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William Richards and the Unrecorded Success Abroad: A British Engineer in the Spanish Gas Industry in the Nineteenth Century



In the middle of the nineteenth century, the British engineer William Richards made an important contribution to the introduction of the gas industry in Catalonia, Spain. Following his development of the dry gas meter, but failure to create a commercial business from it, Richards sought to re-establish his reputation away from the crowded British Gas industry to go in search of new horizons abroad. In 1848, he became the engineer at the Gasworks in Barcelona. Between the years of 1851 and 1859, Richards directed the construction of several gasworks in Catalonia. This paper examines the significance of Richards’s achievements, both in England and Spain during the period from 1843 to 1893. Whilst sometimes unrecognised in his country of origin, this paper demonstrates that he was an active innovator, gas engineer and an early exponent of international technology transfer in the gas manufacturing industry.


Both the authors are participants on R&D project of excellence “Origin, consolidation and development of the gas industry in Spain (XIX and XX centuries)”.


1. O. Raveux, ‘El papel de los técnicos ingleses en la industria metalúrgica y mecánica del norte del Mediterráneo (1835–1875): una primera aproximación,’ Revista de Historia Industrial (1994), 146.

2. J. Tann, ‘Borrowing Brilliance: Technology Transfer Across Sectors in the Early Industrial Revolution,’ International Journal for the History of Engineering & Technology, 85 (2015), 94–114; M. Vivers, ‘The Role of British Agents and Engineers in the Early Westernization of Japan with a Focus on the Robinson and Waters Brothers,’ International Journal for the History of Engineering & Technology, 85 (2015), 115–39; P. Naegel and P. Teissier, ‘Obtaining a Royal Privilege in France for the Watt Engine, 1776–1786,’ International Journal for the History of Engineering & Technology, 83 (2013), 96–118.

3. F. Moyano Jiménez, ‘Vías tecnológicas utilizadas para la introducción de la industria del gas en Reus,’ Quaderns d’Història de l’Enginyeria, 11 (2011), 36–7.

4. F. Moyano Jiménez, ‘L’enllumenat públic a la ciutat de Reus (1855–1965). Dels fanals de gas a les làmpades elèctriques,’ Ediciones del Centre de Lectura 124 (2013), 31–2.

5. ‘Alexander Angus Croll, Obituary,’ Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 90 (1887), 446–9.

6. Ibid.

7. Ibid.

8. S. Everard, The History of the Gas Light and Coke Company (London: Ernest Benn, 1949), p. 88.

9. D. Chandler, Lighting by Gas, An Outline of its History (London: Chandler, 1936), p. 75.

10. Ibid., p. 75.

11. ‘Alexander Angus Croll, Obituary’, pp. 446–9.

12. A. Coe, The Science and Practice of Gas Supply, Vol. 1 (Halifax: The Gas College, 1934), p. 259.

13. ‘George Lowe, Obituary,’ Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 30 (1870), 442–5; S. Clegg Jr., Practical Treatise of the Manufacture and Distribution of Coal-Gas, 2nd edn (London: John Weale, 1853), p. 167. Lowe and Evans patented a system for enriching gases in 1852.

14. S. Clegg Jr., Practical Treatise of the Manufacture and Distribution of Coal-Gas, 3rd edn (London: John Weale, 1853), pp. 124–5.

15. Anon, Journal of Electricity, Power and Gas. Pacific Coast Electric Transmission Association, San Francisco Technical Publication Co. Journal of Electricity, Power and Gas. Technical Publication Co. of the Pacific Coast Electric Transmission Association, San Francisco, Vol. 28, 1912, p. 56. ‘In 1843 William Richards made a dry gas meter with two diaphragms, two slide valves, and a dial, with small improvements this is the meter in use today (1912)’; A. A. Croll and W. Richards, British Patent GB 9663, Manufacture of gas for the purpose of illumination, and in apparatus used when transmitting, and measuring gas or other fluids, 1843.

16. ‘Improvements in the manufacture of gas for the purpose of illumination, and in apparatus used when transmitting and measuring gas,’ March 7, 1844. The Civil Engineer and Architect’s Journal, VII, p. 136; A. A. Croll and W. Richards, Patent GB10096, Manufacture of Gas for the Illumination; When Transmitting Apparatus Used and Measuring Gas, 1844.

17. Ibid.

18. Society, Illuminating Engineering. Light and Lighting, Vol. 6, 1915. Reprint. London: Forgotten Books, 2013, p. 190. Croll, in conjunction with William Richards, CE, invented the dry gas meter. This type of meter was in use around 23 years.

19. London Gazette, June 13, 1845, p. 1745; Chandler, p. 76.

20. Science Museum, Object Number: 1887-114, Original model of Glover's dry gas meter, 10 lights, No. 172, made by Richards and Co., St James's Walk, Clerkenwell, London, Croll and Richards's patent, 1844, with 3 dials, calibrated 0–9, 0–9, 1–10 cubic feet.

21. Chandler, p. 76.

22. London Gazette, June 13, 1845, p. 1.745.

23. Chandler, pp. 74–6.

24. A. A. Croll, On the Construction and Use of Gas Meters, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, SESSION 1845, January 1845, pp. 211–8; A. A. Croll, J. Defries, J. Stevens, J. Farey, W. S., Morsome, J.T. Cooper, G. Lowe and A. Pellat, Discussion: The construction and use of Gas Meters, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, SESSION 1845, January 1845, pp. 218–22.

25. Anon. Survey of London: South and East Clerkenwell, Sekforde Street area, Vol. 46 (London: London County Council, 2008, pp. 72–85.

26. J. Hollingshead, The Illustrated Catalogue of the International Exhibition. British Division Vol. II (London: Her Majesty’s Commissioners, 1862), p. 646; W. Richards, Dry Gas Meter – ‘Crolls Patent’, In response to Sketches of Great Firms and Companies – Gas-Meter Company Limited, Gas and Water, November 15, 1884, pp. 518.

27. W. J. Liberty, ‘Centenary of Gas Lighting,’ The Illuminating Engineer, VI (1913), 190 (London) <https://archive.org/details/lightlighting06illu>.

28. Hollingshead, p. 646.

29. Chandler, p. 75.

30. Chandler, p. 76.

31. One of the causes of departure of the British engineers was linked to economic failures, sometimes because it ended a partnership between technicians for the loss of the paternity of the patent or a financial dispute. Olivier RAVEUX: El papel de los técnicos ingleses en la industria metalúrgica y mecánica (The role of British technicians in the metal and engineering industry), p. 148.

32. Moyano Jiménez, Vías Tecnológicas… pp. 31–52; Raveux, p. 146.

33. ‘A Short History of Gas Lighting and Centenary of Gas Lighting,’ The Illuminating Engineer, VI (1913), 177, 189–91 (London).

34. M. S. Cotterill, ‘The Development of Scottish Gas Technology 1817–1914: Inspiration and Motivation,’ Industrial Archaeology Review, V (1) (New York: Garland Pub., 1975), 37: J. P. Bell, A Biographical Index of British Engineers in the 19th Century (1975), p. 55.

35. T. Marks, ‘The Dry Gas Meter,’ Historic Gas Times (75) (2013), p. 6.

36. ‘Alexander Angus Croll, Obituary,’ pp. 446–9.

37. Anon, Abridgments of the Specifications Relating to the Production and Applications of Gas (London: George E.Eyre and William Spottiswoode, 1860), p. 149; A. A. Croll, US Patent 9591, Improvements in Gas-Meters, February 22, 1853. It describes improvements in the design of the dry gas meter made by Croll.

38. Anon, Abridgments of the Specifications Relating to the Production and Applications of Gas, p. 316 and pp. 532–3.

39. F. X. Barca, Innovació en temps de crisi: El cas del comptador de gas de Catalana (Barcelona: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2010). The wet gas meter was invented in 1816 by Samuel Clegg and John Malam perfected it in 1825.

40. W. J. Liberty, ‘Centenary of Gas Lighting,’ pp. 190. Mr. J. O. N. Rutter, of Brighton, in his work ‘Advantages of Gas in Private Houses’ (1854), remarks: ‘The Dry Meter has been in use about 23 years. During this period neither capital nor skill have been spared by its joint inventor and patentee, Mr. A. A. Croll, to make it what it has now become an accurate measurer, not affected by sudden or extreme variations of temperature’; M. Arroyo Huguet, Tècnics i tecnología de gas a la Catalunya del selge XIX. Quaderns d’Història de l’Enginyeria. Volum IV (Barcelona: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2000), pp. 65–6.

41. The Glasgow Herald, 21 April 1851.

42. A. A. Croll, US Patent 9591.

43. London Gazette, March 30, 1858, p. 1641.

44. Journal of Gas Lighting, Water Supply and Sanitary Improvement, March 25, 1862, Advert for Messrs Croll, Rait and Co. Dry Gas Meters; Journal of Gas Lighting, Water Supply and Sanitary Improvement, May 19, 1863, Advert for Gas-Meter Company, Ltd.

45. Oficina española de Patentes y Marcas (O.E.P.M.): Privilegio 1367, 1855; Anon. La España Newspaper, Madrid, April 25, 1856.

46. Moyano Jiménez, Vías tecnológicas… pp. 38–9. Edwardo Bridgman's signs the document as the Administrator and the Director of the Tarragona Company for gas lighting (‘Sociedad Tarraconense para el Alumbrado por Gas’).

47. O.E.P.M., Patent number 2151, 1860.

48. O.E.P.M., Patent number 2286, 1861.

49. F. J. Orellana, Reseña completa descriptiva y crítica de la Exposición Industrial y Artística (Barcelona: Establecimiento tipográfico de Jaume Jepús, 1860), p. 149. The company was located at No. 4, Santa Elena Street, Barcelona.

50. W. Richards, Patent No. 27,567. Improved Wet Gas Meters. William Richards, Barcelona, Spain, US Patent office, March 20, 1860.

51. O.E.P.M.: Privilege number 2286, May 15, 1861. The patent application was signed by Richards on June 20, 1862.

52. Anon, Abridgments of the Specifications Relating to the Production and Applications of Gas, pp. 532–3.

53. M. Rodrigo Alharilla, La familia Gil. Empresarios catalanes en la Europa del siglo XIX (Barcelona: Biblioteca Historia del Gas, núm. 4. Fundación Gas Natural, 2010), p. 10.

54. M. Fernández-Paradas, ‘La industria del gas en Córdoba (1870–2007),’ Biblioteca de Historia del Gas, 2 (Barcelona: Fundación Gas Natural, 2009), p. 38; Huguet, La industria del gas en Barcelona (18411933). Colección ‘La estrella polar’ (Barcelona: Ediciones del Serbal, 1996), p. 28.

55. M. Rodrigo Alharilla, p. 11.

56. M. Huguet, La industria del gas en Barcelona (18411933), p. 36 and Dionisio García de la Fuente, La Compañía Española de Gas: CEGAS. Más de cien años de empresa (Valencia: CEGAS, 1984), pp. 80–5.

57. Archivo Histórico Fundación Gas Natural Fenosa (A.H.F.G.N.F.): Documentación relativa a la Junta Directiva, 1848. Register 2396. Box 52. Letter written in French for W. Richards and directed the Administrator of the Catalan of Gas. Valencia, May 10, 1848.

58. M. Arroyo Huguet, Estrategias empresariales y redes territoriales en dos ciudades españolas, Barcelona y Madrid (18321923). Universidad del País Vasco. Historia Contemporánea 24, 2002, pp. 142–3.

59. Instituto Nacional de Estadística (I.N.E.). records the Population of the city in 1857 as 13945. Obtained from online database <www.ine.es/intercensal/>.

60. Former Spanish currency unit, one ‘duro’ = ‘peso fuerte’ = 5 ‘pesetas’ = 0.2 pounds sterling. Every Spanish ‘duro’ was equivalent to 20 ‘reales’ and one ‘real’ was turning into 0.01 pounds. PRADOS DE LA ESCOSURA, L.: Una serie anual del comercio exterior español (1821–1913). Revista de Historia Económica, 1, IV, 1986, pp. 103–50.

61. ‘Vara’ is an old Spanish unit of measurement roughly equivalent to a yard. A yard is 0.914 m and the ‘vara’ equal to 0.835 m.

62. Huguet, Tècnics i tecnología de gas…, pp. 56–7; Archivo Histórico de Protocolos Notariales de Barcelona: Notario Antonio Alsina Thomas, 1851, pp. 256–62 and 1852, pp. 51–254.

63. J. Alsina Giralt, ‘Els inicis del gas a Sabadell. Sabadell,’ Quaderns d’arxiu de la Fundació Bosch i Cardellach, 47 (1984), 5–6.

64. Ibid., pp. 8–9.

65. F. Moyano Jiménez, ‘Un model d’empresa energètica local: Gas Reusense (1854–1969),’ Sabadell. Biblioteca de Historia del Gas, 7 (2012), 32–3, 343–4.

66. Rodrigo Alharilla, pp. 10 and 19; Fernández-Paradas, ‘La industria del gas en Córdoba (1870–2007)’, p. 31.

67. C. Rodríguez i Solà, Josep Ferrer i Vidal, el pensament econòmic d'un vilanoví. Museo de Vilafranca, 1983, p. 8; Casimir Martí i Martí, Vilanova i La Geltrú. Expansió i crisis de la Indústria i de la Democràcia, 18501936. Vilanova i la Geltrú: Biblioteca Antina, núm. 4.El Cep i la Nansa, edicions. 1997, pp. 253.

68. Newspaper Diario Villanueva y Geltrú, 14st November, 1953. Article ‘La industria textil villanovesa,’ pp. 12.

69. Archivo Comarcal del Garraf (A.C.GAF.): Actas municipales, 1854. Municipal acts May 22 and June 26, 1854, pp. 69, 79–82; Instituto Nacional de Estadística (I.N.E.). records the population of the city in 1857 as 11,395. Obtained from online database <www.ine.es/intercensal/>.

70. Resident shareholders in Barcelona: Agustín Robert, Policarpo Aleu, Poncio Morera, Vicente Oller, José Ramon Font, Felipe Prat, Tomás Coma, Jose Manuel Lopetegui and José Guardans y Montserdá. Florentino Moyano Jiménez, Un model d’empresa energètica local…, p. 34.

71. Ibid., pp. 42–3.

72. For to know the conditions of the contract for the construction of the factory to see: Florentino Moyano Jiménez, Una empresa energética local: ‘Gas Reusense’ (18541969). Tesis doctoral, Universidad Rovira i Virgili, 2009, pp. 1.096–1.101.

73. Moyano Jiménez, Un model d’empresa energètica local…, pp. 43.

74. Ibid., pp. 48.

75. London Gazette, December 17, 1858, pp. 5446; London Gazette, June 28, 1859, p. 2529.

76. Archivo Histórico de Tarragona (A.H.T.): Convenio del Ayuntamiento de Tarragona con Guillermo Richards. Protocolo notarial de Joaquín Fábregas, nº 177. Tarragona, October 23, 1857, pp. 304–11.

77. Ibid., Article 19.

78. Gaceta de los Caminos de Hierro. Industria, minas, seguros y sociedades de crédito. Novedades industriales. Madrid, October 25, 1857, pp. 713.

79. A.H.T.: Convenio del Ayuntamiento de Tarragona con Guillermo Richards. Protocolo notarial de Joaquín Fábregas, nº 180. Tarragona, October 25, 1857, pp. 319–28.

80. Ibid., p. 325.

81. Ibid., pp. 321–5.

82. Moyano Jiménez, Vías tecnológicas…, pp. 39–40.

83. The square ‘palmo catalán’ was a former Catalan unit of area measurement, 1 square metre = 2.65 ‘palmo catalán’ square (Catalan span). For lengths, a ‘palmo catalán’ was equivalent to 19.43 cm.

84. A.H.T.: Convenio del Ayuntamiento de Tarragona con Guillermo Richards. Protocolo notarial de Joaquín Fábregas, nº 206. Tarragona, December 4, 1857, pp. 393–8; J. M. Olivé i Solanes, Tarragona i el gas (18441865) (Tarragona: Fundación cultural Minerva. Volume I. 2002), p. 104.

85. Instituto Nacional de Estadística (I.N.E.). records the Population of the city in 1857 as 15,264. Obtained from online database <www.ine.es/intercensal/>.

86. J. M. Gasol, 125 anys de gas a Manresa (18591984) (Barcelona: Catalana de Gas y Electricidad, 1984).

87. A. Comarcal del Bages (A.C.BG), Reseña de la Junta directiva de la Sociedad para el alumbrado por gas en Manresa. Leída en la Junta general de socios de 24 de Febrero de 1861 (Manresa: Imprenta Andrés Abadal, 1861).

88. J. Oliveras i Samitier, Desenvolupament industrial i evolució urbana a Manresa (18001870) (Manresa: Caixa d’Estalvis de Manresa, 1985).

89. A.C.BG, Reseña de la Junta directiva de la Sociedad para el alumbrado por gas en Manresa, 1861.

90. London Gazette, December 17, 1858, p. 5446.

91. J. Agnew, ‘The 1862 London International Exhibition: Machinery on Show and its Message,’ International Journal for the History of Engineering & Technology, 85 (1) (2015), pp. 1–30.

92. Anon, The Repertory of Patent Inventions and other Discoveries and Improvements in Art, Manufactures and Agriculture; being a continuation on an enlarged plan of the repertory of arts and manufacturers, Alexander Macintosh, London, Vol Vi, 1845, pp. 264–5; Everard, p. 88.

93. G. Glover & Co. Advert for Improved Dry Gas Meter, Journal of Gas Light, Water Supply and Sanitary Improvement, July 15, 1862.

94. John Hollingshead, p. 665.

95. William Richards’s gas meter advert, Journal of Gas Light, Water Supply and Sanitary Improvement, 1862, July 15th, edition of the on p. 451.

96. John Hollingshead, p. 646.

97. This letter was reprinted in Chandler, pp. 74–6.

98. Ibid.

99. Ibid.; William Richards, Dry Gas Meter, p. 518.

100. Richards, Dry Gas Meter, p. 518.

101. London Gazette, June 14, 1864, p. 3109.

102. London Gazette, August 16, 1864, p. 4071.

103. W. Richards, A Practical Treatise on the Manufacture and Distribution of Coal Gas (London: E.& F. N. Spon, 1877). William Richards announced in the work of Hughes, which expanded in 1877, as the inventor of dry gas meter and as a consultant engineer for the gas industry; A.H.F.G.N.F.: Correspondencia entre Richards i Mansana, 1880. Topographic: 74.

104. London Gazette, March 4, 1873, p. 1380, lists the patent application for ‘Improvements in machinery and apparatus for charging and drawing retorts used in the manufacture of gas.’ Submitted by William Richards; London Gazette, April 31, 1874, p. 2213, lists the patent application for “improvements in regulating the supply of fluids and liquids for the manufacture of illuminating gas, and for the apparatus employed therein”. Submitted by William Richards.

105. London Gazette, February 23, 1877, p. 936.

106. W. Richards, The Gas Consumers Guide (Boston, MA: Alexander Moore, 1871).

107. W. Richards, The Gas Consumers Handy Book (London: E & F. N. Spon, 1877). Price stipulated in the edition of 1877.

108. Richards, Practical Treatise.

109. Gas Lighting book Collection, E. & F.N. Spon, London, 1904. In 1904, it formed a part of the catalogue of E. & F. N. Spon, included in the collection Gas Lighting.

110. W. Richards, The Gas Consumer’s Handy Book (London: E. & F.N. Spon, 1877), p. 65. Comments made about A Practical Treatise on the Manufacture and Distribution of Coal Gas by fellow gas engineers included the following engineers of the gasworks dedicated him favorable critiques: Abraham Malam of Dumfries; D. A. Graham of Middleton; John Hutchinson of Barnsley; A. H. Wood of Hastings; J. B. Ball of Loughborough; from Merthyr Tydfil gasworks and the engineer of the company A. Wright & Co. of London, F. W. Hartley.

111. The Engineer, London, October 26, 1877, pp. 300–1; The Engineer, London, November 2, 1877, pp. 318–9.

112. S. Hughes, A Treatise on Gas-Works and the Practice of Manufacturing and Distributing Coal Gas (London: John Weale, 1853); S. Hughes and W. Richards, Gasworks their Construction and Arrangement and the Manufacture and Distribution of Coal Gas, 6th edn (London: Crosby Lockwood and Co, 1880).

113. S. Hughes and W. Richards, Gasworks their Construction and Arrangement and the Manufacture and Distribution of Coal Gas, 7th edn (London: Crosby Lockwood and Co, 1885); S. Hughes and W. Richards, Gasworks their Construction and Arrangement and the Manufacture and Distribution of Coal Gas, 8th edn (London: Crosby Lockwood and Co, 1892).

114. Huguet, La industria del gas en Barcelona (18411933), p. 52.

115. W. Richards, Gas Meters Popularly Described (Herne Hill: William Richards, undated).

116. Gilbert and Barker Manufacturing Co., The Springfield Gas Machine. Company Catalogue (New York: The Excelsior Printing Company, 1874), pp. 312; F. W. Hartley, Gas Measurement and Gas Meter Testing (London: E. & F. N.Spon, 1882); Wm. Paul Gerhard, The American Practice of Gas Piping and Gas Lighting in Buildings (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1906), p. 291; Catalogue of the Library of the Pacific Coast Gas Association (San Francisco, CA: Pacific Coast Gas Association, Library, 1916) and Oscar E. Norman, The Romance of the Gas Industry (Chicago, IL: A.C. McClurg & Company, 1922), p. 181.

117. D. W. Linebaugh, Gas lighting at the President Lincoln and Soldiers. Home National monument (Washington, DC: University of Maryland School of Architecture Planning and Preservation. National Trust for Historic Preservation, 2006), pp. 14, 18–22, 84; D. W. Linebaugh, The Springfield Gas Machine: Illuminating Industry and Leisure, 1860s1920s, 1st edn (Knoxville: The University of Tennessee, 2011), pp. 11, 28–9.

118. W.Richards., Is the Removal of the Dip Desirable?, Report of Proceedings of the British Association of Gas Managers, 1976, Appendix, pp. 100–1; W. Richards., The Theory of Retort Setting, Report of Proceedings of the British Association of Gas Managers, 1976, pp. 34–42; W. Richards, Brick, Concrete and Composite tank, Report of Proceedings of the fifteenth Annual meeting, British Association of Gas Managers, 1978, pp. 16–24.

119. Anon, List of Members, Report of Proceedings of the fifteenth Annual meeting, British Association of Gas Managers, 1978, p. 187; Anon, List of Members, Report of Proceedings of the Tenth Annual meeting, British Association of Gas Managers, 1973, p. 143.

120. C. Hunt, Grove and Thorpes Chemical Technology or Chemistry Applied to the arts and Manufactures, Volume III – Gas Lighting, J & A Churchill, 1900; T. Newbigging and W. Fewtrell, eds., King’s Treatise on the Science & Practice of the Manufacture & Distribution of Gas, three volumes published between 1878–1913, Walter King (London; D. Chandler), pp. 74–6.

121. Gas Journal, 1893.

122. York Archives, Letter to Mr C Sellers from Wm Richards inventor and original maker of the dry gas meter’. Papers of York Union Gas Light Company, acc128/33, July 30, 1889.

123. Anon, Death of Mr. W. Richards, Journal of Gas Lighting, Water Supply & Sanitary Improvement, May 23, 1893, p. 926.

124. Ibid., p. 926.

125. W. Richards, 1861, Barcelona, makes a donation to pay for a Cataract operation for a former colleague from the Gas Light and Coke Company called Jos Wakeman, London. Journal of Gas Lighting, August 1861, p. 598; London Gazette, December 17, 1858, p. 5446 and London Gazette, June 28, 1859, p. 2529.

126. London Gazette, June 14, 1864, p. 3109.

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