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“One Day” and the future: Popular support for the wartime CCP bases as reflected in the call for essays on “One Day in Jizhong”

Pages 181-199 | Published online: 18 Nov 2013


In 1941, the Jizhong Anti-Japanese Base, the Chinese Communist Party’s base in Central Hebei, issued a call for essays on the topic of “One Day in Jizhong” and subsequently received over 50,000 submissions. The collection of the essays selected and published shows that the populace in the base area developed a sense of participation and power sharing through various cultural events sponsored by the Chinese Communist Party authorities. In addition, the people felt that they were not only equal to each other but also empowered in the new social relationships created in the Communist bases. Thus, the populace came to identify with the Party and to share a common goal with it. New interests, new sentiments, and a new identity developing among the populace not only influenced the outcome of the Civil War, but also had an important impact on culture and politics after the Communists came to power nationally, although these influences were not entirely positive. This episode in the Jizhong Base demonstrates that researchers have to take into consideration what initiatives the peasants took when explaining why peasants supported the Chinese Communist Party. It turns out that the sense of equality and the cultural immersion were important factors contributing to their support for the Party.

Anping 安平=
Baiyangdian jishi 《白洋淀纪事》=
baowei maishou 保卫麦收=
Baoding 保定=
biandi gesheng 遍地歌声=
Boye 博野=
Cao Yu 曹禺=
Chen Bailu 陈白露=
Cheng Zihua 程子华=
Daqing 大清=
Dezhou 德州=
Didao zhan 《地道战》=
Dihou wugongdui 《敌后武工队》=
Dingxian 定县=
Ertong tuan 儿童团=
Feng Zhi 冯志=
Fu Di 《腹地》=
Fujiuhui 妇救会=
Fuyuzi 《父与子》=
Ge yu ju 《歌与剧》=
Gu 顾=
Han Laoxiang 韩老祥=
Hankou 汉口=
Haocun 郝村=
Hejian 河间=
Huoxian jushe火线剧社=
Jiahe 夹河=
Jin Cha Ji 晋察冀=
Jizhong huabao 《冀中画报》=
Jizhong qu gejie kangzhan jianguo lianhehui 冀中区各界抗战建国联合会主任=
Jizhong wenhua 《冀中文化》=
Jizhong wenhuajie kangzhan jianguo lianhehui 冀中文化界抗战建国联合会=
Jizhong 冀中=
Kangzhan riji 《抗战日记》=
Kong Que 孔阙=
Leiyu 《雷雨》=
Li Guangwu 李广武=
Li Ke 李克=
Li Yingru 李英儒=
Liandui wenyi 《连队文艺》=
Liehuo jingang 《烈火金刚》=
Ling Zifeng 凌子风=
Liu Liu 刘流=
Liu Qingmao 刘庆茂=
Lixian 蠡县=
Lu Zhengcao 吕正操=
Lulu 露露=
Luyi 鲁艺=
Mao Dun 矛盾=
Pengjiaying 彭家营=
Pingyuan youjidui 《平原游击队》=
Pukou 浦口=
Qingnian jiuguo hui 青年救国会=
Raoyang 饶阳=
Renmin wuzhuang weiyuanhui 人民武装委员会=
Shangcun 商村=
Shenxian 深县=
Shi Lide 史立德=
Shi Yousan 石友三=
Sun Li 孙犁=
Sun Zuopei 孙佐培=
Wang Duanyang 王端阳=
Wang Lin wenji 《王林文集》=
Wang Lin 王林=
Wenyi xuexi 《文艺学习》=
Wuqiang 武强=
Wuweihui 武委会=
Xiaobing Zhang Ga 《小兵张嘎》=
Xin ernu yingxiong zhuan 《新儿女英雄传》=
Xing Ye 邢野=
Xinshiji jushe 新世纪剧社=
Xu Guangyao 徐光耀=
Yangge 秧歌=
Yanggezhuang 杨各庄=
Yehuo chunfeng dou gucheng 《野火春风斗古城》=
Yuan Jing 袁静=
Zhou Qi 周歧=


1 Li Jinzheng summarizes and comments on the current scholarship on this subject in his “Nongmin heyi zhichi he canjia zhonggong geming” [Why Peasants Supported and Participated in the CCP Revolution], in Jindai shi yanjiu [Modern Chinese History Studies], no.4 (2012), 134–51.

2 Some researchers have addressed the psychological experience and nonmaterial needs of the masses. For example, in his China in Revolution: The Yenan Way Revisited, 2nd. ed. (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1995), Mark Selden points out that, in the political reforms of the CCP, the Three—Three System and general elections catered to the populace’s expectation of “political participation”; streamlining the military and government staff and sending cadres down to villages catered to the populace’s expectation of “equality”; and land reform in the earlier phase of the war, reductions of rent and interest, and tax reform catered to the populace’s expectation of “social justice.” Huang Daoxuan maintains that the equality, rights, and dignity provided by the Chinese Soviet in Ruijin constituted a political and psychological reason for peasant participation in the revolution, a reason that cannot be ignored; see Huang Daoxuan, Zhangli yu xianjie: zhonggong suqu de geming (19331934) [Expansion and Its Limits: Revolution in the Chinese Soviets] (Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2011). Elizabeth J. Perry indicated in a recent interview that the dignity brought to the underprivileged might be the real meaning of the Chinese revolution and the rise of China; see Guo Taihui and Elizabeth J. Perry, “Jueqi de yiyi: ba rende zunyan daigei diceng shehui [The Meaning of the Rise: Bringing Dignity to the Underprivileged], Shehui kexue bao [Social Sciences Weekly], 14 May 2013, 3.

3 Wang Lin, “Huiyi ‘Jizhong yiri’ xiezuo yundong” [A Memoir of the Call for Essays about “One Day in Jizhong”], in Jizhong yiri [One Day in Jizhong], vol. 2 (Tianjin: Baihua wenyi chubanshe, 1963), 417.

4 Zhang Congjie and Fu Xiuping, “Gaizao pingyuan dixing—zhanzhengshi shang de qiji” [Transforming the Landscape of the Plain—Miracles in Military History], Cangzhou shifan zhuanke xuexiao xuebao [Journal of Cangzhou Normal University], no. 2 (2005), 43–45.

5 Wang Lin, “Huiyi ‘Jizhong yiri’ xiezuo yundong,” in Jizhong yiri, vol. 2, 416.

6 Information about this call for essays, except as otherwise noted, can be found in Yuan Qianli, “Guanyu ‘Jizhong yiri’” [About “One Day in Jizhong”] in Jizhong yiri, vol. 1 (Tianjin: Baihua wenyi chubanshe, 1959), 1–7. Additionally in “Bianhou ji” [Afterwords]; Wang Lin, “Huiyi ‘Jizhong yiri’ xiezuo yundong”; Li Yingru, “‘Jizhong yiri’ xinfeng shengshi” [“One Day in Jizhong” Meeting an Auspicious Time]; Lin Na, “Xunshu jianji” [Simple Notes about Book Searching]; Zhou Qi, “Wo shi zenyang baocang Jizhong yiri de” [How I Preserved One Day in Jizhong]—all five of these essays can be found in Jizhong yiri, vol. 2, 409–11, 415–22, 423–28, 429–35, 436–40.

7 Sun Li, Lilun xuexi [Theoretical Studies] (Beijing: Zuojia chubanshe, 1964), 2.

8 Wang Lin, “Jizhong wenyun jianshi—kangzhan banian xiezuo yundong” [A Brief History of the Literature Movement in Jizhong—the Writing Movement during the Eight-Year War against Japan], in Wang Lin wenji [Collected Works of Wang Lin], vol. 4 (Beijing: Jiefangjun chubanshe, 2009), 255.

9 Wang Lin’s own words, paraphrased in Wang Duanyang, “Wang Lin he tade Fu Di” [Wang Lin and The Hinterlands], in Wang Lin wenji, vol. 2 (Beijing: Jiefangjun chubanshe, 2009), 333.

10 “Bianhou ji,” in Jizhong yiri, vol. 2, 411.

11 “Chuban shuoming” [Notes on Publication], in Jizhong yiri, vol. 1, no page number.

12 “Chuban houji” [Postscript], in Jizhong yiri, vol. 2, 441.

13 Sun Li, Wenyi xuexi [Study of Literature and the Arts] (Shanghai: Xinwenyi chubanshe, 1956).

14 Sun Zuopei, “Yi kangzhan shiqi de junmin geyong huodong” [Recalling the Popular Singing Activities during the Anti-Japanese War], Zhongguo minbing [Militia in China], no. 8 (1986), 40.

15 Ke Dong, “Zai deng shifenzhong jiu chengle” [It Will be Done in Ten Minutes], in Jizhong yiri, vol. 1, 141.

16 Guo Jiong, “Fangdong laodaniang” [Host Mother], in Jizhong yiri, vol. 2, 359–60.

17 Meng Jiefu, “Jietou shang” [On the Street], in Jizhong yiri, vol. 2, 272.

18 Wang Lin, “Kangzhang riji” [Anti-Japanese Journal], in Wang Lin wenji, vol. 5 (Beijing: Jiefangjun chubanshe, 2009), 123.

19 Wang Lin, “Jizhong wenyun jianshi,” in Wang Lin wenji, vol. 4, 252–59.

20 Du Du, “Yan ju” [Drama Acting], in Jizhong yiri, vol. 2, 397.

21 Wang Lin, “Kangzhan riji”, in Wang Lin wenji, vol. 5, 185.

22 Wang Lin, “Jizhong wenyun jianshi,” in Wang Lin wenji, vol. 4, 253.

23 Wang Lin, “Wo zenyang xuexi xie huaju de” [How I learned to Write Plays], in Wang Lin wenji, vol. 4, 281.

24 Richu [Sunrise] was also performed in Yan’an before the start of the Yangge movement, which centered on northwest China’s traditional dancing and singing. Staged on Mao Zedong’s recommendation, “The show lasted for eight days, and was very well received.” Zhu Hongzhao, Yan’an richang shenghuo zhong de lishi (1937–1947) [History of Daily Life in Yan’an] (Guilin: Guangxi shifan daxue chubanshe, 2007), 135.

25 Qing Po, “Xinjianshe baoshe de shenghuo pianduan” [Collected Stories of Life in the Xinjianshe Newspaper Office], in Jizhong yiri, vol. 2, 314. “Jin Ba” was a character in the drama Sunrise.

26 Chen Zheng, “Kaiyeche” [Working around the Clock], in Jizhong yiri, vol. 2, 317.

27 “Dao Qingyuan qu” [Let’s go to Qingyuan], in Jizhong yiri, vol. 1, 291. Lulu is a pet name for Chen Bailu.

28 Zhang Zhen, “Huoxian jushe zai wuyue ershiqi ri” [Frontline Drama Club on May 27], in Jizhong yiri, vol. 1, 206–208. Lu Zhengcao, general commander of the Jizhong Military District, not only watched the show Richu, but also took photos of it. From the photos, it is clear that the production’s staging and backdrop, as well as the makeup of the actors, were all quite professional and thus different from the average propaganda show. http://wangduanyang.blshe.com/post/48/453706 (accessed on 9 September 2013).

29 Meng Jiefu, “Jietou shang” [On the Street], in Jizhong yiri, vol. 2, 272–74.

30 Li Wan’gen, “Meiyou tongxingzheng zoubuliao” [No Passing without a Pass], in Jizhong yiri, vol. 2, 403.

31 Dai Dou, “Jiating shizi pai” [Family Literacy Cards], in Jizhong yiri, vol. 2, 395–96.

32 Wang Lin, “Kangzhan riji,” in Wang Lin wenji, vol. 5, 207.

33 Shen Yun, “Yiye riji” [A One-Page Diary], in Jizhong yiri, vol. 1, 191–93.

34 Ibid., 192.

35 Wang Lin, “Kangzhan riji,” in Wang Lin wenji, vol. 5, 107.

36 Yuan Qianli, “Guanyu ‘Jizhong yiri’,” in Jizhong yiri, vol. 1, 3.

37 Zhang Renhuai, “Yiri shiling” [Gathering Stories in a Day], in Jizhong yiri, vol. 1, 202–3.

38 Wang Lin, “Kangzhan riji,” in Wang Lin wenji, vol. 5, 62.

39 Li Wan’gen, “Meiyou tongxingzheng zoubuliao,” in Jizhong yiri, vol. 2, 403–4.

40 Wang Ren, “Bu xiqi de shi” [Something not Unusual], in Jizhong yiri, vol. 1, 171–73.

41 Wang Yingqi, “Cha tongxingzheng” [Checking Passes], in Jizhong yiri, vol. 2, 174.

42 Wang Ren, “Bu xiqi de shi,” in Jizhong yiri, vol. 1, 171–72.

43 Wang Lin, “Kangzhan riji,” in Wang Lin wenji, vol. 5, 145.

44 Ibid., 125–26.

45 Ibid., 119–24.

46 Lu Zhengcao, “Daixu” [In Lieu of Preface], in Wang Lin wenji, vol. 2, 1.

47 Cui Keji, “Jundui laobaixing” [The Military and the Masses], in Jizhong yiri, vol. 1, 199.

48 Zhang Renhuai, “Yiri shiling”, in Jizhong yiri, vol. 1, 203.

49 Wang Lin, “Kangzhan riji,” in Wang Lin wenji, vol. 5, 256.

50 Shen Yun, “Yiye riji,” in Jizhong yiri, vol. 1, 193.

51 Qing Po, “Xinjianshe baoshe de shenghuo pianduan,” in Jizhong yiri, vol. 2, 312.

52 Meng Jiefu, “Jietou shang,” in Jizhong yiri, vol. 2, 274.

53 Li Wan’gen, “Meiyou tongxingzheng zoubuliao,” in Jizhong yiri, vol. 2, 403.

54 Dai Dou, “Jiating shizipai,” in Jizhong yiri, vol. 2, 396.

55 Wang Lin, “Kangzhan riji,” in Wang Lin wenji, vol. 5, 107.

56 The previously mentioned woman who won first place in the county literacy contest employed a lot of new terms, such as “incorrect ideology,” but not always appropriately. When asked why she did not go to meetings, she answered, “We are not quite complete (in becoming literal).” Wang Lin, “Kangzhan riji,” in Wang Lin wenji, vol. 5, 207.

57 Sun Li, Lilun xuexi, 3.

58 Meng Jiefu, “Jietou shang,” in Jizhong yiri, vol. 2, 275.

59 Sun Li, Lilun xuexi, 3.

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Notes on contributors

Xiuli XU

XU Xiuli is senior research fellow at the Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. She has been working on the economic history and political history in modern China. She is the co-author of The Villages in Modern Hebei, Shandong and Henan (Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 1995), and Institutional Environment of China’s Civil Society (Beijing: Peking University Press, 2006). She is the editor of Chinese Rural Governance in the Past and Nowadays: Cases Studies of Dingxian, Zouping and Jiangning Counties (Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2004).

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