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Development of small vessel advisory and forecast services system for safe navigation and operations at sea by N.D. Aditya, K.G. Sandhya, R. Harikumar and T.M. Balakrishnan

Pages 252-255 | Received 19 Feb 2021, Accepted 22 Jun 2022, Published online: 30 Jun 2022

First, the discussers wish to compliment the authors, Aditya et al. (Citation2022) (hereafter referred to as A22), on their results involving the development of a small vessel advisory and forecast services system for safe navigation and operation at sea for the Indian Ocean regime. These comments and discussion focus on the steepness index parameter (Is) used within the Small Vessel Advisory Services (SVAS) system (see Figure 3 in A22) and point out that regional wave statistics can be used to determine and review the properties of Is in relation to significant wave height, allowing a robust method for determining and quantifying warning thresholds.

A22 used the steepness index as one of the three indices in the boat safety index (see Equation (6) in A22). The steepness index is given as (1) IsIsteepness=ss0.05×Hsh0=1cssHsc=0.05h0(1) where Hs is the significant wave height, h0 is a region-specific constant value, ss=Hs/((g/2π)Tz2) is the wave steepness defined in terms of Hs and the mean zero-crossing wave period Tz, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and the wave steepness value 0.05 corresponds to that for a Pierson–Moskowitz wave amplitude model spectrum. For the Indian Sea A22 used h0=2.5 m, while Niclasen et al. (Citation2010) used h0=4 m representing North Sea conditions.

The statistical features of Is will be exemplified based on wave statistics obtained from the joint probability density function (pdf) of Hs and Is, provided in Appendix A, which is based on wave data from the northern North Sea. Thus it is consistent to use h0=4 m representing North Sea conditions (Niclasen et al. Citation2010), that is, using c=0.2 in Equation (1).

shows the isocontours of p(Hs,Is) with the contours p = 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2 from the outer to inner contours, respectively. Furthermore, the peak value pmax = 3.955 is located at Hs = 0.722 m and Is = 0.084.

Figure 1. Isocontours of p(Hs,Is) with the contours p = 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2 from the outer to the inner contours, respectively.

Figure 1. Isocontours of p(Hs,Is) with the contours p = 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2 from the outer to the inner contours, respectively.

and show the conditional expected value of Is given Hs, E[Is|Hs] () and the corresponding conditional coefficient of variation R[Is|Hs] () versus Hs. From , it appears that E[Is|Hs] increases as Hs increases, reaching a value of about 3.7 for Hs = 14 m. shows that R[Is|Hs] decreases as Hs increases; from about 0.6 for Hs about 1 m to about 0.01 for Hs = 14 m.

Figure 2. E[Is|Hs] versus Hs.

Figure 2. E[Is|Hs] versus Hs.

Figure 3. R[Is|Hs] versus Hs.

Figure 3. R[Is|Hs] versus Hs.

Next, an example of results is given in terms of E[Is|Hs] and R[Is|Hs] where Hs is obtained from Equations (A3) and (A15) as E[Hs]=2.11 m. Then, substituting this value of Hs in Equations (A5)–(A8), (A10)–(A12) and (A14) gives μIs=0.761, σIs2=0.0934, R=0.313. Consequently, the mean value ±1 standard deviation interval of E[Is|E[Hs]=2.11m] = 0.490 is 0.337–0.643.

Overall, in future applications of the SVAS system, it should be considered to implement the statistical properties of the waves, e.g. from global wave atlases such as Hogben et al. (Citation1986) (see Appendix A).


  • Aditya ND, Sandhya KG, Harikumar R, Balakrishnan Nair TM. 2022. Development of small vessel advisory and forecast services system for safe navigation and operations at sea. J Oper Oceanograph. 15(1):52–67. doi:10.1080/1755876X.2020.1846267.
  • Bury KV. 1975. Statistical models in applied science. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Hogben N, Duncan NMC, Olliver GF. 1986. Global wave statistics. London: Unwin Brothers.
  • Mathisen J, Bitner-Gregersen E. 1990. Joint distributions for significant wave height and wave zero-up-crossing period. Appl Ocean Res. 12(2):93–103.
  • Myrhaug D. 2018. Some probabilistic properties of deep water wave steepness. Oceanologia. 60(2):187–192. doi:10.1016/j.oceano.2017.10.003.
  • Niclasen BA, Simonsen K, Magnusson AK. 2010. Wave forecasts and small-vessel safety: a review of operational warning parameters. Mar Struct. 23(1):1–21. doi:10.1016/j.marstruc.2010.02.001.

Appendix A.

Joint pdf of Hs and Is

Here the joint probability density function (pdf) of Hs and Is is obtained from the joint pdf of Hs and ss given by Myrhaug (Citation2018) (hereafter referred to as M18). This (Hs, ss) distribution was deduced from the Mathisen and Bitner-Gregersen (Citation1990) joint pdf of Hs and Tz, obtained as a best fit to the observed scatter diagram based on data recorded by a wave buoy at the Utsira location (in the northern North Sea) on the Norwegian continental shelf during the years 1974–1986. The data represent deep water swell, wind waves, and combined swell and wind waves conditions.

It should be noted that the same results can be deduced directly from the joint pdf of Hs and Tz as explained in the last paragraph of this Appendix.

The joint pdf of Hs and ss provided by M18 is given as (A1) p(Hs,ss)=p(ss|Hs)p(Hs)(A1) where p(Hs) is the marginal pdf of Hs with the following three-parameter Weibull pdf: (A2) p(Hs)=θhζh(Hsεhζh)θh1exp[(Hsεhζh)θh]Hsεh(A2) and the Weibull parameters (A3) ζh=1.50m,θh=1.15,εh=0.679m(A3) Furthermore, p(ss|Hs) is the conditional pdf of ss given Hs, given by the following lognormal pdf (A4) p(ss|Hs)=12πσssssexp[12(lnssμssσss)2](A4) where μss and σss2 are the mean value and the variance, respectively, of lnss, given as (A5) μss=ln(Hsg/2π)2(a1+a2Hsa3)(A5) (A6) a1=0.933,a2=0.578,a3=0.395(A6) (A7) σss2=4(b1+b2eb3Hs)2(A7) (A8) b1=0.0550,b2=0.336,b3=0.585(A8)

Here Hs is in metres in Equations (A5) and (A7) (see M18 for more details).

The statistical features of Is are derived by using this joint pdf of (Hs,ss) by changing of variables from (Hs,ss) to (Hs,Is), and the joint pdf of (Hs,Is) becomes p(Hs,Is)=p(Is|Hs)p(Hs). Thus only p(Is|Hs) is affected since ss=cHs1Is, which by transformation of variables gives a lognormal pdf of Is given Hs as (i.e. by using the Jacobian |dss/dIs|=cHs1) (A9) p(Is|Hs)=12πσIsIsexp[(lnIsμIs)22σIs2](A9) The conditional expected value μIs and the conditional variance σIs2 of lnIs are (A10) μIs=ln(Hs2cg/2π)2(a1+a2Hsa3)(A10) σIs2=σss2=4(b1+b2eb3Hs)2(A11)

The conditional expected value and the conditional variance of Is are obtained from the known p(Is|Hs) in Equation (A9) as (Bury Citation1975) (A12) E[Is|Hs]=exp(μIs+12σIs2)(A12) (A13) Var[Is|Hs]=(eσIs21)exp(2μIs+σIs2)(A13) Then it follows that the conditional coefficient of variation is (A14) R[Is|Hs]=(Var[Is|Hs])1/2E[Is|Hs]=(eσIs21)1/2(A14)

Moreover, E[Hs] is given as (Bury Citation1975) (A15) E[Hs]=εh+ζhΓ(1+1θh)(A15) where Γ is the gamma function.

As referred to, the joint pdf of Hs and Is can alternatively be obtained by transforming the joint pdf of Hs and Tz, e.g. from the Mathisen and Bitner-Gregersen (Citation1990) joint pdf p(Hs,Tz)=p(Tz|Hs)p(Hs) where p(Tz|Hs) is lognormal-distributed (see Equation (B3) in M18). From Equation (1), Is=(2π/cg)(Hs2/Tz2) by substituting for ss, and accordingly Tz=(2π/cg)1/2HsIs1/2. Thus transformation from Tz to Is using the Jacobian |dTz/dIs|=(2π/cg)1/2HsIs3/2/2 gives p(Is|Hs) as in Equation (A9). Then, similar results can be obtained for other ocean areas since joint statistics of Hs and Tz are available, e.g. from global wave atlases such as Hogben et al. (Citation1986).