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The political economy of growth corridors: commercialisation and agricultural change in eastern Africa’s seaboard

Agricultural corridors as ‘demonstration fields’: infrastructure, fairs and associations along the Beira and Nacala corridors of Mozambique

Pages 354-374 | Received 16 Apr 2019, Accepted 04 Mar 2020, Published online: 19 Mar 2020


In the past decade, the Mozambican government has been mobilizing international capital to build and renovate transport infrastructure in the central and northern areas of the country, with the aim of creating agricultural corridors. Based on field research conducted in two districts along the Beira and Nacala corridors, I examine those occasions when international capital and national agricultural policy meet smallholders in the implementation of agricultural projects. This article offers a performative analysis of the constitution of agricultural corridors. I argue that agricultural corridors emerge on those occasions when international funders and investors, national elites, local bureaucrats and smallholders overstate the success of agricultural projects and constitute what I have termed ‘demonstration fields’. Regardless of the implementation of blueprints, agricultural corridors gain spatial and temporal materiality from the performance of presenting agricultural projects as successful, such as at the unveiling of agro-related infrastructure, at agricultural fairs and on occasions involving smallholders’ associations.


I am grateful to colleagues Ian Scoones, Ngala Chome, Emmanuel Sulle and Jeremy Lind for their insights and comments in earlier drafts of this paper. I have also benefited from Anésio Manhiça, Ramah Mckay and Emídio Gune's comments and discussions with Lídia Cabral, with whom I conducted a stint of field research for this paper. This research was made possible through the DFID-funded Agricultural Policy Research in Africa programme of the Future Agricultures Consortium (https://www.future-agricultures.org/apra/).

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


1 Interview, Bernardo Augusto, public extension officer (Tica), Nhamatanda, Sofala, 28 March 2018.

2 Ibid.

3 Ibid.

4 See for example Mosley and Watson, “Frontier transformations”; Smalley, “Agricultural Growth Corridors;” Hartmann, “The Quest to Find SAGCOT”; and Stein and Kalina, “Becoming an Agricultural Growth Corridor”.

5 See for example Kaarhus, “Land, Investments and Public-Private Partnerships”; Selemane, A Economia Política do Corredor de Nacala; Elliott “Planning, property and plots”; Enns, “Infrastructure Projects and Rural Politics”; Kochore “The road to Kenya?”; Shankland and Gonçalves, “Imagining Agricultural Development”; Monjane and Bruna “Confronting agrarian authoritarism”. See also Chome, “Land, livelihoods and belonging” and Sulle, “Bureaucrats, investors and smallholders” (in this volume).

6 Tsing, “Inside the Economy of Appearances,” 118.

7 Li, “Compromising Power,” 309.

8 Baviskar, “Between Micro-Politics and Administrative Imperatives,” 38.

9 These insights were informed by conversations with Ramah McKay (October 2018), Anésio Manhiça (February 2019) and Jesse Ribot (June 2019).

10 Isaacman, “Cotton is the Mother of Poverty”; Adalima, “Changing Livelihoods in Micaúne”; Vail, “Mozambique’s Chartered Companies”; Chilundo, Os camponeses e os caminhos de ferro.

11 Fonseca, “Os Corredores de Desenvolvimento”.

12 AgDevCO, “Beira Agricultural Growth”; Funada-Classen, “Fukushima, ProSAVNA e Ruth First”.

13 Paul and Steinbrecher, African Agricultural Growth Corridors; Rasagam et al., “Mozambique’s Development Corridors”.

14 See World Bank, “Prospects for Growth Poles”; Jornal Notícias, “ZEE’s para 24 distritos com potencial agrícola” (http://www.jornalnoticias.co.mz/index.php/main/10-economia/41999-zee-s-para-24-distritos-com-potencial-agricola.html) (accessed 9 September 2018).

15 Benfica et al, “The Economics of Smallholder Households”; Burr, Mondlane and Baloi, “Strategic Privatization”; Niño, “Class Dynamics in Contract Farming”.

16 Interview, representatives of SDAE, Nhamatanda, Sofala, 27 March 2018; Gastão da Silva, Director, SDAE, Ribáuè, Nampula, 12 July 2018.

17 MINAG, Zoneamento Agrário de Moçambique.

18 MINAG. “Plano Estratégico”, 43.

19 ACB, Agricultural Investment Activities, 8.

20 Ibid, 27.

21 The list of institutions included: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MASA), the Centre for the Promotion of Agriculture (CEPAGRI); Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), The Department for International Development (DFID), SNV Netherlands Development Organization, The World Bank; Standard Bank, Tongaat Hulett, Yara International, National Peasants Union (UNAC), Manica Provincial Farmers’ Union (UCAMA), General Union of Cooperatives (UGC) and number of banks and mining multinationals.

22 AgDevCo, “Beira Agricultural Growth Corridor”, 7.

23 Selemane, A Economia Política do Corredor de Nacala.

24 MINAG, “Plano Estratégico”.

25 Smaley, “Agricultural Growth Corridors.”

26 Shankland, Gonçalves and Favareto, “Social Movements, Agrarian Change”.

27 See Funada-Classen, “Fukushima, ProSAVANA e Ruth First”; Shankland and Gonçalves, “Imagining Agricultural Development”; Chichava, “A Socieda Civil”; Selemane, “A Economia Política”.

28 See Jornal Notícias, “Entre Vale e a MITSUI: Negócio de acções concluído em Setembro”, 31 July 2016. http://jornalnoticias.co.mz/index.php/economia/52261-entre-a-vale-e-a-mitsui-negocio-de-accoes-concluido-em-setembro.html (Accessed 22 November 2018).

29 Homma, “JICA’s Industrial Cooperation in Africa”.

30 Smalley, “Agricultural Growth Corridors”.

31 These companies include: Grupo Pinesso, a Brazilian agribusiness firm; Mozaco (Mozambique Agricultural Corporation), established in 2013 by Rioforte Investments (Portuguese holding company for Grupo Espírito Santo) and JFS Holding (Portuguese cotton company); and AgroMoz (a partnership involving the richest man in Portugal, the former president of Mozambique and one of the largest land holders in Brazil). See also Okada, “Role of Japan”.

32 Kaarhus, “Land, Investments and Public Private Partnerships”, 102.

33 Interview representative of BAGC, Beira, Sofala 22 August 2018.

34 Interview with representative of APIEX, Nampula, Nampula city 16 July 2018.

35 See for example Clements and Fernandes “Land Grabbing, Agribusiness and Peasantry”; UNAC and GRAIN, The Land Grabbers of the Nacala Corridor; and Selemane, A Economia Política do Corredor de Nacala.

36 Jornal Notícias, “Projecto Polos Integrados já consumiu 70 por cento dos 100 milhões de dólares”, 15 July 2019 https://www.jornalnoticias.co.mz/index.php/economia/91675-projecto-polos-integrados-ja-consumiu-70-por-cento-dos-100-milhoes-de-dolares [Accessed 20 July 2019].

37 Historically the development of both corridors was affected by the civil war and more recently Beira Corridor has been affected by a proto-war which has affected the circulation of people and goods. For details see Brück, “War and Reconstruction in Northern Mozambique” and Morier-Genoud, “Proto-guerre et négociations”.

38 Interview with representatives of SDAE, Nhamatanda, Sofala, 27 March 2018.

39 Idem.

40 Interview with representative of Agricultural Development (Agridev), Nhamatanda, Sofala, 28 March 2018.

41 See “Mutuário do fundo distrital a contas com a justiça”, 1 June 2011. http://www.verdade.co.mz/nacional/19916-mutuario-do-fundo-distrital-a-contas-com-a-justica [Accessed 17 August 2018].

42 Jornal Notícias, “Para processamento de hortículas: Fábrica de hortícolas criada em Nhamatanda”, 10 September 2013. http://www.jornalnoticias.co.mz/index.php/sociedade/2543-para-processamento-fabrica-de-horticolas-criada-em-nhamatanda.html (Accessed 11 November 2018).

43 Idem.

44 See VOA, “Fábrica de processamento de tomates muda a vida de produtores em Tica”, 22 April 2015. https://www.voaportugues.com/a/fabrica-de-processamento-de-tomates-muda-a-vida-de-produtores-em-tica/2730542.html (Accessed 11 November 2018).

45 Idem.

46 Sapo Notícias “Nhamatanda vai processar tomate ainda este ano”, 22 February 2018. https://noticias.sapo.mz/economia/artigos/nhamatanda-vai-processar-tomate-ainda-este-ano (Accessed 12 November 2018).

47 Interview with representative of Agricultural Development (Agridev) Nhamatanda, Sofala, 28 March 2018

48 Interview with SDAE technicians, Nhamatanda, Sofala, 27 March 2018; Interview, representative of Agricultural Development (Agridev) Nhamatanda, Sofala, 28 March 2018; Field observation and informal interviews, Nhamatanda, Sofala 24 August 2018.

49 See Jornal Notícias, “Silos: a infra-estrutura que faltava para dinamizar a comercialização”, 5 December 2014. http://jornalnoticias.co.mz/index.php/caderno-de-economia-e-negocios/27880-silos-a-infra-estrutura-que-faltava-para-dinamizar-a-comercializacao (Accessed 10 October 2018).

50 See Jornal Notícias “Silos para Nhamatanda”, 12 May 2015. http://www.jornalnoticias.co.mz/index.php/economia/36321-silos-para-nhamatanda (Accessed 10 October 2018).

51 Interview, representative of Nhamtanda Silo, Nhatanda, Sofala 24 August 2018.

52 See Sapo Notícias, “Presidente inaugura silos orçados em 2,6 ME no centro do país”, 12 May 2015. https://noticias.sapo.mz/actualidade/artigos/presidente-inaugura-silos-orcados-em-26-me-no-centro-do-pais (Accessed 10 October 2018).

53 See Jornal Notícias “Silos para Nhamatanda”, op. cit.

54 Interview, representative of Associação Agro-Pecuária Camponeses do 3ro Bairro, Nhamatanda, Sofala, 06 July 2018; Field observations, Nhamatanda, Sofala 24 August 2018; Interview, representative of Nhamtanda Silo, Nhatanda, Sofala 24 August 2018.

55 Idem.

56 Field observation and informal interviews, Nhamatanda, Sofala, 06 July 2018.Interview, representative of Nhamtanda Silo, Nhatanda, Sofala 24 August 2018.

57 Field observation and informal interviews, Nhamatanda, Sofala, 06 July 2018.

58 Interview, representative of Nhamtanda Silo, Nhatanda, Sofala 24 August 2018.

59 Idem.

60 Idem. For a broader discussion on the recently built silos and agricultural commercialization see Dadá, Nova and Mussá “Silos da Bolsa de Mercadorias”.

61 See Jornal Notícias “Silos: a infra-estrutura que faltava”, op. cit.

62 Zitamar News, “Planned grain silo privatisation threatens Mozambique's small-scale farmers”, 11 January 2018. https://zitamar.com/planned-grain-silo-privatisation-threatens-mozambiques-small-scale-farmers/ (Accessed 14 October 2018).

63 Interview with SDAE extension officer, Ribáuè, Nampula, 12 July 2018.

64 Idem.

65 Field Observation, Nakosso: Feira de agronegócios – facilitando o acesso aos mercados, Ribáuè’s Municipal Soccer, Ribáuè, Nampula, 7 and 8 July 2018; See also Jornal Notícias, “Nampula realiza fórum de investimentos e negócios”, 5 December 2017 http://www.jornalnoticias.co.mz/index.php/breves/74029-nampula-realiza-forum-de-investimentos-e-negocios.html (Accessed 25 October 2018).

66 Field Observation, Nakosso: Feira de agronegócios – facilitando o acesso aos mercados, Ribáuè’s Municipal Soccer, Ribáuè, Nampula, 07 and 08 July 2018

67 Ibid.

68 Ibid.

69 Ibid

70 Ibid.

71 Ibid.

72 Nampula’s governor Victor Borges’s speech at the opening of the Nakosso agribusiness fair: facilitating access to markets, Ribáuè, July 7. Field Observation, Nakosso: Feira de agronegócios – facilitando o acesso aos mercados, Ribáuè’s Municipal Soccer, Ribáuè, Nampula, 7 July 2018.

73 Rádio Comunitária de Ribáuè, “Notas de Reportagem” (07:00 pm), 7 July 2018; Field observation, Ribáuè, Nampula, 07 July 2018.

74 Exhibitors at the fair included Matharia Empreediments, GAPI – a finance services institutions, Nacala Logistics Corridor, Regua Chipangue – an agro-processing small company, WISSA – an agro-processing small company, DADTCO Mandioca Mocambique, OLIPA, AENA, Peasants District Union, SDAE – the District Services for Economic Activities.

75 Governo do Distrito de Nhamatanda, Balanço Das Actividades Realizadas Durante Os Primeiros Nove Meses - 2016; Governo do Distrito de Nhamatanda, Balanço Das Actividades Realizadas Durante o Primeiro Trimestre; Governo do Distrito de Nhamatanda, Plano Económico e Social e Orçamento Do Distrito - 2018.

76 State spectacles as a way of enacting success have a long history in Mozambique and have been taken up by recent governments. See for example Gonçalves, E. “Chronopolitics.”

77 It is a generalized practice among Mozambican politicians to visit agricultural fairs and demonstration plots whenever they tour rural districts.

78 MINAG, “Plano Estratégico.”

79 See GAPI (ww.gapi.co.mz) (Accessed 12/10/18).

80 Interview with member of smallholder Muda Massequece Association, Nhamatanda, Sofala, 28 March 2018.

81 Ibid.

82 Ibid.

83 Jornal Notícias, “Novo regadio para Nhamatanda”, 27 March 2016. http://www.jornalnoticias.co.mz/index.php/internacional/52001-luta-contra-pobreza-em-mulheres-jovens-celebridades-pedem-accao-dos-lideres-mundiais (Accessed 12 October 2018); ITC, “Associação Muda-Macequece: Efeitos de registo de terras comunitárias na promoção de sinergias com investidores privados: exemplo da associação Muda-Macequesse na promoção de agricultura comercial”, http://www.itc.co.mz/portfolio-items/estudo-de-caso-associacao-muda-macequece/ (Accessed 12 October 2018).

84 Interview with SDAE technicians, Nhamatanda, Sofala, 27 March 2018.

85 Idem.

86 Interview with member of smallholder Muda Massequece Association, Nhamatanda, Sofala, 28 March 2018; Interview with SDAE technicians, Nhamatanda, Sofala, 27 March 2018.

87 Idem.

88 Case built on the basis of site visit (March 2018) interviews at the Associação Muda Macequesse, officers from the de district department of economic activities and CSOs based in Beira city.

89 Field observation, Associação de Namimbava Sede, Malema, Nampula, 13 July 2018; Interview, Florinda Felizmina, Associação de Namimbava Sede, Malema, Nampula, 13 July 2018; See also OXFAM, https://www.facebook.com/oxfam.moz/posts/programa-para-o-aumento-do-rendimento-agr%C3%ADcola-das-mulheres-agri-mulher-2017-202/1862583107346502/ (Accessed 16 December 2018). Olipa – Nossos projectos, http://olipa-odes.org/index.php/nossos-projectos (Accessed 16 December 2018).

90 Interview, Gaspar Extension Officer (AENA), Malema, Nampula, 13 July 2018; Field observation, Associação de Namimbava Sede, Malema, Nampula, 13 July 2018;

91 Interview member of Associação de Namimbava Sede, Malema, Nampula, 13 July 2018.

92 Idem.

93 See Tsing, “Inside the Economy”.

94 During interviews in both districts the District Directors of Economic Activities proudly informed that their districts had public extension workers in the totality of administrative subdivisions but they also recognized that representation did not mean full coverage. Interview, Caetano Benedito and André Pita, SDAE, Nhamatanda, Sofala, 27 March 2018; Interview, Gastão da Silva, Director, SDAE, Ribáuè, Nampula, 12 July 2018

95 See Chichava, “A Sociedade Civil”.

96 Interview, Florinda Felizmina, Associação de Namimbava Sede, Malema, Nampula, 13 July 2018. During other interviews with extension officers one of the complains was that smallholders are often sceptical of external and collective projects preferring to always maintain individual plots where they usually farm using tradition seeds without agricultural inputs. For this point see also Feijó and Agy, “Do Modo de Vida Camponês à Pluractividade.”

97 See for example Mosley and Watson “Frontier transformations”; Hartmann, “The Quest to Find SAGCOT”; Elliott “Planning, property and plots”; Enns, “Infrastructure Projects and Rural Politics”; and Kochore “The road to Kenya?”