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The search for sustainability in financial markets: carbon bubbles, shifting tectonic paradigms, and natural capital coalitions



This article analyses the issues in the search for greater sustainability in financial markets. Presently one of the greatest challenges facing financial markets are the consequences of climate change. The impact of climate change is direct in financial markets with regard to the trillions of dollars of carbon assets that are now stranded in the ground, yet continue to appear as assets of resources companies. This carbon is stranded because of the commitment to reducing emissions in the Paris 2015 agreement. The approach to fossil fuels is undergoing a tectonic shift whereby investment is switching rapidly to renewable energy. Coalitions are forming around the need to maintain and support natural capital as the context for all wealth generation.


1 N Stern, Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change (2006), vi, http://mudancasclimaticas.cptec.inpe.br/~rmclima/pdfs/destaques/sternreview_report_complete.pdf (accessed 26 October 2016).

2 Ibid, iv.

3 Ibid, 23.

4 IPCC, Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability, Working Group II, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Conference of the Parties (Cambridge University Press, 2014), https://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar5/wg2/WGIIAR5-FrontMatterA_FINAL.pdf; United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Report of the Conference of the Parties on its Sixteenth Session, Held in Cancun, Mexico from 29 November – 10 December 2010, UN Doc FCCC/CP/2010/7/Add.1 (15 March 2011). Also see IPCC, Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis – Headline Statements from the Summary for Policymakers, Working Group I Contribution to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (IPCC, 27 September 2013); IPCC, RK Pachauri and A Reisinger (eds), Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report, Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Geneva, IPCC, 2007). http://ar5-syr.ipcc.ch/ipcc/ipcc/resources/pdf/IPCC_SynthesisReport.pdf (accessed 26 October 2016).

5 See UNFCCC, Copenhagen Accord, UN Doc FCCC/CP/2009/L.7 (18 December 2009), http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/2009/cop15/eng/l07.pdf (accessed 26 October 2016); see also “Why Did Copenhagen Fail to Deliver a Climate Deal?”, BBC News, 22 December 2009, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8426835.stm (accessed 26 October 2016).

6 UNFCCC, Adoption of the Paris Agreement, FCCC/CP/2015/L.9/Rev.1 (12 December 2015) (hereinafter Paris Agreement), http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/2015/cop21/eng/l09.pdf (accessed 26 October 2016).

7 Ibid, at 21.

8 Ibid.

9 See generally Centre for Climate Change and Energy Solutions, “Key Issues in Completing the Paris Climate Architecture, Centre for Climate Change and Energy Solutions”, 2016, http://www.c2es.org/docUploads/key-issues-completing-paris-climate-archetecture.pdf (accessed 26 October 2016).

10 T Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2012), 7.

11 M Carney, “Breaking the Tragedy of the Horizon – Climate Change and Financial Stability”, speech delivered at Lloyd's of London, 29 September 2015, http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/publications/Documents/speeches/2015/speech844.pdf (accessed 26 October 2016).

12 Risky Business, “The Economic Risks of Climate Change in the United States”, 2014, http://riskybusiness.org/ (accessed 26 October 2016).

14 Carney, supra n 11, 6.

15 Ibid.

16 Prudential Regulation Authority, The Impact of Climate Change on the UK Insurance Sector (Bank of England, September 2015), http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/pra/Documents/supervision/activities/pradefra0915.pdf (accessed 26 October 2016); MuichRe (2016), “Natural Catastrophes 2015: Analyses, Assessments, Positions, Munich Re”, https://www.munichre.com/site/corporate/get/documents_E1576427756/mr/assetpool.shared/Documents/0_Corporate%20Website/_Publications/302-08875_en.pdf (accessed 26 October 2016).

17 S Barker, “Directors’ Duties in the Anthropocene: Liability for Corporate Harm due to Inaction on Climate Change”, Corporate Law, Economics and Science Association paper, 2013, 9, http://www.clesa.net.au/blog/2015/1/14/directors-duties-in-the-anthropocene-liability-for-corporate-harm-due-to-inaction-on-climate-change (accessed 26 October 2016).

18 Ibid, 10.

19 L Godden, F Rochford, J Peel, L Caripis and R Carter, “Law, Governance and Risk: Deconstructing the Public-Private Divide in Climate Change Adaptation” (2013) 36(1) UNSW Law Journal 224, 235.

20 Ibid, 237.

21 Ibid, 255.

22 Barker, supra n 17, 10; J Peel, “Issues in Climate Change Litigation” (2011) 5(1) Carbon & Climate Law Review 15; J Peel and HM Osofsky, “Climate Change Litigation's Regulatory Pathways: A Comparative Analysis of the United States and Australia” (2013) 35(3) Law & Policy 150; J McDonald, “The Role of Law in Adapting to Climate Change” (2011) 2(2) Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 283; R Lord, S Goldberg, L Rajamani and J Brunnee (eds), Climate Change Liability: Transnational Law and Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2012), 67; R Agnew, “The End of the World as We Know It: The Advance of Climate Change from a Criminological Perspective”, in R White (ed), Climate Change from a Criminological Perspective (Springer, 2012), Chapter 2, 13–25.

23 Barker, supra n 17, 12.

24 American Bar Association (ABA) (2015), Task Force on Sustainable Development, Final Report, ABA. http://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/administrative/environment_energy_resources/resurces/final_sdtf_aba_annual_08-2015.authcheckdam.pdf (accessed 26 October 2016).

25 Carney, supra n 11, 14.

26 ABA, supra, 2.

27 SL Hart, “A Natural-Resource-Based View of the Firm” (1995) 20(4) Academy of Management Review 986; CIMA, Accounting for Natural Capital: The Elephant in the Boardroom (London, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, 2014), 6/7; Trucost, Natural Capital at Risk: The Top 100 Externalities of Business (London, Trucost, 2013).

28 Circle Economy, Circular Economy: A Key Lever in Bridging the Emissions Gap to a 1.5°C Pathway (28 June 2016), http://www.circle-economy.com/circular-economy/ (accessed 26 October 2016); European Commission, “Moving Towards a Circular Economy” (2015), http://ec.europa.eu/environment/circular-economy/index_en.htm (accessed 26 October 2016); World Economic Forum, Towards the Circular Economy: Accelerating the Scale-Up Across Global Supply Chains (2014), http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_ENV_TowardsCircularEconomy_Report_2014.pdf (accessed 26 October 2016).

29 European Commission, “Circular Economy Strategy” (2015), http://ec.europa.eu/smart-regulation/impact/planned_ia/docs/2015_env_065_env+_032_circular_economy_en.pdf (accessed 26 October 2016).

30 D Grayson and J Nelson, Corporate Responsibility Coalitions: The Past, Present, and Future of Alliances for Sustainable Capitalism (Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2013); J Nelson, Building Partnerships: Cooperation Between the United Nations System and the Private Sector (New York, United Nations Publications, 2002).

31 C Benoit and G Vickery-Niederman, “Social Sustainability Assessment Literature Review”, White Paper 102, Sustainability Consortium, Arizona State University and University of Arkansas, December 2010, http://www.sustainabilityconsortium.org/wp-content/themes/sustainability/assets/pdf/whitepapers/Social_Sustainability_Assessment.pdf (accessed 26 October 2016); RW Kolb, Encyclopaedia of Business Ethics and Society (Los Angeles, Sage, 2007), 458, cites a survey of the ILO that listed more than 400 sets of principles and codes aimed at ethical standards, corporate citizenship and responsibility, including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises; the Global Sullivan Principles of Corporate Responsibility; the Equator Principles; the Caux Principles; the CERES (Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies) and numerous others.

32 CDP, Out of the Starting Blocks: Tracking Progress on Corporate Climate Action, CDP (2016). https://b8f65cb373b1b7b15feb-c70d8ead6ced550b4d987d7c03fcdd1d.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/cms/reports/documents/000/001/228/original/CDP_Climate_Change_Report_2016.pdf?1477993118 (accessed 26 October 2016).

33 CDP/The Climate Group, “Unlocking Ambition” (2015), 3, https://www.theclimategroup.org/sites/default/files/archive/files/UNLOCKING-AMBITION.pdf.

34 Ibid.

35 Trucost, http://www.trucost.com/what-we-do (accessed 26 October 2016).

36 Trucost/TEEB, “Natural Capital at Risk: The Top 100 Externalities of Business” (2013), 3, http://www.trucost.com/published-research/99/natural-capital-at-risk-the-top-100-externalities-of-business (accessed 26 October 2016).

37 Ibid, 6.

38 Green Biz/Trucost, The State of Green Business 2015, https://www.greenbiz.com/microsite/state-green-business (accessed 26 October 2016).

39 J Bishop (ed), The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB, 2012), 3, http://www.teebweb.org/media/2012/01/TEEB-For-Business.pdf (accessed 26 October 2016). P Sukhdev, H Wittmer and D Miller, “The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: Challenges and Responses” (TEEB, 2014), http://www.teebweb.org/publication/teeb-challenges-responses/ (accessed 26 October 2016).

40 Sukhdev et al, supra n 39, 3.

41 Natural Capital Coalition, http://www.naturalcapitalcoalition.org/about/coalition-members.html (accessed 26 October 2016).

42 Natural Capital Coalition, http://www.naturalcapitalcoalition.org/about/the-ncc.html (accessed 26 October 2016).

43 CIMA, Accounting for Natural Capital: The Elephant in the Boardroom (London, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, 2014), 6/7, http://www.cimaglobal.com/Documents/Thought_leadership_docs/Sustainability%20and%20Climate%20Change/CIMA-accounting-for-natural-capital.pdf (accessed 26 October 2016); TRUCOST, “Capital Markets/Manage Investment Risk and Opportunity”, http://www.trucost.com/capital-markets/manage-investment-risk-identify-opportunity/ (accessed 26 October 2016).

44 Barker, supra n 17, 13.

45 Ibid.

46 Institute for Sustainability Leadership, The Value of Responsible Investment: The Moral, Financial, and Economic Case for Action (University of Cambridge, 2014), http://www.cisl.cam.ac.uk/publications/publication-pdfs/ilg-the-value-of-responsible-investment.pdf (accessed 26 October 2016).

47 UNEP, Fiduciary Duty in the 21st Century, 9, http://www.unepfi.org/fileadmin/documents/fiduciary_duty_21st_century.pdf (accessed 26 October 2016).

48 Ibid, 13.

49 AK Bjorklund, “Assessing the Effectiveness of Soft Law Instruments in International Investment Law”, in AK Bjorklund and A Reinisch (eds), International Investment Law and Soft Law (Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2012), 51–81, 51.

50 United Nations Human Rights, “A New World Record: Universal Declaration in 370 Languages”, http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/AnewworldrecordUDHR.aspx (accessed 26 October 2016).

51 The UNFCCC Warsaw agreement in 2013 discussed support for measures to address loss and damage. See http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/2013/cop19/eng/10a01.pdf (accessed 26 October 2016).

52 See Roe v Arch Coal Inc et al, Case: 4:15-cv-00910-NAB, United States District Court, Eastern District of Missouri, 9 June 2015 and Lynn v Peabody Energy Corporation et al, Case: 4:15-cv-00916-AGF, United States District Court, Eastern District of Missouri, 11 June 2015.

53 Carney, supra n 11, 9–10.

54 Carbon Tracker, Unburnable Carbon – Are the World's Financial Markets Carrying a Carbon Bubble? (2012), 4, http://www.carbontracker.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Unburnable-Carbon-Full-rev2-1.pdf (accessed 26 October 2016); Carbon Tracker, End of the Load for Coal and Gas? (2016), http://www.carbontracker.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/LCOE-report-v7.pdf (accessed 26 October 2016); J Rubin, The Carbon Bubble: What Happens to Us When It Bursts? (Canada, Random House, 2015).

55 Barker, supra n 17, 4.

56 Carney, supra n 11, 11.

57 Ibid.

58 T Houser, S Hsiang, R Kopp and K Larsen, Economic Risks of Climate Change: An American Prospectus (New York, Columbia University Press, 2015).

59 Risky Business, “A Climate Risk Assessment for the United States” (June 2014), 5. http://riskybusiness.org/site/assets/uploads/2015/09/RiskyBusiness_Report_WEB_09_08_14.pdf.

60 HM Paulson Jr, “The Coming Climate Crash: Lessons for Climate Change in the 2008 Recession”, New York Times, 21 June 2014, http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/22/opinion/sunday/lessons-for-climate-change-in-the-2008-recession.html? (accessed 26 October 2016).

61 Ibid.

62 UN Global Compact, “Guide for General Council on Corporate Sustainability” (2015), 10, https://www.unglobalcompact.org/library/1351 (accessed 26 October 2016).

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Notes on contributors

Thomas Clarke

Thomas Clarke, Professor of Corporate Governance, UTS Business, University of Technology Sydney. Email: [email protected]

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