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Special Topic: Intellectuals and the Origins of Chinese Communism

The May Fourth Movement as interpreted by the Chinese intelligentsia of the 1930s

Pages 217-232 | Published online: 14 Dec 2011


Because of its intricate nature, the May Fourth Movement is bound to have been interpreted from a variety of angles with the passage of time. During the 1930s, the circle of Chinese intellectuals developed a diversity of interpretations that viewed the May Fourth Movement as, for example, a movement for personal liberty, an anti-feudal movement, a bourgeois cultural movement, or a movement of a quite complex character. In the meantime there also appeared the analogy of the May Fourth Movement to the Renaissance and Enlightenment. These interpretations – and analogies as well – actually imply the interpreters' own mentality and signify their own thinking. The concept of the May Fourth Movement conceived by one school of interpreters often changed with the actual needs of that school and hence turned out to be inconsistent. Nonetheless, the notions of the May Fourth Movement as fleshed out by different schools might also be seen to have something in common. Interpretations of this nature informed the essence of the May Fourth Movement and, to a further extent, displayed the trajectory and trend of history.


1Luo Zhitian, “Cong xinwenhua yundong dao beifa de wenhua yu zhengzhi” [From the New Cultural Movement to the Culture and Politics of the Northern Expedition], Shehui kexue yanjiu [Social Science Research], no. 4 (2006): 139; Wang Qisheng, Geming yu fangeming: shehui wenhua shiyexia de minguo zhengzhi [Revolution and Counter-Revolution: The Politics of the Republic of China in the Light of Society and Culture] (Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2010), 48, 65.

2Liang Shiqiu, “Zixinli yu kuadakuang” [Self-Confidence and Megalomania], Dagong Daily Weekly Editorial (Tianjin), June 9, 1935.

3Zhang Xiruo, “Guomin renge zhi peiyang” [The Cultivation of Citizen's Character], Duli pinglun [Independent Review], no. 150 (1935): 14–17.

4Hu Shi, “Fei gerenzhuyi de xin shenghuo” [A Non-Individualistic New Life], Xinchao [New Trends] 2, no. 3 (1920): 467. However, this “individualism” at that time only referred to an “independent and self-indulgent personality.” See Hu Shi, “Yibusheng zhuyi” [Ibsenism], Xin qingnian [New Youth], no. 6 (1918): 3–23.

5Hu Shi, “Gerenziyou yu shehui jinbu” [Personal Liberty and Social Progress], Duli pinglun, no. 150 (1935): 2–4.

6Hu Shi, “Jinri sixiangjie de yige dabibing” [A Serious Malady in the Circle of Intellectuals Today], Duli pinglun, no. 153 (1935): 3, 4.

7Chang Yansheng, “Xianshi shenghuo yu lixiang shenghuo—ershi nianlai zhongguo sixiangyundong de zongjiantao yu women zuihou de juewu” [A Real Life and An Ideal Life—A Summary Examination of the Ideological Movements in China and Our Final Awakening], Guolun [On State] 1, no. 1 (1935): 11–13.

8Hu Sheng, “‘Wusi’ yundong lun” [On the “May Fourth Movement”], Xin xueshi [New Learning] 1, no. 7 (1937): 335.

9Wu Shifu, “Zhongguo xianjieduan wenxue zhi zhuwenti” [The Problems in the Contemporary Chinese Literature], Liuhuo wenyi [The Garnet Art and Literature], no. 1 (1936): 2.

10Tao Fen, “Women de dengta” [Our Lighthouse], Dazhong shenghuo [The Public Life], no. 1 (1935): 4.

11Hu Sheng, “‘Wusi’ yundong lun”, 333.

12Ye Qing, “Wusi wenhua yundong de jiantao” [A Review of the May Fourth Cultural Movement], Wenhua jianshe [Cultural Reconstruction] 1, no. 8 (1935): 35.

13Yu Yingshi, “Wenyi fuxing hu? qimeng yundong hu?—yige shixuejia dui wusi yundong de fansi” [The Renaissance or the Enlightenment?—A Historian's Reflection on the May Fourth Movement], in Chongxun Hu Shi licheng: Hu Shi shengping sixiang zairenshi [Retrace the Life Journey of Hu Shi: A Review of Hu Shi's Life and Thought] (Guilin: Guangxi shifan daxue chubanshe, 2004), 250–51.

14Liu Shi, “Cong wusi yundong dao jinri” [From the May Fourth Movement to Today], in Guonan yu wenhua [National Crisis and Culture] (Shanghai: Heibai congshu chubanshe, 1937), 32–33, 36.

15Hu Sheng, “‘Wusi’ yundong lun”, 335.

16Zhang Taiyuan, Duli pinglun yu 20 shiji 30 niandai de zhengzhi sichao [Independent Review and the Political Thoughts of the 1930s] (Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2006), 147.

17Yu Yingshi, “Wenyi fuxing hu?”, 250.

19Ye Qing, “Wusi wenhua yundong de jiantao”, 22, 23.

18Ibid., 246.

20Luo Jialun, “Xinwenhua yundong de shidai he yingxiang” [The Time and Influence of the New Culture Movement], in Wenhua jiaoyu yu qingnian [Cultural Education and the Youth] (Shanghai: Shangwu yinshuguan, 1947), 48. At the end of this essay a note indicates this was a speech given at the Meeting in Memory of the May Fourth Movement, Nanjing, 1931. Luo Jiufang, Lou Jialun's daughter, also said this was a speech delivered in 1931. See Luo Jiufang, “Luo Jialun yu wusi yundong” [Lou Jialun and the May Fourth Movement], Bainianchao [Hundred Year Tide], no. 5 (1999): 47.

21Qu Qiubai, Qu Qiubai wenji [The Collected Works of Qu Qiubai], vol. 7 (Beijing: Renmin chubanshe, 1991), 232.

22Bing Sheng (Mao Dun), “‘Wusi’ yundong de jiantao” [A Review of the May Fourth Movement], Wenxue daobao [Guide to Literature] 1, no. 2 (1931): 14.

23Wenyi xinwen she [The Literary News Society], “Qing tuoqi ‘wusi’ de yishan” [Please Cast Off the “May Fourth” Clothes], 1932, in Minguo shiqi mingren tan wusi [Commentaries on the May Fourth Movement by the Celebrities During the Period of the Republic of China], ed. Yang Hu (Fuzhou: Fujian jiaoyu chubanshe, 2011), 193.

24Wenyi pinglun she, “Zhenli zhi xi” [A Call for the Truth], 1931, in Minguo shiqi mingren tan wusi, 194.

25Hu Qiuyuan, “Wenhua yundong wenti” [On the Issue of Cultural Movement], in Minguo shiqi mingren tan wusi, 196.

26Hu Sheng, ‘“Wusi’ yundong lun”, 338.

27Liu Shi, “Cong wusi yundong dao jinri”, 33, 37.

28Zhao Ou, “Wusi jinian yu xin qimeng yundong” [The May Fourth Memory and the New Enlightenment Movement], Beiping chenbao [The Peking Morning News], May 4, 1937.

29Ai Siqi, “Xin qimeng yundong he zhongguode zijue yundong” [The New Enlightenment Movement and China's Self-Consciousness Movement], Wenhua shiliang [The Cultural Nutrition], no. 1 (1937): 35.

30Ba Da, “Cong muqian minzhu weiji shuodao jinnian wuyue” [A Talk about the May of this Year in Light of the Current National Crisis], in Beifang zuoyi wenhua yundong huibian [The Collected Materials of the Leftist Cultural Movements in North China], ed. Zhonggong Beijing shiwei dangshi yanjiushi and Zhonggong Tianjin shiwei dangshi ziliao zhengji weiyuanhui (Beijing: Beijing chubanshe, 1991), 190.

31Wang Ming and other Chinese Communist Representatives in Moscow, “Fugao—jinian reliede gemingzhe Qu Qiubai, He Shuheng” [An Obituary in Memory of Enthusiastic Revolutionaries Qu Qiubai and He Shuheng], 1935, in Zuoyi Shanghai [The Leftists and Shanghai], ed. Kong Haizhu (Shanghai: Wenyi chubanshe, 2003), 361.

32Yi Jia (Qu Qiubai), “‘Wusi’ he xinde wenhua geming” [The May Fourth Movement and the New Cultural Revolution], Beidou [The Big Dipper] 2, no.2 (1932): 322.

33Hu Sheng, “Wusi' yundong lun”, 335.

34Ai Siqi, “Shenme shi xin qimeng yundong” [What Is the New Enlightenment Movement], Wenzhai [The Digest] 2, no. 1 (1937): 127.

36Wang Xuru, “Zhongguo wenhua jianshe de tujing” [The Path for China's Cultural Reconstruction], in Zhonguo wenhua jianshe taolunji [An Anthology of Works on China's Cultural Reconstruction], vol. 2, ed. Ma Ruofang (Shanghai: Longwen shudian, 1935), 71.

35Li Maimai, “Ping zhongguo benweide wenhua jianshe xuanyan” [On the Manifesto for China's Own Cultural Reconstruction], Wenhua jianshe 1, no. 5 (1935): 29.

38Hu Shi, “Jinri sixiangjie de yige da bibing”, 2–5.

37Tao Xisheng, “Weishenme fouren xianzaide zhongguo” [Why Contemporary China Should Be Repudiated], Dagongbao [L'impartial], April 5, 1935.

39Xu Xingchu, “Cong wusi yundong shuodao yishi xuanyan” [My Comment on the May Fourth Movement till the January 1 Manifesto], Wenhua jianshe 1, no. 5 (1935): 32.

40Liu Shi, “Cong wusi yundong dao jinri”, 33.

41Yi Jia, “‘Wusi’ he xinde wenhua geming”, 322.

42Wenyi xinwen she, “Qing tuoqi ‘wusi’ de yishan”, 193.

43Bing Sheng, “‘Wusi’ yundong de jiantao”, 14.

44Ai Siqi, “Lun sixiang wenhua wenti” [On the Issue of Ideology and Culture], Renshi yuekan [The Cognition Monthly], no. 1 (1937): 7.

45Hu Sheng, “‘Wusi’ yundong lun”, 335.

46Qi Boyan, “Wusi yundong yu xin qimeng yundong” [The May Fourth Movement and the New Enlightenment Movement], Dushu yuebao [The Readers' Monthly], no. 2 (1937): 7.

47Lin Xi, “Wusi yundong de yiyi jiqi zai wenxue shangde yingxiang” [The May Fourth Movement's Significance and Its Influence on Literature], Jianrui [Keen Sense], no. 1 (1932): 11.

48Hu Qiuyuan, “Wuhua yundong wenti” [The Question of the Cultural Movement], 1932, in Minguo shiqi mingren tan wusi, 198.

49Zhang Pan, “Zhongguo wenhua zhi silu” [The Dead End for the Chinese Culture], Xiandai qingnan [Modern Youth], Supplement to Guangzhou Minguo ribao [Nationalist China Daily], January 25, 1934.

50Zhang Pan, “Zai wenhua yundong zhangxian shang da Chen Xujing boshi” [A Rebuttal to Chen Xujing on the Front of the Cultural Movement], Xiandai qingnan, February 2, 1934.

51Li Lizhong, “Zhongguo benwei wenhua jianshe pipan zong qingsuan” [A Summary Critique of the China-Centered Cultural Reconstruction], Wenhua jianshe 1, no. 7 (1935): 46–47, 55.

52Zhao Jisun, “Zhongguo wenhua yundong zhi shide pingshu” [A Historical Review of China's Cultural Movement], part I, Renmin pinglun [The People's Review], no. 31 (1934): 13.

57Hu Shi, “Wusi yundong jinian” [In Memory of the May Fourth Movement], Juewu [consciousness], supplement to Shanghai Minguo ribao [Nationalist China Daily], May 5, 1928.

53Chen Gaoyong, Zhongguo wenhua wenti yanjiu [The Study of China's Cultural Question] (Shanghai: Shangwu yinshuguan, 1937), 301.

54Lei Bohao, “Zhongguo benweide wenhua jianshe de jichu zai hechu” [Where is the Basis for the China-Centered Cultural Reconstruction], Kaifeng Jiaoyu pinghua [The Popular Review of Education] 1, no. 5 (1935): 8.

55Hu Sheng, “‘Wusi’ yundong lun”, 336.

56Zhao Ou, “Wusi jinian yu xin qimeng yundong”.

58Hu Sheng, “‘Wusi’ yundong lun”, 338.

59Chen Gaoyong, Zhongguo wenhua wenti yanjiu, 298–99.

60Tian Niu, “Wusi yundong yu zhongguo wenxue” [The May Fourth Movement and the Chinese Literature], in Beifang zuoyi wenhua yundong huibian, 178–79.

61Yu Yingshi, “Wenyifuxing hu?”, 250–51.

62Hu Sheng, “‘Wusi’ yundong lun”, 333–34.

63Chang Yansheng, “Xianshi shenghuo yu lixiang shenghuo”, 10–11.

64Shi Taixu, “Zenyang jianshe xiandai zhongguo de wenhua” [How to Reconstruct a Modern Chinese Culture], Wenhua jianshe 1, no. 9 (1935): 27.

65Hu Sheng, “‘Wusi’ yundong lun”, 337.

66Lin Xi, “Wusi yundong de yiyi jiqi zai wenxue shangde yingxiang”, 12.

67Zhang Shenfu, “Wusi yundong he xin qimeng yundong” [The May Fourth Movement and the New Enlightenment Movement], in Shenme shi xin qimeng yundong [What is the New Enlightenment Movement] (Chongqing: Shenghuo shudian, 1939), 17.

68Yi Jia, “‘Wusi’ he xinde wenhua geming”, 322, 328.

69Bing Sheng, “‘Wusi’ yundong de jiantao”, 14.

70Lin Xi, “Wusi yundong de yiyi jiqi zai wenxue shangde yingxiang”, 10, 12.

71Tian Niu, “Wusi yundong yu zhongguo wenxue”, 178–79.

72Zhongguo zuoyi wenhua zongtongmeng changwu weiyuanhui [The Standing Committee for the General League of Chinese Leftist Culture], “Zhongguo zouyi wenhua zongtongmen gangling cao'an” [The Draft Agenda for the General League of Chinese Leftist Culture], 1935, in Zuoyi Shanghai, 370, 372.

73Hu Sheng, “‘Wusi’ yundong lun”, 338.

74Ai Siqi, “Lun sixiang wenhua wenti”, 11.

75Zhong Ji, “Xin qimeng yundong zhi lu” [The Road toward the New Enlightenment Movement], in Beijing diqu kangri yundong shiliao huibian [The Collection of the Materials Concerning the Anti-Japanese Movement in the Region of Beijing], vol. 3, ed. Zhonggong Beijing shiwei dangshi yanjiushi [Party History Research Office under Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China] (Beijing: Zhongguo wenshi chubanshe, 1996), 96.

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