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IJDE: a new step forward – the move to an open access journal

Launched in 2008, the International Journal of Digital Earth (IJDE) – an official journal of the International Society for Digital Earth – will enter its 15th year in 2022. In the years since its launch, authors, readers and reviewers, as well as the editorial board and editors of the journal, have witnessed the IJDE go from strength to strength. The IJDE was first indexed by the SCIE 18 months after its launch and has since improved its ranking in the Journal Citation Report's Impact Factor List. The journal has also progressed from quarterly to bimonthly and then monthly publication. All of this demonstrates how the IJDE has steadily progressed to become a high-standard publication with an international reputation that has been indexed by 14 international indexing databases. Each step in the IJDE's development can be attributed to the high quality of the published papers, as well as to contributions of reviewers and the support of readers.

The year 2022 marks another milestone for the IJDE as it makes its transformation from a subscription to an open access journal. This will mean that more readers will be able to access articles that are published online, and our authors’ outstanding work will be available to anyone free of charge. We hope this transformation will benefit more researchers in relevant Digital Earth fields and that it will lead to the IJDE receiving and publishing more articles that will be of interest to our global readership.

In December 2017, the International Society for Digital Earth launched the IJDE's sister journal Big Earth Data, which is another open access journal published by Taylor & Francis. The publication of these two journals has received the full support of the International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS). I am confident that research in the fields of Digital Earth and big data will continue to develop sustainably along with our two journals and that our journals will be the ideal destination for your research results.

We continue to welcome submissions related to original research, as well as review papers and letters that fall within the scope of the IJDE. We also encourage the organization of special issues that make contributions to specific research areas.

IJDE has developed into what it is today thanks to your contributions, and I am confident that it will continue to develop as a result of your support.