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Arrival of the international Team of English Boxing in Spain in 1911: boxing bans and clashes over bullfighting, regeneration and Europe

Pages 25-49 | Received 01 Dec 2019, Accepted 01 Jun 2020, Published online: 19 Jun 2020


This article explores the first exhibition tour of professional boxers in Spain in 1911. The scandal produced by their exhibition caused boxing to be banned in Madrid. After being abandoned in Madrid’s streets with no money, the boxers were required by the Barcelona sportsmen as great sports figures before returning to their home countries. Their vicissitudes allow us to understand, first, the conditions in which these international boxing troupes worked as pioneers of professional sports. In addition, it shows the development of the concept of sport in Spanish society, which was similar to that of other Mediterranean nations. The intellectual middle classes promoted sport as a tool for regeneration and democratisation. This progressive view clashed with the elitist and conservative beliefs held by the first sportsmen, arising from the high industrial class of Barcelona. Madrid’s economic and political elites also used the supposed violence of boxing to reject any Europeanisation and defend national traditions – specifically bullfighting. Through the study of this specific case, we can observe the interrelationships of social groups within their progressive integration into international sport networks developing at that time.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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25 Federico Bonet, ‘El Público de Barcelona y El Boxeo’, La Actualidad, August 8, 1911.

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27 T Sanz, ‘Eucaristía y Boxeo’, El País, June 21, 1911.

28 Ricardo Ruiz Ferry, ‘El Boxeo En Madrid’, El Heraldo de Madrid, July 3, 1911.

29 Rafael Cansinos-Asséns, Novela de Un Literato (Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1982), 226.

30 ‘Fiestas de Boxeo En Madrid’, El Liberal, June 18, 1911.

31 ‘El Boxeo En Madrid’, El Heraldo de Madrid, June 19, 1911.

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36 Jackson was accused of burglary in Paris at the time, according to a Paris newspaper (Le Journal, May 31, 1911).

37 ‘Boxe au cirque du Paris’, Figaro, Journal non politique, April 8, 1911.

38 ‘Boxe’, Paris-midi, March 1, 1911.

39 ‘Dixie Kid à l’Intrasigeant’, L’Intrasigeant, March 22, 1911.

40 The boxing database boxrec.com shows that Camille, Dixon, Harton and Schmidt had no other bouts in their career. Gould fought 16 times, Crozier participated in 17 bouts, Carl Wonders, later known as Louis Verger, fought 55 times and, after making his debut in Madrid, Mahir fought 33 times. As for Tommy Jackson, there is no evidence of his career by that name. Another black American boxer also active in Paris in those days, Kid Jackson, had a long career with 35 combats. http\\www.boxrec.com consulted on April 7, 2020.

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42 Julio de la Cueva Merino, ‘El Rey Católico’, in Alfonso XIII. Un Político En El Trono, ed. Javier Moreno Luzón (Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2003), 277–306.

43 Sanz, ‘Eucaristía y Boxeo’.

44 Sanz.

45 ‘El Boxeo En Madrid’, El País, June 21, 1911.

46 ‘Negro Porvenir’, El Correo Español, June 20, 1911, https://doi.org/10.5354/0719-0581.1992.18666.

47 ‘Debut de Los Boxeadores’, La Correspondencia de España, June 22, 1911.

48 ‘Debut de Los Boxeadores’.

49 Ricardo Ruiz Ferry, ‘En El Frontón Central’, El Heraldo de Madrid, June 25, 1911.

50 ‘Debut Del Team Internacional de Boxe Anglaise’, El País, June 25, 1911.

51 ‘Las Luchas de Anoche’, El Imparcial, June 25, 1911.

52 ‘El Boxeo En Madrid’, El Liberal, June 25, 1911.

53 ‘Debut de Los Boxeadores’, ABC, June 25, 1911.

54 ‘Los Boxeadores Del Frontón’, La Correspondencia de España, June 25, 1911.

55 ‘Los Boxeadores En El Frontón’, La Mañana, June 25, 1911.

56 Ricardo Ruiz Ferry, ‘El Boxeo de Espectáculo y El Boxeo Como Defensa Personal’, El Heraldo de Madrid, June 25, 1911.

57 Ricardo Ruiz Ferry, ‘El Boxeo En Madrid’, El Heraldo de Madrid, June 26, 1911.

58 ‘El Boxeo Inglés’, El País, June 26, 1911; ‘Combates de Boxeo’, ABC, June 26, 1911.

59 ‘El Boxeo Inglés’, La Correspondencia de España, June 27, 1911.

60 Ruiz Ferry, ‘El Boxeo En Madrid’, June 26, 1911.

61 Ruiz Ferry.

62 Shubert, Death and Money in the Afternoon: A History of the Spanish Bullfight.

63 ‘Se Acabó El Boxeo’, El País, June 27, 1911.

64 Pedro Mata, ‘El Boxeo Prohibido’, La Actualidad, July 4, 1911.

65 Antonio Zozaya, ‘Fiestas Crueles’, El Liberal, June 30, 1911.

66 Mata, ‘El Boxeo Prohibido’.

67 ‘Escobazos’, Vida Socialista, July 2, 1911.

68 A. Balbín, ‘Boxeo En España’, El Día, July 1, 1911.

69 ‘Jueves. El Boxeo’, El Fusil, July 1, 1911.

70 Ricardo Ruiz Ferry, ‘En, de, Por, Sin, Sobre El Boxeo’, El Heraldo de Madrid, July 10, 1911.

71 ‘El Campeonato de Lucha Greco-Romana En La Ciudad Lineal’, Gran Vida, July 1, 1911.

72 ‘Artistas Apurados’, El Heraldo de Madrid, June 30, 1911.

73 ‘Artistas Apurados’, El Heraldo de Madrid, July 4, 1911.

74 ‘Los Boxeadores Enflaquecen’, El País, July 5, 1911.

75 ‘El Fin de Un Calvario’, El Heraldo de Madrid, July 8, 1911.

76 ‘El Beneficio de Los Boxeadores’, El Heraldo de Madrid, July 12, 1911.

77 Ricardo Ruiz Ferry, ‘Fiesta Benéfica’, El Heraldo de Madrid, July 17, 1911.

78 Discóbolo, ‘El Campeón Negro Johnson Hará Demostraciones’, La Publicidad, July 22, 1911.

79 ‘El Boxeo, Autorizado’, La Publicidad, July 24, 1911.

80 ‘Notas Locales’, La Vanguardia, July 29, 1911.

81 Look, ‘Crónicas Del Aire Libre’, El Diluvio, August 2, 1911.

82 Dionisio Sánchez, ‘Boxeadores En Barcelona’, El Mundo Deportivo, August 3, 1911.

83 Look, ‘Fiesta Deportiva’, El Diluvio, August 5, 1911.

84 Bonet, ‘El Público de Barcelona y El Boxeo’.

85 Discóbolo, ‘Inauguración Del Spanish Athletic Club’, La Publicidad, October 19, 1911.

86 ‘Una Escuela de Boxeo En Barcelona’.

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Notes on contributors

Carlos García-Martí

Carlos García-Martí is a lecturer at the Universidad Europea de Madrid’s Faculty of Sport Science, where he teaches sports history, sociology and policies. He finished his PhD in the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid’s Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Science, and previously had studied sociology at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. His current interest include national sport cultures and playing styles, professional culture among athletes and coaches and the origins of physical culture, bodybuilding and the gym culture, and its relationship with professional athletes, strongmen, boxing and the different paths towards sports professionalism and its junction with class and race.

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