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Rocks rolling downhill: The continuity and progress of the Chinese revolution in the twentieth century

Pages 135-155 | Published online: 21 Nov 2013


The 1911 Republican Revolution, the Nationalist Revolution, and the Communist Revolution were three interlinked phases in the progressive trajectory of the Chinese Revolution. Each left enough space to allow the next revolution to advance on the basis of the previous one. Much like rocks rolling down a high mountain, the Chinese Revolution gathered unstoppable momentum, increasing in speed and violence. The success of the previous revolution inspired the next one; the unaccomplished mission of the previous one was continued and realized by the next, with increased violence and higher revolutionary demands. All three revolutions successfully overthrew older regimes, yet none of the three were as successful at establishing new political institutions. The weaker revolutionary party, the Kuomintang during the Nationalist Revolution, had difficulty accomplishing the mission of nation building, while the stronger revolutionary party, the Chinese Communist Party, failed at political transformation after the revolution.


1 Liang Qichao, “Jinggao wotongye zhujun” [Letter to My Colleagues], Xinmin congbao [New Citizens], no. 17 (1902): 6.

2 Liang Qichao, “Zhongguo lishishang geming zhi yanjiu” [Studies on Revolutions in Chinese History], Xinmin congbao, no. 46–48 (1904): 115.

3 Sun Yat-sen, “Linshi dazongtong xuanyanshu” [The Declaration of the Provisional President], in vol. 2, Sun Zhongshan quanji [Collected Works of Sun Zhongshan], ed. Zhongshan daxue lishi xi [The Department of History, Sun Yat-sen University] (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1982).

4 Liang Qichao, “Biren duiyu yanlunjie zhi guoqu ji jianglai” [My Comments on the Past and Present of the Media], in Yinbingshi ziyoushu [Books on Liberty from the Iceroom] (Shanghai: Shangwu yinshuguan, 1916), 168.

5 Gao Lao [Du Yachuan], “Geming zhanzheng zhi jingguo jiqi shibai” [The Course of the Revolution and Its Failure], Dongfang zazhi [The Eastern Miscellany], 10, no. 3 (1913): 54.

6 Hu Shih, “Shuangshijie de ganxiang” [My Thoughts on Double Tenth National Day], Duli pinglun [Independent Review], no. 122 (1934): 2.

7 Xu Tianyi, Jinrizhi geming yu gemingzhe [Contemporary Revolutions and Revolutionaries] (Shanghai: Minzhi shuju, 1928), 21–22.

8 Jin Chongji and Hu Shengwu, Xinghai geming shigao [History of the 1911 Republican Revolution], vol. 2 (Shanghai: Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 1985), 21–22.

9 Luo Jialun, “Yinianlai women xuesheng yundong di chenggong shibai he jianglai yingqu de fangzhen” [The Success and Failure of Our Student Movement During the Last Year and Our Policy for the Future], Xinchao [Renaissance] 2, no. 4 (1920): 854.

10 Fu Ssu-nien, “Baihua wenxue yu xinlide gaige” [Vernacular Literature and Reforms in People’s Minds], Xinchao 1, no. 5 (1919): 920.

11 Sun Yat-sen, “Sanmin zhuyi—Minsheng zhuyi” [Three Principles of the People: People’s Livelihood], in Sun Zhongshan quanji, 9 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1986), 385.

12 Gao Yihan, “Fei ‘junshi zhuyi’” [Opposing “Monarch as Teacher”], Xinqingnian [New Youth], 5, no. 6 (1918): 551.

13 Zhang Kaiyuan, “Xinhai geming shiqide shehui dongyuan—yi ‘paiman’ xuanchuan weishili” [Social Mobilization during the 1911 Revolution—the Example of “Anti-Manchu” Propaganda], Shehuikexue yanjiu [Social Science Research], no 5 (1996): 93–99.

14 Hu Hanmin, Hu Hanmin xiansheng zizhuan [Autobiography of Hu Hanmin]. (Taipei: KMT Party History Association, 1978, reprint), 237–38.

15 Hu Shih, “Shuangshijie de ganxiang,” 3.

16 Ibid., 4.

17 Hu Shih, “The Meaning of October Tenth.” Address delivered at the New York World’s Fair (10 October 1939), in English Writings of Hu Shih: National Crisis and Public Diplomacy, ed. Chih-Ping Chou (New York: Springer, 2013), vol. 3, 87–89.

18 Mao Zedong, “Minzhong de dalianhe” [The Great Union of the People], in Mao Zedong zaoqi wengao [Mao Zedong’s Early Writings], ed. Zhonggong zhongyang wenxian yanjiushi [CCCPC Party Literature Research Office] (Changsha: Hunan chubanshe, 1990), 389–90.

19 Hu Shih, “‘Xinsichao’ de yiyi” [The Meaning of “New Thoughts”], Xinqingnian 7, no. 1 (1919): 6.

20 Zhang Pengyuan, “Lixianpai de ‘jieji’ beijing” [The “Class” Background of the Constitutionalists], in Buqueding de yichan [Uncertain Legacy], Yu Ying-shih et al. (Beijing: Jiuzhou chubanshe, 2012), 30.

21 Luo Zhitian, “Wuqiannian de dabian: Du Yaquan kan xinhai geming” [The Great Changes of Five Thousand Years: The 1911 Republican Revolution in the Eyes of Du Yaquan], in Buqueding de yichan, 67.

22 Liang Qichao, “Geming xiangxu zhi yuanli jiqi eguo” [The Reasons for and Vicious Consequences of Continuous Revolution], Yongyan [Trite Remarks] 1, no. 14 (1913): 1.

23 Ibid., 2.

24 Yu Guoliang, “Wusi zhishi quntide geming lunshu” [The Revolutionary Discourse of the May Fourth Intellectual Group], Ph.D. dissertation, Fudan University, November 2005, 1–144.

25 Editorial, “Bukece” [The Immeasurable], Dagongbao [L’Impartial], 10 June 1927.

26 “Zhongguo gongchandang dierci quanguo dahui xunyan” [Declaration of CCP Second National Congress] (July 1922), in “Erda” he “Sanda”: Zhongguo gongchandang di er san ci daibiao dahui ziliao xuanbian [“The Second Congress” and “the Third Congress”: Selected Documents of the CCP Second and Third National Congresses], ed. Zhongguo shehui kexueyuan jindaishi yanjiusuo [Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences] (Beijing: Zhongguo shehuikexue chubanshe, 1985), 107.

27 Fang Qingqiu et al., eds., Minguo dangpai shetuan dang’an shiliao conggao: Zhongguo qingniandang [Historical Document Collections of Parties and Societies during the Nationalist Era: Youth Party of China] (Beijing: Dang’an chubanshe, 1988), 200.

28 Arif Dirlik, Zhongguo geming zhong de wuzhengfu zhuyi [Anarchism in the Chinese Revolution], trans. Sun Yixue (Guilin: Guangxi shifan daxue chubanshe, 2006).

29 Wang Qisheng, Geming yu fangeming: Shehui wenhua shiyexiade minguo zhengzhi [Revolution and Counterrevolution: the Politics of Republican China in the Vision of Social Culture] (Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2012), chap. 3 and 4.

30 Zhang Dongsun, “Women weishenme jiang shehui zhuyi” [Why Do We Talk about Socialism], Jiefang yu gaizao [Liberation and Reform] 1, no. 7 (1919): 3.

31 Zhou Fohai, “Shixing shehuizhuyi yu fazhan shiye” [Practice Socialism and Develop Enterprises], Xinqingnian 8, no. 5 (1921): 1.

32 Ding Wenjiang and Zhao Fengtian, eds., Liang Qichao nianpu changbian [A Long Chronicle of Liang Qichao] (Shanghai: Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 1983), 1130–31.

33 Liang Shuming, “Xiangcun jianshe lilun” [Theory of Rural Construction], in Liang Shuming quanji [Collected Works of Liang Shuming], ed. Zhongguo wenhua shuyuan xueshu weiyuanhui [Academic Committee of the Chinese Culture Academy], vol. 2 (Ji’nan: Shandong renmin chubanshe, 1990), 157.

34 Yu Ying-shih, “Zhongguo jindai sixiangshi shang de jijin yu baoshou” [Radicals and Conservatives in Contemporary Ideological History], in Yu Ying-shih’s Qian Mu yu zhongguo wenhua [Qian Mu and Chinese Culture] (Shanghai: Yuandong chubanshe, 1994), 205.

35 Luo Jialun, “Jinri zhi shijie xinchao” [New Trends in Today’s World], Xinchao 1, no. 1 (1919): 19.

36 Zhongguo dier lishi dang’an guan [The Second Historical Archives of China], ed., Zhongguo guomindang di yi er ci quanguo daibiao dahui huiyi shiliao [Historical Documents of the First and Second National Congresses of the Chinese Nationalist Party], vol. 1 (Nanjing: Jiangsu guji chubanshe, 1986), 150.

37 Liu Renjing to Yun Daiying, “Huiyuan tongxun” [Membership Newsletter], Shaonian zhongguo [Chinese Youth] 2, no. 9 (1921): 63.

38 Mao Zedong, “Zhi Cai Hesen deng” [Letter to Cai Hesun and Others] (1 December 1920), in Mao Zedong shuxinji [Mao Zedong’s Letters], ed. Zhonggong zhongyang wenxian yanjiushi [CCCPC Party Literature Research Office] (Beijing: Renmin chubanshe, 1983), 2–3 .

39 Hunan renmin chubanshe [Hunan People’s Publishing House], ed., Cai Hesen wenji [Collected Works of Cai Hesen], vol. 1 (Changsha: Hunan renmin chubanshe, 1979), 51–56.

40 Mao Zedong, “Guanyu nongcun diaochao” [Report on the Countryside] (13 September 1941), in Mao Zedong wenji [Collected Works of Mao Zedong], ed. Zhonggong zhongyang wenxian yanjiushi, vol. 2 (Beijing: Renmin chubanshe, 1993), 378–79.

41 Mao Zedong, “Zhi Cai Hesen deng” (1 December 1920), 8.

42 Mao Zedong, “Zai Yan’an gejie qingzhu Sidalin liushi shouchen dahui shang de jianghua” [Speech at Stalin’s Sixtieth Birthday Assembly in Yan’an] (21 December 1939), in Makesi, Engesi, Liening, Sidalin zhuan xuexi cankao ziliao [Reference Materials for Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin Biographies], edited and published by Zhonggong zhongyang huabeiju dangxiao jiaowuchu [Chinese Communist Party North China Bureau Party School, Dean’s Office] in 1951, 80.

43 Chen Jin, “Yijiusanbanian Mao Zedong yu Liang Shuming de yici zhenglun” [A Debate between Mao Zedong and Liang Shuming in 1938], Zhonggong dangshi yanju [Journal of Chinese Communist Party History Studies], no. 6 (1996): 42–47.

44 Mao Zedong, “Lun shida guanxi” [On the Ten Major Relationships] (25 April 1956), in Mao Zedong wenji, vol. 7 (Beijing: Renmin chubanshe, 1999), 44.

45 Mao Zedong, “Guanyu sixiang gongzuo wenti—zai Nanjing budui, Jiangsu, Anhui liangsheng dangyuan ganbu huiyi shang de jianghua” [Regarding Works on Thoughts—Speech at the Conference for Party Cadres of Nanjing Troops, Jiangsu and Zhejiang] (20 March 1957), in Zhanwubusheng de Mao Zedong sixiang wansui [Long Life, the Unconquerable Mao Zedong Thoughts!], vol. 3 (Wuhan: Xinhu dageming zaofan linshi weiyuanhui xuanchuanbu, 1967), 96.

46 In Mao Zedong’s letter to Cai Hesen, another young communist, written on 21 January 1921, he said, “Unless [we] obtain a regime, [we] could not launch a revolution, protect a revolution, nor complete a revolution.” See “Gei Cai Hesen de xin” [Letter to Cai Hesen], in Mao Zedong wenji, vol. 1 (Beijing: Renmin chubanshe, 1993), 4.

47 Chen Duxiu, “Geming yu zuoluan” [Revolutions and Rebellions], Xinqingnian 8, no. 4 (1920): 3.

48 Mao Zedong, “Weixin lishiguan de pochan” [The Bankruptcy of the Idealist Conception of History] (16 September 1949), in Mao Zedong xuanji [Selected Works of Mao Zedong], vol. 4 (Beijing: Renmin chubanshe, 1991), 1512.

49 Mao Zedong, “Gongzuo fangfa liushitiao (caoan)” [Sixty Points on Work Methods (Draft)], in Mao Zedong wenji , vol. 7, 349.

50 Mao Zedong, “Zhi Cai Hesen deng,” 4.

51 Zhang Dongsun, “Minzhuzhuyi yu shehuizhuyi buyi” [Supplementary to Democracy and Socialism], pt. 2, Guancha [Observation] 5, no. 2 (1948): 8.

52 Mao Zedong, “Weixin lishiguan de pochan,” 1512.

53 Xiong Shihui, Haisangji–Xiong Shihui huiyilu [Haisang Collection–The Memoirs of Xiong Shihui] (Hong Kong: Mirror Books, 2008), 444–45.

54 Sun Yat-sen, “Guomin zhengfu jianguo dagang” [State-building Outline of the Nationalist Government], in Sun Zhongshan quanji, vol. 9 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2011), 126–29.

55 For example, see Gao Quanxi, Lixian shike: lun ‘qingdi xunwei zhaoshu’ [The Critical Constitutional Moment: On the Qing Emperor’s Abdication Declaration] (Guilin: Guangxi shifan daxue chubanshe, 2011).

56 Chen Xiqi, ed., Sun Zhongshan nianpu changbian [A Long Chronicle of Sun Yat-sen], vol. 1 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1991), 656.

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Qisheng WANG

WANG Qisheng, Professor of History, Department of History at Peking University. Major research fields: History of the Republic of China, Party History of China. His publications include CCP-KMT Cooperation and the Nationalist Revolution (Nanjing: Jiangsu People’s Publishing House, 2006), Comrades, Control and Contention of the Kuomintang, 1924-1949 (Beijing: Sino-Culture Press, 2010), Revolution and Counterrevolution: The Politics of the Republic of China in the Vision of Social Culture (Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2010).

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