citation2011) is quite different since the author assumes a more limited factor mobility.

The present paper differs from the ones just reviewed in the following dimensions:

  • We add more asymmetry by assuming a different and more general geography of trade barriers.Footnote2

  • We allow for a much larger set of possible trade network structures.

  • The focus is on trade disintegration (and not trade integration).

In this paper, we study the effects of an increase of the trade distance between one of the regions and the other two (more asymmetric distances and breaking of an integration area). In this sense the paper complements the previously mentioned studies.

Multiregional NEG models are notoriously complex to analyse (for a comprehensive review on multiregional NEG modelling, see Commendatore, Filoso, Kubin, & Grafeneder-Weissteiner, Citation2015; and also Gaspar, Citation2018). Many studies therefore recur to simulations. Recently, Ikeda and co-authors (e.g., Ikeda, Akamatsu, & Kono, Citation2012, Citation2017, Citation2018) provided some remarkable studies of multiregional geographical models in which the economies are spatially organized on a ‘racetrack’ or on a hexagonal lattice. They use group theoretic bifurcation theory in order to obtain analytical results. However, these studies are also complemented by numerical simulations (see also Barbero & Zofío, Citation2016). In the present paper, we primarily present simulation results complemented by intuitive explanations of the underlying economic forces.

We show that the consequences of disintegration depends upon the initial state of the integration area or ‘Union’. Accordingly, we compare two different initial states that are quintessential in an NEG perspective and that depend upon the specific interplay between local market size, local competition and trade costs. In a first scenario, the three-region economy is well integrated with small local market sizes and low trade costs; NEG models typically predict agglomeration of economic activity. In a second scenario, local market sizes are bigger and NEG models suggest an equal distribution of economic activity between the three regions. Accordingly, we choose two different values for the local market size. (Note that we deliberately abstract for exogenous differences in market size, but assume three symmetric regions; agglomerative patterns are endogenously produced by NEG forces.)

For both scenarios, we study a soft versus a hard disintegration involving different increases in trade costs between the leaving region and the regions remaining in the Union. In addition, we study the effects of a deeper integration between the regions remaining in the Union (as a reaction to the breaking up). The analysis reveals a highly complex bifurcation sequence involving many instances of coexisting long-run stationary equilibria (with complicated basins of attraction) and of cyclical and complex dynamics. Among our results, we find the following of particular interest:

  • The leaving region may lose firms to the regions remaining in the Union; the firms in the Union (continue to) export, while the firms remaining in the leaving region do not (any more) – thus, firm relocation acts as substitute for trade.

  • Most remarkably, the exit of one core region may induce firm relocation also to a peripheral region within the Union (which did not host industry before the breakup).

  • A deepening of the integration between the remaining regions may lead to a weakening of the trade links between the Union and the leaving region; and it may put peripheral regions in danger to lose again their industry.

  • In some instances, intense competition within the Union may lead to the opposite result with firms moving to the leaving region to escape the competitive pressure.Footnote3

The paper is structured as follows. The next section states the main assumptions of the model on which the analysis is based. The third section considers the short-run equilibrium, paying particular attention to the different possible trade structures. The fourth section studies the long-run implications of the model and analyses the various exiting options. The fifth section concludes.


The economy is composed of three regions, labelled Rr with r=1,2,3; two sectors: agriculture (the A sector) and manufacturing or industry (the M sector); two types of agents: workers (L, endowed with unskilled labour) and entrepreneurs (E, endowed with human capital). Workers are mobile across sectors but immobile across regions; entrepreneurs migrate across regions but are specific to manufacturing. The three regions share the same technology and consumer’s preferences and have the same endowment of labour, L1=L2=L3=L/3. On purpose, we are abstracting from the fact that integration areas mostly involve regions with quite different population sizes. In this respect, the present study only represents a first attempt to shed a light on the issue of splitting of integration areas and we leave to further research the study of regions with asymmetric sizes.

The A sector is perfectly competitive, constant returns prevail and production involves one unit of labour to produce one unit of the homogeneous agricultural good. In the monopolistically competitive M sector, the N varieties of a differentiated commodity are produced by using one entrepreneur as a fixed component. Following Ottaviano et al. (Citation2002) and Behrens (Citation2004, Citation2005), we assume that there is not a variable input requirement. This will not alter substantially the analysis. There are no economies of scope, thus, due to increasing returns, each firm produces only a variety. Following from the assumption that one entrepreneur is required to activate the production of a variety, the total number of varieties is equal to the total number of entrepreneurs, E=N. Denoting by λr the share of entrepreneurs located in Rr, the number of varieties produced in this region corresponds to Nr=λrN=λrE.

The representative consumer’s (unskilled worker or entrepreneur) preferences are quasi-linear (Ottaviano et al., Citation2002), composed of a quadratic sub-utility defining the choice across the N varieties of the M good and a linear part for the consumption of the A good: (1) U=αNi=1ciβδ2Ni=1ci2δ2Ni=1ci2+CA,(1) where ci is the consumption of the M variety i; and CA is the consumption of the A good. The parameters are interpreted as follows: α>0 is the intensity of preferences over the M varieties; δ>0 is the degree of substitutability across those varieties and the difference βδ measures the taste for variety; and β>δ>0.Footnote4 The budget constraint is:(2) Ni=1pici+pACA=y+pACA¯,(2) where pi is the price of variety i; pA the price of the agricultural good; y is the consumer’s income; and CA¯ is her endowment of the agricultural good, sufficiently large to allow for positive consumption in equilibrium.

The cost of trading varieties of the M good between regions, say from Rr to Rs (or in the opposite direction from Rs toRr) is Trs(=Tsr); with Trs>0 for rs, Trr=0 and r,s=1,2,3. Trade costs separate the regions introducing the spatial dimension into the economy. Different configurations are possible, for present purposes we assume that the trade distance between R1 and R3 and R2 and R3 is the same, whereas the distance between R1 and R2 could be shorter: T13=T23=TEXT12=TU. Our structure is quite different from that assumed by Ago et al. (Citation2003, Citation2006) where the three regions are equally spaced along a line and one of the regions has a central position. In fact, we assume an even more asymmetric structure where the three regions are positioned on the vertices of an isosceles and acute-angled triangle. This implies that centrality is shared between two regions (R1 and R2) and the third region (R3) is more peripheral (except in the special case TEX=TU). This set-up describes a three-region economy where R1 and R2 are part of a more integrated area, whereas R3 could be less integrated with the rest of the economy. Thus, we provide a stylized set-up that can be used to describe the consequences of one of the region’s (the ‘exiting region’ R3) choice to leave the integration area (the ‘Union’). We first consider the effects of an increase in TEX starting from the initial state TEX=TU. We define it as the first phase of the breaking up of the integration area. We then consider the effects of a reduction of TU when TEX>TU, in order to study the consequences of a second phase following the exit of R3 from the Union, involving a deeper integration between the two remaining regions R1 and R2.


In a short-run equilibrium the distribution of entrepreneurs across the regions is given. All markets are in equilibrium. We choose the A good as the numeraire. From perfect competition in the A sector, it follows pA=w=1, where w is the wage rate. To determine the short-run equilibrium solutions related to the M sector, we proceed as follows. Maximizing the utility (1) subject to the constraint (2), we obtain the first order conditions for i=1,,N:Uci=piUcipi=α(βδ)ciδNi=1cipi=0,from which pi=α(βδ)ciδΣi=1Nci. Solving for ci, we obtain the individual linear demand function for each variety i:ci=max[0,a(b+cN)pi+cP],where P=Σi=1Npi is the price index; a=(α/(N1)δ+β),b=(1/(N1)δ+β) and c=(δ/(βδ)[(N1)δ+β]). Moreover, we define pi~=(a+cP/b+cN) the cut-off price only below which the demand for variety i is positive: ci>0 for pi<p~i.

The consumer’s demand originating from Rs (s=1,2,3) for a M good produced in Rr (r=1,2,3), dropping the subscript i because of symmetric firm behaviour (a typical assumption of NEG models), is: crs=max[0,a(b+cN)prs+cPs], where prs is the price of a M good produced in Rr and consumed in Rs; and:(3) Ps=3k=1Nkpks=3k=1λkEpks(3) is the price index in Rs. As before crs>0 if and only if prs<p~s=(a+cPs/b+cN). Taking into account that workers are equally spread across the regions, L1=L2=L3=L/3, with segmented markets, the operating profit of a representative firm located in Rr (r=1,2,3), denoted by πr, is:(4) πr=3s=1(prsTrs)qrsL3+λsE.(4) where qrs is the quantity produced by a firm located in region Rr and brought to the market in region Rs. In a short-run equilibrium, demand is equal to supply in each segmented market (labelled r,s=1,2,3): crs=qrs. Recalling that N=E and that firms consider the price index as given, profit maximization implies:(5) prs=a+cPs+Trs(b+cE)2(b+cE)=12(p~s+Trs)ifTrs<p~sp~sifTrsp~s,(5) which is the price that a firm located in Rr quotes in the market s, with r,s=1,2,3 and p~s=(a+cPs/b+cE). Moreover, we assume prr>0.

Using the demand function and the price solutions, we can write:(6) qrs=(b+cE)(prsTrs)ifTrs<p~s0ifTrsp~s,(6) which is the quantity that a firm located in Rr sells in Rs, with r,s=1,2,3. According to (5) and (6), if a firm located in Rr quotes in the market of Rs a price larger or equal than the cut-off price p~s (i.e., a price which is above the maximum reservation price consumers living in Rs are prepared to pay for a positive quantity of a M variety), the export from Rr to Rs is zero. The boundary conditions for trade, as reported in these expressions, are crucial to determine the patterns of trade between the regions, as we shall see in the analysis below.

The indirect utility for an r entrepreneur is:(7) Vr=Sr+πr+CA¯,(7) where Sr is the surplus enjoyed by an r entrepreneur as a consumer:(8) Sr=a2E2b+b+cE23s=1λsEpsr2aPrc2Pr2.(8) and where the operating profit πr also represents the income of an r entrepreneur.

Trade network structures

From the above discussion, the occurrence of trade between regions depends on trade costs. Above a threshold the price quoted by foreign firms is too high and exports cannot take place. It follows that the trade network structure is strongly affected by trade costs and by the spatial distribution of industry. In this subsection, we make explicit the conditions for trade between the three regions and verify that not all network structures are possible given the chosen trade costs configuration (T13=T23=TEXT12=TU).

Considering the three regions, R1, R2 and R3, the existence of a trade link from one of them, labelled Rr, to a second one, labelled Rs, depends on trade costs and on competition in the local market originating both from local and foreign firms. The latter is affected by the existence or absence of another link from the third region, labelled Rk, to Rs, with r,s,k=1,2,3 and rsk. If such a link is absent, r firms (i.e., those located in Rr) only face competition from the local s firms (i.e., those located in Rs); instead, if it is present, r firms face competition also from k firms (i.e., those located in Rk) exporting to Rs. In general (see expressions (5) and (6)), the condition for trade (respectively no trade) from Rr to Rs is:Trs<()p~s=2pss.When trade costs are too high for a link from Rk to Rs (Tsk2pss), the condition for trade (no trade) from Rr to Rs becomes:(9) Trs<()2a2b+cλsEorλs<()2(abTrs)cETrsfor r,s=1,2 and k=3.(9)

Moreover, since TEXTU, for all other r, s and k a link from Rr to Rs cannot occur. When such a link does not exist the price quoted by s firms in the local market is:pss=a2b+cλsE.Instead, when it exists, the local price in Rs is:pss=a+(Trs/2)cλrE2b+c(λr+λs)E.

When trade costs allow for a link from Rk to Rs (Tsk<2pss), the condition for trade (no trade) from Rr to Rs becomes:(10) Trs<()2a+cEλkTsk2b+c(λs+λk)Eorλs<()2(abTrs)cETrs+TskTrsTrsλkfor r=3 and s,k=1,2.(10) Moreover, since TEXTU, for all other r, s and k a link from Rr to Rs always occur. When such a link does not exist the price fixed locally by s firms is:pss=a+(Tsk/2)cλkE2b+c(λs+λk)E.Instead, when it exists, the local price in Rs is:pss=a+((Trs/2)λr+(Tsk/2)λk)cE2b+cE.From (10), it follows that the condition for trade (no trade) from Rr and Rs is less (more) stringent, the smaller are λs, λk (therefore, the larger is λr) and Trs and the larger is Tsk. That is, trade (no trade) from Rr to Rs is more (less) likely the less competitive is the market in Rs (where now the degree of competition is also determined by the number of k firms selling in that market), the closer are regions Rr and Rs and the farther away are regions Rs and Rk.

Combining conditions (9) and (10) (as shown in Commendatore, Kubin, & Sushko, Citation2018c), the possible trade network structures (NS) are numbered 18 (), grouped into 10 types (which are isomorphic) and named according to the terminology of social network analysis (SNA).Footnote5

Figure 1. Trade network structures.

Figure 1. Trade network structures.

According to , when the network structure NS1 (empty graph, in the terminology of SNA) prevails, there are zero trade links (full autarky case); there is only one trade link in the two network structures NS2 (single edge) (NS21, NS22): one-way (or unilateral) trade from Rr to Rs, where r,s=1,2 and rs; in the network structure NS3 (mutual edge), there are two trade links corresponding to two-way (or bilateral) trade between R1 and R2; when one of the three network structures NS4 (in star) (NS41, NS42, NS43) prevails, there are two links involving all three regions: one-way trade from Rr to Rs and from Rk to Rs, where r,s,k=1,2,3 and rsk; in the two network structures NS5 (mutual edge + in) (NS51, NS52) there are three links: two-way trade between Rr and Rs and one-way trade from Rk to Rr, where r,s=1,2, k=3 and rs; we have three links also in the two networks structures NS6 (transitive) (NS61, NS62): one-way trade from Rr to Rs, Rr to Rk and Rs to Rk, where r,s=1,2, k=3 and rs; there are four trade links when one of the three network structures NS7 (mutual edge + double in) (NS71, NS72, NS73) prevails: one-way trade from Rr to Rs and from Rr to Rk and bilateral trade between Rs and Rk, where r,s,k=1,2,3 and rsk; also four links exist in the network structure NS8 (mutual edge + double out): two-way trade between R1 and R2, one-way trade from R1 to R3 and from R2 to R3; five links characterize the two network structures NS9 (almost complete graph) (NS91, NS92): two-way trade between Rr and Rs and Rs and Rk and one-way trade from Rr to Rk, where r,s=1,2, k=3 and rs; finally, when the network structure NS10 (complete graph) prevails, all regions are engaged in mutual trade.

Note that in the special case TU=TE, only trade network structures symmetric with respect to all three regions (i.e., with a symmetric number of links or with several isomorphic cases equal to three) can exist. These structures are only eight, grouped into four isomorphic cases (NS1, NS41, NS42, NS43, NS71, NS72, NS73, NS10).

Short-run solutions

To each trade network configuration – which depends on trade costs and the spatial distribution of entrepreneurs – corresponds a different set of short-run solutions. We cannot present here the whole set of solutions (but see Commendatore et al., Citation2018c). presents examples of possible combinations of trade costs giving rise to different trade network configurations. Here the combinations of λ1 and λ2 (after taking into account that λ3=1λ1λ2) that allow for a specific network configuration are represented by areas of the same colour. The lines A1, A2 and C correspond to the conditions in (9), that is, there is not an incoming trade link from a third region affecting the existence of a link between two regions; and the lines B1 and B2 correspond to the conditions in (10), that is, such an incoming link exists (however, notice that when TU=TEX, the two sets of conditions are identical). The lines are given as:(11) A1:{(λ1,λ2):λ1=λ~};A2:{(λ1,λ2):λ2=λ~};B1:{(λ1,λ2):λ1=λ¯θλ2};B2:{(λ1,λ2):λ2=λ¯θλ1};C:{(λ1,λ2):λ1=1λ¯λ2};(11) where:λ¯=2(abTEX)cETEX,λ~=2(abTU)cETUandθ=TEXTUTEX.

Figure 2. Examples of possible configurations of trade costs giving rise to different trade network configurations. Here a=b=c=1/3, E=10 and TU=TEX=0.325 in (a); TU=0.325 and TEX=0.37 in (b); TU=0.325 and TEX=0.45 in (c); and TU=0.25 and TEX=0.45 in (d).

Figure 2. Examples of possible configurations of trade costs giving rise to different trade network configurations. Here a=b=c=1/3, E=10 and TU=TEX=0.325 in (a); TU=0.325 and TEX=0.37 in (b); TU=0.325 and TEX=0.45 in (c); and TU=0.25 and TEX=0.45 in (d).

The lines A1 and A2 only involve R1 and R2; instead, the lines B1, B2 and C also involve R3. Moreover, trade is allowed (not allowed) on the left (right) of A1 and B1, below (above) A2 and B2 and above (below) C.Footnote6 Therefore, the crossing of these borders determine changes in the trade network structure.

We now look more in detail , where the different panels involve different trade costs combinations and show the corresponding trade network configurations (a number x in an area indicates the trade network structure NSx). These trade costs combinations are chosen in order that some trade always occur. In (a), TU=TEX, only symmetric trade network structures exist (NS4, NS7 and NS10). By increasing TEX, a larger variety of trade network structures become possible (NS3, NS4, NS5, NS6, NS7, NS8 and NS9), which also involve more asymmetric structures, that is, NS5, NS6 and NS8 (notice, however, that symmetry between regions R1 and R2 is kept). Given the longer distance between the Union and the exiting region, NS10 cannot occur anymore substituted by less connected trade network structures (NS3,NS8 and NS9). Similarly, the areas corresponding to trade networks NS7 shrunk, replaced by the less connected network structures NS5 and NS6. By increasing further TEX, as in (c), this pattern – less connected network structures substituting more connected ones – is confirmed as the NS7 and NS8 areas shrink and the NS6 and NS3 areas expand. This is also emphasized by the emergence of the NS2 areas that replace points belonging to NS4, NS6 and NS7 areas.Footnote7 Finally, (d) considers a strong reduction of TU keeping TEX, as in (c). We notice that the NS3 and NS8 areas expand substantially, a consequence of the closer distance between R1 and R2; and that there is only one NS7 area corresponding to the case of bilateral trade between R1 and R2 and one-way trade from R3 to R1 and from R3 to R2 (NS73), the other two replaced by points belonging to NS6 areas (i.e., by NS61 or NS621, with the loss of a trade link from R3 to R1 or from R3 to R2).

Finally, note that the borders and vertices of the triangles in represent special cases. On each border firms are located in only two regions, whereas the third region is empty, and on a vertex (the crossing of two borders) all industry is agglomerated in one region. Therefore, some of the outward links (involving exporting firms) that may occur in a neighbourhood of a point on a border or of a vertex (where all the industry shares are positive) are necessarily absent in those points without industry.


In the long run, entrepreneurs are free to move across the regions. The migration hypothesis – which is framed in discrete time – is based on the idea that entrepreneurs move in another region, if they can enjoy in the new location a higher indirect utility. Taking into account that λ3=1λ1λ2, the indirect utilities can be expressed as functions of the shares of entrepreneurs located in R1 and R2, that is, Vr(λ1,λ2), r=1,2,3. The following equation is at the centre of the migration law:(12) Fr(λ1,λ2)=λr(1+γΩr(λ1,λ2))(12) where:Ωr(λ1,λ2)=Vr(λ1,λ2)[λ1V1(λ1,λ2)+λ2V2(λ1,λ2)+(1λ1λ2)V3(λ1,λ2)]λ1V1(λ1,λ2)+λ2V2(λ1,λ2)+(1λ1λ2)V3(λ1,λ2).According to (12) – which resembles the replicator dynamics – entrepreneurial migration depends on the difference between the indirect utility enjoyed in region Rr (see equation 7) and the weighted average of the indirect utilities in all three regions. The parameter γ>0 represents the migration speed.

Taking into account the obvious constraint on the shares (i.e., they must belong to the interval [0, 1]), the change in the spatial distribution of entrepreneurs (from a short-run allocation (λ1,λ2) to the next one (Z1(λ1,λ2),Z2(λ1,λ2))), can be described by a two-dimensional (2D) piecewise smooth map Z:R2R2 defined as follows:(13) Z:(λ1,λ2)(Z1(λ1,λ2),Z2(λ1,λ2)),(13) where:Zr(λ1,λ2)=0ifFr0,FrifFr>0,Fs>0,Fr+Fs<1,FrFr+FsifFr>0,Fs>0,Fr+Fs1,Fr1FsifFr>0,Fs0,Fr+Fs<1,1ifFr>0,Fs0,Fr+Fs1,with r=1,s=2 for Z1(λ1,λ2) and r=2,s=1 for Z2(λ1,λ2).

The following properties of map Z, which are useful to identify its fixed points (corresponding to the stationary long-run equilibria of the model), follow from its definition:

Property 1. In the (λ1,λ2)-phase plane, any trajectory of map Z is trapped in a triangle denoted S, whose sides or borders Ibi, i=1,2,3, are invariant lines of map Z:(14) Ib1={(λ1,λ2):λ2=0},Ib2={(λ1,λ2):λ1=0},Ib3={(λ1,λ2):λ2=1λ1}.(14)

Property 2. Z is symmetric with respect to the diagonal D={(λ1,λ2):λ1=λ2}, which is invariant for Z.Footnote8

Property 3. The vertices of S are core–periphery (CP) fixed points:(15) CP0:(λ1,λ2)=(0,0),CP1:(λ1,λ2)=(1,0),CP2:(λ1,λ2)=(0,1),(15) corresponding to full agglomeration of the industrial activity, with all the entrepreneurs located in only one region.

Property 4. Any interior fixed point of Z, if it exists, is given by intersection of the curves:(16) Ω1={(λ1,λ2):Ω1(λ1,λ2)=0}andΩ2={(λ1,λ2):Ω2(λ1,λ2)=0}.(16) An interior equilibrium is characterized by positive shares of entrepreneurs in all regions.

Property 5. Any border fixed point belonging to Ibi, i=1,2, if it exists, is an intersection point of Ωi and Ibi, while any border fixed point belonging to Ib3 is an intersection point of Ω1, Ω2 and Ib3. A border equilibrium is characterized by positive shares of entrepreneurs in two regions and no entrepreneurs in the third one.

We denote an interior symmetric fixed point by IS: (λ1,λ2)=(1/3,1/3)D, and an interior asymmetric fixed point by IA: (λ1,λ2)=(λIA,λIA)D, with λIA1/3. The border symmetric / asymmetric fixed points are denoted by BSi/BAiIbi, i=1,2,3. In case of coexisting fixed points of the same type, we use additional labels. Note that a border symmetric equilibrium is such that, when positive, the two shares are equal to 0.5. For TEXTU, map Z has only one border symmetric equilibrium, BS3:(λ1,λ2)=(1/2,1/2)Ib3.

Besides the borders Ibi of the triangle S, map Z changes its definition along five more borders (which, depending on the parameters, may or may not intersect the triangle S) that are given in (11), and the crossing of which determine a change in the network structure.

To investigate how the dynamics of map Z depends on the parameters TEX, TU and L, we fix in our simulations:(17) a=b=c=13,CA¯=1,γ=10,E=10(17) and consider first the bifurcation structure of the (TEX,L) parameter plane for TU=0.325, then of the (TEX,TU) parameter plane for L=20.

(a) presents a 2D bifurcation diagram in the (TEX,L) parameter plane for TU=0.325. It summarizes all possible long-term dynamic behaviour involving map Z. To produce this 2D bifurcation diagram, we started by using only one initial condition (one initial distribution of entrepreneurs across space) identifying within the (TEX,L) parameter plane all the attractors for that given initial condition. After running several simulations, we discovered within the same (TEX,L) parameter plane other attractors corresponding to different initial conditions. The coexistence of more than one attractor, that is, a long-run state of the industrial distribution of the economic activity across space, is a typical result of NEG models that, in our context, is strengthened by the increase in the number of regions. The presence of different attractors (each with a different basin of attraction, i.e., the set of initial conditions that converge to that attractor) may lead to different long-run outcomes depending on the initial distribution of entrepreneurs. In order to highlight this finding, (a) also indicates these coexisting attractors. In particular, the region denoted by CP012 is related to coexisting attracting CP fixed points CP0, CP1, CP2; the regions BA12 and BS3 to the border fixed points BA1, BA2 and BS3, respectively; the regions denoted by IA and IA (shown in red)Footnote9 is related to one (or two coexisting) attracting interior fixed point(s); the regions denoted by two, three and four (shown in green, light blue and magenta) are associated with attracting two-, three- and four-cycle, respectively; the region denoted by M (shown in pink) corresponds either to a so-called Milnor attractorFootnote10 on the border Ib3 or to the M-attractingFootnote11 fixed points CP1 and CP2. All regions are separated by boundaries related to various bifurcations at which the stability properties, the number or the qualitative properties of attractors (stationary equilibria, of higher periodicity or even chaotic) may change.Footnote12 The one-dimensional (1D) bifurcation diagrams in (b) and (c), plotting, respectively, λ1 and λ2 versus TEX for L=20 (see the horizontal arrow in (a)) illustrates these coexisting attractors. It shows only the (stable) fixed points; the grey vertical lines help to visualize the different borders (which are also present in (a)) crossing which a specific fixed point loses stability or disappears (below we discuss the different types of bifurcations induced by the presence of borders): for example, for TEX<BTCP0 six – locally stable – fixed points coexist, namely three CP fixed points CP0, CP1, CP2; two asymmetric border fixed points BA1 and BA2; and one border symmetric fixed point BS3. At TEX=BTCP0, CP0 loses stability via a Border transcritical bifurcation; and the number of coexisting fixed point is reduced to five. Each coexisting fixed point has a specific basin of attraction. Examples of attractors and their basins are presented in , and , where attracting, repelling and saddle fixed points are marked by black, white and grey circles, respectively; the curves Ωi, i=1,2, given in (16), as well as the border lines Ai, Bi and C defined in (11) are also shown.

Figure 3. (a) Bifurcation structure of the (TEX,L) parameter plane of map Z at TU=0.325; (b, c) corresponding one-dimensional bifurcation diagrams of λ1 and λ2 versus TEX plotted for L=20 and 0.325<TEX<0.46 (see the arrow indicated in (a) in correspondence of that value of L) presenting only the stable fixed points. All the other parameters are fixed as in (17).

Figure 3. (a) Bifurcation structure of the (TEX,L) parameter plane of map Z at TU=0.325; (b, c) corresponding one-dimensional bifurcation diagrams of λ1 and λ2 versus TEX plotted for L=20 and 0.325<TEX<0.46 (see the arrow indicated in (a) in correspondence of that value of L) presenting only the stable fixed points. All the other parameters are fixed as in (17).

Splitting of the integration area: phase 1

In this subsection, we study the consequences of one of the regions, R3, separating from the other two, R1and R2. This corresponds to an increase in TEX for a given TU. As an NEG perspective suggests (e.g., Baldwin et al., Citation2003), two are the most likely prior scenarios, depending on the interplay between trade costs, local competition and local demand. In the first scenario, the immobile component of demand, L, is not too large compared with the mobile component, E (i.e., we set L=20, which is only twice E=10); the economy is well integrated and NEG models typically predict agglomeration of economic activity. In the second scenario, local market sizes are bigger (we set L=30, which is three times E=10) and NEG models suggest an equal distribution of economic activity.Footnote13 In the following, we first describe how stability properties of equilibria and dynamics are affected by changing the relevant parameters; and then we provide an economic interpretation of the results.

Starting from the first scenario, we fix L=20 and increase TEX beginning from TEX=TU=0.325. As shown in (a), for such parameter values there are six coexisting attracting fixed points: the CP equilibria CP0, CP1, and CP2 and the symmetric border equilibria BS1, BS2 and BS3. The basins of attraction of the CP equilibria (coloured differently, respectively in red, blue and green) are relatively small, whereas those of the symmetric border equilibria (coloured differently, respectively in brown, light blue and Ceylon yellow) are relatively large. By increasing TEX at first CP0 loses stability and the attracting fixed points are reduced to five: CP1, CP2, BA1, BA2 and BS3 ((b), where TEX=0.35; note also that BA1 and BA2 are now only symmetric with respect to each other). Increasing further TEX the interior asymmetric fixed point IA ((b)) hits the border B (i.e., the intersection of the lines B1 and B2 in ; see also (a)) and gains stability. For a larger TEX also CP1 and CP2 lose stability and after this sequence of bifurcations map Z has four coexisting attracting fixed points: BA1, BA2, BS3 and IA ((c), where TEX=0.38). Finally, by further increasing TEX, also the fixed point BS3 loses its stability merging with the unstable fixed point IA so that only three attractors are left: the fixed points BA1, BA2 and IA ((d), where TEX=0.45).Footnote14

Figure 4. Basins of coexisting attracting fixed points of map Z for TU=0.325, L=20 and TEX=0.325 in (a); TEX=0.35 in (b); TEX=0.38 in (c); and TEX=0.45 in (d). The related parameter points are marked in (a) by black circles along the arrowed line drawn at L=20. The other parameters are fixed as in (17).

Figure 4. Basins of coexisting attracting fixed points of map Z for TU=0.325, L=20 and TEX=0.325 in (a); TEX=0.35 in (b); TEX=0.38 in (c); and TEX=0.45 in (d). The related parameter points are marked in Figure 3(a) by black circles along the arrowed line drawn at L=20. The other parameters are fixed as in (17).

In (a) we have chosen parameter values according to the first scenario mentioned above: the interior symmetric fixed point, IS, is unstable and the possible constellations of equilibria prior the splitting of the integration area involve full or partial agglomeration. (a) allows one to determine the respective trade patterns. The consequences of a soft separation (involving a small change of TEX) on industry location can be seen by comparing (a) with (b); comparing (a) with (d) reveals the consequences of a hard separation (involving a large change of TEX) on industry location; the corresponding trade patterns are found in (c):

  • First consider the situation before separation where industry is agglomerated in only one region, that is, one of the CP fixed points CP0, CP1, CP2 in (a) prevails. The trade structure is of the NS7 type, that is, the industrialized core exports to both peripheral regions (whose reciprocal trade cannot occur since industry is absent). If the core was in the Union (i.e., in CP1 or CP2), this state may continue after a mild separation (analogous to the soft Brexit scenario), as shown in (b), but notice the smaller basins of attraction of CP1 and CP2. With a sufficiently big shock or if the core was in CP0, that is, located in the leaving region R3, BA1 or BA2 will be the long-run outcome: some firms leave the industrialized core and move to one of the other regions, although it is now more distant (because of the higher trade costs), in order to gain market access. In fact, firms’ relocation replaces the export link and the trade pattern changes to the NS4 type; the former core region and the newly industrialized region export to the remaining peripheral region. (d) shows the situation after a substantial separation (as in a hard Brexit scenario). If the core was located in the Union (in CP1 or CP2) and in the absence of large shocks (notice the smaller basins of attraction of BA1 and BA2), the long-run configuration that we have just discussed also applies in this case of a hard separation. However, if the shocks are large or if the core was located in the leaving region R3, a hard separation may induce firms, that leave the industrialized core, to move to both other regions. The equilibrium will be IA, and the trade pattern changes to the NS3 type, where only the two regions in the Union trade with each other. If the core was in region R3, firm relocation (following market access) substitutes export links (that now involve higher trade costs) and R3 changes from being the only exporting region to autarkic region. Interestingly, if the core was in the Union, firm relocation to the peripheral region within the Union does not destroy the trade link (that has unchanged trade costs).

  • Alternatively, consider a situation before separation where industry is partly agglomerated in two regions, that is, one of the symmetric border equilibria BS1, BS2 and BS3 prevails ((a)). The trade network is of type NS4 and involves only exports from the two industrialized towards the peripheral region. If R3 is one of the industrialized region, a soft separation ((b)) induces some R3 firms to move to the Union’s industrialized region (in order to gain market access). Thus, the border equilibria BA1 and BA2 become increasingly asymmetric; in addition, their basin of attraction increases. The same applies in the case of a hard separation ((d)), but now BA1 and BA2 have a reduced basin of attraction. Instead, if industry was only located within the Union, a soft separation does not induce firm relocation and BS3 prevails ((b)), though it has a smaller basin of attraction. In all these cases, trade patterns continue to be of the NS4 type. With large shocks or if industry was only located within the Union, a hard separation ((d)) will push the economy to IA and some firms will move from the two industrialized regions to the periphery. Note that firm relocations destroy again export links between the Union and the leaving region (that involve increased trade costs) and trade networks are of the NS3 type. The incentives for firm relocation are worth noticing. If industry was located only within the Union, after a hard separation some firms leave the Union in order to locate in R3, where they find less competition. The larger TEX the stronger this incentive becomes. If instead the peripheral region was in the Union, it attracts industry both from the leaving region R3 because it provides access to the Union market, and from the Union’s industrialized region, because the overall market is now smaller (since R3 is more difficult to be reached and has less firms) and it is no longer sufficient to sustain agglomeration within the Union.

To sum up: before the splitting, the Union was well integrated and – corresponding to an NEG logic – agglomeration in one or two regions was a very likely outcome. With a soft separation, CP outcomes become less likely, as well as agglomeration in the two regions in the Union. With a hard separation, the equilibrium IA, in which industry is located in all three regions, becomes more likely. Thus, with a hard separation, peripheral regions that did not have industry can attract firms. Note that only the two regions in the Union trade, whereas R3 becomes autarkic.

Considering the second scenario before the splitting of the integration area, we assume L=30. In this scenario, markets are larger and trade costs are not sufficiently low to make the Union a well-integrated area. NEG models predict dispersion of economic activity. Indeed, (a) illustrates that for TEX=TU=0.325, the map Z has a unique attractor, which is the interior symmetric fixed point IS.Footnote15 (a) shows that when L is sufficiently large, the bifurcation structure becomes quite complicated involving attracting cycles of different periods (given that the value of γ is sufficiently large).

Figure 5. Attractors of map Z for TU=0.325, L=30 and TEX=0.325 in (a); TEX=0.37 in (b); and TEX=0.4 in (c). The other parameters are fixed as in (17).

Figure 5. Attractors of map Z for TU=0.325, L=30 and TEX=0.325 in (a); TEX=0.37 in (b); and TEX=0.4 in (c). The other parameters are fixed as in (17).

Interestingly, separation, that is, increasing TEX, does not destroy the symmetry between the two regions remaining in the Union, that is, λ1=λ2=λD holds along the long-period attractor. We exploit this property and focus on the dynamics of the 1D map, which is a restriction of map Z to the diagonal. This will allow for a neater description of the bifurcation sequence occurring by increasing TEX. These bifurcations – illustrated in the 1D bifurcation diagram of λ1 versus TEX for λ1=λ2 and TU<TEX<0.4 presented in – affect not only industry location but also trade patterns (which can be determined using the lines A, B and C, which correspond, respectively, to the intersections between the lines A1 and A2, B1 and B2 and the line C and the diagonal line).

Figure 6. One-dimensional (1D) bifurcation diagram λ1 versus TEX of a 1D map which is a restriction of map Z to the diagonal λ1=λ2; here L=30 and TU<TEX<0.4 (see the horizontal arrow drawn at L=30 in (a)). All the other parameters are fixed as in (17).

Figure 6. One-dimensional (1D) bifurcation diagram λ1 versus TEX of a 1D map which is a restriction of map Z to the diagonal λ1=λ2; here L=30 and TU<TEX<0.4 (see the horizontal arrow drawn at L=30 in Figure 3(a)). All the other parameters are fixed as in (17).

As one can see in , with a moderate increase in TEX, the interior fixed point IA remains stable. Such a soft separation increases the incentive for firms to leave the Union and to move to region R3 (where they are sheltered from competition). In the situation before separation and for a moderated increase in TEX, λD lies between the B and C lines; this corresponds to NS10 and we observe a full trade network.

When IA collides with the border C, a bifurcation occurs,Footnote16 after which IA has lost stability and the economy fluctuates between two points, corresponding to the dark dots (in the printed version of the paper) or to the yellow dots (in the online version of the paper) close to IA in (b), which still belong to the diagonal ((b), where TEX=0.37). That is, the unique attractor of Z is a cycle of period 2 (or two-cycle). We denote these two points belonging to the two-cycle by λD0 and λD1, with λD0>λD1. λD0 continues to lie in NS10, whereas λD1 lies below the C line in the NS7 area: the Union’s regions R1 and R2 trade with each other and R3 exports to them; however, the regions in the Union do not export to R3, since a low λD1 translates into a high number of firms in R3 and to an intense competition. Then this cycle of period 2 collides with the border B. This collision does not lead to a qualitative change in the industry location (i.e., a persistence border collision occurs); trade patterns, however, do change. First, λD0 crosses the B line and enters the area corresponding to NS8. The regions in the Union R1 and R2 are still trading with each other. Given the high value of λD0 and the corresponding high (low) number of firms in the Union (R3), competition is high in the regions in the Union, but low in R3; exporting to R3 is attractive for firms located in regions in the Union, but exporting to the Union is not attractive for firms in R3. λD1 continues to involve NS7. Next change in the trade pattern occurs when λD1 crosses the B line and enters the area corresponding to NS3, implying that region R3 is autarkic and does not trade at all – given TEX, λD1 is in an intermediate range where there is no incentive for trade between R3 and regions in the Union. The latter continue to trade with each other and λD0 remains in the area associated with NS8. Thus, over the cycle of period 2, which involves a switch between a high and a low number of firms within the Union, R1and R2 always trade with each other; they export to R3 only in every other period, that is, in the period in which the number of firms (and thus competition) is low in R3. However, the pattern of exports from R3 to the Union’s regions changes markedly. Initially, R3 always exports to the regions in the Union; then, only in every other period, that is, in periods in which the number of firms (and thus competition) in the regions in the Union is low (and in R3 is high); and finally, they never export.

Further increasing TEX leads to a (flip) bifurcation of the two-cycle into an attracting cycle of period 4, a four-cycle: the economy fluctuates between four points, with now two of them in NS8 and two in NS3. The trade pattern does not change: R1 and R2 trade with each other; and they export to R3 only in two of the four periods. As the amplitude of the four-cycle increases, the fourth point enters in NS7: over the cycle, the regions in the Union always trade with each other, export to R3 in two periods, import from R3 in one period and do not trade with R3 in the last period.

By further increasing TEX the four-cycle collides with the border C leading to a four-cyclic or four-piece chaotic attractor (the economy starts to experience irregular fluctuations), which then undergoes a merging bifurcation giving rise to a two-cyclic or two-piece chaotic attractor. This attractor in its turn also undergoes a merging bifurcation and is transformed into a one-piece chaotic attractor ((c), where the middle grey points (in the printed version of the paper) or middle yellow points (in the online version of the paper) on the diagonal show a chaotic attractor for TEX=0.4). For most TEX values the (multi- or single piece) chaotic attractor lies in NS3 and NS8, thus continuing the trade pattern found for lower TEX values. When the amplitude of the chaotic cycle is sufficiently large (TEX is around 0.4), some of the points enter in NS4 (above line A), which involves no (bilateral) trade between the regions in the Union R1 and R2 and unilateral exports from the regions in the Union to R3. Thus, that cycle involves NS3, NS4 and NS8, implying that not only are the export links between the regions in the Union and R3 turned on and off, but also the bilateral trade links within the Union.Footnote17

Splitting of the integration area: phase 2

We now consider the hypothesis that after the splitting of the integration area, the Union integrates even more and R1 and R2 become closer. This corresponds to a reduction in TU for a given TEX, therefore we assume TEX>TU. As before, we study the dynamic properties of equilibria of different periodicity; we then discuss the economic meaning of the results. For reasons of space, we only consider the first prior separation scenario where L=20.

Below we comment a bifurcation sequence obtained by fixing TEX=0.45 and decreasing TU. Appendix A in the supplemental data online discusses in more detail the bifurcation structure of the (TEX,TU) parameter plane as reported in .

Figure 7. (a) Bifurcation structure of the (TEX,TU) parameter plane for L=20 and other parameters fixed as in (17). The phase portraits associated with parameter points marked by blue circles are shown in . (b–e) One-dimensional diagrams associated with the cross-sections marked by the arrows in (a) and related to TEX=0.36 and 0.1<TU<0.17 (b); TEX=0.39 and 0.25<TU<0.3 (c); TEX=0.45 and 0.316<TU<0.315 (d); and TEX=0.45 and 0<TU<0.35 (e). In particular, the 1D diagram λ1 versus TU related to a 1D restriction of map Z to the border Ib1 (the same dynamics occur for Ib2) is shown in (b, e) and to the border Ib3 in (c); and in (d) 1D diagram λ1 versus TU of map Z.

Figure 7. (a) Bifurcation structure of the (TEX,TU) parameter plane for L=20 and other parameters fixed as in (17). The phase portraits associated with parameter points marked by blue circles are shown in Figure 8. (b–e) One-dimensional diagrams associated with the cross-sections marked by the arrows in (a) and related to TEX=0.36 and 0.1<TU<0.17 (b); TEX=0.39 and 0.25<TU<0.3 (c); TEX=0.45 and 0.316<TU<0.315 (d); and TEX=0.45 and 0<TU<0.35 (e). In particular, the 1D diagram λ1 versus TU related to a 1D restriction of map Z to the border Ib1 (the same dynamics occur for Ib2) is shown in (b, e) and to the border Ib3 in (c); and in (d) 1D diagram λ1 versus TU of map Z.

Indeed, in our interpretation, we focused on two options: a soft separation (TEX=0.35) and a hard separation (TEX=0.45). The former did not destroy agglomeration patterns and looking at (a) confirms that a deeper integration within the Union may not bring major qualitative effects. Instead, a hard separation led to dispersion of industrial activity. Further integration within the Union will transform significantly this pattern and we analyse this case in more detail. We begin with the case shown in (d) (where L=20, TEX=0.45 and TU=0.325) and decrease TU, we discuss the most relevant points of the ensuing sequence of bifurcations (corresponding to the blue circles indicated in (a)). At the beginning, this sequence leads to two new interior attracting fixed points,Footnote18 IA1 and IA2, and to the stability loss of the interior equilibrium IA, after which map Z has four attractors: the border equilibria BA1 and BA2 as well as the interior equilibria IA1 and IA2 ((a), where TU=0.32). After, the attracting (IA1 and IA2) and the saddle interior equilibria (which are visible but not labelled in and (a)) merge in pairs and disappear,Footnote19 leaving only two stable equilibria, BA1 and BA2 ((b), where TU=0.25). By further decreasing TU the fixed points BA1 and BA2 undergo a flip bifurcation, so that attractors of Z are two two-cycles on the borders Ib1 and Ib2 ((c), where TU=0.186). These two-cycles then collide with the border C, leading to chaos, namely, to the two-cyclic chaotic attractors on the borders Ib1 and Ib2. At the same time, the fixed points CP1 and CP2 become attracting. In (d), drawn for TU=0.05, the basins of CP1 and CP2 are shown in green (dark grey) and dark blue (light grey), respectively.Footnote20

Figure 8. Coexisting attractors of map Z and their basins for TEX=0.45, L=20 and (a) TU=0.32, (b) TU=0.25, (c) TU=0.186 and (d) TU=0.05 (see the blue circles in (a)). The other parameters are fixed as in (17).

Figure 8. Coexisting attractors of map Z and their basins for TEX=0.45, L=20 and (a) TU=0.32, (b) TU=0.25, (c) TU=0.186 and (d) TU=0.05 (see the blue circles in Figure 7(a)). The other parameters are fixed as in (17).

Recall (see (d)) that a hard separation may lead to two different outcomes. The first possibility is the equilibrium IA, industry is located in all regions and the trade network structure is of the NS3 type, that is, bilateral between the regions in the Union, while R3 is autarkic. Alternatively, a hard separation may lead to BA1 or BA2, where industry is located in R3 and in only one of the regions in the Union (while the other is left peripheral and without industry) and trade involves only exports from the two industrialized regions towards the peripheral region within the Union (NS4).

All panels in start from a hard separation scenario (i.e., TEX=0.45); the panels depict an increasing internal integration (TU reduces from 0.32 to 0.05). Notice that in all panels IA has lost stability; thus, the Union’s deeper integration after a hard separation destabilizes the symmetric location of industry across the Union. Looking at (a), two additional results emerge. First, two new interior fixed points off the diagonal appear that introduce an asymmetry between the regions in the Union. They are located in area NS2, where only one-way trade occurs within the Union, from the more to the less industrialized region; R3 remains autarkic (as in IA). Second, the basins of attraction of these two equilibria show an intermingled structure, implying that it is difficult to predict which of the two regions will attract the larger industry share (this holds in particular for initial conditions close to BS3, in which the regions in the Union are almost symmetric). These additional new equilibria disappear for an even deeper integration within the Union.

The two other possible equilibria, BA1 and BA2, persist – first as fixed points coexisting with the new interior fixed points ((a)); then as the only fixed points ((b)); after they lose stability and are substituted first by cycles of period 2 ((c)) and finally by two-piece chaotic attractors that coexist with the stable CP1 and CP2 equilibria. (e), that focuses on BA1 (BA2 is symmetric), allows one to analyse these equilibria in more detail (recall that for the hard separation scenario depicted in (d), TEX=0.45 was assumed).

First, note that deeper integration within the Union will attract firms from region R3 to the industrialized region within the Union, its share in industry increases. Second, and most interestingly, the trade pattern changes as well, as can easily be seen from (e) (note that the A1 line is not relevant, since the equilibrium BA1 does not involve industry in R2): initially, for TU=0.325 ((d)) and TU=0.32 ((a)), λ1 was on the right of the B1 line and below the B2 line, corresponding to NS4 (involving one-way trade from the two industrialized regions to the peripheral region within the Union). Reducing TU, the trade pattern changes, once λ1 has crossed the B2 line and enters the area NS2 (TU=0.25, (b); see also (d)): the one-way trade from the industrialized region in the Union to the peripheral one continues, but R3 is autarkic and does not export anymore to the peripheral region. BA1 and BA2 lose stability and give rise to cyclical behaviour. In (c), the two-cycles do not collide yet with the border C and the trade pattern does not change: these cycles still involve only trade from R1 to R2 (in BA1) or from R2 to R1 (in BA2). As TU is further reduced, the period 2 cycles hit the border C. Some of the points of the ensuing two-piece chaotic attractor lie above the C border, thus in NS8. In these points, the share of firms located in R3 is sufficiently small that firms located in R1 find it profitable to export towards R3 as well.

Thus, if one of the regions in the Union is peripheral without industry, it will always import from the other region in the Union. R3 does not export to the industrialized region in the Union. With deeper integration in the Union, R3 will stop exporting to the peripheral region in the Union; it is autarkic for some values of TU, before it starts importing from the industrialized region in the Union. As shown in (d), other possible outcomes are CP1 and CP2, whose basins of attraction are intermingled, making the prediction of the long-run position more difficult the closer the initial condition is to CP0. In CP1 and CP2, the core, which is in the Union, exports to the other two regions.

In summary, deeper integration of the Union after a hard separation involves a loss of stability for the interior equilibrium IA. One interesting result is that the reduction in TU may destroy reciprocal trade within the Union. It also reduces the likelihood of R3 exporting towards the Union and increases that of non-trading or importing. Other interesting phenomena can emerge like cyclical or even chaotic behaviour, intermingled basins of attraction and unpredictability of long-run outcomes concerning the location of industry and the patterns of trade.


As many empirical studies suggest, Brexit will deeply affect Europe’s economic landscape, in particular firm location and trade patterns will change substantially with marked differences between the regions. Empirical studies treat these two dimensions as rather unrelated, whereas an NEG perspective suggests that they are intimately related. In this paper, taking inspiration from the Brexit issue, we fill a gap in the literature exploring the consequences of splitting an integration area or “Union”. To this purpose, we developed a three-region FE model with linear demand functions that allows an explicit analysis of changes in trade patterns. Given the notorious analytic complexity of multiregional NEG models, we primarily present simulation results.

In order to structure our analysis, we differentiated the two situations before separation that are quintessential from an NEG perspective. The relation between market size and trade costs was initially such that the Union was a well-integrated economic area. In that case, NEG models predict (partial or full) agglomeration of economic activity; indeed, we found four agglomeration patterns that are different from an economic point of view. We introduced the splitting of an integration area as an increase in trade cost towards the exiting region (whereas the trade costs remain fixed within the Union); and we differentiated between a soft and a hard separation (in analogy with the two Brexit options), the latter involving a more pronounced increase in trade costs. Our analysis suggests a reduction of trade between the Union and the leaving region, and an intensification of trade within the Union; in many cases firms relocate from the exiting region towards the Union in order to gain market access – in these cases, firm relocation replaces an export link. Remarkably, even a region that was peripheral before separation with no industry may gain industry after separation (being now a region offering access to the Union’s market as well as offering low local competition). In some cases, we also found firm relocation from within the Union to the exiting region, seeking shelter from the intensive competition within the Union.

Alternatively, the ante separation relation between market size and trade costs was initially such that the Union was less integrated. An NEG perspective suggests dispersion of economic activity and a full trade network, which we represented by our second parameter set. In that case, disintegration does only gradually affect industry location; all regions maintain industry, though asymmetries between the leaving and the remaining regions will develop (the latter maintain their symmetry). With a soft separation, the leaving region actually gains industry (firms seeking shelter from competition), the full trade network continues to exist. A harder separation involving a more pronounced increase in trade cost will destabilize the equilibrium and cyclical or chaotic patterns of industry location emerge. Most interesting, these changes in the number of firms and thus in the degree of local competition will also affect trade patterns: bilateral trade within the Union will persist; (unilateral) trade between the regions in the Union and the exiting region will only happen with low competition in the destination region (i.e., a low number of firms). With very high trade costs, firms in the exiting region will stop to export.

Finally, we studied the effects of a deeper integration within the Union after one of the regions has left the Union, starting from a scenario before separation where a well-integrated economic area displays agglomeration features. We find that deeper integration within the Union may actually reverse the effect of a hard separation on industry location, the peripheral region may again (partly or fully) lose their industry. Trade patterns, however, will continue to show a rather isolated position of the exiting region.

Economic disintegration will change trade costs implying corresponding changes in trade patterns and industry location. As a consequence, economic agents’ welfare will change accordingly, since the range of available commodities will vary together with their price (due to transport costs and more/less intense local competition), for the mobile factor – entrepreneurs – profit income changes as well. The overall effect is difficult to ascertain, and we leave this to further research. However, in many instances we found for the leaving region a reduction in trade, in the number of firms and thus in local competition. These factors – taken in isolation – reduce welfare in the leaving region, an aspect that deserves more attention in any discussions on situations of trade disintegration analogous to the Brexit case.


The authors thank the participants at The Economy as a Spatial Complex System (ESCoS-CICSE 2018) conference, Naples, Italy, and at workshops in Ancona (Italy), Nottingham (UK) and Urbino (Italy). I. Sushko thanks the University of Urbino for the hospitality experienced during her stay there as a visiting professor. I. Kubin thanks the University of Urbino and the University of Nottingham for their hospitality during her research stay.


No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Additional information


This work was supported by the WU Vienna University of Economics and Business and by the Austrian National Bank.


1 NUTS = Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics.

2 Our contribution is in the spirit of Oyama (Citation2009), where, in the context of a two-region FE model with isoelastic demand functions, asymmetric trade costs are introduced. Thus, trading between regions is more or less costly depending on the direction of trade.

3 That remoteness does not necessarily represent a disadvantage has been stressed also by Behrens, Gaigne, Ottaviano, and Thisse (Citation2006) in a two-country/four-region FE model. Their framework of analysis differs from that in this paper in some very relevant respects: (1) firms cannot move across all regions (their mobility being allowed only within a country); and (2) trade costs are sufficiently low to allow for bilateral trade between any pair of regions, so that only a unique trade network structure is possible, that is, the full trade network.

4 The assumption β>δ also ensures that the utility function (1) is strictly concave, which is needed for interior solutions to the utility maximization problem (see also Behrens, Citation2004, p. 89).

5 These network structures are known in the language of SNA as triads.

6 More in detail: crossing A1, if λ1(<)λ~, trade from R2 to R1 it is not allowed (it is allowed); crossing A2, if λ2(<)λ~, trade from R1 to R2 it is not allowed (it is allowed); crossing B1, if λ1(<)λ¯kλ2, trade from R3 to R1 it is not allowed (it is allowed); crossing B2, if λ2(<)λ¯kλ1, trade from R3 to R2 it is not allowed (it is allowed); and crossing C, if λ1(>)1λ¯λ2, trade from R1 to R3 and from R2 to R3 it is not allowed (it is allowed).

7 As would be expected, the transition from more to less connected network structures mostly involves the loss of links connecting the exiting region (R3) with one or both the regions in the Union (R1 and R2).

8 Property 2 implies that the phase portrait of map Z is symmetric with respect to D, that is, any invariant set A is either itself symmetric with respect to D or there exists one more invariant set A symmetric to A.

9 are in colour in the online version and are in greyscales in the printed version.

10 An attractor according to the topological definition is a closed invariant set with a dense orbit, which has a neighbourhood, each point of which is attracted to the attractor. An attractor in the Milnor sense (Milnor, Citation1985) does not require the existence of such a neighbourhood, but only a set of points of positive measure, attracted to the attractor.

11 For short, we say that an invariant set is M attractor if it is attracting in the Milnor sense, but not in a sense of the topological definition.

12 For example, the boundaries denoted by BT and F correspond to the so-called border-transcritical and fold bifurcations, respectively, which involve a change in the stability of the fixed points. The type of fixed point is indicated in the subscript.

13 Given the highly abstract nature of NEG models, it is always difficult to put numbers to the parameters and we do not claim to have calibrated our model. However, Eurostat (Citation2019b) reports that the percentage with a tertiary education of total employment is about 34% in the EU (ranging from almost 50% to a bit more than 20%). Thus, our ratios 1/3 (33%) and 1/4 (25%) appear to be in a reasonable range.

14 This bifurcation sequence can also be understood by looking at (a,b) in correspondence of L=20 and by increasing TEX starting from 0.325. We see that CP0 becomes unstable when the boundary BTCP0 is crossed, undergoing a border-transcritical bifurcation. IA becomes stable when TEX collides with B (not marked in the Figure), generating a border collision bifurcation (BCB) entering the region IA shown in red. Notice that at the same bifurcation point, a couple of new interior saddle fixed points are born. Finally, the fixed point BS3 loses its stability due to a border-transcritical bifurcation when the boundary BTBS3 is crossed.

15 Border fixed points have already lost their stability via a so-called flip bifurcation, so that on the borders of the triangle S there are saddle cycles (i.e., cycles stable only along one direction) of period 2. In (a), these unstable period 2 cycles are represented by dots (grey and orange or blue, respectively) around the corresponding border symmetric fixed point (BS1, BS2 and BS3); in (b), when TEX=0.37, the two-period cycles around BA1 and BA2 are replaced by two-piece 1D chaotic attractors on Ib1 and Ib2; and in (c), when TEX=0.4, by a one-piece 1D chaotic attractors on Ib1 and Ib2.

16 Specifically, a flip BCB takes place.

17 When TEX is increased even further, the attractor on the diagonal disappears (more precisely, it is transformed into a chaotic repellor) due to a contact with the border Ib3 (when the parameter point enters the pink region M in (a)) after which almost all the initial points of S are attracted to an M attractor belonging to Ib3 (a 1D chaotic attractor whose points are characterized by no industry in R3). This attractor eventually disappears due to a contact with the fixed points CP1 and CP2, so that they become M attracting. All industry is located in one region of the Union, R1or R2.

18 More specifically, considering the range 0.316<TU<0.325 represented in (d), a fold BCB gives rise to two couples of interior fixed points (see the label BCIAA) leading to two new interior attracting fixed points, IA1 and IA2, and two saddles; these saddles quite soon merge with the fixed point IA and this fixed point loses stability, that is, a reverse pitchfork bifurcation occurs. A maximum of four stable fixed points exists in this range.

19 This occurs via a reverse fold bifurcation (when the curve FIA is crossed, see also the label FIA in (d)).

20 More specifically, they become M attracting (see note 7 above). This is because the flat branches of the functions defining map Z ‘enter’ the triangle S. Evolution of the attractors on the borders Ib1 and Ib2 can be clarified by means of the 1D bifurcation diagram λ1 versus TU shown in (e) (recall that due to the symmetry of the map the same dynamics is observed on the border Ib2). In this diagram one can see that a contact of the two-cycle with the border C indeed leads to the two-cyclic chaotic attractor.


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